sistematica company profile 2009 english

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Sistematica S.p.A.Company Profile 2009

Sistematica S.p.A. Fast FactsPremises: ROMA, TERNI, MATERA

Personnel: 86

R&D: 13

Turnover: 7M€ (2007)

Founded in Terni in 1996, Sistematica is a young and dynamic reality, with a significant turnover and about 90 skilled resources covering a large spectrum of knowledge. Three main factors contribute to the success of Sistematica:

the constant training of its technical resources;a high level of internal knowledge-transfer, which enables a steady improvement of the individual’s skills, through their participation in complex projects;the trustworthiness and respect of the client’s deadlines, together with a “client oriented” price policy.

Our roots…

SISTEMATICA’s main activities are the development of

“Turn Key” SW solutions, System Integration and

Consulting Services, in the following Market Sectors :


Telecommunications: BSS, OSS, C&I Services

GroupWare: Pubblic Administration and e-Health

Form Processing: Applications for the Local PA, Central PA, SME, Educational

Space & Defense: Earth Observation, Avionic, Multimedia

Track & Trace: Location Based Services, Transportation, Traffic Monitoring

Software factory

Our Software Factory are located in Terni (Umbria), Rome e Matera (South Italy) and all

have adopted a Methodology that derives from the acquired experiences in large

international satellite programs based on very stringent standards (e.g. PSS, ECSS, DoD)

and advanced methodologies (e.g. UML), structured SW development life-cycle

(analysis, definition and management of the requirements, design, integration and test),

configuration control, reuse of code (design and development objects oriented,

incremental development of shared libraries), high quality documentation standards

Our customers

Business Unit


Organization – Business Units (BU)

Business Unit


Business Unit



Business Unit


Business Unit



BU Business Support System

Sistematica, during its collaboration with large telecommunications companies, has acquired a significant amount of experience in the design, development and maintenance of OSS & BSS systems.

Besides providing specialized consulting in these areas, Sistematica acts as Systems Integrator for the Best of Brand products available in the marketplace: •Database: Ms SQL Server, MySQL, POSTGRES, ORACLE•ERP: , COMPIERE, ADEMPIERE, •CRM & TTS: OTRS, Remedy, Sugar CRM, WTiger CRM•DWH & Business Intelligence: ORACLE BI, ORACLE DWH, Business Object, PENTHAO, MS Reporting Services•Portal & Application Server: ORACLE Portal, ORACLE AS, LIFERAY, SUN GlassFish, ORACLE Identity Mgr, ORACLE Access Mgr, •VOIP: CISCO Suite, AVAYA Suite, ASTERISK•Network & Service Mgm: HP OpenView Service Desk, HP Open View Performance Mgr, HP OpenView Operations, NAGIOS, ZABBIX

BU BSS > Services

•Accounting & Billing systems and Service Provisioning system for mobile networks•CRM systems•Creation of back-end provisioning applications for telephony and value-added services

•Trouble-ticketing and customer-care applications (Siebel, Vantive, Remedy, Lotus Domino)•Service-assurance systems•Web portal for Sales-force commissioning systems

BU BSS > Case History

WIND Realization of a system for the automation of the provisioning phaseWIND Migration former BLU clientsMigration of clients from BSCS to a ARBOR systemWIND / INFOSTRADA Implementation in the billing system of the ADSL Gov. contributionsWIND Dealer WIND/Infostrada support services (DRMS, PAGODEALER, Satellite CRM, ecc..)WIND/VODAFONE/H3GMobile Number PortabilityWINDElenco Telefonico Generale

BU Track & TraceSince 1994 Sistematica operates in the development and

distribution of Track & Trace applications for: 1. environmental monitoring, 2. transportation, 3. fleet management & personal tracking, 4. traffic monitoring.

Sistematica has maturated a significant experience in the design and development of operational Service Centres for the telecontrol and localization (via GPS-GSM/GPRS) of mobile terminals and for the fleet management, using GIS systems and communication network both terrestrial (GSM-GPRS, TETRA) and satellite (EMSAT, GLOBALSTAR, ORBCOMM).


BU Track & Trace > CompetencesDevelopment of operation Service

Centres for fleet management, with GIS and GPS

Traffic & Pollution Monitoring applications with Floating Car Data


Wireless Gateway for terrestrial mobile networks (GSM-GPRS, TETRA) e satellite mobile networks


Differential corrections (DGPS) systems for high precision

positioning applications

Personal tracking & Work-force automation for portable

devices (ambient J2ME and PDA)

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)


Intelligent Video Surveillance


Infomobility Applications: POI, maps visualizations, path calculations, ...

BU Track & Trace > Products: MobiworkMOBIWORK ( <guest, guest>)

Sistematica bases the development for Service Centres on its own MOBIWORK platform. MOBIWORK is a software platform for fleet management services, dedicated to mobile users in communications with service centre using GSM/GPRS and Satellites. In particular the network supported are:

•GSM (dial-up e SMS) and GPRS •ORBCOMM •GLOBALSTAR (dial-up e packet), •TETRA

MOBIWORK is based on GPS - Global Positioning System and requires the availability on board of a mobile terminal equipped with :

• Satellite o GSM/GPRS modem, that allow the transmission via data channel (dial-up) or through SMS • GPS Receiver (with the new releases it will be available the localization based on GSM/GPRS network and satellite networks)

MOBIWORK can be integrated with DGPS - Differential GPS – to reach higher level of precision for the mobiles.

BU Track & Trace > Products: Mobiwork

Map view and on-board telemetry

Google Earth 3D Maps

BU Track & Trace > Products: FLO


Sistematica developed algorithms and applications for the traffic monitoring with Floating Car Data technologies

Cue status monitoring

Current flow and average speed

Viewer for mobile devices

BU Track & Trace > Products: OCTO TRAFFICSistematica developed this application for Octo Telematics S.p.A. OCTO TRAFFIC allows to display on BlackBerry® smartphones real time information on traffic conditions. Information is displayed by colors ranging from black to green according to traffic conditions observed on Italian highways network, on main national road and on urban highways.

Examples of access to traffic information

BU Track & Trace > Products: SISMON


SCADA platform for civilian and industrial sites

BU Track & Trace > Reference CasesOCTO Telematics: Sistematica developed the Service Centre of OCTO Telematics for Infomobility applications “pay-per-use” in Insurance sector (UNIPOL, GENERALI, SAI) and for several OCTO Telematics Customers (BMW, AXA, TOYOTA, De Agostini)

SIEMENS: Development and installation of the BEONE platform for track & trace application for the Egyptian National Railways

GALILEO: Partecipation in the AIV (Acceptance Integration & Validation) team. Development of pilot projects for transportation and land surveyng

EMSAT : Development of the service centre “Short Message” for the satellite network for the Salerno-Reggio Calabria freeway surveillance

VIASAT : Development of the service centre of VIASAT for infomobility applications (Security, Fleet Management). Deployment of other VIASAT service centres in Belgium, South Africa, Holland, Greece and Slovenia

BU Space and Defense

In the Space sector, Sistematica has a very deep

and articulate know-how in the design and

realisation of Ground Segments, acquired thanks

to years of experience in the most important space

programs (I-PAF, Helios, Cosmo-skymed, Iridium,

Astrolink, SRTM). In particular, Sistematica

developed “turn key” solutions in this area,

covering all the software development phases

(analysis, design, implementation, integration,

testing, system integration, maintenance).Sistematica can help its customers, providing skilled consultants for

system engineering activities (requirement analysis and definition,

system design, integration and testing), especially in the Ground

Segment area.

BU Space & Defense > Competences (1/2)

Ground Segment: In this field Sistematica has an extensive background in the realisation and integration of components like:

•Production Management for remote sensing ground segment:Production Management for remote sensing ground segment: components for productivity planning and control (order receipt and management, task scheduling, division and optimisation of working charges, distribution, recording), archiving, cataloguing, delivering, processing raw data,ecc…•OSS Components:OSS Components: design and development of System and Service Management, Performance Management System, Operation support tools•BSS Components:BSS Components: Billing and CRM solutions for satellite systems •Communication Protocols:Communication Protocols: sound knowledge of standard protocols used for telecommand and telemetry handling (i.e.: CCSDS standard) •Standard Formats:Standard Formats: experience in commonly used formats for remote sensing and image processing areas (CEOS, x-TIFF, DTED, etc.) •Processors development:Processors development: e.g. SCANSAR

BU Space & Defense > Case History

SRTM: within the SRTM program (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), which allowed the realisation of the Digital Elevation Model of the entire ground surface using the remote sensed data from the Shuttle during its third mission, Telespazio has been put in charge of the relative Ground Segment. In this context, Sistematica was again involved in the design and development of the system infrastructure based on Intranet technology.

It allows: •processors (the components necessary to process remotely sensed data) to compute and then record the information acquired from the antennas built on board the Shuttle •the system to schedule the production activities keeping track of the orders and of the client requests, or basing upon internal planning (managed by ASI – Italian Space Agency).

BU Space & Defense > Competences (2/2)

Multi-annual Experience in the field of the Satellite System Development; Sistematica is involved within the most important space programs: Galileo, COSMO-Skymed, Iridium, Astrolink, I-PAF, SRTM, EMSAT, Helios

40 Engineers distributed Terni, Rome and Matera dedicated to the Space & Navigations projects; most of them are compliant with the clearance requirements for classified developments

Development Lab in Terni Certified for Classified Development

Full Coverage of all the development phases:•Analysis & System Engineering•Design & Development•AIV & Maintenance & Support Services

BU Space & Defense > Case History

Cosmo/Skymed: the program foresees the launch of a Satellite Constellation (4) for the Earth Observation services and applications. In this context Telespazio is in charge of the Ground Segment for TAS-I and ASI.Sistematica, besides having contributed to the UGS Architecture Definition, has in charge the following FFP Development for the UGS (User Ground Segment): Production Manager (PM) subsystem, OSM SSE and the SAPM/FMCS SSEIridium / Astrolink: In both these programs, the first for a global satellite cellular system the second for a global satellite ATM network, Sistematica has been involved in the System Engineering and in the Analysis and Design of the Network-Management Subsystems

BU Space & Defense > Products

Production Management for remote sensing ground segment components for productivity planning and control (order receipt and management, task scheduling, division and optimisation of working charges, distribution, recording), archiving, cataloguing, delivering, raw data processing

Network Management Systems for the Fault, Performance, Traffic, Security , Configuration Management.

BU HealthCare & P.A.

“HealthCare & Public Administration” Business Unit has notable experience in the realisation of workflow

automation and management systems, and is able to supply turnkey solutions which integrate different

technologies (for example: electronic documents management systems, database, legacy systems,

electronic signature, etc.).

In particular, as a Lotus Advanced Business Partner, Sistematica is specialised in the use of the Lotus

Domino platform as the base infrastructure for the management of this type of problem, and in the

integration of such a platform with other systems, be they similar (i.e.: Microsoft Exchange) or different (i.e.:

Web applications, SAP R3 system, etc.).

In the GroupWare dept., we list:

•Workflow Management Systems;

•Knowledge Management Systems;

•Messaging & Collaboration Systems;

•Distant Learning Systems;

BU HealthCare & P.A. > CompetencesKnowledge Management: : Within this area Sistematica develops systems for internal communications and information sharing, creating indexing and retrieval systems for the company’s non-organised information, even if distributed in different forms: e-mail and files made with the most used working tools.Workflow management: In this field, Sistematica studies and develops workflow management Systems for Public Administration. Examples are:The management of the entire document flow for Public Administration ;Systems for the registration of in/out documents, also in geographically distributed contexts; Systems using digital signature; Integration with electronic notification systems like SMS and e-mailMessaging & collaboration: This area is devoted to studying, designing and realising e-mail systems, integrated with real time collaboration systems.

BU HealthCare & P.A. > Products

CSF Controllo della Spesa Farmaceutica:

GeProt e-Protocol compliant with CNIPA

GeDel Gestione informatizzata delle delibere e delle determine (with digital signature complaint with CNIPA and EU)

GeSpool Workflow Engine for the Automatic Management of the document flows

BU Digiwrite (Digital Pen)

The ANOTO “Pen & Paper” technology represents the innovative and challenging sector of the group.Sistematica S.p.A., through the Digiwrite Spin-off, operates in Italy as Anoto Country Agent and is the Exclusive CertifiedProvider in Italy of Anoto services; this technology allows the transmission in real time of all what it is written with the digital pen using paper made “digital” by special pattern printed on the paper (the patented Pattern Anoto). Sistematica and Digiwrite are the exclusive OSP (Open Service Provider) e OSD (Open Service Developer) of Anoto in Italy.

BU Digiwrite (Digital Pen) > ApplicationsPUBLIC ADMINISTRATION :data entry process automation through form-processing (with SW OCR/ICR interface)integration with products for video conference and/or e-learning (substitution of the digital tablet & pen with “Anoto Pen & Paper”)in general, in all cases when handwritten texts should be acquired (as in medical reports)

“Mobile systems” environment :integration with cellular phone systems and/or “last generation” devices (for the data acquisition from sites hardly reachable from ground based networks)

BU Digiwrite (Digital Pen) > Applications

BUSINESS and ENTERPRISE sectors: •Sales forces automation •Maintenance•Survey

Medical/Health sector:•Integration with the Unified Center of Examinations Booking•Use as support to domiciliary care (for ex.: form to get data (temperature, blood pressure etc.., ) directly from the patient, and their elaboration in real time)•In general, all cases when paper is still useful/necessary (Medical Records), but is also useful the working out of data acquired (taken by means of Pen & Paper, using special forms).

•Piazza Degli Olmi 88 - 75100 Matera•e-mail:

•Sede Legale: Via Veneto, 7 - 00187 ROME - Tel: +39-6-42014159•e-mail:

•Via D. Bramante, 43 - 05100 Terni - tel. +39-744 6122.1 - fax +39-744 6122.222•Via Giacomo Peroni, 400 (Polo Tecnologico Tiburtino) - 00131 - ROMA

Tel.: 06 98261600 Fax. 06 98261624


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