social for human wellness

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Social is the BUZZ nowadays

Social for Human Wellness

WAKULU Online Coaching Simplified

Helping Unlock Human Potentials

John is not feeling well.

His gut feeling says he should see a doctor.

John sees a doctor, gets orders for medical laboratory exams he needs to undergo. Then, after, he gets his prescription drugs, and a comment to stay healthy.


John religiously takes his prescription drugs on time, also does exercises on regular basis, and lifestyle change.

When he sees his doctor again, he gets good news. He is healthy again.

He is so happy to be healthy again, that he feels he deserves a little celebration.

So he goes into a little celebration. A little booze and smoke will not hurt.

A little unhealthy delicious food, and a little unhealthy lifestyle will not hurt.

The little rare old bad habits does not hurt, until it gets back to you little by little, until they take over your life again.

John is starting to feel unwell again. 

So John goes off to see his doctor again, and does the usual routine of laboratory exams.


But this time, the doctor adds another advice to John, which is to see a coach.


Contrary to the myth that coaches are cheesy. Coaches are actually cool people. Good coaches guide you unobtrusively -- putting the control on your hands.

The coach can give you a one-on-one coaching, or he can introduce you to a group who are more or less in the same boat as you. The good thing with being in the same group of people is that you will not feel

alienated. They know where you coming from, and the challenges you are facing so you can let down your guard, and be your true self around them. As such, the changes you need to do to get back that good stable

health is less painful.

 This is social at its best.

But having a coach does not mean you will no longer see your doctor. Of course, you will still see your doctor but only for you routinary check ups. The doctor and coach work hand-in-hand for a better you.

As an added bonus, John can also provide support to people who are going through the health dilemma he was in before.


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