sm project .final.docx

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx



    “Foreign Direct Investment In Mining and


    & Natural Gas”




    IN SUBJECT OF Strategic Maage!et




    ROLL NO" $%-&%%'


    BATCH " )'$%-)'$*


  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx



    I ANI#ET ANIL BHOSALE+ ROLL NO.$%-&%%'+ T,e t/et 01   M.C0!

    2Acc0tac34 Se!eter-II 2)'$%4+ #.V.PNDHAR#AR COLLE(E+

    A11i5iate/ t0 Ui6erit3 01 M!7ai+ ,ere73 /ec5are t,at t,e 8r09ect 10r 

    t,e 79ect.

    “Foreign Direct Investment In Mining and Petroleum

    & Natural Gas”

    S7!itte/ 73 !e t0 Ui6erit3 01 M!7ai+ 10r Se!eter-II e:a!iati0

    i 7ae/ 0 acta5 ;0r< carrie/ 73 !e.

    I 1rt,er tate t,at t,i ;0r< i 0rigia5 a/ 0t 7!itte/ a3;,ere e5e

    10r a3 e:a!iati0.


    P5ace " D0!7i65i Sigatre O1 T,e St/et

    Date "

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    R055 N0 " $%-&%%' Na!e" Ai

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx



    $# NO% TITLE

    /% C"APTE#+ I


      Im0ortance and 1arriers to FDI  #EA$EA#C" MET"DOLO'%



    2% C"APTE#+ II

      % Foreign Direct Investment In Mining and Petroleum* Natural as  FDI IN INDIA


    3% C"APTE#+ III

      #E&IEW OF LITE#AT!#E%

    4% C"APTE#+ I&




  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


      C"APTE#+ I

      INT#OD!CTION 5

    A 10reig /irect i6et!et 2FDI4 i a c0tr055ig 0;er,i8 i a 7ie

    eter8rie i 0e c0tr3 73 a etit3 7ae/ i a0t,er c0tr3.

    F0reig /irect i6et!et i /itigi,e/ 1r0! P0rt105i0 F0reig I6et!et+ a

     8ai6e i6et!et i t,e ecritie 01 a0t,er c0tr3 c, a

     875ic St0c

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    i6et!et+ FDI i /e1ie/ a t,e et i150; 01 i6et!et 2i150; !i 0t150;4

    t0 ac>ire a 5atig !aage!et iteret 2$' 8ercet 0r !0re 01 60tig t0cit3 ca8ita5+ 0t,er 50g-ter! ca8ita5+ a/ ,0rt-ter! ca8ita5 a ,0;

    t,e 7a5ace 01 8a3!et. FDI a553 i6056e 8artici8ati0 i !aage!et+ 90it-

    6etre+ tra1er 01 tec,050g3 a/ e:8ertie. St0c< 01 FDI i t,e et 2i.e.+ i;ar/

    FDI !i 0t;ar/ FDI4 c!5ati6e FDI 10r a3 gi6e 8eri0/. Direct i6et!et

    e:c5/e i6et!et t,r0g, 8rc,ae 01 ,are. FDI i 0e e:a!85e

    01 iterati0a5 1act0r !06e!et A 10reig /irect i6et!et 2FDI4 i a

    c0tr055ig 0;er,i8 i a 7ie eter8rie i 0e c0tr3 73 a etit3 7ae/ i

    a0t,er c0tr3. F0reig /irect i6et!et i /itigi,e/ 1r0! 80rt105i0 10reig

    i6et!et+ a 8ai6e i6et!et i t,e ecritie 01 a0t,er c0tr3 c, a 875ic


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    . Vertica5 FDI taire 60tig 80;er 01 a eter8rie i a

    ec00!3 t,r0g, a3 01 t,e 10550;ig !et,0/"

    •  73 ic0r80ratig a ;,0553 0;e/ 7i/iar3 0r c0!8a3 a3;,ere

    •  73 ac>irig ,are i a a0ciate/ eter8rie

    • t,r0g, a !erger 0r a ac>iiti0 01 a re5ate/ eter8rie

     8artici8atig i a e>it3 90it 6etre ;it, a0t,er i6et0r 0r eter8rie.

    Forms of FDI incentives

    F0reig /irect i6et!et iceti6e !a3 ta

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    • re50cati0 e:8atriati0

    • i1ratrctre 7i/ie

    • RD 880rt

    • /er0gati0 1r0! reg5ati0 2a553 10r 6er3 5arge 8r09ect4

    (06er!eta5 I6et!et Pr0!0ti0 Agecie 2IPA4 e 6ari0 !ar

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


     7e a88ea5ig t0 t,e ,0t c0tr3 7ecae 01 tec,050gica5 5ag 0r /er-

    /e6e508!et+ i 0r/er t0 a60i/ c0!8etiti0 agait it 0; 8r0/ct 73 t,e ,0t


      Develo0ing 7orld

    A )'$' !eta-aa53i 01 t,e e11ect 01 10reig /irect i6et!et 0 50ca5 1ir! i

    /e6e508ig a/ traiti0 c0trie gget t,at 10reig i6et!et r07t53

    icreae 50ca5 8r0/cti6it3 gr0;t,. T,e C0!!it!et t0 De6e508!et I/e: raet53 7eca!e t,e 8ri!e !iiter+ t,i ,a 7ee 0e 01 ,i t08 805itica5

     8r075e!+ e6e i t,e crret ti!e. I/ia /ia550;e/ 06erea c0r80rate 70/ie

    2OCB4 t0 i6et i I/ia.I/ia i!80e ca8 0 e>it3 ,05/ig 73 10reig i6et0r

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    i 6ari0 ect0r+ crret FDI i a6iati0 a/ irace ect0r i 5i!ite/ t0 a

    !a:i!! 01 &.

    Startig 1r0! a 7ae5ie 01 5e t,a $ 7i55i0 i $&&'+ a )'$) UNCTAD r6e3

     8r09ecte/ I/ia a t,e ec0/ !0t i!80rtat FDI /etiati0 2a1ter C,ia4 10r

    traati0a5 c0r80rati0 /rig )'$')'$). A 8er t,e /ata+ t,e ect0r t,at

    attracte/ ,ig,er i150; ;ere er6ice+ te5ec0!!icati0+ c0trcti0 acti6itie

    a/ c0!8ter 01t;are a/ ,ar/;are. Mariti+ Siga80re+ US a/ U# ;ere

    a!0g t,e 5ea/ig 0rce 01 FDI. Bae/ 0 UNCTAD /ata FDI 150; ;ere $'.

     7i55i0+ a /r08 01 1r0! t,e 1irt ,a51 01 t,e 5at 3ear.

     Nie 1r0! $' 5arget 10reig c0!8aie i6etig i I/ia21r0! A8ri5 )'''-

    Jaar3 )'$$4 are 7ae/ i Mariti .Lit 01 t,e te 5arget 10reig c0!8aie

    i6etig i I/ia21r0! A8ri5 )'''- Jaar3 )'$$4 are a 10550;..

    $. TMI Mariti Lt/. -R )& cr0reK$*'' !i55i0

    ). Cair U# H05/ig - R*** cr0reK$&) !i55i0

    . Orac5e (507a5 2Mariti4 Lt/. -R '% cr0reK$' !i55i0

    . Mariti De7t Maage!et Lt/.-R '' cr0reK&%* !i55i0

    %. V0/a10e Mariti Lt/. R )* cr0reK'$ !i55i0

    *. Etia5at Mariti Lt/. R )) cr0re

    . CMP Aia Lt/. R )*.)% cr0reK*%. !i55i0

    . Orac5e (507a5 Mariti Lt/. R )%. cr0re K %*.& !i55i0

    &. Merri55 L3c,2Mariti4 Lt/. R ))'.') cr0re K .%% !i55i0

    $'.Na!e 01 t,e c0!8a3 0t gi6e 27t t,e I/ia c0!8a3 ;,ic, g0t t,e FDI

    i D,a705 P0;er c0!8a3 Lt/.4

    I )'$% I/ia e!erge/ a t08 FDI /etiati0 r8aig C,ia a/ t,e US. I 1irt

    ,a51 01 t,e )'$% I/ia attracte/ FDI 01 $ 7i55i0 c0!8are/ t0 ) 7i55i0 a/ )

     7i55i0 01 C,ia a/ t,e US re8ecti6e53.

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      !nited $tates

    Br0a/53 8ea

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    a 7i55 ;,ic, ;05/ /irect t,e Uite/ State De8art!et 01 C0!!erce t0 =c0/ct a

    re6ie; 01 t,e g507a5 c0!8etiti6ee 01 t,e Uite/ State i attractig 10reig

    /irect i6et!et=.S880rter 01 t,e 7i55 arge/ t,at icreae/ 10reig /irect

    i6et!et ;05/ ,e58 907 creati0 i t,e Uite/ State.


    F0reig /irect i6et!et 73 c0tr3 a/ 73 i/tr3 are trac

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx




      TO $T!D' OF Foreign Direct Investment In Mining and

    Petroleum * Natural as%

      TO $T!D' W"AT A#E T"E Im0ortance and

    1arriers to FDI%


    TO $T!D' T'PE$ * MET"OD$ OF FDI%

      W"AT A#E T"E suggests 6oreign investment

    ro1ustl8 increases local 0roductivit8 gro7t.%

      TO $T!D' "OW WTO A$$I$T TO INC#EA$E FDI9%

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


     #EA$EA#C" MET"ODOLO'5 researc. is a descri0tive stud8 in nature% T.e secondar8 data 7as

    collected 6rom various :ournals) maga;ines) and 7e1sites 0articularl8 6rom

    t.e De0artment o6 Industrial Polic8 * Promotion) Ministr8 o6 Commerce and

    Industr8 etc% T.e stud8 is 1ased on t.e time 0eriod 6rom 2

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx






    $!E$TION$ W"IC" I "A&E MADE I$ BE$T OF M'




      T.e 0ro:ect is 1ased and 0re0ared on su1:ect namel8 its

    Im0ortance) O1:ectives * 1arrier% 0ro:ect is sim0le

    and eas8 to understand%

      I 6ollo7ed a 0ro0er structure i%e% Introduction) meaning)

    E@0lanation) Formats etc% 7it. t.e .el0 o6 7e can

    easil8 come to -no7 t.e conce0t o6 0ro:ect%

      Pro:ect is use6ul to stud8 and im0rove t.eoretical

    -no7ledge regarding t.e to0ic or su1:ect%

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


      Data and in6ormation o6 t.e 0ro:ect is collected 6rom

    internet and 1oo-s) 0eriodicals so 7e 7ill get

    a00ro0riate and correct in6ormation a1out t.e 0ro:ect%


    Foreign Direct Investment In Mining and Petroleum

    * Natural as

    T,e Mining industr8  i I/ia  i a !a90r ec00!ic acti6it3 ;,ic, c0tri7te

    igi1icat53 t0 t,e ec00!3 01 I/ia. T,e (DP c0tri7ti0 01 t,e !iig i/tr3

    6arie 1r0! ).) t0 ).% 053 7t g0ig 73 t,e (DP 01 t,e t0ta5 i/tria5 ect0r it

    c0tri7te ar0/ $' t0 $$. E6e !iig /0e 0 !a55 ca5e c0tri7te *

    t0 t,e etire c0t 01 !iera5 8r0/cti0. I/ia !iig i/tr3 8r06i/e 907

    0880rtitie t0 ar0/ ''+''' i/i6i/a5.

    I/ia i t,e 5arget 8r0/cer 01 ,eet !ica+ t,e t,ir/ 5arget 8r0/cer 01 ir0 0re

    a/ t,e 1i1t, 5arget 8r0/cer 01  7a:ite  i t,e ;0r5/. I/ia !eta5 a/ !iig

    i/tr3 ;a eti!ate/ t0 7e $'*.7 2*.%74 i )'$'.

    H0;e6er+ t,e !iig i I/ia i a50 i1a!0 10r ,!a rig,t 6i05ati0  a/

    e6ir0!eta5 8055ti0. T,e i/tr3 ,a 7ee ,it 73 e6era5 ,ig, 8r01i5e !iig

    ca/a5 i recet ti!eItr0/cti0

    T,e tra/iti0 01 !iig i t,e regi0 i aciet a/ /er;et !0/eriati0

    a50gi/e t,e ret 01 t,e ;0r5/ a I/ia ,a gaie/ i/e8e/ece i $&. T,e

    ec00!ic re10r! 01 $&&$ a/ t,e $&& Nati0a5 Miig P05ic3 1rt,er ,e58e/ t,e

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    gr0;t, 01 t,e !iig ect0r. I/ia !iera5 rage 1r0! 70t, !eta55ic  a/ 0-

    !eta55ic t38e. T,e !eta55ic !iera5 c0!8rie 1err0 a/ 0-1err0 !iera5+

    ;,i5e t,e 0!eta55ic !iera5 c0!8rie !iera5 1e5+  8reci0 t0e+ a!0g


    D.R. #,55ar ,05/ t,at !iig i I/ia /e8e/ 0 06er +$'' !ie+ 0t 01 ;,ic,

    06er %%' are 1e5 !ie+ 06er %*' are !ie 10r !eta5+ a/ 06er $&' are !ie

    10r e:tracti0 01 0!eta5. T,e 1igre gi6e 73 S.N. Pa/,i i" a70t *'' c0a5

    !ie+ % 0i5 8r09ect a/ *+''' !eta55i1er0 !ie 01 /i11eret ie e!8503ig

    06er 0e !i55i0 8er0 0 a /ai53 a6erage 7ai. B0t, 08e cat !iig  a/

    /ergr0/ !iig 08erati0 are carrie/ 0t a/ /ri55igK 8!8ig i /ertai/ 0r gae0 1e5. T,e c0tr3 8r0/ce a/ ;0rarrie" Fr0! t,e r1ace t,e

    >arrie c0ite/ 01 a5!0t circ5ar e!8t3 area+ re8reetig t,e >arr38it+

    1i55e/ ;it, ae05ia a/+ 750; 1r0! t,e T,ar Deert /e+ a/ ,ea8 01 5i!et0e

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx



  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    a/ Oria.

    tate t,at" t,i regi0 80ee I/ia $''

     8ercet #3aite+ & 8ercet ir0 0re+

     8ercet c0a5+ ' 8ercet c,r0!ite+ '

     8ercet !ica+ %' 8ercet 1ire c5a3+ %

     8ercet a7et0+ % 8ercet c,ia c5a3+ )'

     8ercet 5i!et0e  a/ $' 8ercet


    Cetra5 Be5t

    C,,attigar,+ A/,ra

    Pra/e,+ Ma/,3a

    Pra/e,  a/


    Magaee+ 7a:ite+ rai!+ 5i!et0e+

    !ar75e+ c0a5+ ge!+ !ica+ gra8,ite etc. e:it

    i 5arge >atitie a/ t,e et e:tet 01 t,e

    !iera5 01 t,e regi0 i 3et t0 7e aee/.

    T,i i t,e ec0/ 5arget 7e5t 01 !iera5 i

    t,e c0tr3.




  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    a0t,er. I/ia i a50 500ate i1ratrctre i t,e !iig area.

    T0 g0 it0 t,e ;,05e ga!t 01 ie re5atig t0 t,e /e6e508!et 01 t,e !iera5

    ect0r a/ gget !eare 10r i!8r06ig t,e i6et!et c5i!ate t,e Mi/-Ter!

    A88raia5 ,a/ 8r080e/ t,e eta75i,!et 01 a Hig, Le6e5 C0!!ittee.

    Acc0r/ig53+ t,e (06er!et 01 I/ia+ P5aig C0!!ii0+ c0titte/ a

    C0!!ittee 0 $ Se8te!7er )''%. /er t,e C,air!a,i8 01 S,ri A;ar5 H0/a+

    Me!7er+ P5aig C0!!ii0 .T,e C0!!ittee !a/e /etai5e/ rec0!!e/ati0

    0 a55 01 it ter! 01 Re1erece i Dece!7er )''* .Bae/ 0 t,e rec0!!e/ati0

    01 t,e Hig, Le6e5 C0!!ittee+ i c05tati0 ;it, State (06er!et+ t,e

    (06er!et re85ace/ t,e Nati0a5 Miera5 P05ic3+ $&& ;it, a e; Nati0a5

    Miera5 P05ic3 0 $ Marc, )''.

    U/er t,e Briti, Ra9  a c0!!ittee 01 e:8ert 10r!e/ i $& 10r!5ate/

    reg5ati0 10r !iig a1et3 a/ ere/ reg5ate/ !iig i I/ia. T,e

    c0!!ittee a50 8ae/ t,e $t Mie act 01 $&'$ ;,ic, 5e/ t0 a 7tatia5 /r08 i

    !iig re5ate/ acci/et. T,e acci/et i !iig are cae/ 70t, 73 !a-!a/e

    a/ atra5 8,e0!e0+ 10r e:a!85e e:850i0 a/ 1500/ig. T,e !ai cae

    10r ici/et re5tig i eri0 i9r3 0r /eat, are r001 1a55+ !et,ae ga

    e:850i0+ c0a5 /t e:850i0+ car70 !00:i/e 80i0ig+ 6e,ic5ar acci/et+

    1a55igK5i88ig a/ ,a5ig re5ate/ ici/et.

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    I recet /eca/e+ !iig i/tr3 ,a 7ee 1acig ie 01 5arge ca5e

    /i85ace!et+ reitace 01 50ca5 - a re80rte/ 73 t,e I/ia 90ra5it A/iti R03

    (,ata< i t,e !agaie D@C De6e508!et a/ C008erati0 -+ ,!a rig,t ie


  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    ;i55 7e 70/ 73 t,e Cetra5 5egi5ati0. T,e Mie a/ Miera5 2De6e508!et a/

    Reg5ati04 Act $&% i t,e !ai Cetra5 5egi5ati0 i 10rce 10r t,e ect0r. T,e Act

    ;a eacte/ ;,e t,e I/tria5 P05ic3 Re05ti0 $&% ;a t,e gi/ig 805ic3 10r 

    t,e ect0r+ a/ t, ;a ai!e/ 8ri!ari53 at 8r06i/ig a !iera5 c0cei0 regi!e

    i t,e c0te:t 01 t,e !eta5 !a

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    Miig a/ E:850rati0 01 !eta5 a/ 0-!eta5

    0re ic5/ig /ia!0/+ g05/+ i56er a/ 8reci0 0re

     7t e:c5/ig titai! 7earig !iera5 a/ it 0re

    79ect t0 t,e Mie a/ Miera5 2De6e508!et

    Reg5ati04 Act+ $&%.

    $'' At0!aticC0a5 Ligite

    2$4 C0a5 Ligite !iig 10r ca8ti6e c0!8ti0 73

     80;er 8r09ect+ ir0 tee5 a/ ce!et it a/

    0t,er e5igi75e acti6itie 8er!itte/ /er a/ 79ect t0t,e 8r06ii0 01 C0a5 Mie 2Nati0a5iati04



    2)4 Settig 8 c0a5 8r0ceig 85at 5i

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


      Ot,er C0/iti0 I/ia ,a 5arge reer6e 01 7eac, a/ !iera5 i t,e

    c0ata5 tretc,e ar0/ t,e c0tr3. Titai! 7earig !iera5 6i. I5!eite+ rti5e

    a/ 5ec0:ee+ a/ Girc0i! 7earig !iera5 ic5/ig irc0 are 0!e 01 t,e

     7eac, a/ !iera5 ;,ic, ,a6e 7ee c5ai1ie/ a X8recri7e/ 7tace /er 

    t,e At0!ic Eerg3 Act+$&*).

    U/er t,e I/tria5 P05ic3 State!et $&&$+ !iig a/ 8r0/cti0 01 !iera5

    c5ai1ie/ a X8recri7e/ 7tace a/ 8eci1ie/ i t,e Sc,e/5e t0 t,e At0!ic

    Eerg3 2C0tr05 01 Pr0/cti0 a/ Ue4 Or/er+ $&% ;ere ic5/e/ i t,e 5it 01 i/trie reer6e/ 10r t,e 875ic ect0r. Vi/e Re05ti0 N0. K$2$4K&-PSUK$))+

    /ate/ *t, Oct07er $&&+ ie/ 73 t,e De8art!et 01 At0!ic Eerg3+ 5a3ig /0;

    t,e 805ic3 10r e:850itati0 01 7eac, a/ !iera5+ 8ri6ate 8artici8ati0 ic5/ig

    F0reig Direct I6et!et 2FDI4 ;a 8er!itte/ i !iig a/ 8r0/cti0 01 

    Titai! 0re 2I5!eite+ Rti5e a/ Lec0:ee4 a/ Girc0i! !iera5

    2Girc04.Vi/e N0ti1icati0 N0. S.O.*$2E4+ /ate/ $.$.)''*+ t,e De8art!et 01 

    At0!ic Eerg3 re-0ti1ie/ t,e 5it 01 X8recri7e/ 7tace /er t,e At0!ic

    Eerg3 Act +$&*). Titai! 7earig 0re a/ c0cetrate 2I5!eite+ Rti5e a/

    Lec0:ee4 a/ Girc0i!+ it a5503 a/ c0!80/ a/ !iera5Kc0cetrate

    ic5/ig Girc0+ ;ere re!06e/ 1r0! t,e 5it 01 X8recri7e/ 7tace.

    2i4 FDI 10r e8arati0 01 titai! 7earig !iera5 0re ;i55 7e 79ect t0 t,e

    10550;ig a//iti0a5 c0/iti0 6i."

    2A4 6a5e a//iti0 1aci5itie are et 8 ;it,i I/ia a50g ;it, tra1er 01 


    2B4 /i80a5 01 tai5ig /rig t,e !iera5 e8arati0 ,a55 7e carrie/ 0t

    i acc0r/ace ;it, reg5ati0 1ra!e/ 73 t,e At0!ic Eerg3 Reg5at0r3

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    B0ar/ c, a At0!ic Eerg3 2Ra/iati0 Pr0tecti04 R5e+ )'' a/ t,e

    At0!ic Eerg3 2Sa1e Di80a5 01 Ra/i0acti6e ate4 R5e+ $&.

    2C4 2ii4 FDI ;i55 0t 7e a550;e/ i !iig 01 X8recri7e/

    7tace 5ite/ i t,e

     N0ti1icati0 N0. S.O. *$2E4+ /ate/ $.$.)''*+ ie/ 73 t,e De8art!et 01 At0!ic


    C5ari1icati0"2$4F0r titai! 7earig 0re c, a I5!eite+ Lec0:ee a/ Rti5e+

    !a1actre 01 titai! /i0:i/e 8ig!et a/ titai! 80ge c0titte 6a5e

    a//iti0. I5!eite ca 7e 8r0cee/ t0 8r0/ce S3t,etic Rti5e 0r Titai! S5ag

    a a iter!e/iate 6a5e a//e/ 8r0/ct

    T,e 079ecti6e i t0 ere t,at t,e ra; !ateria5 a6ai5a75e i t,e c0tr3 i ti5ie/

    10r ettig 8 /0;trea! i/trie a/ t,e tec,050g3 a6ai5a75e iterati0a553 i

    a50 !a/e a6ai5a75e 10r ettig 8 c, i/trie ;it,i t,e c0tr3. T,+ i1 ;it,

    t,e tec,050g3 tra1er+ t,e 079ecti6e 01 t,e FDI P05ic3 ca 7e ac,ie6e/+ t,e

    c0/iti0 8recri7e/ at 2i4 2A4 a706e ,a55 7e /ee!e/ t0 7e 151i55e/.

    Petroleum * Natural as

    Sect0rKActi6it3 01 Etr3E>it3K R0teFDI Ca8

    $'' At0!aticE:850rati0 acti6itie 01 0i5 a/ atra5 ga 1ie5/+i1ratrctre re5ate/ t0 !ar

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


     8r0/ct+ 8etr05e! 8r0/ct 8i8e5ie+ atra5

    gaK8i8e5ie+ LN( Regai1icati0 i1ratrctre+!ar

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     Natra5 ga i a 10i5 1e5 e/ a a 0rce 01 eerg3 10r ,eatig+ c00ia5 age t0 ga.

     Natra5 ga ;a e/ 73 t,e C,iee i a70t %'' BC 280i753 e6e $''' BC4.

    T,e3 /ic06ere/ a ;a3 t0 tra80rt ga ee8ig 1r0! t,e gr0/ i cr/e 8i8e5ie

    01 7a!700 t0 ;,ere it ;a e/ t0 70i5 a5t ;ater t0 e:tract t,e a5t+ i t,e Gi5i9ig

    Ditrict 01 Sic,a. T,e ;0r5/ 1irt i/tria5 e:tracti0 01 atra5 ga tarte/ at

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    Fre/0ia+ Ne; Y0ratitie+ ,a5e ga ;e55

    /e8e/ 0 1ractre t0 a550; t,e ga t0 150;. Ear53 ,a5e ga ;e55 /e8e/e/ 0

    atra5 1ractre t,r0g, ;,ic, ga 150;e/ a5!0t a55 ,a5e ga ;e55 t0/a3

    re>ire 1ractre arti1icia553 create/ 73 ,3/ra5ic 1ractrig. Sice )'''+ ,a5e ga

    ,a 7ec0!e a !a90r 0rce 01 atra5 ga i t,e Uite/ State a/ Caa/a.

    F0550;ig t,e cce i t,e Uite/ State+ ,a5e ga e:850rati0 i 7egiig i

    c0trie c, a P05a/+ C,ia+ a/ S0t, A1rica it, t,e icreae 01 ,a5e

     8r0/cti0 it ,a cae/ t,e Uite/ State t0 7ec0!e t,e !7er 0e atra5 ga

     8r0/cer i t,e ;0r5/.

    Town gas

    T0; ga i a 15a!!a75e gae0 1e5 !a/e 73 t,e /etrcti6e /iti55ati0 01 c0a5

    a/ c0tai a 6ariet3 01 ca50ri1ic gae ic5/ig ,3/r0ge+ car70 !00:i/e+

    !et,ae+ a/ 0t,er 605ati5e ,3/r0car70+ t0get,er ;it, !a55 >atitie 01 0-

    ca50ri1ic gae c, a car70 /i0:i/e a/ itr0ge+ a/ i e/ i a i!i5ar ;a3 t0

    atra5 ga. T,i i a ,it0rica5 tec,050g3+ 0t a553 ec00!ica553 c0!8etiti6e,_New_York,_New_York

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    ;it, 0t,er 0rce 01 1e5 ga t0/a3. Bt t,ere are ti55 0!e 8eci1ic cae ;,ere it

    i t,e 7et 08ti0 a/ it !a3 7e 0 it0 t,e 1tre.

    M0t t0; =ga,0e= 50cate/ i t,e eater US i t,e 5ate $&t, a/ ear53 )'t,

    cetrie ;ere i!85e 73-8r0/ct c0

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    6egetati0 /ie-011+ a/ a e:850i0  ,aar/. T,e ga ca 7e 6ete/ t0 t,e

    at!08,ere+ 15are/  0r 7re/ t0 8r0/ce e5ectricit3  0r ,eat. Bi0ga ca a50 7e

     8r0/ce/ 73 e8aratig 0rgaic !ateria5  1r0! ;ate t,at 0t,er;ie g0e t0

    5a/1i55. T,i !et,0/ i !0re e11iciet t,a 9t ca8trig t,e 5a/1i55 ga it

     8r0/ce. Aaer07ic 5ag00 8r0/ce 7i0ga 1r0! !are+ ;,i5e 7i0ga react0r

    ca 7e e/ 10r !are 0r 85at 8art. Liire!et 10r t,e 8i8e5ie. Si50:ae i t,e ga

    ;i55 10r! /e80it i ga 7rer a/ ee/ t0 7e re!06e/ 8ri0r t0 etr3 it0 a3

    ga /itri7ti0 0r tra!ii0 3te!. C0e>et53+ it !a3 7e !0re ec00!ica5

    t0 7r t,e ga 0 ite 0r ;it,i a ,0rt /itace 01 t,e 5a/1i55 ig a /e/icate/

     8i8e5ie. ater 6a80r i 01te re!06e/+ e6e i1 t,e ga i 7re/ 0 ite. I1 50;

    te!8eratre c0/ee ;ater 0t 01 t,e ga+ i50:ae  ca 7e 50;ere/ a ;e55

     7ecae t,e3 te/ t0 c0/ee 0t ;it, t,e ;ater 6a80r. Ot,er 0-!et,ae

    c0!80et !a3 a50 7e re!06e/ t0 !eet e!ii0 ta/ar/+ t0 8re6et 105ig 01 

    t,e e>i8!et 0r 10r e6ir0!eta5 c0i/erati0. C0-1irig 5a/1i55 ga ;it,

    atra5 ga i!8r06e c0!7ti0+ ;,ic, 50;er e!ii0.

    Bi0ga+ a/ e8ecia553 5a/1i55 ga+ are a5rea/3 e/ i 0!e area+ 7t t,eir e

    c05/ 7e great53 e:8a/e/. E:8eri!eta5 3te! ;ere 7eig 8r080e/;,eZ 10r 

    e i 8art 01 Hert10r/,ire+ U#+ a/ L30  i Frace.citati0 ee/e/ Uig

    !ateria5 t,at ;05/ 0t,er;ie geerate 0 ic0!e+ 0r e6e c0t !0e3 t0 get ri/

    01+ i!8r06e t,e 8r01ita7i5it3 a/ eerg3 7a5ace 01 7i0ga 8r0/cti0. (a

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    geerate/ i e;age treat!et 85at i c0!!053 e/ t0 geerate e5ectricit3. F0r 

    e:a!85e+ t,e H38eri0 e;age 85at i L0 Age5e 7r !i55i0 c7ic 1eet

    2)'+''' !4 01 ga 8er /a3 t0 geerate 80;er Ne; Y0r< Cit3 ti5ie ga t0 r

    e>i8!et i t,e e;age 85at+ t0 geerate e5ectricit3+ a/ i 70i5er. Uig

    e;age ga t0 !a

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    O1te !i/-trea! a/ ;e55 ,ea/ gae re>ire re!06a5 01 !a3 01 t,e 6ari0

    ,3/r0car70 8ecie c0taie/ ;it,i t,e atra5 ga. S0!e 01 t,ee gae ic5/e

    ,e8tae+  8etae+  8r08ae a/ 0t,er ,3/r0car70 ;it, !05ec5ar ;eig,t a706e

    Met,ae 2CH4 t0 8r0/ce a atra5 ga 1e5 ;,ic, i e/ t0 08erate t,e atra5

    ga egie 10r 1rt,er 8rerie/ tra!ii0. T38ica553+ atra5 ga c0!8re0r

    re>ire &%' t0 $'%' BTU 8er c7ic 100t t0 08erate at t,e atra5 ga egie

    r0tati0a5 a!e 85ate 8eci1icati0.

    Se6era5 !et,0/ are e/ t0 re!06e t,ee ,ig,er !05ec5ar ;eig,te/ gae 10r e

    at t,e atra5 ga egie. A 1e; tec,050gie are a 10550;"


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    % 8er cet 5e car70 /i0:i/e t,a 7rig c0a5  10r 80;er. T,e US Eerg3

    I10r!ati0 A/!iitrati0 re80rt t,e 10550;ig e!ii0 i !i55i0 !etric t0

    01 car70 /i0:i/e i t,e ;0r5/ 10r )'$)"

    •  Natra5 ga" *+&&

    • Petr05e!" $$+*&%

    • C0a5" $+


    CN( i a c5eaer a/ a50 c,ea8er a5terati6e t0 0t,er at0!07i5e 1e5 c, a

    ga05ie 28etr054 a/ /iee5. B3 t,e e/ 01 )'$) t,ere ;ere $.)% !i55i0 atra5

    ga 6e,ic5e ;0r5/;i/e+ 5e/ 73 Ira 2. !i55i04+ Paa5 t0 t,at 01 ga05ie egie+ 7t 50;er 

    c0!8are/ ;it, !0/er /iee5 egie. (a05ieK8etr05 6e,ic5e c06erte/ t0 r 0

    atra5 ga 11er 7ecae 01 t,e 50; c0!8rei0 rati0 01 t,eir egie+ re5tig

    i a cr088ig 01 /e5i6ere/ 80;er ;,i5e rig 0 atra5 ga 2$'$%4. CN(-

    8eci1ic egie+ ,0;e6er+ e a ,ig,er c0!8rei0 rati0 /e t0 t,i 1e5 ,ig,er 0ctae !7er  01 $)'$'.


     Natra5 ga i a !a90r 1ee/t0c< 10r t,e 8r0/cti0 01 a!!0ia+ 6ia t,e Ha7er 

     8r0ce+ 10r e i 1erti5ier  8r0/cti0.


    Ria aircra1t !a1actrer T805e6 i crret53 rig a /e6e508!et 8r0gra!

    t0 8r0/ce LN(- a/ ,3/r0ge-80;ere/ aircra1t. T,e 8r0gra! ,a 7ee rig

    ice t,e !i/-$&'+ a/ ee

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    US)$K $$)4 5e t0 08erate 8er t0+ r0g,53 e>i6a5et t0 *' 8er cet+ ;it,

    c0i/era75e re/cti0 t0 car70 !00:i/e+ ,3/r0car70  a/ itr0ge 0:i/e


    T,e a/6atage 01 5i>i/ !et,ae a a 9et egie 1e5 are t,at it ,a !0re 8eci1ic

    eerg3 t,a t,e ta/ar/ et53 7eca!e t,e 8ri!e

    !iiter+ t,i ,a 7ee 0e 01 ,i t08 805itica5 8r075e!+ e6e i t,e

    crret ti!e. I/ia /ia550;e/ 06erea c0r80rate 70/ie 2OCB4 t0i6et i I/ia.$ I/ia i!80e ca8 0 e>it3 ,05/ig 73 10reig

    i6et0r i 6ari0 ect0r+ crret FDI

    i a6iati0 a/ irace ect0r i 5i!ite/ t0 a !a:i!! 01 &

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


      Startig 1r0! a 7ae5ie 01 5e t,a $ 7i55i0 i $&&'+ a

    )'$) UNCTAD r6e3 8r09ecte/ I/ia a t,e ec0/ !0t i!80rtat

    FDI /etiati0 2a1ter C,ia4 10r traati0a5 c0r80rati0 /rig

    )'$')'$). A 8er t,e /ata+ t,e ect0r t,at attracte/ ,ig,er i150;

    ;ere er6ice+ te5ec0!!icati0+ c0trcti0 acti6itie a/ c0!8ter 

    01t;are a/ ,ar/;are. Mariti+ Siga80re+ US a/ U# ;ere a!0g

    t,e 5ea/ig 0rce 01 FDI. Bae/ 0 UNCTAD /ata FDI 150; ;ere

    $'. 7i55i0+ a /r08 01 1r0! t,e 1irt ,a51 01 t,e 5at 3ear.

      Nie 1r0! $' 5arget 10reig c0!8aie i6etig i I/ia21r0!

    A8ri5 )'''- Jaar3 )'$$4 are 7ae/ i Mariti . Lit 01 t,e te 5arget

    10reig c0!8aie i6etig i I/ia21r0! A8ri5 )'''- Jaar3 )'$$4 are

    a 10550;.

    $$. TMI Mariti Lt/. -R )& cr0reK$*'' !i55i0

    $). Cair U# H05/ig - R*** cr0reK$&) !i55i0

    $. Orac5e (507a5 2Mariti4 Lt/. - R '% cr0reK$'


    $. Mariti De7t Maage!et Lt/.- R '' cr0reK&%*


    $%. V0/a10e Mariti Lt/. R )* cr0reK'$ !i55i0

    $*. Etia5at Mariti Lt/. R )) cr0re

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    $. CMP Aia Lt/. R )*.)% cr0reK*%. !i55i0

    $. Orac5e (507a5 Mariti Lt/. R )%. cr0re K %*.&


    $&. Merri55 L3c,2Mariti4 Lt/. R ))'.') cr0re K .%%


    )'. Na!e 01 t,e c0!8a3 0t gi6e 27t t,e I/ia c0!8a3

    ;,ic, g0t t,e FDI i D,a705 P0;er c0!8a3 Lt/.4

    I )'$% I/ia e!erge/ a t08 FDI /etiati0 r8aig C,ia a/ t,e

    US. I 1irt ,a51 01 t,e )'$% I/ia attracte/ FDI 01 $ 7i55i0 c0!8are/

    t0 ) 7i55i0 a/ ) 7i55i0 01 C,ia a/ t,e US re8ecti6e53.



      FDI i 8r0,i7ite/ i"

    a4 L0tter3 Bie ic5/ig (06er!etK8ri6ate 50tter3+ 05ie50tterie+ etc.

     74 (a!75ig a/ Bettig ic5/ig cai0 etc.

    c4 C,it 1/

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    /4 Ni/,i c0!8a3

    e4 Tra/ig i Tra1era75e De6e508!et Rig,t 2TDR4

    14 Rea5 Etate Bie 0r C0trcti0 01 Far! H0e

    g4 Ma1actrig 01 cigar+ c,er00t+ cigari550 a/ cigarette+

    01 t07acc0 0r 01 t07acc0 7titte

    ,4 Acti6itieKect0r 0t 08e t0 8ri6ate ect0r i6et!et e.g. 2I4

    At0!ic Eerg3 a/ 2II4 Rai5;a3 08erati020t,er t,a 8er!itte/

    acti6itie !eti0e/

    i 8ara

    Foreign tec.nolog8 colla1oration in an8 6orm ic5/ig

    5iceig 10r   1rac,ie+ tra/e!ar

  • 8/19/2019 sm project .final.docx


    a/ 0t,er c0/iti0a5it3.

    ,ere6er t,ere i a re>ire!et 01 !ii!! ca8ita5iati0+ it

    ,a55 ic5/e ,are 8re!i! recei6e/ a50g ;it, t,e 1ace 6a5e 01 

    t,e ,are+ 053 ;,e it i recei6e/ 73 t,e c0!8a3 80 ie 01 t,e

    ,are t0 t,e 0-rei/et i6et0r. A!0t 8ai/ 73 t,e tra1eree

    /rig 80t-ie tra1er 01 ,are 7e30/ t,e ie 8rice 01 t,e

    ,are+ ca0t 7e taire!et. 


      #E&IEW OF LITE#AT!#E5

    Aggar;a5 2)''%4 10/ t,at rigi/ 5a70r !ar

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    i6et!et i ee/e/ 73 I/ia 10r ac,ie6ig t,e 079ecti6e 01 it ec0/

    geerati0 01 ec00!ic re10r! a/ !aitaiig t,i 8ace 01 gr0;t, a/

    /e6e508!et 01 t,e ec00!3. Hece FDI i a igi1icat 1act0r ;,ic,

    i15ece t,e 5e6e5 01 ec00!ic gr0;t, i I/ia. It 8r06i/e a 0/ 7ae

    10r ec00!ic gr0;t, a/ /e6e508!et 73 e,acig t,e 1iacia5 80iti0

    01 t,e c0tr3. It a50 c0tri7te t0 t,e (DP a/ 10reig e:c,age reer6e

    01 t,e c0tr3. MNC ,05/ 7e a550;e/ t0 et 8 i c, a !aer t,at t,e3

    ,e58 icreae t,e ta/ar/ 01 5i6ig 01 0r c0tr3 itea/ 01 05e 8r01it


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