silver bend week 5 sugar

Post on 21-Jan-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Week 5


It’s another Silver Bend update! I know you’re so surprise. This week it’s the Sugar household. With Gabie as torchholder, her husband Stephan and their twins Honey in

front and Stephan is holding Tiramisu.

“Oh Tira.” Gabie sighed. Her young son swallowed a half of bottle of rotten milk. He promptly leaned over and threw up all over

the floor. It was great beginning of the week.

Honey was a bit smarter she went into the master bedroom. Though she just sat in

there on the floor.

Stephan scooped up Tiramisu and snuggled the crying baby.

Gabie prepared lunch while Stephan played with the kids. She had to admit she lucked out with him. He was great in a ISBI and

with the kids.

Gabie felt better about leaving him alone while she went to her venue.

Gabie lowered the price of her tickers. Since college was paid for there was no outrageous

prices. She could focus on getting stars.

She liked getting a chance to jam out by herself.

Back home she collapsed in the recliner. Staying up all night and working the venue

took it out of her.

Stephan worked on his painting skill. He loved to paint and his loving wife always kept

his easel available for him.

“Yum yum” Tiramisu cheer as he chowed down on Sheba’s food.

Gabie was busy with Honey. Potty training was a challenge between two toddlers. Gabie

wasn’t able to get to Honey in time.

She didn’t slack off on the other skills. Once Honey was dressed they got to work on

teaching her to walk.

Gabie made breakfast. She couldn’t wait until they got a stove. She was getting tired

of cereal and lunchmeat sandwiches.

After breakfast and a shower it was Tiramisu’s turn to learn to walk.

Tiramisu was so tired he passed out on the ground.

Gabie was exhausted herself. Everything was almost too much. Stephan was helpful but

he couldn’t help with toddler training.

In the morning she was at it again.“Come on Honey, say Momma.”“No!” Honey said stubbornly.

She decided to get a job in the music industry. She needed a break from her

house. Unfortunately she couldn’t find an opening.

“Milk, milk, milk. Ooo leftover sandwich.” Stephan picked through the fridge.

“No!” Tiramisu fussed.“Come on Tira you can be do it. Say

Momma.” Gabie coaxed“No!” He said again.

“Why do they always pick up that word so quickly.” Gabie sighed.

“Oh Honey, did Daddy leave you in the high chair?” Gabie cuddled the girl close. “Let’s

get you to bed.

Gabie was in luck. It was the last night of having toddlers. It was the twins birthdays.

“Woo!” Tiramisu cheered. “Don’t forget your glasses Tira.” Gabie

reminded him.“Awww, Mom.” He complained.

“Go Honey!” Tira cheered.“Where are your glasses?”

“I’ll put them on later.”

“I’m big too.”“Yes you are. Now off to bed you two?

A/N: I used my one command to get them assigned to the right beds. My bed hack should keep everything straight after this.

Winter hit hard, snow piled up on the ground and roof. The school called

announcing it was a snow day.

“Snow day!” Honey laughed bouncing on her bed.

Gabie wanted to win a dance contest so she left Stephan in charge and flew to the studio.

She entered, but the Hobby Leader was the winner. Gabie danced solo everyone danced the smustle. If she smustled everyone else

solo danced.

“Daddy can I dance on your feet?” Tiramisu begged.

“Of course.”

Gabie had almost forgotten about poor Sheba. Once she got home she gave the poor dog a


She continued her work in her secret room. It was hidden behind a bookcase so Stephan

wouldn’t be hurt.

“Tira it’s my turn to paint!” Honey insisted.“Come on Honey, I’m working on my master


Honey gave off waiting for her brother and went to sleep in her bed.

“It’s nice to have dinner together.” Stephan said, “The spaghetti is delicious.”“Thanks Stephan.” Gabie smiled.

“Stephan I want another baby.” Gabie admitted, she had to be crazy.“Okay then.” Stephan agreed.

Honey played with her hairstyle after waking up. She was tired of short hair. Like Tira and

her father she needed glasses.

By the next morning the snow was gone. The twins got to go to their first day of school.

They returned moderately successfully.“Do I have to tell Mom that I got in trouble for talking in class?” Tiramisu asked the bus

driver.“Yes you do.” She told him.

“We didn’t have to do homework yesterday.” Honey grumble.

“Yesterday was a snow day.” Gabie pointed out.

“Thanks for helping me Momma.”“You’re welcome.”

“Dance with me Daddy!”“Aw come on, Tira let’s play tag.” Emma


Stephan took a stab at making dinner. He was proud that he didn’t burn it.

Saturday came around quickly. Gabie was excited for Reno Day.

The layout was okay. But the house need some serious upgrades.

Even the outside got a face lift.

There were some things left undone. Funds ran out, but she finally had a place to put

Charrie’s case in her secret room. Ivy vines crawled up the walls around the end table.

Creepy vines aside, Gabie loved her new kitchen.

Of course one of her family members broke the computer right after the renovations.

Her belly popped as she paid the bills.

“They tire out so fast.” Stephan murmured tucking Tiramisu in. It still was daylight

outside but his son was exhausted.

“Hello” Gabie greeted a small dog named Pepper.

“Yip!” Pepper barked wagging her tail. She ran off before Gabie could play with her


This table wasn’t going to be big enough for the whole family for long. But family dinner

was the best.

Honey cleaned up all the dishes. “The new kitchen is awesome.” Honey cheered,

“We must keep it perfectly clean.”

Gabie invited Pony’s family over the next morning. She brought along her younger

children, but left the rambunctious teens at home.

“Hi I’m Honey.”“I’m Aleece, I saw you in class.”

“I saw you too!”“We should be friends.”

“I wish we had a big dog.” Tiramisu told Kay.“Ruff!” Kay wagged her tail. She didn’t know what he was talking about, but the food she

just had was yummy.

“Hey there baby.” Gabie couldn’t help but greet the local wildlife. This time a wolf

named Tramp.

Gabie stood in her hidden room. She put the photos of her and Stephan on the wall. All of this was for him. She would learn light magic

for him.

Rotation: Week 5Households: 4 of 5Playable Sims: 38# Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 38

Community Lots: 12Business Districts: 1Universities: 1Downtown: No

SM: 15

Population: 570

CAS Available: 16

University Funds: $4,753(+$0)(10% taken of available funds taken daily)# of Fires: 2# of Burglaries: 2 # of Electrocutions: 2# of Graves: 0

Businesses:Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 6Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 7College Club – Jonah Diem – 8Silver Bend Shops – Delilah Diem -5Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 10iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5Dreamweaver – Thai Colours – 2Colour Café – Thai Colours - 3Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 0Sugar Sugar –Gabie Sugar – 3The Flower Garden – Clarence Phillippine – 8Star Gazing Park – Neil Cameron -3

Careers:Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours)Business: unlocked!Architecture: 0 of 1 Music: unlocked!Criminal: 1 of 1Education: 0 of 1Law Enforcement: 0 of 1Pet Service: unlocked

Service calls unlocked.

Update number 7! It’s Simnawrimo at Boolprop! I’m going for the gold and trying to

crank out ten updates. Only three more to go.

I feel a little insane for getting Gabie pregnant again. But I

lucked out so well, Stephan and the kids are pretty easy to baby sit. Hopefully the good luck will

keep coming.The Philippines are up next

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