soccer dreams without borders (sdwb)

Post on 09-May-2015






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  • 1.Soccer dreams without borders (Sdwb)

2. Mission
Soccer Dreams Without Borders is an organization committed to providing educational opportunities to African children who are living on the street, living with life threatening diseases, have parents who are dying of HIV/AIDS or orphaned. The international language is soccer and the currency is soccer accessories.
3. Values
Our vision is to solicit soccer accessories as the entry point into the lives of African children, identify soccer players as mentors who collectively with the help of professionals will provide education concerning good health care and economic opportunities.
4. Inputs

  • Collect used and unsold soccer accessories from soccer clubs, individuals, sporting goods stores, etc.

5. Distribute the equipment to children in partnership with the nonprofit organization. 6. Sister and brother African teams are being established with those USA youth associations contributing to SDWB. 7. 45 soccer teams are created, to give an opportunity to play to more than 500 boys and girls.

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