skunks drw brochure 3-11-03 - animal rescue skunk...

Post on 30-Jul-2020






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In general:

Do not feed wild animals! Remove all foodsources. Feeding makes them dependent uponman for survival, alters the dynamics of naturalpopulation control, and encourages the species tobreed beyond the capacity of the area to supportsuch numbers. Feeding creates a false ecosystemthat eventually backfires and, in the end, theanimals will suffer. A 3' high wire mesh fence extended 6"beneath the ground surface will keep skunks out.Young skunks and spotted skunks mayoccasionally scale the fence but this behavior israre To skunk-proof houses or out-buildings, sealall openings but one with heavy mesh or boardssecurely fastened to the building. Spread flouraround the remaining opening. After finding nofootprints for at least 3 days, seal the remainingopening. Be sure not to trap any skunks insideand do not do this during the spring as there maybe baby skunks under the building. If they cannotget out, they will die and you will have another,equally unpleasant, type odor problem. If you have a den currently in use, try this:sound, water, lights, cayenne pepper, and strongodors like ammonia often make skunksuncomfortable enough to move away. Vary thedeterrents so they do not become used to them.Do not startle the skunk or it will probablyspray you. Bring pets in at dusk to avoid smellyconfrontations. Clear piles of debris that encourage skunk’snatural food sources (mice, rats, and insects). Make sure compost piles are put in sturdy,enclosed containers.

Good luck!

For more information orassistance, contact:

W.I.L.D.E. Service(805) 687-9980 (messages)

(805) 887-3574 (pager)

You may send donations to:1560 N. Ontare Rd.

Santa Barbara, CA 93105

Santa Barbara CountyAnimal Services

(805) 681-5285 (SB)(805) 737-7755 (Lom)(805) 934-6119 (SM)

Santa Barbara City Animal Control(805) 963-1513

Agricultural Commissioner’sOffice


NOTE:Live trapping is not a recommended

solution to ridding your property and yard ofskunks. Because they are around in suchnumbers, trapping is only a temporarysolution and not humane. It won’t be longbefore another one or more is attracted toyour home especially if you haven’t dealtwith those issues that attracted them in thefirst place! For valid reasons, governmentalanimal related agencies do not recommendrelocation as a solution and will euthanize alltrapped skunks if called for problemmanagement

PeacefulCo-existenceWith Skunks

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Data &Education


Sadly, most people never actually seea live skunk except in zoos. If it were not forthe frequent road casualties, you wouldseldom see them at all. It is far more likelythat you will smell them. Few people can saythey haven’t had that experience.

Of the wild animals one mightencounter, the skunk is probably the leastaggressive. Because of its malodorousdefense weapon, which it only uses whenstartled or attacked, it doesn’t have too manynatural enemies. This level of confidencecauses most to fall prey to cars, owls, coyotesand dogs…….

When grown, striped skunks are aboutthe size of a house cat. Nature has markedthem in bold black and white patterns to warnanything they encounter.

There are two types of skunkscommonly found in Santa Barbara County.The most common of the two is the stripedskunk. The other is its smaller cousin, thespotted skunk, which has the amusing defenseposture of standing on its hands as a warning.

Skunks are nocturnal animals thatbecome active around dusk foraging untildawn. It is during this food gathering exercisethat skunks do most of the damage to yourproperty. Skunks are omnivorous, eatinganything from insects, small rodents, to

various types of fruit and vegetables.While searching for food in the soil, theyare known to disturb gardens and lawns.Also, if you leave food out for youranimals, they will readily take advantageof this free meal meant for your pets.Overall, however, skunks are morebeneficial than they are destructive.

Skunks are nomadic and seldomstay in one place for long other thanduring spring when females burrow toraise their young. Skunks get intotrouble with their human neighborsduring breeding season because of theodor they freely disperse upon each otherduring the breeding process. Oncemating has been successful, the maleswander off continuing their nomadiclifestyle while the pregnant femalessearch for den sites that often happen tobe under houses, decks, woodpiles orother uncleared areas of debris. Otherthan scratching noises, they are usuallywell behaved until the youngsters areclose to weaning. This is about the onlytime you will see skunks out duringdaylight hours. Once they become moreexperienced, they will be fully nocturnal.

Spotted Skunk

Infant skunk

Skunks are able to use their odorglands almost from birth and many do sowhen roughhousing with each other or whenstartled by a real or imaginary intruder. Theyhave poor eyesight.

Most nuisance complaints concerningskunks relate to odor problems they havecaused. Many pets have unwittinglytriggered this weapon much to the chagrin ofthe irate owner who has to deodorize thefamily pet. If you or your pet is sprayed bya skunk, contrary to common myth, tomatojuice is not the best remedy. There are anumber of better and less messy choices suchas any tearless shampoo and water, ormouthwash, or a mild bleach and watersolution. In all cases, be extremely carefulnot to get any in the animal’s eyes. Clothingcan be run through one regular wash and drycycle. Just Remember that the spray has anoily base and detergent will remove it. Thereare many good commercial deodorizers on themarket as well.

To expect skunks to change theirbehavior is unrealistic. Trapping andrelocating them or eradicating them all is notthe answer. There are ways to peacefully co-exist and take advantage of the positivecontributions that skunks make to theenvironment

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