soho healthfest 2020 speakers - senpa · 2020-04-17 · brenda watson sponsored by vital planet...

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SOHO Healthfest 2020 Speakers

Terry Lemerond Luncheon Sponsored by Terry Naturally

The Top 10 Natural Medicines I Will Never Go Without Friday, August 14, 2020, 11:00am-3:00pm – Mandalay Ballroom

Science has proven that there are truly powerful, highly effective natural medicines for a wide variety of health concerns, including arthritis, heart disease, cancer, dermatitis, sinusitis, diabetes, infectious diseases, pain, and inflammatory conditions. In this presentation, natural product expert Terry Lemerond will discuss clinically proven ingredients like boswellia, curcumin, grape seed extract, andrographis, hintonia, ashwagandha, and comfrey that provide superior benefits without the adverse effects of drugs. He will share the most recent research and best practices to help you meet your customer’s most serious health needs. Speaker Bio: Terry Lemerond is a natural health expert with over 45 years of experience. He has owned health food stores, founded dietary supplement companies, and formulated over 400 products. As a published author and radio program host, Terry is in demand as a guest speaker and media commentator on natural health. His continual dedication, energy, and zeal are part of his on-going mission — to improve the health of America.

Retail Roundtable/Open Forum Sponsored by SENPA Renee Southard, Moderator Friday, August 14, 2020, 3:15pm-4:45pm – Mandalay Ballroom

Renee will lead attendees through discussions on best business practices. Discussion will include current advertising trends, current competition strategies, and much more. Bring your thoughts and ideas!

Jerilyn Bristow & Michael Schwartz Dinner Sponsored by Michael’s

True Naturopathy: Supporting the Body’s Ability to Heal Itself Friday, August 14, 2020, 5:00pm-7:00pm – Mandalay Ballroom

Jerilyn will discuss traditional naturopathic philosophies like:

• Do no harm

• Don’t block bodily transactions

• Nourish the feedback system

• Support the natural healing capabilities

• Emphasis on minerals and supportive nutrients The general premise will be a “back to our roots” discussion about supporting the body and its systems with nutrients that nourish its ability to heal itself. Michael will discuss the symbolic significance of nutrients: He will build upon his book, Health and Disease Symbology, as well as his naturopathic experience and knowledge of the relationship between emotions, nutrition, and health. Michael will connect the physical, spiritual, and emotional showing how a holistic approach to each of these can connect us to better health and healthier lives. Both speakers will be available for Q&A Speaker Bios: Jerilyn Bristow has lived and worked in the natural health industry for almost 25 years. She started her journey through her own health issues. She was trained in Naturopathy at the Clayton College of Natural Health and received her Herbal Apprentice certificate from the NC Herbal Studies program in Asheville, NC. Jerilyn is especially passionate about local food sourcing, herbal healing, and fermenting her own drinks and food. She also loves teaching others how to navigate their healing options, just as she was taught to navigate hers.

Michael Schwartz, NMD is an author, lecturer and holistic nutritional consultant. He was educated in the workings of the mind as it relates to the creation of one's own personal physical reality. With the understandings of the Universal Principles in hand, Dr. Schwartz changed the course of his life, which led to numerous benefits and experiences, including the founding of his company, MNP (Michael's® Naturopathic Programs).

Brenda Watson Sponsored by Vital Planet

Diversity: The Next Evolution of Probiotics Friday, August 14, 2020, 7:15pm-8:15pm - Windsor Ridge

For years now we have known that many common health issues including weight gain, leaky gut, IBS, skin issues and even mood disorders have been linked to the health of our gut bacteria. We have also known that having a high count or potency of bacteria in the gut has been a focus of many health advocates. Equipped with the latest microbial research, we now know that high bacteria count is only part of what contributes to a healthy gut and that the diversity of the strains found within the digestive system are just as critical to our health. The science is showing that as we evolve as humans, we are losing not only the overall number of bacteria in the gut but also the diversity of the different strains present. This is big news and has a huge impact on our health. Join Brenda Watson as she discusses how to teach your customers not only the importance of probiotics but why strain diversity matters. Speaker Bio: Since 1997 Brenda has dedicated herself to the natural health industry, to producing the highest quality and effective products possible and to the thousands and thousands of consumers she has personally helped get their health back on tract. Her knowledge is surpassed only by her enthusiasm and ability to engage her audience—whatever the medium. Brenda started her journey through discovering how to heal her own health issues with natural remedies. That was the catalyst that has lead Brenda down the path to her passion to help others heal, focusing in on the digestive system. Brenda has personally traveled around the country teaching, educating and lecturing on the significant impact the digestive system has to the rest of the body. Through her books on natural health and her popular Public Television shows, Brenda was able to get the message of digestive health out to millions of people nation-wide. The gut microbiome and the benefit of probiotics has always been a main focus of Brenda’s teachings. In the mid 2000’s she created the first high potency, multi-strain probiotic that many companies produce today. Armed with the latest research on our microbiome, Brenda is back with a new message regarding probiotics.

Rudy Dragone Sponsored by Sigform

Understanding Progesterone & Other Bio-Identical Hormones-How they affect your Health & Wellbeing Friday, August 14, 2020, 8:30pm-9:30pm - Windsor Ridge

Bio-identical hormones are more appealing to the masses when dealing with menopause or andropause because they are derived naturally, and our bodies can metabolize them properly. Come and find out more about Progesterone and Other Bio-identical Hormones, how the body accepts them and how they get your results naturally.

Speaker Bio: Born in Montevideo, Uruguay and raised in Bronx, New York, Rudy Dragone was fascinated with the pharmacist profession as a young boy and landed a job in a pharmacy by the time he was a mere nine-years-old. At the age of 17, Rudy enrolled in The School of Pharmacy and by 21 was the youngest qualified Pharmacist in New York City. Rudy then quickly rose to become the owner of 10 pharmacies in New York. During that time Rudy also learned how bio-identical hormones help heal people and he became a passionate advocate for its role in healthcare. Later in his career, Rudy desired a more quiet life for himself and his family, so he sold his businesses and relocated with his family to Arizona. Today Rudy owns and oversees Clark’s Pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy located in Carefree, Arizona. Physicians from across the globe consult him for his expertise in bio-identical hormones due to his unique, long-standing experience with healthy living through hormonal balance. Rudy is a Professor at the Medical College of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, he provides continued education for doctors, and is one of the country’s preeminent experts and public speakers regarding bio-identical hormones.

Devin Alvarez Breakfast Sponsored by Straight Hemp

Beyond CBD - Hemp's Secret Sauce Saturday, August 15, 2020, 7:30am-9:30am – Mandalay Ballroom

Come learn about the secret sauce powering truly effective hemp products, and how to help consumers pick a product that will deliver results, leading to repeat customers, stronger bottomline and a healthier community. We will go beyond the concept of CBD, and discuss the true "magic" of hemp's medicinal chemistries; we learn about terpenes, the entourage effect, why it matters, and how to pick a great product(s), and some ways to explain it to store staff and consumers in a DSHEA compliant manner. Speaker Bio: Devin is the founder and CEO of Straight Hemp, a leading hemp essential oils products brand known for delivering results to the user. Devin is passionate about delivering the highest quality and most effective products possible, having founded the company in response to the opiate epidemic which tore through his family leaving many dead, he takes this mission very seriously. Possessing a deep background in biotechnology, education, cannabis quality control and formulation, Devin is passionate about educating the marketplace. Devin is passionate about serving our communities with the best remedies nature has to offer and is determined to advance the cause of natural plant based healing. Devin holds an MS in Environmental Science and is a Veteran and Minority Business Owner.

Michael A. Smith, M.D Sponsored by Life Extension

Circadian Rhythms: Secrets of Your Body Clock Revealed Saturday, August 15, 2020, 9:40am-10:40am - Windsor Ridge

Will your health stand the test of time? Discover how your internal clocks affect your health and vitality and how to get them back on track. Attendees will learn:

• About circadian rhythms – the 24-hour ebb and flow of function and behavior. Research

presented will demonstrate the influence healthy circadian rhythms have on health,

vitality, and longevity.

• How healthy internal clocks form the foundation for pillars of healthy aging, such as

restorative sleep, hormone balance, immune function, and blood sugar metabolism.

• How to reset circadian clocks found throughout the body, resulting in restoration of a

healthy bio-rhythm for maximum health.

Speaker Bio: “The country doctor with a city education,” that’s how Dr. Michael A. Smith’s many devoted fans describe him. He’s an author, national spokesperson, and director of education for Life Extension — the world’s leading organization dedicated to helping people stay healthy and live better. Dr. Smith won a 2018 SPOKEies® Award, recognizing his talent and leadership as an industry spokesperson. Dr. Smith is host of the lively health podcast and Facebook show, Live FOREVERish. He is the author of The Supplement Pyramid –How to Build Your Personalized Nutritional Regimen, and has written over 25 e-books, such as Nine Pillars of Weight Loss, Curious about Curcumin, and The Sugar Spike Solution. Dr. Smith is often seen as an expert on broadcast media and was a recurring contributor on The Suzanne Show with Suzanne Somers on the Lifetime Network, a frequent guest on network affiliate morning television shows and is currently seen nationally on numerous Know the Cause health shows on DRTV. He is also heard on various syndicated national health radio shows. He has appeared in multiple publications including Martha Stewart’s Whole Living website,,, Amazing Wellness, Natural Solutions, Better Nutrition, Closer, Nutrition Industry Executive and Natural Practitioner. He has also been a guest lecturer for numerous anti-aging organizations nationwide. A graduate of the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Smith completed an internship in internal medicine at the University of Utah and three years of a residency in radiology at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Jason DuBois Sponsored by Hybrid Remedies

Seasonal Allergies – It’s More Than Just Histamine! Saturday, August 15, 2020, 10:50am-11:50am - Windsor Ridge

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of common chronic illness that affects more than 50 million children and adults in the US today. Most traditional OTC medications only focus on the control of histamine to alleviate the common symptoms. The true cause of allergies come from our own immune response and the real remedies that can help are only found in the health food stores. Join Dr. Jason DuBois, clinical pharmacist and Founder of Hybrid Remedies for an engaging educational lecture about seasonal allergies and how to help your customers breathe better faster without the use of medications. Learn the fundamentals of seasonal allergies and role of your immune system. This season empower your customer with natural options when it comes to seasonal allergies. Participants at this lecture will learn:

• Signs and symptoms of Seasonal allergies

• Common allergen triggers

• Different types of allergies

• Key immune cells involved in the allergic response

• Learn how natural ingredients work within the body to fight the allergy response

• Natural remedies that help with histamine, leukotrienes and immune support

• Compare prescription medication, OTC and natural treatment options

Speaker Bio: Dr. DuBois is a registered clinical pharmacist, educator and Founder of Hybrid Remedies, a natural supplement research and development company. He is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Doctorate degree in Pharmacy. Prior to starting Hybrid Remedies, Dr. DuBois was the lead clinical pharmacist a world-renowned health care institution in NE Florida which specialized in immunology and solid organ transplantation. During his tenure, Dr. DuBois has designed numerous clinical trials and immune protocols and has been a contributing author on several published articles. With over 18 years of pharmacy experience, Dr. DuBois uses his clinical expertise and knowledge of Eastern and Western medicine to help patients safely integrate natural supplements, prescription, and over the counter medications together.

Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom Luncheon Sponsored by Sovereign Silver

Immune System Reset and Gut Recovery with Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol Saturday, August 15, 2020, 12:00pm-2:00pm – Mandalay Ballroom

When it comes to the health and restoration of the gut microbiome, balance is key. The medical literature reveals that the immune system depends on the health of the gut microbiome. It even determines our mood and stress response, hormonal balance, our ability to focus, and determines our overall health. Recent research also demonstrates that a gut-protecting alternative to antibiotics is the use of bioactive forms of silver. Dr. Robert Scott Bell will discuss the safe, ultra-pure and most effective form of bioactive silver and how to use it in combination with other supplements to ensure good gut health, as well as discuss the many uses of Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol for immune support. Speaker Bio: Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner for over 25 years, an author and an expert in silver therapeutics. He served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP 1999-2001) and currently serves on the board at Trinity School of Natural Health. As a keynote speaker, lecturer and educator, he shares his expertise and practical experience with a broad range of audiences from Health Care and Wellness Professional forums, to Natural Industry trade and consumer shows, addressing those who are seeking the depth of his knowledge, education and key insights from his years of holistic practice, supporting effective natural health and healing choices. He hosts the popular Robert Scott Bell Radio Show where he discusses everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative and holistic health care. He travels and lectures to bring the power to heal back where it belongs, with each and every one of you!

Stacey Littlefield Sponsored by Redd Remedies

Breaking the Cycle of Stress, Anxiety & Depression Saturday, August 15, 2020, 2:15pm-3:15pm - Windsor Ridge

From the rapid pace in which we live to concerns about health, family, responsibilities, money or employment… the onslaught of stress and the damaging effects it has on our bodies is real. But there is hope! Redd Remedies has teamed up with Dr. Gregory Jantz, Founder of The Center A Place of Hope, to develop a special suite of natural products. With a down to earth and witty style, Dan Chapman will share Redd Remedies’ unique formulas designed to address these concerns from a whole-body perspective. Speaker Bio: Passionate about natural medicines and a firm believer of utilizing nutritious food to improve overall health, Stacey Littlefield began working in the natural medicine industry in 1998 as researcher for Cloudburst Marketing. There, she specialized in educating the professional market and the sales staff on products and key health food retailers. In 2000, Littlefield refined her leadership abilities when she moved from the office to the field as a sales representative managing over 200 accounts in the Chicagoland area. A Graduate of Valparaiso University with a major in Biology, Stacey began working with Redd Remedies CEO Dan Chapman in 2003. Employing her background in science and her drive for developing a healthful product, Littlefield worked together with Chapman to launch Redd Remedies® with the hope of helping individuals put their health in order. By 2005, Littlefield climbed to the position of Product Formulator and Research Director of Redd Remedies' growing company. In January 2016, she received a Master’s of Science in Herbal Medicine from the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Portland, OR. Today, Littlefield continues to lend her expertise to the success of Redd Remedies® and enjoys the unique rewards and challenges that each day brings.

Tom Sokoloff Sponsored by IP-6 International

The Dynamic Duo of IP6 & Inositol Saturday, August 15, 2020, 3:30pm-4:30pm - Windsor Ridge

One of the most exciting and important natural products to ever be introduced as a dietary supplement is the combination of IP6 & Inositol. This combination of naturally occurring compounds produced from rice bran has shown impressive results in both laboratory and human research. During this presentation we walk through the history of IP6 and Inositol research, mechanisms of action and human clinical studies. By the time we conclude you will be equipped to ‘shout from the roof topsʼ all the amazing benefits of these fascinating molecules! Speaker Bio: Tom Sokoloff has been a veteran of the natural products industry for almost 30 years. Having had the privilege of working in the retail, distribution, manufacturing and research providing him a vast amount of experience in the industry. Tom is the former owner of Paradise Health & Nutrition a three-store chain in Florida founded in 1994. During his years as a retailer Tom served on the board of directors for the NNFA/ NPA National and Southeast region including serving as President of NNFA-Southeast.

Ryan Sensenbrenner Dinner Sponsored by Enzymedica

Marketing Toolkit for Independent Retailers Saturday, August 15, 2020, 5:30pm-7:30pm – Mandalay Ballroom

Are you looking to grow your sales? Increase store traffic? Boost basket size? For independent retailers, the answer to these common questions is often yes, yes, and YES! Discover how to create a simple, actionable marketing plan for your store. From social media, to your website, to old school merchandising, you’ll have a framework to bring home and develop with your staff. This lecture is tailored for all marketing skill levels, from beginner to advanced. Speaker Bio: Ryan Sensenbrenner oversees the marketing department at Enzymedica. With nearly a decade of experience in the natural products industry, he is responsible for leading global marketing strategy, including product development, promotions, advertising, social media, digital marketing and creative development. His greatest passion is supporting independent retailers and he has been a featured speaker throughout the country on marketing small businesses in a growing digital world. In addition to his work at Enzymedica, he serves as treasurer and executive board member of SENPA, a leading association of natural products retailers and manufacturers.

Carl Germano, CNS, CDN Breakfast Sponsored by Bluebonnet

Getting Intimate with Supplements – How Nutrition Is Redefining Sexual Health & Fertility Sunday, August 16, 2020, 7:30am-9:30am – Mandalay Ballroom

One in ten couples suffer from infertility issues. Even though nutrition plays a critical role in reproductive and sexual health, it is often overlooked. Issues surrounding sex for recreation are just as prevalent as those for procreation with up to a third of women and men losing their libido; only to worsen with age. This presentation will focus on the latest research regarding key nutrients for naturally stimulating physiological and psychological processes related to sexual drive and performance, as well as improving fertility outcomes.

Speaker Bio: Carl Germano, CNS, CDN, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from New York University, has over 30 years’ experience in product development for several of the largest dietary supplement companies in the U.S. For the past three decades, he has been instrumental in bringing innovative nutritional ingredients and finished products - including dietary supplements, medical foods, and functional beverages - to a variety of markets. He continues to lead the industry in research and product development as it relates to next generation clinically relevant nutraceutical ingredients.

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