social studies ch 3 lessons 1 and 2 the civil war begins and the union victory leon

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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This presentation is for upper elementary or middle school. There is a great deal of information covered in the PowerPoint just as the student's textbooks.


The Civil War

Social Studies Chapter 3Lessons 1 and 2

Lesson 1: The War Begins

Vocabulary1. STRATEGY







Definition1. long-range plans to reach a goal

2. ships blocking a port

3. fall back, usually in conflict

4. killer or injured in war

5. to set free

6. unfair dislike of a group of people due to race, background

7. someone who comes to a country for a new life

People to Know1. Thomas Jackson

2. Ulysses S. Grant

3. Robert E. Lee

4. Robert Smalls

5. Clara Barton

6. Dorothea Dix

7. Sally Tompkins

8. Belle Boyd

1. Southern General

2. Northern General

3. Southern General

4. Captured steam boat for North

5. Nurse for North

6. Headed Northern nurses

7. Ran a Southern hospital

8. Southern spy

Places to KnowManassas Junction or Bull Run

Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh

Antietam Creek

Bloodies Day of the WarFirst Major Battle of the WarGave the North Control of a Border State

Southern Victory

Northern Victory

Northern VictoryVirginia Tennessee


The Best Laid Plans

Union Strategy

Weaken the South and then invade it

Win the control of the Mississippi River

Blockade Southern ports Keep the South from buying or

selling with Europe, including importing weapons

Confederate Strategy

Protect their lands from Northern attacks

Make the war last a long time so the Union would get tired

Hoped that England and/or France would aid them because both countries needed the cotton the South produced

Early Battles

Manassas Junction or Bull Run

July 21, 1861

Virginia Both armies had about

30,000 untrained troops Looked like a Northern

victory General Thomas Jackson

saved the day for the South

Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh

April 6, 1862

Tennessee General Grant marched

into Tenn. to reclaim it for Union

Important Union victory Control of Tenn. for the

rest of the war

Battle of Antietam

The Worst Day of the Civil WarBy September of 1862, the North’s

strategy seemed to be working. Southerners were feeling the pain of no supplies and the war being fought on their land. General Lee tried to take the war to the North. He made it as far north as Antietam, Maryland. There were 22,000 casualties on both sides. Lee took his troops back south.

The Emancipation Proclamation President Lincoln had been waiting

for a Union victory to make an important announcement. He issued a proclamation freeing all slaves in captured territory. Those who were still controlled by the Confederates would have to wait for the Union Army to free them, but a change was coming, and everyone knew it.

Contributions from AllAbout 180,000 African Americans joined the Union despite prejudice and mistreatment. European immigrants fought mostly for the North. There were entire regiments of Irish, Italians, and German immigrants.

Women in the War Effort

Neither side allowed women to serve as soldiers although it later proven that several women dressed as men and fought.

Woman on both sides worked a nurses and doctors. Clara Barton is probably the best known nurse for the North. Dorothea Dix was a supervisor of nurses for the North. On the Southern side, Sally Tomkins ran a hospital in Virginia for wounded soldiers.

For the South, Belle Boyd was a famous spy.

Women’s WarriorsClara Barton

Dorothea Dix

Sally Tompkins

Belle Boyd

Sally Tompkins’ Hospital Richmond, Virginia

Union and Southern Generals

Union Leadership

General George Meade was the North’s commander during the early part of the war. Most experts today feel that Meade was a stumbling block to the Union effort. The President finally replaced him with Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, who understood how to bring the war to an end.

Southern Leadership

The South had the best military leadership headed by General Robert E. Lee. Lee was surrounded by capable soldiers, especially Gen. Stonewall Jackson. When Jackson was killed, Lee said, “I’ve lost my right arm.”

Generals Lee and Jackson

The Road to Union VictoryLesson 2

Gen. LeeGen. Grant

What to Know in Lesson 2

Vocabulary and People to Know

Vocab.: Address

Ulysses S. Grant

George G. Meade

George Pickett

David Glasgow Farragut

William Tecumseh Sherman

Places to KnowVicksburg








Appomattox Court House

May of 1863 President Lincoln Replaced Meade with Grant

Vicksburg, Mississippi

May of 1863, Grant laid siege to the city. Supply lines were cut. City shelled with canons. On July 4, city surrendered. Important victory for the Union. G It gave them control of the Miss. River. The South was cut in two, and even communication was difficult.

Chancellorsville, Virginia

Gen. Lee had won a victory for the South, but at a terrible personal cost to him. Gen. Stonewall Jackson was accidently killed by his own troops. Lee knew that Jackson could not be replaced. With Jackson, Lee could have dragged the war out for much longer.

Click for Pictures of Gen. Stonewall Jackson

Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

“The only true rule for cavalry is to follow the enemy as long as he retreats.”

Born in Parkersburg or Clarksburg, WV

Click for Another Picture of Gen. Jackson

Gen. Jackson’s Statue at West Virginia Capitol

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The Turning Point: The Battle of Gettysburg


July 1, 1863, Gen. Lee headed North. His troops met with Gen. Meads Union troops. The battle lasted for three terrible days. Lee ordered Gen. Pickett with his 5,000 men to run across an open field and take a stone wall. Over half of his men were casualties

Gen. Lee

Withdrew from the battle and took his troops back South. Gettysburg was the farthest North the Confederacy would reach. It is often called, “the high water mark of the South.”

Click for a picture of Gen. Lee

Gen. Lee on His Famous Horse, Traveller

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Gettysburg Address

On Nov. 19, 1863, President Lincoln went to Gettysburg to dedicate a cemetery that held the remains of the men who died in the battle. There was a crowd of about 6,000 people waiting for the speeches. Lincoln gave an address of about three minutes. It is one of the most famous speeches in American history

The address ended:

“…that these dead shall not have died in vain…that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

More Union Victories

The Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama

In 1864, David G. Farragut was in command of the Union navy. He ordered his fleet to sail into the harbor even though the port was mined. One of his ships was sunk, but he captured the city for the Union.

Gen. Sherman’s March

In 1864, Union Gen. Sherman was ordered by Gen. Grant to start at Chattanooga and march with his troops to Atlanta, Georgia. When he arrived in Atlanta, he burned the city. He then started marching to Savannah burning and destroying everything in his path. He destroyed everything in a trail 60 miles wide and 300 miles long.

The War Ends

In Virginia by 1865, Gen. Grant more-or-less had Gen. Lee on the run. Lee’s army was starving, exhausted, and out of supplies. In April, Confederate troops evacuated Richmond, their capital. As they left, they set the city on fire to keep the Union troops from gaining any advantage. Finally, Lee’s army tried to move west, but they were outnumbered 10 to 1. On April 9, 1865, at a place named Appomattox Court House, Lee surrendered to Grant. It was finally over. More than 600,000 soldiers had died, and the South was left in ruins.

Southern Surrender Signed

General Lee’s Fate

Gen. Lee dressed in his newest uniform and finest boots that fateful morning. When asked why he was dressed so well, he replied, “Gen. Grant will have me hanged on the spot, or I will be shipped off to a Northern prison before they hang me. Either way, I am going to need to be wearing my best clothes.” Neither thing happened. Gen. Grant had him sign the papers, and then told him to return to his home and never pick up weapons against the United States again. Southern soldiers were told the same thing. It was finally over. Enough blood had been shed on both sides.

The End of the War

Next: The Reconstruction

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