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Smart Energy Cities Copenhagen, 21.11.2012

Anders Dyrelund, Senior Market Manager

Rambøll Energy Denmark

Presentation and back ground

• Ramboll

• Independent Multidisciplinary Consulting Engineering Company

• Owned by the Ramboll Foundation

• 10.000 Employees

• 200 offices in 22 countries, mainly Northern Europe

• World leading within several energy services

• Anders Dyrelund

• Civ.Eng. in buildings, Graduate diploma in Economics

• 1975-81 Ramboll (BHR)

• 1981-86 Danish Energy Authority

• 1986- Ramboll

• 1980 The First Heat Plan in Denmark for Aarhus, project manager

• 1981- Copenhagen Regional DH system, task manager/consultant

• 1990- Consultancy services to more than 20 countries and utilities and authorities in major cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Tallin, Riga, Vilnius, Warsaw, Bucharest, Bishkek, Erevan, London, Turkmenabad….

2 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Cities – a challenge and opportunities

• World population is growing

• More want to live in cities

• It will be a challenge, but also

• An opportunity to create smart energy solutions

• The EU has taken the lead promoting Smart Cities including smart buildings and smart grids for • Electricity

• District heating

• District cooling and

• Gas

3 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

4 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

The overall energy policy objectives in EU

• Reduce the fossil fuel consumption

• For security of supply and

• For climate reasons

• In a cost effective way in order

• To be competitive

• To secure welfare and sustainability for next generations

We do this in the most sustainable way

• Minimizing life-cycle costs including environmental costs and

• Minimizing long-term costs for the local community

EU legislation to implement Energy Policy

• Strategic environmental assessment Directive

• Co-operation cross sectors

• Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

• Good indoor climate

• Cost effectiveness

• Local conditions

• Low carbon (nearly zero), taking into account

– RES via District heating and cooling, DH&C

– CHP via District heating and cooling, DH&C

– Heat pumps

– Local RES

– Optimal building envelope

5 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

EU legislation to implement Energy Policy (2)

• Renewable Energy Directive

• Urban planning of heating and cooling infrastructure

• Nearly Zero buildings taking into account RES via DH&C

• Energy Efficiency Directive 25.10.2012

• New power plants to be CHP located near heat markets

• Urban planning of heating and cooling infrastructure

• Nearly Zero buildings taking into account CHP via DH&C

• ECO Directive How to use and stimulate energy efficient


• Low energy electronics

• Standard for 12V DC for low energy energy electronics

• Hot tap water to laundry and dish washing not in labelling

6 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

7 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Most important objectives in the energy policy in Denmark since 1976

• Objectives since 1976

• Cost effectiveness


• Reduce dependency on oil

• New additional objectives

• To be independent of fossil fuels in 2050

• The challenge will be to do it in a cost effective way

8 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Important Danish legislation 35 years of experience has inspired EU

• Electricity supply act from 1976

• all new power capacity since 1976 has been CHP

• Heat supply act from 1979 • Urban planning of heating infrastructure

• More CHP

• More RES (in particular waste to energy)

• District cooling act • New, but insufficient

• New building code • In contradiction with EU directives and Heat supply act

• Also other countries have problems implementing the directive

9 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

• Secondary act for enforced connection to the grid based on an approved project • A ban on electric heating

• Force connection of new buildings

• Force connection of existing buildings <250 kW within 9 years

• Force connection of existing buildings >250 kW within 1 year

• Plants >250 kW are “public heat supply companies” and can only invest in heat supply in accordance with an approved project

• Secondary act for planning and project approval • Methodology for assessment and price forecast for evaluation

• Optimal zoning of district heating and natural gas networks

• Only one monopoly network will have first priority in a district

• A new project proposal can replace an existing project

• Public hearing and appeal to Board of Appeal

Important Danish legislation to implement the policy (2)

The Ramboll Smart Energy City Concept Smart Intelligent Grids and Buildings

• National power grid

• a dynamic electricity market

• City-wide district heating grid

• storage

• optimal use of CHP and RES

• City district cooling grid

• storage and optimal free cooling

• National natural gas/biogas grid

• gas storage,

• gas to CHP and small houses

10 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund


The Ramboll Smart Energy City Concept Smart Intelligent Grids and Buildings

• Buildings

• Optimized building envelope

• Low temperature heating

• High temperature cooling

• Micro DC grid for micro electronics

• Adjust cosumption to price signals and control (”smart grid”)

11 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

12 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Cost-effective analysis for the whole society

• Same criteria for cost effectiveness for all investmetns

• Interaction between smart grids and buildings

• Energy depends on time and quality

Fossil fuels

Biomass ressources

Production CHP

Storages RES

District Heating and


Power grid

Gas grid

District energy


Invididual Production

Building envelope

Heating and


Micro DC grid

Indoor Climate

Hot tap Water

Electricity services

RES- and EE directives Building directive

13 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Smart City District Heating Grid in Greater Copenhagen 1980-2010

New district heating From gas to district heating

Existing district heating CHP Waste to energy Transmission



Heat planning in 20 municipalities Zoning of district heating and gas Regional planning of transmission New site for power plant (Avedøre) Thermal storages 98% connection to the district heating 95% share of CHP 25% share of waste-to-energy Dynamic development and optimization

Near-by RES and CHP in the region to existing and new buildings connected to the regional network

Smart Regional Power Grid in the Copenhagen Region

14 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Near-by RES from off-shore wind in the Baltic Sea to existing and new buildings connected to the grid in the Copenhagen Region

Smart Cities have Smart Back Yards

• Avedøre Holme

• New power plant site located with respect to the heat market


• coal, gas, straw, wood

• 2x22.000 m3 heat accumulators

• Waste water treatment plant

• Wind turbines

• Amager


• Waste-to-energy

• Geothermal

• Waste water treatment plant

• Sludge incineration

• Biogas to city gas

• Wind turbines

15 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

District Energy and the Power Grid interacts CHP, heat pumps, storages and surplus wind

16 November 21 2012

• District heating and cooling combining

• Large and small CHP

• Electric boilers

• Large heat pumps

• Heat accumulators

• Chilled water storages

• Is a precondition for integrating a large share of

• CHP and

• Wind energy

• The share of wind power in Denmark will grow from 20% to 70%

• Practically all CHP plants in Denmark are equipped with heat accumulator

• The heat accumulator is used for short-term storage of water-based energy

• Large-scale thermal seasonal pit storages to integrate large-scale solar

Heat accumulators the first solution to integrate wind and solar

Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund 17 November 21 2012

18 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

DH from our own waste Waste to energy with flue gas condensation

• Vestforbrænding,

• existing waste-to-energy

• all waste from the region

• 23% elec. eff CHP

• 100% total efficiency with flue gas condensation

• 100% use of surplus heat

• Amagerforbrænding,

• new waste-to-energy units

• Architectural design for public acceptance

• Efficient CHP

• 100% total efficiency

19 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

DH from RES Solar, Geothermal, biomass, seasonal storage

70 dgr.C 2 km below, but only via DH

individual solar heating

is 6 times more expensive

Underground hot water

pit-storage for solar heating Marstal District Heating

New sustainable buildings interact with the energy infrastructure

• Ramboll HQ, Copenhagen

• Access to metro

• Facilities for bikes

• District Heating

• Ground source cooling

• Natural light

• Low energy electronics

• Ramboll office in Kolding

• Close to rail

• District heating

• Free cooling from stream

• Floor heating-cooling system

• Low temperature heating (25oC return)

• High temperature cooling (15oC )

20 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Energy rehabilitation of old buildings combining management and maintenance

• Management

• Operation of condominium or social housing

• Billing variable costs of consumption according to meters

• Subsidy to low income families to pay fixed fee

• Identify and implement the most cost effective measures

• Maintenance

• Connect to planned city solutions for water, waste, heat etc

• Improve or replace front door, windows, glazing for balconies, solar protection etc.

• Insulate warm pipes, gaps between buildings etc

• Thermostatic valves and balancing valves to improve heating

• Install cost allocation devices and hot and cold water meters

• Outside insulation to prolong life time of building, improve thermal comfort and save heating costs

21 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Sustainable individual energy for off grid buildings and appliances

22 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

• Off-grid buildings and appliances produce their own energy etc.

• Solar PV can via 12 V DC provide most low energy services to 20% of the worlds population in remote areas and elsewhere without any grid connection

23 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Heat plan Denmark 2010 Presentation of the Danish heating sector

• The plan shows how the Danish heating sector has reduced CO2 emissions by a factor 2,5 since 1980

• The plan shows that this progressive development can continue

• to achieve a further 50% reduction before 2020 and

• to achieve an almost CO2 neutral heating before 2030

• The plan is based on an integrated approach, combining

• optimal end-user heat demand reductions - additional 25%

• a lower return temperature from building installations <35oC

• more DH - from 50% to 70% market share

• more individual heat pumps- from 0% to 30%

• efficient CHP, heat pumps and RES to District heating

24 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Heat Plan Denmark 2010 Heated floor area divided on heat sources



















1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050







n kg. per


h h

eating a

t end-u





a in m


n m


Individuel solar heating

Individuel heat pump

Individuel biomass

Individuel electric heating

Individuel gas boilers

Individuel oil boilers

Small scale district heating

District heating

CO2-emission total

Heat supply of the building stockModest development


25 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

Heat plan Denmark - Statements

• Integrated solutions, in urban areas

• DH&C is a natural part of the urban infrastructure

• DH&C is a precondition for efficient use of RES and CHP

• Most buildings are located in cities and benefit from the infrastructure

• Efficient Danish energy legislation paves the way for EU

• Preconditions for low carbon heating in Denmark has been a tradition for co-operation in the society

• a stable energy policy since 1976 in the parliament

• Municipal responsibility

• Consumer co-operatives

26 November 21 2012 Smart Energy Cities by Anders Dyrelund

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