sindhi marriage rituals

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Sindhi Wedding Ritual

Sindhi Wedding ceremony

1:- Pre Wedding Rituals2:- Wedding Rituals3:- Post Wedding Rituals

Pre Wedding Rituals

Kachchi Misri & Pakki Mishri Ceremony is the first ritual conducted before marriage. In Kachchi Misri, a coconut and mishri is given to the bride and the groom, signifying they are one. One week prior to the wedding, the Pakki Mishri takes place, wherein the formal engagement takes place and the couple exchanges rings. Berana Satsang is conducted in the name of Sindhi God Jhulelal. After this, the Mehendi ceremony is held in which the bride's hands and feet are adorned with henna designs. Next is the Santh custom, according to which seven married ladies apply oil in bride's hair.

Pre Wedding Rituals

After this, an earthen pot is placed before her and she is asked to break its cover in one go. The Sangeet party is a dance and music fiesta for women. Then the Saagri tradition is held, which involves the showering of flowers on the bride. The groom's married sisters and cousins visit the bride's place and beautify her with flower jewelry made of Mogra. Subsequently, the Ghari puja takes place at bride's and groom's place. Payers are done and women grind wheat as a symbol of prosperity. A handful of grains are given to the priest by the groom. 

Wedding Rituals

Thread ceremony is an important wedding ritual, in which turmeric powder and oil is applied to the bride and the groom. After this, they are not allowed to step out of their homes before marriage. Next is the Swagatam custom, wherein the groom is welcomed to the bride's house by her sisters and friends. At the entrance the groom places his right foot on top of the bride's foot. After this, the bride's parents wash his feet with milk and water. 

Wedding Rituals

After this, the Hathialo tradition is held, wherein the groom's shawl is tied to the bride's sari. Their right hands are also tied with red scarf ad they pray to the Almighty to bless their union. Then the main wedding ceremony begins. The couple is seated in front of the sacred fire. While the priest chants mantras, they take four rounds around the fire. Next is the Kanya Daan ceremony, wherein the parents of he bride hand her over to the groom.

Post Wedding Rituals

After the wedding, the bride is welcomed in her new house. Her in-laws wash her feet and cover her head while she sprinkles milk all over the house. After this, the bride takes a handful of salt and gives to the groom. The groom then gives it back to her, without spilling any. This process is repeated thrice. This is known as Datar Ceremony. This is also carried out with other members of the family. Next is Chhanar ritual or Dev Uthana, in which Devs is removed from the house. Subsequently, Sataurah custom is observed, following which the newly wedded couple visits the bride's house at an auspicious time decided by the priest.

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