simple machines scavenger hunt

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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  • 1. Simple Machines Scavenger Hunt
    Tag Choi

2. Gears 1st
It is clock and it is gear
Location: Living room
3. Gears 2nd
It is backside of the clock and it is gear
Location: Living room
4. Inclined Planes 1st
It is stairs and it is inclined planes
Location: Living room
5. Inclined Planes 2nd
It is fan and it is inclined planes
Location: garage
6. Levers 1st
It is switch and it is levers
Location: Living room
7. Levers 2nd
It is baseball bat and it is levers
Location: garage
8. Pulleys 1st
It is shoelaces and it is pulleys
Location: Living room
9. Pulleys 2nd
It is blinds and it is pulleys
Location: Living room
10. Screws 1st
It is screws
Location: garage
11. Screws 2nd
It is light and it is in screw (shape)
Location: Living room
12. Wedges 1st
It is knife and it is wedges
Location: kitchen
13. Wedges 2nd
It is pin and it is wedges
Location: Living room
14. Wheels & Axle 1st
It is door knob and it is wheels and axle
Location: Living room
15. Wheels & Axle 2nd
It is bike and it is wheels and axle
Location: garage

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