social media & your child -- what every parent should know

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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General concerns & dangers that every parents should be aware of when your child uses social media sites. Tips for how to mitigate potential dangers and problems, and online resources for more information.


  • 1. Social Media & Your Child What every parent should know Sarah Worsham Sazbean Consulting Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC

2. a little about me...Web Strategist, Geek, Entrepreneur, Mother,Wife, Webgrrl, Computer Engineer and MBA2(in no particular order)what that means... I help companies and organizations use the Internet effectively to reach their business goalsSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 3. What is social media?Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 4. 85% of parents with teenage children ages 13-17 report their child has asocial networking prole (American Osteopathic Assocation, 2011)photo by SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget @ Flickr CC - Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 5. 38% of Facebook users in last year were under the age of 13,more than 25% was under 10 (Consumer Reports, June 2011)photo by birgerking @ Flickr CC - Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 6. 66% of 8-18 year olds own their own cellphones; 76% have an ipod or other mp3 player(Kaiser Family Foundation Study, Jan 2010)photo by eyeliam @ Flickr CC - Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 7. 88% text,83% take pictures,64% exchange pictures 32% exchange video, 31% IM,23% social media (Pew Internet Guide to Teens, June 2010)photo by PictureYouth @ Flickr CC - Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 8. 69% of social media-using teens think that peers are mostly kind to each other, but 88% have seen someone be mean or cruel toanother person on asocial networkingsite(Pew Research Center, 2011)photo by Sander van Dijk @ Flickr CC - Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 9. 33% of all Internet-initiated sex crimes involved social networking sites In half of those involving a social networking site, the site was used toinitiate the relationship (Journal of Adolescent Health, 2010)photo by Alan Cleaver @ Flickr CC - Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 10. General Concerns... Exposure to inappropriate material Excessive or addictive behavior Cyberbullying Public Proles, Permanent Record Private content can be made public PredatorsSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 11. Facebook -- concerns, tipsaware of what Be your child is sharing& with whom -- And whats publiclyavailableSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 12. Be Aware of What Info isBeing Shared --And Who CanSee What Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 13. Facebook -- concerns, tipsWith every post, cancontrol who sees it -- defaults to what was used lastSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 14. Understand theprivacy settings & what they meanSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 15. Control how people nd &connect to your child -- and who can post & send messagesSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 16. Control how otherscan tag you in photos, posts &videos (and whetherFB suggests you)Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 17. Control which appsare connected toyour prole and what info they have --remove apps you dont recognize. Instant personalization & public search willmake some info available publicly.Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 18. Block people,apps, & invites.Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 19. Download a copy of all your childs Facebook data (includes chats & messages)Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 20. Safety Tips... Talk to your child about issues, set rules Friend your child, Get their password Check to see whats visible publicly Check their privacy settings, messages, likes, friends Know who theyre talking to, and who those peopleare Make sure they dont post anything theyd beembarrassed about later Be aware of how much time theyre spending online Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 21. Concerns... Exposure to inappropriate content Information/Videos of your child may publiclyavailable Sharing of info/videos (publicly or with unintendedpeople) Inappropriate behavior Watching of videos at inappropriate timesSarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 22. Safety Tips... Talk to your child about the issues, setup rules Setup an account with Safety Mode (always have thepassword) Understand privacy & sharing settings Look to see what other social media accountstheyve connected Look at History of whats been viewed Goto YouTubes Safety Center for more info (clickSafety link at bottom of site)Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 23. Mobile Dangers... Easy access to inappropriate content Cyberbullying & harassment Contact by predators Picture & video uploads & sharing Direct access to social media sites Texting while driving Sexting Difculty in monitoring content & communications Phone & text scams Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 24. Mobile Safety Tips... Talk to your child, setup rules Communication only with parent-approved contacts Dont let someone else use their phone Dont reply to texts from unknown people Dont share private information (or give out number) Find out what controls & monitoring you have via phone provider Limited data & text plans Control what they can do from device (download & buy apps, etc.) Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 25. In Summary... Talk to your child, setup rules Be aware of what sites theyre using & who theyre talking to Understand privacy & child protection settings and what is shared publicly on any site Be as anonymous as possible (share as little as possible) Think before posting anything Avoid in-person meetings Check-in on your child regularly Look for security & child-safety software Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 26. Further Resources...Online: Internet Safety 101 - By National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: For Parents: For Kids: For Teens: From the FBI: Facebook: Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 27. Any Questions? photo by jamuraa @ Flickr CC - Sarah Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC 28. Connect with me...SazbeanConsulting.comBlog: Worsham, Sazbean Consulting DBA Dynalink, LLC

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