skin care you can get behind!

Post on 05-Aug-2016






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This is my WHY, my story behind my business and my mission in life. Give it a read and see how you can start changing the lives of others by starting with your own skin!


My Rodan + Fields Journey

My Story I believe that everything happens for a reason. We are given opportunities to be great every single day. During the last few months of 2015 I had a pretty serious health scare that lead to having some genetic testing done and now having to have annual female tests that most women don't have until later in life. Then in the beginning of 2016, I had to make some really difficult decisions about my job situation that ultimately left us without an income for a few months. The stress of everything was too much! Everything was suffering, my health, my family, my well-being, and worst of all my drive to live. One day, as luck would have it, something happened that would change my life forever; a simple gesture that sparked a light bulb moment of inspiration and changed my outlook on life and my reason for being on this earth. I started a grassroots mission called the Share the Love Project. It is my personal mission to seize every day and give someone the opportunity to smile and feel amazing. I started out small by doing random acts of kindness throughout our great city of Chicago, but I want to do more. I want to change more lives, help more people, and fulfill this burning desire to be a better person. How could I continue to do this?

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Why? You might be asking, Nikki why are you blowing up my social media feeds with all of this information? How does this all come together, what's the connection? I'm glad you asked! I am on a MISSION!! I am listening to the voice telling me this is my opportunity to serve others. This business IS helping me help others by the way of donations, funding support and following my dream to serve others. For every sale I earn through my skin care business, I will donate 5% of my profits to the Dear Jack Foundation, and another 5% of my profits will go into an account to grow the "Share the Love Project". I can't wait to be able to write that check to these projects to make difference in other peoples' lives! I am on a mission to make a difference and it feels amazing! Changing skin and changing lives, this is my passion!! You can be part of this mission too! Don't let the negative voice inside you get in the way of greatness!

If you have more questions on how to get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at and you can also our products at



Dear Jack Foundation "The Dear Jack Foundation supports initiatives and provides programing in order to promote positive health outcomes for adolescents and

young adults (AYA), ages 15-39, from the moment they are diagnosed with cancer through


My life has been consistently touched by cancer in some way, shape or form. I have lost people that I love to cancer, as I'm sure many people have. It affects all people, young, old and everyone in between! Cancer knows no limits, it spares no one, and it claims lives way before their time, turns people into fighters and survivors. It breaks hearts and builds relationships; conversely it breaks relationships and repairs hearts. There are several people in my life that have been affected by cancer but the one that breaks my heart the most is that of my younger cousin. She was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in her early 20's. This cruel diagnosis managed to break our bond when it should have been holding us stronger. It was just recently that we have reconnected but she has no idea how she has shaped my life, my mission, my drive, my passion. Did you know that cancer patients in the age group of 15-39 are the most unsupported group of all cancer patients and have the lowest percentage of positive outcomes? This has to change! This is why I am so passionate about the Dear Jack Foundation. They are changing the way the world thinks and the treatment of patients in this age bracket. My cousin was saved because of a stem cell transplant and it is my mission to spread the word and thank as many people as I can for taking a leap of faith and helping others in any way they can. We all have something to give. I feel it is my calling to help support this amazing cause in any way possible.

Why DJF Inspires Me



Share The Love Project


From that day forward I have tried to do something just about every day to bring a smile to someone's day. Mostly it ends up being simple things, on the fly actions that matter. I have learned to follow this voice in my heart, don't think twice about it; and as nervous as I get reaching out to complete strangers, I know I am making a difference in other people's lives.

My goal for this grassroots project is to ensure that people have the means to share a little love with others regardless of financial means. Do you have a calling in your heart to do better, to be better? This is what it's all about. This project is bigger than me.

This side business of mine will allow me to set up an account to help support this project. In the future I hope to be able to grow this project to reach people around the world, for now I'm focused on having a local impact.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11


As I stated earlier in this letter, my life, I feel was dramatically changed by a simple gesture that sparked an initiative of change.

It happened this year on Chinese New Year. I heard a voice in my head and in my heart that called out to me to bring a smile to a certain lady's face, to brighten her day any way that I could. Normally, I would just ignore this voice, push it down, and go about my business. This was not the first time I've heard this voice but this was the first time I felt it actually pulling at my soul. So I listened and followed the guidance I was being given.

A simple act of kindness was enough to bring this woman to tears. People pass by her every day, they may nod their head, or smile but mostly they just ignore her. This had to change! I brought her a simple gift and I could tell it made her day, maybe her week or month. I still see her everyday and now we always smile, wave, and say hello. We both know we changed each other's lives.



Skin care, huh? Where's the connection? You might be asking yourself "Ok, but where's the connection"? Remember that voice I told you was because of that voice that I decided to take the plunge and follow this opportunity.

Plenty of people have approached me about trying products or selling other products but it just didn't call to me. Then a person from my past came back into my life and offered me an opportunity to try something new. I met Kathy about 8 years ago when we worked together in the pharmacy. She is courageous, bold, and brave and probably one of the most encouraging people I have ever met. She knows my heart and my passions; she believes in me! The time was right and the encouragement was there and the voice was saying "this is it, this is your opportunity to make a difference".

Rodan + Fields Why would I buy this product, when I can just go to the local store and buy my skin care directly from them? Well, you could do that and it might work for you, but will the product actually work? Does it have clinically proven results; did innovative dermatologists create it? Will that product change your life by changing your skin? Will that product help impact the lives of others you personally know? Will that product help change the lives of others you've never met?

I speak from personal experience that this product actually works. If it didn't, I would not feel so passion about it. I've tried so many different products to help smooth out my skin. I've always been self-conscious about my skin. I didn't have what most would say was problematic but to me I wanted a change. I wanted the bags and puffiness around my eyes to be gone. I wanted to be able to go out without makeup on without people asking me if I was sick or feeling ok. Many people don't know that I have a few health problems that cause me to not sleep at night

and as such I always look tired, because I am. I also have a condition called aquagenic urticaria, which means that I break out in hives from contact with water and changes in water temperature. I'm actually allergic to water! I completely understand the whole sensitive skin issue; so when I found a product that works, doesn't make me break out, doesn't give me hives, helps me to look more "awake", I knew this was special. To say I'm excited about this product is really an understatement. I honestly want everyone to feel as amazing in his or her skin as I feel in mine now.

This is more than just selling skin care, for me this is a personal mission! This is an opportunity for me to help impact people's lives by changing their skin and also by giving me the financial ability to help support two funds I am incredibly passionate about. Won't you join me in this journey?

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