social media: driving social change for better or worse?

Post on 17-May-2015



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Results from our techMAP survey


Social Media: driver of change for good or bad?

Quick poll of #techMAP London

Presented by: @AkaDramaQueen – techMAP Chair

Thanks goes to: @LukeTIpping – techMAP speaker

@CharlotteBeckett @Amplifier_Paul @LeeStacey- techMAP Panelists

The following results are a quick and dirty poll of your peers and their Social Media behavior to provide a local sense-check of how Social Media is influencing London Town as part of @LukeTipping ‘s presentation included above.

Question 1:How many really close friends do you have?

10.2% said 130.6% said 2-3

10.2% said 7+

49%% said 4-6

40% have 1-3 really close friends. 60% of us have 4+ friends.

Question 2:My social profiles make me look happier than I am.

14.3% said Yes.

40.8% said No! WYSIWYG*8.2% said Well, perception is reality.

36.7% said Perhaps a little.

60% of people don’t have an accurate profile. WYSYWYG = What you see is what you get.

Question 3:There are times when I can feel insecure, lonely and isolated.

10.2% said Nope.

57.1% said Yes! But doesn’t everybody?

10.2% said: •Daily. •Professionally – I do •All the time. •Most times.

24.4% said A few times in a month - sure!

90% of people polled can relate to this statement to some degree.

Question 4:Nature is important to me and plays an active role in my life.

% said 151% said Absolutely.

10.2% said No. And why is this question even here?

34.7% said Sure! There is green in London…? Right?

Question 5:I spend a lot of time thinking about:

12.2% said the future.

14.3% said the past.

55.1% said – Now and the future.

4.1% said Now.

14.3% said Yesterday and Tomorrow.

Question 6:I can pull the plug and go analogue for a whole week end… sure!

34.7% said I could but I won’t.

16.3% Said Why would we do this?

30.6% Said I could and I do.

18.4% Said Wait! The mobile doesn’t count… does it?

Only 30% of people shut off for the week end.

Question 7:My social profiles are an accurate representation of me!

4.1% said two totally different people really.

67.3% Said Yes.

28.6% Said Not really!

Questions for our panel:

1. Is social media a driver of change for good? Why?

2. How has Social Media changed human behavior?

3. Are we creating split personalities? An online me and a real world me. Is online me happier, prettier, more popular?

techMAP is the real world and online community that seeks to resolve how technology is best applied within marketing, advertising and PR.

@wearetechMAP @ShannonEastman @BarryFurby

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