social harmony edexcel gcse religious studies specification a unit a 4 social harmony © phillip...

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Edexcel GCSE Religious StudiesEdexcel GCSE Religious StudiesSpecification A Unit A 4Specification A Unit A 4

Social HarmonySocial Harmony

© Phillip Allen 2006© Phillip Allen 2006

Aims of Unit A 4: Social HarmonyAims of Unit A 4: Social Harmony

To understand the difference between To understand the difference between prejudice and discrimination.prejudice and discrimination.

To understand and be able to debate the To understand and be able to debate the issues surrounding sexism.issues surrounding sexism.

To understand the issues surrounding the role To understand the issues surrounding the role of women in the Christian Church..of women in the Christian Church..

To be able to identify the benefits of a multi-To be able to identify the benefits of a multi-ethnic multi-faith society.ethnic multi-faith society.

To understand and be able to debate the To understand and be able to debate the issues surrounding racism.issues surrounding racism.

To understand the issues surrounding To understand the issues surrounding Religious Pluralism and Religious Freedom.Religious Pluralism and Religious Freedom.

To understand the views of Islam on sexism, To understand the views of Islam on sexism, racism and religious tolerance.racism and religious tolerance.

Key WordsKey Words

PrejudicePrejudice Discrimination.Discrimination.

SexismSexism Racism.Racism.

EqualityEquality Racial Harmony.Racial Harmony.

Multi-EthnicMulti-Ethnic Multi-Faith.Multi-Faith.

Religious PluralismReligious Pluralism Religious Freedom.Religious Freedom.

Prejudice & DiscriminationPrejudice & Discrimination

Q. Q. What is the difference between What is the difference between prejudiceprejudice and discrimination?and discrimination?

Prejudice: ‘Prejudice: ‘Believing some people are inferior Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing themor superior without even knowing them.’ .’ Prejudice is the thought. Prejudice is the thought.

Discrimination: ‘Discrimination: ‘Acting on a prejudice by Acting on a prejudice by treating people unfairly because of their race, treating people unfairly because of their race, colour, gender, class, age, disability, etccolour, gender, class, age, disability, etc.’.’Discrimination is the act.Discrimination is the act.


Sexism: ‘Sexism: ‘Discriminating against people Discriminating against people because of their gender (sex)because of their gender (sex).’.’

In the UK the ‘In the UK the ‘Sex Discrimination Act 1975Sex Discrimination Act 1975’ ’ makes it illegal for people to discriminate makes it illegal for people to discriminate against a person because of their gender.against a person because of their gender.

However, it wasn’t always like this… However, it wasn’t always like this…

Sexism is usually thought of happening Sexism is usually thought of happening against women, but it is can also happen against women, but it is can also happen against men.against men.Can you think of examples where men and Can you think of examples where men and women may be the victim of sex women may be the victim of sex discrimination? List two for each gender in discrimination? List two for each gender in your book.your book.


Women were not always treated equally in Women were not always treated equally in this country. Many people saw their role as this country. Many people saw their role as staying at home looking after the house and staying at home looking after the house and children.children.

The ‘The ‘SuffragettesSuffragettes’, as they were ’, as they were called, won the votes for women called, won the votes for women over 31 in over 31 in 19181918. In 1928 the age . In 1928 the age was lowered to 21, the same as was lowered to 21, the same as men. Today all people over the men. Today all people over the age of 18 can vote.age of 18 can vote.

Women weren’t even allowed to vote in Women weren’t even allowed to vote in elections. Many women, and men, thought elections. Many women, and men, thought this was unfair and started to campaign to this was unfair and started to campaign to get women the vote.get women the vote.


In In 19701970 the government made sure men and the government made sure men and women were paid equally for doing the same women were paid equally for doing the same jobs by bringing in the ‘jobs by bringing in the ‘Equal Pay ActEqual Pay Act’ . ’ .

Equality: ‘Equality: ‘The state of The state of everyoneeveryone having equal having equal rightsrights’.’.

Although equality in education and Although equality in education and employment are now taken for granted. employment are now taken for granted. Many women feel they still have to work Many women feel they still have to work harder just to be treated equally. harder just to be treated equally.

Equality is important because it shows that Equality is important because it shows that every person is valued the same no matter every person is valued the same no matter what their age, gender, ability, race or colourwhat their age, gender, ability, race or colour..

Women and the ChurchWomen and the Church

Most Christians believe men and women are Most Christians believe men and women are equal. However, some Christians believe that equal. However, some Christians believe that men and women were given different roles by men and women were given different roles by God. This is because the bible sometimes seems God. This is because the bible sometimes seems to say different say different things.‘‘God created humanity in his own image, male God created humanity in his own image, male and female he created them bothand female he created them both.’ Genesis 1:27.’ Genesis 1:27

‘‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.male nor female, for you are all one in Christ..’ .’ Galatians 3:28Galatians 3:28‘‘Wives submit to your husband… for the husband Wives submit to your husband… for the husband is head of the wifeis head of the wife.’ Ephesians 5:22.’ Ephesians 5:22

‘‘Women must remain silent in church, they are Women must remain silent in church, they are not allowed to speaknot allowed to speak.’ 1 Corinthians 14:34.’ 1 Corinthians 14:34

Put these verses in a chart listed ‘Equal’ and ‘Not Put these verses in a chart listed ‘Equal’ and ‘Not Equal’.Equal’.

Women and the ChurchWomen and the Church

For many years the Church has not allowed For many years the Church has not allowed women to become leaders (Priests, Vicars & women to become leaders (Priests, Vicars & Ministers). There are many reasons for this:Ministers). There are many reasons for this:

• Some Bible passages say women should not be Some Bible passages say women should not be leaders in the church. E.g. St Paul wrote ‘leaders in the church. E.g. St Paul wrote ‘I do not I do not permit a woman to have authority over a man, permit a woman to have authority over a man, she must learn submission and be silentshe must learn submission and be silent.’ 1 .’ 1 Timothy 2:11Timothy 2:11• Jesus had many women disciples (followers) Jesus had many women disciples (followers) but his 12 closest were all men.but his 12 closest were all men.• The Apostles, the leaders of the Church after The Apostles, the leaders of the Church after Jesus’ death, were always male.Jesus’ death, were always male.• The tradition of the church has always been The tradition of the church has always been male leaders and not female.male leaders and not female.• Jesus was a man and God is seen as a man in Jesus was a man and God is seen as a man in the Bible. the Bible.

Women and the ChurchWomen and the Church

However, many Christians believe that today However, many Christians believe that today culture has changed and women should be culture has changed and women should be allowed to lead in church. They argue:allowed to lead in church. They argue:

• St Paul wrote to a different culture and time. St Paul wrote to a different culture and time. Today he would say things differently. He also Today he would say things differently. He also wrote ‘wrote ‘Everyone is equal in ChristEveryone is equal in Christ.’ Galatians .’ Galatians 3:283:28• Jesus’ disciples and the Apostles were all men Jesus’ disciples and the Apostles were all men because society didn’t listen to women then, because society didn’t listen to women then, today society society does.• Just because something has always been done Just because something has always been done one way doesn’t mean it shouldn’t modernise one way doesn’t mean it shouldn’t modernise and change.and change.

• After Jesus’ death and resurrection he After Jesus’ death and resurrection he appeared and spoke with women before he appeared and spoke with women before he spoke to his disciples.spoke to his disciples.

Women and the ChurchWomen and the Church

The Catholic Church do not accept women as The Catholic Church do not accept women as priests, they say; ‘priests, they say; ‘The Lord chose men to form his The Lord chose men to form his 12 disciples and the apostles did the same when 12 disciples and the apostles did the same when they chose their successors. For this reason the they chose their successors. For this reason the ordination of women is not possibleordination of women is not possible.’.’

The Catholic ChurchThe Catholic Church

The Methodist Church has allowed women to The Methodist Church has allowed women to hold any level of leadership for many years.hold any level of leadership for many years.

The Methodist ChurchThe Methodist Church

The Church of England (C of E) have officially The Church of England (C of E) have officially accepted women as vicars but in some places accepted women as vicars but in some places they are still not allowed to become Bishops. they are still not allowed to become Bishops. However, some C of E churches will still not However, some C of E churches will still not employ a woman as a vicar.employ a woman as a vicar.

The Church of EnglandThe Church of England

Islam and the Roles of Men and Women

Traditional roles• Some Muslims believe men and women have different roles in life. Men • Should support the family, while women have children and bring them up. • Both men and women have the duty to bring them up as good Muslims. • They believe this because:• The Qur’an teaches that god made women to have children and made men

stronger than women- so they should provide• These are the roles shown in the Shari’ah

Modern roles• Some Muslims believe that men and women should have equal roles in • religion and education and that women can have a career. However they • believe family commitments must come first. They believe this because:• The Qur’an teaches that men and women are equal in religion and

education• Muhammad would let women worship in the mosque


Racism: ‘Racism: ‘Discriminating against people Discriminating against people because of their race or colourbecause of their race or colour.’.’

Racism happens when people believe that Racism happens when people believe that some races are better than others. In the some races are better than others. In the past this has led to many injustices past this has led to many injustices happening:happening:The Slave TradeThe Slave Trade: This is where over 4 : This is where over 4 million black people were taken from their million black people were taken from their homelands to other countries to work as homelands to other countries to work as slaves for white people.slaves for white people.SegregationSegregation: This was where black people : This was where black people were not allowed to mix with white people were not allowed to mix with white people and they were separated on buses, trains, in and they were separated on buses, trains, in restaurants, they even had separate schools restaurants, they even had separate schools and taps for drinking water. This mostly and taps for drinking water. This mostly happened in South Africa and the USA.happened in South Africa and the USA.


Racism is strongly rejected in the Racism is strongly rejected in the BibleBible..

• St Peter originally thought those who were St Peter originally thought those who were from a Jewish background were more favoured from a Jewish background were more favoured by God, but after God spoke to him in a dream by God, but after God spoke to him in a dream he said ‘he said ‘God does not show favouritism, but God does not show favouritism, but accepts men from every nationaccepts men from every nation.’ Acts 10:34-35 .’ Acts 10:34-35 ((Read this story in Acts 10:1-35Read this story in Acts 10:1-35))• St Paul said there was no difference between St Paul said there was no difference between people from different nations in the eyes people from different nations in the eyes of of GodGod. ‘. ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.Christ..’ Galatians 3:28.’ Galatians 3:28• Jesus’ story, ‘Jesus’ story, ‘The Good SamaritanThe Good Samaritan’, showed his ’, showed his Jewish listeners that God valued all people. Luke Jewish listeners that God valued all people. Luke 10:25-37 10:25-37


Racism is also strongly rejected in the Racism is also strongly rejected in the ChurchChurch..

• ‘ ‘We state that racism is a direct We state that racism is a direct contradiction to the Gospel of Christcontradiction to the Gospel of Christ.’.’

The Methodist ChurchThe Methodist Church

• ‘ ‘Every form of social & cultural Every form of social & cultural discrimination must be stopped and discrimination must be stopped and eradicated as incompatible with God’s eradicated as incompatible with God’s designdesign.’ .’

The Catholic ChurchThe Catholic ChurchMost churches today have an anti-racism Most churches today have an anti-racism policy to help them identify and stop any policy to help them identify and stop any potential racial problems from happening.potential racial problems from happening.

Islam and Racism

• Islam has members in most ethnic groups and teaches that all Muslims form one community, the UMMAH.

• It teaches that any form of racism is wrong and Muslims in the Uk should work to bring about racial harmony.

Muslims should promote racial harmony because:• God made all races on earth and so people should give

each other equal respect• Muhammad said on his last sermon that no colour is

superior to any other• Muhammad told Muslims they are one community who

should treat each other as brothers

Racial HarmonyRacial Harmony

Racial Harmony: ‘Racial Harmony: ‘A society where different A society where different races and colours live together happilyraces and colours live together happily.’.’

Racial harmony is found mostly in multi-ethnic Racial harmony is found mostly in multi-ethnic and multi-faith societies.and multi-faith societies.

Multi-Ethnic Society: ‘Multi-Ethnic Society: ‘Where different races Where different races and cultures live together as one societyand cultures live together as one society.’.’

Multi-Faith Society: ‘Multi-Faith Society: ‘A society where people of A society where people of different faiths live togetherdifferent faiths live together.’.’

Racial harmony means people not only accept Racial harmony means people not only accept other people, irregardless of their race, colour, other people, irregardless of their race, colour, culture or belief, but are happy to mix and culture or belief, but are happy to mix and learn from each other. learn from each other.

Racial HarmonyRacial Harmony

There are many benefits to a multi-ethnic and There are many benefits to a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society living in racial harmony.multi-cultural society living in racial harmony.

• People can gain a better idea of what other People can gain a better idea of what other people around the world believe.people around the world believe.

• People can gain an understanding about why People can gain an understanding about why people think and behave as they do.people think and behave as they do.

• People can experience different cultures and People can experience different cultures and foods from around the world they may not foods from around the world they may not have experienced.have experienced.• People can learn to accept differences in People can learn to accept differences in others as they accept the differences in you.others as they accept the differences in you.

Religious PluralismReligious Pluralism

Most religions believe that people have the right Most religions believe that people have the right to believe in the god of their believe in the god of their choice.

Religious Pluralism: ‘Religious Pluralism: ‘Accepting all religions as Accepting all religions as having equal rights to coexisthaving equal rights to coexist.’.’

Religious Freedom: ‘Religious Freedom: ‘The right to practice your The right to practice your religion and change your religion if you want toreligion and change your religion if you want to.’.’

Christianity, like most religions, believe that their Christianity, like most religions, believe that their own religion is the right one. Christians believe own religion is the right one. Christians believe that that onlyonly by accepting Jesus and living according by accepting Jesus and living according to his teachings will they eventually go to his teachings will they eventually go to heaven.

Most religions accept this idea. However, The Most religions accept this idea. However, The Qur’an (Muslim Holy Book) states that turning your Qur’an (Muslim Holy Book) states that turning your back on Islam is punishable by death.back on Islam is punishable by death.

Religious PluralismReligious Pluralism

Christians make up 1/3rd of the world’s Christians make up 1/3rd of the world’s population.population.

This causes a problem… This causes a problem…

Christians often have one of three approaches Christians often have one of three approaches to this:to this:• Exclusive:Exclusive:

• Inclusive:Inclusive:

• Pluralist:Pluralist:

If Christianity is the If Christianity is the onlyonly way to heaven, what way to heaven, what happens to the other 2/3rds of the world’s happens to the other 2/3rds of the world’s population?population?

Christians believe this because Jesus said, ‘Christians believe this because Jesus said, ‘I am I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father the Father (God)(God) except through me except through me.’ John 14:6.’ John 14:6

Exclusive ChristiansExclusive Christians

ExclusiveExclusive: Most Christians are exclusive, this : Most Christians are exclusive, this means they believe; means they believe; only those people who accept only those people who accept Jesus, and his teachings, will go to heavenJesus, and his teachings, will go to heaven..

ProblemsProblems: :

• This view is sometimes viewed as This view is sometimes viewed as intolerantintolerant and and judgementaljudgemental..

• What would happen to those who have not had What would happen to those who have not had the the opportunityopportunity to accept Jesus and his teaching? to accept Jesus and his teaching?

• Would God not be Would God not be cruelcruel to say the majority of to say the majority of the population will not go to heaven?the population will not go to heaven?

• How could a How could a loving Godloving God allow anyone to go to allow anyone to go to hell just because they’ve been born into a non-hell just because they’ve been born into a non-Christian culture?Christian culture?

Inclusive ChristiansInclusive Christians

InclusiveInclusive: Some Christians believe you should only : Some Christians believe you should only go to heaven by accepting Jesus, and his go to heaven by accepting Jesus, and his teachings, teachings, butbut, some members of some members of other religionsother religions and some and some non-Christiansnon-Christians may also be able to go to may also be able to go to heaven.heaven.• They claim that God saved people before Jesus They claim that God saved people before Jesus lived and Christianity did not exist. They say God lived and Christianity did not exist. They say God will save those people who lived right lives as if will save those people who lived right lives as if the God they believed in had been the right one.the God they believed in had been the right one.

• They believe that when people die they will They believe that when people die they will understand understand that Jesus’ teaching was the right way and that Jesus’ teaching was the right way and convert.convert.ProblemProblem: :

• This goes against Jesus’ teaching in the Bible. This goes against Jesus’ teaching in the Bible.

Pluralist ChristiansPluralist Christians

PluralistPluralist: Some Christians believe that : Some Christians believe that allall forms of forms of belief are belief are equally validequally valid and end up at the same and end up at the same believe that devout followers of all religions They believe that devout followers of all religions will be saved and go to heaven. Pluralists say that will be saved and go to heaven. Pluralists say that all religious experience comes from God, but is all religious experience comes from God, but is interpreted in different ways in different cultures. interpreted in different ways in different cultures. E.g. Hinduism in India.E.g. Hinduism in India.ProblemsProblems: :

• Pluralist belief goes against the teaching of Jesus Pluralist belief goes against the teaching of Jesus so is not always considered as truly is not always considered as truly Christian.

• Most other world religions reject pluralism and Most other world religions reject pluralism and are either inclusive or, more commonly, exclusive.are either inclusive or, more commonly, exclusive.

Islam and Religious Tolerance

Exclusive: Some Muslims are exclusive because in the Qur’an it says; “And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him.” (3:85)

Inclusive: Some Muslims are inclusive because the Qur’an says good things about Christians and Jews.

Pluralist: A few Muslims are pluralist because in the Qur’an, it says; “There is no compulsion in religion.”

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