skill thing

Post on 24-May-2015






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Skills DevelopmentJournal

Here I have found a font that I would like to use on the internet. I have then print screened this font and…

…isolated the text from the screen print.

Next I have made the text bigger and selected only the white bits in the text. I then deleted the white parts.

To make the text stand out even more I have inverted the colours on the text.

After doing the same for SPLASH, (which if I say so myself turned out really rather well) I made a rectangle with the selection tool and turned it purple.

To a create a rather pop-y masthead I turned the rectangle on an angle and spliced it into pieces.

To add personality to this magazine I copied and pasted a few people from the blog onto my front cover.

After a few adjustments and trying not to look at those disgusting clothes I ended up with the image alone.

I then added some brightly coloured lines and some text to get it to look better.

To give the magazine a little bit of my personality to my magazine a barcoded my name. Unique if I may say so myself.

This is what it ended looking like.

Here on my final magazine my masthead was in the way so I digitally decapitated this poor girl so that…

…it ended up like this.

I also created a random shape that fitted the house style of my magazine and changed the opacity so that you can still see her.

After typing up some cover lines I took all of the text layers and rasterized them.

To help create a contents page I cut out these two people from the original images. I then copied them, turned the white and changed the opacity so they have a ghostly/defining shadow.

Here is my final front cover and contents page.

And my final Double Page Spread.

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