slippery when wet - · slippery when wet slippery when wet ... it is our hope that by...

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ISSUE 10-2016 October, 2016 O “ Our primary purpose it to stay sober and to help

Others achieve sobriety.”

TTTTreasurereasurereasurereasure Valley Intergroup NewsletterValley Intergroup NewsletterValley Intergroup NewsletterValley Intergroup Newsletter

Slippery When WetSlippery When WetSlippery When WetSlippery When Wet

Supporting Our Future through Public Information

By Mark S.

On Saturday September 17th, Christine C. and I were given the opportunity to be of service at the Indian Creek Fes-

tival Recovery Day. It is estimated that approximately 400 community residents a/ended the event.

Now, some folks in the Fellowship may be hesitant to be in public and talking to others, so to help encourage others

to be of service at events like this, we want to share with the Fellowship what we did. There was only one question

to begin with when interacting with those in a/endance, “Are there any questions you have that I might answer

about Alcoholics Anonymous?”

This simple question brought about many questions and inquiries about the program. We had one woman who said

she became overwhelmed the last time she a/ended a meeting and knows she needs to go to meetings. Christine C.

spoke with the woman, provided a meeting schedule, and showed her where the women’s meetings are and where

she would be going to next week. That is just one small sample of how we can be of service. Service has been key to

supporting and strengthening our sobriety. I became involved with the Commi/ee for Cooperation with the Profes-

sional Community and Public Information (CPC/PI) back in 2014. I have enjoyed all of the events I have participated

in and on Saturday it was even more exciting to have so much contact with the public.

In 1956, the Public Information Commi/ee of the General Service Board was formed. Then in 1961, the General Ser-

vice Conference established this policy for A.A. Public Information.

“In all public relationships, A.A.’s sole objective is to help the still-suffering alcoholic. Always mindful of the im-

portance of personal anonymity, we believe this can be done by making known to the still-suffering alcoholics, and to

those who may be interested in their problem, our own experience as individuals and as a fellowship in learning to live

without alcohol. We believe that our experience should be made available freely to all who express sincere interest. We

believe further that all efforts in this field should always reflect our gratitude for the gift of sobriety and our awareness

that many outside of A.A. are equally concerned with the serious problem of alcoholism.”

It is our hope that by sharing this wonderful opportunity of service, others may become interested in being of service

on the Cooperation with the Professional Community and Public Information commi/ee. For more information, the

monthly business meeting for the commi/ee is held the third Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm at Tree City Church,

3852 N. Eagle Road, Room 246, Meridian.


R��ec�i�n �� Tra�i�i�� 10

Short - Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into

public controversy.

Long - No A.A. Group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate A.A., express any opinion on outside

controversial issues -- particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous

Groups oppose no one. Concerning such ma/ers they can express no views whatever.

I saw a vivid example of A.A.’s Tenth Tradition while on a visit to California in 1989. I had just arrived at my hotel

room and flipped on the TV to watch the news when I heard the words “Alcoholics Anonymous”. The lawyer of a

driver who had been court-ordered to a/end A.A. as part of a DUI conviction was arguing that his client’s rights had

been violated because A.A. is a religious program. I waited to hear a response from A.A.. The newsperson slowly

turned to the camera and explained that A.A. had been invited to respond, but that the organization had no opinion

on the issue. There was also no spokesperson to deliver an opinion if they had one. I laughed out loud as I wit-

nessed a perfect example of our Tenth Tradition. The “controversy” was really between the convict and the courts

and A.A. stayed out of it.

This particular issue was resolved within the U.S. legal system. The courts ruled that inmates, parolees, and proba-

tioners cannot be ordered to a/end A.A.. Though A.A. itself was not deemed a religion, it was ruled that it con-

tained enough religious components to make coerced a/endance at meetings a violation of the Establishment Clause

of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

We still see people at A.A. meetings who may have received a “nudge from the judge”. No one from A.A. stands at

the door and presents them with a court order that prevents them from entering. If people want to a/end, they are

welcome. If they decide that A.A. is not their cup of tea, they are free to leave with no fear that A.A. will report them

to the courts or parole officers.

As with so many facets of A.A., our Tenth Tradition didn’t just drop out of the sky. It is rooted in history. Early

A.A. members were well aware of what had happened to the 19th Century Washingtonian Society; a group that

shared some similarities with A.A.. The Washingtonian movement was founded on April 2, 1840 by six alcoholics

in Baltimore, Maryland. They found that by relying on each other, sharing their alcoholic experiences and creating

an atmosphere of conviviality, they could keep each other sober. Group members commi/ed to total abstinence and

sought out other problem drinkers to tell them about their experiences and how the Society had helped them achieve

sobriety. At their peak, the Washingtonians had as many as 600,000 members. In just a few years, however, the

movement vanished as it became fragmented in its primary purpose. The Washingtonians got involved with a host

of controversial issues including prohibition, religion, politics and the abolition of slavery. This caused friction inter-

nally and with society as a whole.

Early A.A. members knew of the success and ultimate demise of the Washingtonians and learned from that move-

mentʹs experience. Sticking to our primary purpose of recovery from alcoholism and not becoming embroiled in

outside issues was built-in to our Traditions and has served us well. Though there are no shortage of public contro-

versies swirling around A.A. today, our organization, for the most part, is rarely in the news - thanks to our Tenth


In Service,

Bill M.


Monthly Business Meetings DISTRICT 3

First Tuesday - 7:00 PM

Collister United Methodist

4444 Taft, Boise


Fourth Thursday - 7:00 PM

First Presbyterian Church

950 W. State, Boise



Second Tuesday - 7:00 PM

TVICO Central Office

1111 S. Orchard, Ste 180

Boise, ID 83704


Second Saturday - 4:00 PM

619 12th Ave S.

(First Christian Church)

TVICO Board of Trustees


Second Thursday - 5:45 p.m. TVICO Central Office 1111 S. Orchard, Ste. 180

Boise, ID 83704



Third Saturday

Group & District Reps 10:00 AM

324 S. Meridian Rd. #25, Meridian

Third Saturday

TSNAC Volunteers 9:40 AM 324 S. Meridian Rd #25 Meridian CPC/PI 3rd Tuesday—7:00 PM 3852 N Eagle Rd, Eagle


Third Saturday 4X/yr

Feb, May, Aug, Nov

Call Dennis for location

(208) 315-3506


Third Sunday - 3:00 PM

324 S. Meridian Rd. #25



Fourth Sunday—5:00 PM

St. Matthews Epis Church

802 SW 5th Street

Ontario, OR 97914


GSO (General Service Office) P.O. Box 459 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163

TVICO (Central Office) 1111 S Orchard St. Suite 180 Boise, ID 83705

DISTRICT 3 P.O. Box 7892

Boise, ID 83707

DISTRICT 4 P.O. Box 1408 Caldwell, ID 83606

H&I WEST (Hospitals & Institutions) P.O. Box 2513 Boise, ID 83701

DISTRICT 5 P.O. Box 190754 Boise, ID 83719 CPC/PI

PO Box 190341

Boise, ID 83719

DISTRICT 8 P.O. Box 696 Boise, ID 83701

DISTRICT 9 District 9 Treasurer PO Box 177

Cascade, ID 83611

DISTRICT 11 PO Box 158

Ontario, OR 97914


For information about our Treasure Valley Intergroup please visit h/p://, and also for Area 18 A.A.

information, please visit: h/p:// where you will find meeting schedules and news about

A.A. events and activities.

Also, do you have a story to share on experience, strength and hope? How about a joke? Please contact Brenda M.

at :

Clear Humility in Sobriety

With as much humility as I can muster, I must share this story! “Humility” is defined by Merriam-Webster as:

“The quality or state of not thinking you are be/er than other people.” I must, must concede that this has been

quite the challenge for me in sobriety to practice…. for I am a writer…. I have always wanted to be a writer! In

Alcoholics anonymous I have been fortunate enough to share my stories through writing. In August I celebrated

8 years sober, and this month (October) I have been contacted by The Grapevine Magazine (our National Meeting

in Print) for permission to use one of my articles. This will make the 7th article that has been published in The

Grapevine since 2008. The article will appear in the December, 2016 issue. So, I am overjoyed and ecstatic that

once again, perhaps my experience, strength, and hope can help a newcomer as they read my story. The trick is

NOT to think about the idea that the Grapevine Magazine likes how I share my stories through the medium of

writing, and that out of ALL the article submissions in the world that the office in New York, New York receives

for review, 7 of mine have been published in 8 years. Wow! That’s BIG to me!

So, the thing is, I haven’t told anybody about it, except for one friend. I don’t carry around copies of The Grape-

vine with my articles to give to people. I don’t sign autographs. It is THIS, THIS SILENCE that keeps me hum-

ble. I used to think it was a Big Deal to be published in The Grapevine, now I see how, “Anonymity is the Spir-

itual Foundation of All our Affairs.” I mean, really, change my name to Jane Doe and the SUBTANCE of the Ex-

perience, Strength and Hope remains the same…. That’s the message. That’s what ma/ers. We’re all in this to-

gether and we’re all just trying to get by with a daily reprieve from our disease of alcoholism.

So back to a state of HUMILITY. I was asked to speak at a Speaker’s meeting last week. I shared what it was like,

what happened and what it’s like now… focusing on The Solution. Afterwards people shared some perspective

of what they experienced from the speaker (me). I heard the most beautiful comment by someone… he said,

something like, (I am paraphrasing), “Brenda. I remember you in 2006. I remember thinking this woman sounds

like a scrambled radio station… you know, when you’re turning the dial and everything is static and you can’t

quite hear anything? Now, today, after listening to you, I just want to say, you have become a clear radio station,

and you carry a clear message.” Wow. That really touched my heart! AND I KNOW WHAT HE’S TALKING

ABOUT! That’s the gift this program offers! We all become Clear Channels when we Trust, clean house, and

help others! A whole new life emerges when we follow direction, work with a sponsor, and surrender.

I do KNOW for a fact that I am NOT the same person I was when I walked into these rooms 10 years ago. That

woman is dead. Gone. The book says:

“We feel new power flow in, enjoy peace of mind, discover we can face life successfully, become conscience of

God’s presence, we lose our fear of today, tomorrow, or hereafter. We are Reborn.”

This has been TRUE for me. I LOVE the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I send out a vibratory frequency of

Love and Light, in Clear Humility today. My heart pi/er pa/ers. Thank You.

In Service,

Brenda M.


The Humor Page

(We Are Not a Glum Lot)!

Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "And what starting salary are you looking for?" The engineer replies, "In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package." The interviewer inquires, "Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?" The engineer sits up straight and says, "Wow! Are you kidding?" The interviewer replies, "Yeah, but you started it."

Teacher: "If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another 2, how many would you have?" Johnny: "Seven." Teacher: "No, listen carefully... If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?" Johnny: "Seven." Teacher: "Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you 2 apples, and another 2 apples and another 2, how many would you have?" Johnny: "Six." Teacher: "Good. Now if I gave you 2 cats, and 2 two cats and another 2, how many would you have?" Johnny: "Seven!" Teacher: "Johnny, where in the heck do you get seven from?!" Johnny: "Because I've already got a freaking cat!" A proud and confident genius makes a bet with an idiot. The genius says, "Hey idiot, every question I ask you that you don't know the answer to, you have to give me $5. And if you ask me a question and I can't answer yours, I will give you $5,000." The idiot says, "Okay." The genius then asks, "How many continents are there in the world?" The idiot doesn't know and hands over the $5. The idiot says, "Now me ask: what animal stands with two legs but sleeps with three?" The genius tries and searches very hard for the answer, but gives up and hands over the $5,000. The genius says, "Dang it, I lost. By the way, what was the answer to your question?" The idiot hands over $5.

Q: Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn? A: Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.


Treasure Valley Intergroup Central Office

Cash Flow, September, 2016


Archives $ 267.30 Cost of Goods Sold $ 6,604.37

Gross Sales TOTAL Cost of Goods Sold $ 6,604.37

GSO Sales $ 6,615.32 Office Expense

Non-GSO Sales $ 3,079.53 Rent $ 1,088.00

Meeting Schedules & NCP $ 19.50 Phone Service $ 141.54

In House Merchandise $ - Answering Service $ 163.54

Gift Certificates $ -

Copy Machine (Printing & Re-

prod.) $ 468.80

Refund $ - Postage, Delivery $ -

TOTAL Gross Sales $ 9,714.35 Bank Serv Chgs (Intuit Pay Sol.) $ 93.08

Member Donations Registrations $ 78.00

District Donations $ - Over-Under $ 34.26

Group Donations $ 3,547.31 Office Supplies $ 146.93

Individual Donations $ 74.51 Shredding $ 50.00

Intergroup Fund Raising $ - Internet Service $ -

TOTAL Donations $ 3,621.82 Painting of Office $ 146.64

Miscellaneous Income Professional Fees: Accounting $ 157.50

Restitution $ 23.80

Interest Income $ - $ -

Shipping & Handling $ 12.00 $ -

Printing $ 10.35 $ -

Slippery When Wet $ - $ -

TOTAL Misc. Revenue $ 46.15 TOTAL Office Expenses $ 2,568.29

TOTAL INFLOWS $ 13,649.62 Payroll Expense

Includes Employer Payroll Taxes $ 1,687.16

Cash Available for Opera-

tions $ 5,353.54

Cash Drawer $ 143.64 $ -

Prudent Reserve $ 10,001.06

Amounts due from Home Groups $ 995.96 TOTAL Payroll Expense $ 1,687.16

Inventory on Hand $ 20,577.24 TOTAL OUTFLOWS $ 10,859.82

NET Cash + / - $ 2,789.80

Clarifications: A) Accounting: Review financial statements, prepare reports for intergroup and Steering Commi/ee meetings.

A/end Steering Commi/ee meetings (No Charge)


Group Donations: September, 2016

Date Source Name Paid Amount


Group Donations

09/01/2016 How It Works-Nampa 40.00

09/01/2016 Women In Fellowship 180.00

09/01/2016 Faith Forward 175.00

09/06/2016 Oldtimers-Caldwell 50.00

09/06/2016 Stephen H. 125.00

09/06/2016 Sobriety Seekers 257.00

09/07/2016 Happy Hour Group 0.90

09/07/2016 Simply Sober 100.00

09/08/2016 Seekers 35.61

09/08/2016 Saturday Night Live 20.00

09/09/2016 Wednesday Noon-Ontario 70.00

09/09/2016 Eagle Downtowners 116.00

09/13/2016 Bucks No Bull 26.00

09/14/2016 F-Troop 12.20

09/15/2016 treasure Valley Big Book Study 265.00

09/15/2016 Sunlight of the Spirit 36.11

09/15/2016 Friends of Bill W 66.57

09/16/2016 Wednesday Night Men's Solutions 212.40

09/16/2016 No Reservations 168.00

09/20/2016 Caldwell-Wednesday Night Group 75.00

09/20/2016 Happy Hour 230.00

09/20/2016 Into Action 236.82

09/21/2016 Seekers 20.00

09/22/2016 Lunch Bunch 90.42

09/23/2016 Sundowners 235.35

09/23/2016 Homedale AA Group 5.00

09/27/2016 Welcome Home Nampa 20.00

09/27/2016 As Bill Sees It 0.00

09/27/2016 As Bill Sees It 226.00

09/27/2016 As Bill Sees It 282.93

09/29/2016 Pioneer AA 150.00

09/29/2016 faithful fivers 20.00

Total Group Donations 3,547.31

Total Donations 3,547.31

TOTAL 3,547.31


Treasure Valley Intergroup Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 13, 2016

1. Meeting called to order and opened with the Serenity Prayer by Mark S./Intergroup Chair.

2. The 12 Traditions read by Bre/ H. and the Intergroup Statement of Purpose read by Mark M.

3. Secretary: Position is Vacant: Report given by Mark S. John F. made a motion to accept the minutes as emailed, motion second-

ed, all in favor, and motion carried.

4. Treasurer Report, Janice Mc.: Intergroup has a current balance of $1027.00. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report

and seconded. All in favor, motion carried. 5. Assistant Intergroup Chair, Steve C.: Nothing to report

6. Intergroup Chair, Mark S.: 6.1. Tony S. has been hired as the new part-time employee at Central Office. Tony will receive $9.50

per hour and work 16 hours per week to include special events. 6.2. Mark and Christine C. will be hauling all Central Office mate-

rial for the Fall Assembly to Fort Hall. 6.3. Central Office is receiving a $9.95 restitution payment a month from the individual who

stole the safe approximately 2 ½ years ago. The exact amount is unknown. 6.4. Central Office will be se/ing up a PayPal account

to make purchases and to facilitate the opening of on-line ordering. 6.5. Central Office and Intergroup will have a table at the No-

vember Gratitude Dinner. Mark will address the a/endees on Central Office and Intergroup.

7. Entertainment Chair: Position is vacant. Brenda M. informed the group that the Lunch Bunch group is se/ing up the upcoming

Halloween party at the Boise Alano Club. A formal flyer will be published with all details.

8. Webmaster – Travis S. 8.1. Travis is still making progress to get the Central Office on-line store up and running. He has found

an ecommerce solution that he has started to set up locally on his computer. Central Office will pay for the services. (OPEN) 8.2.

The website,, had a total of 342 visitors this last month and it appears that visitors are visiting multiple pages when they

visit. (CLOSED)

9. Slippery When Wet Editor, Brenda M.: There is still a need for columnists for “He Said, She Said” regarding step work. Also

another individual to write an AA History column. To contact Brenda M., please email her at

10. Answering Service: Position is vacant. If you or your group are interested in staffing the AA Hotline, please email tvhot-

11. TSNAC Representative, Susanna L., via email: 11.1. TSNAC Pink Cans. 11.1.1. Pink Cans are for group donations. 11.1.2. Pink

Can donations are monies which go directly to purchasing literature to bring into the Hospitals and Institutions we service. 11.1.3.

If any group would like a ʹPink Canʹ TSNAC will be happy to provide one. Susanna will bring some Pink Cans to the October IG

Monthly meeting. 11.1.4. Explanation of what TSNAC does with these funds will also be printed on the can. 11.1.5. To help those

who are unaware of what the Pink Can is all about, an explanation of the ʹPink Canʹ within the group format would be appreciat-

ed. 11.2. Direct Group donations to Treasure Valley TSNAC by check. 11.2.1. The treasurer requests groups please be clear what

your Group name is and how TSNAC should apply your donation when making out your checks. 11.2.2. Currently donations

NOT marked as ʹPink Canʹ (Literature only) are applied to the General Fund and utilized where most needed within TSNAC.

11.2.3. TSNAC will remain transparent with donations and the monthly Treasury Reports are posted directly to our Webpage:

h/p:// 11.2.4. Questions regarding TSNAC donations are invited and can be directed to our

Treasurer, Eric T.. 208-608-4991 or via email to

12. CPC/PI Representative: Position is Vacant. 13. BACYPAA Representative, Graham and Patrick. Report given by Trent T. 13.1.

BACYPAA will be helping with the Gratitude Dinner and Halloween Party. 13.2. The group will have a round table at the Fall

Assembly. 13.3. The group has a weekly business meeting at the Li/le Red House each Sunday at 7 p.m. 13.4. If your home group

is looking for help with events, please come by the meeting.

14. Group Announcements: Nothing at this time. 15. Central Office Financial Breakdown. Given by Teri K. See a/ached Cash

Flow Report. 16. Steering Commi/ee Report. Given by Marti H. The fellowship has been wonderful and supporting the changes

that have come about through donations. Please continue to encourage all to come by and see all the changes.

17. 7th Tradition. $20

18. OLD BUSINESS 18.1. Mark S. brought up the following open positions; Secretary, Entertainment, Answering Service, and

CPC/PI representative positions. No one stepped up to fill the any of the positions, so again Mark S. asked the group to take it out

to the meetings and have anyone interested a/end the next meeting. (OPEN) 18.2. Marti H. informed the group that there is a

rough draft of the combination of bylaws for Intergroup and the Steering Commi/ee. Once the commi/ee meets next week Mark

S. will email it to the group. (OPEN) 18.3. Mark S. asked for feedback on the idea of se/ing up a passport program for the fellow-

ship to encourage going to meetings throughout the valley. Those that complete the passport will be given a t-shirt or coffee cup,

just as suggested gifts. Intergroup representatives were asked to take the idea back to the groups to discuss. Group response was

favorable so Mark S. will present a possible product in November. (OPEN)

19. NEW BUSINESS: 19.1. Kirk J. from District 9 was present to be elected as the District 9 Steering Commi/ee representative. Ste-

ve C. made a motion that Kirk J. be approved as the District 9 representative, motion seconded, all in favor and motion carried.

(CLOSED) 19.2. The group discussed holding an even to help encourage service work throughout the valley. Randy C. will pre-

sent a detailed plan for the event at the November meeting. (OPEN)

20. Meeting Adjourned. Mark Steigleder Acting Intergroup Secretary


TVICO Steering Commi/ee (S.C.) Meeting Minutes For September 13, 2016

1. Meeting called to order by Marti H./Chairperson. Followed by the Serenity Prayer.

2. Commi/ee members present. Christine C., Secretary and District 4 S.C. Representative Mark S., Intergroup Chair/

S.C. Representative Steve C., Asst. Intergroup Chair/S.C. Representative Janice Mc., Intergroup Treasurer/S.C. Repre-

sentative Not Present: Anna A., Asst. Chair, District 5 S.C. Representative District 8, 9 and 11.

3. Members of the Fellowship Present: Brenda M. Teri K. Randy C.

4. Secretary Report given by Christine C. Mark S. motioned to accept minutes as wri/en, with a second, all in favor,

motion carried.

5. Treasurer/Financial Report given by Teri K. Please refer to the a/ached financialsheets. Christine C. motioned to

accept the report with a second, all in favor, motion carried.

6. Co-Chair Report given not given.

7. Chairperson Report given by Marti H. Business has been good and group donation have been good. Compared to

past months group donations are down. Tony S. has started working and will be in training for two weeks.

8. Old Business. 8.1. Mark S. informed the commi/ee that all applicants had been notified of the results of the hiring

process. (CLOSED) 8.2. Marti H. has worked out an effective work schedule for Central Office. (CLOSED)

9. New Business. 9.1. Marti H. informed the commi/ee that Ellen has been doing ordering. Part of the process of or-

dering requires Ellen to have access to the checkbook on the QuickBooks only. Mark S. made a motion to extend El-

len’s permissions on QuickBooks to allow completion of assigned duties. The motion was seconded, all in favor, mo-

tion carried. (CLOSED)

9.2. The commi/ee discussed the payment of registration and meals for the part-time employees. Mark S. made a mo-

tion to pay registration, dinner and breakfast for the Fall Assembly and afterwards discuss a possible Per diem sys-

tem for future events. The motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried. (OPEN)

9.3. Mark S. and Christine C. will transport all material to the Fall Assembly, the 2 part time employees will ride with

them and the females will have one room along with one for males. One room will be paid for by the commi/ee.


9.4. Central Office and Intergroup will have a display table at the upcoming Gratitude Dinner. Mark S. will be provid-

ing an overview of Central Office to those in a/endance. Marti H. will be giving the opening prayer. (CLOSED)

9.5. Marti H. informed the commi/ee that we are receiving a $9.95 restitution payment a month from the individual

who stole the safe 2 ½ years ago. The exact amount of restitution is unknown at this time. (OPEN)

9.6. The commi/ee is in search of a lightweight clothing rack for displaying recovery shirts. Mark S. made a motion

that the commi/ee check locally to purchase rack and if it cannot be found at a reasonable price then one will be pur-

chased off of Amazon Prime. The motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried. (OPEN)

9.7. The commi/ee discussed the need for a second debit card for travel purposes. Christine C. made a motion that

Marti H. receive the card, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. (CLOSED)

9.8. The commi/ee discussed the need for a PayPal account to make purchases and receive revenue for an online

store. Mark S. made a motion that the account be set up, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. (OPEN)

10. The next commi/ee meeting will be October 11, 2016 at 5:45 pm.

11. Meeting Adjourned. //SIGNED// Christine C. Steering Commi/ee Secretary

October 14. 6:00 p.m., 5th Annual Treasure Valley Men’s Banquet. Wyndham Garden Boise Airport, 3300

S. Vista Ave., Boise, ID Bre/ K. 350-1308 or Doug P. 989-9768.

October 29. 6:00 p.m., Halloween Party. Alano Club, 3820 W. Cassia. Family Friendly. Bring the kids!

Cupcake-Walk, costume contest, fortune teller. Dance Music. 50/50 Raffle. Potluck snacks (bring a snack

to share). Janet H. 713-8333.

November 5. 5:00 p.m., 21st Annual Gratitude Dinner. Boys and Girls Club, 610 E. 42 St., Garden City, ID.

Free Dinner, Bring a dessert to share. To donate items for Auction or Raffle, please call Cassie at 631-

9515, or Clayton at 789-5199.


Will You Be the Hand of A.A.?

Mark S.

Your Treasure Valley Intergroup is commi/ed to ensuring Alcoholics either living or visiting in

the area are able to speak to another alcoholic to find out where meetings are or get connected

with an alcoholic for a 12 Step call.

Your current meeting schedule published by TVICO contains 203 meetings. We have a fellowship

with a large number of alcoholics with 6 months or more of sobriety, yet there are still many open-

ings for an individual or group to handle you’re A.A. Hotline one day a month. Having served as

your Answering Service Chair, I have been asked questions on what to expect, so here is some

basic information.

What is the Treasure Valley A.A. Hotline/Answering Service?

Your Treasure Valley Intergroup Central Office (TVICO) operates an answering service (hotline)

for Southwest Idaho Area 18. The A.A. Hotline is a number that people can call to find meetings,

ask questions about A.A., or to speak to another alcoholic.

The hotline phone number is the same as TVICO and needs to be answered by volunteers from the

fellowship when TVICO is closed. When TVICO closes, they will transfer the hotline to the as-

signed volunteer. The volunteer will not have to go anywhere special to answer the phone – just

stay near his or her own phone, have an up-to-date meeting schedule on hand, and a list of “12

step” volunteers provided by the Answering Service representative.

Who can volunteer to answer the Hotline?

Six months of sobriety is recommended. No experience is necessary; all that is required is a tele-

phone and a desire to help other alcoholics.

What happens when someone doesn’t take the hotline?

The Treasure Valley Intergroup Central Office, with splits that your groups graciously send, has to

pay approximately $160 per month for Sound Telecom, a professional answering service, so they

can take the calls, refer alcoholics to meetings and call members for 12 Step calls. The cost will go

up dependent on how many calls come in and how many people the service calls before finding

someone to make a 12 Step Call.

What areas does the Hotline service?

Having staffed the phone for months at a time, I have taken calls from Weiser, Mountain Home,

Homedale, Ontario OR, Caldwell, Nampa, Meridian, and Boise. However, as mentioned, your

meeting schedule covers all the way North to Riggins, West to Ontario, South to Homedale and

East to Glenns Ferry.

What should I expect when I take the Hotline?

Answering the Hotline typically involves answering simple questions such as where meetings are

and about sobriety. It is important to have an up-to-date schedule on hand as most questions/calls

can be answered simply by referring to your meeting schedule. (Continued on Page 11)


(Will You Be the Hand of A.A. by Mark S., Continued)

Volunteers are not to do extensive 12th-step work with people asking for help, for this ties up the

hot line. The volunteer is asked to get the callers first name, phone number, and city and tell the

caller that someone will call them back shortly. Then, by calling people on the provided “12-Step”

list, the volunteer finds someone listed in the caller’s city that will commit to calling them back.

The answering service does not arrange rides, although the 12-Step list includes some people will-

ing to give rides in an emergency.

Callers interested in information about A.A. are referred to TVICO during regular business hours.

A.A. meeting places often have fliers and information concerning A.A. activities. It doesn’t hurt to

be aware of the time and place of any special events that are being held around the time you vol-

unteer. (TVICO hours of operation are Tuesdays through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.)

From my experience, I am mostly called in the evenings to get meeting information and past 10

p.m., I typically don’t have calls, if I do, one is typically the case. Now, the exception to this is

around the holidays when the Hotline call volume jumps.

A.A. does not affiliate itself with any outside agency. Therefore, answering service volunteers

should not give referrals to any specific agencies while representing A.A.. When answering the

A.A. Hotline, you are representing A.A.. The local hospitals can give information regarding emer-

gency detox.

How Should I Answer the Phone?

It is important that a caller know right away they have reached the right number without having to

ask if they have called the A.A.. Hotline. Always answer politely and professionally, preferably

with “A.A. Hotline, how may I help you?” Many volunteers drop the “A.A.” and/or answer more

informally with simply: “Hotline.”

From my experience volunteering on the hotline and since all calls come to my cell phone, when I

am manning the hotline and a number shows up that is not on my contact list, I answer those calls

as, “A.A. Hotline”. Furthermore, when I am a/ending a meeting and have the hotline, I place my

phone on vibrate so I may step out and take the call. My philosophy is simple, if I am not available

to take the calls, an alcoholic only a block from the meeting may miss the same meeting I am


How can I volunteer?

If your group is interested in volunteering, you can volunteer by sending an email to tvhot- or by calling TVICO at (208) 344-6611.

Please consider stepping-up to fill the many nights we have available on the Hotline by email-




ATTENTION: The phone number for Cassie on this flyer is incorrect. Please call Cassie at 208-

631-9515, or Clayton at 789-5199 to donate items for the Auction and Raffle! THANK YOU!


Treasure Valley Intergroup

Central Office

1111 S. Orchard Suite 180

Boise, ID 83705

Not Here

There’s courage involved

If you want to become Truth.

There is a broken-open

Place in a lover.

Where are these qualities

Of bravery and sharp compassion

In this group?

What’s the use of old

And frozen thought?

I want a howling hurt.

This is not a treasury

Where gold is stored;

This is for copper.

We alchemists look for talent that

Can heat up and CHANGE.

Lukewarm won’t do.

Half-hearted holding back,

Well-enough ge/ing by?

Not Here.


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