society books reviewing procedures

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    Chapter 1

    Introduction and previous research


    Sumatra, with an area of 473 ! "m # i$ the %are$t i$%an' in the In'one$ian ar(hi)e%ao an' the

    fifth %are$t i$%an' in the wor%'.*he i$%an' $tret(he$ a(ro$$ the e+uator for 7! "m from -W to

    SE, an' i$ u) to 4!! "m a(ro$$ /i. .0. A'mini$trati1e%2, an' for the )ur)o$e$ of thi$ Memoir,

    Sumatra in(%u'e$ the Mentawaii$%an'$ from Simeu%ue to aai, whi(h with Enano form

    aforear( (hain to the SW, an' the *in I$%an'$ of Ban"a an' Bi%%iton an' the Riau i$%an'$ to the

    ea$t. *he 5a("5one of the main i$%an' i$ forme' of the Bari$an Mountain$, whi(h e6ten'the

    who%e %enth of Sumatra in a narrow 5e%t, )ara%%e% to, an'enera%%2 on%2 a few ten$ of "i%ometre$,

    from the SW (oa$t. *he main )ea"$ whi(h are main%2 uaternar2 or Re(ent

    1o%(anoe$0(ommon%2 ri$e #!!! m a5o1e $ea %e1e%, (u%minatin in Mt8erin(i at 39!: m. Short,

    $tee) ri1er (our$e$ 'rain the Bari$an$ towar'$ the SW, often (utttin 'ee) ore$, whi%e towar'$

    the ea$t the ri1er$ fo%%ow %on mean'erin (our$e$ a(ro$$ 5roa' (oa$ta% )%ain$ an' $wam)$ to the

    Ma%a((a Strait$, whi(h $e)arate Sumatra from the Ma%a2 enin$u%a, or to the Ja1a Sea.

    Ea$twar'$, a(ro$$ the Ja1a Sea, %ie$ the a%mo$t e+ua%%2 %are i$%an' of BorneoIn'one$ian

    8a%imantan0, an' Ja1a %ie$ imme'iate%2 to the SE a(ro$$ the narrow Sun'a Strait. *he Ma%a((a

    Strait an' the Ja1a Sea form the $outhern )art$ of the Sun'a She%f /i. .0. A(ro$$ the $he%f the

    $eaf%oor i$ $ha%%ow with a 'e)th of %e$$ than #!! m an' remar"a5%2 f%at. ;irtua%%2 the who%e ofthe $he%f wa$ e6)o$e' at the )ea" of the %a$t %a(iation. *o the SW, Sumatra i$ $e)arate' from a

    %inear ri'e with emerent i$%an'$ e6ten'in from Simeu%ue in the north to Enano in the $outh,

    52 marine 5a$in$ more than !!! m 'ee), whi(h in(rea$e to a 'e)th of more than #!!!m in the

    $outh. *o the SW of the ri'e the $eaf%oor $%o)e$ $tee)%2 into the Sun'a *ren(h, :!!! m 'ee) in

    the -W, 'ee)enin to

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    re%ati1e 7.7 (m a> --E>'ire(te' motion of the In'ian O(ean re$u%t$ in o5%i+ue (. 4: ?$u5'u(tion

    at the Sun'a *ren(h. Sei$mi( )rofi%e$ a(ro$$ the %an'war' $i'e of the Sun'a *ren(h imae' the

    remo1a% of )a("ae$ of $e'iment from the 'ownoin )%ate to 5ui%' a forear( ri'e a((retionar2

    (om)%e6 =ami%ton @7@ 8ari et al. @9!0 /i. .30.O5%i+ue $u5'u(tion re$u%t$ in the

    northwe$twar' mo1ement of a$%i1er )%ate Curra2 @9@0, 'e(ou)%e' 5oth from the 'ownoin

    In'ian O(ean %ate an' the Sun'a%an' %ate, a%on the Wa'ati>Benioff $ei$mi( one, whi(h 'i)$

    northea$twar'$ at (. 3! ? an' a%on the 1erti(a% Sumatran /au%t S2$tem. *he Wa'ati>Benioff

    one inter$e(t$ the fau%t at a 'e)th of $ome #!! "m. *he a(ti1e Sumatran /au%t S2$tem run$ the

    who%e %enth of the Sumatra, throuh the Bari$an Mountain$, from Ban'a A(eh to the Sun'a

    Strait, an' i$ )ara%%e%e' 52 a %ine of uaternar2 1o%(anoe$, main%2 +uie$(ent, 5ut $ome (urrent%2

    a(ti1e /i. .40.

    eo%oi(a%%2, Sumatra form$ the $outhwe$tern marin of the

    Sun'a Craton, whi(h e6ten'$ ea$twar'$ into enin$u%ar Ma%a2$ia

    an' into the we$tern )art of Borneo /i. .#0. A re>*ertiar2

    5a$ement i$ e6)o$e' e6ten$i1e%2 in the Bari$an Mountain$

    /i. .40 an' in the *in I$%an'$ of Ban"a an' Bi%%iton. *he

    o%'e$t ro("$ whi(h ha1e 5een re%ia5%2 'ate' are $e'iment$ of

    Car5oniferou$>ermian ae, a%thouh De1onian ro("$ ha1e

    5een re)orte' from a 5oreho%e in the Ma%a((a Strait, an'

    un'ate' nei$$i( ro("$ in the Bari$an Mountain$ ma2 re)re$ent

    a re>Car5oniferou$ (ontinenta% (r2$ta%%ine 5a$ement. A%% the

    o%'er ro("$, whi(h %ie main%2 to the -E of the Sumatran

    /au%t S2$tem, $how $ome 'eree of metamor)hi$m, main%2 to

    %ow>ra'e $%ate$ an' )h2%%ite$, 5ut 2ouner ermo>*ria$$i( $e'iment$

    an' 1o%(ani($ are %e$$ metamor)ho$e'. *he area to the

    SW of the fau%t i$ (om)o$e' %are%2 of 1aria5%2 metamor)ho$e'

    Jura$$i(>Creta(eou$ ro("$. *he re>*ertiar2 5a$ement i$ (ut 52

    ranite )%uton$ that rane in ae from ermian to Late Creta(eou$.

    Lo(a%%2 within the Bari$an$ the 5a$ement i$ intru'e' 52 *ertiar2

    ineou$ ro("$ an' i$ o1er%ain to the -E an' SW 52 1o%(ani(%a$ti(

    an' $i%i(i(%a$ti( $e'iment$ in h2'ro(ar5on> oi% an' a$0

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    an' (oa%>5earin *ertiar2 $e'imentar2 5a$in$. *he$e 5a$in$ ha1e

    5a("ar(, forear( an' interar( re%ation$hi)$ to the uaternar2 to

    Re(ent 1o%(ani( ar(. La1a$ an' tuft$ from the$e 2oun 1o%(anoe$

    o1er%ie the o%'er ro("$ throuhout the Bari$an$ an', in )arti(u%ar

    (o1er an e6ten$i1e area in -orth Sumatra aroun' La"e *o5a

    /i. .40. Re(ent a%%u1ia% $e'iment$ o((u)2 $ma%% ra5en$

    within the Bari$an Mountain$, 'e1e%o)e' a%on the %ine of the

    Sumatran /au%t an' (o1er %ower roun' throuhout Sumatra.

    *he$e a%%u1ia% $e'iment$ are of f%u1ia% oriin imme'iate%2

    a'a(ent to the Bari$an$, 5ut )a$$ into $wam), %a(u$trine an'

    (oa$ta% 'e)o$it$ towar'$ the northea$tern an' $outhwe$tern

    marin$ of the i$%an'.

    History of geological research in

    Sumatra before-WWII

    Durin the %ate nineteenth an' ear%2 twentieth (enturie$ Sumatra

    wa$ e6)%ore' 52 eo%oi$t$ an' enineer$ wor"in for minin

    an' )etro%eum (om)anie$ un'er the au$)i(e$ of the Bureau of

    Mine$ in the Dut(h Ea$t In'ie$ Co%onia% A'mini$tration. In @#:

    a a%aeo5otani( E6)e'ition to Dam5i Jam5i0 wa$ un'erta"en

    to (o%%e(t $am)%e$ of the Dam5i /%ora. *hi$ ear%2 wor" i$

    $ummarie' 52 Rutten @#70 in hi$ Le(ture$ on the eo%o2

    of the -ether%an'$ Ea$t In'ie$. Between @#7 an' @3 the

    -ether%an'$ In'ie$ eo%oi(a% Sur1e2 (on'u(te' a ma))in

    )roramme in South Sumatra with the )ro'u(tion of a $erie$ of

    $i6teen F#!! !!! eo%oi(a% Ma) Sheet$ e.. Mu$)er @370,

    an' (arrie' out other eo%oi(a% $tu'ie$ in Centra% an' -orthern

    Sumatra Mu$)er @#@ Gwieri("i @##a, 5, @3!a0. Hnfortunate%2,

    a$ a re$u%t of the %o5a% e(onomi( 'e)re$$ion, thi$

    ma))in )roramme wa$ 'i$(ontinue' in @33, 5efore the

    ma))in of the who%e i$%an' wa$ (om)%ete. =owe1er, the (e$$ation

    of fie%'wor" )ro1i'e' an o))ortunit2 to )u5%i$h the re$u%t$

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    of the @#: a%aeo5otani( e6)e'ition to Dam5i Gwieri("i

    @3!a Jonman$ & othan @3:0. E6)%oration 52 minin an'

    )etro%eum (om)anie$ (ontinue' throuhout Sumatra, 5ut for

    (ommer(ia% rea$on$ mo$t of the re)ort$ remaine' (onfi'entia%

    an' un)u5%i$he'. =owe1er, $ome of the re$u%t$, nota5%2 for

    # C=A*ER

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    t Ko!o @ Active $olcanoes

    %and over &&&m

    Lan' !!!>#!!!m

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    Lan' 5e%ow !!m

    Su5marine (ontour$ in metre$

    -- >>>> ro1in(ia% 5oun'arie$


    '( )*AN +A,

    I .

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    South China Sea

    o? N ?..

    N #? Anfim5a$

    I / Is

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    %%%atun %o



    Riau I$

    '( *am5e%an

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    Sunda Shelf

    SO H*I>>? 0 ",, ,. N.,

    ! O! #!! 3!! 4!! :!!"m

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    BILLI* O-



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    4ava Sea


    +ANDA, A")N0


    @ ,, @9 ? !! ? !# !4 !

    I I I I I I

    /i. .. *o)ora)h2 an' 5ath2metr2 of Sumatra an' $urroun'in area$ with 5oun'arie$ of

    a'mini$trati1e )ro1in(e$ an' )rin(i)a% (itie$.


    wor" (arrie' out in Si5erut, -ia$ an' Simeu%ue an' the other Outer

    Ar( I$%an'$ on 5eha%f of the -e'er%an'$ a(ifi( etro%eum

    Maat$(ha))i an' the eo%oi(a% Ser1i(e of the Baataf$(he

    etro%eum Maat$(ha))i 5efore WWII E%5er @3@ Den =arto

    @4!a, 5 =o))er @4!0, were ma'e a1ai%a5%e to 1an Bemme%en

    @4@, @7!0 'urin the )re)aration of hi$ maor $2nthe$i$ of

    *he eo%o2 of In'one$ia.

    ;an Bemme%en 5ean wor" on thi$ (om)rehen$i1e an' ma$ter%2

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


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  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


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    INDIAN *eelinIsg/ 1i / S#?H


    @ SEA



    ,,," 20 ~

    @! ? !! ?

    I I


    Chri$tma$ o


    :!! !!!"m

    I I


    /i. .#. *he te(toni( $ettin of Sumatra

    with the f%oor of the In'ian O(ean

    $u5'u(tin 5eneath the $outhwe$tern

    marin of the Sun'a%an' Craton. *he

    'eformation front of the Sumatran

    $u5'u(tion $2$tem i$ in'i(ate' 52 the

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    toothe' %ine $)rea'in (entre$ an'

    tran$form fau%t$ are $hown in the An'aman

    Sea after Curra2 et al. @7@0.

    )ost-WWII research

    Litt%e eo%oi(a% wor" wa$ )o$$i5%e 'urin the 2ear$ imme'iate%2

    after the en' of WWII, 5ut fo%%owin In'one$ian In'e)en'en(e in

    @47 the eo%oi(a% Sur1e2 of In'one$ia SI0 wa$ e$ta5%i$he' in

    the o%' Bureau of Mine$ 5ui%'in in Ban'un. /rom @@ to @74

    the Ma))in Di1i$ion of SI0 (ommen(e' a $2$temati( )roramme

    of ma))in in the a'an area of We$t Sumatra, in (o%%a5oration

    with the Hnite' State$ eo%oi(a% Sur1e2 HSS0, a$

    )art of the /ir$t /i1e ear De1e%o)ment %an ELI*A I0.

    Se1era% F#:! !!! eo%oi(a% Ma) Sheet$ were )u5%i$he' a$ a

    re$u%t of thi$ )roramme Si%itona & 8a$towo @7: Ro$i'i

    et al. @7 8a$towo & Leo @730. A$ )art of thi$ (o%%a5oration

    a $enior eo%oi$t of the HSS, Warren =ami%ton, wa$ (ommi$$ione'

    to )re)are a $erie$ of ma)$ an' a memoir re1iewin the

    eo%o2 of the In'one$ian reion in )%ate>te(toni( term$

    =ami%ton @77, @7@0. =ami%ton$ @7@0*e(toni( Ma), whi(h

    in(%u'e$ Sumatra, $how$ (%ear%2 )re$ent 1iew$ of the te(toni(

    $ettin of Sumatra.

    SEA*AR )rogramme

    In @73 a meetin wa$ (on1ene' 52 the Hnite' -ation$ Committee

    for the Coor'ination of Joint ro$)e(tin for Minera% Re$our(e$

    in A$ian Off>$hore water$ CCO0 in Ban"o" whi(h e$ta5%i$he'

    the Stu'ie$ in Ea$t A$ian *e(toni($ an' Re$our(e$ SEA*AR0

    roramme. At that time a re1iew of the (urrent un'er$tan'in

    of the te(toni($ of ea$tern A$ia wa$ )re)are' 52 Der2(" Lamin

    on 5eha%f of CCO>IOC @740. A$ a re$u%t of the meetin it

    wa$ )ro)o$e' to (on(entrate re$ear(h a%on a $erie$ of tran$e(t$

    a(ro$$ the i$%an' ar( $2$tem$ of Ea$t an' SE A$ia. Su5$e+uent%2

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    A. J. Bar5er Hni1er$it2 of Lon'on0 an' Der" Jon$ma BMR0

    were enae' 52 CCO a$ *e(hni(a% Con$u%tant$ to )re)are a

    re)ort on the (urrent $tate of "now%e'e a%on the %ine$ of

    the$e tran$e(t$ CCO>IOC @9!0. One of the $e%e(te' tran$e(t$

    ran from the Ma%a2 enin$u%a a(ro$$ northern Sumatra an' the

    forear( i$%an' of -ia$ to the Sun'a *ren(h. A%thouh the fina%

    re)ort for thi$ tran$e(t wa$ ne1er )u5%i$he', a reat 'ea% of

    im)ortant re$ear(h wa$ (arrie' out 52 Ameri(an re$ear(her$

    4 C=A*ER

    I-DIA- OCEA-


    re$ent BARISA- MOH-*AI-S E-I-SHLA


    Sun'a Com)%e6 Sumatran /au%t MALACCA S*RAI*

    *o5a Ca%'era Ba("ar( Ba$in -E

    , > ? > ? > , , > ? S ? ? ?>>... ?,?? .F ,?>.?>. ?>T?>,>?.?F ? > >>>? ? !

    SW -i(o5ar /an *ren(h Ri'e /orear( Ba$in

    ! ? ? ?.>F% ? . . . . .

    i 3333 n 3333 m 3333 n 3333 I Jh,.L>??>?F.? Eary%i er a((retiona-r 2 (om)%e6e$ G..LLL4J.J>

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ....

    2/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii66%6/3

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    :! Lenth of (ro$$>$e(tion 9!!"in

    I I I / 1 / - v 3 / 3 - / % % / I I

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


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    /i. .3. Diarammati( $e(tion a(ro$$ the Sumatran Su5'u(tion S2$tem from the f%oor of the

    In'ian O(ean to the Ma%a2 enin$u%a, 'rawn to $(a%e.

    un'er the au$)i(e$ of the SEA*AR roramme, )arti(u%ar%2 in -ia$

    an' the $urroun'in $ea$ Curra2 et al. @9# 8ari et al. @9!

    Moore & 8ari @9!0. A%$o in (onun(tion with the SEA*AR roramme,

    Co55in et al. @@#0 ma'e a 'etai%e' $tu'2, in(%u'in

    i$oto)i( 'atin, of the ranite$ on the *in I$%an'$ of Ban"a an'

    Bi%%iton, $u))orte' 52 the H8 O1er$ea$ De1e%o)ment A'mini$tration

    a$ a (ontri5ution to the wor" of FCO.

    Sin(e the effe(ti1e termination of the SEA*AR roramme,

    HS re$ear(h in Sumatra ha$ 5een (on(entrate' on neote(toni($,

    an im)ortant )art of whi(h ha$ 5een the monitorin of mo1ement

    a%on the Sumatran /au%t S2$tem, u$in S %o(ation $2$tem$

    rawiro'ir'o et al. @@70.

    Indonesian )etroleum Association

    In @7 the In'one$ian etro%eum A$$o(iation IA0 wa$ e$ta5%i$he'

    52 )etro%eum (om)anie$ o)eratin in In'one$ia, in a$$o(iation

    with the In'one$ian nationa% oi% (om)an2, ertamina.

    Sin(e it$ in(e)tion the IA ha$ he%' Annua% Con1ention$ whi(h

    (ontinue to the )re$ent 'a2. At the$e (on1ention$ )a)er$ on the

    eo%o2 of In'one$ia are )re$ente' an' )u5%i$he' a$ the ro(ee'in$

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    of the In'one$ian etro%eum A$$o(iation. *he IA

    ro(ee'in$ )ro1i'e an in1a%ua5%e $our(e of information on the

    eo%o2 of In'one$ia. Mo$t of the )a)er$ 'ea% with *ertiar2 'e)o$it$

    an' 'etai%$ of the $tratira)h2 an' $tru(ture of the oi% an'

    a$ fie%'$ of In'one$ia, in(%u'in tho$e of Sumatra, 5ut more

    enera% )a)er$ on eo%o2 an' te(toni($ ha1e a%$o 5een )u5%i$he'.

    *he )u5%i(ation of the IA ro(ee'in$ ha$ re$o%1e' 1an Bemme%en$

    @4@0 (om)%aint of the )re>WWII $ituation, in whi(h %are

    amount$ of eo%oi(a% 'ata, a((umu%ate' 52 the oi% (om)anie$,

    remaine' un)u5%i$he' for (ommer(ia% rea$on$, an' were not a1ai%a5%e

    for the (om)i%ation of reiona% eo%oi(a% $2nthe$e$.

    +ritish and Indonesian 0eological Surveys

    Maor H8 in1o%1ement in the eo%o2 of Sumatra 5ean in

    @7: when the In$titute of eo%oi(a% S(ien(e$ IS, now the

    Briti$h eo%oi(a% Sur1e2, BS0, in (o%%a5oration with the

    eo%oi(a% Sur1e2 of In'one$ia SI0, (ommen(e' a fi1e>2ear

    ma))in an' re(onnai$$an(e eo(hemi(a% $ur1e2 of northern

    Sumatra to the north of the e+uator -orthern Sumatra roe(t,

    -S0. In @79 SI wa$ reoranie' into a num5er of $emi>autonomou$

    'ire(torate$ an' the Dire(torate of Minera% Re$our(e$

    DMR0 5e(ame the 'e$inate' In'one$ian (ounter)art orani$ation

    in the -S. *he wor" of IS in the -orthern Sumatra roe(t,

    an' $u5$e+uent )roe(t$ 52 BS in Sumatra, were fun'e' from

    the *e(hni(a% A$$i$tan(e an' *e(hni(a% Coo)eration 5u'et$ of

    the H.8. O1er$ea$ De1e%o)ment A'mini$tration ODA0.

    *he $tru(tura%, $tratira)hi(, eo(hemi(a% an' te(toni( re$u%t$

    of the -orthern Sumatra roe(t ha1e 5een )re$ente' in a $erie$

    of )a)er$ ae et al. @79, @7@ Cameron et al. @9! Ro("

    et al. @9# A%'i$$ & haa%i @940 an' un)u5%i$he' re)ort$.

    In a (ontinuation of the -S, eo%oi(a% ma)$ an' re)ort$ re$u%tin

    from the )roe(t were e'ite' 52 BS )er$onne%, an' )u5%i$he'

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    52 the In'one$ian eo%oi(a% Re$ear(h an' De1e%o)ment

    Centre RDC0, one of the (on$tituent 'ire(torate$ of SI,

    a$ a $erie$ of 9 eo%oi(a% Ma) Sheet$ at F#:! !!! $(a%e,

    with a((om)an2in E6)%anator2 -ote$. /o%%ow>u) $tu'ie$ of

    fo$$i% %o(a%itie$, with the 1iew of e$ta5%i$hin the $tratira)hi(a%

    ae$ of the $e'imentar2 unit$ in Sumatra, were (arrie' out

    52 Met(a%fe @93, @9, @9@a, 5 Met(a%fe et al. @7@0 an' 52

    /ontaine an' hi$ (o%%a5orator$, un'er the au$)i(e$ of FCO

    /ontaine & afoer @9@0. *he re$u%t$ of the reiona% eo(hemi(a%

    $tream $e'iment $am)%in $ur1e2 were )u5%i$he' in a oint

    ISNDMR eo(hemi(a% At%a$ Ste)hen$on et al. @9#0 an' $u5$e+uent%2

    DMR )u5%i$he' $et$ of $in%e e%ement )ro)ortiona%

    $2m5o% 'i$tri5ution ma)$ at F#:!!!!, for man2 of the

    +ua'ran%e$ to the north of the e+uator. eo(hemi(a% anoma%ie$

    foun' 'urin the -S were fo%%owe' u) 52 BS an' DMR

    in the (o%%a5orati1e -orth Sumatra eo%oi(a% an' Minera%

    E6)%oration roe(t -SME, @9:>@990. *he re$u%t$ of a

    $e)arate )roramme of re$ear(h into the minera%iation in north

    Sumatra, a%$o fun'e' 52 H8 ODA, ha1e 5een )u5%i$he' 52

    Bow%e$ et al. @94, @9:0 an' Be''oe>Ste)hen$ et al. @970.

    niversity of ondon Southeast Asian ,esearch 0roup%

    +0S and "I0AS

    In @79 mem5er$ of the Hni1er$it2 of Lon'on Southea$t A$ian

    Re$ear(h rou) whi(h ha' )re1iou$%2 5een a(ti1e in Ea$tern

    In'one$ia, (ommen(e' a )roramme of re$ear(h )roe(t$ in

    Sumatra, in (o%%a5oration with BS, DMR an' RDC. In @94

    a oint Hni1er$it2 of Lon'onNBS -orth Sumatra Ba$in$

    Stu'2 roe(t, wa$ $et u) with fun'in from the H8 O1er$ea$

    De1e%o)ment A'mini$tration, in (o%%a5oration with the In'one$ian

    Re$ear(h an' De1e%o)ment Centre for Oi% an' a$ *e(hno%o2

    LEMIAS0 8ir52 et al. @@30. *hi$ )roe(t 5ui%t on the maor

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    in1o%1ement 52 LEMIAS in thi$ )ro'u(ti1e 5a$in, where

    one of the %are$t e6)%oration 5%o("$ i$ o)erate' 'ire(t%2 52

    ertamina. *he o1era%% )roramme wa$ %are%2 (on(erne' with

    the $tratira)h2, $e'imento%o2 an' eo)h2$i($ of the *ertiar2

    5a$in$ in northern Sumatra, with the Hni1er$it2 (ontri5ution

    Con(entratin on fie%' $tu'ie$ of the re%ation$hi) of the *ertiar2

    ro("$ to the un'er%2in 5a$ement, with a 1iew to un'er$tan'in

    the te(toni( e1o%ution, of the$e 5a$in$ *urner @93 *i%tman

    @97, @@! 8a%%aher @@!0. More re(ent%2 the Hni1er$it2 of

    Lon'on (ontri5ution, fun'e' 52 the H8 -atura% En1ironment

    Re$ear(h Coun(i% -ERC0, ODA an' a num5er of oi% (om)anie$,

    I-*RODHC*IO- :





    @9 ?


    1 #& /

    4 ?


    Line of





    >4 ?


    uaternary-,ecent volcanics

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    ?ertiary Sediments and volcanics

    )re-?ertiary +asement


    !# ?


    ! !!

    . F . F . F . F . F . F . F . F .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . V >F>F.F>F>F>F>F>F.F>F.F... ...>



    !4 ?

    Active $olcano

    Sumatran Eault System

    Deformation Eront of the

    Sumatran Subduction


    #!! 3!! 4!!


    i i F i i % i F F F i F F F i i i F ? ? F F i i i i ? m 5 a n

    ?..iiFF..? FFFiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIii iiiiiiiiiiii. Ben"u F F i ? > > >>>


    ! ?

    ? >

    4 o .


    # ? >

    ! o>

    # ? >

    @ / -


    ? >

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    @? @9 ? !! ? !# ? !4 ? ! ?

    i I I : I I I

    /i. .4. Sim)%ifie' eo%oi(a% ma) of Sumatra $howin the 'i$tri5ution of the main $tratia)hi(

    unit$ an' the a(ti1e 1o%(anoe$. *oothe' %ine mar"$ the 'eformation

    front of the Sumatran Su5'u(tion S2$tem. *he %ine of $e(tion in /i. .3 i$ a%$o $hown.

    5e(ame in(rea$in%2 (on(entrate' in the forear( i$%an'$, where

    a $erie$ of eo%oi(a% ma))in an' ra1it2 $ur1e2$ were

    (om)%ete' Situmoran et al. @97 Mi%$om et al. @@! =ar5ur2

    & 8a%%aher @@ Samue% & =ar5ur2 @@ Samue% et al.

    @@70. At the $ame time LEMIAS (o%%a5orate' with the

    /ren(h C-RS Centre -ationa% )our Re(her(he S(ientifi+ue0 in

    a num5er of $tu'ie$ in the forear( reion u$in the In'one$ian

    Marine Re$ear(h ;e$$e% Baruna Ja2a III Diament et al. @@#

    Iart et al. @@40. Out$i'e the 5oun'$ of the -S, Hni1er$it2 of

    Lon'on Staff an' re$ear(h $tu'ent$ with fun'in from -ERC,

    ODA an' a Con$ortium of )etro%eum (om)anie$ (o%%a5orate'

    with LEMIAS on $tu'ie$ on the Om5i%in interar( 5a$in

    in (entra% Sumatra Lai%e2 @9@ Bartram & -urahanin$ih

    @@! =owe%%$ @@750, the Wo2%a rou) in -orth Sumatra

    Waer et al. @@ Bar5er #!!! M(Carth2 et al. #!!0 an' a

    $tu'2 of the Sumatran /au%t S2$tem throuhout the i$%an'

    M(Carth2 & E%'er$ @@70.

    Southern Sumatra )roGect

    eo%oi(a% ma))in, ra1it2 $ur1e2$ an' eo(hemi(a% )roramme$

    in Sumatra $outh of the e+uator were (on'u(te' 52 RDC

    an' DMR 'urin ELI*A II @74>7@0 an' in $u((e$$i1e fi1e

    2ear 'e1e%o)ment )roramme$, (ontinuin into the @9!$. In

    @99 the Southern Sumatra eo%oi(a% an' Minera% E6)%oration

    roe(t SSME0 wa$ e$ta5%i$he', an' BS oine' DMR an'

    RDC in the (om)%etion of the$e $ur1e2$ an' in re$ear(h


  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    r./i/o: d o

    NB,,a n,.' a A...(..e.h N ? . Lho. ". .$.e. .u.m. awe


    i?..o4. #o H.N

    re5int)i I


    NSi'i"afan, ?,Nematan Baan$ia)ia)i

    ?NNNN? N $iantar . . N ( > ? N . N N N . N


    !IK 3!,


    -E Muara$i5erut




    ., !@3 N ...

    > ? t ? ? ? >?,..f?

    t3 O! #!! 3!! ................. 4!! :!!"in 7 N

    /i. .:. Co1erae, $heet num5er$ an' name$ of the F#:! !!! eo%oi(a% Ma)$ )u5%i$he' 52 the

    In'one$ian eo%oi(a% Sur1e2, the eo%oi(a% Re$ear(h an'

    De1e%o)ment Centre, In'one$ian Mini$tr2 of Mine$ an' Ener2.

    )roramme$ with fun'in from H8 ODA *e(hni(a% Coo)oration

    5u'et. *hi$ )roramme wa$ (om)%ete' in @@: with the )u5%i(ation

    52 RDC of the %a$t of the fort2 three eo%oi(a% Ma)

    Sheet$ at F#:!!!! $(a%e, (o1erin the who%e of Sumatra

    /i. .:0 an' 9 F#:!!!! $(a%e Bouuer ra1it2 anoma%2

    ma)$ of $outhern Sumatra, in(%u'in Ban"a an' Bi%%iton

    i$%an'$, 5ut e6(%u'in the (oa$ta% $wam)$ an' the Bari$an

    Mountain$. *he (o%%a5orati1e eo(hemi(a% $ur1e2 wa$ (om)%ete'

    in @@4 with the )u5%i(ation 52 DMR of 4 +ua'ran%e 5o6e' $et$

    of F#:! !!! $in%e e%ement )ro)ortiona% $2m5o% eo(hemi(a%

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    ma)$ u) to : e%ement$0 with a((om)an2in re)ort$ on the

    eo(hemi$tr2, eo%o2 an' minera% o((urren(e$. Su5$e+uent%2

    the Sumatra eo(hemi(a% 'ata wa$ ma'e a1ai%a5%e on CD>ROM

    ;er$ion # in @@@0. In @@: fo%%owin a one>2ear Su$taina5i%it2

    ha$e of the SSME a eo(hemi(a% At%a$ of Southern

    Sumatra wa$ i$$ue' in 'iita% form on CD>ROM Ma(ha%i et al.

    @@:0. u5%i(ation in 5oo" form fo%%owe' in @@7, with te6t in

    5oth Baha$a In'one$ia an' En%i$h Ma(ha%i et al. @@70. An

    e1a%uation of te(toni( mo'e%$ for the re>*ertiar2 hi$tor2 of

    Sumatra 5a$e' on BSNDMRNRDC an' Hni1er$it2 of Lon'on

    re$ear(h )roramme$ ha$ 5een )u5%i$he' 52 Bar5er & Crow

    #!!30.With the (om)%etion of thi$ maor )ha$e of H8

    in1o%1ement in the $tu'2 of the eo%o2 of the Sumatra, the

    time i$ ri)e to re1iew the 1a$t in(rea$e in our "now%e'e of

    the eo%o2 of Sumatra $in(e 1an Bemme%en$ @4@, @7!0


    Chapter 7

    Seismology and neotectonics


    Sumatra i$ an a(ti1e An'ean0 (ontinenta% marin that wou%' 5e

    %in"e' 52 %an' to SE A$ia if $ea %e1e% fe%% 52 a$ %itt%e a$ :! m.

    re$ent>'a2 te(toni( )ro(e$$e$ are (ontro%%e' 52 three maor

    fau%t $2$tem$, the mo$t o51iou$ of whi(h i$ the $u5'u(tion thru$t

    whi(h (ro)$ out in the Sun'a *ren(h. *he tren(h (ur1e$ 1er2

    %itt%e in the 9!! "m 5etween Enano an' -ia$, i.e. off (entra%

    Sumatra /i. #.0, 5ut i$ mar"e'%2 (on1e6 towar'$ the In'ian

    O(ean 5oth further north an' further $outh. Water 'e)th$ of

    more than !!! m are rea(he' in the $outh 5ut the ma6imum in

    the north ma2 5e %e$$ than :!!! m. *he 'ifferen(e i$ u$ua%%2,

    an' (on1in(in%2, attri5ute' to the )re$en(e on the In'ian O(ean

    )%ate of the -i(o5ar /an, (on$i$tin of $e'iment$, 'eri1e'

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    u%timate%2 from ero$ion of the =ima%a2a$, whi(h in(rea$e $tea'i%2

    in thi("ne$$ towar'$ the north e.. =ami%ton @7@0. Continuin

    $u5'u(tion i$ atte$te' 52 a Wa'ati>Benioff Gone WBG0 that

    e6ten'$ to 'e)th$ of the or'er of #!! "m e.. -ew(om5 &

    M(Cann @970 an' 52 1o%(ani( a(ti1it2 in the Bari$an mountain$,

    the )ea"$ of whi(h enera%%2 %ie within a few ten$ of "i%ometre$

    of the (oa$t. *he (hane, of more than 4: ? in the tren' of the

    tren(h 5etween @? an' @7? the -ia$ E%5ow0 ma2 ha1e

    5een initiate' 52 $u5'u(tion of the # "m hih In1e$tiator Ri'e

    In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone0, whi(h tren'$ a))ro6imate%2 north$outh

    at a5out @9? Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0 'efine' a

    Centra% Domain of main%an' Sumatra 5etween the -ia$ E%5ow

    an' the ri'e inter$e(tion a$ anoma%ou$ in a num5er of wa2$

    nota5%2 in the 'ifferin tren'$ of the Sumatran /au%t an' the

    1o%(ani( %ine0 an' a$ 'i$tin(t from more reu%ar -orthern an'

    Southern 'omain$ on either $i'e /i. #.0.

    In%an', the 'e6tra% tran$(urrent Sumatran /au%t run$ the entire

    %enth of the i$%an', from Ban'a A(eh to the Sun'a Strait

    /i. #.0. A 1ariet2 of name$ ha1e 5een u$e' for 5oth the

    o1era%% fau%t $2$tem an' )art$ of it, an' new nomen(%ature

    'e1e%o)e' 52 Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0 'i1i'e' it into @ in'i1i'ua%

    $ement$. E1en thi$ 'etai%e' $tu'2 fai%e' to an$wer man2

    fun'amenta% +ue$tion$, an' e$timate$ of tota% %atera% 'i$)%a(ement

    $ti%% 1ar2 from $e1era% hun're' "i%ometre$ to a$ %itt%e a$ twent2

    "i%ometre$. *he :!"m $ue$te' 52 M(Carth2 & E%'er$

    @@70 $eem$ to 5e a5out the mean of the )u5%i$he' 1a%ue$. *he

    fau%t tra(e (oin(i'e$ rouh%2 with the water$he' of the Bari$an$

    an' with the 1o%(ani( %ine, a%thouh mo$t of the 1o%(anoe$ %ie

    $omewhat to the -E of the fau%t an' on%2 nine of the fift2 2oune$t

    (entre$ %ie within # "m of it Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0. A more

    )re(i$e (orre%ation i$ with the $u5'u(tion thru$t, $in(e for mo$t

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    of it$ %enth the 'i$tan(e 5etween the Sumatran /au%t an' the

    tren(h a6i$ 'iffer$ 52 no more than 3! "m from the a1erae

    1a%ue of #@! "m. *he %are$t 'e1iation$ are a narrowin within

    the 5iht of the -ia$ E%5ow an' a 5roa'enin in the reion

    further to the -W.

    *he thir' an' mo$t enimati( of Sumatra$ maor fau%t $2$tem$

    i$ the Mentawai /au%t, at the outer marin of the forear( 5a$in

    /i. #.0. In man2 )u5%i(ation$ the name i$ re$er1e' for the

    $ement e6ten'in from the Sun'a Strait to -ia$ Samue% &

    =ar5ur2 @@0 or the Batu I$%an'$ Diament et al. @@#0, 5ut the

    $ame 'i$tur5an(e one (ontinue$ at %ea$t a$ far a$ the An'aman

    Sea Ma%o' & 8ema% @@0 an' )o$$i5%2 to the An'aman an'

    -i(o5ar I$%an'$. Mo1ement ha$ 5een 1ariou$%2 inter)rete' a$

    norma%, $tri"e $%i) or re1er$e Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0. *here

    are (on$i'era5%e (hane$ in a))earan(e on $ei$mi( $e(tion$

    e1en within the reion from -ia$ $outhwar'$ the $tru(ture wa$

    'e$(ri5e' 52 Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0 a$ a homo(%ine an' 52

    8ari et al. @9!0 a$ a fau%t>f%e6ure.

    Maneti( anoma%ie$ in the In'ian O(ean $outh of Sumatra

    tren' ea$t>we$t an' were inter)rete' 52 S(%ater & /i$her @740

    a$ in'i(atin a%aeoene ae$ for mo$t of the (ru$t a'a(ent to

    the tren(h, with a )o$$i5i%it2 of Late Creta(eou$ (ru$t in the

    e6treme SE. *ran$form$ $u(h a$ the In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone,

    whi(h ma2 off$et the anoma%ie$ 52 $e1era% hun're' "i%ometre$,

    run a%mo$t )re(i$e%2 north>$outh. With the tren' of the tren(h

    1ar2in from -4!? to -!? an' the 'ire(tion of the In'ian

    O(ean>Sumatra (on1eren(e 1e(tor 5ein a5out -:? /i. #.0,

    Sumatra ha$ %on 5een re(onie' a$ a "e2 area for $tu'ie$ of

    the )artitionin of $train 5etween thru$t an' tran$(urrent fau%t$

    'urin o5%i+ue (on1eren(e /it(h @7# M(Caffre2 @@#, @@

    Ma%o' & 8ema% @@0. *he $ue$tion, oriina%%2 ma'e 52

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    /it(h @7#0, that the o5%i+ue motion i$ to a fir$t a))ro6imation

    a((ommo'ate' 52 orthoona% $u5'u(tion at the tren(h an'

    'e6tra% $%i) a%on the Sumatran /au%t, i$ now wi'e%2 a((e)te'.

    *o the e6tent that thi$ i$ true, the forear( reion mu$t 5e 'e(ou)%e'

    from 5oth the In'ian O(ean an' Eura$ia. *he (ommon%2 u$e'

    term $%i1er )%ate e.. Curra2 @9@0 $ue$t$ more $trenth an'

    rii'it2 than (ou%' rea$ona5%2 5e e6)e(te' of $u(h a %on an'

    narrow $tri) of %itho$)here, an' an2 ana%2$i$ of $u5'u(tion

    5eneath Sumatra mu$t ta"e into a((ount the )ro5a5i%it2 of in'e)en'ent

    mo1ement$ of forear( frament$ e.. M(Caffre2 @@0.

    E$timate$ of the mo1ement$ of the In'ian O(ean re%ati1e

    to Sumatra are $hown in /iure$ #. an' #.4. Chane$ in manitu'e

    an' 'ire(tion from -W to SE are 'i(tate' 52 the Ea$t

    Afri(an %o(ation of the )o%e of rotation Lar$on et al. @@70. If )artitionin

    of orthoona% an' tran$(urrent $train 5etween, re$)e(ti1e%2,

    the tren(h an' the Sumatran /au%t were (om)%ete an'

    mo1ement o((urre' on%2 a%on the$e feature$0, then $ite$ in the

    forear( $%i1er wou%' mo1e )ara%%e% to the Sumatran /au%t re%ati1e

    to SE A$ia, 5ut at riht an%e$ to the tren(h re%ati1e to the

    In'ian O(ean. *ren(h>norma% re%ati1e motion im)%ie$ that the

    forear( $%i1er tra("$ a(ro$$ %inear feature$ on the In'ian O(ean

    %ate, $u(h a$ the In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone, whi(h ha1e north$outh

    tren'$ /i. #.0. If the %on term mo1ement 5etween the

    forear( an' the In'ian O(ean ha$ a(tua%%2 5een a))ro6imate%2

    orthoona%, the inter$e(tion )oint of the In1e$tiator /ra(ture

    Gone with the tren(h, now near the Batu I$%an'$, wou%' ha1e

    5een north of -ia$ %e$$ than ! mi%%ion 2ear$ ao. *he re%ief, of

    more than # "m, on the In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone miht not

    on%2 im)e'e $u(h tra("in 5ut (ou%' 5e re$)on$i5%e for (2(%i(a%

    u)%ift an' $u5$i'en(e in the forear( 5a$in an' ri'e.

    S%i) )artitionin an' $u5'u(tion of In'ian O(ean %itho$)here

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    )ro'u(e hih %e1e%$ of $ei$mi(it2 in the Bari$an Mountain$, in

    the forear( 5a$in an' a%on the forear( ri'e /i. #.#0. *he )otentia%

    for e6treme%2 'e$tru(ti1e earth+ua"e$ wa$ mo$t re(ent%2

    'emon$trate' 52 the Manitu'e @ e1ent near Simeu%ue in De(em5er

    #!!4 an' 52 the re$u%tin t$unami, whi(h a1e ri$e to one of

    the wor$t natura% 'i$a$ter$ in re(or'e' human hi$tor2. =owe1er,

    an' 'e$)ite the eo%oi(a% e1i'en(e for a %on hi$tor2 of $u5'u(tion

    e.. ae et al. @7@0, $ho("$ 'ee)er than #!! "m are rare

    /i. #.30. E1ent$ 5e%ow 3!! "m are (onfine' to the e6treme SE

    an' ma2 5e a$$o(iate' with north>'ire(te' $u5'u(tion 5eneath

    Ja1a rather than -E>'ire(te' $u5'u(tion 5eneath Sumatra. *he

    a5ru)t (hane in orientation of the a(ti1e marin 5etween the$e

    two i$%an'$ mu$t )ro'u(e (on$i'era5%e $tre$$ in the 'ownoin

    9 C=A*ER #

    Northern Domain

    Central Domain

    Southern Domain

    1&&& / LI-E >>?%

    4#>43 Batu

    )ora -.


    Eig3 #.. SumatraF the neote(toni( $ettin. *he fiure ha$ 5een oriente' on the main fau%t

    'ire(tion. *he In'ia>SE A$ia (on1eren(e 1e(tor (hane$ $inifi(ant%2 in 5oth

    'ire(tion an' manitu'e o1er the %enth of the i$%an', from :# mm a> 'ire(te' at -!? at #?

    @:? to ! mm a>% 'ire(te' at - 7? at ? !#? Con1eren(e

    'ata an' main%an' $tru(tura% 'omain$0 are from Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0. E%onate'

    re(tan%e$ in the forear( reion in'i(ate the %o(ation$ of the ero$ on the $ei$mi(it2

    (ro$$>$e(tion$ in /iure #.3. *he $ei$mi( imae a%on Line 4#>43 i$ $hown in /iure #.7. *he

    white $tar$ mar" the e)i(entre$ of the Enano #!!! an' Simeu%ue

    #!!4 reat Earth+ua"e$. Bath2metri( (ontour$ at #!!, !!!, 3!!!, :!!! an' !!! m are from

    EBCO @@70. Sha'in in'i(ate$ $ea f%oor 'ee)er than !!! m. I./.G.,

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone. On$hore to)ora)h2 'eri1e' from the %o5a% Re%ief Data CD>ROM

    'i$tri5ute' 52 the -ationa% eo)h2$i(a% Data Center, Bou%'er, Co%ora'o.

    $%a5 5ut thi$ i$ not o51iou$ in the )attern$ of $ha%%ow $ei$mi(it2

    $hown in /iure #.# an' 'i$(u$$e' 5e%ow.

    Shallo seismicity

    A$ in mo$t a(ti1e (ontinenta% marin$, $ha%%ow K! "m 'e)th0

    earth+ua"e$ in Sumatra are 'i$tri5ute' o1er wi'e area$ of the

    u))er )%ate an' are not re$tri(te' to the WBG /i. #.#0.

    Ma6imum $ha%%ow earth+ua"e a(ti1it2 o((ur$ within the $%i1er

    'efine' 52 the Sumatran /au%t in the ea$t an' 52 the $u5'u(tion

    thru$t in the we$t an' at 'e)th, an' i$ mo$t inten$e a%on the

    %ine of the forear( ri'e. *here mu$t 5e (on$i'era5%e forear(

    e6ten$ion $ee M(Caffre2 @@ 0 if the e$timate$ of %are 1ariation$

    in rate$ of tran$(urrent $%i) more than 4!! "m of off$et in A(eh

    5ut ne%ii5%e 'i$)%a(ement$ in the Sun'a Strait Curra2 et al.

    @790 are (orre(t $ee a%$o Be%%ier & Se5rier @@:0. A%thouh

    there ha1e 5een re%ati1e%2 few $ho("$ of Manitu'e or reater

    5eneath the main%an', $ome ha1e o((urre', mo$t nota5%2 in

    the 1i(init2 of the e+uatoria% 5ifur(ation in the Sumatran /au%t

    i'entifie' 52 rawiro'ir'o et al. #!!!0.

    *he in$et$ to /iure #.# attem)t to $how $e)arate%2 the 'i$tri5ution$

    of e1ent$ within the u))ermo$t 4! "m of the (ru$t an'

    at 'e)th$ of 5etween 4! an' ! "m. Be(au$e of the un(ertaintie$

    inherent in 'eterminin the 'e)th$ of $ha%%ow earth+ua"e$ $ee

    'i$(u$$ion in En'ah% et al. @@90, there wi%% 5e e1ent$ on one

    ma) that $hou%' )ro)er%2 ha1e 5een )%otte' on the other, 5ut the

    o1era%% 'ifferen(e$ 5etween the )%ot$ are %i"e%2 to 5e rea%. *he

    4!>! "m e1ent$ are (on(entrate' in a narrow one (entre' on

    the forear( 5a$in an' mo$t are )ro5a5%2 'ire(t%2 a$$o(iate' with

    the $u5'u(te' o(eani( %itho$)here, i.e. with the WBG. *here are,

    howe1er, $ome $imi%aritie$ with the )attern$ of $ha%%ower e1ent$,

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    noti(ea5%2 in the ten'en(2 for e)i(entre$ to 5e (on(entrate' in

    $hort %inear one$ at riht an%e$ to the tren(h, )re$uma5%2 'ue

    to $ome form of forear( $ementation. *he mo$t o51iou$ e6am)%e$

    (an 5e $een aroun' Enano an' we$tern Simeu%ue, i.e. (%o$e to

    the $ite$ of the reat Earth+ua"e$ 'efine' a$ earth+ua"e$ with

    MW manitu'e$ reater than a5out 7.90 in June #!!! an' De(em5er

    #!!4 re$)e(ti1e%2. Intere$tin%2, the Simeu%ue e1ent$ (%u$ter

    a%on the (re$t of a 5a$ement ri'e that 'efine$ the northwe$tern

    5oun'ar2 of a marine an' $e'imentar2 5a$in Simeu%ue Ba$in0

    where ma6imum water 'e)th$ e6(ee' !!! m. *he tren' of the

    %inear a%inment$ (hane$ $%iht%2 north of the -ia$ E%5ow to

    )art%2 mat(h the (hane in orientation of the tren(h 5ut, $ur)ri$in%2,

    -E>SW a%inment$ of e)i(entre$ (an 5e $een ea$t of the

    e1en more 'ramati( (hane 5etween Sumatra an' Ja1a /i. #.#0.

    A $e(on' feature of the $ha%%ow $ei$mi(it2 i$ the $e)aration

    of the $ha%%owe$t earth+ua"e$ /i. #.# %ower in$et0 into two

    'i1erent one$, one a%on the forear( ri'e with a 5en' or

    off$et where the In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone enter$ the $u5'u(tion

    one near the Batu i$%an'$0, the other 1er2 a))ro6imate%2 a%on

    the we$t (oa$t of Sumatra. *he forear( 5a$in it$e%f i$ re%ati1e%2

    +uiet $ei$mi(a%%2 at the$e 'e)th$. *he off$et at the In1e$tiator

    /ra(ture Gone i$ intere$tin 5e(au$e -ew(om5e & M(Cann

    @970 note' that ru)ture$ a$$o(iate' with reat Earth+ua"e$ 'o

    not )ro)aate a(ro$$ thi$ reion. In 933 a Manitu'e Mw0 9.7

    e1ent fau%te' the )%ate marin for a5out !! "m from Enano

    to the Batu I$%an'$, whi%e the effe(t$ of the Mw 9.4 e1ent in

    9 were (onfine' to a 3!! "m $ement 5etween the Batu an'

    Ban2a" I$%an'$.

    ?he Wadati-+enioff one JW+;

    In "ee)in with the (ontinenta% marin $ettin, $ei$mi(it2 5eneath

    Sumatra i$ more 'iffu$e than 5eneath a t2)i(a% intra>o(eani( ar(.

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    *hi$ i$ i%%u$trate' in /iure #.3, whi(h $how$ h2)o(entre 'i$tri5ution$

    within three t2)i(a% $wathe$, ea(h #!! "m wi'e. In the

    e6treme -E /i. #.3a0 the WBG form$ the %ower 5oun'ar2 to a

    $ei$moeni( one that e6ten'$ u) to the $urfa(e o1er a 'i$tan(e

    of a))ro6imate%2 3!! "m from the tren(h. *he reate$t (on(entration

    of e1ent$ i$ at a5out I!! "m from the tren(h an' at

    'e)th$ of a5out :! "m. In the $wathe imme'iate%2 $outh of the

    e+uator, near the i$%an'$ of Si5erut an' Si)ora, there i$ a mu(h


    i =2)o(entre$ a5o1e 4! "m o

    oe L a t e > . N=2)o(entre$ 4!>! "m

    N e,++"






    LLL@o - =o Bm on4y

    !,? o

    3!! "in > N !


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    '( %!6 L 1

    . . . . N Xo N

    4!"u, o,,? Q o ?!$/ o

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    X XXXFX X?X I / 2 2 3 LI / o / .

    I X ? ,e F ?

    X @ ........ ? X , X X

    X,X XXXX FXX XX XXX XX.XF. .. I ... /oo'|r e, +o o "

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    A more (om)rehen$i1e )i(ture of Sumatra $ei$mi(it2 than i$

    )ro1i'e' 52 /iure #.3 wa$ )re$ente' 52 =anu$ et al. @@0,

    who )%otte' h2)o(entre$ within :! "m wi'e, -E>SW $wathe$

    that toether (o1ere' the who%e of the i$%an'. Arua5%2 their

    mo$t intere$tin )%ot wa$ A:, whi(h in(%u'e' the northern )art

    of the forear( i$%an' of -ia$ an' mu(h of the *o5a (a%'era

    /i. #.0. *he WBG in thi$ reion 'i)$ at an an%e of a %itt%e

    more than 3! ? an' the 'ee)e$t $ho("$ o((ur 5etween #!! an'

    #:!"m. *here i$ a $ma%% 5ut noti(ea5%e a) in $ei$mi(it2

    5eneath the 1o%(ani( %ine at 'e)th$ of a5out :! to 9! "m an'

    a (orre$)on'in reion of $ha%%ow $ei$mi(it2 imme'iate%2

    5eneath the 1o%(anoe$.

    In 'etai%, the )i(ture )ro1i'e' 52 =anu$ et al. @@0 i$ $u$)e(t

    5e(au$e of the re%ian(e on Internationa% Sei$mo%oi(a% Centre

    * R /

    #!! !! ! !! #!! 3!!

    o &L/L3% oL33LL / I o 0 o +to oXo..? ? .

    o o o?. o,? ? ? . o F .

    o !// 6 o

    o o o O!


    o P o

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    o . . .e o ? . . ?, . . F o F F > i I I o

    . . . . . . ? > F,? o o,?, o F

    > 3 - & & 36 / a;

    '( '( '( o


    * R /

    #!! !! ! !! #!! 3!!

    o o0o o o o

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    o / > e/

    6 6 3 3 3 3 o%% o /o% / o


    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





    ?! * !! RO !! /#!! 3!

    o o 5o !

    oo F o ! o

    / o '( oi/o3#o O l l 3 ' % % 3 3 o 6

    2 L 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3o/ O2P>/l,m/-?/33%% /

    6 6% 3333 i / L%/%3/ 3

    3 %/o /LL/'/l5llm/ o . . . . Ioo

    . . . . F? F F A?o 7K

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    'ata were 'own%oa'e' from $u))%ementar2 materia% to En'ah% et al. @@90.

    Di$tan(e$ in "i%ometre$, no 1erti(a% e6aeration.

    ISC, *hat(ham, H80 h2)o(entre %o(ation$. *he$e, 5ein

    'eri1e' from inter)retation$ of te%e$ei$mi( 'ata 5a$e' on %o5a%

    1e%o(it2 mo'e%$, are ine1ita5%2 of fair%2 %ow a((ura(2. *he $inifi(an(e

    of thi$ %imitation ha$ 5een 'emon$trate' 52 /aui et al.

    @@0, who u$e' a''itiona% 'ata from a new%2 e$ta5%i$he' 5ut

    now )ermanent0 networ" of $hort>)erio' 'iita% $ei$mometer$ to

    $tu'2 earth+ua"e$ in the 1i(init2 of *o5a. *he )rimar2 aim of

    the wor" re)orte', whi(h (o1ere' the )erio' from O(to5er @@!

    to A)ri% @@3, wa$ to in1e$tiate a h2)othe$ie' 5rea" in the

    'ownoin $%a5 'ue to $u5'u(tion of the In1e$tiator /ra(ture

    Gone. Sei$mi( a(ti1it2 wa$ foun' to 5e unu$ua%%2 hih in the

    a))ro)riate area 5ut no 'i$(ontinuit2 wa$ 'ete(te' an' a %imit

    of #! "m wa$ )%a(e' on the manitu'e of an2 )o$$i5%e 'i$)%a(ement.

    *here wa$ more $u((e$$ with a $u5$i'iar2 o5e(ti1e of

    'efinin the $ha)e of the WBG a$ it fo%%owe' the 5en' in the

    off$hore tren(h 5etween -ia$ an' Simeu%ue. In (ontra$t to 5oth

    the ISC an' En'ah% et al. @@90 'ata, h2)o(entre$ 'eri1e'

    from the %o(a% $tu'2 an' )%otte' for narrow (ro$$>$tri"e $wathe$

    ! C=A*ER #





    I Indian ~

    : [Ocean/

    S !ia


    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # e c t o r %

    &2 /(r

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    ! 3!! "m


    B%)-tra ih? ?f? S?

    - ?%?a%

    Convergence velocity scale .... Y

    Q&mm.yr ? ?

    Contour$ on the WBG

    in the *o5a reion, after .

    /. au.i et a.%., @.@ . )~ I n d i a n .

    June 7&&& nggano earthKuaBe ? Ocean/ I

    Main ? After$ho("$? ?? con#eSr$!enciae [ /

    $ho("$ ? ". ? #ector I

    December 7&&@ Simeulue & ? &* / # r / .. ..

    "arch 7&&Q Nias ,IL N

    earthKuaBes Main $ho("$ ? ?





    . . . . . o


    o !

    ........ ............................. S

    Eig3 #.4. Mo1ement$ of $ite$ in Sumatra a$ 'etermine'

    52 S o5$er1ation$ 'urin the )erio' @9@>@@3

    rawiro'ir'o et al. @@70. ;e(tor$ $how rate$ of

    mo1ement re%ati1e to a $ta5%e SE A$ia. *he2 im)%2 $tre$$

    a((umu%ation in )art$ of the forear( reion, $ome

    of whi(h wou%' ha1e 5een re%ea$e' 52 the June

    #!!! earth+ua"e near Enano, the De(em5er

    #!!4 earth+ua"e near Simeu%ue an' the Mar(h #!!:

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    earth+ua"e near -ia$. *he %o(ation$ an' me(hani$m$ of

    the$e earth+ua"e$ are in'i(ate' 52 the (entre$ of the

    %ower hemi$)here )roe(tion 5ea(h5a%%$, from

    A5er(rom5ie et al. #!!30 for Enano an' from -EIC

    #!!:0 for Simeu%ue an' -ia$. Lo(ation$ of after$ho("$

    of the Enano earth+ua"e for whi(h fau%t>)%ane

    $o%ution$ were (a%(u%ate' 52 A5er(rom5ie et al. #!!30

    are a%$o $hown. Maor after$ho("$ to the Simeu%ue

    earth+ua"e o((urre' a%mo$t entire%2 -W of the %imit$ of

    the ma). MS, Muara Si5erut. S, Sina5an, B, u%au

    Ba5i. *he )e("e' re2 %ine$ $how the %o(ation$ of

    5arrier$ to )ro)aation of ru)ture$ from reat

    Earth+ua"e$ inferre' 52 -ew(om5 & M(Cann @970.

    were foun' to 5e tiht%2 (on(entrate' in 1er2 narrow one$ that

    (hane' in 'i) $(ar(e%2 at a%% aroun' the 5en' /i. #.40. E$timate'

    'e)th$ a%$o ten'e' to 5e $ma%%er than tho$e 5a$e' on%2 on

    te%e$ei$mi( 'ata, e$)e(ia%%2 5eneath the forear( 5a$in.

    A more re(ent $ei$mo%oi(a% $tu'2 of the *o5a area u$e' a tem)orar2

    networ" (om)ri$in 3! $hort>)erio' an' ! 5roa'>5an'

    $ei$mora)h$ 'e)%o2e' for four month$ in the fir$t ha%f of @@:

    Ma$tur2ono et al. #!!0. *omora)hi( metho'$ were u$e'

    to 'efine 1e%o(it2 1ariation$ 5eneath the (a%'era. *he re$u%t$

    $u))ort the h2)othe$ie' e6i$ten(e of two 'i$tin(t eru)ti1e

    (entre$, one in the $outh>(entra% )art of the %a"e an' the other at

    it$ northern en', whi(h eru)te' at 'ifferent time$ 8niht et al.

    @90. Low 1e%o(it2 one$ un'er%2in the$e two (entre$ an'

    e6ten'in 'own into the mant%e are $e)arate' 52 a reion with a

    more t2)i(a% (ru$ta% 1e%o(it2 $tru(ture.

    ,elative horiRontal movements

    *he information on )re$ent>'a2 te(toni( )ro(e$$e$ in Sumatra )ro1i'e'

    52 $ei$mo%o2 i$ now 5ein $u))%emente' 52 eo'eti( 'ata

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    from %o5a% o$itionin S2$tem S0 $ate%%ite$. Re)eate'

    mea$urement$ at fi6e' )i%%ar$ )ro1i'e an e$$entia% (om)%ement

    to earth+ua"e $tu'ie$, whi(h re(or' on%2 e)i$o'i(, a%thouh $ometime$

    1er2 %are, 'i$)%a(ement$. Durin $ei$mi(a%%2 +uiet )erio'$,

    S mea$urement$ monitor a$ei$mi( (ree) an' (an in'i(ate

    reion$ in whi(h $tre$$ i$ in(rea$in an' ma2 5e re%ea$e' (ata$tro)hi(a%%2

    at $ome time in the future. Be(au$e of the $hort time

    inter1a%$ o1er whi(h o5$er1ation$ are ma'e t2)i(a%%2 3 to :

    2ear$0, S mea$urement$ mu$t a%wa2$ 5e (on$i'ere' in the

    (onte6t )ro1i'e' 52 e$timate$ of %on term re%ati1e )%ate motion$.

    Mo$t of the S $ite mar"er$ in Sumatra were e$ta5%i$he' 52

    BA8OSHR*A-AL, the In'one$ian ma))in an' eo'eti( $ur1e2

    authorit2, wor"in in (o%%a5oration with 1ariou$ HS in$titute$, an'

    mo$t are %o(ate' 5etween #? an' #? rawiro'ir'o et al. @@7

    enri(h et al. #!!!0. A''itiona% mea$urement$ were ma'e at $ite$

    near Ben"u%u an' Me'an an' on -ia$ an' Bi%%iton in the (our$e

    of the EODSSEA $tu'2, whi(h (o1ere' the who%e of SE A$ia.

    *he EODSSEA re$u%t$ 'efine' a Sun'a B%o(" that in(%u'e$

    Borneo, the Ma%a2 enin$u%a an' In'o(hina an' mo1e$ ea$t re%ati1e

    to Eura$ia at 7>! mm a > Chamot>Roo"e & Le i(hon

    @@@ Mi(he% et al. #!!0. Bi%%iton I$%an' an' Me'an are (%ear%2

    within thi$ 5%o(", a$ i$ mu(h of Sumatra ea$t of the Sumatran

    /au%t, 5ut motion$ near an' to the we$t of the fau%t are mu(h

    more (om)%e6. *he main BA8OSHR*A-AL (am)ain $ite$

    $hown in /i. #.40 5ean in @9@. Detai%e' ana%2$e$ of the 'ata

    o5taine' to @@ in the Centra% Domain /i. #.0 ha1e 5een )ro1i'e'

    52 M(Caffre2 et al. #!!!0 an' 52 enri(h et al. #!!!0. *o

    $u))%ement the$e ana%2$e$, rawiro'ir'o et al. #!!!0 a%$o (on$i'ere'

    the re$u%t$ of (on1entiona% trianu%ation $ur1e2$ e6ten'in

    o1er a )erio' of !! 2ear$ in the $ame area. *he$e enera%%2 (onfirme'

    the S e$timate$ of #!>3! mm a> of 'e6tra% mo1ement

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures



    on thi$ )ortion of the Sumatran /au%t, 5ut re1ea%e' 1er2 (on$i'era5%e

    'ifferen(e$ in 'etai% in 5oth mo1ement manitu'e$ an'


    /iure #.4 $how$ the $ite motion$ re%ati1e to SE A$ia a$

    inter)rete' 52 rawiro'ir'o et al. @@70 an' a%$o re%ati1e to

    SE A$ia0 the a1erae' %on term In'ian O(ean mo1ement

    1e(tor$ Demet$ et al. @@!0. Strain )artitionin wa$ e1i'ent%2

    on%2 )artia%%2 a(hie1e', at %ea$t o1er the $hort time inter1a%

    in1o%1e', nor were mo1ement$ (onfine' to the main fau%t

    $2$tem$. Site$ ea$t of the Sumatran /au%t 5ut within :! "m of it

    were not $tationar2 with re$)e(t to SE A$ia 5ut re(or'e' $ma%%

    5ut $inifi(ant 'i$)%a(ement$ to the north an' -W. Simi%ar )attern$

    near other maor $tri"e>$%i) feature$ ha1e 5een inter)rete'

    a$ re(or'in $tre$$ a((umu%ation$ in wi'e reion$ of 'eforme'

    ro(" that are u%timate%2 re%ea$e' 52 fau%tin e.. Armio et al.


    Site$ in the forear( e6)erien(e' mu(h %arer tren(h>)ara%%e%

    'i$)%a(ement$, 5ut M(Caffre2 et al. #!!!0 arue' that on%2

    a5out two>thir'$ of the ne(e$$ar2 $%i) wa$ a((ounte' for an'

    that mo$t of the remain'er mu$t ha1e 5een a((ommo'ate' o(eanwar'

    of the (re$t of the forear( ri'e. =owe1er, the $ituation

    1arie' (on$i'era5%2 from )%a(e to )%a(e. On forear( i$%an'$ in

    the Centra% Domain 5etween the Batu an' Ban2a" I$%an'$0 the

    tren(h>norma% (om)onent$ were $ma%%, $ue$tin $tron )artitionin

    of (on1erent an' tran$(urrent mo1ement$, 5ut it $eem$

    that the forear( wa$ %are%2 (ou)%e' to the 'ownoin $%a5 e1er2where

    to the $outh of the Batu I$%an'$. *he 5oun'ar2 5etween

    the two reime$ o((ur$ in the reion where the In1e$tiator

    /ra(ture Gone enter$ the tren(h. rawiro'ir'o et al. @@70 tentati1e%2

    inter)rete' the northwe$twar'$ 'e(rea$e in (ou)%in a$ a

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    (on$e+uen(e of the $u5'u(tion of thi(", water>ri(h $e'iment$ of

    the -i(o5ar /an, re$u%tin in hih )ore )re$$ure$ in the forear(

    we'e an' wea"enin of the u))er )%ate 52 the intro'u(tion of

    h2'rotherma% f%ui'$. *he (hane in (ou)%in wou%' thu$ 5e 'ue

    to the 5arrier to $e'iment f%ow from the -W )re$ente' 52 the

    In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone, rather than 'ire(t%2 to it$ )re$en(e a$

    an a$)erit2 on the %ower )%ate. =owe1er, the manitu'e of the

    De(em5er #!!4 Simeu%ue earth+ua"e $ue$t$ a $ti("2, rather

    than we%%>%u5ri(ate', fau%t one.

    *he (om5ination of ra'ua% (hane in the orientation of the

    In'ian O(eanNSE A$ia (on1eren(e 1e(tor an' the (hane in

    tren(h orientation at the -ia$ E%5ow im)%ie$ a%mo$t orthoona%

    (on1eren(e a(ro$$ the tren(h in the 1i(init2 of Simeu%ue

    an' the Ban2a" I$%an'$. *he Sumatran /au%t, howe1er, (hane$

    'ire(tion mu(h %e$$ noti(ea5%2, an' the 'ifferen(e$ in (ur1ature

    of $tru(ture$ on the main%an' an' a%on the forear( ri'e

    )ro'u(e a wi'enin an' 'ee)enin of the forear( 5a$in -W of

    Simeu%ue. Rather $ur)ri$in%2, the S motion$ of the two $ite$

    in the Ban2a" I$%an'$ were a%mo$t )erfe(t%2 )ara%%e% to the tren'

    of the Sumatran /au%t, an' $o to the tren(h further $outh. *he

    %a(" of S $ite$ on Simeu%ue mean$ that $hort>term neote(toni(

    )attern$ in thi$ (riti(a% area remain, for the moment, un'efine'.

    *he 'ata from S mea$urement$ an' trianu%ation $ur1e2$

    (an 5e (om)are' with %on>term $%i) e$timate$ 5a$e' on eo%oi(

    an' to)ora)hi( off$et$ at the Sumatran /au%t. S%i) rate$ e$timate'

    from $tream off$et$ on SO* imaer2 1ar2 from

    ! mm a > at the Sun'a Strait to #3 mm a > near La"e *o5a

    Be%%ier & Se5rier @@:0. Mu(h of thi$ (hane o((ur$ in the

    Centra% Domain, where the rate$ e$timate' 52 Sieh & -atawi'aa

    #!!!0 u$in eo%oi(a% off$et$ in(rea$e from mm a i in

    the SE to #7 mm a> in the -W. S%i) rate$ e$timate' from S

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    o5$er1ation$ 1ar2 mu(h %e$$, in(rea$in 52 on%2 4 mm a >, from

    #3 mm a> to #7 mm a>, o1er the $ame 'i$tan(e enri(h et al.

    #!!!0. Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0 $ue$te' that the eo%oi(a%%2

    in'i(ate' (hane$ in $%i) rate$ a%on the fau%t mu$t ha1e

    'e1e%o)e' on%2 'urin the %a$t !! "a, 5e(au$e of the a5$en(e

    of (om)re$$iona% a((ommo'ation $tru(ture$, 5ut %eft the eo%oi(a%>

    S 'i$(re)an(2 une6)%aine'. *he2 a%$o $ue$te'

    that the tota% $%i) on the Sumatran /au%t miht 5e %itt%e more

    than the #! "m of the ma6imum 1erifia5%e eo%oi(a% off$et,

    an' that the remain'er of the rouh%2 !! "m off$et re+uire'

    52 $tret(hin in the Sun'a Strait miht ha1e 5een a((ommo>

    renc3-ort3o$onal motion renc3-4arallel motion

    1 2

    Eig3 #.:. S 1e(tor$ an' the reat Earth+ua"e of June

    #!!!. *he u))er 'iaram $how$ o1era%% mo1ement

    1e(tor$ re%ati1e to SE A$ia an' their tren(h>)ara%%e% an'

    tren(h>orthoona% re$o%1e' (om)onent$. *he %ower

    'iaram$ (om)are the$e (om)onent$ in'i1i'ua%%2.

    ;e(tor i$ the reiona% (on1eren(e 1e(tor, after

    Demet$ et al. @@!0. *he remainin 1e(tor$ are S

    1e(tor$ from the @@>@@3 (am)ain at $ite$ at the

    5a$e$ of the arrow$, after rawiro'ir'o et al. @@70.

    Bea(h5a%%$ $how the %o(ation$ of the two $u5e1ent$

    )ro)o$e' 52 A5er(rom5ie et al. #!!#0 for the June #!!!


    # C=A*ER #

    'ate' 52 $%i) on the Mentawai /au%t. *heir )ro)o$e' 'eformation

    hi$tor2 whi(h the2 em)ha$ie' wa$ on%2 one of a mu%titu'e

    of )o$$i5i%itie$0 in1o%1e' ar(>)ara%%e% $tret(hin 'urin the

    %ei$to(ene 5ut )ro1i'e' no ro%e for the $ement of the Mentawai

    /au%t north of the -ia$ E%5ow.

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    0)S data% the nggano and Simeulue earthKuaBes and the

    "entaai Eault

    Durin the )erio' (o1ere' 52 )u5%i$he' S mea$urement$,

    the $outhern forear( i$%an'$ Si5erut to Enano0 were mo1in

    -W re%ati1e to Sumatra at rouh%2 the $ame rate a$ the un'er%2in

    In'ian O(ean %ate /i. #.40. Enano, in )arti(u%ar, )arti(i)ate'

    in 1irtua%%2 a%% of the motion of the In'ian O(ean 'urin the )erio'

    of o5$er1ation, whi(h unfortunate%2 in thi$ )arti(u%ar (a$e

    e6ten'e' on%2 from @@ to @@3 /i. #.:0. Mu(h $ma%%er re%ati1e

    motion$ were re(or'e' at two $ite$ on the a'a(ent (oa$t of the

    main%an' an' therefore on%2 a $ma%% )art of the tren(h>)ara%%e%

    motion re+uire' a((ommo'ation further in%an', in the 1i(init2

    of the Sumatran /au%t. More than ha%f the tren(h>)ara%%e% motion

    an' an e1en reater )ro)ortion of the tren(h>norma% motion

    mu$t ha1e 5een a5$or5e' 5etween Enano an' the (oa$t, either

    at one or more 'i$(rete fau%t$ or 52 'i$tri5ute' $train o1er the

    wi'th of the forear( 5a$in.

    Sei$mi( ref%e(tion $e(tion$ from man2 )art$ of the 5a$in

    fa1our %o(a%ie' fau%tin in the forear( 5a$in, $in(e 'eformation

    of Late -eoene $e'iment$ i$ enera%%2 (onfine' to the narrow

    one (%o$e to the ea$tern (oa$t$ of the forear( i$%an'$ whi(h wa$

    name' the Mentawai /au%t 52 Diament et al. @@#0. =owe1er,

    the now numerou$ )u5%i$he' imae$ of thi$ feature o5taine' on

    (ro$$in$ re)orte' 52 8ari et al. @9!0, Diament et al. @@#0

    /i. #.a0, Ma%o' & 8ema% @@0 an' S(h%fiter et al. #!!#0

    /i. #.50 an' the e6(e%%ent mu%ti(hanne% imaer2 o5taine'

    52 the S(ri))$ In$titution of O(eanora)h2 SIO0 $outh of

    -ia$ /i. #.70, in'i(ate a 1er2 (om)%e6 an' 1aria5%e $tru(ture.

    Con$i'era5%e un(ertaintie$ remain a$ to it$ true nature. On $ome

    $ei$mi( $e(tion$ e.. Diament et al. @@#0 it a))ear$ to 5e a

    $im)%e fau%te' anti(%ine, whi%e in other area$ the one of wea"ne$$

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    ha$ 5een e6)%oite' 52 $ha%e 'ia)ir$ whi(h (on(ea% fun'amenta%

    $tru(ture$ Mi%$om et al. @@:0. *he e6treme %inearit2 ha$ 5een

    u$e' a$ an arument for a fun'amenta%%2 tran$(urrent ro%e

    Sieh & -atawi'aa #!!!0 5ut $u5$i'en(e of the forear( 5a$in

    an' e%e1ation of the forear( ri'e im)%2 either norma% or thru$t

    (om)onent$. Where it emere$ on %an', in $outhea$tern -ia$, the

    fau%t wa$ inter)rete' 52 Samue% & =ar5ur2 @@0 a$ an oriina%%2

    e6ten$iona% fau%t that ha$ $uffere' %io(ene to Re(ent $u5'u(tionre%ate'

    in1er$ion. Sinifi(ant tran$(urrent mo1ement wa$ rear'e'

    a$ im)ro5a5%e. Intere$tin%2, howe1er, $ei$mi( $e(tion )re$ente'

    52 S(h%titer et al. #!!#0 /i. #.50 $how$ the 'i$tur5an(e

    a$ ha1in mo1e' awa2 from the %an'war' $i'e of the forear(

    ri'e whi(h i$ it$e%f framente' in thi$ reion $ee /i. 3.0 to a

    N? ? ? ? r a0

    % i . . . . . . . . @ #.:

    Seismic sections from Diament et al. @@#0 ?

    /i. #.. a0 Inter)rete' $in%e>(hanne% $ei$mi( ref%e(tion

    $e(tion$ a(ro$$ the Mentawai /au%t in the $outhern )art of

    the Sumatra forear( 5a$in after Diament et al. @@#0. Line

    %o(ation$ a$ $hown. 50 Mu%ti>(hanne% $ei$mi( ref%e(tion

    $e(tion a(ro$$ the Mentawai /au%t $outh of Enano, after

    S(h%titer et al. #!!#0. Lo(ation $hown on a0. *he reater

    )enetration a(hie1e' on the more re(ent $ur1e2 $ue$t$ a

    tran$(urrent oriin for the feature whi(h, in the near52

    $outhernmo$t $in%e>(hanne% $e(tion, a))ear$ to 5e a

    $im)%e fau%te' anti(%ine.


    /i. #.7. SIO Line 4#>43, $howin the Mentawai /au%t

    imme'iate%2 $outh of -ia$. Se(tion )ro1i'e' 52 S(ri))$

    In$titution of O(eanora)h2.

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    )o$ition within the forear( 5a$in. *hi$ fa(t, an' the imae it$e%f,

    are more (om)ati5%e with tran$(urrent than 1erti(a% motion.

    In'ee', S(h%titer et al. #!!#0 $ue$te' that the tran$(urrent

    fun(tion of the Sumatran /au%t miht 5e in the )ro(e$$ of

    $hiftin to the Mentawai /au%t. *hi$ i$ an attra(ti1e h2)othe$i$

    5ut 'iffi(u%t to re(on(i%e with the $ue$tion 52 Sieh &

    -atawi'aa #!!!0 that the tota% off$et on the Sumatran /au%t i$

    rather $ma%%, 'e$)ite the a5un'ant e1i'en(e in(%u'in o((a$iona%

    %are earth+ua"e$ Hntun et al. @9:0 for re(ent an' (ontinuin

    off$et$ a%on it.

    A further (om)%i(ation i$ intro'u(e' 52 a )o$$i5%e re%ation$hi)

    5etween the Mentawai /au%t an' the Batee /au%t. *he %atter i$ a

    'e6tra% $)%a2 from the Sumatran /au%t that tren'$ off$hore

    near the Ban2a" I$%an'$ an' wa$ inter)rete' 52 8ari et al.

    @9!0 a$ 'i$)%a(in or terminatin the Mentawai /au%t near

    -ia$ /i. #.0. *he Mentawai /au%t i$ often $hown a$ either

    en'in near -ia$ e.. Diament et al. @@#0 or merin with the

    Batee /au%t, 5ut a 1er2 $tron ra1it2 ra'ient in'i(ate$ a maor

    $tru(tura% 'i$(ontinuit2 5etween the two we$ternmo$t i$%an'$ in

    the Ban2a" rou) $ee /i. 3.:0. *hi$ i$ rouh%2 the )o$ition

    where a Mentawai /au%t (ontinuation wou%' 5e e6)e(te' if

    the Batee /au%t were not )re$ent. Moreo1er, the e6i$ten(e of

    Mentawai>t2)e $tru(ture$ $ti%% further north ha$ 5een (onfirme'

    52 Iart et al. @@40 an' 52 Ma%o' & 8ema% @@0 u$in

    $in%e>(hanne% ref%e(tion 'ata.

    A''itiona% in$iht$ into the ro%e of the Mentawai /au%t in

    the Enano area were )ro1i'e' in June #!!! 52 an Mw 7.@ earth+ua"e

    fo%%owe' 52 a train of $tron after$ho("$ /i. #.:0. an' S

    wa1e $tu'ie$ of the )rimar2 e1ent $ue$te' that thi$ (om)ri$e'

    two $u5e1ent$, in1o%1in $tri"e>$%i) within the In'ian O(ean

    %ate fo%%owe' 52 thru$t motion on the $u5'u(tion fau%t

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    A5er(rom5ie et al. #!!30. *he e1ent$ were too 'ee), an' in the

    wron )%ate, to 5e 'ue to fai%ure on the Mentawai /au%t, 5ut

    the2 'o )ro1i'e im)ortant 'ata on it$ re%ation$hi) to the tran$ition

    5etween the a((retionar2 we'e an' the (ontinenta% marin.

    Mat$on & Moore @@#0 $ue$te' that thi$ tran$ition o((ur$

    near the ea$t (oa$t of -ia$ in the Centra% Domain an' that the

    $u5'u(tion fau%t oriina%%2 rea(he' the $urfa(e in thi$ area. It$

    $u5$e+uent miration o(eanwar'$ wa$ inter)rete' a$ a (on$e+uen(e

    of the 'e1e%o)ment of the a((retionar2 we'e that now

    form$ the forear( ri'e. *hi$ i$ (on$i$tent with the Ma%o' &

    8ema% @@0 inter)retation of the Mentawai /au%t a%on it$

    entire %enth a$ mar"in the tran$ition 5etween the we'e an'

    a rii' 5a("$to) of )re>e6i$tin 5a$ement. On thi$ h2)othe$i$,

    the %inearit2 of the fau%t i$ a (on$e+uen(e of the %inearit2 of the

    oriina% $u5'u(tion tra(e, whi(h wou%', in turn, ha1e 5een (ontro%%e'

    52 the %inearit2 of the former )a$$i1e marin.

    *he $inifi(an(e of the Enano (om)o$ite earth+ua"e to the

    5a("$to) (on(e)t i$ that the S re$u%t$ $hown in /iure #.: in'i(ate

    that in thi$ area, an' )o$$i5%2 on%2 for $hort )erio'$, the a((retionar2

    we'e mo1e$ with the $u5'u(tin )%ate an' mu$t therefore

    (om)re$$ aain$t the 5a("$to), re$u%tin in fo%'in an' re1er$e

    fau%tin. otentia% ener2 $tore' in thi$ fo%'e' an' fau%te' one

    (an 5e re%ea$e' in %are earth+ua"e$ in whi(h the we'e mo1e$

    o(eanwar'$ an' 'eformation near the 5a("$to) i$ re1er$e'. re$uma5%2

    $u(h re1er$a%$ are on%2 )artia%, $o that 'eformation ra'ua%%2

    in(rea$e$. At no )oint in thi$ $ti(">$%i) (2(%e wou%' %are

    earth+ua"e$ ne(e$$ari%2 o((ur within the we'e, 5e(au$e a((rete'

    materia% i$ u$ua%%2 too wea" to $u$tain %are %o(a% $tre$$. Lare

    earth+ua"e$ wi%% therefore 5e a$$o(iate' )rin(i)a%%2 with the

    un$ti("in of the we'e from the 5a("$to) or from the 'ownoin

    $%a5 a%on the main $u5'u(tion thru$t an' with re%ati1e %atera%

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    mo1ement 5etween %o("e' an' un%o("e' $ement$ of

    the forear(. E1ent$ of 5oth t2)e$ a))ear to ha1e o((urre' in

    June #!!!, with the mo1ement 5etween $ement$ of the In'ian

    O(ean )%ate in(rea$in the $tre$$ an' trierin fai%ure a%on

    the $u5'u(tion thru$t A5er(rom5ie et al. #!!30.

    *he re$u%t$ of future S mea$urement$ in the Enano>Ben"u%u

    area there ha1e, unfortunate%2, 5een no mea$urement$ on

    Enano $in(e the earth+ua"e0 are thu$ %i"e%2 to 5e 1er2 'ifferent

    from tho$e o5taine' 5etween @@ an' @@3. Amon$t other

    thin$, the2 (an 5e e6)e(te' to )ro1i'e in$iht$ into the hih%2

    (ontro1er$ia% +ue$tion of the e6tent to whi(h tren(h>)ara%%e%

    motion i$ a((ommo'ate' 52 the Mentawai /au%t. It $eem$ )ro5a5%e

    that the new 1e(tor$ wi%% re$em5%e the 1e(tor$ $hown in

    /iure #.4 for the i$%an'$ north of Si5erut, i.e. the2 wi%% $how

    a%mo$t entire%2 tren(h>)ara%%e% motion, im)%2in a )rimari%2 tran$(urrent

    %on>term fun(tion. *he (hara(teri$ti($ of 5oth the main

    earth+ua"e an' the e6ten$i1e after$ho(" $e+uen(e $ue$t that

    effe(t$ of the Enano reat Earth+ua"e are un%i"e%2 to 5e $een

    in the forear( north of Ben"u%u A5er(rom5ie et al. #!!30, an'

    in fa(t no $u(h effe(t$ ha1e 5een o5$er1e' in )o$t>earth+ua"e

    S $tu'ie$ in the Centra% Domain Bo(" et al. #!!30. If thi$ i$

    the (a$e, then 'anerou$ %e1e%$ of $tre$$ mu$t 5e a((umu%atin

    in the reion from South aai to Si5erut.

    *he June #!!! Enano earth+ua"e wa$ (om)%ete%2 o1er$ha'owe'

    52 the De(em5er #!!4 Simeu%ue e1ent, information on

    whi(h wa$ )o$te' on the -ationa% Earth+ua"e Information

    4 C=A*ER #

    Center we5$ite within a few 'a2$ -EIC #!!:0. *he $ue$te'

    ma6imum 'i$)%a(ement wa$ : m, in a reion where (on1eren(e

    i$ more near%2 orthoona% to the tren(h than it i$ further $outh $ee

    /i$ #. an' #.40. Biarre%2, in 1iew of thi$ %atter fa(t, the re$u%t$

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    from the on%2 S $ite -W of the (hane of $tri"e, on u%au Ba5i

    B on /i. #.40, $ue$t that 'urin the @9@>@@3 )erio' the

    forear( mo1e' $%iht%2 further in a 'ire(tion )ara%%e% to the

    tren(h than 'i' the In'ian O(ean, the $u))o$e' 'ri1er of the

    forear( motion. It a%$o $eem$ that a5out ha%f of the In'ian O(ean

    tren(h>norma% motion wa$ a((ommo'ate' 5etween u%au Ba5i

    an' Sumatra, whi(h i$ %e$$ than at Enano, 5ut mu(h more

    than )re'i(te' 52 $im)%e $%i1er>)%ate mo'e%$. *he motion of

    Simeu%ue, a few ten$ of "i%ometre$ to the -W, miht, of (our$e,

    ha1e 5een 'ifferent 5ut there i$ no 5ath2metri( or other e1i'en(e

    for the )%a(ement 52 -EIC #!!:0 of an e6ten$iona% or an2 other0

    5oun'ar2 to a Burma %ate imme'iate%2 ea$t of u%au Ba5i.

    /au%t>)%ane $o%ution$ for the Simeu%ue earth+ua"e are (on$i$tent

    with either SW>'ire(te' thru$tin 'i))in at a5out ! ? to the

    -E or -E>'ire(te' re1er$e fau%tin 'i))in at a5out 9! ? -EIC

    #!!:0. *he fir$t of the$e i$ mu(h the more %i"e%2, 5ut thru$tin

    on a $urfa(e $o near%2 horionta%, when the Benioff Gone 'i)$ at

    a5out 3! ? in the 1i(init2 of the h2)o(entre, rai$e$ $ome +ue$tion$.

    *he =ar1ar' Centroi' Moment *en$or $o%ution, howe1er, )%a(e$

    the (entroi' we$t of the forear( ri'e an' 5eneath the ea$tern

    wa%% of the tren(h at 3.!@? @4.#? (f. the -EIC e)i(entre at

    3.3!? @:.@E? Sin(e, $u5e(t to error$ intro'u(e' 52 fau%t2 1e%o(it2

    mo'e%$, h2)o(entre$ (orre$)on' to )oint$ of ru)ture intiation

    wherea$ (entroi'$ re)re$ent weihte' a1erae %o(ation$ of

    moment re%ea$e Mere'ith -ett%e$ )er$. (omm. #!!:0, the re$u%t$

    (an 5e inter)rete' a$ 'e$(ri5in an e1ent initiate' in the 1i(init2

    of the Mentawai /au%t an' )ro)aatin o(eanwar'$ an' a%$o

    -W a%on the forear(. *he (om)%e6it2 of $tre$$ )attern$ in the e)i(entra%

    area i$ in'i(ate' 52 the mu%ti)%i(it2 of )re1iou$ $ma%%er

    $ho("$, $ome of whi(h ha' $tri"e>$%i) $o%ution$ an' other$ $o%ution$

    $imi%ar to that of the De(em5er #!!4 e1ent $ee

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    -ew(om5 & M(Cann @97, /i. #0. *he fa(t that the reion

    aroun' the Mentawai /au%t a))ear$ to re$)on' to $tre$$ in 'ifferent

    wa2$ at 'ifferent )%a(e$ an' at 'ifferent time$ i$ (on$i$tent with the

    fau%t it$e%f 5ein the e6)re$$ion of a fun'amenta% eo%oi(a% 'i$(ontinuit2

    rather than a $im)%e 5rea" throuh an e$$entia%%2 homoeneou$

    ro(" ma$$.

    *he Simeu%ue e1ent a%$o $)e(ta(u%ar%2 (onfirme' the e6treme

    $ementation of the forear(. After$ho("$ o((urre' a%on #!!

    "m of the ar(, from the $ite of the main $ho(" a$ far a$ the northern

    ti) of the An'aman$, 5ut there wa$ 1irtua%%2 no a(ti1it2 to the SE

    -EIC #!!:0. *he 5ath2metri( hih northwe$t of Simeu%ue where

    the e)i(entre wa$ %o(ate' ma2 therefore 5e the $urfa(e e6)re$$ion

    of a 'i$(ontinuit2 $imi%ar to tho$e a$$o(iate' with the Ban2a" an'

    Batu hih$ further $outh. *he e6tent$ of reat Earth+ua"e ru)ture$

    are $tron%2 (orre%ate' with the e6tent$ of 'ee) marine 5a$in$

    5etween Sumatra an' the forear( ri'e an', i1en that the -W

    %imit of the ru)ture one of the 9 e1ent wa$ not at Simeu%ue

    5ut at the Ban2a" I$%an'$ -ew(om5 & M(Cann @970, it $eem$

    )o$$i5%e that $tre$$ i$ $ti%% 5ui%'in u) in a Simeu%ue Ba$in

    $ement, to 5e (ata$tro)hi(a%%2 re%ea$e' at $ome time in the not

    too 'i$tant future.

    $ertical movements

    It i$ more 'iffi(u%t to monitor 1erti(a% mo1ement$ with S than

    horionta% mo1ement$, 5oth 5e(au$e of the enera%%2 $ma%%er

    'i$)%a(ement$ an' 5e(au$e the a((ura(2 i$ inherent%2 %ower.

    At )re$ent, more re%ia5%e e$timate$ of rate$ of 1erti(a% motion

    are 5ein o5taine' 52 o5$er1in $hort>term (hane$ in re%ati1e

    $ea %e1e%. -atawi'aa et al. #!!!0 $tu'ie' the $u5meren(e an'

    emeren(e of (ora%$ an' 'e'u(e' a )attern of )rore$$i1e

    %an'war' ti%tin of the forear( ri'e, with u)%ift within a5out

    : "m of the tren(h a6i$ an' $u5$i'en(e at a%% reater 'i$tan(e$.

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    In$tantaneou$ 1erti(a% mo1ement$ of ten$ of (entimetre$ a$$o(iate'

    with %are earth+ua"e$ were $u)erim)o$e' on thi$ )attern.

    In'i1i'ua% i$%an'$ in the northern )art of the forear( often re(or'

    $imi%ar ti%tin. I$%et$ $hown on Dut(h (o%onia% ma)$ a$ )rote(tin

    Sina5an har5our, at the ea$tern en' of the north (oa$t of Simeu%ue

    S in /i. #.40, are now )ermanent%2 $u5mere', an' )a%m tree$

    are '2in a%on mu(h of the (oa$t a$ $a%t water in1a'e$ the $oi%

    aroun' their root$. Muara Si5erut, the main town on Si5erut

    MS on /i. #.40, i$ reu%ar%2 f%oo'e' at hih ti'e an' $ome

    near52 off$hore i$%an'$ (on$i$t entire%2 of manro1e$ with

    their root$ $u5mere' e1en at %ow ti'e.

    On -ia$ the $ituation i$ more (om)%i(ate', $in(e the we$t (oa$t

    (an 5e 'i1i'e' into two 1er2 'ifferent $e(tor$. In the north the

    (oa$ta% reion i$ f%at an' $wam)2 an' the 5ea(h i$ 5roa' an'

    ent%2 $%o)in, 5ut in the $outh there are (%iff$ :!>!! m hih

    an' the $ea f%oor $he%1e$ $tee)%2. *hi$ $e(tion of the (oa$t%ine i$

    (on(a1e $eawar'$ an' a))ear$ to 5e a $(ar) (reate' 52 fai%ure of

    an un$ta5%e $%o)e $ee /i. #.0. *he re%ati1e%2 %ow ra1it2 fie%'

    a%on the (oa$t an' off$hore $ee /i. 3.:0 $ue$t$ %o$$ of ma$$

    from thi$ reion an' a%$o $u))ort$ the (on(e)t of fai%ure of a

    $%o)e that ha$ 5een u)%ifte' to un$u$taina5%e e%e1ation$. On

    the o))o$ite ea$tern0 $i'e of the i$%an', ri1er$ ha1e 5een in(i$e'

    in narrow 1a%%e2$ to 'e)th$ of :>! m within a 5roa' (oa$ta%

    )%ain ea$t of the Mentawai /au%t, $ue$tin re(ent an' ra)i'

    u)%ift, 5ut further north there i$ e1i'en(e of 5oth u)%ift an'


    *he u)%ift of the (oa$ta% )%ain on -ia$ (ou%' ha1e 5een a$$o(iate'

    with reat earth+ua"e$. Ga(haria$en et al. @@@0 inter)rete'

    the re$u%t$ of a 'etai%e' $tu'2 of (ora% hea'$ e6)o$e' aroun'

    the Mentawai I$%an'$ of Si)ora an' -orth an' South aai,

    $outh of Si5erut, a$ re(or'in a$ei$mi( $u5$i'en(e fo%%owe' 52

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    (o>$ei$mi( u)%ift re%ate' to the reat earth+ua"e of 933. In thi$

    area, an' in (ontra$t to area$ further north, 5oth a$ei$mi( an'

    (o>$ei$mi( mo1ement$ a))ear to ha1e in1o%1e' ti%tin towar'$

    the tren(h. De'u(in %on>term reiona% 'i$)%a(ement )attern$

    from mea$urement$ of mo1ement$ o1er a few 2ear$, or e1en

    o1er ten$ of 2ear$, i$ (%ear%2 ne1er oin to 5e a $im)%e e6er(i$e.

    Note added in proof

    *he earth+ua"e a(ti1it2 in the (entra% Sumatra forear( 5etween #

    De(em5er #!!4 an' the en' of A)ri% #!!: i$ $ummarie' in /iure

    #.9. *he fir$t four )%ot$ $how how the $ei$mi(it2 a$$o(iate' with

    the # De(em5er e1ent ra'ua%%2 'ie' awa2 'urin the $u((ee'in

    three month$. It i$ (%ear that e1en a$ %ate a$ Mar(h #!!:, the

    maorit2 of e1ent$ were )art of the after$ho(" $e+uen(e.

    =owe1er, on #9 Mar(h #!!: there wa$ a further reat Earth+ua"e,

    with an e)i(entre u$t we$t of the Ban2a" I$%an'$ an' an e$timate'

    manitu'e of 9.. *he 'i$tri5ution of after$ho("$ to thi$ e1ent in'i(ate'

    that ru)ture e6ten'e' throuhout the who%e of the reion

    5etween the Ban2a"$ an' the De(em5er # e)i(entre. It wa$, in

    fa(t, 5ein +uite wi'e%2 )re'i(te' in the fir$t few month$ of

    #!!: that thi$ wou%' 5e where the ne6t 5rea" wou%' o((ur.

    =owe1er, an' une6)e(te'%2, the one of after$ho("$ a%$o e6ten'e'

    $outh a$ far a$ the Batu I$%an'$ /i. #.9e0. It $eem$ therefore that

    not on%2 ha' the %a$t remainin $ement that ha' no hi$tori( re(or'

    of reat Earth+ua"e$ fai%e', 5ut that the $ement that ru)ture' in

    9 mo1e' with it.

    /au%t )%ane $o%ution$ 52 5oth the -EIC an' the =ar1ar' rou)

    in'i(ate' a $ha%%ow thru$t, at an e1en $ma%%er an%e of 'i) than

    ha' 5een the (a$e the )re1iou$ De(em5er. On(e aain, mo1ement

    $eem$ to ha1e 5een initiate' (%o$e to where the Mentawai /au%t

    a$$ume' to 5e near 1erti(a%0 wou%' rea(h the $u5'u(tion fau%t at

    'e)th, an' on(e aain there wa$ a $inifi(ant 'i$)%a(ement

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    5etween the (a%(u%ate' )o$ition$ of the e)i(entre an' the (entroi'.

    In thi$ (a$e, howe1er, the (entroi' %a2 $outh rather than we$t of the


    ? ? ?%( ? F De(em5er # > De(em5er 3, #!!4 I

    o#/#- o o-%: %o/ !3% / 333333 /I

    ,o. E7>

    ?0 .....

    o -3 : I

    !o F F F ..................................................... ............ .....

    a 6 ! 6

    . . . . ? o >, a,,,i,,,,?., #!o$%

    3 o , ........... ...............

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    o o ? ...............? ............... .......... ............. F Eebruary% 7&&Q

    & ................... ? ...............>..?. , . ,

    . . . . . ., . ? . . . . . . ..................... .................. ........... ...............X .. ................? . 3

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ? ? ? Mar(h > Mar(h #7. #!!:

    o .? ,.? o

    . . . . . . . . . . O ? . . . . . . . . . . . R .................P.. ...... ? ,4-

    2 > >l

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 33333333333333333333>333 33373

    .C. 0. . . . ?. . . . . ? .............A. )r i % ! > A)ri%3!, #!!:


    # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ........................?., .... ............ F ........ io?

    . . . . oo .............................#.?.. ..

    I /; ? ? .....?. .............,..,..?... ,? ?F %

    /i. #.9. Centra% Sumatra $ei$mi(it2,

    De(em5er # #!!4 to A)ri% 3! #!!:.

    E)i(entre$ )%otte' from (ata%oue$ a1ai%a5%e

    on the Internet from htt)FNN

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    www.n'(.noaa.o1. -ote that the )erio'$

    (o1ere' $hown in the to) fiht han' (orner

    of ea(h 'iaram0 are not of uniform %enth,

    5ein 'i(tate' in )art 52 the 'ate$ of

    initiation of $inifi(ant earth+ua"e $warm$.

    *he (ir(%e$ (orre$)on'in to the -EIC

    e)i(entre$ of the two reat Earth+ua"e$ in

    )%ot$ a an' e0 are $ha'e' an' the %o(ation$ of

    the (entroi'$ of their =ar1ar' CM*

    $o%ution$ are in'i(ate' 52 fau%t>)%ane

    $o%ution 5ea(h5a%%$.

    e)i(entre, an' wa$ $ti%% a (on$i'era5%e 'i$tan(e from the tren(h.

    A%$o, an' a$ miht ha1e 5een e6)e(te' in 1iew of the $ma%%er manitu'e

    of the $ho(", an' hen(e the )ro5a5%e $ma%%er wi'th of the

    $%i) one, the 'i$)%a(ement 5etween (entroi' an' h2)o(entre

    wa$ (on$i'era5%2 %e$$ than in De(em5er. *he reater 'i$tan(e of

    the (entroi' from the tren(h, toether with the $ma%%er manitu'e,

    ma2 5e $uffi(ient e6)%anation for the mu(h $ma%%er a$$o(iate'

    t$unami, whi(h wa$ on%2 a5out 3 metre$ hih on e6)o$e' (oa$t$

    of -ia$ an' Simeu%ue an' 'e(rea$e' ra)i'%2 in am)%itu'e at

    more remote %o(ation$. It i$ a%$o )o$$i5%e that $u5marine $%i'e$,

    whi(h ma2 ha1e (ontri5ute' to the 'e$tru(ti1e )ower the De(em5er

    wa1e, 'i' not o((ur in Mar(h 5e(au$e of the a5$en(e of an2

    remainin )otentia%%2 un$ta5%e $%o)e$. *he after$ho(" $e+uen(e

    /iure$ #.9e an' f0 wa$ nota5%e for 5ein mu(h more tiht%2 (on$traine'

    to the reion imme'iate%2 5eneath the forear( ri'e than

    ha' 5een the (a$e fo%%owin the De(em5er e1ent.

    A new train of e1ent$ 5ean $ti%% further $outh an' u$t $eawar'

    of Muara Si5erut in the fo%%owin wee"$. *here were a few re%ati1e%2

    wea" $ho("$ in thi$ area in the )erio' imme'iate%2 after

    Mar(h #9 /iure #9e0, 5ut the fir$t maor e1ent MwT.70 too"

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    )%a(e on A)ri% !, an' wa$ fo%%owe' three +uarter$ of an hour

    %ater 52 another $tron MwT.:0 $ho(". On(e aain, the Mentawai

    /au%t a))ear$ to ha1e (ontro%%e' the %o(ation at whi(h

    fai%ure wa$ initiate'. Both e1ent$ were (om)re$$iona% 5ut, in (ontra$t

    to the two reat Earth+ua"e$, the $%i) )%ane$ were mu(h

    $tee)er from 3! ? to !? *here fo%%owe' numerou$ wea"er

    e1ent$ in the $ame area 5ut, aain in (ontra$t to the )attern a$$o(iate'

    with the reat Earth+ua"e$, there wa$ no $inifi(ant ru)ture

    )ro)aation /i. #9f0. It i$ to 5e ho)e' that the earth+ua"e$ in

    thi$ i$o%ate' (%u$ter wi%% )ro1e to 5e the %a$t maor e1ent$ in the

    (urrent )ha$e of $outhwar'>)ro)aatin uni))in of $u5'u(tion

    we$t of Sumatra.


    ?he gravity field


    Data sources

    *he ra1it2 fie%' of Sumatra an' the $urroun'in marine area$ i$

    $hown in /iure 3.. Contour$ in the on$hore area of Bouuer

    ra1it2, 5ut off$hore are of free>air ra1it2. *errain (orre(tion$

    ha1e not 5een a))%ie'. A%thouh marine ra1it2 mea$urement$

    ha1e 5een ma'e in the forear( 5a$in an' e%$ewhere on a num5er

    of re$ear(h (rui$e$ e.. 8ie("hefer et al. @90, the 'ata from

    the$e enera%%2 wi'e%2 $)a(e' %ine$ ha1e not 5een u$e' in )re)arin

    the ma)$ 5e(au$e free>air ra1it2 1a%ue$ o5taine' from

    in1er$ion of $ate%%ite ra'ar a%timetr2 )ro1i'e more $2$temati(

    (o1erae an' (an re$o%1e anoma%ie$ with wi'th$ of a$ %itt%e a$

    7 "m San'we%% & Smith @@70. *he on$hore an' $ate%%ite'eri1e'

    off$hore 'ata were mat(he' at (oa$t%ine$ without un'ue

    'iffi(u%t2, a$ $hou%' 5e the (a$e 5e(au$e 5oth free>air an'

    Bouuer (orre(tion$ are ero at $ea %e1e%. =owe1er, ra'ient$

    ten' to 5e $tee) at the (oa$t$ in the forear( reion, )art%2

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    5e(au$e of the (hane from free>air ra1it2, whi(h i$ $tron%2

    (orre%ate' with %o(a% 5ath2metr2, to Bouuer ra1it2, whi(h i$ (orre(te'

    for %o(a% to)ora)h2.

    /iure 3.# $how$ the %o(ation$ of the on$hore $tation$ u$e' in

    )re)arin /iure 3., 5ut not of the off$hore e$timate$, 'i$tri5ute'

    on a reu%ar # minute ri'. On$hore 'ata were o5taine' from a

    1ariet2 of $our(e$, 5ut unfortunate%2 the re$u%t$ of the man2

    'etai%e' ra1it2 $ur1e2$ (arrie' out 52 oi% (om)anie$ remain

    (onfi'entia%. *he %are$t $in%e a1ai%a5%e 'ata $et wa$ a$$em5%e'

    a$ )art of the (o%%a5oration 5etween the Briti$h eo%oi(a%

    Sur1e2 BS0 an' the eo%oi(a% Re$ear(h an' De1e%o)ment

    Centre RDC0 'urin the )erio' @99>@@:. A%mo$t a%% of

    Sumatra $outh of the e+uator wa$ (o1ere' at a re(onnai$$an(e

    %e1e%, a%thouh there are $inifi(ant a)$ in a few area$ where

    a((e$$ wou%' ha1e 5een e$)e(ia%%2 'iffi(u%t. In a''ition to the

    Sumatra main%an', mea$urement$ were ma'e on Ban"a an'

    Bi%%iton i$%an'$ in the northea$t an' the Mentawai i$%an'$ in the

    we$t /i. 3.#0. RDC ha1e )u5%i$he' numerou$ Bouuer

    ma)$ at F#:! !!! $(a%e $howin (ontour$, enera%%2 at # ma%

    inter1a%$, an' $tation %o(ation$. *here are a%$o two $ummar2

    ma)$ at !!! !!! $(a%e a'an an' a%em5an $heet$0, (ontoure'

    at : ma% inter1a%$ an' without $tation )o$ition$. *errain

    (orre(tion$, of u) to # ma%, were a))%ie' in )re)arin the

    $ummar2 ma)$ 5ut were not u$e' for an2 of the F#:! !!! 'etai%e'

    ma)$. *he two 1er$ion$ of Bouuer ra1it2 are therefore $%iht%2

    'ifferent in the mountainou$ area$ (%o$e to the Sumatran /au%t

    5ut ra'ient$ in the$e area$ are in an2 (a$e $tee), an' o1era%%

    )attern$ are 1er2 $imi%ar.

    Co1erae north of the e+uator, )rin(i)a%%2 52 RDC an'

    LEMIAS the In'one$ian etro%eum Re$ear(h In$titute0, i$ %e$$

    (om)%ete than in the $outh 5ut i$ )rore$$in ra)i'%2. Moreo1er,

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    Ja)ane$e uni1er$itie$ wor"in 5etween @77 an' @7@ o5taine'

    'ata a%on man2 of the more im)ortant roa'$ in the La"e *o5a

    area /i. 3.#0. In the northern forear( LEMIAS (o%%a5orate'

    with the Hni1er$it2 of Lon'on in $ur1e2$ of a%% of the maor

    i$%an'$ Mi%$om et al. @@0. Station$ were main%2 a%on the

    (oa$t$, e6(e)t on -ia$. LEMIASNHofL $tation$ on Si5erut

    were re$tri(te' to the $outhea$tern (orner, 5ut the i$%an' wa$

    $u5$e+uent%2 (o1ere' at a re(onnai$$an(e %e1e% 52 RDC.

    In @@ an' @@#, $tation$ were e$ta5%i$he' a%on maor roa'$

    throuhout Sumatra 52 BA8OSHR*A-AL, the In'one$ian

    eo'eti( $ur1e2 authorit2. A ma) $howin the %o(ation$ of the

    BA8OSHR*A-AL $tation$ an' Bouuer ra1it2 (ontour$ after

    the a))%i(ation of a $e1ere hih>(ut fi%ter ha$ 5een (ir(u%ate'

    on a 1er2 %imite' 5a$i$, 5ut the$e $tation$ are not in(%u'e' in

    /iure 3.#. An unfi%tere' 5ut 1er2 $ma%% $(a%e 1er$ion of the

    BA8OSHR*A-AL Bouuer ma) wa$ )u5%i$he' 52 8a'ir et al.

    @@0, an' the 'ata ma2 a%$o ha1e 5een u$e' 52 RDC in )re)arin

    the F!!!!!!! Bouuer anoma%2 ma) of In'one$ia

    So5ari et at. @@30. BA8OSHR*A-AL Bouuer 1a%ue$ aroun'

    the *o5a (a%'era are enera%%2 !>#!ma% hiher than tho$e

    re)orte' 52 the Ja)ane$e rou)$, a 'ifferen(e )ro5a5%2 'ue to

    the %a(" of terrain (orre(tion$ in the Ja)ane$e wor".

    *he on$hore (ontour$ in /iure 3. are 5a$e' on a(tua% )oint

    ra1it2 'ata where a1ai%a5%e, $u))%emente' where ne(e$$ar2 52

    1a%ue$ e$timate' at "nown BA8OSHR*A-AL $tation )o$ition$

    u$in the (ontour$ of 8a'ir et al. @@0. A((ura(2 i$ ine1ita5%2

    %ow where thi$ ha$ 5een 'one, an' e1en $o $ome $inifi(ant a)$

    remain. *he )ro5%em of ma"in fu%% u$e of oo' reiona% (o1erae

    where thi$ e6i$t$ an' at the $ame time 'i$)%a2in in an a((e)ta5%e

    wa2 the re$u%t$ of inter)o%ation a(ro$$ %arer a)$ ha$ 5een

    a''re$$e' 52 o1er%a2in the ma) 5a$e' on a re%ati1e%2 fine

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    !. ? ri', whi(h i$ 5%an" in area$ of ina'e+uate (o1erae, on a

    ma) )ro'u(e' u$in a mu(h (oar$er ri' an' a reater 'eree of

    inter)o%ation. *hi$ i$ o51iou$%2 un$ati$fa(tor2 a$ a +uantitati1e

    metho', 5ut /iure 3. i$ inten'e' to 5e u$e' on%2 +ua%itati1e%2

    an' the enera% )attern$ (an 5e (on$i'ere' $uffi(ient%2 we%% e$ta5%i$he'

    to $u))ort reiona% inter)retation. It i$ u$t )o$$i5%e on

    /iure 3. to i'entif2 'i$(ontinuitie$ in the (o%our )attern$ at the

    e'e$ of area$ where the (oar$e ri' ha$ 5een u$e'.

    E6ten'in /iure 3. to in(%u'e Bi%%iton ha$ 5rouht we$tern

    Ja1a within the 5oun'arie$ of the ma). *he 'ata u$e' were

    o5taine' in @7! 52 the BS, wor"in in (onun(tion with the

    eo%oi(a% Sur1e2 of In'one$ia. *he re$u%t$ of re(ent more

    'etai%e' wor" on Ja1a 52 RDC are not $hown 5ut are enera%%2

    (om)ati5%e with the BS $ur1e2.

    ,egional gravity patterns

    *he mo$t )rominent feature$ in /iure 3. are off$hore. ra1it2

    hih$ with north>$outh or --E>SSW tren'$ are a$$o(iate'

    with fra(ture one$ an' $eamount (hain$ on the In'ian O(ean

    %ate an' the$e (ontro% the )o$ition$ of in'i1i'ua% (u%mination$

    on the 5roa' f%e6ura% hih at the outer marin of the Sumatra

    *ren(h. *wo 'ee) -W>SE>tren'in free>air %ow$, a$$o(iate'

    re$)e(ti1e%2 with the tren(h an' the forear( 5a$in, inter1ene

    5etween thi$ o(eani( 'omain an' the Sumatran main%an' an'

    are $e)arate' from ea(h other 52 a hih a%on the forear( ri'e.

    *he %ow o1er the tren(h e6i$t$ 5e(au$e the ma$$ 'efi(it of the

    water (o%umn i$ not in %o(a% i$o$tati( e+ui%i5rium 5ut i$ 5a%an(e'

    e%a$ti(a%%2 52 the off$et ma$$ of the $u5'u(tin $%a5.

    A%thouh the a1ai%a5%e ra1it2 (o1erae i$ mu(h %e$$ (om)%ete

    north of the e+uator than in the $outh, there (an 5e no 'ou5tin

    the e6i$ten(e of fun'amenta% 'ifferen(e$ 5etween SE an' -W

    Sumatra. In the $outh the Bari$an mountain$ are a$$o(iate' with

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    a narrow, 'i$(ontinuou$ an' rather wea" Bouuer %ow that,

    where it e6i$t$, (oin(i'e$ +uite )re(i$e%2 with the a6i$ of the

    mountain rane, 5ut in the north the %ow 'ee)en$ an' e6)an'$ to

    RA;I* /IELD 7

    /i. 3.. *he ra1it2 fie%' of Sumatra an' the $urroun'in $ea$, 5a$e' on 'ata from $our(e$

    'i$(u$$e' in the te6t. Contour$ are of free>air ra1it2 off$hore an' Bouuer

    ra1it2 on$hore. *he Bouuer re'u(tion 'en$it2 i$ #.7 M m >3. /aint white (ontour$ are

    5ath2metr2, at #!! m an' at inter1a%$ of :!! m thereafter, from the EBCO 'iita%

    at%a$ )re)are' 52 the Briti$h O(eanora)hi( Data Centre. *he (ontinuou$ 5%a(" %ine runnin the

    %enth of Sumatra mar"$ the a))ro6imate $urfa(e tra(e of the Sumatran /au%t.

    *he 2e%%ow %ine (ro$$in the forear( 5a$in near the e+uator mar"$ the %o(ation of the inter)rete'

    )rofi%e of /iure 3.. *he 5%a(" out%ine$ en(%o$in the %etter$ O an' B

    in'i(ate the %o(ation$ of the ra1it2 $ur1e2$ of the Om5i%in an' Ben"u%u 5a$in$ $hown in

    /iure$ 3.3 an' 3.4 re$)e(ti1e%2. *he %etter B a%$o in'i(ate$ the a))ro6imate

    )o$ition of the town of Ben"u%u. *S an' * in'i(ate, re$)e(ti1e%2, La"e *o5a in(%u'in Samo$ir

    I$%an'0 an' La"e *awar. *he %etter$ I/G at a5out @7 ? 3!E mar" the (entra%

    trouh of the In1e$tiator /ra(ture Gone. *he in$et $how$ the EM>*3 %on wa1e%enth ra1it2

    fie%' in the Sumatra reion $ee Ler(h et al. @@40.

    9 C=A*ER 3

    = 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 % 2 2 o / I o >,

    E .EL/ Ft !# SOH*. SE , !9 E

    >-. Z?.,, ? &7. 0?

  • 8/10/2019 Society Books Reviewing Procedures


    ,#,,~ ~ .... .22 ? t ? >>, F F>F> . @

    .?>F. .. >F. >r;77? >? ?# ? ?

    ? ?F.,FFF i Ff,. .?. ..F7?. !

    ? 3 ? ? , , ? FF . . . . . ? . t . , . . . . ..(.. < ??a4 ,?.?K .. ?N S?= EL/

    .??. 0I8? FF t F % % % a m a % % ( $ ?? ? > FF ,?FF,.1>J

    Z .F. ,?. F $

    -t! tAU@-'/ ; ;V />2/>-Q /%tP/R-F/F - / / a3/%>2>2!%4 3333 %4 33333 >R

    # 3 ! - .. ...................... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .? 1 .r > F ? ? OCEA- K ?


    @,E @3! I

    . . . . . . .

    /i. 3.#. Di$tri5ution of reiona% ra1it2 $tation$ on Sumatra an' the a'a(ent i$%an'$. In$etF the

    ra1it2 fie%' of Simeu%ue, $howin %o(ation$ of the $ma%% e6)o$ure$ of

    o)hio%iti( ro("$.

    o((u)2 mo$t of the wi'th of the i$%an' /i. 3.0. ;a%ue$ 5e%ow

    >! ma% are a$$o(iate' with the *o5a (a%'era an' with an

    e1en 'ee)er %ow or, rather, a 'ee)er (u%mination of the $ame

    %ow0 that o((ur$ farther north an' e6ten'$ a$ far a$ La"e *awar

    $ee /i$ 3. an' 3.#0. *he un(tion 5etween the two ra1it2

    )ro1in(e$ a))ro6imate%2 a%on a %ine runnin --W from

    Ben"u%u0 'oe$ not (orre$)on' to an2 of the terrane 5oun'arie$

    re(onie' in )u5%i$he' a((retion mo'e%$ of Sumatra (f.

    u%unono & Cameron @940 or to tho$e i'entifie' in Cha)ter

    4, an' ma2 ref%e(t entire%2 )o$t>ama%amation )ro(e$$e$. It i$,

    howe1er, a%$o )o$$i5%e that a maor 5ut hitherto unre(onie'

    $uture i$ 5ein re(or'e' 52 the

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