sound of the pamlico newsletter...volume 19, no. 1 sound of the pamlico newsletter march 2019...

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Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron

March 2019 Volume 19, No.1

A District 27


In this Edition: Change of Watch – Pg 1 & 2 March Member Meeting – Pg 3 Commander’s Corner – Pg 3 USPS/D27 Information Pg 4 Executive Officer – Pg 5 Administrative Officer - Pg 6 Educational Officer - Pg 7 Vessel Safety Inspections – Pg 8 Boating Channel Video Pg 8 Member Benefit Highlight – Pg 9 PSPS Boating Column – Pg 9 Communications Officer - Pg 10 Youth Poster Contest - Pg 10 Ship Store - Pg 11 Marine Market – Pg 12 Upcoming Events Calendar - Pg 14

Pamlico’s Change of Watch – February 9th The Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron (PSPS) held its Annual Meeting and Change of Watch on Saturday, February 9. This year the Change of Watch was a bit less formal and the members enjoyed a luncheon at the Washington Yacht & Country Club. We were joined by our District Commander, D/C Greg Shay, JN-ACN who traveled from the Raleigh area to preside over the Change of Watch and Installation of the new Bridge Officers.

The new Bridge consists of: Commander Karen Graham, S; Executive Officer Walt Morrissey; returning Education Officer Linda Erickson, P; Administrative Officer Terry Blatchley; Secretary Susan Schwing, S; and returning Treasurer Carl Erickson, AP. Assistants to the Bridge Officers include: Assistant Administrative Officer (boating) Mike Karlovich, S; Assistant Administrative Officer (Social) Bill Ramsden, P; Assistant Educational Officer Skip Vail, S; Assistant Treasurer Bob Young, AP and Assistant Secretary Cathy Karlovich, S.

The above photo is our newly elected Bridge Officers for 2019. From left to right they are (back row) Skip Vail, Mike Karolvich, Bill Ramsden, Carl Erickson (front row) Cathy Karolvich, Kay Graham, Linda Erickson, Terry Blatchley, Susan Schwing and Walt Morrissey.

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Change of Watch continued…. Retiring Commander Sharon Alligood, S referred to the Accomplishment Report, indicating that 2018 was another outstandingly successful year for PSPS. Take a moment to review the Accomplishment Report on the PSPS Website by clicking here. The 2019 Budget was also presented and approved by membership.

In addition to our Annual Meeting and the installation of Officers for 2019, a highlight was the recognition of outstanding efforts and Awards for Achievement given to various members for their contribution to the Squadron mission. Those awards included: The Hatala Education Award to Nannette Kean, JN; the Past Commanders Recognition Award to Gene Alligood, AP; the Colwell Perseverance Award to Fred Schroeder; the Bent Prop Award to Carl Erickson, AP; and the Commander’s Award to Bob Hatala, SN.

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

General Membership Dinner Meeting – March 14th

Our new Administrative Officer, Terry Blatchley, kicked off the year with good meal selections from Chef Colin. We had 50+ for dinner that evening. Steve Schwing was instrumental in securing our Speaker, Ray Midgett, who was raised in a Coast Guard family. He is a retired public school educator moving to Washington in 2005.

Ray is an eloquent proponent of history and he gave us all a healthy dose of appreciation for the former wealth and industrial grandeur that was Washington at the beginning of the twentieth century. Pictorially, he gave us a real sense of how vibrant the Washington Waterfront was and how busy the port became after the civil war. From Naval stores to oysters and lumber, it was warehoused and shipped from Washington! Using a plethora of turn of the century photographs and he gave us a very thorough understanding of early Washington. Everyone came away with a decided appreciation for the area and its storied history.

During the renovation of the WYCC’s dinning room, we found our typical wall for projection was gone. Not a problem for Jim Blatchley and Tom Gaham, they had Ray up in running in no time with a little improvising.

Commander’s Corner Cdr. Kay Graham, S

Having been a follower and a contributor for the extent of my tenure with Pamlico Sail and Power Squadron, this is a totally new hat that I wear. Never having sweated the details, I assure you, I am sweating today.

Pamlico Sail and Power Squadron is a special organization with what could be easily identified as a closely-knit membership. It is in many ways an anathema. Organizations of this size seldom function with so little dissent and conflict. There

is a long and storied history of congeniality in this squadron, as well. It has been this way since Tom and I joined years ago. Recently, Tommy and I have dealt with another club, fractured, fragmented and reeling. This organization is terribly broken simply due to its members refusing to ‘march’ together. Comparing our squadron to this club has made me very sensitive to what cannot occur when the membership fails to appreciate the importance of conviviality. I am in awe of the personable nature of our squadron and the closeness that is exhibited in whatever we undertake. You have my admiration and allegiance, I am honored to be your Commander and promise to do my best for you and the squadron.

Past Commander, Sharon Alligood, with her significant organizational skills and vision put to use will be a hard act to follow. Recently one of our most ardent squadron members had a health issue rise up very unexpectedly. Thankfully good timing, significant luck and quick thinking prevented a bad situation from becoming a dire situation.

Which brings me to the subject of being prepared. We all need to be capable of responding appropriately to prevent dire results from destroying the tranquility we all seek and wish to enjoy. Being prepared on the water as well as on land is of critical importance. We all are looking forward to the approaching boating season and the incredibly enjoyable opportunities that will be ours.

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Commander’s Corner Continued… Please give thought to your safety and security and by doing so; forestall those unexpected calamities that can rise up so very quickly.

I have said on many occasions that we are all in the ‘departure lounge’ and should never be surprised at what life renders up unexpectedly. Let me hasten to suggest, we are all awaiting departure, but we don’t have to stand at the doorway and tease the grim reaper. Arrangements to have a short class available for the Squadron comers in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) are in the works. Hope you will be available to learn or to discover the changes that have been made to this vitally important procedure. Look for the announcement. It will be quick and it pays many dividends.

We all have many things to be grateful for this spring; I am very pleased and grateful to see former Commander Gene Alligood return home after a 5-month stay in hospital and rehab. Gene has set about dealing in his inimitably upbeat fashion with recovery from the unexpected stroke that muscled its way into Sharon and his lives. I would hasten to say Gene would appreciate hearing from each of you, if you can find a moment to call him or drop by. Our voice in the News media, Biff Matthews is struggling with cancer. I hope you will take a moment to give him a call or send a card.

Finally, get that boat ready! Fun waits at our very doorstep and all your friends in in the Squadron will be joining you.

District 27 Spring Council/Conference & Change of Watch

March 29 – 30 Doubletree by Hilton

At the Change of Watch District Bridge installation we are excited to have our Past Commander, Tom Graham,

installed as the D27 Educational Officer for 2019. We wish him well in his new role!

Save the Date

Our District 27 Rendezvous is schedule for June 21 to 23, 2019 in Edenton, NC. Watch for more information on the event.

National Governing Board Meeting

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Executive Officer Lt/C Walt Morrissey

Hello all, I’m excited about my new role as Executive Officer. My wife, Marisa, and I have been PSPS members for a number of years and look forward to becoming more involved in the Squadron and its mission.

Since spring is a busy time of the year for the XO role, you will be hering a lot from me over the next several months. Thankfully both Steve Schwing and Bill Templeton will help guide me through these responsibilities. Here’s what we have planned and I hope to hear from many of you to assist in making our collective efforts a success.

Marine Market 4/27 – Our space has been secured. The Marine Market will be shorter this

year requiring set up by 8:30 AM and wraps up at 1PM. The Flyer detailing the plan, time, donation request and volunteers needed has gone out and can be found on the website and on Page 12 of this newsletter. This is the only fund raiser PSPS participates in and the funds go directly to support of our public education activities. Plus, it’s a great day to be on the waterfront!

McCotters Land and Sea Event 5/11: This is a new event for the Squadron and is planned

regardless of rain or shine. It will be an Open House for McCotters to show their facilities capabilities and provide vendor information for our local boaters. They will offer free day and overnight slips and provide hot dogs and hamburgers. PSPS and CLYC will provide additional food sides. We will use this event for outreach and Vessel Safety Checks as surrounding boating groups and yacht clubs will be invited to the Open House. Watch for more information to come out on this in the next couple of weeks.

Safe Boating Week 5/18-5/26: The awareness of wearing life jackets and safe boating

practices is very important and the Squadron participates annually. We will again obtain a proclamation for Washington’s Mayor to further highlight the importance of safe boating. This year we plan to set up a brainstorming session with VSC inspectors and other interested members to generate ideas. We discussed doing an event with West Marine again and also discussed borrowing the boating simulator from the District. If you have been involved before and you are interested in being part of the planning of this event, please contact me at 252-623-1214 or email me at

Stay tuned for more on all the above events along with details on how you can be involved. It’s also that time of year for your VSC Inspection and the best “first step” toward a fun and safe boating season. We are so fortunate to have Fred Schroeder remain as Vessel Safety Chair again this year. He is so invested in the value of this safety benefit offered by the Squadron. We are looking for additional Vessel Safety Inspectors this year….can you join Fred in this important effort? This is a perfect role for some of our new members! Thank you for your confidence in me for your XO. Let’s have a great year on and off the water.

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Administrative Officer Lt/C Terry Batchley

I’m excited to fill your role of Administrative Officer and look forward to hearing from you all. Jim and I purchased our boat a little over a year ago and have enjoyed cruising and making friends with so many great members. My first General Membership Dinner Meeting is behind me and I’m past that learning curve. Now looking forward to having some fun!

Our next General Membership Dinner meeting at WYC is May 16th and we

were fortunate to be able to reschedule Ernine Marshburn Director & Senior

Research Scientist at the Center for Recreational Boating Research at ECU Greenville. Ernie will provide a presentation of the SOBOS (Self-Reported On-Water Boat Operator Survey) an iOS & Android mobil app. The app provides information about non-accident events, water hazzards, harbour congestion, etc. based on anonymous collection of data enhancing situational awareness of cruising areas. Similar to the Waze app for highway travel, it is an efficient sharing of crowdsourcing data. Details on the dinner meeting will be coming out in April.

Boating activities in the foreseeable future are primarily still in the works. However part of the McCotters Open House effort is a stay for the night for free at their marina. It should be a fun experience, coupled with the event that will include hot dogs and hamburgers provided by McCotters and delectable sides provided by co-sponsors Cypress Landing Yacht Club and our Squadron. The Saturday event should also be extremely informative for all boaters.

Also, save the dates for the District Rendezvous that is schedule for June 21 to 23 in Edenton, NC this year. Watch for more information on the event.

Stay tuned for details on the spring boating plans….or better yet, become a part of it! If you can help with just one boating event or cruise to a favorite destination, email me at or Chris at

Our first social dinner out for 2019 was at Marabella’s on January 31. Attendance was in 30+ members. Great food and a chance to catch up with everyone after the holidays. Thank you Bill Ramsden!

Bill has the next social in the planning stages for later in April. It will be at Nino's Cucina Italiana in Greenville for either a later lunch or early dinner.

Watch for more details on the date and time, you don’t want to miss it! If you have an interesting idea for a social outing, Bill would sure like to hear from you at

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Educational Officer Lt/C Linda Erickson, P

Spring is finally here and before long we’ll all be getting our boats ready for the Shakedown cruise!

We are well into our 16 week Jr. Navigation course and everyone is enjoying some quality time with their sextants and day dreaming about crossing the Atlantic in their vessels. Cathy Karlovich is not only one of the very motivated learners but she is acting as the Education Officer presence for this class! Thanks Cathy!

We enjoyed Mastering the Rules of the Road with George Kean as our instructor on March 2. George always brings years of experience and wonderful storytelling to his teaching and we had 13 eager learners that day!

Skip and I have been busy planning for various education opportunities for 2019 and the schedule is as follows:

May 4 May 11 July 25 Aug 3 Aug 22 Sept 10

Partners in Command Seminar America’s Boating Course – full day class How to Use a Chart Seminar Anchoring Seminar Intro to Navigation Seminar Marine Electrical Systems (6 weeks)

We are also planning on offering our Piloting class (8 weeks) and the Celestial Navigation Seminar but have some details to work out. In addition, we are working on offering a new course in 2019. Radar for Boaters. This course was developed by Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons. The course is up to date for radar technologies available now and into the near future. It covers the different types of radar equipment, their capabilities and limitations, as well as their features and how they apply to

Boaters needs. All that you need to know about radar, from how and where to mount the antenna to how to interpret the displays, so you can use your radar for collision avoidance and for navigational purposes. Stay tuned for this one and hope to see you soon!

Keep in mind, if we aren’t offering a seminar that you might be interested in, there are many that are offered either as webinars or on-line, to take at your leisure. With just a few bucks and two hours of your time, you can boost your boating acumen while keeping yourself and your guests safe on the water. Take one of our 9 boating online seminars today!

–Using GPS on your boat –Your marine VHF radio –Marine traffic near you –Weather for boaters –Planning your cruise

–Boating on rivers, locks & lakes –Boat propane systems –Prepping your boat and dock for a hurricane –Getting home when the captain is disabled

Click here for information:

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Boating Channel

Visual Distress Signals The new “Visual Distress Signals” video shows what boating activities require which types of U.S. Coast Guard approved visual distress signals. Viewers will also learn about different types of visual distress signals. Also featured are tips for safely transporting and storing them aboard boats.

Copy the link below into your internet address line for the video:

These videos are developed to provide a focus on boating safety and safe

boating education. Hope you find them of interest.

It’s that time of year… 2019 Vessel Safety Inspection are kicking off!

A certified Vessel Safety Check (VSC) is an excellent way to make sure your boat is ready for fun-filled, worry-free outings. VSC is a courtesy examination of your boat to verify the presence and condition of certain safety equipment required by State and Federal regulations.

This is a free inspection and, as you know, this is not a “boarding” or a law enforcement check.

While having a sticker doesn’t guarantee your boat won’t be stopped by the Coast Guard, it does show your intent to operate safely. In addition, you may be able to save on boat insurance premiums.

Review our VSC Page on the PSPS website for more details on the actual inspection. Specific event dates are coming up and you can always review them on the PSPS website. Events to date are:

Saturday, April 20th – Cypress Landing Marina Event – 9:00AM to Noon Saturday, April 27th – Marine Market / Washington Waterfront – 9:00AM to 1:00PM

Saturday, May 11 – McCotters Open House – 11:00 AM to 3 PM Saturday, May 18 – National Safe Boating Kick off – Cypress Landing Marina – 9AM to Noon

If your yacht club or marina would like to schedule a VSC Event this spring, contact me and we’ll be happy to coordinate that event set up.

You can contact me at or give me a call at 948-0682 to schedule your 2019 VSC Inspection.

Lt Fred Schroeder Jr. Vessel Safety Inspection Chair

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Biff Matthews, Writer

Have you read Biff’s latest article on Boating Tips published monthly in the Washington Daily News and our PSPS Website?

His article since the last Newsletter printing is: Navigation without Electronics

To see all of Biff’s articles and other Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron news articles, visit the website at

Member Benefit


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learn navigation rules, marine radio, required equipment,

trailering and other valuable boater safety skills.

Presented by

Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Communication Officer Lt/C Chris Young, S

Friends, we are looking for volunteers for a couple opportunities within the Squadron that are interesting and creative…consider the following areas to contribute. We could ask some of the same folks who are already volunteering, but we are fortunate to have a number of new members who are just looking for the right spot to volunteer. There is so much more to be gained by volunteering your support. Here are a two roles where we could use your help…..



The newsletter is published only 4 times a year. There are a few USPS formatting requirements but we have a newsletter template in either Mac Pages or simply in Microsoft Word ready for you to add in current information for publishing. All Bridge Officers and chairs provide their own articles for publishing. It’s an opportunity for someone who enjoys a little writing and creativeivity to work on in a role that allows them to do so at their at home and at your convenience.



This individual prepares press releases relating to certain Squadron initiatives such as National Safe Boating Week, seasonal Education opportunities and annual our Change of Watch. As you can see it is not a time consuming role. Several times a year and there is a template of past press releases as a guide.

Consider learning more about any one of these opportunities and see if they might be of interest to you. Feel free to contact me at or call me at 252-402-6692. Your support and involvement is truly appreciated. We know your personal time has limits, but hope you will consider one of these roles as they can be handled when your time permits.

We have new members, enthusiastically becoming involved in bridge roles and/or simply raising their hand to help whenever asked. This is a terrific time to be part of the Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron.

USPS National Boarman Youth Poster Contest The Squadron will support the 2019 National Youth Boating Safety Poster Contest. Sharon Alligood has contacted the Northeast Elementary School in Pinetown. Their students have participated the last several years in this contest and they are looking forward to it again. The posters are due back to Sharon by 5/15 and the poster theme for 2019 year is:

“America’s Boating Club Saves Lives” Artwork should illustrate how safe boating through education, on

the water skills, and proper use of equipment save lives. Do you have children, grandchildren or neighbor youths that would be interested in creating a poster and participating in the contest? If so, contact Sharon at for all the details. Squadron winning student posters advance to a District Contest and the winners there have an opportunity to go on to a judging at a National level.

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Ship Store Ginny Waite, our Ship’s Store Chair is still taking orders for the 2018 boating season. She has also revised the PSPS Logo showing the new America’s Boating Club logo, as well as, our squadron name. The PSPS Burgee shown below is in stock and available at a cost of $25.00.

Ginny has an inventory of PSPS Hats ($20/ea) and is now taking orders for men and women long sleeved Denim Shirts (cost $30) Orders can be placed with her for all items.

The one time set up cost of the new logo has been paid for by the Squadron and available for all members. You can purchase items directly from A1 Awards & Promotions or bring your own article of clothing, bags or other boating accessories and have the new logo added at a cost of $10 per item.

Contact Ginny at to place your orders for the items pictured or give her a call at 946-0322 with any questions.

The Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron is very grateful for the continued support of our local community. Your support has measurably helped

the Squadron move forward with boating safety as well as other educational and civic programs.

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

We appreciate your membership and hope you enjoy the education, civic efforts, events and lasting friendships!

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Volume 19, No. 1 Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter March 2019

Contact Information

Bridge Commander Cdr Kay Graham, S Executive Officer Lt/C Walt Morrissey Educational Officer Lt/C Linda Erickson, P Administrative Officer

Lt/C Terry Blatchly Treasurer Lt/C Carl Erickson, P Secretary Lt/C Susan Schwing. S Executive Committee P/C Tom Graham, SN Lt/C Chris Young, S P/Lt/C Ed Mann, AP Lt Steve Bucher Other Contacts Membership Chair Lt Sue Duclos Communications Lt/C Chris Young, S Vessel Safety Chair Lt Fred Schroeder Newsletter Editor Open Asst Education Officer Lt Skip Vail, S

Assistant Secretary Lt Cathy Karlovich, S Assistant Treasurer P/Lt/C Bob Young, AP Assist Admin-Boating Lt Mike Karlovich, S Asst Admin-Social Lt Bill Ramsden, P

Ship Mates’ Roster Gene & Sharon Alligood

Bill & Ginny Waite Bob & Chris Young

2018 National Awards Received

2018 Distinctive Communicator Award

PSPS Website

2018 Distinctive Communicator Award Sound of the Pamlico




Calendar of Upcoming Events

For more information go to our PSPS Website Calendar


March 22-23 Spring 2019 D27 Council/Conference & Change of Watch April TBD Nino's Cucina Italiana Social 20 VSC Inspection -CLYC 27 Marine Market 27 VSC Inspections - Waterfront May 04 Partner in Command 11 America’s Boating Course 11 McCotters Open House & VSC Inspection 14 General Membership Dinner Meeting SOBOS Presentation 17-24 National Safe Boating Week Sound of the Pamlico is published four times a year by the Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power Squadron know as America’s Boating Club®. This logo are trademarks of the United States Power Squadrons®. The editor reserves the right to modify materials submitted for publication. Any questions, comments or articles should b directed to the Editor.

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