sound of waves full quotes

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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Sound of Waves Full Quotes


Sound of Waves Quotes

Chapter 1

4They are forever praying for calm seas-City vs Island: fishermen pray not for material things but for the providence of the gods-Sea: lifestyle dependent on sea

6The hawk as though testing them seemed about to plummet downward ...and then soared upward again on motionless wings-Foreshadows Shinjis coming of age and his maturing throughout the book-Predicts plot line

Clarity was not that of intellectuality a gift that the sea bestows upon those who make their livelihood upon it {Suggests people do not need to be good at school to have a clear mind and to understand nature; the sea gives us that gift and you will be rewarded if you work well with nature and respect it}

He was still wearing the same clothes he fished in each day a pair of trousers inherited from his dead father and a cheap jumper

7He did not once stumble {Shows his familiarity with this place, his confidence in himself and the trust he has for his surroundings}

8The girls eyes were turned intently toward the sky over the sea to the west

10The halibut lay faintly gasping, blood oozing from its gills, streaking its smooth white skin {Rawness and freshness of fish is emphasized, mirroring the rawness of Shinjis developing feelings}

Chapter 213Last night he had the strange experience of lying long awake

Unable to remember a day of sickness in his life afraid this might be what people meant by being sick {Shinjis innocence in experiencing love for the first time and its unfamiliarity to him}

That strange unrest was still with him

The sight of it (the vast ocean) filled his body with the energy of familiar, day-to-day toil, and without realizing it he felt at peace again {Hard work soothes and brings peace; his health and psychological well-being is highlighted; routine makes one forget troubles; nature is calming}

15Shinji stared out over the dark-indigo sea and felt boiling up within him energy for the toil that would soon have him sweating {He is prepared and excited for hard work; shows his passion and intensity}

17Shinji took them off the hooks with his bare hands {He is experienced, practiced, strong and confident in his abilities; he is experiencing nature hands-on}

18He had realized that it was too soon to be thinking about women

Unlike the environment of city youths, always exploding with thrills, Uta-jima had not a single pin-ball parlour, not a single bar, not a single waitress {This is a direct comparison between city and island; hyperbole and metaphor give a sarcastic tone; city youths want instant gratification through playing pinball; the city is shallow and materialistic whereas the island has values with depth centered on work}

19Shinji did not especially burn with impossible dreams of great adventure across the seas {The island protects Shinji from the city and he has not been exposed to the city because of its isolation. He feels no need for riches to be happy}

His fishermans conception of the sea was close to that of the farmer of the land

The sight of a white freighter on the horizon filled the boys heart with strange emotions

From far away the world came pressing in upon him with a hugeness he had never before apprehended {White freighter is an important motif that occurs at Shinjis growth and coming of age, shows his development as a character; he realizes that the world is bigger than it seems. This is a crucial symbol of the coming-of-age (or bildungsroman) that occurs in this novel}

Chapter 3

21The roar of the tide was constantly revealing the unrest and might of nature {Reminded of the sound of waves. Living close to the sea = learning to compromise, learning to survive, self-discovery, less distractions and more raw, less city thrills, less chance of being complacent and arrogant}

Shinji was not at all given to brooding about things

22The hot flesh felt like that of some complete stranger. It was a blow to his pride to realize the existence of things within himself that he had never so much as suspected

Yasuo was quite fat there was a crafty look about his thin eyebrows

He spoke glibly, without any trace of the local dialect

24But now, hearing of the party to which in no case would he have been invited, he soon slipped away and walked alone along the beach toward the stone steps leading to Yashiro Shrine

Shinjis thick chest was not laboring in the least when he reached the shrine {He is physically fit naturally because of his lifestyle}

25He stopped before it, filled with a feeling of reverence

Let the seas be calm, the fish plentiful, and our village more and more prosperous Let me be a man with surpassing skill in everything please protect my mother and my brotherThe wind came blowing perhaps it was the sea-god, accepting the boys prayer

But mightnt the gods punish me for such a selfish prayer? {His prayer shows the villages dependence on natures power for survival, his respect for the community and family, his love for his job and his hesitation in asking for something for himself}

Chapter 4

27This was the highest point on Uta-jima there was nothing but the sound of the sea roaring up through the vegetation {Reminder of nature - even at highest point of island, the sound of waves is still present}

30The shadow of a bird swept over their heads. It was a peregrine. Shinji took this for a lucky sign

Hatsue smiled, making not the slightest effort to wipe away the tears it was as though the sun had come shining through rain {She is unashamed of her tears because they are natural; no self-consciousness; foil to Chiyoko simile makes her actions seem natural and beautiful}

31Struck by her hands, the breasts seemed more like two small, playful animals {Breasts are compared to animals because they are both things of nature and suggests fertility, innocence and life}

The boy was deeply stirred by the resilient softness of their movement

Chapter 5

33He was healthy could swim the circumference of Uta-Jima yield to no one in any test of physical strength. But he could not believe that any of these qualities could possibly touch Hatsues heart {Emphasizes Shinjis humbleness and his desire to be seen as worthy by Hatsue}

34City youths learn the ways of love early from novels, movies and the like, but on Uta-jima there were practically no models to follow {Constant contrast between city and island. City youths learn from media and secondhand experiences while the islanders learn through firsthand experience}

Shinji had not the slightest idea what he should have done when he had been alone with her

They left the house standing open: there was no such thing as theft on the island {Honesty and trustworthiness of islanders; close-knit community; morals and values are strong}

35The gravestones looked like so many white sails of boats anchored in a busy harbor boats anchors had been thrust so deeply into the dark earth that they could never again be raised {Death is compared to resting in harbor and is parallel to anchoring your boat, as life itself is the journey that comes to a natural end. Shows respect, love, tradition. Death = inability to sail again}

37He had been saving money out of his own wages for Hiroshis travel expenses {Shinjis generosity, selflessness and his willing to take care of his family are highlighted}

Shinjis spirits became pitch-black

Shinji threw his whole soul into the fishing

38His feet took him of their own accord back to the darkening beach

40I found this on the beach. And since Shinji-sans name was written on it {Honesty, honor and kindness}

41Her breasts were rising and falling rapidly Shinji was reminded of opulent dark-blue waves on the open sea

All the days torment disappeared, and his spirits revived within him {He compares Hatsues beauty to nature. Beauty is all-natural. He is soothed by thoughts of the sea}

42And suddenly Shinjis breast too was moving fast

They could plainly smell each other it was a fragrance like that of salt water {All natural - they are like waves, filled with life. There is a constant reminder of the seas presence in them both}

Their dry chapped lips touched Its like seaweed, Shinji thought

Chapter 6

A prayer of thanks to the god for having showered him with blessings so quickly {Faith in the gods and his humble gratefulness}

The boy felt a consummate accord between himself and this opulence of nature that surrounded him {He and the beauty of the natural world are one - nothing is separate between nature and human beings. The richness and wealth of nature is connected with feeling one with natural beauty}

He heard the sound of the waves striking the shore, and it was as though the surging of his young blood was keeping time with the movement of the seas great tides {His emotions, life force and human feelings are all related to nature. The essence of life within him is all natural and is reflected in the ocean}

The two walked along side by side {A sense of harmony and balance between Shinji and Hatsue}

Have my mother take it easy Ill never forget our island bad ways will all always disappear before they get to our island The sea - it only brings the good and right things people who always have the will to work truly and well {He cares for his family and his roots; he is loyal to the island and loves his home and the sea, he is comfortable around Hatsue and she inspires him to speak about his dreams, he is not overambitious}

Genuine sympathy and trust {Harmony, balance and compatibility}

Nothing to hinder {Nothing in their way because of their suitability to one another; there is nothing to hide}

As though the village had been restored to life and come floating up out of the black night {As this happens the moment they are together, it suggests they bring life to the village as a couple; an image of promise and hope}

Chapter 7

Once they had seen reality, once the novelty of astonishment was gone, they perceived clearly how useless it had been for them to try to imagine such things no longer even remember the existence of such things {People are amazed when they first visit the city, but the amazement does not last. There is no lasting impression of the city upon its visitors. Happiness is only temporary}

(Little phrases describing Chiyoko) Boston bag; unsociable girl; disliked having the islanders greet and speak to her; never wore a trace of makeup; plain, dark-brown suit; dingy features might have appealed to some; gloomy expression; insisted upon thinking of herself as unattractive; refinements; brooded; presumptuous {She is a sad character, uncomfortable and ill-fitted among islanders. She does not think of herself as attractive, she is self-conscious and does not like to stand out, however she is not as ugly as she thinks she is. The city life has damaged and distorted her perception of self}

Laughing, his leather jacket glistening in the sun {Alliteration creates lighter tone - suggests too much self-assuredness, it is unjustified. His leather jacket is a material item - therefore suggests he is superficial and shallow. Yasuo also has a distorted perception of self}

Great pride in showing this girl from a Tokyo university how well he could speak, without any trace of island dialect {He wants to give the impression of being a city man even though he is an islander - he thinks hes better than those on the islanders, and therefore this is a superficial and distorted perception}

Masculine joviality worldly manner theres no doubt but what this girl has a fancy for me {He pretends to be experienced and projects an image that is not true. He feels he is very desirable, though this is untrue}

She was always wishing that she could have a man look at her at least once with eyes saying I love you instead of you love me would never have such an experience {No faith in herself or in the men of the city - shes used to dealing with self-confident, arrogant men. This is what the city has taught her}

Chapter 8

Festival made glorious with a storm, raging seas, and a wind that shrieked as it came tearing through the prostate treetops {Festival is glorious because of the nature and storm; nature creates exciting atmospheres}

Raging waves rose high above the breakwater, set up a tremendous roar, and then rushed on down {Highlights natures violence and power}

Sharp, fresh saltiness struck Shinji he recalled the taste of Hatsues lips {Nature reminds Shinji of love}

Beautiful small pink shell beautifully formed {Sea gives Shinji the gift; Hatsue is not materialistic because she does not require expensive presents; the gift therefore has sentimental value and is beautiful because it is of nature}

This twilight world of the seas bottom was the world of women {The island has clearly defined gender roles and women understand the seas bottom while men understand the surface - reflects how women are more at home in depths and understand emotional and physical depth more clearly}

He kept on climbing, his face to the storm he felt a quiet happiness when surrounded by the quietness of nature, his feelings now were in complete concord with natures present fury {He does not hide from the storm nor is he deterred by it. He is in harmony with nature and his moods are affected by nature}

Made the turbulent expanse seem instead to be boundless {Boundless reflects how in the storm the world is limitless - gives Shinji and Hatsue a sense of freedom, as if there are now unlimited possibilities for them. This is pathetic fallacy}

The pink shell was gleaming lustrously, as though it might have been still wet with sea water {Shell gives off a rich glow and reflects earlier images of light associated with Hatsue such as her glow when she is first seen on the beach by Shinji. The beauty of the shell is associated with nature; nature has caused this beautiful gleam}

He surrendered himself to the euphoria created by his trusting devotion himself {His euphoria is caused by his faith and thinking of Hatsue. He has faith in himself and Hatsue and there is no doubt. This is a contrast to Chiyoko who has no faith in herself and Yasuo whose faith in himself is distorted into arrogance and presumption}

Hatsue had apparently not given the matter a second thought upon doing so now {She is innocent and has no ulterior motive; this is her natural instinct}

The boy and girl faced each other then, separated by the flames {Flames represent their passion and love. Their passion is the barrier between them. This is also a short paragraph for emphasis}

Like some piece of heroic sculpture {As soon as he is naked he becomes like a piece of sculpture; emphasizes the perfection and desirability of the natural human body. Nakedness is like being perfect}

(Of the storm) Raging madly shaking with everlasting frenzy {The storm is a pathetic fallacy for the characters desire and passion. Nature reflects the feelings of the characters. Continuous tense gives it a sense of immediacy. Power of nature reflects sexual passion as sexual passion is a form of nature}

Weighted with virtue... Its bad. Its bad! {Hatsues morals come before her sexual desire. She stays true to her beliefs}

The whistling of the storm mixed with the beating of their hearts unceasing feeling of intoxication, and the confused booming of the sea outside beating with natures violent rhythm pure and holy happiness {This is proof of the pathetic fallacy. Shinjis feelings are confusing, intoxicating, exciting and powerful. Conflicting emotions are part of sexual awakening. This sexual awakening is sacred and innocent}

In the city almost all nature had been put into uniform, and the little power of nature that remained was an enemy the islanders enthusiastically entered into an alliance with nature {Metaphor/personification used here to show that it is the total opposite of the island. In the city nature has been tamed and put into the same breath of mechanical routine whereas on the island it is a friend}

Chapter 9

All about seeing his (Hiroshis) first motion picture, with not so much as a word about the famous scenic spots and historic places he was seeing {Hiroshi is more attracted to the city than historical spots; the city is a place that entertains and gives excitement through wrong things. There is a shift in values}

He (Yasuo) brooded about it all night {Jealousy tells us that Yasuo is very competitive and feels a sense of entitlement, as if he has a right to everything. This is a result of the city influence, his money and pride}

The animosity he felt toward Shinji and the jealousy he felt at Shinjis having stolen a march on him were enough to keep him awake of themselves {He does not think of Hatsue, only of his jealousy. He is only interested in Hatsue for her looks and not the person within. To him, it is all male competition}

Proud and always bragging owner of a watch with a luminous dial mere ownership of such a wonderful watch made him by rights a favourite with the women {Hes materialistic and shallow because of his caring for one material item. The tone used by the author is scornful and sarcastic - its the authors criticism of such an absurd thought}

Imagining himself to be a stone statue {Contrast to Shinjis heroic sculpture in the previous chapter. Shinji is like a piece of heroic sculpture, but Yasuo can only imagine himself to be a stone statue}

Lush sounds the sight quickened his imagination with delightfully carnal pictures of her healthy young body {Sexual arousal by watching her - he is very corrupted and objectifies women. He only sees them as a sexual object and nothing more}

Why, its Brother Yasuo! she accepted Yasuos explanation that he had actually hidden here for no reason other than to frighten her {Emphasizes Hatsues trust in Yasuo as she thinks of him like a brother, and her innocence at simply believing his words}

She would be sure to tell her father if she got away now before anything happened. But afterwards - then she wouldnt tell a soul {Yasuo takes advantage of her viewpoint and her morals and values. At first he wanted to seduce her because his pride was offended, but now he is only concerned for his image and he wants to just save face}

Yasuo was hopelessly addicted to the pulp magazines, which came from the city, with their frequent confessions of girls who had been seduced {His egotism is connected with city items and it is these items that have distorted his perception of self. He doesnt believe he is doing anything wrong; rather he believes that she wants him}

He was dancing about making a truly ridiculous sight {This scene is comical and the author is making fun of Yasuo as he is willing to do anything to save face. This technique is called bathos - building up a situation very seriously and then undercutting it and turning it into humor}

Chapter 10

Those gleaming streetcars and automobiles that had so suddenly, flashed by, and disappeared towering buildings and neon lights that had so amazed him - where were they now? {Rhetorical question - these things are now all insignificant because the city does not leave a strong mark}

Here at home looking just the same still the same (furniture) the same old mother {Repetition gives a sense of permanence and familiarity and security because he is in an unchanged place}

An existence in which everything was understood without the need for words folded in these familiar arms {Alliteration gives a soothing and comforting feeling. Listing emphasizes how many things bring security to Hiroshis world. The personification of the objects as an embrace gives a further image of security}

The sea, ebbing and flowing roared fiercely as it dashed a seething sound that echoed {Power of the sea is made obvious when it is imprisoned in a cave. Alliteration is used}

Without any evil purpose It is because of an immorality. It is because of an unrighteousness. {Shows Sochans innocence and how even children are raised with the belief that sex before marriage is wrong}

There was nothing but the sound of the sea floating in to fill the bleak room {Reference to the sound of waves}

It really makes my blood boil - the way Yasuo is going around saying such bad things about you {Conscience and loyalty - Shinji has support from decent young people who know him}

(Of Terukichi) Bulging muscles Terukichi was the personification of all Uta-jimas toil and determination and ambition and strength {Terukichi is compared to how the sea hardens - the sea toughens people. He represents the epitome of life on Uta-jima}

Raised his family from nothing to wealth in a single generation accuracy of his weather predictions experience in matters of fishing and navigation {People respect him because he is hardworking, self-made, has experience and knows nature well}

(Of Terukichi) Could act like a bronze statue {He is a living hero who should be celebrated}

Chapter 11

(In Hatsues letter to Shinji) Let us go on truly, with strong hearts no accident will befall Shinji-san they in heaven will understand how I feel {She has faith in the relationship between them and is dedicated, committed and loyal. She has a good conscience and puts a lot of thought towards Shinji. She answers to heaven, not to Teru, for her feelings}

He was not sensitive and easily wounded the way a city-bred boy is during the time of his first love {Island life makes people stronger emotionally so they are able to handle their feelings better; city youths are more easily wounded and less strong}

The gentle waves that rocked their boat also calmed his heart he was at peace; this place of toil had become for him a place of matchless rest. {The sea brings peace of mind and calmness. Being around a place of hard work is peaceful and is a good place to rest}

Rights sure to win in the end {Shows strong faith and beliefs for what is right. Relates to karma}

Caught fast in the monotonous but powerful whirlpool of earning a daily living, burning out the very depths of their bodies and souls, and not one of them was the sort of person who could become engrossed in sentimental problems such as hers {When people are working to survive and focusing on how to stay alive instead of petty problems they are happier and more focused. They are not shallow and see the bigger picture because they are hardworking. This part shows the alienation of Chiyoko to her own island and her awareness that she has sentimental, smaller problems as opposed to islanders who dont have time for them. The meaning of the islanders lives is exhausting themselves to earn a living}

One boat finally hit the waves as though it had been freed from cramped confinement {Being on the sea is freeing and relieving}

What was it she was wanting to be forgiven for, this girl who was so convinced of her ugliness? {This is the author's personal comment on Chiyoko; designed to make the audience feel sympathy for the girl, as she has done nothing wrong but is still so bitter and unhappy. It is implied that she should not feel sorry or guilty for anything - she overthinks and worries too much}

Chapter 12

Soaring high, the butterfly was trying to fly away from the island the breeze tore at the butterflys tender wings. In spite of it, however, the butterfly finally got clear of the island {Butterfly is a symbol and representation of Shinjis mothers view of her sons unhappiness. It provokes courage in Shinjis mother to confront Terukichi because her son is unhappy. The butterfly could also represent Shinjis mother herself because she can fix things rather than struggle with her son. Also worth noting how throughout the entire book Shinjis mother is never referred to by name, only as Shinjis mother - this may suggest that she is representing not one solitary figure but the women of the village as a whole; also emphasizes the importance of her role as a mother, before anything else}

All that could be said of his house was that it was a bit newer than the other village houses and yet the house did derive a certain air of stability {Terukichi does not flaunt his wealth. His status and stability comes from the respect of other villagers, not because he has money}

Placed as he was, close to the workings of nature, it was not surprising that he should understand natures precise system {He can tell time through being in tune with the natural world, as it sharpens his senses and ability}

Shinji watched them exchange a few violent words stood motionless at the top of the steps as though bound there half-paralyzed {Hatsue stands up to her father and she is not scared. Shinji and Hatsues passion is still unfulfilled due to it being illegitimate. He is unable to move and this reflects his powerlessness and utter helplessness against Terus rage}

Chapter 13

Precisely the same heart-strangling feeling city youths have when confronted by final school-term examinations {This is sarcastic humor as the stakes are different for city youths taking exams and the diving girls of the island, as island girls can die doing their job while city youths will not}

Well-developed pectoral muscles supported the breasts developed each day beneath the sun, without any knowledge of shame, like ripening fruit {Complete naturalness of these women is emphasized. They are unashamed of their nudity. Hard work and exposure to nature adds beauty to their natural bodies. Comparing breasts with fruit gives image of fertility and life}

(Of Hatsues breasts) They had just begun to bloom, making one think how beautiful they would be once they were in full flower {Nature, growth, related to fertility again}

Simple, straightforward heart had immediately understood the modesty and respect behind the girls gesture {In order to understand, simplicity is needed. Hatsue has won over Shinjis mother completely by merit}

Chapter 14

Yasuos lips quivered. He pulled his neck down Shinji shouted out in a cheerful voice smiling {Juxtaposition between Yasuo and Shinji; Shinji is confident and cheerful while Yasuo is cowardly}

Down beneath the spray, down beneath the whitecaps that beat themselves to pieces against the prow, there were the jet-black, invisible waves, twisting and coiling their bodies {There is a sense of threat because of the massive strength and power of the ocean. Personification emphasizes how it is as if the sea is alive, like a monster}

Swam with all his might inch by inch, step by step, the huge mass of the enemy fell back {Shows Shinjis determination. It is a battle between him and the forces of nature}

The next morning Shinji opened his eyes to find brilliant sunshine falling across his pillow the glitter of a placid, undisturbed sea {Juxtaposition of storm first and then sunlight reflects the rhythm of life. This is yet again pathetic fallacy. Shows the clarity, ease, beauty, relaxation and harmony, and the end of the battle that Shinji was fighting; this represents his winning}

Chapter 15

The work fit both his body and his soul perfectly, like a well-tailored suit, leaving no room for the intrusion of other worries {Shinjis job is well-suited and perfect for him}

He saw the outline of a white freighter I know everything about that ship. At least, the white ship was no longer a shadow of the unknown {He has now overcome his inner battle and gained experience. This reflects his courage and purity of heart}

Quickened his heart even more than the unknown {Once something previously unknown is experienced, it becomes even more exciting}

Get-up-and-go {Initiative, courage and instinctiveness is important in a real man}

Chapter 16

Their hearts filled to overflowing with contentment {Metaphor emphasizes their happiness. Love becomes legitimate when the two people in love are pure at heart}

Nature too again smiled on them {Everything is drawn together}

Nor was the sound of the waves strong, but coming regularly and peacefully, as though the sea were breathing in healthy slumber {This is the climax of the sound of waves motif and reflects the peace of mind that the characters have now reached; an image of harmony is made}

The gods had indeed given him everything he had prayed for {Humbleness to the gods and purity of heart; faith in religion pays off}

And, in the very fact of their never once having doubted the providence of the gods, they could feel that providence around them {Trusting your faith leads to good consequences and the absence of corruption}

It seemed as though the vast number of lights out over the sea found its counterpart somewhere among the vast number of stars in the sky {Image of harmony between heaven and ocean, the human world and the natural world}

Free within the moral code to which they had been born, never once having been estranged from the providence of the gods that, in short, it was this little island, enfolded in darkness, that had protected their happiness and brought their love to this fulfilment {Life and love away from island will not be sheltered; they are protected because of their isolation from the outside world. They are now able to consummate their passion morally, with the approval of the village and with respect to their traditions}

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