skortched urf - mega-feats - volume ii.pdf

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  • 7/21/2019 Skortched Urf - Mega-Feats - Volume II.pdf


  • 7/21/2019 Skortched Urf - Mega-Feats - Volume II.pdf



    Volume II

    Written by Shane OConnor.Skortched Urf Studios

    P.O. Box 2315

    Centreville, VA 20122

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  • 7/21/2019 Skortched Urf - Mega-Feats - Volume II.pdf




























































































    2. DEATHLY

    3. DEATHLY






















  • 7/21/2019 Skortched Urf - Mega-Feats - Volume II.pdf



    Welcome to our second volume of Mega-Feats!

    Included in this book are over 90 new feats, as well as

    a section of new Flaws to add flavor to your game, in

    addition to several new spells and other items. Lets

    dive right into the new Feats. But first, a few notes of


    The term bonded creature is used to

    collectively refer to a familiar, animal companion, special

    mount, fiendish servant, or psicrystal. Feats with the

    fighter tag may be taken as bonus feats by fighters.

    Optional Rule: Any creature with the

    Extraplanar subtype (such as fiendish servants and some

    improved familiars), when it becomes a bonded creature,

    treats its masters home plane as being its home plane

    also. The bonded creatures native plane is effectively aforeign plane until it is no longer a bonded creature.


    [GENERAL]Your god knows there are times when the energy it

    disapproves of can still be useful, and makes a special

    allowance for you.

    Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast

    cure/inflictspells, ability to turn/rebuke undead.

    Benefit: When you lose a prepared spell youmay spontaneously cast either a cure or inflictspell of

    that spells level or lower. You are able to turn and rebuke

    undead, though you can only do one at a time, and your

    total number of turn/rebuke attempts per day remains


    ANIMAL RAPPORT [GENERAL]Your supernatural charm affects animals around you.

    Prerequisites: Must be a vampire, must have the

    Children of the Night ability.

    Benefit: Animals that come within 30 feet of

    you are subject to a charm animal effect, at a caster level

    equal to your hit dice/levels. The DC for this effect is

    10 + your hit dice/levels + your Charisma modifier.

    Animals that save against this effect are immune to it

    for 24 hours. This is a supernatural effect that is always

    active; you do not need to take an action to have it affect

    animals around you. You may suppress or resume this

    ability as a free action on your turn.


    [GENERAL]You can make somatic gestures even when being


    Prerequisite: Improved Grapple.

    Benefit: You can cast spells with somatic

    components when being grappled or pinned.

    You must still meet all other prerequisites for

    casting spells while grappled (e.g. you must have

    components in hand, make a Concentration check


    Normal: You cannot cast spells with

    somatic components while being grappled.

    BLOOD OF THE WORLD [GENERAL]Because metal comes from the earth, wearing

    some of it does not conflict with your harmony

    with nature.

    Prerequisite: Ability to cast druid spells. Benefit: When you take this feat, select

    one type of armor or shield. Using that armor or

    shield is not prohibited, and does not cause you to

    lose any druid spells or abilities.

    Special: This feat applies regardless of

    the type of metal used for the armor or shield

    selected. For example, a druid who took this feat

    and selected full plate armor could wear steel or

    mithral full plate armor without losing his class


    This feat may be selected multiple times.

    Each time it is chosen, it applies to a different

    type of armor or shield.

    Normal: Druids who wear metal armor or

    use metal shields cannot use spells, supernatural,

    or spell-like abilities from their class while doing

    so, and for twenty-four hours thereafter.



    Having been charmed before, you know how tobreak such enchantments placed on other people.

    Prerequisite: Exposure to charm person

    or charm monsterspell.

    Benefit: Every time you cause melee

    damage to someone under the effects of a spell

    or spell-like ability of the Charm sub-school, that

    character may immediately make a new saving

    throw against the Charm effect (at its original

    save DC).

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    [SPELLTOUCHED]You resist attempts to determine your alignment.

    Prerequisite: Exposure to detect chaos, detect

    evil, detect good, or detect law spell.

    Benefit: When subject to a spell or spell-like

    ability that would determine your alignment, you may

    make a Will save (at the normal DC for a spell) to keep

    your alignment hidden. This save is separate from any

    other effects the spell may have; it is only made to keep

    your alignment concealed.


    [GENERAL]Your bonded creature is able to concentrate on existing

    spells or powers for you.

    Prerequisite: Empathic or telepathic link with a

    bonded creature.

    Benefit: After casting a spell or manifestinga power that requires concentration to maintain, you

    may, as a move action that does not provoke an attack

    of opportunity, pass concentration over to your bonded

    creature. Your bonded creature is treated as having your

    class levels for purposes of concentration duration,

    and may only concentrate on one spell or power at

    a time. You may resume concentration yourself on

    subsequent rounds, if you wish, as another free action

    that does not provoke an AoO. Your bonded creature

    may only maintain spells or powers from the class itsadvancement is based on. For example, a multiclass

    wizard/psion that had a psicrystal and this feat could

    have his psicrystal maintain concentration on a psionic

    power he manifested, but not on an arcane spell he cast.

    Special: This feat can be taken more than once.

    Each time it is taken, it applies to a different bonded

    creature that you have.

    CONSCIOUS PHYLACTERY [GENERAL]When in your phylactery, youre aware, and are still

    active. Prerequisite: Phylacteric Item.

    Benefit: When in your phylactery, it is treated

    as being an intelligent magic item with your alignment

    and mental ability scores. You have 60 ft. darkvision

    and hearing, with the ability to read normally. You

    may speak telepathically in any language you know

    to a range of 60 ft. You may use any Intelligence-,

    Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills. You have an Ego

    score that is calculated normally (see Table: Item Ego

    in the DMG). You may use any spell-like abilities you

    possess normally, or any of the phylacterys magic item

    abilities. You use your own base saving throw scores.

    You do not have any lesser, greater, special purpose,

    or dedicated powers that normal intelligent items

    have. You cannot cast spells or use extraordinary or

    supernatural abilities. You may only use feats that do

    not rely on having a physical body (e.g. you still benefitfrom Alertness, but cannot use Power Attack).

    Normal: When in your phylactery, you cannot

    use any powers or abilities.

    COUNTERPOWER [PSIONIC]You may use a psionic power to disrupt the

    manifestation of the same power by another psionicist.

    Benefit: You may counterpower psionic powers

    the same way spellcasters may counterspell magic

    spells, including using dispel psionics. Unaugmented

    powers may be used to counterpower augmented ones. Special: If using magic-psionic transparency,

    psionic versions of spells may be used to counterpower

    those spells (such aspsionic disintegrateand

    disintegrate), and vice versa.

    CREATE SLAVES [GENERAL]You always create vampire slaves, instead of mere


    Prerequisites: Must be a vampire, must have

    the Create Spawn ability.Benefit: Creatures that you subject to your

    Create Spawn ability always rise as vampire slaves

    (they have your vampire template applied to them)

    rather than vampire spawn.

    Normal: Certain uses of the Create Spawn

    power create vampire spawn, while others create true

    vampire slaves.

    DARK PRESENCE [GENERAL]Your unnatural presence extinguishes lights all around

    you. Prerequisite: Undead type.

    Benefit: You radiate an aura that causes natural

    sources of light up to 60 feet away from you to be

    extinguished. Magical sources of light only illuminate

    an area half as large as usual. You may suppress or

    resume this aura as a free action on your turn.

    Special: Undead with special vulnerability to

    light (such as spectres or vampires) may not take this


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    DEDICATED ALCHEMIST [GENERAL]Through dedicated training and perseverance, you

    are able to craft alchemical items even if you cant

    cast spells.

    Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks.

    Benefit: You do not need to be a spellcaster

    to craft alchemical items with the Craft (alchemy)


    Normal: You must be a spellcaster with

    ranks in Craft (alchemy) to make alchemical items.

    DESTROYER [GENERAL]You are exceptionally skilled at breaking things.

    Prerequisite: Str 14.

    Benefit: When making a Strength check

    to break something with sudden force, you may

    add 1.5 times your Strength bonus to the d20 roll.

    You may also apply your size bonus (if any) to

    breaking any object . Normal: When attempting to break

    something with sudden force, you make a normal

    Strength check. Your size bonus to such checks

    applies only to breaking open doors.

    DESTRUCTIVE PALM [GENERAL]Your quivering palm can tear almost anything


    Prerequisite: Quivering palm class feature.

    Benefit: Your quivering palm can affect

    Constructs, Plants, and Undead. If these creatures

    fail their Fortitude save they are instantly

    destroyed by your quivering palms destructive


    Normal: Your quivering palm cannot affect

    Constructs, Plants, and Undead.

    DIVERSE [GENERAL]You are able to simultaneously pursue multiple

    career paths easier than most people.

    Benefit: You take only a -10% XP penaltyfor each non-favored class not within one level of

    your highest non-favored class.

    Normal: You take a -20% XP penalty for

    each non-favored class not within one level of

    your highest non-favored class.

    Special: You may not take this feat if you

    have the Slow Learner flaw, and vice versa.

    ENDURING ESSENCE [GENERAL]Even after your body is destroyed, your dark soul

    continues to exist.

    Prerequisite: Must be a vampire (vampire

    spawn cannot take this feat).

    Benefit: If you are destroyed, you rise as a

    ghost in 1d4 days. As a ghost, you do not have any

    of your vampiric powers; essentially, the vampire

    template is removed, and the ghost template is added.

    You do not have the rejuvenation special quality; the

    next time you are destroyed will be your last.

    ENTHRALLING GAZE [GENERAL]Your eyes naturally enrapture those who look into


    Prerequisite: Must be a vampire or vampire


    Benefit: Your Dominate special attack is a

    gaze attack.Normal: A vampires Dominate ability can

    only be used as a standard action; characters merely

    looking at a vampire are not subject to it.

    EPHEMERAL EXISTENCE [GENERAL]You have only a tenuous connection to the physical


    Prerequisite: Incorporeal subtype.

    Benefit: You have a 66% chance to ignore

    damage from a corporeal source, save for positive

    and negative energy, force effects, and ghost touch


    Normal: Incorporeal creatures have a 50%

    chance to ignore damage from a corporeal source, save

    for positive and negative energy, force effects, and

    ghost touch weapons.

    ETERNAL ESSENCE[GENERAL]You are never truly destroyed.

    Prerequisites: Must be a vampire, must have

    fourteen or more hit dice/levels.Benefit: Even after being destroyed, you can

    be revitalized. Your ashes must be gathered (this takes

    a limited wish, wish, miracle, or similar effect if they

    have been destroyed or thoroughly scattered), and

    taken to an area under the effect of an unhallowspell,

    and placed in a coffin. After a week, during which

    time the ashes must not leave the coffin, nor the area

    of the unhallowspell, you are restored (you have full

    hit points, and all previous conditions are removed,

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    but you do not have any spells or spell slots prepared).

    Any vampires that were under your control prior to

    your destruction remain free after you are restored;

    you must create new vampiric servitors.

    Special: If you have the Enduring Essence

    feat, your ghost must immediately possess the ashes

    once they are placed inside the coffin in the area of the

    unhallow spell, at which point you become quiescent

    and unaware of your surroundings. If you do notpossess the ashes, or cease to possess them before a

    full week has passed, the ritual to restore you to your

    vampire status fails. If your ghost has been destroyed,

    you must be placed in the coffin in the radius of the

    spell for a full year to be restored.

    If you were a good-aligned vampire, your

    ashes must be subjected to a hallowspell instead of an

    unhallowspell. If you were neutral, then either version

    will work.


    [FIGHTER, GENERAL]You shrug off wounds that would leave normal men


    Benefit: You gain damage reduction against

    nonlethal damage equal to your Constitution modifier

    (to a minimum of nonlethal DR 1/-). This may reduce

    nonlethal damage to 0, but not below 0.

    Special: This feat applies only to nonlethal

    damage taken in combat. Nonlethal damage from

    environmental conditions, starvation, etc. is not

    subject to this feat.

    EXPERIENCED SWIMMER [GENERAL]You have trained yourself to swim in dangerous


    Prerequisite: Swim 5 ranks.

    Benefit: Armor check penalties to swim

    checks are not doubled for you.

    When in fast-moving water, on a successful DC 15Swim check (or DC 15 Strength check) you take no

    damage per round (or 1d3 points of lethal damage if

    flowing over rocks and cascades). You must still make

    a second check to avoid going under if you fail the


    Normal: Armor check penalties are doubled

    for Swim checks.

    When in fast-moving water, you take 1d3 points of

    nonlethal damage in a round (1d6 points of lethal

    damage if flowing over rocks and cascades) on a

    successful DC 15 Swim or Strength check. On a failed

    check, you must then make another check to avoid

    going under.

    EXTENDED LINK [GENERAL]Your connection to your bonded creature is broader

    than normal.

    Prerequisite: Empathic or telepathic link with

    a bonded creature.

    Benefit: You increase the distance of your

    empathic or telepathic link to your bonded creature

    by 1 mile. If you can share spells with your bonded

    creature, they may now be an additional 5 feat away

    to receive the benefit of the spell. They still lose the

    benefit of a non-instantaneous spell if they move

    further away.

    Special: If your bonded creature has another

    power that is limited to 1 mile (such as a familiarsspecial ability), that range is also increased by another

    mile from this feat.

    You may take this feat multiple times. Each

    time, you may either add it to a different bonded

    creature you have, or use it to further increase the

    range of connection to a bonded creature already

    under the effects of this feat; each such successive

    application increases the range of the link by 1 mile,

    and increases the range of sharing spells by 5 feet.

    FALSIFIED AURA [GENERAL]You are adept at disguising the nature of the spells you

    cast, weaving in threads of other magic to disguise this

    spells aura.

    Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells or use

    spell-like abilities.

    Benefit: When you take this feat the DC on all

    Spellcraft checks made to identify spells you cast or

    to identify (with detect magicor similar effects) the

    school of magic of your spells and spell-like abilitiesincrease by +5. This requires no action on your part.

    Special: The benefit of this feat also applies to

    magic items that you create.

    FATALITY [GENERAL]You have a stylized, exceptionally gory way of killing

    your foes.

    Prerequisite: Intimidate 5 ranks.

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    Benefit: When you kill a foe with a coup de grace, you

    automatically make an Intimidate check to demoralize

    all enemies who can see you. This Intimidate check

    gains a +4 circumstance bonus.

    Normal: A coup de grace does not affect

    other enemies around you. An Intimidate check to

    demoralize enemies takes a standard action, and only

    affects enemies you threaten in melee combat and that

    can see you.

    FINAL BLOW [SPELLTOUCHED]Creatures you kill have a hard time coming back to


    Prerequisite: Exposure to circle of death,

    finger of death,power word kill,orsymbol of death


    Effect: Spells and spell-like abilities used to

    restore life to creatures you killed in melee combat

    must succeed on a caster level check (DC equals twiceyour total character level at the time you killed the

    creature) to raise, resurrect, reincarnate, or otherwise

    restore life to the dead creature. If the check fails, the

    creature remains dead.

    FOCUS OF FAITH [GENERAL]Your faith is so great that it doesnt require symbolic


    Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells or to

    use turn/rebuke attempts.

    Benefit: When casting spells, you may ignore

    the divine focus component. Additionally, you may

    turn/rebuke undead (or other creatures, if you have

    other turn/rebuke abilities) without a holy symbol.

    Normal: You must have a holy symbol to act

    as a divine focus for certain spells, and must present

    your holy symbol to use turn/rebuke attempts.



    You call an animal to you, which regards you as atrusted companion.

    Benefit: You gain a badger, camel, dire rat,

    dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy),

    owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), wolf,

    crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, or squid as an

    animal companion. Your animal companion follows

    all the rules for animal companions in the PHB. When

    you gain this feat, choose a single character class you

    possess; your animal companion advances as though

    you were a druid equal to one-half the level of your

    chosen class. The choice cannot be changed later.

    Special: If your chosen class is high enough

    level, you may choose an alternative animal

    companion, as detailed in the PHB.

    You may never have more than one animal

    companion at a time.

    GAIN FAMILIAR [GENERAL]You summon and bond with a creature, making it your


    Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane spells.

    Benefit: You obtain a familiar in a process that

    takes 24 hours and 100 gp of special materials. Your

    familiar follows all the rules for familiars in the PHB,

    and advances based on your arcane spellcasting class.

    If you have more than one arcane spellcasting class,

    choose one at the time you take this feat; your familiar

    advances only according to your levels in that class.The choice cannot be changed later.

    Special: If your arcane spellcasting class gives

    bonus feats as class abilities, you may choose this feat

    as a bonus feat.

    You may never have more than one familiar at

    a time.

    GAIN FIENDISH SERVANT [GENERAL]The evil forces you serve grant you a wicked servant.

    Prerequisites: Ability to cast divine spells of

    6th-level or higher, non-good alignment.

    Benefit: You gain a fiendish bat, cat, dire

    rat, horse, pony, raven, or toad as a fiendish servant,

    following all the rules for fiendish servants in the

    DMG. When you gain this feat, choose a single divine

    spellcasting class you possess; your fiendish servant

    advances as though you were a blackguard equal to

    the level of the chosen class. Once made, this choice

    cannot be changed later.

    Special: If you have a fiendish servant, you

    may not also have a special mount. You may never have more than one fiendish

    servant at a time.

    GAIN SPECIAL MOUNT [GENERAL]Your benevolent patron grants you a mount to

    faithfully serve you.

    Prerequisites: Ability to cast divine spells of

    3rd-level or higher, non-evil alignment.

    Benefit: You gain a heavy warhorse, warpony,

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    riding dog, or Large shark as a special mount,

    following all the rules for special mounts in the

    PHB. When you gain this feat, choose a single divine

    spellcasting class you possess; your special mount

    advances as though you were a paladin equal to the

    level of the chosen class. Once made, this choice

    cannot be changed later. Summoning your special

    mount is a spell-like ability, with a spell-level equal to

    one-third the level of your chosen character class. Special: If you have a special mount, you may

    not also have a fiendish servant.

    You may never have more than one special

    mount at a time.

    GENEROUS SPELL [METAMAGIC]You may cast a spell that is normally reserved for

    yourself on someone else instead.

    Benefit: This feat may only be applied to

    spells with a range of personal or have a target ofyou. The spells range changes to become creature

    touched. If the creature is unwilling, you must make

    a touch attack to cast the generous spell upon them.

    Regardless of whether theyre willing or not, you

    may only use a generous spell on a single creature. A

    generous spell uses up a spell slot equal to the spells

    original level.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called

    Generous Power. It requires 0 additional power points,

    and that you expend your psionic focus.


    [GENERAL]You may use a spell-like ability that is normally

    reserved for yourself on someone else instead.

    Prerequisite: Spell-like ability at caster level

    2ndor higher.

    Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like

    abilities, subject to the restrictions below. You can use

    that ability as a forceful spell-like ability three times

    per day (or less, if the ability is normally useable onlyonce or twice per day).

    The spell-like ability must be one that has a

    range of personal or a target of you. The spell-like

    abilitys range changes to become creature touched.

    If the creature is unwilling, you must make a touch

    attack to use the generous spell-like ability upon them.

    Regardless of whether theyre willing or not, you

    may only use a generous spell-like ability on a single


    The creature can only select a spell-like ability

    duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to

    half its caster level (round down). For a summary, see

    the table below.

    The psionic version of this feat is called

    Generous Psi-like Ability.

    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to a

    different one of its spell-like abilities.

    Spell level Caster level

    0 1st

    1 2nd

    2 4th

    3 6th

    4 8th

    5 10th

    6 12th

    7 14


    8 16th

    9 18th


    [FIGHTER, GENERAL]Your blows deal greater than normal damage.

    Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike.

    Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage increases

    by one die size (e.g. from 1d2 to 1d3, 1d3 to 1d4, etc).

    Special: This feat does not stack with any

    other feat that improves damage dice to unarmed

    strikes or natural weapons (such as Improved Natural


    HANDLE CREATURE [GENERAL]You are able to skillfully deal with even fantastic


    Prerequisite: Handle Animal 8 ranks.

    Benefit: When making a Handle Animal check

    on a non-animal creature, the DC increases by only 2.

    Normal: You may make a Handle Animalcheck on a non-animal creature with an Intelligence

    score of 1 or 2, but the DC of the check increases by 5

    HIDEOUS VISAGE [GENERAL]You can make your face look hideously frightening.

    Prerequisite: Must be a vampire or vampire


    Benefit: As a free action, you can make

    your face appear monstrous. This grants you a +8 to

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    Intimidate checks and a +2 to save DCs against any

    of your spells or abilities with the Fear descriptor, as

    well as a -4 penalty to Diplomacy checks. The target

    must be able to see your face for you to gain these


    HIDDEN PRESENCE [GENERAL]Your unliving body makes no sounds, and has no scent.

    Prerequisite:No Constitution score.

    Benefit: Your body makes no natural sounds

    (though you can speak if you normally could), giving

    you a +10 bonus to Move Silently checks. Further, you

    do not produce any scent, making you undetectable to

    the Scent ability. You cannot be tracked by smell. You

    cannot take this feat if you have an sound- or odor-

    related ability that you cannot deactivate (such as a

    ghasts stench ability).

    HIDDEN WINGS [GENERAL]You are able to make your wings appear and disappear

    at will.

    Prerequisite: Must have wings.

    Benefit: As a move action that provokes an

    attack of opportunity, you may make your wings

    disappear; making them reappear is a free action that

    does not provoke an AoO. While gone, you cannot use

    your wings to fly, make wings buffets, or otherwise use

    them in any way. Making your wings reappear while

    wearing items not able to accommodate them (such as

    shirts, armor, etc.) destroys non-magical items; magicalitems are unharmed but fall to the ground in your space.

    Special: Use of this feat is a supernatural

    ability; in an antimagic field, your wings automatically


    IMMEDIATE SPELL [METAMAGIC]You can cast spells extremely quickly.

    Benefit: You may cast a spell with this feat

    applied as an immediate action. You can perform

    another action, even casting another spell, in the sameround as you cast an immediate spell. You may cast

    only one swift or immediate spell per round, including

    spells with the Quicken Spell metamagic feat. A spell

    whose casting time is longer than 1 full round cannot

    be made immediate. You can use an immediate spell as

    a counterspell. An immediate spell uses up a spell slot

    five levels higher than the spells actual level.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called

    Immediate Power. It requires 8 additional power points,

    and that you expend your psionic focus.

    Special: This feat cant be applied to spells cast

    spontaneously, since applying a metamagic feat to a

    spontaneously cast spell increases the casting time to a

    full-round action. You cannot cast an immediate spell if

    you are flat-footed.


    [GENERAL]You can use your spell-like abilities extremely quickly.Prerequisite: Spell-like ability at caster level

    12thor higher.

    Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like abilities,

    subject to the restrictions described below. You can use

    that ability as an immediate spell-like ability three times

    per day (or less, if the ability is normally usable only

    once or twice per day).

    Using an immediate spell-like ability is an immediate

    action. You can perform another actionincluding the

    use of another spell-like abilityin the same roundthat you use an immediate spell-like ability. You may

    use only one immediate spell-like ability (or quickened

    spell-like ability) per round. A spell-like ability whose

    casting time is longer than 1 full round cannot be made


    You can only select a spell-like ability

    duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to half

    your caster level (round down) -5. For a summary, see

    the associated table.

    In addition, a spell-like ability that duplicates a spell

    with a casting time greater than 1 full round cannot be

    made immediate.

    The psionic version of this feat is called

    Immediate Psi-like Ability.

    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Each time it is taken, you can apply it to a different one

    of your spell-like abilities. You cannot use an immediate

    spell-like ability if you are flat-footed

    Spell level Caster level

    0 10th

    1 12th

    2 14th

    3 16th

    4 18th

    5 20th

    6 22nd

    7 24th

    8 26th

    9 28th

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    IMPERCEPTABLE NATURE [GENERAL]You are so adept at hiding that even magic has a hard

    time finding you.

    Prerequisites: Hide in plain sight class feature,

    Hide 13 ranks.

    Benefit: You may add half your ranks (round

    down) in Hide to saving throws you make against spells

    of the scrying sub-school. This does not apply when you

    are flat-footed or helpless.


    [GENERAL]You force magic to work even in areas where it normally

    could not.

    Prerequisites: Spellcraft 1 rank, caster level 1st.

    Benefit: In areas where magic is lacking (such

    as in an antimagic field, or a plane with the dead magic

    planar trait), you can force your spells and spell-like

    abilities to work. When casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, as a free action that does not provoke an

    attack of opportunity make a Spellcraft check (DC 30

    + spell level). If the check succeeds, the spell works

    normally. If the check fails, the spell is expended but

    does not function.

    Special: This feat only works for spells you cast

    while within areas without magic; you cannot cast spells

    outside of an antimagic fieldto affect creatures within it.

    INTANGIBLE EXISTENCE [GENERAL]Even pure force can barely touch you. Prerequisite: Incorporeal subtype.

    Benefit: You have a 50% chance to ignore force

    effect damage from a corporeal source. You can pass

    through force effects unhindered, and you ignore force

    effect bonuses to armor class.

    Normal: An incorporeal creature cannot ignore

    damage from a corporeal force effect. It cannot pass

    through a force effect, nor ignore force effect bonuses to

    armor class.

    LIFESENSE [GENERAL]You naturally sense the presence, and absence, of life

    around you.

    Prerequisite: Undead type.

    Benefit: As a supernatural ability, you notice

    and locate living creatures within 60 feet, just as if you

    possessed the blindsense ability. This also allows you to

    sense the strength of their life force automatically, as if

    you had cast deathwatch.

    MAGICAL DEFENSE [GENERAL]You can concentrate to increase your resistance to

    magic attacks.

    Prerequisite: Must have spell resistance.

    Benefit: As a standard action that does not

    provoke an attack of opportunity, you gain a +4 bonus

    to your spell resistance for one round.

    Special: This feat may be taken by creatures

    with, and works with, power resistance also. A

    creature with both spell resistance and power

    resistance may gain a +4 bonus to both as part of a

    single standard action.


    [SPELLTOUCHED]You can create a minor spell effect through sheer will.

    Prerequisite: Exposure to miracleor wish.

    Benefit: Choose a single 1st-level spell. Youmay now use that as a spell-like ability a number

    of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus

    (minimum once per day). Your caster level is equal to

    your total character level.


    [FIGHTER, GENERAL]You are able to deflect ranged attacks with a weapon.

    Prerequisites: Deflect Arrows, Weapon Focus.

    Benefit: Select a weapon that you have takenWeapon Focus for. You are now able to deflect ranged

    attacks using that weapon.

    Normal: You can only deflect ranged attacks

    with a free hand.

    Special:You can take this feat multiple times.

    Each time you take it, it applies to a different weapon

    that you have taken Weapon Focus for.

    MASTER OF THE HOUSE [GENERAL]You may invite others into households you enter.

    Prerequisite: Uninvited Entrance.

    Benefit: Once youve entered a home or

    dwelling, you may then give permission to enter to

    other vampires or creatures that need to be invited in.

    MUSICAL NUMBER [GENERAL]You can force a number of people to move and act in

    time with your music.

    Prerequisites:bardic music class feature,

    Perform 16 ranks.

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    Benefit: As a spell-like ability, you may use

    bardic music to use dominate personon up to one

    creature per two class levels (in the class that grants

    bardic music), each of which must be within 90 ft. of

    you, be able to see and hear you, and be able to pay

    attention to you. You must also be able to see each

    creature. Each creature receives a saving throw (DC

    10 + class level + Charisma modifier) to negate the

    effect. You are able to give each creature orders, orchange its orders, telepathically as a free action each

    round on your turn. You do not know what the subjects

    of this ability are experiencing, and cannot receive

    sensory input from them. This ability lasts as long as

    you concentrate (maximum 1 round per class level),

    and for 5 rounds thereafter. This is an enchantment

    (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

    Each use of this ability takes four uses of bardic


    MYSTIC RAPPORT [GENERAL]You develop a spiritual bond with your animal


    Prerequisite: Must have an animal companion.

    Benefit: You develop an empathic link with

    your animal companion. This is identical to an empathic

    link with a familiar.

    Special: This feat can be taken more than once.

    Each time it is taken, it applies to a different animal

    companion that you have.


    [FIGHTER, GENERAL]You have trained your secondary natural weapons to be

    as strong as your primary.

    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

    Benefit: Attacks made with your secondary

    natural weapons add your full Strength bonus to


    Normal: Damage from attacks made with your

    secondary natural weapons adds only your Strengthbonus to damage.


    [FIGHTER, GENERAL]You have trained to make your off-hand as strong as

    your primary hand.

    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

    Benefit: Attacks made with your off-hand add

    your full Strength bonus to damage.

    Normal: Damage from attacks made with your

    off-hand adds only your Strength bonus to damage.

    OMNIAPTITUDINAL [GENERAL]You have no trouble pursuing multiple disparate career

    paths at once.

    Prerequisite: Diverse.

    Benefit: You do not take XP penalties for


    Normal: You take a -20% XP penalty for each

    non-favored class not within one level of your highest

    non-favored class (or a -10% penalty with the Diverse


    OPPOSITION TRAINING [GENERAL]Youve undergone special training to be able to cast a

    few spells from your prohibited schools of magic.

    Prerequisite: Must be a specialist wizard.

    Benefit: You may prepare one spell per spelllevel from a prohibited school of magic. These spells

    must be chosen for every spell level when you take this

    feat, and cannot be changed later. Spells you choose

    are treated in all ways as if belonging to a non-opposed

    school of magic (e.g. you can use wands or scrolls of

    them, you do not take a -5 penalty to Spellcraft checks

    regarding those spells, etc).

    Special: If you have other kinds of specialist

    spellcasters in your game, they can also select this feat.


    [ITEM CREATION]Your phylactery is imbued with greater magical power

    Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, caster

    level 15th.

    Benefit: When creating your phylactery, you

    may make it as any other magic item, in addition to

    its phylactery powers. Doing so adds 120,000gp and

    4,800 xp to the creation costs, applied after calculating

    the costs for the normal item (this does not count

    towards the market price limit for non-epic items).Your phylacterys hardness, hit points, and Break DC

    are all equal to those of a normal magic item of the

    same type, or a standard phylactery (40 hp, hardness

    20, Break DC 40), whichever is higher. Its AC is

    normal for an item of its type and size. You must meet

    any other prerequisites needed to craft the item (e.g.

    you would need the Forge Ring feat to craft a ring of

    invisibility phylactery).

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    For example, you could make a mask of the

    skullphylactery. Such an item would cost 142,000 gp

    and 5,680 XP to create, requiring the spells animate

    objects,finger of death, andfly, and would have AC

    16, hp 40, hardness 20, and a Break DC of 40. A +5

    vorpal longsword phylacterywould cost 320,315 gp

    and 12,800 XP to create, requiring the spells circle of

    deathand keen edge, and would have AC 4 (Small-size

    object), hp 55, hardness 20, and a Break DC of 40.Normal: A phylactery may not have magic item

    properties or be part of another magic item.

    Special: You may only make a phylactery out

    of permanent magical items. Potions, scrolls, wands,

    staffs, and impermanent wondrous items cannot be

    made as a phylactery.

    You must still craft the phylactery yourself,

    though others can aid you with specific prerequisite

    spells as normal.

    You may add further magical properties to thephylactery item later, as with a normal magic item.

    However, if youve already created a phylactery without

    this feat, you may not add magic item properties to it.

    PURGE THE UNCLEAN [DIVINE]Through you, the wrath of your god is visited against

    the walking dead.

    Prerequisite: Divine Vengeance.

    Benefit: You can spend one of your turn undead

    attempts as a standard action that does not provoke an

    attack of opportunity to imbue your next melee attackwith the disruptionmagic weapon property, even if it is

    not with a bludgeoning weapon. If you use this feat and

    wield a weapon that already has the disruptionproperty,

    then on your next attack the DC of the Will save it

    requires rises to 18.

    RANGED AURA [GENERAL]You are able to temporarily imbue a small amount of

    your aura on ranged weapons you use.

    Prerequisite: Any alignment subtype. Benefit: Ranged weapons you shoot or throw

    overcome damage reduction in accordance with your

    alignment subtypes. This lasts only for a single attack

    you make with them, regardless of whether they hit or


    Normal: Only melee weapons overcome

    damage reduction as per your alignment subtypes.

    Special: This feat does not apply to siege

    weaponry, such as ballistae, that you operate.

    RAPID RESTORATION [GENERAL]Youre quicker to recover from your phylactery than

    others of your kind.

    Prerequisite: Must be a lich or demilich.

    Benefit: When your body is destroyed, your

    essence is able to take a new body after 1d6 days.

    Normal: Without this feat, a lich that has been

    destroyed reappears after 1d10 days.

    REMAIN AT PEACE [DIVINE]Your holy power keeps the dead from being awoken

    by the black arts.

    Prerequisite: Ability to turn undead.

    Benefit: If someone within 60 ft. of you uses

    a spell or effect to create (but not summon or call)

    undead, you may spend a turn attempt as an immediate

    action to try to negate it if you are not flat-footed.

    Make an opposed caster level check (classes you

    possess that grant the ability to turn undead stack forpurposes of this check; if the opposed effect doesnt

    rely on caster level, its check is d20 + the users

    hit dice). If your result equals or exceeds the other

    persons check, the undead are not created, otherwise

    the undead are created normally.

    If the spell or effect creating the undead has

    any other effects, they are unaffected by use of this


    REMAIN DEAD [DIVINE]Your unholy power keeps people from being restored

    to life.

    Prerequisite: Ability to rebuke undead.

    Benefit: If someone within 60 ft. of you uses

    a spell or effect to raise, resurrect, reincarnate, or

    otherwise try to restore life to someone, you may

    spend a rebuke attempt as an immediate action to try

    to negate it if you are not flat-footed. Make an opposed

    caster level check (classes you possess that grant the

    ability to rebuke undead stack for purposes of this

    check; if the opposed effect doesnt rely on casterlevel, its check is d20 + the users hit dice). If your

    result equals or exceeds the other persons check, the

    people they attempted to bring back remain deceased.

    This does not apply to someone healing a person with

    the Unyielding Soul feat.

    If the spell or effect bringing back the dead has

    any other effects, they are unaffected by use of this


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    REPULSING SPELL [METAMAGIC]Your spells strike with extreme force, pushing your

    enemies away.

    Benefit: This feat can only be applied to damage-

    dealing spells that target individual creature(s). When hit

    by a forceful spell, the target must make a Reflex save (in

    addition to any other saves it must make), or be pushed 5

    feet away from you for every 10 points of damage it took.

    This movement incurs attacks of opportunity as normal

    (but not from you). A repulsing spell takes up a spell slot

    three levels higher than the spells actual level.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called

    Repulsing Power. It requires 4 additional power points,

    and that you expend your psionic focus.

    Special: If the target is larger or smaller than

    Medium, the damage necessary to knock it back increases

    or decreases by 2 for each difference in size category. For

    example, a Large creature would be pushed back 5 feet for

    every 12 points of damage if it failed its Reflex save.


    [GENERAL]You can make one of your spell-like abilities strike with

    extreme force.

    Prerequisite: Spell-like ability at caster level 8thor


    Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like abilities,

    subject to the restrictions below. You can use that ability as

    a repulsing spell-like ability three times per day (or less, if

    the ability is normally useable only once or twice per day).

    The spell-like ability must be one that deals

    damage and targets individual creature(s). When hit

    by a repulsing spell-like ability, the target must make

    a Reflex save (in addition to any other saves it must

    make), or be pushed 5 feet away from you for every 10

    points of damage it took. This movement incurs attacks

    of opportunity as normal (but not from you). If the target

    is larger or smaller than Medium, the damage necessary

    to knock it back increases or decreases by 2 for each

    difference in size category.The creature can only select a spell-like ability

    duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to half its

    caster level (round down) -3. For a summary, see the table


    The psionic version of this feat is called Repulsing

    Psi-like Ability.

    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to a different

    one of its spell-like abilities.

    Spell level Caster level

    0 6th

    1 8th

    2 10th

    3 12th

    4 14th

    5 16th

    6 18th

    7 20th

    8 22nd

    9 24th

    RESILIENT SPELL [METAMAGIC]Your spell is more difficult to negate.

    Benefit: A resilient spell is very hard to dispel,

    counter, or disjoin. The resilient spell gains a +5 bonus

    to its DC against dispel checks (including dispelling

    used as a counterspell). Against counterspelling

    and disjunction effects, a resilient spell receives anopposed caster level check to avoid being countered or

    disjoined (this check does not gain the aforementioned

    +5 bonus). A spell that fails to counterspell a resilient

    spell is negated as per normal for a counterspell,

    though the resilient spell takes effect normally. A

    resilient spell takes up a spell slot one level higher

    than the spells actual level.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called

    Resilient Power. It requires 1 additional power point,

    and that you expend your psionic focus.


    [GENERAL]Your spell-like ability is more difficult to negate.

    Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like

    abilities, subject to the restrictions below. You can use

    that ability as a resilient spell-like ability three times

    per day (or less, if the ability is normally useable only

    once or twice per day).

    The resilient spell-like ability gains a +5 bonus

    to its DC against dispel checks. Against disjunctioneffects, a resilient spell receives a dispel check to

    avoid being disjoined (this dispel check does not gain

    the aforementioned +5 bonus).

    The creature can only select a spell-like ability

    duplicating a spell with a level less than or equal to

    half its caster level (round down) -1. For a summary,

    see the table below.

    The psionic version of this feat is called

    Resilient Psi-like Ability.

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    Special: This feat can be taken multiple

    times. Each time it is taken, the creature can apply

    it to a different one of its spell-like abilities.

    Spell level Caster level

    0 2nd

    1 4th

    2 6th

    3 8th

    4 10th

    5 12th

    6 14th

    7 16th

    8 18th

    9 20th



    There is a part of you that cannot be permanentlyinjured.

    Benefit: When you take this feat, choose

    one ability score. That ability score no longer takes

    permanent ability drain. Instead, any such drain is

    converted to temporary ability damage. You still

    suffer from ability damage normally.

    Special: You may take this feat multiple

    times; each time it applies to a different ability


    RETAINED KNOWLEDGE [GENERAL]Even after abandoning an occupation, you still

    practice some of its tricks.

    Benefit: If you no longer qualify for a

    class or prestige class for some reason (such

    as an alignment change, or not meeting entry

    prerequisites) you retain all extraordinary class

    abilities. This includes weapon and armor

    proficiencies, but not spellcasting.

    Normal: When you no longer qualify for a

    class or prestige class, you lose all class abilities(unless the class description states otherwise).

    Special: This feat does not let you take

    levels in a class or prestige class that you do not

    qualify for. You may take this feat after you no

    longer qualify for a class in order to regain access to

    its extraordinary abilities. You may not take further

    levels in a class you do not meet the prerequisites

    for until you meet them again.

    REVITALIZE ESSENCE [GENERAL]You may create another phylactery if yours is destroyed.

    Prerequisite: Must be a lich or demilich.

    Benefit: If your phylactery is destroyed, you

    may create another one. You must wait 10 days before

    creating another phylactery, and must pay all the normal

    costs of creation. You may still only have one phylactery

    at a time.

    Normal:A lich that has its phylactery destroyed

    while its body still exists may never create another


    Special: Whether or not they have this feat, a lich

    (or demilich) always knows instantly when its phylactery

    is destroyed.

    SCORNED BY NATURE [GENERAL]The natural world ignores you.

    Prerequisite: Undead type.

    Benefit: The natural world ignores your presenceutterly; you do not leave footprints, disturb dust, etc. You

    never leave a trail, and cannot be tracked. You may leave

    a trail if you deliberately wish to do so.

    SECURE GRASP [GENERAL]Even when your attention is elsewhere, you keep a tight

    grip on creatures youve grabbed.

    Prerequisite: Improved grab.

    Benefit: After using improved grab, if you

    choose to hold the opponent with only the part of your

    body that made the improved grab you take a -15 to

    grapple checks and are not considered grappled yourself.

    Normal: When you use only the part of your

    body that made the improved grab to hold your opponent

    you take a -20 to grapple checks and are not considered

    grappled yourself.

    SHARED SENSES [GENERAL]You may see and hear through your bonded creatures


    Prerequisite: Telepathic link with a bondedcreature.

    Benefit: As a standard action, you may see and

    hear everything your bonded creature is seeing and

    hearing, as it occurs. You may maintain this as long as

    you want, but while doing so, you do not see or hear

    anything through your own senses.

    Special: This feat can be taken more than once.

    Each time it is taken, it applies to a different bonded

    creature that you have.

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    SPRY EFFICACY [GENERAL]You have a nimble nature that lets you move quicker

    where most people are hampered.

    Prerequisites: Dex 12 or Tumble 8 ranks.

    Benefit: When squeezing through a space at least

    half as wide as you, you take only a -2 penalty to attack

    rolls and AC.

    When crawling, you may crawl up to half your

    total speed (round down) as a move action. You still

    provoke attacks of opportunity for crawling.

    Soft cover grants you a +2 bonus on Reflex saves

    against attacks that originate or burst out from a point

    on the other side of the cover from you. Note that spread

    effects can extend around corners and thus negate this

    cover bonus.

    Normal: When squeezing through a space at

    least half as wide as you, you take a -4 penalty to attack

    rolls and AC.

    When crawling, you may only move 5 feet as amove action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

    Soft cover does not grant a bonus to Reflex saves.


    [METAMAGIC]You can cast a spell that is normally reserved for you on

    someone else without special preparation.

    Benefit: Once per day, you can apply the effect

    of the Generous Spell feat to any range: personal or

    target: you spell you cast without increasing the level

    of the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. You

    can still use Generous Spell normally if you have it.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called

    Sudden Generous Power. It requires no power points, nor

    that you expend your psionic focus.


    [METAMAGIC]You can cast spells extremely quickly without special


    Benefit: Once per day when you are not flat-footed, you can apply the effect of the Immediate Spell

    feat to any spell you cast without increasing the level of

    the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. You can

    still use Immediate Spell normally if you have it.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called

    Sudden Immediate Power. It requires no power points,

    nor that you expend your psionic focus.


    [METAMAGIC]You can cast a spell with extreme force without special


    Benefit: Once per day, you can apply the effect of the

    Repulsing Spell feat to any damage-dealing spell you cast that

    targets individual creature(s) without increasing the level of

    the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. You can still

    use Repulsing Spell normally if you have it.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called Sudden

    Repulsing Power. It requires no power points, nor that you

    expend your psionic focus.

    SUDDEN RESILIENT SPELL [METAMAGIC]Your spell becomes more difficult to negate without special


    Benefit: Once per day, you can apply the effect of the

    Resilient Spell feat to any spell you cast without increasing the

    level of the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. Youcan still use Resilient Spell normally if you have it.

    The metapsionic version of this feat is called Sudden

    Resilient Power. It requires no power points, nor that you

    expend your psionic focus.

    SUPERIOR SOUL GEM [EPIC, GENERAL]Your bond with your soul gems is as strong as with your


    Prerequisite:Must be a demilich.

    Benefit: You need not incorporate all eight of yoursoul gems directly into your physical form. Instead, you

    need only incorporate two, and may store the rest elsewhere

    (though they can be incorporated into your body if you so

    choose). You may also use your Phylactery Transference

    power with any of your non-incorporated soul gems, though

    only with one soul gem (or your phylactery) at a time.

    Switching your Phylactery Transference ability between soul

    gems or your phylactery is a standard action that does not

    provoke an attack of opportunity.

    Normal: A demilich must incorporate all eight

    of its soul gems directly into its concentrated form. Also, ademilichs Phylactery Transference power only works with its


    Special: A demilich with this feat may use any other

    phylactery-specific feats, spells, abilities, etc. with regards to

    their soul gems.

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    TELEPATHIC LINK [GENERAL]Your empathic connection to your bonded creature


    Prerequisite: Empathic link with a bonded


    Benefit: You gain a supernatural telepathic link

    with your bonded creature, replacing your empathic

    link. The two of you can communicate telepathically

    as if your bonded creature were the target of a

    telepathic bondspell cast by you. Because of the

    telepathic link between you and your bonded creature,

    you have the same connection to an item or place that

    your bonded creature does.

    Special: This feat can be taken more than

    once. Each time it is taken, it applies to a different

    bonded creature that you have.


    You are able to listen in on mental conversations thatothers are having.

    Benefit: As a free action that does not provoke

    an attack of opportunity, you may expend your

    psionic focus to psychically listen in on the telepathic

    conversation of anyone within 60 ft. of you as a

    supernatural ability for 1 round per manifester level.

    You hear everything in the telepathic conversation,

    even from people not within 60 ft. of you; so long

    as at least one member of the conversation remains

    within range, you hear everyone involved. This is

    not considered a mind-affecting ability, nor are youconsidered to be in mental contact with anyone so

    conversing; you are merely tapping into the channel

    by which their thoughts are communicating. Language

    is not a barrier to you understanding what is being

    said, unless the type of telepathic contact being

    used states it is language-dependant (most forms

    of telepathy are not). You can only hear telepathy

    with this feat, you can not participate in telepathic

    conversations with it. Creatures whose thoughts

    are protected somehow (such as by a ring of mindshieldingor mind blank) are not subject to this feat,

    but can still be heard if you use this feat on someone

    else in their telepathic network.


    [GENERAL]Your animating force is not so easily destroyed.

    Prerequisite:No Constitution score.

    Benefit: When reduced to 0 through -9

    hit points, you are not destroyed. Instead, you are

    treated as being disabled. At -10 hit points, you are

    immediately destroyed.

    Normal: Creatures with no Constitution score

    are immediately destroyed at 0 hit points.

    TRAINED FOR LICHDOM [GENERAL]You have figured out how to become a lich sooner

    than most would think possible.

    Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.

    Benefit: You may subtract the bonus from your

    spellcasting-based ability score from the minimum

    level necessary to create a phylactery (or otherwise

    become a lich). For example, a wizard with a 17

    Intelligence would be able to construct a phylactery

    and become a lich at 8thlevel. You must still be able to

    meet all of the other requirements for becoming a lich.

    Special:If you have more than one

    spellcasting class, this feat applies only to thespellcasting-based ability score from one of them,

    chosen at the time this feat is taken. Once chosen, the

    choice cannot be changed.

    Normal: You must have a spellcaster level of

    11thor higher to create a phylactery and become a lich.


    GENERAL]Others use weapons, but you are a weapon.

    Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike.

    Benefit: Your unarmed strikes are treated as

    being either light weapons or one-handed weapons,

    whichever is more beneficial, for special combat

    actions, spells, and effects. For example, you could

    attempt to disarm someone with an unarmed strike

    without taking a penalty to the opposed attack roll (as

    a one-handed weapon) and still use an unarmed strike

    against foes grappling you (as a light weapon).


    You are not bound to a coffin, nor to your native soil.Prerequisite: Must be a vampire or vampire


    Benefit: You do not need to rest in a coffin, nor

    do you need your native soil. Instead, you may sleep

    anywhere (in any condition that wouldnt cause you

    harm). You are still dead to all normal inspections, and

    are still detectable as undead to spells and effects.

    Normal: A vampire must sleep in a coffin,

    with soil from its homeland in it.

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    UNBOUND ESSENCE [GENERAL]You may pass through any solid object, no matter how large.

    Prerequisite: Incorporeal subtype.

    Benefit: When passing through a solid object, you

    need not remain adjacent to the objects exterior, and so can

    pass entirely through an object whose space is larger than

    your own.

    Normal: An incorporeal creature must always remain

    adjacent to the exterior of a solid object it is passing through.

    UNHOLY FORTITUDE [GENERAL]Your undead body shrugs off attempts to harm it.

    Prerequisite:Undead type.

    Benefit: You add your Charisma modifier to your

    Fortitude saves.

    Normal: Undead gain no ability score modifier to

    Fortitude saves.

    UNHOLY TOUGHNESS [GENERAL]Your negative energy strengthens your unliving form.

    Prerequisite:Undead type.

    Benefit: You gain (or lose) hit points equal to your

    Charisma modifier, for every hit die you possess.

    Normal: Undead gain no hit points based on an

    ability score modifier.

    Special: If you have any other power or ability that

    grants hit points equal to an ability score bonus, you may not

    take this feat.

    UNINVITED ENTRANCE [GENERAL]You do not need to be invited to enter a place.

    Prerequisite:Must be a vampire (vampire spawn

    cannot take this feat).

    Benefit: You may enter any home, dwelling, or

    other place without being invited.

    Special: You cannot yourself invite other vampires

    into homes you enter using this feat.

    Normal: Vampires must be invited to enter private


    UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT [GENERAL]For a brief moment, you are able to reduce physical distance

    to a mere intellectual concept.

    Prerequisite:Abundant step class feature.

    Benefit: Your abundant step class feature works as

    if using the spellgreater teleport.

    Normal: Abundant step works as if using the spell

    dimension door.

    UNLIVING MIND [GENERAL]Unlife has made your mind truly unassailable.

    Prerequisite: Undead type.

    Benefit: You are immune to ability damage to

    your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.

    Normal: Undead are only immune to ability

    damage to their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution


    UNNATURAL AURA [GENERAL]Your very presence unnerves creatures of the natural


    Prerequisite: Undead type.

    Benefit: Animals, whether wild or

    domesticated, can sense your unnatural aura at a

    distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly approach

    nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they

    remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

    This aura is a supernatural ability. You may suppressor resume this aura as a free action on your turn.

    Special: If you already have this ability, you

    may not take this feat.

    UNUSUAL STYLE [GENERAL]You have a different way of accomplishing things than

    most people.

    Prerequisite: Skill Focus.

    Benefit: Choose one skill that you have

    selected Skill Focus for. You may change the ability

    score associated with that skill to another ability score.

    Skills associated with physical ability scores (Strength

    Dexterity, and Constitution) can only be changed to

    other physical ability scores, and skills associated

    with mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and

    Charisma) can only be changed to other mental ability

    scores. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

    Special: You may take this feat more than

    once. Each time you take it, it applies to a different

    skill that you have taken Skill Focus for.

    UNYIELDING SOUL [GENERAL]When you die, your soul does not immediately leave

    your body.

    Prerequisite: Must have a Constitution score.

    Benefit: When you reach -10 hit points or less

    (or 0 Constitution), your soul remains in your dead

    body for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma

    modifier (minimum 1 round). During this time, you

    can be brought back to life by any effect that brings

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    your hit point total back up to -9 or higher (or raises

    your Constitution score to 1 or higher), and such

    effects automatically stabilize you. You do not suffer

    any penalties for having died and come back (such

    as level loss), since your soul did not have to journey

    back to your body. You cannot refuse to come back to

    life while your soul remains in your body, and effects

    that killed you before are not automatically undone

    when you are brought back (e.g. poison remains, andmight kill you again on subsequent rounds).

    Special: Death spells and effects are

    considered to instantly reduce your hit point total to -

    10. You do not benefit from this feat if killed by a spell

    or effect that does not leave a body behind (such as




    You may attempt to cast a spell from someone elsesknowledge.

    Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 ranks, caster level


    Benefit: You may cast spells someone else

    knows or has prepared that are on your spell list. To

    do so, you must spend a full round being in physical

    contact with that person, who must be willing

    (unconscious characters are automatically considered

    willing). On your turn next round, make a Spellcraft

    check as a free action that does not provoke an

    attack of opportunity (DC 15 + highest level of spell

    prepared/known). If this check fails, you may try

    again after another full round of physical contact. If

    the check succeeds, you are aware of all of their spells

    prepared or spells known.

    You can then pick a spell of theirs that you

    want to cast (which must be on your spell list) and

    make a second Spellcraft check (also a free action

    that does not provoke an AoO) with a DC of 15 + the

    level of the spell you want to cast (do not apply level

    increases due to metamagic feats). If this succeeds,you may then immediately cast the spell; if this check

    fails, you must start over from the beginning.

    To cast the spell, you must sacrifice a spell

    slot or prepared spell of equal or higher level than the

    spell youre casting. You must supply any material

    components and foci yourself. If the spell you select

    has been prepared with a metamagic feat, you may not

    cast it with that feat, but need only sacrifice a spell slot

    or prepared spell of the spells base level. You may

    apply any metamagic feat you know to the spell, but

    doing so requires losing a spell slot or prepared spell

    of the spells adjusted level (and increases the casting

    time, if applicable).

    Special: A character may choose this feat in

    place of a wizard bonus feat.

    VIRULENT VAMPIRISM [GENERAL]New undead that you create arise immediately.

    Prerequisites: Must be a vampire, must have

    the Create Spawn ability.

    Benefit: When another creature is subject

    to your Create Spawn ability, they dont need to be

    buried, and rise 1d4 rounds afterward.

    Normal:Newly-created vampires arise 1d4

    days after burial.



    You were taught basic principles of weapon use thatapply to all forms of fighting.

    Benefit: When using a weapon which you

    are not proficient with, the non-proficiency penalty is

    reduced by 1.


    SIDEBAR Flaws are an optional rule that work like

    anti-feats, granting a character a permanent penalty in

    some way. A character may normally take up to two

    flaws at character creation, gaining a feat in return

    for each flaw taken. Undead-specific flaws function

    much the same way, save that instead of being taken

    at character creation, they are taken when a character

    first becomes undead. A total of two undead-specific

    flaws may be taken when a character becomes

    undead (in addition to any flaws a character may have

    already possessed before). If the character is laterbrought back to life, these flaws are lost, as are the

    corresponding feats (with the in-game explanation that

    the feat loss represents knowledge that was lost in the

    transition from undeath to life).

    BIRTH DEFECT: ONE-ARMEDYou were born with only one arm.

    Effect: You take a -4 penalty to all Climb,

    Disguise, Escape Artist, Use Rope, and Swim checks.

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    It takes you twice as long to don or remove armor. You

    cannot undertake actions that require two arms, such

    as fighting with a two-handed weapon, etc.

    Special: Because you were born with only

    one arm, spells and effects such as regeneratecannot

    restore your missing one. If a spell or effect changes

    your shape, your new form is missing a corresponding


    DEATHLYYou easily fall into deaths clutches.

    Effect: You fall unconscious when brought

    to 0 hit points. When at -1 hit points or below, you

    cannot be stabilized, automatically losing 1 hit point

    per round until brought back to 0 hit points or above.

    DOTAGEYou became an adventurer later in life.

    Effect: You begin play one age category olderthan normal (usually this will be middle age).

    ENERGY VULNERABILITYYou are particularly weak against one type of energy.

    Effect: Choose one of the following energy

    types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When damaged by

    the chosen energy type, you are dealt an additional hit

    point of damage per die.

    ENFEEBLED DRAININGYou cannot permanently drain vitality from livingcreatures.

    Prerequisites: Undead type, must have a

    special ability that causes energy drain or ability drain.

    Effect:Negative levels from your energy drain

    special attack are automatically removed after twenty-

    four hours. Special attacks that you possess that would

    normally cause ability drain now cause ability damage


    ISOLATED EXISTENCEYou cannot create more of your kind.

    Prerequisites: Undead type, must have the

    create spawn (or a similar) special ability.

    Effect: You do not have the create spawn

    special ability, or any similar ability that allows you

    to naturally create undead from creatures that you kill.

    You may still create undead with spells and spell-like

    abilities normally.

    NEGATIVE SOULYou feel colder than ice to the touch.

    Prerequisite: Undead type.

    Effect: Living creatures who touch you

    perceive you as feeling colder than ice. This manifests

    even through items on your person. Living creatures

    who touch you have their attitude towards you drop

    by one rank (e.g. from friendly to indifferent), and

    may immediately make a DC 15 Knowledge (religion)

    check to recognize you as being undead. This remains

    in effect even if you change form (unless doing so

    changes your type).

    SHADOWLESSYou have no shadow.

    Prerequisite: Undead type, must not have the

    Incorporeal subtype.

    Effect: You never have a shadow (nor do

    items on your person), no matter what the lightingconditions around you are. In an area of bright

    illumination, this can be noticed with a DC 10 Spot

    check. In an area of shadowy illumination, the DC

    for this check rises to 30. In areas of darkness, it is

    impossible to tell that you do not have a shadow (even

    with darkvision). You remain without a shadow even if

    you change form (unless doing so changes your type).

    SLOW LEARNERIt takes you longer than other people to improve.

    Effect: When gaining experience points, you

    take a -10% penalty to the total. This stacks with any

    other experience point penalties you may have, such

    as from multiclassing.

    STAGNANT LIFE FORCEYour life energy cannot be easily replenished with


    Effect: Magical healing only restores half as

    many hit points as normal.

    SUNLIGHT POWERLESSNESSThe light of the sun robs you of your might.

    Prerequisite: Undead type, Incorporeal


    Effect: In natural sunlight (not merely a

    daylightspell), you may only take a single standard or

    move action each round.

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    UNCHANGING FORMYour undead body does not naturally repair itself.

    Prerequisites: Undead type, must have an

    Intelligence score, must not have fast healing.

    Effect: You do not naturally regain hit

    points over time (though special qualities such as

    rejuvenation still work normally).

    Normal: Undead creatures with an Intelligence

    score regain hit points naturally at the same rate that

    living characters do.

    UNFETTERED SOULYour spirit has only a tenuous connection to your


    Effect: You cannot be raised, resurrected, or

    reincarnated. It takes a wish or miracle to bring you

    back to life.

    WEAK SPELL RESISTANCEYour ability to resist magic is weaker than others of

    your kind.

    Prerequisite: Must naturally have spell


    Effect: Your spell resistance is permanently

    lowered by 5.


    Call ConstructConjuration (Calling)Level: Sor/Wiz 8

    Components: V S, XP

    Casting Time: 1 standard action

    Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

    Target: One construct

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Saving Throw:None

    Spell Resistance:No

    When casting this spell, you name a construct

    of yours, which the spell then brings to you. Theconstruct must be one that you command innately

    (that is, not as the result of a spell or effect that grants

    temporary control); constructs that you create fall into

    this category (unless command of it was given away

    or taken from you, or if it becomes uncontrolled).

    Once called, the construct may be given commands,

    and it acts immediately on your turn. This spell

    functions across planar boundaries.

    XP Cost: 1,000 XP.

    School SuppressionAbjuration

    Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 4

    This spell functions like antimagic field, except that

    it only suppresses one school of magic. All other

    magical effects (including supernatural abilities) are

    unaffected by this spell. The school of magic affected

    is chosen during the casting of the spell, and cannot be

    changed later.

    Summon ArmorConjuration (Summoning)

    Level: Sor/Wiz 4

    Components: V, S

    Casting Time: 1 standard action

    Range: See text

    Target: One suit of armor

    Duration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Will negates

    Spell Resistance:No

    This spell summons a single suit of armor of your

    choice, making it appear on your body instantly

    without having to be donned. The armor must have

    your arcane markon it, otherwise the spell fails

    automatically. If you are already wearing armor when

    you cast this spell, then the armor you are wearing

    automatically falls off you, landing at your feet in

    your space, as the summoned armor appears on you.

    Other clothing or magic items are not displaced by

    summoning armor.

    If the armor is worn or otherwise in the possession of

    another creature when you cast this spell, that creature

    may make a Will save to retain the armor. This spell

    works across any distance, but does not cross planar


    Summon Armor, GreaterConjuration (Summoning)

    Level: Sor/Wiz 6This spell functions likesummon armor, except that it

    functions across planar boundaries.

    Summon Holy SymbolConjuration (Summoning)

    Level: Adept 0, Blackguard 1, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr


    Components: V

    Casting Time: 1 swift action

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    Range: Unlimited

    Target: One holy symbol

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Saving Throw:None

    Spell Resistance:No

    This spell instantly summons a holy symbol specific to

    your faith into your hand. The holy symbol works as

    a divine focus, and for turning/rebuking attempts. It is

    made out of steel, unless that is inappropriate for yourfaith (such as for druids), in which case it is made of

    the appropriate material.

    If you do not have a free hand when you cast this

    spell, the holy symbol instead appears on a small chain

    around your neck. This spell cannot call a specific holy

    symbol; rather, a servant of your deity automatically

    answers the spell, sending a generic holy symbol to


    Summon Material ComponentsConjuration (Summoning)Level: Adept 0, Assassin 1, Blackguard 1, Brd 0, Clr

    0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0

    Components: V

    Casting Time: 1 swift action

    Range: Unlimited

    Target: Spell components of less than 1 gp value

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Saving Throw:None

    Spell Resistance:No

    This spell instantly summons spell componentssuitable to cast all of your spells. Only components

    worth less than one gold piece are summoned; any

    that cost 1 gp or more are not summoned by this spell.

    These spell components are randomly gathered from

    throughout the universe; you cannot summon specific

    components from specific places.

    The spell components appear in your pouches,

    pockets, or any other container on your person. If you

    do not have any such containers on you, they appear at

    your feet in your space.

    Summon WeaponConjuration (Summoning)

    Level: Sor/Wiz 4

    Components: V, S

    Casting Time: 1 standard action

    Range: See text

    Target: One weapon

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Saving Throw: Will negates

    Spell Resistance:No

    This spell summons a single weapon of your choice

    into your hand. The weapon must have your arcane

    markon it; if the arcane markhas been removed, the

    spell automatically fails. If you do not have a hand

    free when you cast this spell, the weapon appears at

    your feet in your space.

    If the weapon is in the possession of another creature

    when you cast this spell, that creature may make aWill save to retain the weapon. This spell works across

    any distance, but does not cross planar boundaries.

    Summon Weapon, GreaterConjuration (Summoning)

    Level: Sor/Wiz 6

    This spell functions likesummon weapon, except that

    it functions across planar boundaries.



    Some wizards choose to focus on a specific school of

    magic, sacrificing a degree of versatility for greater

    power in a chosen area. Others take this dedication

    in a different direction. Instead of specializing in an

    entire school of magic, they focus upon only a single

    portion of it. By focusing upon only a certain part

    of their chosen school, these specialists pay less of

    a price in return for diminished gains. Such sub-

    specialists see themselves as gaining the best of both

    worlds between true specialists and generalist wizards.

    A sub-specialist functions similarly to a specialist

    wizard: she may prepare an additional spell of her

    sub-school per spell level each day (though narrower

    sub-schools might not have spells at every level) She

    also gains a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to learn

    spells of her chosen sub-school. When taking her firstwizard level, the character must decide if she wants

    to become a sub-specialist or not, and once made, this

    choice cannot be changed. A character cannot both

    specialize and sub-specialize. A sub-specialist must

    give up a single school of magic, which may not be

    the Divination or Universal schools; this restriction

    functions exactly as it does for specialist wizards. A

    sub-specialist who chooses Scrying only needs to give

    up another sub-school of magic.

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    Calling: Calling is a subset of the Conjuration school.

    A calling specialist is known as a caller.

    Charm: Charm is a subset of the Enchantment school.

    A charm specialist is known as a charmer.

    Compulsion: Compulsion is a subset of the

    Enchantment school. A compulsion specialist is known

    as a compulsor.

    Creation: Creation is a subset of the Conjuration

    school. A creation specialist is known as a crafter.

    Figment: Figment is a subset of the Illusion school. A

    figment specialist is known as a figmatist.

    Glamer: Glamer is a subset of the Illusion school. A

    glamer specialist is known as a glamora.

    Healing: Healing is a subset of the Conjuration school.

    A healing specialist is known as a healer.

    Pattern: Pattern is a subset of the Illusion school. A

    pattern specialist is known as a sequencer.

    Phantasm: Phantasm is a subset of the Illusion school.

    A phantasm specialist is known as a fantast.

    Scrying: Scrying is a subset of the Divination school.

    A scrying specialist is known as a scryer. Scryer sub-specialists need only give up another sub-school of

    magic, though they may choose to give up an entire

    school instead.

    Shadow: Shadow is a subset of the Illusion school. A

    shadow specialist is known as an umbralist.

    Summoning: Summoning is a subset of the

    Conjuration school. A summoning specialist is known

    as a summoner.

    Teleportation: Teleportation is a subset of the

    Conjuration school. A teleportation specialist is known

    as a teleporter.

    SIDEBAR Rather than specializing in a particular

    school or sub-school of magic, its possible for a

    wizard to specialize in a particular spell descriptor,

    such as evil, fire, or mind-affecting. These descriptor

    specialist wizards gain the same bonuses as other

    specialists (they may prepare one extra spell of

    the chosen descriptor at each spell level, and gain

    a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks to learn spells of

    that descriptor), and in exchange must give up a

    single other descriptor of spells, forsaking spells of

    that descriptor forever. At the GMs option, certain

    descriptors will automatically determine which

    descriptor is thusly forsaken. Specializing in Good

    spells, for example, may require that Evil spells begiven up.

    Also at the GMs option, this type of

    specialization may be open to other kinds of

    spellcasters besides wizards. Bear in mind that


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