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Social Monitoring Report

Semiannual Report (July–December 2019) March 2020

IND: Rajasthan State Highway Improvement Program –Tranche 1

Prepared by Public Works Department, Government of Rajasthan for the Government of India and the Asian Development Bank. This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Consulting Services for Tranche -I Project Management Consultant Services




Implementation Agency PPP DIVISION


Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July to December 2019 Page I of V


File Location Name: Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (January-June 2019)

Project Name: Consulting Services for Package -1 Project Management Consultant Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program

Project Number: 7061508

Revision Number: 1


Revision # Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved for Issue by

0 03-03-2020 Dr. Ashok Kumar


Mr. Narendra Kumar Nawin Team Leader cum Sr.

Contract Specialist

Mr. Narendra Kumar Nawin Team Leader cum Sr.

Contract Specialist

Issue Register

Distribution List Date Issued Number of Copies

ACE, (PPP), PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, Jacob Road, Civil Line, Opp to Jaipur Club. Jaipur 302006

Government of Rajasthan & ADB from Client 03-03-2020 1 nos of Hard copy

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The information within this document is and shall remain the property of: PPP Division, PWD Rajasthan.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July to December 2019 Page II of V

Table of Contents

I. Project Introduction and Background ............................................................................................. 1

II. Overall Objectives............................................................................................................................. 1

III. Social Safeguard Categorization ..................................................................................................... 1

IV. Purpose of the Report: ..................................................................................................................... 1

V. Monitoring Period ............................................................................................................................. 2

VI. Project details for Tranche-1 ........................................................................................................... 2

VII. Resettlement Impact and Implementation ...................................................................................... 3

1. LA Impacts in 4 packages of Tranche-1 Project as per ADB approved RPs ............................................................ 3

2. Package-wise Involuntary Resettlement Impacts as per RPs ................................................................................ 4

3. Actual Resettlement Impacts and Implementation ................................................................................................ 6

3.1 Land Acquisition as per RP and Social Impact Assessment .................................................................................. 6

3.2 Impacts on Non Title Holder DPs ....................................................................................................................... 8

3.2.1. Structure Impacted by Types of use ................................................................................................................. 10

3.2.2 Type of Non Title Households(NTHs) ............................................................................................................... 10

3.3 Impacts on Community Property Resources (CPR) ............................................................................................ 10

3.4 Loss of Community Property Resources ........................................................................................................... 11

VIII. Procedure followed in Implementation of RP ............................................................................... 12

1. Disclosure of Entitlement Matrix (EM) ............................................................................................................... 12

2. Public Consultations ....................................................................................................................................... 12

3. Identification and Verification of NTHs .............................................................................................................. 13

3.1 Collection of Documents ................................................................................................................................. 13

3.2 Micro Plan (RP) Preparation ............................................................................................................................ 13

4. Identity Card Preparation and Distribution ......................................................................................................... 13

IX. Status of Disbursement of Compensation and Assistance ........................................................ 14

1. Entitlements of Compensation and Assistance .................................................................................................. 14

2. Status of Disbursement of Payment to TH DPs in ADB Tranche 1 ....................................................................... 14

3. Status of Disbursement of Payment to NTH DPs in ADB Tranche 1 .................................................................... 16

X. Skill Development Training Programs .......................................................................................... 18

XI. Awareness Camps .......................................................................................................................... 18

XII. Capacity Development ................................................................................................................... 19

XIII. Institutional Arrangements ............................................................................................................ 19

XIV. Grievance Redressal Mechanism .................................................................................................. 20

XV. Monitoring and Reporting .............................................................................................................. 21

XVI. Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................................ 22

1. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 22

2. Recommendations ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Pictorial Documentation Social Safeguards Compliance in ADB Tranch-1 Project .......................... 31

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July to December 2019 Page III of V


Table 1: Package 1 (Annuity Mode) ........................................................................................................................ 2

Table 2: Package 2 (Annuity Mode) ........................................................................................................................ 2

Table 3: Package 3 (Annuity Mode) ........................................................................................................................ 2

Table 4: Package 4 (EPC Mode) .............................................................................................................................. 2

Table 5 Details of Land Acquisition as per RP in 4 Packages of Tranche-1 ...................................................... 4

Table 6: Package-wise RP based Involuntary Resettlement Impacts .................................................................. 5

Table 7: Comparative LA Impacts as per RP and Verified SIA Data .................................................................... 7

Table 8: Package-wise Details of Identified NTH DPs in comparison to Numbers as mentioned in RPs ......... 8

Table 9 Impact on Non-Title Holders (NTHs) Structures..................................................................................... 10

Table 10 Category of Non-Title Holders (NTHs) .................................................................................................. 10

Table 11: Package-wise Details of Identified CPRs in comparison to Numbers as mentioned in RP ............ 10

Table 12 Details of CPRs ....................................................................................................................................... 12

Table 13: Status of Micro Plan (RP) by 31 December 2019 ................................................................................. 13

Table 14: Status of ID Cards Distribution ............................................................................................................ 14

Table 15: Status Update of Disbursement of Payment to TH DPs for Land Acquisition ................................. 15

Status of Disbursement(In Numbers) ................................................................................................................... 16

Table 16: Status Update of Disbursement of Payment to NTH DPs .................................................................. 17

Table 17: Status Update of Disbursement of Payment to CPRs ........................................................................ 18

Table 19: Grievance Redressal in Tranche-1 upto December 2019 ................................................................... 21


Annexure-I .............................................................................................................................................................. 23

Annexure 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 27

Annexure 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 30

Annexure 4 ............................................................................................................................................................. 31

Annexure 5 ............................................................................................................................................................. 39

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July to December 2019 Page IV of V


Compensation: Payment in cash or in kind for an asset or a resource that is acquired or affected by a project at the time the asset needs to be replaced.

Cut-off date: The completion date of the census of project-displaced persons is usually considered the cut-off date. A cut-off date is normally established by the borrower government procedures that establish the eligibility for receiving compensation and resettlement assistance by the project displaced persons. In the absence of such procedures, the borrower/client will establish a cut-off date for eligibility.

Displaced persons: In the context of involuntary resettlement, displaced persons are those who are physically displaced (relocation, loss of residential land, or loss of shelter) and/or economically displaced (loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources, or means of livelihood) as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas.

Entitlement: Resettlement entitlements with respect to a particular eligibility category are the sum total of compensation and other forms of assistance provided to displaced persons in the respective eligibility category.

Host communities: Communities receiving physically displaced persons of a project as resettles.

Income restoration: Re-establishing productive livelihood of the displaced persons to enable income generation equal to or, if possible, better than that earned by the displaced persons before the resettlement.

Meaningful consultation: A process that (i) begins early in the project preparation stage and is carried out on an ongoing basis throughout the project cycle; (ii) provides timely disclosure of relevant and adequate information that is understandable and readily accessible to affected people; (iii) is undertaken in an atmosphere free of intimidation or coercion; (iv) is gender inclusive and responsive, and tailored to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups; and (v) enables the incorporation of all relevant views of affected people and other stakeholders into decision making, such as project design, mitigation measures, the sharing of development benefits and opportunities, and implementation issues.

Physical displacement: Relocation, loss of residential land, or loss of shelter as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas.

Replacement Cost: Replacement cost involves replacing an asset at a cost prevailing at the time of its acquisition. This includes fair market value, transaction costs, interest accrued, transitional and restoration costs, and any other applicable payments, if any. Depreciation of assets and structures should not be taken into account for replacement cost. Where there are no active market conditions, replacement cost is equivalent to delivered cost of all building materials, labour cost for construction, and any transaction or relocation costs.

Relocation assistance: Support provided to persons who are physically displaced by a project. Relocation assistance may include transportation, food, shelter, and social services that are provided to the displaced persons during their relocation. It may also include cash allowances that compensate displaced persons for the inconvenience associated with resettlement and defray the expenses of a transition to a new locale, such as moving expenses and lost work days.

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July to December 2019 Page V of V


ADB Asian Development Bank DC District Collector DH Displaced Household DP Displaced Person EA Executing Agency GOI Government of India GRC Grievance Redressal Committee IA Implementing Agency IAY Indira Awaas Yojana LA Land Acquisition RFCTLARR Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and

Resettlement Act, 2013 RLAB (Draft) Rajasthan Land Acquisition Bill NGO Nongovernment organization PD Project Director PIU Project Implementation Unit PMC Project Management Consultancy PMU Project Management Unit PROW Proposed Right-of-Way R&R Rehabilitation and Resettlement RF Resettlement Framework RO Resettlement Officer RoW Right-of-Way RP Resettlement Plan RS Resettlement Specialist (PMC) SC Scheduled Caste SDM Sub-Divisional Magistrate SO Safeguards Officer SH State Highway SPS Safeguard Policy Statement SoR Schedule of Rate (PWD) ST Scheduled Tribe

This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 1 of 39

I. Project Introduction and Background

1. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting the Government of India’s program to improve priority state

road network in Rajasthan State. Public Works Department (PWD), Government of Rajasthan (GoR) is

implementing d Rajasthan State Highway Development Program (RSHDP) which aims to improve about 20000

km of State Highways and Major District Roads (MDR) to 2-lane or intermediate lane standard.

2. As part of RSHDP, about 2000 km of State Highways (SH) and Major District Roads (MDR) have been included

under ADB financial assistance, as Rajasthan State Highways Investment Program (RSHIP) to improve the

efficiency and safety of road transport in the state of Rajasthan.

3. 2000 Km of road sections proposed to be developed under ADB financial assistance, nearly 1000 Km have been

identified under Tranche-1 in four different Packages. The project roads are to be constructed under two

modalities i) three Packages in Annuity mode with a combined length of 746.162 km and ii) One Package in EPC

mode with a length of 233.960 km.

4. Identification of roads in Tranche-2 of another 754.463 km has been completed and 4 EPC packages have been

awarded between February 2019 to November 2019.

5. The executing agency for the project has been the state Government of Rajasthan acting through PPP Division of

PWD, GoR. The PPP division of PWD, headed by Additional Chief Engineer, has established project

implementation unit (PIU) for contract packages of project roads in their respective areas. Each contract package

has been undertaken by the Concessionaire / Contractor for execution and supervised by Independent Engineer /

Authority Engineer.

II. Overall Objectives

▪ RSHIP will improve the Efficiency and Safety of Transport on the State Highways of Rajasthan, thereby

providing Good Quality and Connectivity for Social and Economic Activities.

▪ RSHIP will upgrade about 2,000 KM of State Highways (SH) and Major District Roads (MDRs) to two-lane

plus Paved shoulder, two-lane or intermediate-lane standards in keeping with Road Safety requirements;

▪ RSHIP will enhance the Capacity Building of Public Works Department by preparing and Piloting streamlined

business process and procedures for Road Asset Management., Road Safety and Project Management.

III. Social Safeguard Categorization

6. The Project is classified as 'A' for involuntary resettlement (IR) as per the Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS),

2009. The project will trigger resettlement impacts, due to land acquisition mainly resulting from land acquisition,

the demolition of structures (residential and commercial), CPR, Tenant as well as auxiliary structures belonging to

non-titled households (NTH). The approved social safeguard categories for Loan 3534-IND: Rajasthan State

Highway Improvement Program –Tranche 1 is “A” for involuntary resettlement (IR); and “C” for Indigenous Peoples (IP). The Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009 is applicable for the Project. The identification and

verification of affected households reveal that there is no adverse impact on Indigenous Peoples (IP). Thus, the

IP category continues to be ‘C’ during the reporting period.

IV. Purpose of the Report:

7. The main objective of this monitoring report is to supervise the subproject impacts and to determine whether

resettlement goals have been achieved and more importantly whether livelihood and living standard have been

restored, enhanced and suggesting the suitable recommendations for improvement. This report covers

resettlement and social safeguard monitoring results to comply with the spirit of ADB policy to ‘enhance stakeholders’ trust ‘in and ability to engage with ADB, and thereby increase the development impact (of projects)

in which disclosure of safeguard monitoring is a prominent aspect.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

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V. Monitoring Period

8. This consolidated report outlines monitoring implementation of social safeguard activities during July 2019 to

December 2019.

VI. Project details for Tranche-1

9. The project involves rehabilitation / reconstruction and widening of sixteen existing roads totalling 1008.74 km in length. While during the finalization of the subprojects overall length of the project has reduced, and total length as per the actual is 979.686 km against a total of 1008.74 km in RP. The PWD has prepared four Resettlement Plans (RP) during the processing of the loan with the objective to assist the affected people in improving or at least restoring their living standards to the pre-impacted level. The four RPs capture the involuntary resettlement impacts arising out of the proposed improvements to sixteen roads. Details of subprojects are provided in Table 1 to 4, and the index Map is presented in Figure 1.

Table 1: Package 1 (Annuity Mode)

Sl. No.

Road Section SH/MDR Length in Km

As per RP Actual1

1. Kanwas Khanpur- Aklera SH-74 80.02 74.820 2. Deoli - Kanwas SH-74 A 14.85 14.850 3. Alot (MP) Gangdhar- Suwansara (MP) SH-19C 24.55 24.550 4. Kherli – Pahadi SH-22 61.16 61.156

Total 180.58 175.376

Table 2: Package 2 (Annuity Mode)

Sl. No. Road Section SH/MDR Length in Km

As per RP Actual

1. Barmer Sindhari-Jalore SH-16 148.09 148.089

2. Ahore Bali- Mundara (Sanderao-Mundara) SH-16 29.42 29.423

Total 177.51 177.512

Table 3: Package 3 (Annuity Mode)

Sl. No. Road Section SH/MDR Length in Km

As per RP Actual 1. Peelibanga – Lakhuwali MDR-103 34.548 34.548 2. Sardarshahar-Loonkaransar SH-6 A 75.8 75.800 3. Churu – Bhaleri SH-69 34.8 35.000

4. Sanju-Tarnau SH-60 16.71 16.703 5. Roopangarh – Naraina SH-100 34.792 34.792 6. Nagaur Tarnau- Deedwana-Mukundgarh SH-8, 19, 60, 82 A, 83 210.415 196.000

Total 407.065 392.381

Table 4: Package 4 (EPC Mode)

Sl. No. Road Section SH/MDR Length in Km

As per RP Actual

1. Ajeetgarh – Chala SH-13 33.135 33.135

2. Sikar Ganeri – Jaswantgarh SH-20, 20 A 83.26 75.130

3 Bidasar-Nokha SH-20, 20 A 93.00 93.000

4 Singhana Buhana-Haryana Border SH-13 B 34.19 32.690

Total 243.585 233.690

Grand Total of 4 packages(Table 1to 4) 1008.74 979.686

1 As per the relevant contract agreements

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Figure 1.1: Map of Tranche-1 Roads

VII. Resettlement Impact and Implementation

10. The towns and villages along the road subprojects would have improved connectivity with State Highways

(SH), National Highways (NH), major trading, educational and administrative centres. Further, the improved

road will reduce the travel time to the residents of this area to work place, schools, hospitals and markets.

Agriculturist too will benefit by being able to quickly transport their produce without delay and can expect

buyers coming to their doorstep to procure food grains. Better connectivity to the SH/NH will lead to industrial

growth along the subproject road that will result in employment generation. However, the subproject will

require private land and removal of encroachments and squatting for improving the road, resulting in negative

impacts to some people living along the corridor. Better infrastructure of roads have encouraged tourist

movement in so far unreached areas which in turn would boost the income earning opportunities for the local

people in tourist business.

1. LA Impacts in 4 packages of Tranche-1 Project as per ADB approved RPs

11. Involuntary resettlement impacts have been identified in all four packages under Tranche-1 Project.

Resettlement Plan (RP) for each package has been prepared during DPR stage in the year 2015 describing

the adverse social impacts, mitigation measures proposed, estimates of compensation and R&R assistances

and entitlement matrix delineating the provisions made to eligible persons due to the project implementation.

12. In all the 4 packages under Tranche-1 in general, subproject roads pass through scantily populated rural

areas except for a few village settlements where clusters of houses are found. Thus, overall the magnitude of

adverse social impacts in all the subprojects has been found to be less. However, there are impacts identified

in respective RPs. These impacts are of loss of land to TH DPs, impact on roadside structures of TH DPs,

impacts on properties / structures of NTH, livelihoods of both TH and NTH.

13. The available right-of-way has been fully considered for the proposed improvement and the existing right-of-

way (RoW) for the road section were determined using village maps and verified at site. Since the available

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 4 of 39

RoW is not sufficient to meet the design cross section for the proposed intermediate/2-lanning, the road

construction would entail acquisition of private land resulting in adverse impacts to households. The private

land required for the improvements 314.16 Ha, comprising of 236.66 of private land and 77.5 Ha of

government land. The private land proposed for acquisition is mostly strips of land, with the width varying from

5-10m, and abetting the existing road. Further, government land will be required to be transferred for the

proposed improvements. In the following Table-5 land acquisition in RPs of respective packages have been


Table 5 Details of Land Acquisition as per RP in 4 Packages of Tranche-1

Package 1: Land Acquisition (in Ha) as per RP

Name of Subprojects Private Land Government

Land Total

Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74) 5.2100 0.0800 5.2900

Deoli-Kanwas (SH-74A) 3.6500 0.3100 3.9600

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara (SH-19C) 5.9200 10.2600 16.1800

Kherli to Pahari Road (SH-22) 0.3500 0 0.3500

Total 15.1300 10.6500 25.7800

Package 2: Land Acquisition (in Ha) as per RP

Name of Subprojects Private Land Government

Land Total

Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore (SH-16) 10.5400 10.5500 21.0900

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara (SH-16) 0.2600 0.5300 0.7900

Total 10.8000 11.0800 21.8800

Package 3: Land Acquisition (in Ha) as per RP

Name of Sub Projects Private Land Government

Land Total

Nagaur-Tarnau-Deedwana-Mukundgarh Road (SH-19 etc.) 63.5700 8.3300 71.9000

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60) 1.1000 3.1400 4.2400

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103) 0.2200 1.5600 1.7800

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100) 37.8900 24.5400 62.4300

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69) 0 0 0

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A) 0 0 0

Total 102.7800 37.5700 140.3500

Package 4: Land Acquisition (in Ha) as per RP

Name of Sub Projects Private Land Government

Land Total

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road (SH-13B) 38.7700 6.8800 45.6500

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13) 1.7200 0.0600 1.7800

Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road (SH-20/20A) 67.1600 10.4800 77.6400

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20) 0.3000 0.7800 1.0800

Total 107.9500 18.2000 126.1500

Grand Total 236.66 77.5 314.16

2. Package-wise Involuntary Resettlement Impacts as per RPs

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 5 of 39

14. ADB approved RPs reported impacts on a total of about 2994 displaced households,2090 losing their land

and 781 structures . In addition, impacts on 123 tenants,137 trees and 212 CPR were also envisaged. The

details are provided in Table 6.

Table 6: Package-wise RP based Involuntary Resettlement Impacts

Package 1: Involuntary Resettlement Impacts as per RP

Name of Subprojects

Total Displaced

Households (DH)

Titleholders Losing land

Affected Structures

Tenants Affected Private Trees

Affected Common Property Resources


Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74)

407 37 285 85 0 18

Deoli-Kanwas (SH-74A) 132 120 12 0 3 0

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara (SH-19C)

85 77 8 0 5 0

Kherli to Pahari Road (SH-22)

42 8 34 0 0 24

Total 666 242 339 85 8 42

Package 2: Involuntary Resettlement Impacts as per RP

Name of Subprojects

Total Displaced

Households (DH)

Titleholders Losing land

Affected Structures

Tenants Affected Private Trees

Affected Common Property Resources


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore (SH-16)

121 59 51 11 0 9

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara (SH-16)

92 1 89 2 0 9

Total 213 60 140 13 0 18

Package 3: Involuntary Resettlement Impacts as per RP

Name of Subprojects

Total Displaced

Households (DH)

Titleholders Losing land

Affected Structures

Tenants Affected Private Trees

Affected Common Property Resources



Road (SH-19 etc.) 655 589 66 0 9 13

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60)

100 23 77 0 67 4

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

13 4 9 0 10 1

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100)

381 351 30 0 22 13

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69)

1 0 1 0 0 8

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A)

31 0 31 0 0 12

Total 1181 967 214 0 108 51

Package 4: Involuntary Resettlement Impacts as per RP

Name of Subprojects

Total Displaced

Households (DH)

Titleholders Losing land

Affected Structures

Tenants Affected Private Trees

Affected Common Property Resources


Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road

449 425 24 0 3 15

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Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13)

28 26 2 0 1 6

Sikar-Ganeri-Jashwantgarh Road (SH-

20/20A) 453 366 62 25 17 54

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20)

4 4 0 0 0 26

Total 934 821 88 25 21 101

Grand Total 2994 2090 781 123 137 212

15. All the 4 RPs have been updated based on SIA data which has been collected at the beginning of Tranche-1

project implementation. The SIA data has been finalized after a joint identification and verification process

taken up by the implementing NGO and the respective PIU at package level. The revised data on impacted

people and properties have been the basis of RP implementation during project implementation of Tranche-1


3. Actual Resettlement Impacts and Implementation

16. Implementation of RP during project implementation is a preceding activity to the implementation of the civil

works for the project construction. This has been done with the assistance of an implementing NGO

Manavadhikar Samajik Manch jointly with Krushi Adivasi Self Help Society. All the activities were planned to

be carried out following the basic premises of ADB SPS 2009 as guiding tools.

17. During project implementation some modifications in the subproject alignments have provided scope to

reduce impacts on DPs. In subproject stretches with village settlements construction of road has been

restricted within existing ROW so as to avoid impacts on structures belonging to TH DPs mentioned in RPs. In

cases of densely populated villages bypass / realignments have been considered. Proposed LA for toll-plazas

has been changed to government land so as to reduce need of private land uptake. Efforts of mitigation of

impacts have brought down number of NTH DPs and CPRs in some subprojects. However, due to verification

of ownership of affected plots, numbers of TH DPs in some subprojects substantially increased for multiple

part-owners that were not recognized earlier.

3.1 Land Acquisition as per RP and Social Impact Assessment

18. The implementing NGO carried out a final social impact assessment (SIA) of acquisition of land in each of the

subproject under the 4 packages in 2017. This was necessary to finalize the amount of land to be acquired for

constructing the subprojects considering all the up-gradation / modification of alignment during project

implementation. The following Table 7 provide the package-wise final requirements of land requirement in all

the packages of Tranche-1 Project in comparison to RP based land requirements to assess the present

scenario of land uptake for the project, whether reducing the impacts or increasing the land requirements due

to unavoidable requirements of the project implementation.

19. There are some subproject roads where final land requirement for project implementation has been found to

have increased as per final notification of land acquisition following RFCTLARRA 2019 including increase in

the number of TH affected. However, in some subproject roads the land requirement reduced but the number

of TH increased due to registering and updating of inheritors list in Revenue records. In some subproject

roads land acquisition could be avoided adjusting civil construction of roads within existing ROW. In

subproject Roopangarh-Naraina Road, the land requirement drastically reduced as measures for minimization

of adverse social impact has been considered. Currently, the number of TH DP in this road has reduced to

only 1 as from Revenue records the owner of the affected plot has been identified as a single owner.

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 7 of 39

Package-wise details of changes in land requirements and number of affected TH have been presented under

the Remarks column in Table 7

Table 7: Comparative LA Impacts as per RP and Verified SIA Data

Pkg. No.

Name of Sub-Projects

TH Losing Land Difference of TH Nos.

Land Requirement Details

Difference of Pvt.

Land Requirem



No. of TH as per RP

No. of TH as per


Pvt. Land

(Ha) as per RP

Pvt. Land (Ha) as

per Notificati



Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74)

37 522 485 5.2100 17.4909 12.2809

LA requirement increased including increase in no. of TH

Deoli-Kanwas Road (SH-74A)

120 190 70 3.6500 5.8591 2.2091

LA requirement increased including increase in no. of TH

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara Road (SH-19C)

77 62 -15 5.9200 0.1245 -5.7955

LA requirement decreased including reduction in no. of TH

Kherli-Pahadi Road (SH-22)

8 66 58 0.3500 1.9205 1.5705

LA requirement increased including increase in no. of TH

TOTAL 242 840 598 15.1300 25.3950 10.2650


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore Road (SH-16)

59 37 -22 10.5400 1.2310 -9.3090

LA requirement decreased including reduction in no. of TH

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara Road (SH-16)

1 0 -1 0.2600 0.0000 -0.2600 As per notification there is no land acquisition

TOTAL 60 37 -23 10.8000 1.2310 -9.5690


Nagaur-Tarnau-Deedwana-Mukundgarh Road (SH-19 etc.)

589 899 310 63.5700 50.9253 -12.6447

LA requirement decreased but no. of TH increased due to registering and updating of inheritors list in Revenue records

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60)

23 0 -23 1.1000 0.0000 -1.1000 As per notification there is no land acquisition

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

4 13 9 0.2200 0.4680 0.2480

LA requirement increased marginally including increase in no. of TH

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Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100)

351 1 -350 37.8900 0.5489 -37.3411

As per notification there is only 0.5489 Ha of requirement of land acquisition

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69)

0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 No land acquisition

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A)

0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 No land acquisition

TOTAL 967 913 -54 102.7800 51.9422 -50.8378


Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road (SH-20/20A)

366 857 491 67.1600 51.8282 -15.3318

LA requirement decreased but no. of TH increased due to registering and updating of inheritors list in Revenue records

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road (SH-13B)

425 217 -208 38.7700 3.0946 -35.6754

LA requirement decreased significantly including reduction in no. of TH

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13)

26 34 8 1.7200 0.8400 -0.8800

LA requirement decreased but no. of TH increased due to registering and updating of inheritors list in Revenue records

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20)

4 0 -4 0.3000 0.0000 -0.3000 As per notification there is no land acquisition

TOTAL 821 1108 287 107.9500 55.7628 -52.1872

Grand Total 2090 2898 236.66 134.331

3.2 Impacts on Non Title Holder DPs

20. The process of implementation of RPs began with the mobilization of non- governmental organization (NGO).

The approved RPs envisaged the impact on 904 NTHs which during the implementation was reduced to 763.

21. It has been found that in many subprojects the number of impacted NTH has been reduced adopting

minimization of impacts by restricting civil construction activities within existing ROW. However, in few cases

the number of NTH has been found to increase significantly. As in subproject Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera Road

(SH-74), on-ground verification revealed that there were more NTH than reported in the RP of Package-1.

This was also evident as the DPR design of the subproject Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera Road (SH-74) presented

the proposed alignment much different from that on the ground.

22. The following section provides details about the type of impacts on NTHs and CPRs, usage of structures,

number and category of NTHs until December 2019.

23. The following Table 8 provide details of package-wise identified and verified NTH DPs as have been

affected due to project implementation vis-à-vis the numbers of NTH DPs mentioned in the RPs.

Table 8: Package-wise Details of Identified NTH DPs in comparison to Numbers as mentioned in RPs

Pkg. Name of Sub- NTH Affected Difference of Remarks

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No. Projects No. of NTH as per RP

No. of NTH as per SIA

NTH Nos.


Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74)

370 322 -48 No. of NTH reduced by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Deoli-Kanwas Road (SH-74A)

12 42 30 On-ground impact assessment and joint verification revealed significant increase in no. of NTH

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara Road

(SH-19C) 8 42 34

On-ground impact assessment and joint verification revealed significant increase in no. of NTH

Kherli-Pahadi Road (SH-22)

34 32 -2 No. of NTH reduced by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

SUB TOTAL 424 438 14


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore Road (SH-16)

62 0 -62 No. of NTH reduced to nil by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara Road (SH-

16) 91 4 -87

No. of NTH reduced by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

SUB TOTAL 153 4 -149



Mukundgarh Road (SH-19 etc.)

66 175 109

On-ground impact assessment and joint verification revealed significant increase in no. of NTH. However, only 116 ID cards have been distributed till date and the rest are in the process of distribution.

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60)

77 21 -56 No. of NTH reduced by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

9 0 -9 No. of NTH reduced to nil by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100)

30 37 7 On-ground impact assessment and joint verification revealed significant increase in no. of NTH

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69)

1 0 -1 No. of NTH reduced to nil by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road

(SH-6A) 31 0 -31

No. of NTH reduced to nil by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

SUB TOTAL 214 233 19


Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road

(SH-20/20A) 87 15 -72

No. of NTH drastically reduced by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road

(SH-13B) 24 53 29

On-ground impact assessment and joint verification revealed significant increase in no. of NTH

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13)

2 0 -2 No. of NTH reduced to nil by minimizing impacts and accommodating civil construction within existing ROW

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20)

0 20 20 On-ground impact assessment and joint verification revealed increase in no. of NTH

SUB TOTAL 113 88 -25

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Pkg. No.

Name of Sub-Projects

NTH Affected Difference of

NTH Nos. Remarks No. of NTH

as per RP No. of NTH as per SIA

Grand Total 904 763

3.2.1. Structure Impacted by Types of use

24. The Project envisages the impact on the 763 structures belonging to non-title households (NTHs). Of them, a

maximum of 418 (54.76%) were used as only for residential purposes, followed by 233 (30.53%) for

commercial , 98 (12.84%) for residential and commercial purposes. Further, 14(1.83%) other structures such

as boundary walls, cattlesheds. were also impacted.

25. Details of the type of structures impacted are provided in Table 9.

Table 9 Impact on Non-Title Holders (NTHs) Structures

Package No.

Impact on Structures Total

Residential Commercial Resi. & Comm. Other

1 210 171 52 5 438

2 0 4 0 0 4

3 159 21 44 9 233

4 49 37 2 0 88

Total 418(54.76%) 233 (30.53%) 98 (12.84%) 14(1.83%) 763(100%)

3.2.2 Type of Non Title Households(NTHs)

26. Of the total 763, 619 (81.12%) NTHs impacted are encroachers who have extended their existing structures in

the ROW, while 56 (7.33%) are squatters using the RoW for commercial/residential activities. The 88 kiosks

(11.53%) pursuing commercial activities in the shops will be also impacted. The details are provided in Table


Table 10 Category of Non-Title Holders (NTHs)

Package No. Non-Title Holders (NTHs)

Total Encroacher Squatter Kiosk

1 308 49 81 438

2 0 4 0 4

3 224 3 6 233

4 87 0 1 88

Total 619(81.12%) 56(7.33%) 88(11.53%) 763(100%)

3.3 Impacts on Community Property Resources (CPR)

27. In the following Table 9, comparative observations on impacted CPRs from RP stage to RP implementation

stage have been presented. The table shows that in overall in Package-1 the number of CPRs increased by 9

during RP implementation, while in other packages the number of impacted CPRs reduced. Sub-project-wise

in Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera Road (SH-74) the impacted CPR number increased by 10.

Table 11: Package-wise Details of Identified CPRs in comparison to Numbers as mentioned in RP

Pkg. No.

Name of Sub-Projects

CPR Affected

Remarks No. of CPR as per RP

No. of CPR as per SIA

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Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74) 18 28 CPR nos. increased

Deoli-Kanwas Road (SH-74A) 0 2 CPR nos. increased

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara Road (SH-19C) 0 11 CPR nos. increased

Kherli-Pahadi Road (SH-22) 24 10 CPR nos. reduced

TOTAL 42 51


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore Road (SH-16) 9 17 CPR nos. increased

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara Road (SH-16) 9 1 CPR nos. reduced

TOTAL 18 18


Nagaur-Tarnau-Deedwana-Mukundgarh Road (SH-19 etc.)

13 16 CPR nos. increased

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60) 4 4 No change in CPR nos.

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103) 1 0 CPR nos. reduced

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100) 13 1 CPR nos. reduced

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69) 8 0 CPR nos. reduced

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A) 12 0 CPR nos. reduced

TOTAL 51 21


Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road (SH-20/20A) 54 3 CPR nos. reduced

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road (SH-13B)

15 5 CPR nos. reduced

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13) 6 3 CPR nos. reduced

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20) 26 8 CPR nos. reduced

TOTAL 101 19

Grand Total 212 109

3.4 Loss of Community Property Resources

28. Various types of CPR structures impacted partially include frontage of structures, boundary walls, education

institutions (boundary walls of schools and colleges, owned by private persons and state government). The

fully impacted structures include religious structures (temple) of small size managed by the community/trust.

The contractor will reconstruct these structures with the consultation from local public. Of the total 109 CPRs,

27 (24.77%) were small size religious structures, followed by 22 (20.18%) government structure and 60

(55.04%) other structures like boundry wall, hand pump and borewell . The details are provided in Table 12.

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Table 12 Details of CPRs

Package No. Type of CPRs

Total Temple Mosque Govt. Structure Other

1 14 0 7 30 51

2 3 0 1 14 18

3 5 1 6 9 21

4 4 0 8 7 19

Total 26 1 22 60 109

VIII. Procedure followed in Implementation of RP

29. In line with the ADB’s SPS, 2009 and applicable national and state legislations, RPWD followed the

procedures during RPs implementation. Several activities required were conducted by the staff of IAs/PIUs,

who were assisted by NGOs. Such activities include conducting consultations with DPs and other

stakeholders, disclosure of entitlement matrix, dissemination of project information, identification and

verification of DPs, preparation of micro-plans (MPs), preparation and distribution of identity cards (IDs),

opening of Bank Accounts of DPs where needed, compensation and assistance disbursement, coordinate

with DPs, experts of PMC, officials of revenue and line departments, organizing GRC meetings, data

collection for monitoring and reporting, updation of RPs as required, etc. At the field level, along with the PIU

officials, NGOs performed major role in carrying out these and other activities required for RPs


1. Disclosure of Entitlement Matrix (EM)

30. The leaflet summarizing the project information, impacts, eligibility criteria, entitlement matrix (EM) was

translated in the local language (Hindi), and distributed to DPs in the field at different locations by the NGO. It

enabled NTHs and other stakeholders to understand the entitlement provisions of compensation and

assistance for different categories of impacts. Such leaflets were distributed from April 2019 onwards in

different road subprojects during the process of consultation by the NGO. The leaflets were also made

available at the offices of EA/ PIUs. RPs were also disclosed on the RSHIP(Annexure 5) and ADB websites.

The copy of the leaflet distributed has been already provided in the SMR for reporting period January to June


2. Public Consultations

31. Regular public consultations are very much necessary to implement the RPs in a proper and smooth manner

in any R & R issues. During the reporting period, thirteen consultations were done by NGO in collaboration

with PMC and PIUs (Annexure 2). The major issues raised by NTHs and other stakeholders are given below:

a. Compensation

b. Valuation of the impacted structure at market rate and accordingly disbursement of enhanced compensation amount;

c. Local people should be employed in the project works;

d. Avoid impact in busy markets and congested locations

e. Provide speed breakers near the school and other public places; and

f. Construct drainage along the road in the market and built-up areas.

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32. The field staff responded to the concerns and issues raised by DPs and other stakeholders and addressed

those into the Project as appropriate. The public consultation details are given in Annexure 1.

3. Identification and Verification of NTHs

33. NGO appointed for RPs implementation has almost completed the identification and verification of NTHs and

CPRs impacted under the project by December 2019. However, ADB approved RPs reported 904 NTHs,

during implementation 763 NTHs were found to be impacted.

3.1 Collection of Documents

34. During the survey for identification and verification, NGO collected the copy of Aadhar card and/or voter card

for preparing Micro Plan (RP), and ID cards, obtained bank account details and assisted NTHs in opening the

Bank accounts wherever required. The verification of the vulnerable status of NTHs was sought from the

elected representatives of Panchayat/Municipality, etc.

3.2 Micro Plan (RP) Preparation

35. The approved micro-plan is mandatory for the disbursement of compensation and assistance amount to the

NTHs and CPRs. Based on the updated list and joint verification of NTHs and CPRs by the PIUs and NGO,

the Micro Plan (RP) was prepared for each NTH and CPR under the Project. The Micro Plan (RP) for NTHs

prepared were based on the findings of the census and socio-economic surveys conducted following the cut-

off date as per the criteria mentioned in RPs. The Micro Plan (RP) consists of detailed information like name

and address of entitled person, type and magnitude of impacts, a rate considered for calculation of

compensation amount of structure, type of entitlement for assistance (economic disruption, skill development

training, special assistance to vulnerable groups, etc.) as per the entitlement matrix (EM).

36. As of 31st December 2019, Micro Plan (RP) for all 4 packages were prepared by NGO and approved by the

EA except 35 DPs of package 4 . However, there could be further possibility of additional or avoidance of

impacts during actual implementation and accordingly, the supplementary Micro Plan (RP) will be prepared or

where the impact has been avoided; the Micro Plan (RP) will be discarded and Affected Persons will be

informed accordingly. The details on the status of preparation of Micro Plan (RP) are provided in Table 13.

Table 13: Status of Micro Plan (RP) by 31 December 2019

4. Identity Card Preparation and Distribution

37. The identity cards(ID) to disburse compensation and assistance were prepared for NTHs by the concerned

NGO after the approval of Micro Plan (RP) by the Rajashthan PWD, HQs. ID cards contained detailed

information about the NTHs, entitlement for compensation and assistance, total amount payable in two

installments, etc. Such approved ID cards signed by the representative of PIU, DP and NGO were distributed

to the concerned NTHs, and its copy is kept in the PIU office for records.

38. Available data infer that upon approval of micro-plans, the ID cards for DP were prepared and the same were

distributed to them, except to 94 NTHs. Out of 89 ID cards 59 ID cards could not be distributed due to out-

Package No. NTH CPR Total Date of approval

1 116 23 139 28.08.2018 322 28 350 14.09.2018

2 4 18 22 28.08.2018

3 233 21 254 26.06.2018

4 53 8 61 14.09.2018

35 11 46 Approval in Process

Total 763 109 872

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migration, ownership dispute and other reasons and 35 will be distributed after approval of Microplan .

Package wise details and reasons are provided in Table 14.

Table 14: Status of ID Cards Distribution

Package No.

ID Cards Required

ID Cards Prepared

ID Cards Distributed

Balance for Distribution


1 438 438 438 0

2 4 4 4 0

3 233 233 174 59 Pending due to public hindrance, demand land cost also.

4 88 88 53 35 Balance to be disbursed after approval of Micro Plan (RP).

Total 763 763 674 94

IX. Status of Disbursement of Compensation and Assistance

1. Entitlements of Compensation and Assistance

39. In accordance with the R&R measures suggested for the project, all displaced households and persons will be

entitled to a combination of compensation packages and resettlement assistance depending on the nature of

ownership rights on lost assets and scope of the impacts including socio-economic vulnerability of the

displaced persons and measures to support livelihood restoration if livelihood impacts are envisaged.

Unforeseen impacts will be mitigated in accordance with the principles of the RF for this loan. The displaced

persons will be entitled to the following six types of compensation and assistance packages:

i. Compensation for the loss of land, crops/ trees at their replacement cost;

ii. Compensation for structures (residential/ commercial) and other immovable assets at their replacement cost;

iii. Assistance in lieu of the loss of business/ wage income and income restoration assistance;

iv. Alternate housing or cash in lieu of house to physically displaces households not having any house site;

v. Assistance for shifting and provision for the relocation site (if required), and Rebuilding and/ or restoration of community resources/facilities.

2. Status of Disbursement of Payment to TH DPs in ADB Tranche 1

40. NGO reported and EA confirms that a total of 2898 titled DPS were affected due to 134.331 ha of land

acquisition under the Project. As of 31 st December 2019, 26.9750 ha land was acquired, remaining 107.356

LA was in the process.

41. Table 15 indicates that the Rajasthan government provided a total of INR 22.741 Crore to revenue

department against the estimated budget of INR 36.730 crore compensation in 04 packages under the

Project for the disbursement to land owners so far. Only 369 (12.73%) DHs/DPs having land titles and

entitlements were paid compensation amount of INR 13.114 Crore against the cost of land, structures and

trees. The remaining 2529 (87.26%) households were to be disbursed INR 23.617 Crore.

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Table 15: Status Update of Disbursement of Payment to TH DPs for Land Acquisition2


No. Name of Sub-Projects

Pvt. Land (Ha) as

per Notificatio


Total Amount (Rs. Cr.)

Amount Deposited with SDM (Rs. Cr.)

Area Acquired (Ha)

Payment Done Balance

No. of TH Paid

Payment Disbursed (Rs. Cr.)

No. of TH

Payment Due

(Rs. Cr.)


Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74)

17.4909 16.408 5.274 7.9120 73 5.180 449 11.228

Deoli-Kanwas Road (SH-74A)

5.8591 1.838 1.700 3.0687 47 0.988 143 0.849

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara Road (SH-19C)

0.1245 0.104 0.048 0.0311 16 0.024 46 0.080

Kherli-Pahadi Road (SH-22)

1.9205 1.461 1.572 1.2876 31 1.112 35 0.349

TOTAL 25.3950 19.811 8.594 12.2994 167 7.304 673 12.507


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore Road (SH-16)

1.2310 0.735 0 0 0 0 37 0.735

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara Road (SH-16)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 1.2310 0.735 0 0 0 0 37 0.735


Nagaur-Tarnau-Deedwana-Mukundgarh Road (SH-19 etc.)

50.9253 11.763 7.588 10.6930 95 4.132 804 7.630

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

0.4680 - - 0 0 0 13 -

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100)

0.5489 - - 0 0 0 1 -

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000

TOTAL 51.9422 11.763 7.588 10.6930 95 4.132 818 7.630


Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road (SH-20/20A)

51.8282 2.618 4.932 3.1987 71 1.139 786 1.479

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road (SH-13B)

3.0946 0.937 0.692 0.2139 15 0.011 202 0.926

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13)

0.8400 0.867 0.935 0.57 21 0.527 13 0.340

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 55.7628 4.422 6.559 3.9826 107 1.677 100

1 2.745

TRANCHE-1 GRAND TOTAL 134.3310 36.730 22.741 26.9750 369 13.114 252

9 23.617

2 Note: The data referred in the table is as of 31st December 2019.

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a. In Package-1, 167 TH DPs have been paid i. e. Rs. 7.304 Crore till this reporting period. The remaining TH

DPs are yet to be disbursed for their affected properties.

b. In Package-2, notification under Section 19 is completed and Section 23 notification is under proces

c. In Package-3, subproject Nagaur-Tarnau-Deedwana-Mukundgarh disbursement of payment of compensation

of Rs. 4.132 Crore has been made to 95 TH DPs for land acquisition. The remaining TH DPs are yet to be

disbursed for their affected properties.

d. In Package-4, disbursement of payment of Rs. 1.6777Crore has been made to 107 TH DPs for land

acquisition. The remaining TH DPs are yet to be disbursed for their affected properties.

e. The process of land acquisition is carried out by the Government machinery at the sub-divisional level. The

PIU deposits allocated amounts to respective SDMs who in turn disburses the payments to TH DPs after

verification of evidences at his level. The disbursements happens depending upon the fund deposited in

SDM’s account.

f. The status update of the process of land acquisition as per RFCTLARRA 2013 has been appended in

Annexure 1. It presents the progress of land acquisition processing as per various notifications of


3. Status of Disbursement of Payment to NTH DPs in ADB Tranche 1

42. In Tranche-1 total NTHs affected by the project is 763, The total amount to be paid to NTH is INR. 12.338

Crore of which the deposited amount to respective SDM's accounts is INR. 11.809 Crore. So far, 637 NTH are

paid with INR 5.041 Crore in first installment, and 525 NTH paid with INR 3.565 Crore in second installment.

43. Altogether 126 NTH is remaining to be paid with first instalment and 238 with second instalment.3

Status of Disbursement(In Numbers)

Package No Number of


First Instalment Second Instalment

Disbursed Balance Disbursed Balance

1 438 422 16 370 68

2 4 4 0 4 0

3 233 168 65 151 82

4 88 43 45 0 88

Total 763 637 126 525 238

44. The disbursement of payments to NTH and CPR, the PIU takes help of the government revenue department

to disburse the payments. The allocated money for estimated payment is deposited to respective SDM’s accounts and then the SDM disburses following verification of evidences of the claims mentioned in the ID

cards of NTHs on a prior basis at his end.

45. Package-wise updates on Disbursement of Payments towards R&R Assistances to NTH DPs have been

provided in the following Table 16.

3 In all the subprojects disbursement of payments to NTH has been done in two installments of 50% each. The first installment is disbursed

with a notice to the NTH to remove affected structure. Once the structure is removed the second installment is disbursed.

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Table 16: Status Update of Disbursement of Payment to NTH DPs

Pkg. No.

Name of Sub-Projects No. of

NTH as per SIA

Total Amount

to be paid

(Rs. Cr.)

Amount Deposited with SDM (Rs. Cr.)

Payment Done (1st Instalment)

Payment Done (2nd Instalment)


No. of NTH Paid

Payment Disbursed (Rs. Cr.)

No. of

NTH Paid

Payment Disbursed (Rs. Cr.)

No. of


Payment Due (Rs.



Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74)

322 4.600 4.600 309 2.178 258 1.713 13 0.709

Deoli-Kanwas Road (SH-74A)

42 0.618 0.618 41 0.297 41 0.297 1 0.025

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara Road (SH-

19C) 42 0.578 0.578 42 0.289 41 0.270 0 0.019

Kherli-Pahadi Road (SH-22)

32 0.230 0.230 30 0.105 30 0.105 2 0.020

TOTAL 438 6.027 6.027 422 2.869 370 2.384 16 0.773


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore Road (SH-16)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara Road (SH-16)

4 0.032 0.032 4 0.016 4 0.016 0 0

TOTAL 4 0.032 0.032 4 0.016 4 0.016 0 0



Road (SH-19 etc.) 175 4.080 4.080 116 0.972 116 0.972 59 2.136

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60)

21 0.153 0.153 17 0.0585 0 0 4 0.094

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100)

37 0.395 0.395 35 0.193 35 0.193 2 0.009

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-

6A) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 233 4.627 4.627 168 1.223 151 1.165 65 2.239


Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road (SH-

20/20A) 15 0.320 0 0 0 0 0 15 0.320

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road

(SH-13B) 53 1.123 1.123 43 0.933 NA NA 10 0.191

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20)

20 0.209 0 0 0 0 0 20 0.209

TOTAL 88 1.652 1.123 43 0.933 0 0.000 45 0.720

TRANCHE-1 GRAND TOTAL 763 12.338 11.809 637 5.041 525 3.565 126 3.732

46. In Tranche-1 Project altogether 109 CPRs have been affected. The amount has been estimated as INR 1.877

Crore for compensation of all the CPRs. The amount deposited to respective SDM’s accounts is Rs. 0.077

Crore. The amount paid to only 2 CPR so far with INR. 0.016 Crore. Altogether 107 CPRs are remaining to be

compensated with Rs. 1.861 Crore.The details are provided in Table 17.

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Table 17: Status Update of Disbursement of Payment to CPRs

Pkg. No.

Name of Sub-Projects No. of CPR as per SIA

Total Amount to be paid (Rs. Cr.)

Amount Deposited with SDM (Rs. Cr.)

Payment Done Balance

No. of CPR Paid

Payment Disbursed (Rs. Cr.)

No. of CPR

Payment Due (Rs. Cr.)


Kanwas-Khanpur-Aklera (SH-74)

28 0.801 0 0 0 28 0.801

Deoli-Kanwas Road (SH-74A)

2 0.005 0 0 0 2 0.005

Alot-Gangdhar-Suwansara Road (SH-19C)

11 0.092 0 0 0 11 0.092

Kherli-Pahadi Road (SH-22) 10 0.100 0 0 0 10 0.100

TOTAL 51 0.998 0 0 0 51 0.998


Barmer-Sindhari-Jalore Road (SH-16)

17 0.070 0 0 0 17 0.070

Sanderao-Bali-Mundara Road (SH-16)

1 0.001 0 0 0 1 0.001

TOTAL 18 0.071 0 0 0 18 0.071


Nagaur-Tarnau-Deedwana-Mukundgarh Road (SH-19 etc.)

16 0.300 0.003 1 0.003 15 0.297

Sanju-Tarnau Road (SH-60) 4 0.061 0.061 0 0 4 0.061

Peelibanga-Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

0 - - - - - -

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-100)

1 0.013 0.013 1 0.013 0 0

Churu-Bhaleri Road (SH-69) 0 - - - - - -

Sardarsher-Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A)

0 - - - - - -

TOTAL 21 0.374 0.077 2 0.016 19 0.358


Sikar-Ganeri-Jaswantgarh Road (SH-20/20A)

3 0.178 0 0 0 3 0.178

Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border Road (SH-13B)

5 0.067 0 0 0 5 0.067

Ajeetgarh-Chala Road (SH-13)

3 0.076 0 0 0 3 0.076

Bidasar-Nokha Road (SH-20)

8 0.113 0 0 0 8 0.113

TOTAL 19 0.434 0 0 0 19 0.434

TRANCHE-1 GRAND TOTAL 109 1.877 0.077 2 0.016 107 1.861

X. Skill Development Training Programs

47. As per the provision of RPs, the livelihood improvement and skill development program is required to be

provided to a member of DP family belonging to the vulnerable or severely affected category. No such training

program was held during the reporting period.

XI. Awareness Camps

48. In line with the provisions of RPs, NGO has to organise the camps for the local community and work force

engaged in the project works. These were aimed to create awareness about HIV/AIDS, human trafficking,

health and hygiene, and road safety aspects. No camp was organised in this reporting period. NGO informed

that they are planning to organise these camps next reporting period.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 19 of 39

XII. Capacity Development

49. ADB staff during the review missions in November 2019 imparted training on ADB’s safeguard policy, social and environmental safeguard requirements, resettlement planning, implementation and monitoring. The staff

of the EA/PIUs, NGOs and PMC have attended such training programs held at Jaipur. The experts of PMC

have also organized training activities on land acquisition and resettlement and rehabilitation. These were

focused on hand-holding and field exposure to the NGOs staff and the Resettlement officers at PIU level for

RPs implementation.

50. In addition, NGO staff have undergone classroom learning on the resettlement activities like identification and

verification of DPs, conducting consultations and arranging meetings with DPs in field, project information

dissemination, RP/EM disclosure, explaining documents requirement to DPs, and undertaking other tasks in

the field as required. The training sessions were imparted by the experts of NGOs and other resource persons

on land acquisition, R&R, income restoration and livelihood, social development, gender, HIV/AIDS and other

related subjects. As a process of capacity development of concerned staff of PIU, the Contractor and all

concerned regular discussions on various social safeguards issues were held during the reporting period to

implement the RPs properly and smoothly. In addition, PMC expert have done hand holding with NGO staff

and all other concerned on social and resettlement aspects as and when required basis.

XIII. Institutional Arrangements

51. PPP Division, PWD, Government Rajashthan, Project Management Unit (PMU) and is overall in charge of

coordination between the Project Implementation Units (PIU) and in prioritizing subprojects for subsequent

tranches based on social safeguards compliance.

52. The executing agency (EA) for the Project is responsible for the implementation of RPs in accordance with

ADB’s Safeguards and applicable national and state policies. EA has an established wing for the PPP

Division at Jaipur HQs. The Additional Chief Engineer (CE), supported by the Suprintending Engineer is

responsible for the overall implementation of the ADB funded RSHIP. Also, the Executive Engineer (EE)

designated as Project Director (PPP cell) /Nodal Safeguards Officer is assisted by an Assistant Engineer.

Four Project Implementation Units (PIUs) have been established at Kota, Jalore, Laxamangarh and Sikar,

which are responsible for RPs implementation in the field. Each PIU is headed by a Project Director and

assisted by one Assistant Engineer (AE) for each Package. AEs are designated as Assistant Safeguards

Officers (ASO) who are responsible for the management of social and environmental safeguards at the road

subproject level.

53. The EA is also supported by the PMC (SMEC) to provide technical inputs and monitor the progress of RPs

implementation. The Resettlement Specialist of PMC visiting the sites intermittently to facilitate supervision

and monitoring process in coordination with PIUs and NGO for implementation activities. Further, the PMC

expert is visiting the sites frequently to implement resettlement activities and provide inputs to PIUs and NGO

regularly. The Manavadhikar Samajik Manch (MASM) has been appointed as implementing NGO for assisting

the EA in the implementation of RPs. The EA reported that 4 team of the NGO, comprised of Team Leader ,

Social Expert and Field Workers have been working in the field.

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 20 of 39

Figure 2: Institutional Arrangements at RSHIP Tranche -1

XIV. Grievance Redressal Mechanism

54. As per the provisions of RPs, the grievance redressal mechanism has been established to receive, evaluate

and facilitate the resolution of concerns, complaints, and grievances of NTHs and other stakeholders related

to social and environmental aspects under the Project.

55. As per the provisions of RPs, the grievance redress mechanism has been established to receive, evaluate

and facilitate the resolution of concerns, complaints, and grievances of DPs and other stakeholders related to

social and environmental aspects under the Project.

56. Accordingly, the Govt of Rajasthan has constituted the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) vide Letter

No.F7(143)SHA/PPP/2015/D-903 dated 20/09/2018 at State Level and PIU level on 20 September 2018. The

first level GRC members include PD of the concerned PIU as Chairperson and Executive Engineer /Assistant

engineer of the concerned PIU as Member Secretary. The second level GRC headed by Additional Chief

PWD, GoRajasthan


Project Director, HQ




PD,PIU Laxmangarh









PD,PIU Jalore


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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 21 of 39

Engineer, PPP Division Jaipur as chairman, Superintending Engineer (ADB/WB),PMU as Member Secretary

and local member of repute as a member (Annexure 2) .

57. Up to the end of this reporting period 52 Grievances have been registered with SDM’s office in all. The

grievances were mainly concerning amount of payments, queries about Schedule 2 parts of Rs. 500,000/- etc.

Some grievances were concerning incorrect incorporation of names of TH DP in the notifications under

Section 23 of RFCTLARRA 2013. SDM and PD jointly looked into the matters and resolved all grievances at

their level.

Table 19: Grievance Redressal in Tranche-1 upto December 2019

Number of Grievances received upto December 2019

Number of Grievances jointly verified upto December 2019


52 52 Grievance has been resolved at

PIU / LAO (SDM) level.

XV. Monitoring and Reporting

58. PIUs along with the experts of PMCs monitored the implementation of RPs. Each PIU held review meetings

with the implementing NGO staff, every month or when required. The PMU at Jaipur held review meetings

with the PIUs, implementing NGOs and PMC experts periodically monitored the progress of land acquisition,

R&R and related activities. The PIUs coordinated with the revenue department/SDM for LARR. NGOs

provided data to prepare the monitoring reports on monthly basis. The experts of PMCs verified and compiled

data and prepared reports that were submitted to PMU. PMU further verified and submitted these reports to

ADB on semi-annual basis.

Safeguard monitoring and Reporting

S.No. Type of Report Responsibility

1 Monthly NGO

3 Semi-Annual NGO/PMC/PIU

Displaced Persons Grievance Govt.portal / NGO/PIU

Grievance Redressed GRC Chaired by PD

PIU Grievance

Second Level of Grievance Redressal (Appellate Authority)

Additional Chief Engineer

Jurisdictional LARR

Not redressed

4 weeks W

4 weeks

Not redressed

Not redressed

Grievance Redressed

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 22 of 39

XVI. Conclusion and Recommendation

1. Conclusion

▪ LA for Tranche-1 Project has been progressing slowly.Only 369 (12.73%) DHs/DPs having land titles and entitlements were paid compensation amount of INR 13.114 Crore against the cost of land, structures and trees. The remaining 2529 (87.26%) households were to be disbursed INR 23.617 Crore.

▪ The total amount to be paid to NTH is INR. 12.338 Crore of which the deposited amount to respective SDM's accounts is INR. 11.809 Crore. So far, 637 NTH are paid with INR 5.041 Crore in first installment, and 525 NTH paid with INR 3.565 Crore in second installment. Altogether 126 NTH is remaining to be paid with first instalment and 238 with second instalment.

▪ In Tranche-1 Project altogether 109 CPRs have been affected. The amount has been estimated as INR 1.877 Crore for compensation of all the CPRs. The amount deposited to respective SDM’s accounts is Rs. 0.077 Crore. The amount paid to only 2 CPR so far with INR. 0.016 Crore. Altogether 107 CPRs are remaining to be compensated with Rs. 1.861 Crore.

▪ The disclosure document has been translated in locally accepted Hindi language with details of entitlements due to the DPs and CPRs. This has been printed and distributed to DPs for sharing project information from April 2019 onwards.

2. Recommendations

▪ The process of LA needs to be completed at the earliest as about 62 % payable amounts have been

deposited to SDM of respective administrative Sub Divisions coming under the project region of ADB

Tranche-1 Project. In almost all the subprojects, notification under Section 23 of RFCTLARRA 2013 on

award has been attained, only except in Package 2 where notification under Section 19 is under progress.

The Acquiring Authority is suggested to complete this social safeguards compliance keeping in view the

completion of Due Diligence for ADB Tranche-1 Project on time.

▪ The disbursement of payments of affected NTH needs to be completed in a fast track mode as in many

cases the civil construction of subprojects have been completed and the roads are in operation and

maintenance stage. Though in some subprojects substantial payments have been made or have been

allocated and deposited to respective SDM’s office accounts, the NGO personnel at site should liaise with SDM on a day-to-day basis with the SDM office and share updates with the respective PIUs. Moreover,

monthly progress on this subject is required to be shared with PMC also for reporting in their MPR, QPR

and SMR as desired.

▪ In various ADB project PWD itself disbursed the compensation instead of Revenue official. RPWD can

take initiative to disbursement of compensation through its own PIU to avoid delay.

▪ The NGO has been advised by the RS-PMC for preparing Micro-Plans for TH DPs in all the subprojects

under four packages of Tranche-1, for the Schedule 2 provision RFCTLARRA 2013 of Rs. 500,000/- to

each TH DP. ACE, PPP Division in the discussions pointed out that the decision of payment is under

review by Govt of Rajasthan. Early disicision would be needed to enable the assistance in disbursement.

▪ The PIU needs to ensure all compensation to be paid prior to possession of land and demolition of structures at the earliest.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 23 of 39



Name of Sub-


No. of TH as per


Private Land



Section - 11 Section - 19 Amount Deposit Details Public Notice/ Hearing (Section-


Declaration of Land Award (Section-23 to 30)

Declaration of R&R Award (Section-31)


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publication


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publicatio

n Date Date

Amount (Rs)

Date Area (Ha)

Amount (Rs)

Date Amount (Rs)

Nos of THs

Disbursement of Compensation

Disbursement of


Possession of

land to be




Aklera (SH-74)

522 17.4909

12.02.2019 (Khanpur) 06.02.2019 (Kanwas)

27.02.2019 (Khanpur) 27.02.2019 (Kanwas)

10.06.2019 12.06.2019 (Khanpur)

09.06.2019 10.06.2019 (Kanwas)

09.08.2019 (Khanpur) 22.08.2019 (Kanwas)

05.09.2019 (Khanpur) 05.09.2019 (Kanwas)

11.09.2019 12.09.2019 (Khanpur) 12.09.2019 (Kanwas)

13.08.2019 05.09.2019 (Khanpur)




11.10.2019 (Khanpur)

04.11.2019 (Kanwas)

16.1663 (Khanp

ur) 1.3246 (Kanwa



(Khanpur) 4345849.

90 (Kanwas)

73 (Khanpur)




Road (SH-74A)

190 5.8591 06.02.2019 27.02.2019 22.02.2019 25.02.2019

05.07.2019 25.07.2019 05.08.2019 22.07.2019 1700000

0 16.10.201

9 31.10.2019 5.8591


47 9881015.



a Road (SH-19C)

62 0.1245 11.07.2018 27.07.2018 12.02.2019 09.07.2019 25.07.2019 03.08.2019 20.07.2019 475424 10.10.201

9 25.09.2019 0.1245


16 238590.1



Road (SH-22)

66 1.9205

02.07.2018 (Kathumar) 13.07.2018


27.07.2018 (Kathumar) 27.07.2018


10.02.2019 12.02.2019 (Kathumar) 11.02.2019 12.02.2019


03.07.2019 (Kathumar) 02.07.2019


24.07.2019 (Kathumar) 24.07.2019


01.08.2019 05.08.2019 (Kathumar) 02.08.2019 06.08.2019


05.09.2019 (Kathumar) 05.09.2019







23.09.2019 (Kathumar) 08.11.2019


1.2090 (Kathumar)

0.7115 (Nagar)





11 (Kathumar)

20 (Nagar)





TOTAL 840 25.3950 85936901.00

25.3950 19810752

3.81 167




Jalore Road (SH-


37 1.2310

22.06.2018 (Sayala)

20.06.2018 (Jalore)

03.08.2018 27.09.2018

17.09.2019 (Sayala)

17.09.2019 (Jalore)

27.09.2019 (Sayala)

04.10.2019 (Jalore)

11.10.2019 (Sayala)

16.10.2019 (Jalore)

Fund transfer is in


Fund transfer

is in process


(Sayala) 30.10.201

9 (Jalore)

18.11.2019 (Sayala)

11.12.2019 (Jalore)

0.9010 (Sayala) 0.3300 (Jalore)


(Sayala) 1361283.

66 (Jalore)

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 24 of 39


Name of Sub-


No. of TH as per


Private Land



Section - 11 Section - 19 Amount Deposit Details Public Notice/ Hearing (Section-


Declaration of Land Award (Section-23 to 30)

Declaration of R&R Award (Section-31)


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publication


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publicatio

n Date Date

Amount (Rs)

Date Area (Ha)

Amount (Rs)

Date Amount (Rs)

Nos of THs

Disbursement of Compensation

Disbursement of


Possession of

land to be



Mundara Road (SH-



TOTAL 37 1.23100 0.00 1.2310 7351898.




Deewana-Mukundgarh Road (SH-19


899 50.9253

23.06.2018 (Ladnu)

28.06.2018 (Laxmangarh)

02.07.2018 (Deedwana) 17.07.2018

(Jayal) 29.07.2018 (Sujangarh)

26.07.2018 (Ladnu)

02.07.2018 (Laxmangar

h) 30.06.2018 (Deedwana) 18.07.2018

(Jayal) 29.07.2018 (Sujangarh)

19.09.2019 (Ladnu)

24.06.2019 (Laxmangar

h) 24.06.2019 (Deedwana)

09.12.2019 (Ladnu)

31.07.2019 (Laxmangar

h) 31.07.2019 (Deedwana

) Jayal no Gazette

Sujangarh in Process

Ladnu in Process

11.07.2019 (Laxmanga

rh) 30.08.2019 (Deedwana

) 12.03.2018


In different dates



(Sujangarh) (Deedwana)


2914103 3842454

3 4520000

0 2786894

0 667700

31.12.2018 (Jayal)

14.08.2019 (Laxmangarh)

01.10.2019 (Deedwana)













Road (SH-60)



Lakhuwali Road (MDR-103)

13 0.4680 22.01.2019 15.02.2019 27.08.2019 01.11.2019 In Process

Roopangarh-Naraina Road (SH-


1 0.5489 11.01.2019 23.01.2019 In Process

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 25 of 39


Name of Sub-


No. of TH as per


Private Land



Section - 11 Section - 19 Amount Deposit Details Public Notice/ Hearing (Section-


Declaration of Land Award (Section-23 to 30)

Declaration of R&R Award (Section-31)


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publication


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publicatio

n Date Date

Amount (Rs)

Date Area (Ha)

Amount (Rs)

Date Amount (Rs)

Nos of THs

Disbursement of Compensation

Disbursement of


Possession of

land to be



Road (SH-69)



Lunkaransar Road (SH-6A)


TOTAL 913 51.9422 115075286.00

37.7713 11762849

2.29 95




Jaswantgarh Road


857 51.8282

27.07.2018 (Sujangarh) 27.08.2018

(Ladnu) 30.10.2018

(Dhod) 30.10.2018 (Laxmangar


10.09.2018 (Sujangarh) 10.09.2018

(Ladnu) 30.12.2018

(Dhod) 30.12.2018


30.07.2018 29.07.2018 (Sujangarh) 27.12.2018 02.01.2019

(Ladnu) 31.12.2018 28.12.2018

(Dhod) 31.12.2018 28.12.2018 (Laxmangar


30.11.2019 (Ladnu)

24.07.2019 (Sujangarh) 16.12.2019

(Ladnu) 16.05.2019

(Dhod) 24.07.2019 (Laxmangar


29.12.2019 25.12.2019

(Ladnu) 12.06.2019

(Dhod) 28.08.2019 29.08.2019 (Laxmanga


In different dates

(Sujangarh) (Ladnu) (Dhod)


1418892 2230000

0 2730930 2286799


08.11.2019 (Sujangarh) (Ladnu in Process)

08.08.2019 (Dhod)

09.10.2019 (Laxmangarh)












Singhana-Buhana-Haryana Border

Road (SH-13B)

217 3.0946 10.09.2018 20.12.2018 24.07.2019 04.08.2019 6923483 14.10.2019 3.0946 9373398.

00 15


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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 26 of 39


Name of Sub-


No. of TH as per


Private Land



Section - 11 Section - 19 Amount Deposit Details Public Notice/ Hearing (Section-


Declaration of Land Award (Section-23 to 30)

Declaration of R&R Award (Section-31)


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publication


Notification Date

Gazette Publication


Paper Publicatio

n Date Date

Amount (Rs)

Date Area (Ha)

Amount (Rs)

Date Amount (Rs)

Nos of THs

Disbursement of Compensation

Disbursement of


Possession of

land to be



Road (SH-13)

34 0.8400

10.09.2018 (Khandela) 10.09.2018

(Neem Ka T)

19.12.2018 29.12.2018 (Khandela) 29.12.2018 (Neem Ka


24.07.2019 (Khandela) 26.08.2019 (Neem Ka


10.09.2019 11.09.2019 (Khandela) 18.09.2019 (Neem Ka


In different dates

(Khandela) (Neem Ka T)

1277336 8070038

20.09.2019 (Khandela) 19.11.2019

(Neem Ka T)











Road (SH-20)


TOTAL 1108 55.7628 65588673.00

16.7503 44217062

.00 107


GRAND TOTAL 2898 134.3310 266600860.00

81.1476 36730497

6.82 369


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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 27 of 39

Annexure 2

Road Name of village Consultations (No.)

Range 0f Participants

(No.) Issue raised EA/PIUs response

Deoli -Kanwas(Package 1)

Awon, 4 16

• Adequate compensation at the market rate for the loss of structures

• Job opportunities to local people for construction works in Project

• Avoid impacts on commercial structures and safeguard livelihood of people .Local people /NTHs are willing to shift their shops backward and clear the encroached land.

• Construct drainage along the road in settlement areas.

• Adequate compensation at the market rate will be paid to the affected households as per Entitlement Matrix.

• Employment will be given to local people on priority for the construction and other works under the project.

• The impacts will be avoided or minimized with the help of design expert.

• The drainage facility required along the road will be provided at market and habitation areas.

Kanwas -Khanpur-Aklera

Dhulet,Mirzapur 2 35

• Avoid demolition of commercial structures in local market. Affected commercial structure owners and tenants are not willing to be relocated at any other place and prefer to be compensated for the loss of their structures at a market rate

• Increase number of public transport facilities.

• Ensure adequate safety measures and install speed breakers on the roads where required.

• Provide cash compensation at replacement value.

• Impacts will be avoided by concentric widening of the road within available ROW, adjustments and realignment where technically feasible.

• Various safety signage will be provided.

• Adequate compensation at a market rate, assistances, allowances and skill development training programs will be organized to entitled DPs as per Entitlement Matrix.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 28 of 39

Road Name of village Consultations (No.)

Range 0f Participants

(No.) Issue raised EA/PIUs response

Barmer-Jalore(package 2)

Sayla 1 20

• Avoid loss due to demolition of structures to local people

• Disburse compensation at a market rate for the loss of structures.

• Ensure construction of drainage facility along the road.

• Make arrangement for potable drinking water to villagers

• The impacts will be avoided or minimized by exploring the technical feasibility of widening right side by the engineering team before finalizing design.

• The extended and external portion of structures were envisaged to be demolished and the main structures used for residential, commercial and both purposes will remain intact throughout the road subprojects.

• Adequate compensation will be paid against the loss of dismantled structures and CPRs.

• Drainage facility shall be considered during designing of the road.

• RPPWD through PHED will install handpumps as per requirements.


Sanderao(Nimbreshwar Temple),Sarnu

2 29

• Ensure concentric widening of the road within available ROW or consider construction of bypass to avoid impacts on structures in settlements area.

• Provide adequate compensation at a market rate for the loss of structures.

• Provide drainage facility along the road.

• The realignment or adjustment as feasible will be explored to minimize the impacts. The land acquisition involved construction of bypass is not planned.

• Impacted structures and CPRs will be compensated at a replacement cost as per entitlement matrix.

• Drainage facility shall be considered while finalizing the road design.

Bidashar-Nokha Sikar -Ganeri

Jasralsar, Fagalwan

2 32

• Pay compensation at a market rate for the loss of structures.

• Provide job opportunities to local youth during construction phase.

• No any NTHs will be impacted in this package if impacted adequate compensation shall be paid to the affected households as detailed out in Entitlement Matrix.

• Local youth will be given preference in employment under the project.

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 29 of 39

Road Name of village Consultations (No.)

Range 0f Participants

(No.) Issue raised EA/PIUs response

A lot—Gangdhar(Package 1)


4 34

• Widening of road within ROW to avoid demolition of structures.

• cash compensation at market value.

• The compensation shall be paid at a market rate and will be transmitted in the Bank accounts of NTHs.

• Road alignment and adjustments will be made to minimize impacts while finalizing the design.

Khrli-Pahadi Beru

2 26

• Provide cash compensation at market value.

• Widening of road within ROW to avoid demolition of structures.

• Adequate compensation shall be paid to the affected households as detailed out in Entitlement Matrix.

• Widening of road will be finalized as per the technical feasibility and design.


Chala 3 40

• Avoid demolishing the extended commercial structures. Consider bypassing the built-up area and settlements.

• Job opportunities should be given to local people during construction phase.

• People have demanded for the compensation at a market rate for the loss of structures.

• The extended and external portion of structures were envisaged to be demolished and the main structures used for residential, commercial and both purposes will remain intact throughout the road subprojects.

• Local people will be preferred for employment, unskilled and skilled works under the project.

• The compensation shall be paid at the replacement cost considering the market rate.

Total 20

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 30 of 39

Annexure 3

Constitution of GRC

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 31 of 39

Annexure 4

Pictorial Documentation Social Safeguards Compliance in ADB Tranch-1 Project

(i) Public Consultation Package-1 Photographs

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 32 of 39

(ii) Shifting of Kiosk

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 33 of 39

(iii) Demarcation of Khanpur Bypass of SH-74 under Package-1

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 34 of 39

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 35 of 39

(iv) Public Consultation Package-3 & 4 Photographs

(v) Demarcation of affected NTHs Structure

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 36 of 39

(vi) Door to Door distribution of ID Cards to affected NTHs

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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 37 of 39

(vii) Distribution of Notice to the APs under THs category in Village- Otwala after declaration of

Land Award under Package-2

(viii) Safeguard Training by ADB team 13.11.2019 to 14.11.2019

Project Management Consultant, Rajasthan State Highway Investment Program - RSHIP

Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 38 of 39

(ix) Dismantling of affected NTHs structures in Bali town after distribution of Compensation/Assistance


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Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July-December 2019 Page 39 of 39

Annexure 5

Screen shot of RSHIP website

top related