social developers london update for twitter developers

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Points of interest for Twitter Developers

30 June 2014

Angus FoxCo-Chair Social Developers London


This talk draws on information and but is in no way

endorsed by Twitter Corporation or Facebook Corporation #justsaying

TopicsThe first places to start are at and


#worldcup• Prototype engagement


Stream API• Sample• Filter• Context• Heatmap


@recorditapp using @STTLibrary

GIF support in the Twitter API Native Twitter authentication on OS X They use STTwitter - an Objective-C library for

Twitter REST API 1.1 and (often overlooked) AppleScript

After the user provides credentials, they can then be guaranteed that our API upload of the tweet with a GIF will work.

On first use only which makes it really simple to share GIFs. @STTLibrary


If no such account exists, they use AppleScript plus Apple’s Scripting Bridge: -

tell application "System Preferences" activate set the current pane to pane id "" get the name of every anchor of pane id "" reveal anchor "" of pane id ""end tell

Apple Script Bridge

Generates a header file with an API that you can use to communicate with another application using Objective-C code.

SystemPreferencesApplication *systemPreferences = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];

SystemPreferencesPane *pane = (SystemPreferencesPane *) [[systemPreferences panes] objectWithID:@""];

SystemPreferencesAnchor *anchor = (SystemPreferencesAnchor *) [[pane anchors] objectWithName:@""];

[systemPreferences activate];

systemPreferences.currentPane = pane;[anchor reveal]

#worldcupLets talk about the world cup


Twitter.Com has had a #worldcup makeover

After Choosing a team, encourages you to change profile pic

Suggests followers

Tweet your support

Prototype Engagement Flow Twitter.Com has

had a #worldcup makeover

After Choosing a team, encourages you to change profile pic

Suggests followers

Tweet your support

Get Started

Add some affinity to your twitter picture

Add followers with the same affinity

Tweet Support

Streaming APIA couple of Sample Apps might stimulate your appetite

#worldcup• Prototype

engagement flow

Stream API• Creating an App• Sample Endpoint• Heatmap

Create an app at


Use the keys in your copy of app

Using the Sample endpoint Provides you with roughly 1% of all Tweets,

randomly selected from the firehose. There are 500 million Tweets posted every

single day, so 1% is still a very large number and statistically relevant for many use cases.

DEMO OAuth signing results


Adding context and filtering Tweets

The filter endpoint, lets you receive Tweets matching different criteria to track Tweets with some keywords, from a selection of users around a location when users explicitly

choose to share it


Visualize Tweets on Google Maps

Stream geo-tagged tweets using Node.js The end result is a real-time heat map

depicting where in the world people are tweeting from

Download it from github

March 25, 2014 - Stewart Harper

How it works

Package.json holds a variety of metadata related to the project and lists dependencies.

Server.js is where all of the logic lies. This code first sets up a web server using express, which serves the static web pages, loads the web socket module, and loads the Twitter API module.

Rate limited, authorised API

You must create an application on Twitter.

Set the API keys to those in the twitter API tab. API key > consumer_key API secret > consumer_secret Access token > access_token_key Access token secret >


How it works

The client mapping application connects to the web socket server and triggers the connection listener.

Another listener, start tweets, is set up and a connected message is sent to the client telling them they are connected and everything is ready.

When the client receives this message, it sends a message to the start tweets listener and the Tweets get streamed. We only want to stream Tweets with location, so they

are parsed, and if they have coordinates we create a simple piece of JSON containing the location.


This sets up the Google Map then opens up a websocket connection with the server.

Once the server confirms it has received the connection and is ready to start sending Tweets, the connected listener is called and the client sends a message back to the server to say it is ready via socket.emit(“start tweets”);.

The server responds with a stream of Tweets captured in the twitter-stream listener, where they are added to an array bound to a Google Maps heat layer.

Thank you, Questions / DiscussionPresentations are available from Slideshare


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