simple machine report destinie nick lexi

Post on 17-May-2015






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Simple Machines

By Destinie, Nick, and Lexi

This simple machine is a lever. A lever is a stiff bar that rests on a support. This real world example is a child's seesaw. The seats on the long board allows kids to balance each others weight up and down using a fulcrum.

This simple machine is a wedge. A wedge….. This real world example is a nail clipper which uses two sharp points the front of the nail clipper to drive into your nail and cut it. A wedge is a an object with a slanting side.

This simple machine is a wheel and axle. A wheel an axle is a wheel with a rod . A wheel barrow is a real world example. It makes life easier by the wheel and axle part letting you roll something around. The reason you put wheels on a wheel borrow is because it is able to roll what ever you put inside around smoothly.

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