smit manual 2011

Post on 07-Mar-2015






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More than just selling books...

Student Management program

Since 1868, Southwestern has prided itself on its leadership

program for college students. Thousands have benefited from this training, and

many of our graduates have gone on to be leaders in their respective fields.

The most important people in our company are the Student Managers.

They are the cornerstone of the program, and without them Southwestern simply

would not exist.

Students enter the Southwestern Program because they want to grow. And

the majority of that growth comes not from their first summer, but from their

subsequent years of leadership training.

We are proud of these Student Managers. We will work with them closely to

continue those core values that have brought us into our second century:

developing character, fostering respect, encouraging aspirations and expecting







The key to getting started down the path of being remarkable in anything is to simply act with the intention of being remarkable. If you want a better than average life, you can’t simply ‘go with the flow’ and get it. most people do just that: they wish for an outcome but make no intention-driven actions towards that outcome. Stop wishing and start doing! You decide how you want things to be, and you make it happen. learn how to be whom you want to be through recruiting, managing and leading. We provide the tools, training and organization to help you get there. We are:

Friends @ WorkBreaking RecordsBringing out the BestGrowing LeadersStretching reality to fit our GoalsSetting the standard: Higher, Faster, Stronger

Welcome to E1 Student Management!


chris AdamsCEO-Division17

Higher, Faster, Stronger




History of Southwestern

Southwestern is sold to Times-Mirror Corporation.

First man on the moon.

The Civil War begins.

Spencer Hays becomes President of Southwestern.

Southwestern begins its Summer Program

Southwestern employees repurchase company from Times-Mirror.

Southwestern/Great American Incorporated, SWGA Inc.

Spencer Hays becomes Executive Chairman of SWGA Inc.

Ralph Mosley named Chairman and CEO of SWGA Inc.

The Southwestern Publishing House moves back to Nashville.















The Southwestern Publishing House moves to Memphis, TN.

Jerry Heffel becomes President of Southwestern.

First plane flight at Kitty Hawk by the Wright brothers.

E1 Division starts

SWGA Inc., Div 17

Peep Vain sells books. (1990-1993)

Invention of the lightbulb.

Book sales in Canada begin.


Reverend J. R. Graves establishes The Southwestern Publishing House in Nashville, TN.





Dan Moorebecomes President of Southwestern.

New books - SW Advantage

P. B. Jones becomes President of Southwestern.

The 100th anniversary of the modern Olympics.

Southwestern’s Student Program celebrates 50 years.

8 Estonians, 1 Latvian & 1 Lithuanian start SW Baltics.

Dortch Oldham and Fred Landers spend their first summers selling books.

100 students from Estonia.

Tartu University Number 1 worldwide.

Dortch Oldham becomes President of Southwestern.

Dortch and Fred Landers lead Southwestern through a decade of tremendous growth.

300 students from the Baltics.
















2007 2011

J. B. Henderson becomes President of Southwestern.

Southwestern’s Student Program celebrates 135 years.

Southwestern’s Student Program celebrates 100 years.World War I begins.

Southwestern starts selling educational software.

World War II begins.

Southwestern celebrates its 150th anniversary.





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What it means to be a Student Manager

Personal Growth

For most people SW summers do not get easier - they themselves just get stronger. When you feel like you cannot go on, but cannot go back either - that’s when you grow!

Southwestern gives you the opportunity to constantly challenge yourself. There are always things you can learn, new people to compete with, new things to over-come. Whether it’s your 2nd or 22nd summer, you will be stretched.

MoneySouthwestern gives you the opportunity to make and save money. You can also learn how to invest and plan your fi-nances from people who are successful at it. Average 5 year total income before expenses is more than $100,000.

If you want a future as an entrepreneur, SW is one of the best things you can do! You get all the responsibility and op-portunity of managing a sales part of the business without the worries of product development and customer service followup. And as you grow in the business you will have op-portunity to run your own organization. SW is a great busi-ness whether the economy is up or down - you can always just knock on more doors to succeed.

BuildinG a Business




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Having several successful summers will make your CV look great and stand out. SW gives you the skills most organizations look for : communi-cation and sales skills, organizational skills, recruiting skills.

You learn about time management, the ability to work independently and handle pressure, public speaking, finances - the list of topics is long! And you will learn from people who have done the same thing.

Cv and exPerienCe

Most students want to travel and explore different countries but often they lack the necessary funds. Here’s what’s cool about Southwestern trips - you can WIN them!

As a first year there are 2 trips you can win. As student manager you can win 2 more. And as a sales manager you travel 8-12 times a year to all kinds of locations with most trips fully paid for! As an extra bonus you get to travel with great people. Not to mention 5 star hotels that are all-inclusive!

Southwestern gives you the opportunity to: work with great mentors; have great peers to compete with, and enjoy your time with; the opportunity to introduce new people to the program, and to watch them learn & grow as you lead them. Many of these relationships will last through-out your life, and be amongst the best connections you ever have.

Friends and relationshiPs




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The Year of a Student Manager

KiCKoFF MeetinG

awards Banquet

GrG triP

Grs in usa

sM MeetinGs / Fy MeetinGs

Fall seMinar

reCruitinG and worKinG with your sM

The first meeting of the new season and a great place to get to know other SMs! We spend a weekend learning about recruiting, team-building, and principles of time and money management. Sauna, sports, and fun is a must!

The queen of SW trips (king being EXPLOSION), it will take you to some 5* hotel in an exotic destination! You win this by recruiting a team of 10 that sells at least 5,000 units.Hawaii, Brazil, Caribbean, Panama – these have all been recent GRGs!

Did you like last year’s FY meetings? Now you will be orga-nizing them! It’s a great way to learn public speaking and presenting. SM meetings are similar to Sunday meetings in the summer: your weekly dose of recognition, motivation and sharing ideas with other leaders. In the past we have had alumni guest speakers and some video training as well.

A one-day seminar where you will learn from our successful alumni, and might meet Mr. Adams as well. Also, you will get some new ideas on recruit-ing and team-building.

You will learn how to build your own team of friends by following your SM or SL.

A great photo album is your #1 recruiting tool.

Dress up and enjoy the limelight as you receive all those prizes you worked so hard for in the summer. A great time to introduce your SM to your parents, and have fun at the (in)famous afterparty as well.

A great chance to visit Nashville without a bookbag! Three days filled with excellent speakers, motivation, new ideas and a chance to PC Americans. Also, great discounts at the mall and a black-tie gala dinner for the Freddies.




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siZZler GriZZler

exPlosion triP

BiG MeetinG

sPrinG KnoCK

ol traininG

exPlosion seMinar

Base day

Parent CoFFee

Sun, fun and 100+ cool stu-dents! All-inclusive! Need we say more? Make sure you get your face on the Sizzler video...

Unofficial SW ski/snowboard trip. There is a rumor that you can even win a free trip, but talk to your DSL about that ;)

A one-day seminar to get out of Siz-zler mode and back to school/team building mode. You will learn more about recruiting through referrals and some advanced time-manage-ment ideas. Also, top B manager recruiters (that’s you!) share their success stories.

This annual charity event has been a great success – FY students get their first experience knocking on doors, and together we raised over $26,000 in one day in 2011!

The élite are selected to be OLs, & receive extra training in summertime management and lead-ership, along with guid-ance on how to prepare logistics for their organi-zation in the upcoming summer.

Get ready to have an explo-sive next summer. Need to improve technically? Want to get tips about emotional preparation? Or just hang out with P-club producers? This is it!

Weekend in the woods... Remember it last year? Was it fun? It is your challenge to pay it for-ward & make it better than last year!

Also known as Thai Delight, it is the King of SW Trips! Have you seen Hangover 2? Our trip is even wilder ;) Win it by growing at least 2,400 units over your previous summer.

Chance for FYs’ parents to meet our manag-ers, flip through the

books and get to know what their kids got themselves into. Good coffee and cookies on the house ;)









Being a Student Manager is totally different from being a FY. Af-ter my first summer I thought I was almighty and had learned a lot but actually I still have a lot to learn even after 5 summers in the business. As a student manager you start to understand more about selling, learning how to recruit and leading people. You have a chance to help other people change their lives, just like your SM helped you. And you will be a part of the community of the sharp-est and most successful students. If you only work one summer, you might not get to know all the great people who could become your good friends and mentors.

MAdlI ReMMelkooR

Challenge and Personal Growthif you could start your summer all over again, would you do some things differently? of course you would! And the cool thing about sW is that you have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. do not start looking for something easier to do – the only way to grow is to challenge yourself! life does not get easier, but you do get stronger!

The bookfield is like a mirror – it shows both your strengths and your weaknesses. What if you don’t like that picture in the mirror? You have two options – not to look at the mirror anymore, or make a commitment to change and get better. Just beware – not looking in the mirror does not change the picture! it is our mission to build character in young people, and building character means not giving up until you reach your goals.

When I was selling books, every day on the field seemed like the toughest day of my life. Now, several years after my last summer, I use the skills I learned then daily in my interaction with custom-ers and employees. My business partner and I learned how to motivate ourselves, persist and lead during our SW career. And we owe most of our success to that.

ÜlANe VIluMetS









Were you a Top FY? Time to become Top experienced. didn’t sell sizzler? Time to grow!

But sales skills are only one part of what you will learn - recruiting, time management, public speaking, finances - the list of things you will learn is long! And you have people teaching who have been in your situation and have done the same thing. Southwestern is filled with people who were not instant suc-cesses, but just kept on working and improving themselves.

Like Andrus Albi, selling 0 units his first week and hitting Mort some summers later. Or Tõnu Hiielaid, be-ing kept in sales school an extra week because of his bad “Anglish” and becoming a sales manager later.

HoW FAr cAn You go?

What I really love about the Southwestern internship, being a for-mer sportswoman, is that Southwestern is more like a sport than a job: it just never gets boring as long as you continue to learn and grow and strive to get better. Just like it is almost impossible to run a perfect race, it is almost impossible to have a perfect human inter-action. there is always room for improvement and that’s what keeps it interesting. Selling is very frustrating when you are not good at it, kind of like playing ice-hockey or kick-boxing for the first time. We all don’t like the things we are bad at. But being good in sales almost

doesn’t feel like a job at all. We create our own income level, having fun with people all day long. Because what is selling really, other than connecting with people?


We do sell books in Southwestern, but the most I have learned is through recruiting. It is so much fun to sit down with students and ask them questions about why we should select them to this program. You can really learn how to ask good questions and how to listen. And after you have put together your dream-team, then you can learn how to train them and motivate them. It’s like you can be a part of something really big and you can influence other people’s lives. It is the best feeling when a student looks at you at the end of the summer and you can see that you really changed something in his/her life for the better!



I have a friend who works in a business incubator where new businesses can get help and support to grow and develop into fully competitive units.

As I look back, I can say that Southwestern is like an incu-bator for new entrepreneurs and leaders. You get all the support and knowledge from the company, and at the same time you can apply that to a much smaller environ-ment. And you have other people (Sls and SMs) who are very experienced and supportive, from whom you can learn and ask for advice almost any time. then eventu-ally you’ll face the “real world” where business knowledge costs money, business consulting and motivational train-ing cost enormous money, and very rarely are all of your co-workers excited about the work they are doing.

Get as much as you can out of this “incubator” while you are there. I can promise it won’t be comfortable and easy when you are out on the bookfield, but it’s part of the training and it pays off in the long term, that’s for sure!


learning to sell is like learning how to make your dreams come true. It’s pretty hard to achieve any goal: getting a loan, building a good team, getting a promotion, introducing new ideas... if you don’t know how to sell. Selling is all about communication. If you know how to introduce an idea quickly, correctly and based on reality, you will be successful. You can be twice as smart as einstein was, but if you can’t pass on your knowledge efficiently to others, all the wisdom will be useless. learning how to sell is probably one of the most important things you can do, to get rich in life and have suc-cess in your career or in business. If there’s no selling, there will be no buying, & therefore no products or services.

ReMo JõeoRG
















I used to play competitive volleyball in high school and kind of missed the feeling of competing at university. this was one thing I really enjoyed in SW - it is like competitive sport: there are records to break, competi-tors, rankings and you can see how good you really are. But the fun part is that while competing you also make a ton of money. Much more than regular ath-letes would make. did you know that the prize money for winning a tour de France stage is €8,000? there has been only one estonian ever who achieved that (Jaan kirsipuu). But in my 5th summer I made more than 3 times that amount - and I had fun doing it.


Before my first SW summer I had been in latvia and Germany, and I used to ask for money from my parents. After my second summer with SW I had travelled to six more countries (one of them being India!) and made more money than both of my par-ents combined. during selling, when it is hard, you may start to think how nice it would be just to sit in an office and drink coffee all day long. But during the recruiting season (when you actually do sit in an office) you realize again how cool it is to challenge yourself and grow. It is not possible to get bored in SW - you are forced to grow by competition (you do not want to get your ass kicked by your own rookie :)







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CV and Experience

the best thing on your CV would be that you have management experience. Why?

I quote:“I started working with Johnson and Johnson two years ago as a sales representa-tive and soon after was promoted to a mana-gerial position, which is not that common in a big corporation.”- Sanita Pukite, sold books for 4 summers.

that’s why!tIMo AleSte

It is amazing what kind of skills you are able to learn and master while being a Student Manager.

time management, money management, team building, task management, leadership, communication. You can add it to your CV, which will make you more employable or if you are planning to become an entrepreneur, these will get you better results whatever field you are in. Attending the seminars to learn those principles outside SW costs a lot of money and you will get only theory. Here you can get theory and master it through practice under a world class mentor (your dSl and SM), and it is all for free ;)

only thing you need to do is work.eRkI kukk



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Karin Oras

nõmme tee 71, 11311 tallinn

+372 507 9241

EducatiOnuniversity of tartu (2008 – June 2011)

Master`s degree from Faculty of law, specialization in Private law

university of tartu (2002 – January 2008)

Bachelor’s degree from Faculty of economics and Business administration

• specialized in Marketing and leadership studies

• Final theses “effectiveness of leadership training Programs”

Hugo treffner`s Gymnasium (1999 – 2002)

• Silver medal graduate, grade point average 4,8 out of five

additiOnal traininGs

sales leaders` Kickoff Meeting (october 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

southwestern Company, Crete, las vegas, sharm el sheikh, Crete

• seven day leadership training to kick off the new recruiting season

• how to train young leaders, public relations, strategic management

• Meeting the corporate leaders, season summaries and setting new goals

sales Managers` Getback (aprill 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

Europe-1, Pärnu, Tallinn, Laulasmaa, Sofia, Paris

• weekend meetings for mid-term reviews

• setting new goals, follow-up on results, applying new ideas

• objective to strengthen cooperation of european sales managers

Organizational leader training (april 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

europe-1, Palermo, sicilia, Gibraltar, Faro (Portugal), Beldibi (turkey)

• seven day leadership training seminar

• leading and motivating younger leaders and managers in the organization

• Money and time management, strategic planning skills

sales school training seminar (June 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

southwestern Company, nashville, tennessee, united states of america

• Five day seminar in personal selling and running a direct sales business

• Motivating yourself and your sales team to achieve maximum productivity

Great recruiters seminar (January 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

southwestern Company, nashville, tennessee, united states of america

• six day seminar about recruiting and leading a direct sales team in a different cultural environment

• Public speaking and advanced sales training

ExpEriEncElawyer (2011 - …)

law Firm arvisto & Koch (tornimäe 5, tallinn, Estonia)

associate sales leader (2006 - 2010)southwestern Company (2451 atrium way, nashville, tn, united states of america)

• recruiting and training organizational leaders and student managers

• Personally led a 65 person sales organization in estonia and in the states

• sales organization of 13 people generated $204 000 in retail business in summer 2009

• responsibilities for the growth and development of the sales group

• developing sales techniques and sales talks, improving teamworkOrganizational leader (summer 2006; summer 2007)

southwestern Company (2451 atrium way, nashville, tn, united states of america)

• in summer 2007 relocated to alabama, usa and leaded a sales organization of 16 salespeople

• in summer 2006 relocated to ohio, usa and leaded a sales organization of 13 salespeople

• Sales organizations generated $250,000 in retail business and more than $100,000 in gross profit

• Planned sales territory, directed placement, organized and held weekly sales meetings

student Manager (september 2004 – May 2007)

southwestern Company (2451 atrium way, nashville, tn, united states of america)

• Personally recruited, trained and motivated 22 first time sales people, including nr 4 first year student in Estonia 2009

• Personally trained 18 student Managers and 2 organizational leaders

• have worked with and trained 43 sales people of my student Managers

• Participated in starting southwestern Company’s Polish division

relocated to Krakow, Poland for three months to recruit a direct sales team in spring 2007

Gave over 20 presentations and interviewed 120 peoplesales representative (summer 2004 – summer 2009)

southwestern Company (2451 atrium way, nashville, tn, united states of america)

• relocated to Georgia, Florida, ohio and 3 times in alabama , usa and ran a direct sales business

• established advanced sales, success and motivational principles through direct sales

• ranked in top hundred out of nearly 2500 First year salespeople 5 times

• Personally ranked:nr 18 and generated $46 000 in gross profit summer 2009 in Alabama

nr 14 and generated $45 000 in gross profit summer 2008 in Alabama

nr 11 and generated $38 000 in gross profit summer 2007 in Alabama

within three months among all 1000 experienced students in the CompanyBusinEss awardsGold award (6 times)• For working 75+ hours a week for 12 weeks

spencer Hayes award• For recruiting, training and motivating a personal sales team of 11 sales people (2005)

Explosion award (2 times)• For excellent sales production. Cancun, Mexico (2005), Goa, india (2007)

Great recruiters Getaway• For leading and training a team with excellent sales production. turks and Caicos (2005)

OtHEr inFOrMatiOn• Fluent in english and estonian, basic russian• a and B category driving license• International Certificate of Competence for Operators of Pleasure Craft

• Padi advanced open water diving license





“Cool idea to start building your net worth - save and invest 50% of all the money you make. If you cannot do it this year, then just sell more next year!”

PersonAl sAlesmanagers make money by buying books from southwestern at wholesale and selling them to customers at retail. That’s what you are doing this summer. The margin is around 40%. each book has been assigned a unit value, and each unit represents $7 profit to you. All business expenses and living expenses are paid by students themselves. The top earners are featured in the sW superstars book every year.

TeAm deAler discounTFor leading and managing teams, students can earn a bonus called dealer discount (dd). it is paid to the student manager of the team based on the paid for units of that team. The dealer discount is 15% of the wholesale value of books sold (Wholesale = units x $9.67). That is $1.45 for every unit the team delivers.

BAse deAler discounTstudents who have been in the business for several years and have built a base also get paid on the people they recruited during previous years, and everyone who has been recruited by those people. The bonus is paid on the combined units all those students deliver, and the amount paid depends on the total number of units delivered. The dd is paid out as a cascade: base leader pays to the people direcTlY under them, and they in turn pay to those who are under them. it is a good idea to build a base with several legs.

comPeTiTionsduring the summer and the recruiting seasons, students have the opportunity to win: trips, cash prizes and various items, for work stats and results achieved. some competitions are by dsl group: some are organized for the whole company.

4 ways OF MaKinG MOnEy as studEnt ManaGEr

Making Money as a Student Manager






















i - $8 400 ii - $17 481 iii - $26 555 iv - $41 461 v - $59 786

Personal teaM Base

"Cool idea to start building your net worth - use your summer profit for living expenses, and save your dealer discount for down-payment to buy a house!"

•PERSONAL: 1,200; 2,000; 2,800; 3,600; 4,400 •TEAM: 3,4,5 and 6 FYs x 800 units avg •BASE: 1/3 return; FY avg 800; SM avg 2,000

1st summer 2nd summer 3rd summer 4th summer 5th summer

units 1,200 2,000 2,800 3,600 4,400

teaM units 2,400 3,200 4,000 4,800

Base units 4,400 13,200 22,000

total dealers 1 4 9 18 27

5yEar plan ExaMplE:

FirsT summer:sell 1,200 units. learn about schedule, but make a ton of mistakes as well. Finish what you started and prepare to come back with a vengeance.

second summer:Because you really want to win level 2 siz-zler, you recruit 3 people. 1 or 2 might go cold, but you will get couple more in the spring and finish with 3 person team that sells oK. You increase and hit the growth Award.

THird summerYou come back and get 4 people. But now you have a manager to work with. You help her recruit a team of 3 and increase her sales.

FourTH summer:Another increase in sales brings you gold growth Award! And 5 ppl in team = President’s club in recruiting. And you have 3 managers now! By the end of the summer you should have achieved sl level and become oFl or Asl. (but just barely).

FiFTH summer:Another increase means diamond growth Award. now you have more time to recruit and you get 6 people. These are mostly strangers so you really learn about recruiting. You now have 5 managers with you so total group size is 27 people.





1st suMMer 2nd suMMer 3rd suMMer 4th suMMer 5th suMMer

oWn sAles (uniTs) 1,200 2,000 2,800 3,600 4,400ProFiT in dollArs (1 unit = $ 7) $ 8,400 $14,000 $19,600 $25,200 $30,800

TeAm (# oF FYs) 3 4 5 6FY AVerAge sAles (units) 800 800 800 800ToTAl TeAm uniTs 2,400 3,200 4,000 4,800deAler discounT (team sales*1.45) $3,480 $4,640 $5,800 $6,960 sms in Your grouP 1 3 5FYs in sms‘ TeAms (team size 3) 3 9 15mAnAgers sAles (2,000 units average) 2,000 6,000 10,000FYs’ sAles (800 units average) 2,400 7,200 12,000Your grouP uniTs ToTAl 4,400 1,3200 22,000BAse uniTs (your units + group) 1,200 4,400 10,400 20,800 31,200BAse discounT (depends on group size) $0 $2,313 $10,459 $22,024 ToTAl income $8,400 $17,480 $26,553 $41,459 $59,7845 suMMEr tOtal incOME $153 677

Your TiTle FY B-manager ol oFl AslTriPs You geT sizzler sizzler sizzler sizzler sizzler grs grs (sl Kickoff) sl Kickoff sl Kickoff inVesT TeAm And BAse discounT $0 $3,480 $6,953 $16,259 $28,98410 % AnnuAl groWTH $0 $3,828 $11,859 $30,930 $65,906

$ in inVEstMEnts aFtEr 5 suMMErs $65,906 summer cHecK minus summer eXPenses ($5,000)

$3,400 $9,000 $14,600 $20,200 $25,800

monTHlY moneY in Home counTrY (8 months)

$425 $1,125 $1,825 $2,525 $3,225

Your Age (and how your investments grow) 30 40 50 60Value of your investments @ 10% / year, starting selling aged 19

$128,432 $333,119 $864,026 $2,241,060


BoNuS MAteRIAl! This table doesn’t include continuity income from SWADV/SKWIDS ONLINE subscriptions.





What if you graduated university and you plan to start your career in your field of study? It might still make sense to go and sell books for one more summer! Why? Because you can save and invest all the money you’d make. entering the

workforce means you won’t need that money to pay for your studies. It can make a big differ-ence down the road.

If you sell 3,000 units in your “extra” summer and your expenses are $5,000, you would get a check for $16,000. Invest that @10% and by retirement that money will grow to $876,000!

Now that’s a smart way to invest a summer ;)

Joël etIeNNe

SW has helped me to become financially independent & helped me to go through school without the need to take a loan. I’ve had the chance to travel and enjoy things that a lot of my friends cannot. After my fourth summer with Southwestern I was able to buy myself a decent apartment in the centre of tartu. I can say that SW has helped me to prepare, both financially and emo-tionally, for real life more than university ever could.










Building a Business in Southwesternspencer hays is famous for saying:“you can’t build a business. you build people and those people build the business.“

This, in essence, is what southwestern is all about – we are not in the book business (although we do sell books), we are in the people business. lots of students have big dreams of building businesses and becoming entrepre-neurs. in reality, most of them never realize their dreams. Why? Because they lack discipline, capital and people skills. Take it as a test before you invest your hard-earned dollars in your business ideas – you did work hard for that check, didn’t you? – can you build a self-sustaining sales organization in southwestern and become a sales manager? if not, why not? The answer to that question will save you lot of stress and money down the road. Building a successful business is definitely harder than becoming a Sales Manager!

In order to have the best chance to succeed building your own business, you should master these skills:

SAlES + $$$ MAnAgEMEnT: Did you get a BIg check?rECruITIng: Have you built a grg team?lEADErSHIP: Have you been a successful Ol?

over 90% of businesses started never make it and of those that do, most of them end up not as a business but as a job for the founder. so make sure that you have perfected your people skills, have a lot of discipline and nice chunk of capital – now you are ready to take on the world!

And you might discover that instead of messing with product development, accounting, legal, customer support, advertising etc, you actually prefer to partner with southwestern to build your business. As a dsl you run your own company, and use sW’s resources for help. And you are not alone, but surrounded by a great peer group who have done it before. You have less stress, more free time with your family, and you make enough money to start investing in other people’s busi-nesses too!









Building a successful company requires even more dedication and hard work than being successful in SW summer.

It doesn’t take much talent to be successful your first summer. Just do what your SM tells you!

But the real lessons come through recruiting teams. I sold books for 3 summers and recruited a total of 13 students. It was sometimes frustrating to sit in cafeterias and call people up for presentations but I made some great friends doing it and the money I made helped my buy my first rental property.

As a business owner I have to sell and recruit every day - and because of SW I am much better at it!

kAlle ARoN

My business is to sell Fortumo mobile pay-ment system to developers in uSA and eu-rope. the decision makers there are usually a little bit more busy than a typical mom in the summertime. Southwestern taught me to go over, around, through or under the community gate, do five approaches, and if you don’t get in from the front door use the window!


“If you are working, you need to be experienced in three essential skills to become financially free. Those three skills are: LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT and SALES AND MARKETING.”

-Robert Kiyosaki-








•FIrST YEAr DEAlEr (FY)•description: Prepare yourself to handle selling books in the usA. learn salestalks, importance of at-titude and schedule. improve your english. learn business management.

•expectations: Finish the summer, win sizzler - 1,200 units.•earn: $5,000+ check•Trips: sizzler i (1,200 units), sizzler ii (2,000 units) and ViP trip (5,000 units).

•STuDEnT MAnAgEr (SM)•description: learn how to schedule school and sW at the same time (part time job). Bring a team of 3-5 friends, go through all the stages of recruiting and follow-up.

•expectations: Bring a team of 3-5 from warm methods, keep your grades up, get yourself and FYs ready for summer. Have a team that sells over 3,000 units and hit growth (sizzler) yourself (+800 units).

•earn: $10,000 summer check + $4,000team bonus = $14,000+ income•Trips: sizzler i (+800 units), sizzler ii (+1,600 units), ViP trip (+2,400 units). great recruiters getaway trip to south America for team of 10+ that sells over 5,000 units or team that sells over 10,000 units.

•OrgAnIzATIOnAl lEADEr (Ol)•description: run a summer org and survive! ;) learn about: delegating, motivating, teaching, coaching & focusing. Prepare yourself, your team and your managers for the summer. learn what it means to build a business and be a leader. start building your base.

•expectations: run an org with people on sizzler and sms returning (10,000+ units). Bring a 5+ per-son personal team, recruit people you do not know. do over 50 presentations. Have a team that sells over 5,000 units and hit growth (sizzler) yourself (+800 units again).

•earn: $15,000 summer check + $7,000 team bonus + $2,000 base bonus = $24,000+•Bonuses: All expenses paid one week long training in Turkey/greece on leadership (sl Training)Trips: same as sm.

•SAlES lEADEr (Sl)•Description: Work in southwestern as a professional leader. learn how to motivate others and how to balance coaching others with your own sales. recruit full time and possibly recruit in a foreign country. Take part in monthly leadership seminars all over the world. Take your sales to the next level and lead by example.

•Expectations: run several orgs with people on sizzler and sms returning (10,000+ units). Bring a 5+ person personal team, recruit full time in a foreign country. do group presentations and teach others. grow your base to 13,000 units (oFl); 22,000 units (Asl); 44,000 units (Fsl) and 74,000 units (dsl).

•Earn: $20,000 summer check + $5,000 team bonus + $10,000 to $100,000+ base bonus = $35,000++•Bonuses: All expenses paid training meetings in us (grs) and around the world (Turkey, egypt, spain).•Trips: sales manager of the year (same destination as grg) + dsl Trip ($10,000 and you choose where you go!)

Levels to achieve in Southwestern








Both of my parents are teachers and I really like teaching and coaching. But seeing my parents’ career, there are two big drawbacks of being a public school teacher - your salary is fixed, and many students are not motivated to learn. that’s why I really enjoy working as a Sales Manager - I get to coach the most motivated young people out there, while my income depends 100% on our group’s results. As an additional bonus I like that I can involve my family and take them on trips paid by Southwestern. our son Jako is not quite 2 yet but he has al-ready been to: turkey, egypt, Spain and uSA. I am very thankful that Jako is growing up surrounded by all those hard-working ‘I-can-do attitude’ bookpeople.


Being a Sl with Southwestern is a great opportunity. It isn’t really a job, but it’s not your own company either. It has the best of both worlds: support from SW and your director group from one side, and opportunity plus responsibility to get as good results as you want from the other. this means you have a flexible schedule, but you probably work hard because of competition. It means that you make good money, but prob-ably save a good percentage of it because you hang out with students and don’t buy expensive toys yet. It means you learn a lot, but have fun at the same time. It means you can con-nect business and social life in a way that very few people can. once you try this, you will never really want to go to work for another corporation. And the great thing is, you don’t have to - those Sls who are ready to move on are welcome to stay within Southwestern’s group of businesses, or start their own in partnership with SW.

ANdReS & keRtu MäRtIN








A career in which you can make a positive difference in the lives of people... in which you can grow professionally, financially and personally... from which the greatest rewards come in seeing people mature and make their own contribu-tion to the world: this is what a career as a Sales Manager at Southwestern is all about.

in an era of global economic turmoil, one common criticism of managers is that they are out of touch... unaware of what their people are going through... poor motivators. Yet in southwestern, every single Associate, Field and district sales manager sold books and recruited teams success-fully for several summers. They earned their positions not through “potential” but through a solid track record of accomplishment.

The path to sales manager is not an easy one. To travel it requires ability, discipline, extraordinary self-motivation, and a willingness to see young people not as they are, but as they can become. Yet the rewards are great: every sales manager (Asl, Fsl, dsl) has an opportunity for owner-ship in the Company, a steadily growing profit-sharing investment account (funded entirely by the company) and an outstanding income opportunity.

What does a District Sales Manager do? Terms like counselor, teacher, coach, motivator, results-achiever come to mind. Working professionally with university students provides an op-portunity to make a genuine difference during some of the most turbulent years of their lives. in helping them develop and internalize universal success habits, sales managers prepare graduates to make significant and positive contributions to their chosen fields of endeavor, whatever and wherever those may be.

Southwestern’s best career opportunity: Sales Manager

It is more than a career. It is an opportunity to experience firsthand the truth

so clearly enunciated by sir Winston churchill:“What you get enables you to make a living.

But what you give - that’s what makes a life.”







2525DSLs in Europe1

Joël etienne Andres Märtin kertu Märtin Veiko Roos Jaak Roosaare Ranol kaseväli

I came to Southwestern to sell books only for one sum-mer back in 2004. I wanted to do something different, get a good experience working abroad and I wanted to make money. I thought I got it all in my first summer, but I’m glad and thankful that Veiko and Chris invited me back for the next summer. there’s so much more in SW - things I didn’t see my first summer - you learn more and more every summer, you earn so much more and the lifestyle is the best. You are working 7 months a year and you travel, have fun and party with successful people for other 5 months. And best of all - everybody can become a dSl if they just work hard.

RANol kASeVälI

Working with Southwestern has been awesome. there are many things I have gained from Southwestern over the years: friends, travelling, financial freedom, experience, success principles. But there is one thing that definitely stands out: there are not too many places where you can help people grow and at the same time get paid very well. While being a dSl I can play a part in the success of the people I work with and that is the most rewarding and satisfying thing of all.

VeIko RooS





VIP-trips in: Mexico, India, Egypt, Costa Rica, THAILAND (2011)

We have had seminars in:France, Spain, Portugal, England, Germany, Italy, Crete, Las Vegas, Nashvegas, Bulgaria, Finland, Cyprus, Tunisia, Egypt,Turkey, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.

Sizzlers in: Gambia, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Egypt.

Europe1 travels...

Great Recruiters Getaways (GRG) in:Cancun (Mexico), Turks and Caicos, Panama, Brazil, Hawaii, Costa Rica, RoATAN (HoNDuRAS) 2011!!!

DSL trips in: Cape Verde, Thailand, Australia, Hawaii, CARIBBEAN ISLANDS 2011!!!

Ski-trips in: Sweden, Finland, Slovakia.

I love working with SW people. their way of life is work hard when work is needed; play hard when you can take time off. Having meetings where we learn a lot together and enjoy relax-ing events like snowboarding with other sales leaders, makes SW a perfectly balanced career.






Get excited! VIP-trip was the coolest trip I have ever been on! Check out those hot top-producer men... I’d rather be rich than pretty but why not both? :d






there are not a lot of ways to work in an international company, and travel to the uS in the middle of winter break to meet the President of your company for a glass of champagne, while just being a college student. I really enjoy the life that Southwestern offers: lots of challenge and growth with my best friends!

MARelle NuRMSAlu on GRS

Hanging out a whole week with top Producers in Nashville downtown, and gaining all the en-thusiasm & excitement from speakers gave me a lot of confidence to do well in my upcoming summer. A real investment considering all the new friends I made, and belief I got in myself & how well I could actually do in Southwestern.


I love the fact that I work together with young talented people so we can also have a good time during off-hours! the Southwestern Sales Man-ager team is like friends at work. the cool thing about Sl trips is that we also get to know the top executives: President, CFo & Ceo when they come to join us in Paris or Milan.

MARet SAAt on Sl-trips





I really liked the idea of having a chance to learn management and leadership princi-ples from our company President. lots of uS companies spend hundreds of thousands dollars to learn from SW Consulting what we learn for free. As well having a chance to run a semi-marathon with other Sls, Chris and Dan.

eRkI kukk on Sl-trips

I thought that GRG would be just an-other very cool trip, but it was some-thing totally different too! It’s one thing to travel with other SW students, but to travel with people who have recruited 10-20+ teams every summer, and sold themselves more than 10,000 units - that is something you will remember for the rest of your life! It is very rewarding to go somewhere most people never get to go: to see the Panama canal, play golf with the President himself, or go hiking through the rainforest.






SL Kickoff 2010, Turkey VIP-trip 2009, India

Sizzler 2010, Egypt





VIP-trip 2009, India Sizzler 2010, Egypt SL Kickoff 2010, Turkey

SL Kickoff 2008, Bulgaria



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GRG 2003, Turks and Caicos GRG 2009, Cancun




, Egy


Higher, Faster, Stronger

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