smart security infrastructure

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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Smart Security Infrastructure


How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

• With everything increasingly connected, there is a growing awareness of new vulnerabilities.

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

• Many cities are rapidly deploying "smart" infrastructure technologies that promise to preserve and even enhance quality of life in an increasingly congested and urbanized world. Networked through fiber optics and wireless broadband, sensors embedded in buildings, in roadways, and in water, waste and energy systems generate enormous quantities of data used to reduce traffic congestion, optimize water and energy use, and make the environment more comfortable and safe.

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

• But as useful as this technology is proving, its growing presence is raising new questions in a world in which cyber-breaches are beginning to seem like a daily occurrence: Just how secure are these systems and the data they hold?

• In response to this perceived threat, a group of experts recently launched a not-for-profit global initiative called Securing Smart Cities to help government leaders reduce the liabilities of implementing the technology.

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

• A chief concern is that sensors can intentionally be fed bad data that leads to faulty analysis and action. Automated elevators, lighting and building security systems, for example, could be disrupted. Roadway sensors connected to a smart traffic light system could be hacked and used to bring vehicle movement in a city to a halt.

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

• The answer to at least one question is clear: This must be a collaborative effort. "The cyber security of a modern, smart city is not something you can solve on your own,". "The concept involves so many different technologies communicating with each other in so many ways that the only way to predict and eliminate all possible security issues is through collaboration between experts around the world."

• Smart cities are, after all, connected cities. Trying to build one on your own is simply not a realistic or prudent option.

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

• Todays cities face a wide spectrum of threats ranging from terrorism to rising crime rates, civil unrests, shootings, natural disasters and other emergencies. To mitigate the impact of these situations, city authorities require real-time information and insights into what is happening in and around their districts. There is a growing case for utilizing new and emerging technologies in the drive for safer and efficient cities.

How Secure Is Smart Infrastructure?

Public Safety Requires a Holistic Approach

In recent times, the emergence of smart technologies like unified communication and IP networks is increasingly driving the shifts towards a ‘safer city’. At the core of this safer city is an underlyng connection between stakeholders, including law enforcements and public/ government agencies. With the advances in technologies enabling greater interpermeability and seamless flow of information through unified networks, it has become far easy to collect and collate widely available data for coordinated responses.

Integrated Solutions for a Secure City

• There are several challenges that local & State authorities face in ensuring high levels of physical security. These include significant manpower and associated costs, limited budgets, multiple and often legacy systems and most daunting, the lack of interpermeability between these systems.

Integrated Solutions for a Secure City

Integrated Solutions for a Secure City

• An integrated public security systems should ideally encompass three main elements- Monitoring, communication and mobility solutions. These aspects are linked together by the forth element a command and control center solution (PSIM) to mitigate risk across the city environment by providing actionable intelligence and enabling speedy security incident resolutions.

Integrated Solutions for a Secure City

Monitoring Solutions

Video Surveillance & Analytics • There has been a growing shift to IP based CCTV

cameras that provide significant advantages such as scalability, remote monitoring over internet and easy sorting of digital video files. These IP based solutions also support intelligent video analytics that augment the video surveillance with real time detection and alerts for defined events.

Video Surveillance & Analytics

Monitoring Solutions

Collaborative Monitoring • Many cities typically have surveillance

systems deployed by multiple public and private establishments. A safe city solutions with a collaborative framework can receive video feeds from these systems and sub-systems to ensure real-time responses.

Collaborative Monitoring

Monitoring Solutions

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANRP) • This Surveillance solution uses optical character

recognition on image to read the license plate on vehicles. This is mostly used at borders or traffic signals to identity and cross-check vehicles with comprehensive vehicle database to provide actionable intelligence in case of vehicle theft etc.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANRP)

Monitoring SolutionsFacial Recognition System (FRS) • This solution is a computer application which

automatically identifies or verifies a person from a digital image, or a video frame from a video sources. This solution uses a combination of eye zone extraction and facial recognition or neural network technology. Recognitions are regardless of vantage point and facial changes (Glasses-beards and expressions). The system has a short processing time and a high recognition rate up to 100 faces per image/ frame.

Facial Recognition System (FRS)

Monitoring Solutions

Communication Systems

Communication Systems Network Connectivity • Robust reliable and scalable networks are required to

enable converged communication these points of connections include cameras, data centers, police stations and other critical government databases. In addition to terrestrial connectivity, satellite connectivity is required at data centers, command centers and mobile vans as the former network systems are typically the first casualty in the case of an incident or disaster.

• Unified Communication Solution This solution entails messaging and call channel across heterogeneous networks and systems to provide guaranteed message delievery, efficient routing, security and priority based messaging.

Communication Systems

Communication Systems

Data Centers • Data centers are used to record the video

feeds for viewing at Command Centers and for future references. These data centers house NVRs, storage required for recording and processing video feeds. The Command & Control Centers at both the regional and the central level will get required video feeds and alert from the data centers

Data Centers

Communication Systems

Application Portfolio • This solution is built on open standards and a

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to ensure seamless interoperability and integration for maintaining law and order in a city. Some of the key components of the Application Portfolio include video management system, recording system, analytic system, GIS system GIS and a customized application can be created to integrate criminal database, RTO database etc.

Application Portfolio

Mobility Solutions

Vehicle Mounted Camera • The vehicle is equipped with the basic

CCTV equipment, communication equipment, and video display system along with seating capacity for the operator . The mobile Video van is maintained in a complete state of readiness and is capable of capturing and streaming real-time video feed of an accident.

Vehicle Mounted Camera

Mobility Solutions

Vehicle Tracking System on GIS maps • GPS based vehicle tracking of police vehicles/

QRT vehicles/ fire brigade trucks/ ambulances enabled on GIS maps, enable the command center operator to accurately and easily locate these vehicles in case of any eventualities. The operator can communicate with these vehicles through a unified communication system to report to the location of casualty

Vehicle Tracking System on GIS maps

Command & Control Centre Solution (PSIM)

• This integrated solution forces Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and provides greater visibility of all security activities in a real-time single view and help government authorities to implement and enforce rules & regulations.

• It enables situational awareness throughout its infrastructure by creating a unified and interactive intelligence picture, drawing data from all sensors, showing location of petrol's and adding other relevant information such as video from different sources. This combined picture is constantly updated and can be sent by the Control Centre to all patrols, thereby serving as a uniform basis for operational planning & allocation tasks.

Command & Control Centre Solution (PSIM)

Command & Control Centre Solution (PSIM)

• The Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) system operates as part of an overall incident cycle that integrates disparate security agencies to-geather. This cycle consists of four key phases- plan, Detect, react and Analyze

Command & Control Centre Solution (PSIM)

City Surveillance System

• City governments face the challenge of reassuring citizens and businesses by preventing and minimizing potential threats. These include vandalism, burglary, and all other forms of crime. There is also a need to ensure efficient processes in everyday public life, for instance managing traffic and crises

City Surveillance System

City Surveillance System

• Governmental bodies are therefore embracing advanced technologies for enhancing security and safety as efficiently and reliably as possible. We also see a growing need for user-friendly, intelligent systems that are easily integrated with multiple other systems, such as those that link and coordinate the responses of police, fire departments, and hospitals to accidents or natural disasters.

City Surveillance SystemApplications

• Security Systems offers a comprehensive portfolio of innovative, reliable, high-quality products for implementing a city surveillance solution

Public Surveillance with CCTV

• IP networked video surveillance. It lets cities take a major step toward mastering these challenges. It provides a host of benefits that enable faster detection and prosecution of accidents and crimes and, in many cases, constitute effective deterrents to prevent crimes from being committed in the first place.

Public Surveillance with CCTV

Deter and Detect Illicit Transactions in City Centers

and High-Crime Areas

• Visible CCTV cameras installed in vulnerable areas have proved to be effective deterrents. Illegal activities such as drug dealing, street violence, and vandalism diminish sharply when police forces are supported by surveillance technologies.

• Changing or poor light conditions, both indoors and outdoors, pose particular challenges. To produce usable images, there is a need for high-quality cameras with advanced features such as high sensitivity, a wide dynamic range, and night vision using thermal or infrared techno-logies

Deter and Detect Illicit Transactions in City Centers and High-Crime Areas

Deter and Detect Illicit Transactions in City Centers and High-Crime Areas

• Because they are exposed to weather conditions such as rain, sun, and snow, these products must be highly resistant to humidity and extremes of cold and heat. This calls for cameras and housings that are specifically designed for outdoor use.

Deter and Detect Illicit Transactions in City Centers and High-Crime Areas

Monitor Crowds

• Tourist areas and other crowd situations pose considerable security and safety challenges. Video surveillance helps police and security forces respond more effectively when people or property are threatened.

• Wherever crowds gather – at tourist sights, public transportation facilities, stadiums, street demonstrations, etc. – video surveillance can help authorities quickly detect potential threats.

Monitor Crowds

Monitor Crowds

• An intelligent user interface ensures that operators know exactly where an incident occurs, also helping them pinpoint the locations of cameras in use by displaying the captured images on maps. Automated virtual guard tours can monitor critical areas by periodically sequencing through multiple cameras.

• Complete flexibility in configuring monitors lets operators focus their attention on the right spots at the right times – for example, a busy station entrance in the daytime or an unattended bank branch at night.

Monitor Crowds

Monitor Crowds

Fight Crime

• When a crime is committed during a street demonstration, CCTV surveillance helps security forces take rapid, targeted action. Recorded footage can also be presented in court as evidence.

• Fixed cameras can be supplemented by moving cameras

• for real-time monitoring. They are controlled by an operator via a joystick or workstation. Advanced signal encoding and transmission technologies minimize delays

• to ensure immediate operator responses

Fight Crime

Fight Crime

• Storage capabilities are also essential for follow-up investigations, requiring video footage to be kept for varying periods of time. This calls for video compression and recording technologies, as well as the ability to scale the storage capacity to meet different needs.

• Especially when sensitive data are involved, resilience, redundancy, and protection are very important.

Monitor Traffic Flows

• CCTV surveillance enables centralized traffic monitoring, especially at major road intersections. It supplies relevant information to help law enforcement agencies and emergency services deal with accidents. Road and high-way crews can also be dispatched to remove hazards or repair malfunctioning equipment.

• Cameras can also help mitigate congestion by collecting data on traffic patterns. This information can then be used to reprogram traffic lights and improve traffic flows.

Monitor Traffic Flows

Monitor Traffic Flows

• IP video streams can be transmitted over wired or wire-less networks, so all of a city’s surveillance cameras can be easily monitored from a single operations center.

• The low bandwidth and advanced networking capabilities of IP cameras additionally facilitate this.

Monitor Traffic Flows

Catch Traffic Offenders

• license plate cameras capture details at any time of the day or night, even on vehicles moving at high speed and in any weather or ambient lighting conditions.

• Intelligent Video Analysis supports operators by triggering an alarm when an individual or vehicle enters a prohibited area or behaves suspiciously. It can also greatly reduce the time required to search video footage.

Catch Traffic Offenders

Adapt to Extreme Conditions

• When a natural or human-caused disaster occurs – such as a tornado, flood, or earthquake – video surveillance can deliver invaluable information to help assess damage, locate injured people, coordinate rescue units, and identify criminal acts such as looting.

Adapt to Extreme Conditions

Case Study

• Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

• A smart city is incomplete unless it is a safe city. Safety is probably one of the most important aspects of moving towards a smart city. Setting an example, Surat City Police has reportedly become the first city police to get a Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU) and is also the first in India to deploy a face recognition technology for its PIU.

• The deployment was part of the safe city project initiative in Gujarat. The city police is now using intelligent, video based analytics solution that is deployed at its command and control center.

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

• The key aspect of the PIU is the face recognition system. A solution offered by NEC, the FRS system takes the video feeds from the CCTV cameras deployed at important locations in the city and match it with the existing database of police. The technology is imparting real time intelligence to the city police force.

How does it work?

• NEC’s Facial Recognition Solution (FRS) is a high performance face recognition biometric technology which intelligently matches faces appearing on the surveillance cameras to the connected database in real time and generate alerts if a subject face of person of interest is matched.

• “When deployed and connected with CCTV camera network across the city for criminal investigation, the technology alerts the police real time for any suspicious activity/criminal spotted in the surveillance zone,”. Enabling speedy action by the police, it leads to a faster turnaround time for investigating criminal cases.

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

Rakesh Asthana, (IPS) Indian Police Service, Police Commissioner of Surat City, said, “This leading Face Recognition System and Forensic Criminal Investigation System can offer our police department the much required real-time intelligence to ensure the safety of our city and its citizens. We can now proudly say that Surat Safe City is India’s first Safe City”

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

• In Surat, the NEC FRS technology is connected with the criminals face database and the CCTV cameras deployed at critical point of entry and exit of the city. The live camera feeds are processed at the command and control centre and whenever a match is found, the system will send immediate alerts with the matched details to application dashboard. Optionally, the alerts would be sent to police official’s mobile phones for appropriate action.

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

Picture Intelligence Unit (PIU), Surat City

• There has been a 27% decline in crime rate, and 150 cases have been solved already since successful deployment of NEC FRS system

• With the implementation, Surat city police will now be able to;

• Identify a criminal in crowd even if the person is disguised or has undergone plastic surgery

• Detect vehicles used in criminal activities and get their details within no time

• Penalize the vehicles violating the traffic rules, speed limit etc.

Surat, Safe City27% decline in crime rate, and 150 cases have been solved already since successful deployment of NEC FRS system

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Confucius

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