simulation of lac operon regulation in e. coli...

Post on 25-Feb-2021






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The bioinformatics through its applications offers the possibilities to simulate metabolism

pathways and guesses about the biochemical mechanisms that drive the cell behavior.

Knowing or estimating some processes’ parameters, is possible to simulate and analyse

processes trends in a virtual environment and to evaluate if the simulation model is

consistent with the theoretical models. In this work, we simulate the mechanisms of lac

Operon regulation in the model organism Escherichia coli using the Biochemical System

Simulator Software COPASI. The simulation focuses on the signalling molecules

concentrations of and cell answer effectors when the lactose is added in the extracellular

environment. The evaluated components will be cAMP, lac Enzymes, mRNA, lac

operators and concentration of glucose and lactose. This thesis describes how the model is

structured, the mathematical components of the model and the result of simulations under

different conditions. The model does not include all the variables of the real system but it

tries to consider parallel pathways of lactose degradation. The provided model, even if not

complete, seems to be consistent with the basic theoretical model in almost all the

simulations. Further the model will be deposited in a public domain for future usage.



CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION AND MODEL’S ORGANISM ................................ 4

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4

Model’s Organisms: Escherichia coli ................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER II – LAC OPERON STRUTURE AND REGULATION ............................ 8

The lac Operon structure .................................................................................................... 8

What is an Operon .......................................................................................................... 8

What is the lac an Operon .............................................................................................. 8

Regulation pathway of lac Operon..................................................................................... 8

Principles of transcriptional regulation .......................................................................... 8

Regulation of transcriptional initiation: the lac operon in Prokaryotes....................... 10

CHAPTER III – COPASI ................................................................................................. 12

What is COPASI .......................................................................................................... 12

What is a Simulation Model......................................................................................... 12

COPASI modeling elements ........................................................................................ 13

COPASI biological modeling elements ....................................................................... 14

Global Quantities.......................................................................................................... 16

Events and Tasks .......................................................................................................... 18

Simulation Time settings.............................................................................................. 19

Output specifications .................................................................................................... 19


Structure of the lac Operon model ............................................................................... 21

Glucose and Lactose transport ..................................................................................... 23

Catabolite repression .................................................................................................... 24

Induction and repression of the lac operon .................................................................. 24

Lac proteins production................................................................................................ 26

Degradation of lactose ................................................................................................ 27

Mathematical model .................................................................................................... 28

Assumptions and limitations of the model .................................................................. 31


CHAPTER V – SIMULATION, RESULTS AND CONCLUSION .............................. 33

Time parameters and simulation resolution ................................................................. 33

Initial conditions........................................................................................................... 34

Scheduled events .......................................................................................................... 35

Simulations graphs ....................................................................................................... 36

Results ......................................................................................................................... 44

Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 46

References ........................................................................................................................ 47




The cell is a dynamic entity that forms every living organism. Inside this microscopic

structure, everything is subjected to a refined regulation avoiding the cell to waste energy

and resources, and guaranteeing a correct adaptation to the environment as much as

possible. Further, through a network of metabolic pathways and their interaction, the cell

can manage the anabolic and catabolic processes that control the genes exp ression levels,

and hence the concentrations of each fundamental component inside its structure. The

complex networks of chemicals and biochemical signals give to the cell the capacity to

control the expression of potential genomic information codified in the whole DNA only

when the information becomes necessary to metabolize a specific substrate or act a specific

response. In this context, this thesis tries to demonstrate that a well-studied regulation

pathway structure, such as the lac Operon, can be studied in a virtual developing

environment, i.e., the COPASI software, letting us to observe the biochemical mechanisms

at work in different (virtual) experimental settings of feeding sources (glucose and lactose).

To reach this goal, we will apply bioinformatics tool. There are multiple definitions of

bioinformatics, but the most adapt, in my opinion, is that made by Xiong that define

Bioinformatics as “an interdisciplinary research area at the interface between computer

sciences and biological sciences” [10]. Being more inclusive, bioinformatics involves

technology that uses computers for storage, retrieval, manipulation, and distribution of

information related to biological data, such as DNA, RNA and proteins.

Figure 1 - DNA data trends between 1989-2013


Given that in the last decades the available biological data is exponentially grown (please

refer to Figure 1), and the genomic data analysis is highly repetitive and mathematically

complex, the computational technology is absolutely indispensable in mining genomes for

information gathering and knowledge building. The bioinformatics is a moiety of a related

field known as computational biology. Bioinformatics is limited to sequence, structural and

functional analysis of genes and genomes and their corresponding products under the name

of computational molecular biology. It is considered then computational biology includes

all the biological areas that use computational tools as, for example, the mathematical

modelling of ecosystem or population dynamics.

The ultimate goals of bioinformatics are the better understanding of living cell and how it

works at the molecular level. At the same time, the analyse of biological data often

generates new problems and challenges that in turn push forward the development of new

and better computational tools. This work belongs at the branch of bioinformatics called

functional analyses, including gene expression prediction, metabolic pathway

reconstruction, and metabolism simulation. The other two areas of analyses are the

structure analysis that makes prediction of nucleic acid structures and protein structures,

classification and comparison between them, and Sequence analysis that, instead, includes

sequence alignment, sequence database searching, genome comparison, gene & promoter

prediction and phylogeny.

In [10], Xiong claims that bioinformatics is not only essential for basic genomic and

molecular biology research, but it has a major impact on many areas of biotechnology and

biomedical sciences. Some applications, for example, are in knowledge-based drug design,

forensic DNA analysis, and agricultural biotechnology. In the first research area, an

important feature is that the informatics-based approach significantly reduces the time and

costs necessary to develop drugs with higher power and less toxicity. In forensic, results

from molecular phylogenetic analysis have been accepted as evidence in the criminal

courts. In agriculture, the analyses of genomes can help the developing of new species of

plants like crop with a better genetic. All these aspects mean that bioinformatics is

integrated in a lot of areas, to let us able, through the analyses of available data, to make

simulations about the considered system’s functions, to predict the system behaviour in the

future and to make new interpretations of the current available data.

The bioinformatics, at the same time, has a number of inherent limitations. The

bioinformatics and experimental biology are independent, but complementary, activities.

Bioinformatics depends on experimental science to produce raw data for analysis. Instead,

it provides useful interpretation of experimental data and it can guide the experimental

research. Bioinformatics predictions are not formal proof of any concept and cannot

replace the traditional experimental research methods. The factors that affects the quality

of bioinformatics predictions are the quality of data, the complexity of the algorithms used,


and the computing power available. These parameters given us an evaluation of errors

produced by bioinformatics programs. Xiong in his book assesses that it is a good practice

to use multiple programs and perform multiple evaluations whenever it is possible.

In this thesis, we build the first metabolic regulation model of lac Operon in COPASI. As

first step, we adapt the theoretical model in [5,7] to the COPASI modelling approach.

Actually, there are different ways to model lac Operon in COPASI, each with its strengths

and weaknesses. We use a reaction approach for the model because a pathway is a set of

react ions. Usually a biochemical model can be described by mathematical differential

equations and react ions. The model is dependent from the purposes and the outcomes we

are looking for. To obtain a consistent model it is mandatory to optimize the interactions

between the mathematical part and biochemical part of the model otherwise we will have a

not consistent simulation in respect to the experimental proves and the theoretical model.

In the COPASI model we limit the mathematical equations to the enzymes kinetics

react ion rate by the following assumption: in the real world, one reaction could happen

only if the substrates and all the factors are present. In the absence of a single factor a

given reaction cannot happen. If we build the model only with the mathematical rules, an

equation is not always able to understand that if the substrate is absent the reaction cannot

happen and the simulation in some conditions easily gives a negative concentration, that is

impossible to observe in the reality. For this reason we adapt the model described in [7],

avoiding some equation and adding its equivalent written as reactions. After then the

model is completed, we run seven different simulations.

This thesis is divided in four chapters. The first chapter (Chapter I) contains the

introduction to the thesis and the presentation of the chosen organism model. The second

chapter (Chapter II) describes the molecular knowledge and mechanisms about lac operon

regulation in bacteria. The Chapter three (Chapter III) presents the software COPASI,

Chapter four (Chapter IV) the simulation model and how we structured it in COPASI. In

the last chapter (Chapter V) we will present and discuss the simulations results.



Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative, non sporulating and facultative anaerobic rod. It is

about 2.0 micro meters (µm) in length and its diameter is between 0.25 and 1.0 µm (see

Figure 2 for an example). The optimal temperature for multiplication is 37°C, but it can do

it until 49°C (120°F). Multiplication is not tightly glucose dependent given that the

bacteria can use a lot of substrates to obtain energy as fumarate, trimethylamine N-oxide

and dimethyl sulfoxide, amino acids and others compounds. E. coli can only survive

outside the body for a limited period of time so it can be considered as an ideal indicator

organism order to test samples from environment for fecal contamination, but some

researches showed that can survive for a long time too. Normally are present in the gut of

animals. Escherichia coli includes a vast population of bacteria that demonstrate a very

high degree of both phenotypic and genetic diversity [9].

Figure 2 - E. Coli Electron Microscope Coloured Images -

In a laboratory setting, the E. coli can be grown inexpensively and easily. E. coli has been

widely studied for about 60 years. It is the most ext ensively investigated prokaryotic model

organism and considered to be very important species in biotechnology and microbiology.

E. coli holds an important position in industrial microbiology and modern biological

engineering because of its easy manipulation and also long history of its laboratory

cultures. The research work of Herbert Boyer and Stanley Norman Cohen regarding use of

restriction enzymes and plasmids in order to create recombinant DNA by E. coli became

the base of biotechnology.

E. coli is considered to be a very flexible host for the heterologous proteins production.

Recombinant protein production involves various protein exp ressions in E. coli. Plasmids

have been used to introduce genes into the microbes by researchers which have leads to

high level of protein expression. Such proteins can be produced by the fermentation

process in the industries at mass level. A very useful and important application of

recombinant DNA technology was production of human insulin by E. coli manipulation.

E. coli cells in modified form have been used in the development of vaccine,

bioremediation, biofuels production and formation of immobilized enzymes [9].



In this Chapter, it is presented the definition of an operon, the lac Operon Structure and its

transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes.



In genetics, an operon is a functional unit of genomic DNA containing a cluster

of genes under the control of a single promoter. The genes are transcribed together into a

mRNA strand and either translated together into the cytoplasm, or undergo trans-splicing

to create monocistronic mRNAs that are translated separately (in Eukaryotes) [6].

Originally, operons were thought to exist solely in prokaryotes, then the first operon in

eukaryotes was discovered in the early 1990’s.



The lac operon of the model bacterium Escherichia coli was the first operon to be

discovered and provides a typical example of operon function. It consists of three

adjacent structural genes: a promoter, a terminator, and an operator. The lac operon is

regulated by several factors including the availability of glucose and lactose. It can be

activated by allolactose. Allolactose binds to the repressor protein and prevents it from

repressing lac operon genes transcription [6].

The three lac genes - lacZ, lacY, and lacA - are arranged adjacently on the E. coli genome

and they are together called the lac operon. The lacZ gene encodes the enzyme β-

galactosidase, which cleaves the sugar lactose into galactose and glucose, both of which

are used by the cell as energy sources. The lacY gene encodes the lactose permease, a

protein that inserts the lactose into the cell membrane and transports it into the cell. The

lacA gene encodes thiogalactoside transacetylase, which rids the cell of toxic

thiogalactosides that also get transported in by lacY.



Not all genes are expressed in all cells at all the time. Indeed, much of living organisms

adaptations depends by the ability of cells to express specific genes in different

combinations at different times and in different places. Even a lowly bacterium expresses

only some of its genes at any given time. This capability ensures, for example, then it can


produce the enzymes needed to metabolize the nutrients it encounters while it blocks the

production of enzymes for other nutrients that are not available at that time. The

development of multicellular organisms offers an even more striking example of this so-

called “differential gene expression.” Essentially all the cells in a human contain the same

genes, but the set of genes expressed in forming one cell type is different from the set of

genes that are exp ressed other cell types. Thus, a muscle cell exp resses a set of genes

differently (at least in part) from those exp ressed by a neuron, a skin cell, and so on.

Mainly, these differences occur at the level of transcription, most commonly, the initiation

of transcription.

Genes expression is very often controlled by extracellular signals. In case of bacteria, this

typically means molecules presents in the growth medium. These signals are connected to

genes by regulatory proteins, which come in two types: positive regulators, or activators,

and negative regulators or repressors. Typically, these regulators are DNA-binding

proteins that recognize specific sites at or near the genes they control. An activator

increases the specific transcription of the regulated gene, and a repressor decreases or

eliminates the transcription.

Although there are cases where gene exp ression is regulated at essentially every step , from

the gene to its products, the most common step at which regulation impinges is the

initiation of transcription. There are two reasons why this might make sense. First,

transcription initiation is the most energetically efficient step to regulate, ensuring that no

energy and resources are wasted. Second, regulation at this first step is easier to do because

a less number of factors must occur.

RNA Polymerase binds many promoters only weekly in the absence of regulatory proteins.

This because one or more promoter elements discussed above is absent or imperfect. When

polymerase does occasionally bind, however, it spontaneously undergoes a transition to the

open complex and initiate transcription. This gives a low level of constitutive expression

called basal level. RNA polymerase binding to the promoter is the rate-limiting step in this

case. To control expression form such promoter, a repressor needs only to bind to a site

overlapping the region bound by polymerase. In that way, repressor blocks polymerase to

bind the promoter, thereby preventing transcription. The site on the DNA where a

repressor binds is called an operator.

The lac genes of Escherichia coli are transcribed from a promoter that is regulated by an

activator and a repressor working as described above [5].





The lac promoter, located at the 5’ end of lacZ (see Figure 3), manages the transcription of

all the three genes as a single mRNA; this mRNA is then translated to give the three

protein products.

Figure 3 - lac Operon structure – 5

These genes are expressed at high levels only when lactose is available, and glucose—the

preferred energy source—is not or is present in low concentration. Two regulatory proteins

are involved: one is an activator called CAP, and the other is a repressor called the Lac

repressor. The Lac repressor is encoded by the lac-I gene, which is close the other lac

genes, but transcribed from its own (constitutively exp ressed) promoter. The name CAP

stands for catabolite activator protein, but this activator is also known as CRP (for

cAMP receptor protein).

Figure 4 - Lac Operon Regulation Diagram. Web address:


The gene encoding CAP is located elsewhere on the bacterial chromosome, not linked to

the lac genes. Both CAP and the Lac repressor are DNA-binding proteins and each binds to

a specific site on DNA at or near the lac promoter (the CAP site and the operator,

respectively; see Figure 3).

Each of these regulatory proteins responds to one environmental signal and communicates

it to the lac genes. Thus, CAP mediates the effect of glucose, whereas Lac repressor

mediates the lactose signal. This regulatory system works in the following way (please

refer to 4). Lac repressor can bind DNA and represses transcription only in the absence of

lactose. In the presence of that sugar, the repressor is inactive and the genes de-repressed

(exp ressed). CAP can bind DNA and activates the lac genes only in the absence of glucose.

Thus, the combined effect of these two regulators ensures that the genes are exp ressed at

significant levels when lactose is present and glucose absent [5].





COPASI is a software application for simulation and analysis of biochemical networks and

their dynamics. COPASI is a stand-alone program that supports models in the SBML (the

Systems Biology Markup Language) [2] standard and can simulate their behaviour using

ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations) or Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm [1].

Currently the application develop ed is at Version 4.19 (build 140). Considering the

COPASI’s machine compatibilities, it is available for Linux, Windows and Mac.

COPASI is part of de.NBI, the ‘German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure’. The

network provides comprehensive first-class bioinformatics services to users in life sciences

research, industry and medicine. The de.NBI program coordinates bioinformatics training,

education and the cooperation of the German bioinformatics community with international

bioinformatics network structures including ELIXIR [3].

COPASI is used in research for the following aims:

modelling biological, biochemical, and chemical systems;

development of theory of computational methods;

development of “wet” laboratory methods.

It is part of other software tools. A list of many scientific articles, as well as a basic user

manual, are available on line [1].

In this thesis, we use COPASI to model the Operon Lac Pathway with the final aim of

simulating the dynamics of the corresponding dynamics under some conditions. Before to

describe COPASI and its modelling element, we define, in the following section, what is a

simulation model.



In science and technique “to simulate” means to represent, through models, some

phenomena, system and/or process with the final aim to study its components, status and

reactions in artificial designed conditions.

Then the “Model” is a real or virtual construct that copies the essential structural

components of the studied system, meant as functional unity of interconnected parts.


A model is a representation of a phenomena from a view point hence it cannot represent

the phenomena in the totality of its appearance but it is a reduction/abstraction containing

all the information useful to observe or simulate the characteristics of the phenomena

object of study and analyses. The representation with models is not limited only in the

experimental research but, more in general, belongs to all the observational sciences. The

simulation trough models act isolating a system considering irrelevant some variables that

are not considered essential in the study of what we are investigating to. No model could or

has to copy all the components of the real system it represents. Instead, the model has to

reduce the system complexity, its variables and its degrees of freedom.

The advantages of simulation are the fictitious acceleration in the time results of the model,

to highlighting the trends and predict the dynamic develop of the model. The efficiency of

a simulation depends from the quality of the model. Its ability to includes the essential

variables and exclude the not essential to the specific aims.



Given that we are talking about biochemical simulation programs, we can talk briefly

about the internal structure of COPASI. The first step to approach with COPASI is the

creat ion of the model we are interested to. The program has a set of elements that permit to

define the measures units (Concentrations, Time and Volumes units), compartments, the

chemical or biological species that belongs to our model, the reactions that make our

model dynamic, and events that can be used to change a given parameter during the

simulation of the model.

Whenever the model has been created, it is necessary to decide the way the results are

showed. If we want to plot the results, setting opportunely the plots feature in COPASI’s

Output section, the program generates graphics with the set parameter, as soon as the

simulation starts. We have the possibilities to modify the scale of measures directly on the

graphics and save the work in different file format (pdf, images and others).

Going back to the simulation features, COPASI includes the task element that contains all

the functions about the simulation modelling. The program is able to determine if the

model reaches a “steady state”, that is a state where the parameters reach stable values and

do not sensibly change during the simulation time if no external interferences occur. There

are several types of analysis that COPASI allows to execute, such as: Steady-State

Analysis, Metabolic Control Analysis, Parameters Estimations, Stoichiometric State

Analysis, Time Course Simulation and others depending the objectives of the simulations.


COPASI already contains mathematical models for mass fluxes and physic measure units

but it enables us to add new math models, showing that it is a flexible platform for many

kinds of models simulation.



In the previous section we briefly described the structure of COPASI and its main

functions. Here we will exp lore the parts that are more important for the Chemical,

Biological and Biotechnological use. Particularly, two elements that we keep focus to are

reactions and species [7,6].

During the creation of biological models there is a chemical or/and biochemical part of the

model that has to be managed in the simulation environment. In COPASI, we can insert

into the model every single species that have a role in the model itself. A specie can be a

molecule or a protein, however, such distinction does not make any difference for the

simulator. It is possible to instantiate a new species and to define some parameters for them,

such as:

- Initial concentration – that specifies how much of that component is present at the

beginning of the simulation;

- Initial Expression – it is the ODE needed to determine the initial concentration of the


- Compartment – that defines in which compartment the component is located.

Always depending by the way that the model is managed;

- Type – that defines how the species interact with the model. For example is possible

to choose between reactions, fixed, assignment and ode. The reaction mode means

that the concentration of the specie/s depending by reactions, while, in the ode mode,

it is necessary to insert the mathematical equation that specifies how the simulator

will calculate and update the concentration of the species during the simulation. Fixed

indicate that the concentration of the specie remains the same in the whole simulation

independently by the reaction within is involved while assignment calculate the value

using a mathematical equation but it is not added to the previous value calculated.

Obviously the concentration of one specie could depend from others species or

parameters that could be added directly in formula using the correct syntax for

COPASI.Expression – If the type is ODE, you have to insert the differential equation

for the species. [1]


Figure 5a– The figures 5a, 5b and 5c list all the chemical/biochemical species involved in the model – COPASI screenshot




The other modelling element related to the biological aspect that we consider is the

reaction. In the Reactions branch it is possible to insert specific reaction mechanisms

using the specific syntax for COPASI. As a normal chemical reaction could have one or

more substrates and one or more products. Follow the laws of thermodynamic, as an

enzymatically catalysed reaction could follow different kinetics, the software permit to

choose between mass action kinetic, and more complex kinetic models available in the

functions menu. Furthermore, it is possible to insert extra kinetics laws in the specific


The main difference between the two bigger classes of reaction are that some of those are

irreversible, and the others are reversible. With a simple syntax, the symbol ‘=’ is for

reversible reactions and the symbol ‘->’ is for irreversible reaction.

But we can apply the react ion kinetic model to other more complex biological functions

such as the activity of Enzyme Hexokinase (a phosphotransferase) that transports Glucose

from extracellular matrix into the cell’s cytoplasm and catalyses the adding of phosphate

group to the same substrate, releasing Glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). The reaction could be

write in COPASI as following:

eG + ATP = G6P + ADP + H+ [4]

where eG is the extracellular Glucose, ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate), ADP(Adenosine

diphosphate) and H+ is a proton released.

The formation of macromolecular complexes can be written as a react ion, as we have done

in ours model (Figure 7a and 7b). Having the kinetics parameters of equilibrium reaction

we can write as we have done in the model:

cAMP + CRP = [cAMP:CRP].

This reaction has been taken from the appendix two of reference [7]. After that the

react ion is created, and chose the kinetics law we have to set the parameters of the reaction

as the association and dissociation constant of the complex. To have a clarification of what

we did see Figure 6. The parameters involved in the reaction depends by the formula that

drive the rate law. This is very useful function because we can create any reaction, having

the formula that define the trend of react ion during the simulation, we can apply the same

rate law to other reactions simply selecting it by the list on the rate law “combo box”.


Figure 6 – A reaction setting screen in COPASI. In the field reaction is written the stoichiometry and the whole syntax of global

reaction. The textbox on the top permit to assign a reaction name to identify it. Below the reaction there is the rate law that

define the kinetic in the central part all the parameters of the written reaction where we can assign the values to the kinetic




Another feature of COPASI is the possibility to set “Global Quantities” and ours model has

in total 69 Global quantities. A Global Quantity is a variable that could be called and used

in other branches of the program as for example in the kinetics parameters of the reactions

previously showed (Figure 6). In the image cited we can see that the value of k1 under the

“Mapping” column is “K_ns”. “K_ns” is a global quantity that we created with the

equilibrium kinetic value that we took from the ref [7], constants tables. In this way is not

necessary each time to write the same value instead you can select it directly from the

scrolling menu in the Mapping column, at the corresponding raw. Then one of the first

things to let the work easier and faster was to create global quantities for each one of the

kinetic values reported on the “List of parameters used in the model” [7]. After this step all

the parameters were loaded on the program with the possibility to call them rapidly in a

reaction or a formula.




An event in COPASI is a modification in any model parameter or species concentration.

The program permits to schedule event where and when some conditions are satisfied or

not. In the branch events, adding a new event we should insert the condition when the

event will happen in the field trigger exp ression. In the field called “Target” it possible to

choose which parameter or specie will be modified. In the textbox “Expression” we will

insert the new parameter for the target chose.

Figura 7 – Sample event of lactose injections at simulation time 500000

Depending on the aim of simulation, the branch task offers different approaches to the

model, helping to estimate parameters, parameter analysis during the whole simulation,

verifying the existence of a steady-state for the model set. Many of these functions are for

an advanced knowledge of the program and we are not using many of them. We used only

the “Time Course” function that let set the time resolution parameters of the simulation.

The time parameters will be explained below.




COPASI is a simulator and to run a simulation session we need to set some parameters.

The COPASI section to run and set parameters is called Time Course Section. The

parameters that are available to set are:

- the duration (D) of the simulation. This value is the difference between final time

and the Time at the start. Then D = Tfinal – T0.

- the Interval Size that determines the precision of simulation. It determines the

number of the intervals that the simulator will consider during simulation to

calculates values. It is possible to find the number of intervals dividing the

duration by the Interval Size.

Number of Intervals = 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒

A huge number of Intervals ensures higher resolution of the simulation and of the

graphics: higher the number of intervals and hence of sampling, and higher the

simulation accuracy. Of course, considering high number of intervals, the

simulation will require more time to complete than a simulation using a smaller

number of Intervals.



The simulation is a mean to obtain information about the behaviour of specific components

in a model, or to make a prevision of some parameters in some given conditions. To extract

correctly the data looked for, COPASI has the possibility to save the report of a simulation

directly on a file, to process the data with other software (ex MathLab) and to create bi-

dimensional graphics with the relevant chosen parameters. To choose the data that will be

showed it is necessary use the class plot. Going in output specifications branch, there is a

further branch called “Plots”. Inside Plots we could create a new plot and afterwards create

a new “curve”. During the creation of the curve is possible to select which parameter will

be showed on the X axis and which on the Y axis. The classical example is put the Time

along the X axis and a Concentration of Specific species on the Y axis. In this way, after

the starting of the simulation is possible to observe the concentration of the desired species

during the simulation. Another advantage of the software is the possibility to insert


multiple curves inside the same plot. This feature permits to observe, in the case previously

described, the concentration of multiple species along the time in the same graphic.

Figure 8 – A screen of Plot branch in Output Specifications

Figure 9 – A screen of Plot Free Operators structure and set curves. On the right all the parameters of the lines.



In this section we describe the simulation model we defined in COPASI per the Lac

Operon Pathway. The devised model has been inspired by [7]. In the following, we firstly

describe the structure of the simulation model, then the 46 reactions our COPASI model is

composed and the mathematical model of the dynamics we referred to.



Starting from the basics definitions of the model, the measures units that we choose are

mole (mol) for concentration of a given specie, litre (l) for the volume and minutes (min) to

point at the time.

The first parameter that we assumed is the compartment. In the COPASI model we built

there is only one compartment that we called simply “cell” with the volume of 1*10-6 l [8].

We can do this assumption because we know that bacteria are prokaryotes. Prokaryotes

usually are simpler cells than Eukaryotes, mainly in the internal organization of elements

so we can consider the whole cell as a unique big compartment.

Figure 10a – The list of all the 46 reactions of the model – COPASI screenshots


Inside this compartment, not considering vesicles, all the metabolic reactions take place.

The Model is defined by 46 reactions and 46 molecular species .

Figure 10b – The list of all the 46 reactions of the model – COPASI screenshots

In Figure 10a and 10b, we show the COPASI screenshots of the section where it is

possible to specify reactions and the syntax COPASI requires for reaction specification. In

the reported table, for each react ion we need to provide a name, the reaction, rate law and


Normally a generic cell, that is defined as the smallest living unit of every organism on this

planet, takes the nutriment from the outer environment and uses to “digest” it to extract

energy. This energy, that in a cell is stored in a chemical gradient (see Mitochondria) or on

high energy bonds (ATP), is fundamental to many essential processes which permit the cell

itself to follow its living functions. The cell, thanks to its semipermeable membrane, can


select the bigger part of the substances that it absorbs.

Figure 11 - Schematic functional representation of the simulated model [7]



Designing the model we should reproduce as much as possible the chain of events that

normally happens in a given organism. Starting from the plasmatic membrane level, at this

step we find all the transport and recognition components. Than in our model on the

membrane we can find 2 enzymatic complex interest of: 1 – Phosphotransferase system

(PTS) and 2 – Permease. The PTS is responsible for the transport of the Glucose from

outer to the inner side of the membrane and during this passage the complex add a

phosphate group to Glucose to produce Glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). This reaction is

written as:

Glu_ext -> G6P (1)

where Glu_ext is the external Glucose.

The second reaction, or process, that happens at the membrane level is Permease transport

of lactose from the extracellular environment to the intracellular space. Than we can

describe this reaction with the syntax:


Lac_ext -> Lac_int (2)

where Lac_ext is the external lactose and Lac_int is internal lactose.



The metabolism of other sugar in the cell is inhibited if glucose is present and plentiful in a

phenomenon known as catabolite repression. The signalling molecule of this way is cAMP

(cyclic AMP). The total concentration is given by the ratios of production, under given

condition by adenylate cyclase, degradation and secretion. In absence or presence in little

concentration of external and internal glucose the quantity of intracellular cAMP increases.

This signal says to the cell that a primary source of energy is exhausting. In response to

this increasing of intracellular cAMP the cell actives genes that permit her to use different

sources of energy before unused as in the case of diauxic growth. [7]

Than the ATP is transformed in cAMP in the following reaction:

ATP -> cAMP (3)

In ours model the syntax is: -> cAMP because we assumed that ATP concentration in not-

limiting factor in the cAMP production.

Further in the current model we assumed that the ratio of cAMP production is fast and

related with the external Glucose concentration.



The lac operon transcription is controlled by the binding of the tetrameric lac repressor to

one or more of the three operator regions and by the CRP-cAMP complex to its specific

DNA binding site. Than analysing the chain of equilibrium association of the regulation

complexes we wrote the series interaction showed in the article [7] (reaction from 1 to 28

in Figure 10a and 10b) directly in to the program COPASI adapting the model modifying

some reaction to have a functional mechanism. In the complexes equilibrium reactions the

specie D indicate a “not productive site or promoter”.

The first factor that modulates the transcription of operon is the basal binding, or affinity,

of the RNA-Polymerase for its sigma (σ) subunit and then to the promoter. This complex is

written as [RNAP:σ:P] complex, where RNAP is the RNA-Polymerase and P is the


promoter. Sigma is an essential protein of the initial transcriptional complex that binds a

specific promoter indeed. In Escherichia coli this factor is identified with the name of σ70.

As it has been proved, different σ factors are directed to different promoters with different

activity as for example σ54 increases the transcription of genes responsible for the

nitrogen’s metabolism. [5-7].

The second factor that controls the lac expression is the interaction between the signalling

molecule cAMP and the Catabolite Receptor Protein (CRP) identified by [CRP:cAMP]

complex syntax. In presence of cAMP, CRP binds cAMP forming the above said complex.

This complex can migrate on the DNA and it can bind to a promoter specific site. A

promoter, when it is activated, enhances the transcription of the associated genes. The

complex [CRP:cAMP] bind CAP site, positioned about 60 nucleotides before the starting

site of transcription, stabilizes the RNA-Polymerase that has poor affinity for the promoter

without the [CRP:cAMP:CAP] complex. [5-7].

The third factor that controls the expression of the lac Operon is the system made by the

repressors. The repressor proteins are produced by a gene far from the lac Operon and

execute their repression on the lac operator overlapping in part on the sequence where the

RNA-Polymerase binds to start the transcription. [5] In their default state the repressors are

bond to the DNA lac operator but when the allolactose, a derivative product of lactose,

binds them, the repressors change conformation and release the binding DNA. This event

permits to start the transcription and enhances the lac mRNA production. This model has

three operator sites that could be repressed and the total repression is the product of the

repression on these three sites. [O1], [O2] and [O3] in the model are the three operator sites

free from the bond of the repressor, while [Rep:O1] for example indicates the complex

Repressor-Operator site. Each ones of the operators could be bonded from the active

repressor form [7].

The two reactions that describe the transcription of lac Repressor and lac Operon are the


-> mRNA_ZYA (4)

-> mRNA_Rep (5)

where mRNA_ZYA is the messenger RNA of the lac Operon, while mRNA_Rep is the

messenger RNA of the repressor. The following reactions in opposition describe the

degradation of the mRNA:

mRNA_ZYA -> (6)

mRNA_Rep -> (7)

The reactions (4) and (5) represent the RNA’s anabolism (transcription) and the reactions

(6) and (7) the RNA’s catabolism (degradation).


(4) and (5) are wrote without the substrate because we assume that all the components for

RNA transcription are not in limiting quantities. The same for the products of the

degradation described in (6) and (7) because we assumed that the accounts of

ribonucleotides are not essential for the current model. We consider them not essential but

surely they are in a real cell system. Without ribonucleotides the cell cannot synthetize new

RNA forms (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, ecc) but in ours model we are exploring the

dynamics of lac operon and we isolate it from the rest of normal metabolism. The model

works assuming all the basal components for each fundamental needing of the cell is

present with not limiting concentrations. Accounting of this components could be an

improvement of the model here introduced, that increase its complexity.



The lac mRNA operon translation mainly increases the concentration of Permease

transporter on the plasmatic membrane and enhances the cytosolic levels of β-

Galactosidase. The production and then the concentrations of these enzymes in the cell

depends mainly by two pathways. The anabolic p athway that is proportional to the mRNA-

ZYA in the cell. On the opposite side there is the catabolic pathway of proteins that

involves ubiquitin-Kinase and protease that continuously destroy protein.

To indicate the synthesis of all the protein in the model in COPASI we insert the following


-> Permease (8)

->β-Galactosidase (9)

-> Rep (10)

We did not insert the substrate because they are enzymes derived from translation. Given

that in a cell one mRNA message could be read by more than one ribosome, there is no

direct stoichiometric relationship between one mRNA molecule and one protein. Indeed

we know the constant which the mRNA is translated and how many moles of proteins the

cell produce per mole of mRNA-ZYA, known under the name of translation rate constant

[7]. In this model we assume this process, talking in reactions terms, as two separate

reactions, related internally thank to an ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation).

The proteins could be destroyed by Ubiquitine System or decay after certain time. We

assumed all the process under a value called protein decay rate constant. The involved

reactions are:


Permease -> (11)

Β-Galactosidase -> (12)

Rep -> (13)

When the proteins are destroyed, all their amino acids are released. Here it is useless

consider amino acids as limiting components in the synthesis and too during degradation

because it complicates the model and does not properly the aims of the works. However, as

we said for the ribonucleotides before, could be a suggestion for future improvements of

the introduced model.



In the proposed model we assumed that the intracellular lactose follows three different

ways at the same times. The first reaction that involves the intracellular lactose is the

action of the Enzyme β-Galactosidase. This enzyme converts the lactose to allolactose.

The following reaction describes essentially such transforming process:

Lac_int -> Allo (14)

where Allo is Allolactose.

The second step is the hydrolysis of allolactose to Glucose and Galactose. We assume that

the Glucose resulting of this reaction is immediately phosphorylated to G6P. The reaction


Allo -> G6P + Gal (15)

where Gal means Galactose, epimer of Glucose. The enzyme that catalyses this reaction is

always β-Galactosidase.

The third possibility is that the lactose is directly converted in Glucose and Galactose. We

described the reaction as:

Lac_int -> G6P + Gal (16)

The hydrolysis of lactose to glucose and galactose by β-galactosidase is also assumed to

follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics.




In this section we report the used mathematical model that describes the assumed fluxes

and kinetics. The first reaction described (1) shows the Glucose flux towards the cytoplasm.

The equation that describes the flux is

Vt,Glu = kt,Glu ∗ ([Gluext]

[Gluext] + 𝐾𝑡,𝐺𝑙𝑢


where kt ,Glu is the glucose transport rate constant and K t ,Glu is the saturation constant for

glucose transport [7 – equation (1)].

The second equation (2) describes the intracellular flux of Lactose depending by the

concentration of permease and external glucose that inhibit the lactose transport. The

mathematical interpretation is

𝑉𝑡 ,𝐿𝑎𝑐 = 𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑐,𝑖𝑛 ∗ {([𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑥𝑡]

[𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑥𝑡] + 𝐾𝑡,𝐿𝑎𝑐

) ∗ (𝐾𝑖,𝐺𝑙𝑢

𝐾𝑖,𝐺𝑙𝑢 + [𝐺𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑥𝑡]) − (


[𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡] + 𝐾𝑡,𝐿𝑎𝑐 /𝑝)}

∗ [𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚]

[7-(11)] where Ki,Glu is the lactose transport constant for inhibition by glucose, p is cellular

density and, [Lacext] the extracellular lactose concentration, [Lacint ]the intracellular lactose

concentration and [Perm] the lac permease concentration.

The production of cAMP (3) is defined by the following equation


𝑝∗ (


[𝐺𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑥𝑡] + 𝐾𝑎,𝑐𝐴𝑀𝑃


[7- equation (2a)] where Ka,cAMP is the inhibition constant for the effect of glucose on

cAMP synthesis, kcAMP is the cAMP synthesis rate constant.

The equation that describes the rate of lac mRNA-ZYA (4) is the following, referencing to

reaction (4)

𝑉𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴−𝑍𝑌𝐴 = 𝑘𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 −𝑍𝑌𝐴𝜂1 𝜂2𝜂3 [𝐺]

[7- equation (3)] where kmRNA-ZYA is the transcriptional rate constant including non-

productive promoter and η1, η2 and η3 are the transcription efficiency factors that describes

the transcriptional control by RNA- Polymerase, catabolite repression, and the repressor,



The first efficiency factor is at level of the initiation complex of RNA-Polymerase with the

specific sigma subunit and the productive promoter. The factor is equal to the fract ion of

total promoters occupied by RNA-Polymerase holoenzyme

𝜂1 =[𝑅𝑁𝐴𝑃: ơ: 𝑃]


[7- equation (4)] where [RNAP:ơ:P] is the concentration of complex of the RNA-

Polymerase holoenzyme (RNAP:ơ) and the promoter [P] is the total concentration of


The second efficiency factor describes the enhancement of transcription initiation by the

binding of CRP-cAMP complex to its binding site near the promoter and is equal to the

fraction of total binding sites occupied by the CRP-cAMP complex

𝜂2 =[𝐶𝑅𝑃: 𝑐𝐴𝑀𝑃: 𝐸]


[7- equation (5)] where [CRP:cAMP:E] is the concentration of CRP:cAMP bound to its

binding site in the lac operon (E) and [E] is the total concentration of these sites.

The third efficiency factor describes the inhibition of transcription by the binding of the lac

repressor protein to one of the three operator sites near the lac promoters and the

derepression of transcription by the binding of allolactose to the repressor. It is considered

that the binding of the repressor to two of the operator sites is necessary for tight repression

of transcription and that DNA looping between the two of operators increases the local

repressor concentration and stimulate binding of the repressor to multiple operators.

𝜂3 = ([𝑂1𝑓]

[𝑂1]) (


[𝑂2]) (



[7- equation (6)] where [O1f] is the concentration of free operator 1 and [O1] is the total

concentration of operator 1.

The values of the efficiency factors are inserted in the “Global quantities” section of the

program and their values are set with “assignment” in contrast with all the V parameters

that were inserted as function that determine the kinetics of the reactions.

The production of the enzyme β-galactosidase is assumed be proportional to the

concentration of lac-ZYA mRNA, referencing to reaction (9)

𝑉𝛽𝑔𝑎𝑙 = 𝑘𝛽𝑔𝑎𝑙 [𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴𝑍𝑌𝐴]

[7- equation (7)] where kβgal is the translation rate constant. The equation for the synthesis

of permease is quite similar, referencing to reaction (8)


𝑉𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚 = 𝑘𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑚 [𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴𝑍𝑌𝐴 ]

[7- equation (8)] where kPerm is also the translation rate constant.

In contrast to the lacZYA promoter, the repressor gene is constitutively expressed. The

expression of reaction (5) is

𝑉𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 −𝑅𝑒𝑝 = 𝑘𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴 −𝑅𝑒𝑝𝜂1 [𝐺𝑅]

[7- equation (9)] where kmRNA-Rep is the transcription rate constant and [GR] is the repressor

gene concentration. The rate of translation is dependent on the repressor mRNA

concentration [mRNARep], referencing to reaction (10)

𝑉𝑅𝑒𝑝 = 𝑘𝑅𝑒𝑝 [𝑚𝑅𝑁𝐴𝑅𝑒𝑝 ]

[7- equation (10)] where kRep is the translation rate constant.

About the degradation of lactose once inside cell, there are three kinetics expression

models relatives to the reactions (14, 15 and 16). In the (14) reaction the lactose is

converted to Allolactose described with

𝑉𝐿𝑎𝑐−𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜 = 𝑘𝐿𝑎𝑐−𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜 ([𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡]

[𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡] +𝐾𝑚𝐿𝑎𝑐


) [𝛽𝑔𝑎𝑙]

[7- equation (12)] where [βgal] is the β-galactosidase concentration, Km,Lac is the saturation

constant for lactose transformation, and kLac-Allo is the rate constant for transformation of

lactose to allolactose per mole of enzyme.

The reaction (15) describe the rate of conversion of Allolactose to Glucose and Galactose.

It is assumed that the Glucose is immediately phosphorylated to Glucose-6-phosphate. It is

not known exactly which pathway the cell uses to consume the glucose formed from

lactose and allolactose then in ours model we will consider only the possibility of

instantaneous phosphorylation but this model could be integrated with more pathways,

expanding the simulation model itself.

𝑉𝑐𝑎𝑡,𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜 = 𝑘𝑐𝑎𝑡−𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜 ([𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜]

[𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜] +𝐾𝑚,𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜


) [𝛽𝑔𝑎𝑙]

[7-(14)] where [Allo] is the intracellular lactose concentration, Km,Allo is the saturation

constant for allolactose degradation, and kcat,Allo is the rate constant for hydrolysis of

allolactose per mole of enzyme.


The reaction (16) consider the possibility where the lactose is directly converted to glucose

and galactose by β-galactosidase. The equation is

𝑉𝑐𝑎𝑡 ,𝐿𝑎𝑐 = 𝑘𝑐𝑎𝑡,𝐿𝑎𝑐 ([𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡]

[𝐿𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡] +𝐾𝑚,𝐿𝑎𝑐


) [𝛽𝑔𝑎𝑙]

[7-(13)] where Km,Lac is the saturation constant for lactose degradation and kcat,Lac is the rate

constant for transformation of lactose to glucose and galactose.



To run the simulation, we had to assume some parameters that could limits the correctness

of the model. The uncertainty about all the reactions involved in the regulation is the first

factor and the exclusion of some important variables in the model could be another factor.

The lac operon is one of the best studied model of genes expression regulation and we built

the model integrat ing the information from [5 and 7]. Others models, as the competition of

lactose transport by the not metabolizable compound tiomethyl galactoside [11], are not

considered in this model, because we assumed there are not others compounds in the

extracellular environment excepted Glucose and lactose. Further is possible that we did not

include some recent work that demonstrate that others compounds are involved in the

catabolite repression and inducer exclusion [12], however this could be a hint for a future

revisions and model improvement.

The simulations made by the authors of [7] consider multiple parallel pathways for the

same compound in different models. In our model, parallel pathways are considered only

for the reactions of the internal lactose that can be hydrolysed to allolactose and after in

glucose and galactose (2 steps reaction), or directly to glucose and galactose without pass

for the intermediate state of allolactose (1 step reaction).

Another assumption that could give us a partially incomplete simulation model is that “all

the glucose produced from lactose is directly converted in glucose-6-phospate from

hexokinase and available for the cell glycolysis”. However, this is not the focus of the

work and we consider this aspect as irrelevant because we are not interested of which way

glucose is metabolized. The authors of [7] integrate the model of direct phosphorylation

with the secretion of the glucose produced in the extracellular matrix by the cell, to be after

kept back inside.

In our model we not considered the exponential bacterial growth and so we do not account

the exponential request and oxidation of glucose and lactose made by the total number of


the cells during the time. We are focusing only on the regulation molecular processes

and so we can assume that the totality of cells present in the culture are equal to 1 unit of

biomass that is expressed in gram of Dry Cell Weight (g DCW). Some constants in [7] are

expressed in function of this parameter and in the ours simulations we assumed that the

total biomass quantity is equal to 1 and in the culture medium there is a particular factor

that avoid the cells proliferation. In this way we can simulate the behaviour of a single

group of cells that did not proliferate, as if in the medium is present an antimitotic agent as

5’-deoxy-nucleotides that avoid the synthesis of new DNA for the cell division.

Considering the parameter of experimental cellular density ƿ from the reference [7], the

total cell number in the simulation is 300 = 1 g DCW.

In our model we did not consider the glucose transport dependent by the quantity of

glucose transporter proteins GLUTs present on the plasmatic membrane because it make

the model more complex in a way that is useless for the object ives of this thesis. Moreover,

we assume constant oxidation of G6P (G6P DECAY reaction in Figure 6) by the cell

where in a real system the rate of oxidation is variable and depends by the cell needs. The

oxidation of G6P is equal to 5*10-5 mol/min and is almost equal to the efflux rate constant

for glucose in the constant tables reported in [7].

Further, as we said above, we did not consider limiting concentrations of basic compounds

that are fundamental for cell metabolism and common functions as amino acids,

ribonucleotides, ATP and other energetic molecules.



In this chapter we present the simulation time parameters and the initial conditions. We

reported a list of injection events in each one of the simulations and ideas for futures

simulations. We show then the mains results graphs for each one of ours simulations

conditions, discussing them and giving conclusions of the presented thesis.



In this section we describe how to set simulation parameters in COPASI. In Figure 9, we

report the COPASI screenshot of the form to complete before starting the simulation.

Figure 12 – COPASI Time Course branch screenshot

For our runs we consider a duration time of 501000 minutes. The program automatically

calculates that the number of intervals. We choose a big interval of time because we can let

the system reach a relatively stable state during the simulations then we assumed that

500000 minutes are enough time to reach relatively stable concentration of lac Operon

basal metabolism proteins. Looking the Free Operons, mRNA and Proteins levels in the

Graphs series I (GRAPHS group I), at minute 500000 we have a “good” value of stability.

Then we consider the minute 500000 as the 0 (zero) time of the experiment.




We set the initial conditions (concentrations) of the simulations as the ones reported in [7].

We assumed only the quantity of initial extracellular glucose concentrations as 4*10-6 and

the same value for the intracellular glucose (G6P) concentration. In Figure 10, we report

the COPASI screenshot of the initial conditions of our model.

Figure 13 - A screenshot of COPASI species initial conditions of the simulations




We specify an event to inject lactose in our model during simulation. We run 7 simulation

s each of them having different concentration of glucose and lactose injections. In Figure

11 we report for each run simulation the glucose and lactose concentration injected. In the

first simulation no glucose nor lactose have been injected. From simulation 2 to simulation

5, only lactose has been injected with different concentrations that go from 0.000000004 to

0.04 moles. In simulation 6 is scheduled an injection of a mix of glucose and lactose while

the last one (Simulation 7) considers only the injection of glucose to verify any not

consistent reaction without lactose. Considering such events, we would be able to observe

model behaviour and to verify its consistence with respect to the theoretic model.

Figure 14 -The Injections are listed in the scheme



More others events could be scheduled as an example, multiple injection of the same

quantity of lactose to verify if the system (the cells), enhance or diminish the efficiency of

lactose metabolisms under multiple periodic injections condition.





The I-1 graph show the cAMP levels along the simulation. The I-2 show the external

glucose (blue line), external lactose (green line) and G6P (red line) concentrations. The I-3

show the allolactose concentration (redline) and the internal lactose concentration (blue

line). The I-4 show the levels of Repressor mRNA (red line) and ZYA mRNA (blue line).

The I-5 show the free DNA operators binding sites along the simulation. The I-6 show the

proteins levels: Repressor (green line), β-galactosidase (red line) and Permease (blue line).

In the graph I-7 we have the three transcription efficiency factors η1 (red line), η2 (blue

line) and η3 (green line).




In the simulation number 2 we have on graph II-1 the external glucose (blue line), external

lactose (green line) and the G6P (red line). The II-2 show the allolactose levels (red line)

and internal lactose concentration (blue line). The graph II-3 show the free DNA operators

binding sites and the graph II-4 the levels of proteins Repressor (green line), β-

galactosidase (red line) and Permease (blue line).




In the simulation number 3 it is showed in the first graph (III-1) the external glucose (blue

line), external lactose (green line) and G6P (red line). III-2 show the allolactose

concentration (red line) and internal lactose concentration (blue line). The III-3 the free

DNA operators binding sites and the III-4 the levels of Repressor Protein (green line), β-

galactosidase (red line) and Permease (blue line).




In In the simulation 4 we have always the molecules graphs (IV-1 and IV-2), the free

operators trend (IV-3) and the proteins concentration along the simulation (IV-4). In the

IV-4 the repressor is the green line, β-galactosidase the red line and the Permease the blue





In the simulation number 5 we have in the graph (V-1) the external glucose (blue line), the

external lactose (green line) and the G6P (red line). V-2 show the allolactose (red line) and

the internal lactose (blue line). The graph V-3 show the levels of the three operators sites

and V-4 the proteins concentration Repressor (green line), β-galactosidase (red line) and

Permease (blue line).




In the simulation number 6 we have in the graph VI-1 the external glucose (blue line),

external lactose (green line) and G6P (red line). In VI-2 we have the external lactose (green

line) trend that cannot be appreciated in graph 1 cause the low concentration in respect to

the external glucose. The VI-3 show allolactose (red line) and the internal lactose (blue

line). The VI-4 describe the protein trends: Repressor (green line), β-galactosidase (red

line) and Permease (blue line). The last graph VI-5 show the levels of the free operators

binding sites.




In these graphs series we have VII-1 that show cAMP levels. VII-2 that show external

glucose (blue line), external lactose (green line) and G6P (red line). VII-3 show the levels

of allolactose (red line) and internal lactose (blue line). VII-4 show the protein levels:

Repressor (green line), β-galactosidase (red line) and Permease (blue line). The graph VII-

5 show the levels of free operator DNA binding sites and the VII-6 show the Transcription

Efficiency Factors: η1 (red line), η2 (blue line) and η3 (green line).



The first graph group (Graphs group I) show all the parameters of simulation during the

stabilization phase that we assume as 500000 minutes. This simulation in a long time is an

alternative way to find the steady-state of the system, we let stabilize the values in a long

duration time but the result that we are observing are between the minute 500000 and

501000, so an interval of 1000 minutes. We choose this way to set the steady-state because

the steady state option found a stable state with some negative concentration parameters

that are unreal from the beginning. We can see how after the first moment (100000-200000

minutes) the levels of the proteins, mRNA and molecules reach the minimum values. Then

we considered as everything before the minute 500000 are initial conditions. After this, in

the simulation number 2 (Graphs group II) was injected the first lactose quantity (see

Figure 11). The answer of the cells has a delay of more than 900 minutes before the free

operators levels increase and the synthesis of proteins start to significantly enhance. The

delay seems be caused by the very slow transport rate of the external lactose inside the cell

given the small concentration. In the III graphs group (Graph group III) the injected

quantity was bigger and the answer of the cells was significantly faster. Despite the levels

of intracellular lactose and allolactose, and the following free operators, increase in less

than 100 minutes thanks to the bigger lactose gradient and the low levels of external

glucose that does not interfere with lactose transport (inducer exclusion). The simulation

four show lesser time response than the 3rd simulation and the protein production peak is

only about 2 times the response of the system with a concentration 100 times smaller. The

difference is made by the fact that in the simulation 3 the quantity of allolactose does not

saturated all the repressor bond to the DNA, despite the free levels of Operator1(O1) and

Operator2(O2) do not reach the maximum then there is even a little bit of repression. In the

simulation 4 instead the repressors are completely bond to the higher quantity of

allolactose then the free operators DNA binding sites reach the maximum concentrations,

that describe the situation where all the DNA binding sites are free from repressors, then

the binding by the complex [RNAP:σ] to the promoter is enhanced and the transcription is

at maximum rate. In the simulation 5 the concentration of injected lactose was enough to

saturate the cell regulation mechanisms for a longer time until all the lactose is converted

in glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and galactose. For all the time that the allolactose is

plentiful, the cells continue to produce enzymes needed for its catabolism and the free

operator levels remain the highest. Another approach to the simulation is the number 6,

where we reproduce the lactose injection in simulation 4 but we added 0.4 moles of

glucose in the same injection. As we can observe (Simulation6, Graph groups 6) the cells

answer with a bigger delay than the simulation 4 caused by the inducer exclusion of the

glucose against the lactose transport. The theoretical model suggests that when glucose is

present the lactose metabolisms should be inhibited but the in this case the simulation

model indicate that there is a lower activity of the genes and a delay in answer of the cell,

but not the complete repression. Indeed the lac proteins start to increase later with a slower

ratio than the simulation 4 while the energetic substrate glucose is consumed. The


theoretical model does not specify which is threshold glucose concentration when the lac

repression start to come less. Some works, as [12], indicate that another compound

(glucose-6-phosphate) is involved in the inducer exclusion phenomenon. In our model the

only compound that make inducer exclusion is the external glucose, and not the glucose in

all its forms. This means that the program make distinguish between eternal glucose,

internal glucose and G6P, then if the external glucose in low but the internal G6P is higher

the inducer exclusion does not work so well and the lac enzymes concentration enhance

before we expected them. To test if there are fundamental functional errors in the model

we make another simulation where are injected only 0,04 moles of glucose and see if the

system start to produce lac proteins. The Simulation 7 (Graphs group 7) show the results.

The cAMP levels go down as the external glucose is added. This is consistent with the

theoretical model and increases again when the external glucose is consumed. The lac

protein levels are stable at the basal expression concentration and the operators are tightly

repressed. Observing the TEFs graph (VII-6) we can observe the effects of tight repression

in the low values of η2 and η3.

In each ones of the simulations just after that the allolactose disappears, the free operator

levels go down and the proteins levels too, thanks to the degradation that in these moments

start to be higher than the synthesis.

We have considered that a less number of simulation is not enough to valuate a complex

behaviour of the model, but as bigger will be the simulations number, richer will be the

quality of results. A sensitive parameters analysis is not the purpose of the work that we

limited only to the reproduction of the metabolic regulation of the lac operon using the

software COPASI and not a deeper functional analysis.



The bioinformatics offers the possibility to make virtual experiments in many fields

reducing the costs of experimental science, however it cannot substitute it. The two fields

should be integrated. The experimental science produce the raw data for the computing

sciences that can analyse it, build simulation models and test the models in a variety of

artificial conditions where the experimental sciences could have problems. The advantages

of computing science are the rapidity to obtain previsions, test the models and aid the

experimental science to orientate the research. The models quality reflects the scientific

knowledge of the specific system or pathway that is analysed, the quality of data, the right

selection of essential and not essential variables in the isolated model. Through the

COPASI software, used by the German Network of Bioinformatics, we tried to reproduce

the lac operon regulation crossing the mathematical model developed and the reaction

network dynamics in a real cell. The model is made by 46 reactions, 46 biochemical

species, 69 global quantities. We apply the equations of assumed kinetics and parameters

by [7] in ours model, integrat ing it with a reactions oriented model. The simulations

performed with different injected quantities of lactose and after glucose show us the

behaviour that the cells had responding to the presence of new external feeding source. The

simulation with only glucose show that the system in absence of lactose respond in a

consistent way with the theoretical model, without exp ression of lac protein and lac

mRNA, showing that there are no fundamental functional errors. However, the model does

not consider the all effects of inducer exclusion made by the G6P towards the lactose

transport (Permease) but only the external glucose inducer exclusion with the results that

when the internal glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) concentration is high and the external is low

while there is lactose in the environment, the cell start to absorb it and produce the

enzymes before we expected those. Different quantities of lactose injected stimulate the

system to have different trends of lac genes translation and proteins production. Many

other tests could be executed on the models and parameters but were not the objectives of

the work. The model does not consider related cell pathways interaction and make some

generic assumption to does not complex it. Remembering that we took the values assumed

for kinetics models from ref [7]. The model creation and simulation arise a specific

question about the regulation dynamics: “Is there a glucose threshold concentration, in

presence of lactose, when the cell start to significantly increase the transcription of lac

genes at?” Further the model developed could be improved and shared with the university

platform to help the students to understand the dynamics of the lac operon regulation,

makes simulations in every desired virtual artificial condition, and offering an integrative

tool to their academic knowledge.



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