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CON8627- Administration and Management Essentials for Oracle SOA Suite 11g

Ramkumar Menon Oracle SOA Suite Product Management Francis Ip Oracle SOA Suite A-Team

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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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Program Agenda

§  Overview

§  Provisioning and Configuration Management

§  Managing a System in Production

§  Transactions and Fault Handling

§  Troubleshooting

§  Q&A

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Optimized Service & Eventing


Service Infrastructure Policy Manager

Policy Management


Common Connectivity Infrastructure


BPMN BPEL Human Task

SCA Composite

SOA Composite Editor


Human Task

Rules Mediation

BPEL orchestration

Business Rules

Human Tasks

Web services

and adapters

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Program Agenda

§  Overview

§  Provisioning and Configuration Management

§  Managing a System in Production

§  Transactions and Fault Handling

§  Troubleshooting

§  Q&A

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SOA Domain

§ Overview


BAM Managed Server



Managed Server

Administration Server


… Managed Server

Managed Server



… Managed Server

Managed Server

Cluster 2: BAM

Cluster 1: SOA

Typical SOA HA install

Cluster_Domain SOA_Domain

Oracle home (binaries)

Domain home (configuration)

Administration Server

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SOA Configuration

§  WLS Properties –  Persisted in domain configuration files, changes are propagated across the cluster by the Admin


§  Service Infrastructure (soa-infra) Properties –  Properties are persisted in MDS (database), changes are automatically propagated across a


§  Composite Properties –  Meta-data associated with a composite is stored in MDS (database) –  These properties can be customized using a “Configuration Plan” at the time of deployment. –  Composite properties are automatically propagated across a cluster as part of the composite

deployment process.

3 Types of Properties

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§  Configuration: –  Stored under “config” directory –  The config directory contains a file called config.xml which is

the primary source of all configuration information within a domain.

–  SOA configuration is stored in MDS since PS1.

§  Scripts: –  Stored under “bin” directory. –  Start / stop Admin & Managed server –  Set environment and JVM properties

§  Logs: –  Server logs are placed under servers/<server_name>/logs

Directory Structure SOA Domain

configuration root

sub-directory for each managed server (logs / cache)

start/stop & env scripts

domain home

local cache of deployed composites

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SOA 11g MDS Store

§  Runtime Store –  Composite meta-data –  Security policies –  Error policies –  B2B Agreements –  Shared WSDLs and XSDs –  ADF / Human Workflow

§  Can be accessed from JDeveloper and Ant.

§  Configuration customization is stored in MDS.

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Configuration Propagation in a Cluster

WLS Configuration §  File based §  AdminServer has “gold” copy §  Configuration propagated by WLS JMX

framework. §  During startup, a Managed Server copies

configuration from AdminServer and overwrites local copy.

SOA Configuration §  DB (MDS) based. §  Database has “gold” copy §  Configuration propagated by soa-infra

using the Coherence cluster. §  During startup, a SOA server loads its

configuration from MDS.

SOA Cluster



Admin MDS

WLS Configuration SOA Configuration

WLS + Coherence Clusters

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2 Levels of Clustering SOA 11g HA Architecture

§  WLS Cluster –  Defined in config.xml –  Can be viewed from WLS Console and


§  SOA Cluster –  Coherence based cluster –  Defined as system parameters in

startup scripts –  Can be validated through deployment /

configuration changes.

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§ SOA container configuration done through EM console / WLST

§ Endpoint properties modified during deployment through a

Configuration Plan –  Created –  Adapter properties

§ WLS Console / WLST for managing WLS configuration –  Domain creation, adding / changing resources within a domain.

Tools for Configuring SOA Applications

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§  What is moved? –  Installed binaries and patches

–  Configuration and metadata

–  Security config e.g. OPSS policies

§  Supports MDS meta-data, JCA connection factories

§  MovePlan – Rewiring external references to match target

–  Data-sources, endpoint addresses

Minimize Manual Steps Test to Production (T2P) Utility

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Program Agenda

§ Overview

§ Provisioning and Configuration Management

§ Managing a System in Production

§ Transactions and Fault Handling

§ Troubleshooting

§ Q&A

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Production Readiness

Sign off on Qualifying Pre-Production Tests

Clearly defined and documented processes

Trained personnel lined up for Go-live and Post-Production

Availability of a Production Replica Environment

Identify SLAs and Key Transactions

The Readiness Checklist

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Tools for Middleware Management

EM FMW Control

EM Grid Control 11g

WLS Admin Console

JR Mission Control




For Farm with a single WLS Domain. Composite lifecycle management, Instance Tracking, Performance Metrics, Fault and Message Recovery

Extends FMW Control for multiple farms. SOA/WLS Management Pack. Historical data, Alerts and Notifications

Monitor and manage the WLS domain and Managed Servers. Configure JDBC, JMS, JTA, Security, Deploy Applications etc.

JVM monitoring and management. Flight recorder for troubleshooting and diagnosis.

Generate and Analyze diagnostic data from WLS instances and your applications. Watches and Notifications. Integrate with JFR for troubleshooting.

Create/manage/monitor WLS Domains via Jython based WLI. WLS Admin Console/Configuration Wizard on a command line.

Real-Time Business dashboards. Correlate Business Indicators with System Metrics by integrating with EM GC 11g

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EM FMW Control


Human Workflow

Routing Business Rules

External Service

Drill-down into


• SOA Composite Lifecycle Management

• Transaction Search and Drill Down

•  Fault and Message Recovery

•  Service Engine Configuration

• Live In-flight DMS Performance Metrics

• System MBean Browser for advanced configuration and metrics

• Use FMW Control for searching and tracking your composite instances

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FMW Control - Key Performance Tuning Tasks §  Configure SOA-Infra Properties

•  Audit/Instance Tracking(CPU,DB), Payload Validation (CPU)

§  Configuring Service Engine threads •  BPEL - Threads(Concurrency), Audit

(DB), Validation (CPU)

•  Mediator - Parallel/Resequencer Threads (Concurrency), Audit (DB), Sleep Intervals/Metrics Level (CPU)

§  Configure Adapter Properties •  MaxRaise/TxnSize(DB), Number of

Threads (Concurrency)

§  All this Accessible as MBeans - Update via WLST

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SOA Management Pack Enterprise Edition

§  Business Transaction Management –  Discovery of transaction flows across the enterprise

–  Leverages transaction content/payload for business visibility

–  Exception Management

§  Performance & Diagnostics

–  Enterprise scale multi-domain management

–  Specific framework/metadata knowledge

–  SOA 10g (BPEL/ESB), SOA 11g (BPEL/Mediator/DS/HW)

–  OSB (Business/Proxy Svc, Pipelines)

§  Lifecycle Management –  Configuration Management: SOA infrastructure and applications

–  SOA domain and application provisioning

–  SOA Patching support

Performance &


Lifecycle Management

Business Transaction


Production Test


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JRockit Mission Control §  Negligible performance overhead. §  Comprised of three toolkits.

–  Management Console - for managing and monitoring one or more JVMs.

–  Runtime Analyzer – Application and VM Profiler. Record and Playback for Root-cause analysis.

§  Analyze patterns around GC, CPU, Latency, Locks etc

–  Memory Leak Detector

§  Integrates with WLDF for analysis of diagnostic dumps

§  Use JRMC to root-cause performance issues by analyzing memory, CPU, thread contention, locks etc via Flight Recordings. (Use for Support engagements)

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§ Enable Just-in-time Proactive diagnostics § Reduce time and effort for collecting diagnostic information. § Support for SOA Suite Diagnostic dumps -

adf.ADFConfigDiagnosticDump,soa.composite, soa.composite.trail, soa.config, soa.db soa.edn, soa.env, soa.wsdl

§ SOA specific DMS Metrics – Message Processing metrics § Manually trigger dumps

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Server Lifecycle

Composite Deployment and Lifecycle

MBean access and


DomainMBean DomainRuntimeMBean


Custom(For SOA)

WLDF Integration to export

Diagnostic Data


Create Domain


from Templates,

Extend Domains etc

q .Jython based CLI q Create, monitor and manage WLS Domains q  Runs in Interactive,Batch or Embedded Mode

•  Command line automation . •  Hierarchical navigation via domain and server Mbeans:

•  retrieve and set domain metrics and properties •  start/stop servers etc •  WLST recording available

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§ Hardware Resources (Memory, CPU) § Database Capacity § HA Requirements (Shared Storage) § Methodology § Retention policy § Data Archival

Capacity Planning

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§  Parallel

§  Useful for medium [ ~500 GB total to ~10 GB daily] to large installations

§  Resource intensive – hence run during off hours.DOP indicates number of parallel threads.

§  For large installs [>~500 GB total or > ~10 GB daily], recommended to run a hybrid of parallel purging + dropping partitions, using optimal thread counts.

§  Partitioning §  Dropping partitions is the fastest way

to purge.

§  Time-Range Partitioning Done at the component level.

§  Decide time-range based on average and max composite lifetime.

§  Run this in conjunction with parallel purging for a mixed load.

Via EM Console [For Targeted Deletion], or via Purge Scripts and/or dropping Partitions[For Bulk] Scripts located at RCU_HOME/rcu/integration/soainfra/sql/soa_purge

§  Looping

§  Useful for small installations [~100k rows]

§  Loops and runs until max_runtime loop parameter is exceeded.

§  Not resource intensive, but slow performance.

§  All purgeable instances are deleted.

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Program Agenda

§ Overview

§ Provisioning and Configuration Management

§ Managing a System in Production

§ Transactions and Fault Handling

§ Troubleshooting

§ Q&A

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Fault Handling – Key Factors

§ Handled Faults –  Handled programmatically – Component / Policy –  Can specify manual intervention through EM –  Principal transaction not rolled back

§ Un-handled Faults –  Not handled programmatically –  Typically leads to transaction rollback –  Messages can be re-tried when they are retrievable

§  JMS queue, DB table, Dehydration storeetc.

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Services Receive






BPEL – Threads, Transactions and Faults

Services Receive




Commit Synchronous Process






Asynchronous Process

Asynchronous Durable Process

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Services Receive






BPEL – Threads, Transactions and Faults

Services Receive




Commit Synchronous Process






Asynchronous Process

Asynchronous Durable Process










k Type


Invoke, Callback, Activity

Recover, Mark Cancelled, Reset

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BPEL – Threads, Transactions and Faults Breakpoint Activities



“Breakpoint” activity is transaction boundary

•  Receive •  Wait •  Pick - onMessage •  Pick - onAlarm •  Mid-process Reply •  Idempotent Invoke •  Non-blocking Invoke •  Fault Policy Retries •  …

exception or system crash rolls message back into DB, available to BPEL SE for manual (activity) recovery

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Mediator Sequential vs. Parallel Routing


Caller thread executes routing


(1) Caller thread saves message

(2) A single locker thread retrieves messages in batch

Tune the locker thread batch size and # of worker threads for parallel routing rules

(3) Worker threads process messages

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Mediator Service Engine Sequential vs. Parallel Routing


Caller thread executes routing


(1) Caller thread saves message

Recover Mediator parallel instances via EM console – Faults page for soa-infra, composite or Mediator SE

returns exception (or

timeout) to caller

Transaction rolls back, available for manual instance


(3) Worker threads processes messages

(2) A single locker thread retrieves messages in batch

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Programmatic Fault Handling

§ Fault Policies –  Covers BPEL invoke, adapter rejection message –  Are externalized fault handling rules (XML files)

§ Fault bindings –  Bind policies to Reference, Service (inbound adapter), Component, Composite –  Can define a conditions chain of actions

§ Actions –  Retry, Abort, Replay, Re-throw –  Custom Java actions –  Human Intervention – recover from EM

Fault Policies

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Manual / Scripted Fault Handling - Recovery

§ Recovery Options for Administrators:

–  Human intervention actions defined by fault policies

–  BPEL message recovery for unhandled faults

§  Auto-recovery configured via MBean

§  Manual Recovery from BPEL recovery console.

–  Rejected messages from inbound adapters


Recovery screen

Edit payload

Faults & exceptions


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Program Agenda

§ Overview

§ Provisioning and Configuration Management

§ Managing a System in Production

§ Transactions and Fault Handling

§ Troubleshooting

§ Q&A

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Troubleshoot SOA

§ Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic –  Diagnostic Framework –  Selective Tracing –  SOA Service engine statistics

§  JDK Diagnostic § Operating System Diagnostic § Database and external resources diagnostic

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Troubleshooting SOA Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework

Diagnostic data

WLDF Diagnostic Dumps

Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR)

WLST Command Line


Log Files MBeans

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§  “Problem” –  listProblems(), …

§  “Incident” –  listIncidents()

–  showIncident(id=‘1’)

–  createIncident()

§  “Dump” –  listDumps(appName=‘soa-infra’)

–  describeDump(name=‘soa.env’, appName=‘soa-infra’)

–  executeDump(name=‘soa.env’, appName=‘soa-ifnra’)

§  “Diagnostic Rule”

Troubleshooting SOA Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework

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§  Configure WLDF Watch and Notification

Troubleshooting SOA Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework

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Troubleshooting SOA Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework

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Troubleshooting SOA

[2011-09-22T06:50:07.986-07:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.integration.platform.blocks.deploy] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: weblogic] [ecid: 3c584fd020bdf1ba:-65df75b4:132916143aa:-8000-0000000000000166,1:23265:2] [APP: soa-infra] [Deployment] Component: SendMail was successfully deployed to service engine:implementation.bpel, for composite:SendMailApp

Anatomy of a Log File 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9

1.  Timestamp 2.  Server Name 3.  Message Type 4.  Component ID

5. Thread ID 6. User ID 7. Execution Context ID 8. Supplemental Attribute

9. Message Data

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Troubleshooting SOA Viewing Log Files in EM

Message Pane

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Troubleshooting SOA

§ Globally unique identifier § Enables you to track a message flow that crosses

instances of different composites. § Usually generated at the time of receiving the incoming


Use of ECID

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Troubleshooting SOA Editing Log Configuration

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Troubleshooting SOA Setting Logging Levels

Active Loggers Saved Loggers

Logger for SOA Adapters

Logger for BPEL

Logging Levels

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Troubleshooting SOA Selective Tracing

Context: Composite Name, Client Address etc

Trace Level


Under WebLogic Domain

Increase log levels for chosen context, loggers, and servers

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Trouble Shooting SOA

§  Requests: pending and active

§  Threads §  Request break down show

BPEL activities

BPEL Engine Statistics



Request Breakdown

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Troubleshooting SOA

§ http://soa-server:port/soa-infra: Sanity check § http://soa-server:port/soa-infra/cluster/info: Cluster info § http://soa-server:port/wls-cat : Class loader analysis tool

Debugging URLs

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Troubleshoot SOA

§ What it may show –  JVM heap memory utilization –  Memory leaks –  Major and minor garbage collection frequency and time –  JVM health in general

§ How to produce: –  JVM command line argument

§ How to analyze: –  GCViewer

JDK Monitoring: Verbose GC

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Troubleshooting SOA

§ What it shows: –  Application or product deficiency –  External resource contentions –  JVM health

§ How to produce: §  Console / WLST / Kill -3 <pid> / jstack <pid> / jrcmd <pid> print_threads

§  Taken repetitively, during the period when symptom occurs

§ How to analyze –  ThreadLogic

JDK Monitoring: Thread Dumps

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Troubleshooting SOA

§ What to look for –  High CPU system time –  High CPU wait time –  High CPU idle time along with poor throughput

Operating System Monitoring

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Troubleshoot SOA Operating System Monitoring

OS Tools

Linux top, netstat, iostat

Solaris prstat, vmstat, mpstat, netstat, iostat

AIX, Linux nmon

Windows Task Manager, Resource Monitor

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Common Problems and Solutions

§  Problem: ClassNotFound exceptions when SOA server is started by a Node Manager

§  Solution: Add property StartScriptEnabled=true to

Resolving common startup problems with SOA server •  Problem: SOA Server (soa_infra)

does not start •  Solutions:

•  Check port conflicts •  Make sure MDS schema is

reachable •  Check coherence configuration

in clustered setup. Make sure that you’re using command line instead of active cache configuration

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Common Problems and Solutions

§  Problem: ‘Too many open files’ during compilation or runtime. §  Solution: /etc/security/limits.conf to increase the value of both file

descriptors to at least 4096.

Resolving OS level problems

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Common Problems and Solutions Resolving transaction or connection timeouts §  Problem: Transaction or connection timeouts §  Solution:

–  Figure out why the transaction takes so long! –  Increase transaction timeout for at Domain and soa-infra EJBs

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Common Problems and Solutions

§  Problem: Changes to connection factories JNDI (Configuration -> Outbound Connection Pool) for SOA adapters do not take effect .

Common application-related Problems

Hit ‘Enter’ Key after changing

Click ‘Save’ after the connection factory properties

have been updated

Click ‘Update’ after selecting the adapter

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Common Problems and Solutions

§  Problem: Mis-configured Queues/Datasource in JMSAdapter and DBAdapter.

§  Solution: Make sure that the runtime resources such as JMS connection factories, JMS Queues, DB datasources are configured properly in the WLS console

Common adapter-related Problems •  Problem: Duplicate message

processing for non-transactional adapters (File/Ftp) in clustered setup.

•  Solution: Use ‘eis/HAFileAdapter’ or ‘eis/ftp/HAFtpAdapter’ in jca configuration. Alternatively configure active-passive failover in the composite.xml file by configuring “standalone” property with ”true”

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EM Performance Issue

§  Issue: EM dashboard loads slowly / hangs on login.

§  Step 1: Set default time duration for aggregate queries.

§  Step 2: Disable auto-fetch of aggregated metrics.

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BPEL Service Engine (to be removed) Threads and Persistence



… sync process invoke executed by caller thread,

e.g. servlet

async process invoke executed by BPEL engine invoker thread

Msg persisted (DB)


After hydration (e.g mid-process receive activity for async callback) process executed by BPEL engine engine thread

(2nd) callback msg persisted (DB), triggers dehydration

(1st) process hydration


Sync Process

Async Process


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BPEL Service Engine (to be removed) Faults and Transactions



… Receive

exception or system crash rolls message back into DB, available to BPEL SE for manual (callback) recovery. composite and BPEL instance running

exception or system crash

returns exception (or timeout) to


exception or system crash rolls message back into DB, available to BPEL SE for manual (invoke) recovery. composite running but BPEL instance faulted; new instance initiated on recovery.

msg persisted (DB)

(2nd) callback msg persisted (DB), triggers dehydration

(1st) process hydration Sync Process




* – A 3rd type of recovery is Activity recovery. See next slide.

top related