sis 2015 week 1 challenge submissions

Post on 08-Sep-2015






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SIS 2015 Week 1 Challenge Submissions


  • Week 1 Challenge #iPledge

    Our first challenge in the Step into Summer competition focused on employees making the pledge to increase their step count. With our goal being 10,000 steps a day, it is important to think about things we can do daily to be more active. We asked you to complete the #iPledge form to share what you are going to do to boost your steps throughout the competition. Check out what employees said across the company.

    I pledge to use the bathroom furthest from me to increase my daily step count. -Jill McClintock, Neenah Plant

  • I pledge to not debate with my son who will mow the lawn, I will just do it, to increase my daily step count. Jim Kotek, Corporate

    I pledge to walk every evening around my subdivision to increase my daily step count. Jesse Belmar, Edwardsville 9G

  • I pledge to walk on my lunch hour to increase my daily step count. Joanne Behling, Oconomowoc

    I pledge to walk on breaks and on off days walk at least 2 miles a day to help to increase my daily step count. Ernie Clark, Bardstown, KY

  • I pledge to walk more after work to prevent loss of work during business hours to increase my daily step count. Brian Uptain, Georgetown

    I pledge to walk to find out answers to questions instead of asking over radio to increase my daily step count. Jason Hawkins, Edwardsville 9G

  • I pledge to conduct walking meets at work to increase my daily step count. Christy Rosevear, Lakeville

    I pledge to walk to my co-workers desk rather than calling or emailing them to increase my daily step count. Nikki Slayers, Georgetown

  • I pledge to walk during my lunch break to increase my daily step count. David Drewry, Chicago

    I pledge to walk to the bathroom on the other side of the building to increase my daily step count. Sean Momsen, Oconomowoc

  • I pledge to take a morning walk to increase my daily step count. Valerie Knetzger, Oconomowoc

    I pledge to take a walk before work to increase my daily step count. Eileen, Reidy, Philadelphia

  • I pledge to be more active outside of work to increase my daily step count. Don Schrade, Menasha York

    I pledge to I pledge to walk or jog at a faster pace to increase my daily step count.- Tim Hoskins, Georgetown

  • I pledge to ark further away from businesses I visit to increase my daily step count. Ron Timm, Home Office

    I pledge to walk and get creative to increase my daily step count. Trish Gover, Edison

  • I pledge to take lots of steps and break my own record to increase my daily step count. Maria Huerta, Edwardsville 9G

    John Brown, Edwardsville 9G

  • I pledge to get as many steps as I can to increase my daily step count. Erika Smith, Edwardsville 9G

    I pledge to walk the halls of each floor (to say hello to co-workers) every day to increase my step count.

    Vicki Earnhart, Urbana

  • -Marilyn Moll, Edwardsville

    I pledge to park further from the work entrance to increase my step count. Kari Rasmussen, PPS-Neenah

  • I pledge to get off the train one stop before my house and walk the rest of the way to increase my step count. Yvonne Williams, Edison

    -Dona Deemer, Oconomowoc

  • I pledge to take a walk before or after work to increase my step count. Kristi Pavletich, Corporate

    -Deb Ludeman, Oconomowoc

  • -Debbie Boardman, Neenah Plant

    -Sherry Zhao, Oconomowoc

  • I pledge to schedule more mobile meetings to increase my daily step count. Katie Ubl, Obris Menasha

    I pledge to make sure I walk during the attendance of my sons activities to increase my daily step count. Jennifer Repp, PSP/York

  • I pledge to take a walk before and after work to increase my daily step count. Cindy Boomershine, Muscatine

    I pledge to walk the dog daily to increase my daily step count. Kristan Williams, Muscatine

  • I pledge to park my car further away from the entrances to work and stores to increase my daily step count. Annamarie McDermott, Tobyhanna

    I pledge to go to the gym on a routine pattern to increase my daily step count. Anthony Ginson, Edwardsville, 9G

  • -Beth Bruch and Sara Newton, Bardstown, KY

    -Craig Bond, Georgetown

  • I pledge to pace while talking on the phone to increase my step count. -Leigh Vavrik, Oconomowoc

    -Nicole Topal, Edwardsville 9G

  • I pledge to walk one mile every day to increase my daily step count. Tara Schultz, Neenah

    I pledge to walk to a co-workers desk rather than calling or emailing them to increase my daily step count. Katelyn Kotek, Corporate

  • -Vicki Earnhart, Urbana

    -Whitney Webb, Georgetown

  • I pledge to take a walk before and after work to increase my daily step count. Sean Linton, York

    -Ken Baker, York

  • I pledge to use the stairs instead of the escalators and elevators to increase my daily step count. -Melicia, Pompey, Philadelphia

    I pledge to walk my dog every single day to increase my daily step count. Carolan DeMeuse, Oconomowoc

  • I pledge to average 10,000 to increase my daily step count. Tim Castor, PPS Neenah

    I pledge to go to Planet Fitness as many days a week as I can to increase my daily step count. Christine Olsen, Home Office

  • I pledge to walk to main plant from my office (500 steps/trip) twice a day to increase my daily step count. Jeff Christensen, Menasha

    I pledge to walk in place during TV Commercials to increase my daily step count. Tanya Van Horn, PPS Neenah

  • I pledge to park my car further away from the entrance to the building to increase my daily step count. Michelle Gelarden, Edwardsville 9G

    I pledge to set step goals throughout the day to increase my daily step count. Amy Eichinger, PPS

  • I pledge to walk during my TMS review to increase my daily step count. Nancy McDaniel, PPS Neenah

    I pledge to walk to talk to co-workers rather than email and take walks after work to increase my daily step count.- Beth Kryzaniak , PPS Neenah

  • -Amy Liethen, PPS Neenah

    I pledge to walk to work and avoid elevators and escalators to increase my daily step count.-Gail Constancio, Chicago Downtown

  • I pledge to take a walk before or after work to increase my daily step count. Jen Barry, Preprint

    I pledge to use the water fountain on the 3rd floor to refill my water bottle to increase my daily step count. Rachel Stackhouse, Corporate

  • I pledge to use my vivo fir every day to increase my daily step count. Sandy Conklin, Preprint

    I pledge to take more steps after every Brewer loss to increase my daily step count. Erik Becker, Pre-Print

    *For more submissions for our Week 1 challenge check out the Step into Summer page on Inside Menasha or our Menasha Forward Facebook page.

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