solid food list for baby

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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Solid Food List for Baby


Start with apples - you can steam them initially, so it becomes soft. make a puree.
similarly banana.

Just you started on solids...So its good to start with Rice cereala nd stick to the same for a month or so.Rice cereal is easy digestable to infants and after couple of weeks try mixing single fruit puree +rice cereal+BM / formula. After 6th month you can start feeding other cereals like oatmeal,barley or multigrain.

After 6th month you can start single pureed fruits
Watch her how she take single fruit and then later you can slowly change to multi puree...I started my sons on multi puree around 8th month

Pureed sweet potatoes i started parallal as lunch along with single fruit puree +rice cereal as Breakfast. Slowly i started introducing carrots,squash and peas.And now i put them on veggies that i make for ourselves with no spice.

Pureed fruits can be given for BF and pureed Veggies can be given for lunch or dinner combined with rice cereal or just singly as snack around 4pm.

I started giving cut and bolied veggies around 9 months and 3weeks old .

You can start pureed fruits when you are ready to introduce solids. For my 5.5 month old i started with apple puree (apple cooked in water and ground in blender). I gave only apple puree for a week then gave her pumpkin puree. Once that is given for a week i'll give pear puree for a week. After that i'll combine apple+pear. How long? well you puree the fruits until the baby is ready to bite into chunks.

Same as for fruits. Well you progress gradually to bite sized pieces (when the baby masters the art of chewing)... take cue from your baby. There is no particular time limit on stopping purees.

just dry fry brown rice till aroma comesthen grind in food processor and cook 1 tsp with water.white rice can also be used.
next best option is to start with stage 1 fruit and veggie purees of running consistency. thats wat we did with zoey, coz rice cereal can be constipating. so be careful.
whatever u wish to start, start with 1 miniature spoon and gradually increase.

Week 1 : Parboiled Rice Kanji...

(a)Take parboiled rice,fry it till golden brown,make it into powder...u can store this in some container

(b)take little jaggery mix in water completely and keep for few minutes...filter this water to remove mud from

(c)then take 1 spoon of Parboiled rice powder, boil it well in jaggery water.when it becomes little thick,stop boiling.

(d) mix 1 -2 drops of milk and 1-2 drops of ghee for flavour and then feed the baby

Week 2 : Parboiled Rice- Roastedgram(Pottu Kadalai) Kanji

Same procedure as above.U can fry parboiled rice and Rosted gram.Make into powder and keep.The ratio is

Rice 4 parts : Roasted Gram 1 part.

Week 3 : Idly

Week 4: Carrots (Steam in cooker,smash and give)

Week 5 : Potatoes , Banana (Steam in cooker,smash and give)

Week 6:Apple (Peel the skin,Steam in cooker,smash and give)

Week 7 : Raji Kanji

Take Raji,Clean with water,Tie and keep in wet cloth till you get the roots(molai vittapram),then fry till u get gud
smell,make into powder and keep.U can also add the roasted gram which do the make the baby's

tummy too heavy.Rest of proc same as for Parboiled rice kanji.

Every week you have to increase the items, i mean first week u have t try Parboiled rice kanji and then next week give Parboiled Rice- Roastedgram(Pottu Kadalai) Kanji in the morning and Parbooiled rice kanji in the eve.The foods need to be
added on week by week basis.

Along with this my doctor had asked to give my baby NAN1 milk formula.

Rice we started giving after my daughter completed 7 1/2 months.It is generally not advisable to give rice at an early stage as it
can create constipation.Apples for few babies also could create constipation.Make sure you give the baby banana.That will help the baby to Also make sure you give enough water to prevent
constipation.Few babies dont like the rice kanji so u can also try giving oats.My daughter used to eat properly in the beginning
and later dint like the same food.After 6 months we started giving her cerelac.So dont worry even if your kid doesn'e eat properly,it takes time for them to adjust.

After i come home, i completely breastfeed her.I dont give her anythin other than breast milk.

One more thing is that babies after you start the solids tend to pass stools in green color.Dont worry, they are getting adjusted to
the solids food.Few babies dont pass stools for 2-3 days, its ok according to wat my PEd told me.In case they dont pass stools after that also, then consult your Ped.

It is o.k to give rice cereals @ 4.5 months but feed him with a spoon. Do not put rice cereal in a bottle!! Infact I started DS with Rice cereal @ 4 months. Fed him only once a day that too may be 1.5 spoon of cereal diluted with breast milk/formula. But unfortunately he got constipated with rice cereal. So I had to switch to oatmeal. Gerber has single grain cereals. They have both rice and oatmeal. They also have mixed grains but don't start with mixed grains yet. Start with single grain cereal.

You can get cerelac here in Indian stores. Atleast at the place we live, we get it at the Indian stores. But it is ridiculously expensive. I think one can is $ 10 approx. Also cerelac contains milk. So I think its better off to hold on cerelac atleast until your LO is 6 months. I think that's what it says on the can too.

Last month when I ordered diapers from, I found Happy Bellies cereal with DHA on sale. Even "happy Bellies" brand is highly rated. So check that out too.

At this age, any sort of semi solid food is only for practice. Breast milk /formula still forms main part of diet and nutrition.

I give Ragi with banana in the mornings to Ved and applesauce prepared at home in the afternoon.Its been 2 days since I have been preparing applesauce instead of using Gerber...Ved is 4.5 months old.

I used to give Avocado as first foods. My son liked it during 4th , 5th month. But then when I started on other Veg/fruit purees, he dint like Avocado.

About quantity, by 6 months, your baby should finish 1 Gerber Stage-1 puree box (i believe the pack comes as 2 , just aim for 1 now).
With Rice cereal you can aim for 2 tbsp or as much the baby prefers to eat. Go by the hunger of baby. At 6 months, millet, brown rice and single grain cereals, rolled oats/oatmeal.winter squash and sweet potatos.Raw mild fruits are papaya mango pears. I gave banana too.
the serving size is 1 or 2 tablespoons or half or one food cube. cereal should be 1/4 or 1/2 cup. water around 4 ounces with meals.
Avocado is given at 7 months and given raw like banana. mashed ofcourse. If you gave it to a 6 month, i dont think there is any harm.My baby is 7 months now.
I would advice a book called super baby food by Ruth Yaron.(check the library if you dont see it in the bookstore ,its very very helpful)
32 ounces of formula or 5 times a day of breasfeeding.

I am giving cerel oats for breakfast & rice for dinner.

I am introducing veg pure for lunch & dinner. Steam one veg at a time & repeat same veg for 3 days. This is to see if baby has bad reaction.
I plan to do veg first & fruit later as fruit is sweet & baby will not like veg if like fruit taste first.

Yes the peds do suggest solids only from 6 months on. From 4 months i started water and orange juice though.and from 5 months i started semi solids like rusks with milk, light khichdi , gerber and cerelac.I also intro duced blended banans, blended apple and other fruits as well. due respect to the peds, but i feel since i started early my baby has developed a taste for food and eats everything. i see my neighbours who started late and their children dont eat everything . my son will be two next month n touch wood he doesnt trouble for food as much as other kids do.As a mom i feel u know whats best for ur kid.

I just tried her with banana first, 1 spoon. She showed funny faces.
The next day I gave her roasted rice with little jeera, powdered it well, boiled it and gave her. She had some 5-6 spoons the very first time itself. She wasnt fussy at all. I started her water after giving the cereal.

I breast fed her, half the time than usual, then gave her the rice cereal.
I gave it for 3 days, then I gave her cerelac rice, for next 3 days, which she liked to have.
I am trying to give her dal water also.
Her poops are normal.

I am trying to introduce her to all tastes. I give her puree of apples, carrots, bananas each one day. Gonna start her on potatoes next. As of now, I dont feed her anything except BM after 6pm.

Initially for 1 or 2 weeks, we need to be careful, otherwise I think we can try different foods in little quantities without worrying too much on the schedules.

At 5.5 months I am still on rice cereal (1 tbsp) only. For some reason as soon as I started giving him rice cereal (without adding BM/FM), DS also started to take FM in bottle. SO now he started taking FM after months of trying:) I am so happy that I no longer need to worry about his food while at daycare. I am so scared to start working on Monday after 6 months of hiatus.
I have a question about sweet potatoes. I was just trying to cook sweet potatoes, since I have never cooked it before, and before cooking for DS, wanted to try. I put half a potato (nearly 8-9 cubes) in cooker and gave 2 whistles. The potato was cooked, but I was not able to puree it smoothly. When I give to DS, do I need to strain this? or is it ok to give a fibrous mixture to DS? please advise.

his is my soup recipe if any of you want to try it

few baby carrots ,few french beans ,slice of beetroot 1 pod garlic ,1 cube winternut squash ,few jeera seeds

i add little water and pressure cook them .and then blend it to smooth paste and feed him .if the baby is below six months then you can add more water and then strain the vegetables and use the broth to mix with the cereal instead of BM or water and try to feed the baby so he/she gets the flavor of the veggies

Introducing solids at 4 to 6 months - preparing the foodIf you are offering rice cereal to your baby... Then simply mix it with enough breast milk / formula to achieve the consistency you desire. For very young babies, you may like to create a fairly runny texture, which you can gradually thicken as you gauge your baby's ability to deal with a little more texture. If you are offering apples or pears to your baby... Just peel, core and dice them, then simmer in a VERY little water - or steam them - until tender. Cooking fruits and veggies until they are just tender ensures that you preserve as many of their nutrients as possible. Transfer to a food processor and puree, adding a little cooking water to create a thinner texture if necessary. Apple baby food ideas Pear baby food ideas If you are offering avocado or banana to your baby... Then simply remove the skin and mash or puree the flesh of the fruit, thinning it with a little breastmilk or formula if necessary. Avocado baby food ideas Banana baby food ideas If you are offering sweet potato, butternut squash or carrots to your baby... Then peel and dice them and simply steam or simmer the cubes in a little water until tender. Transfer to a food processor and puree, adding back a little cooking water - or breastmilk/formula - to thin the texture if needed. Alternatively, you can bake them. We like to bake sweet potatoes in their skins (just wash them and prick them with a fork, then bake at 375 deg F or 190 deg C until they feel soft - usually 45 mins to 1 hour, depending on the size). You can bake butternut squash whole, too. Just pre-heat your oven to 350 deg F (180 deg C) and put the squash on an ungreased baking sheet. Pierce it all over with a fork to allow the steam to escape (otherwise it may explode!) and bake for around an hour, until tender. Cut in half lengthwise, then scoop out the seeds and fibres. The flesh can then be scooped from the peel and is ready for mashing or pureeing! Our favourite way to bake carrots is the easiest way too - we just cut them into sticks, wrap them in foil and let them cook in their own steam! They take about 20-30 minutes in an oven set at 375 deg F (180 deg C).
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