south australian fire and emergency services commission · 2017-18 annual report . south australian...

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South Australian Fire and Emergency Services


2017-18 Annual Report

South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission

Level 6, 60 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001

Contact phone number 08 8115 3909

Contact email

ISSN 2208-2230

Date presented to Minister: 31 October 2018

2017-18 ANNUAL REPORT for the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission

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To: Hon Corey Wingard MP

Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing

This annual report is to be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 and meets the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting. This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of South Australia.

Submitted on behalf of the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission by:

Malcolm Jackman

Chief Executive

_______________________________________ Signature

31 October 2018


2017-18 ANNUAL REPORT for the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission

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Contents .................................................................................................................... 3

Section A: Reporting required under the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Sector Regulations 2010 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987 ............................. 4

Agency purpose or role ..................................................................................................... 4

Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5

Key strategies and their relationship to SA Government objectives ................................... 6

Agency programs and initiatives and their effectiveness and efficiency ............................. 7

Legislation administered by the agency ............................................................................. 8

Organisation of the agency ................................................................................................ 8

Other agencies related to this agency (within the Minister’s area/s of responsibility) ......... 8

Employment opportunity programs .................................................................................... 8

Agency performance management and development systems .......................................... 9

Work health, safety and return to work programs of the agency and their effectiveness .... 9

Work health and safety and return to work performance .................................................. 10

Fraud detected in the agency .......................................................................................... 11

Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud ....................................................... 11

Whistle-blowers’ disclosure ............................................................................................. 11

Executive employment in the agency .............................................................................. 11

Consultants ..................................................................................................................... 12

Contractors ...................................................................................................................... 13

Financial performance of the agency ............................................................................... 15

Other financial information ............................................................................................... 18

Other information requested by the Minister(s) or other significant issues affecting the agency or reporting pertaining to independent functions .................................................................. 18

Section B: Reporting required under any other act or regulation ...................... 18

Nil .................................................................................................................................... 18

Reporting required under the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005 Error! Bookmark not defined.

Section C: Reporting of public complaints as requested by the Ombudsman . 19

Summary of complaints by subject .................................................................................. 19

Complaint outcomes ........................................................................................................ 19

Appendix: Audited financial statements 2017-18 ................................................ 20

2017-18 ANNUAL REPORT for the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission

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Section A: Reporting required under the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Sector Regulations 2010 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987

Agency purpose or role The South Australian Emergency Services Sector (ESS), comprising the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission (SAFECOM), Country Fire Service (CFS), Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) and State Emergency Service (SES), protects South Australian lives, property and environment.

The ESS plays an essential role in the safety of all South Australians. Funded wholly by the people of South Australia, the ESS has a responsibility to deliver benefits and cost efficiency to those it serves and returns an increasing value on their trusted investment.

The primary role of the ESS is to prevent the loss of life, property, environment and infrastructure through reducing the impact of fires and other emergencies on our community. Not only is this achieved through an ongoing investment in emergency response equipment and trained personnel, but as importantly the ESS is committed to providing emergency warning systems and awareness materials that enable all South Australians to be as prepared and resilient to the dangers of fire and other emergencies as possible.

SAFECOM provides corporate and operational support services that are integral in allowing the Emergency Service Organisations (ESOs) – CFS, MFS and SES – to provide the frontline services that directly support and protect the community of South Australia.

SAFECOM is governed by the SAFECOM Board which comprises the SAFECOM Chief Executive (Presiding Member), the Chief Officers of the three ESOs, nominees of the United Firefighters Union, CFS Volunteer Association and SES Volunteer Association, and two independent members appointed by the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services.

2017-18 ANNUAL REPORT for the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission

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Objectives SAFECOM was established in 2005 to:

• Develop and maintain a strategic and policy framework across the ESS;

• Develop and implement a framework of sound corporate governance across the ESS;

• Ensure that appropriate strategic, administrative and other support services are provided to the three ESOs (CFS, MFS and SES);

• Ensure that appropriate strategic and business plans are developed, maintained and implemented across the ESS;

• Provide for the effective allocation of resources within the ESS; and SAECOM works with the agencies to:

• Ensure governance and accountability for the sector through common, strategically aligned goals;

• Provide consolidated and integrated support services;

• Maintain a balanced focus on prevention, preparedness, response and recovery services;

• Pursue opportunities for efficiencies and reforms and reinvest savings from within the sector; and

• Enhance participation and support of volunteers within local communities. SAFECOM is responsible for:

• Providing key emergency management leadership, particularly in the area of mitigation;

• Representing the State Government at national emergency management forums;

• Managing the expenditure of the Community Emergency Services Fund; and

• Key capabilities such as Public Information and Warnings, and the State Emergency Information Call Centre Capability.

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Key strategies and their relationship to SA Government objectives

Key strategy SA Government objective Improve mental health and wellbeing through promotion, prevention and early intervention strategies.

Strengthen the mental health and wellbeing of the public sector workforce to support greater productivity and prosperity for South Australia.

Progress and achieve strategic priorities through modernisation of relevant Enterprise Agreements that reflect Emergency Service Organisations’ operational and business requirements.

Improve workforce flexibility, productivity and efficiency to support the delivery of quality outcomes for business and the community of South Australia.

Effective sector people policies created that:

• Reflect current legislative and SA public sector requirements; and

• Support the delivery of quality services to the community of South Australia.

Support the Premier and Cabinet policy decisions that advance government strategic priorities.

Build employees’ capabilities and organisational learning to deliver sustainable organisational performance improvements.

Improve the effectiveness of SA Government to deliver services effectively and efficiently.

Reduction of risks by ensuring all potential hazards are identified so they can then be assessed and controlled.

Risk management strategies and key control measures are in place and relevant to the nature and scale of risks.

Managing and monitoring Building Safety Excellence (BSE) in the Public Sector.

Improvement of work health and safety (WHS) management across the SA Public Sector. The BSE strategy:

• Ensures that safety is given the highest priority in the work of the public sector.

• Provides leadership and drives safety performance to support a high performing public sector.

Attract, recruit and retain high quality emergency service volunteers to meet current and future workforce needs, representative of and responsive to the community it serves.

Better services – providing better services for all South Australians. Regions – investing in our regions recognising regional growth is crucial for the prosperity of our state.

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Key strategy SA Government objective Employ a continuous improvement approach to support and enhance public information and warning services and practices in South Australia. Outcomes: • South Australians are effectively

informed/warned of hazards fostering greater community resilience and public safety.

• Government authorities have adequate training and access to public information and warning services to fulfil their operational and legislative obligations.

• Public information and warning services are resilient, robust and represent value for money.

Deliver reliable public safety emergency information to all South Australians.

Agency programs and initiatives and their effectiveness and efficiency

Program name Indicators of performance/effectiveness/efficiency

Outcome for South Australia

Emergency Service Support

SAFECOM provides support to the emergency services sector operational agencies – CFS, MFS and SES. This includes people, finance, ICT, capability and public information and warnings together with policy and strategic framework, governance and risk management.

SAFECOM has developed a strategic framework for the emergency services sector and continues to provide corporate support to the emergency services organisations which enables the provision of emergency services to the public.

Emergency Management

SAFECOM provides emergency management initiatives across the state as well as administering a range of joint state and Commonwealth Government funded initiatives.

SAFECOM has provided strategic leadership of whole of government emergency management in SA, effective management of Commonwealth and State Government Grants Programs and jurisdictional representation in a range of national reviews and initiatives.

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Legislation administered by the agency Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 Organisation of the agency Governance, Board and Executive Support Finance People Emergency Management ICT Capability Volunteer Services WHS&IM Public Information and Warnings Other agencies related to this agency (within the Minister’s area/s of responsibility) SA Country Fire Service (CFS) SA Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) SA State Emergency Service (SES)

Employment opportunity programs

Program name Result of the program Recruitment in remote and isolated areas including the APY Lands (jointly managed with CFS).

289 registered members

CALD Awareness Program Program currently under review

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Agency performance management and development systems

Performance management and development system

Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency

Planned Review and Development Program

Review of the program completed. Final documents (together with a program implementation plan) endorsed by ESS Executive in June 2018:

• Learning and Development Policy

• Planned Review and Development Guideline

• Learning and Development (including Study Assistance) Guideline

Work health, safety and return to work programs of the agency and their effectiveness

Program name and brief description


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Increased usage of EAP services over the last five (5) years due to improved communication and promotion (supports our early intervention strategy).

Staff Welfare Checks Provision of regular confidential face to face counselling of employees to support early intervention. 70% of workforce engaged.

Mental Health First Aid Training Five (5) Mental Health First Aid Instructors have completed training and have commenced facilitating two day training for CFS and SES. 135 CFS and SES volunteers have completed the two day Mental Health First Aid Training. 114 participants have completed and passed the Mental Health First Aider accreditation exam at the completion of the course. This number is likely to increase as participants complete the exam.

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Work health and safety and return to work performance – SAFECOM 2017-18 2016-17 % Change

(+ / -)

Workplace injury claims Total new workplace injury claims 0 0 0% Fatalities 0 0 0% Seriously injured workers* 0 0 0% Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE)

0 0 0%

Work health and safety regulation Number of notifiable incidents (WHS Act 2012, Part 3) 0 0 0% Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (WHS Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195)

0 0 0%

Return to work costs** Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($) $41,199 $39,594 +4% Income support payments – gross ($) $949 $1,877 -49%

*number of claimants assessed during the reporting period as having a whole person impairment of 30% or more under the Return to Work Act 2014 (Part 2 Division 5) **before third party recovery Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

Work health and safety and return to work performance – ESS 2017-18 2016-17 % Change

(+ / -)

Workplace injury claims Total new workplace injury claims 211 205 2.93% Fatalities 2 1 100% Seriously injured workers* 0 3 -100% Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE)

24.57 34.43 -28.64%

Work health and safety regulation Number of notifiable incidents (WHS Act 2012, Part 3) 14 11 27.27% Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (WHS Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195)

0 1 -100%

Return to work costs** Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($) $5,023,862 $5,936,431 -15% Income support payments – gross ($) $794,387 $1,103,478 -28%

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Fraud detected in the agency

Category/nature of fraud Number of instances Nil Nil

Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud

SAFECOM maintains a governance structure and internal controls that are designed to prevent and minimise the impact of fraud including:

- Fraud, corruption, misconduct and maladministration policy, procedure and control plan in place.

- Financial and human resources policies and procedures. - An Audit and Risk Committee that reports to the SAFECOM Board. - Regular financial monitoring and reporting.

Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

Whistle-blowers’ disclosure

Number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer of the agency under the Whistle-blowers’ Protection Act 1993


Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

Executive employment in the agency – SAFECOM

Executive classification Number of executives EXEC0D 1

Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

The Office of the Commissioner of Public Sector Employment has a data dashboard for further information on the breakdown of executive gender, salary and tenure by agency.

Executive employment in the agency – ESS

Executive classification Number of executives EXEC0D 1




2017-18 ANNUAL REPORT for the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission

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Consultants – SAFECOM The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

Consultancies below $10,000 each OutsideIn Group Human resources committee

facilitation $3,250

ArcBlue Consultancy services for ICT negotiations


New Focus Alert SA perception research $9,900

Simply Speaking Facilitation of National Strategy for Disaster Resilience steering group review workshop

$ 900

Subtotal $17,423

Consultancies above $10,000 each Angeline Pan Procurement database development $13,909

JTwo Solutions Pty Ltd Development of the Alert SA specification


Ernst & Young Independent review of Alert SA $138,597

SMS Management & Technology

Completion of data management solution


Subtotal $222,956

Total all consultancies $240,379

Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

See also the Consolidated Financial Report of the Department of Treasury and Finance for total value of consultancy contracts across the SA Public Sector.

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Consultants – ESS The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged by the ESS, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

Consultancies below $10,000 each OutsideIn Group Human resources committee

facilitation $3,250

ArcBlue Consultancy services for ICT negotiations


New Focus Alert SA perception research $9,900

Simply Speaking Facilitation of National Strategy for Disaster Resilience steering group review workshop

$ 900

Mick Doyle Functional Fitness Working Group $4,950

Property & Consulting Australia Stakeholder management and engagement


G-Force Building & Consulting Structural calculations and site survey $ 600

G-Force Building & Consulting Site inspection $ 535

Mercer Consulting Work value assessment and executive classification advice


Subtotal $29,258

Consultancies above $10,000 each Angeline Pan Procurement database development $13,909

JTwo Solutions Pty Ltd Development of the Alert SA specification


Ernst & Young Independent review of Alert SA $138,597

SMS Management & Technology

Completion of data management solution


BDO Advisory Enterprise Agreement Financial Framework


University of Adelaide Heat forecasting and warning decision report tools


Subtotal $250,535

Total all consultancies $279,793

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Contractors – SAFECOM The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

Contractor Purpose Value Bonita Kennedy Development of Records Disposal

Schedule $32,640

Corporate Scorecard Pty Ltd Financial assessment of potential supplier


The Hybrid Agency Pty Ltd Re-design of the Alert SA website platform and mobile apps


Dialog Information Technology Project management – ESS Data Management Project


Ernst & Young Project management – Alert SA $38,170

Haymakr Conduct research and testing activities for Alert SA


Install & Deliver SEICCC relocation $1,100

Insync Solutions Pty Ltd New service block for eConnect support


Insync Solutions Pty Ltd Alert SA performance testing and support


Donovan & Associates Historian’s review of the Records Disposal Schedule


Informma Development of Alert SA business case


MIMP Connecting Solutions Replacement of existing Wi-Fi network


Momentum Information Solutions ICT services rendered $688

SMS Management & Technology Alert SA data review $44,250

Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

The details of all South Australian Government-awarded contracts for goods, services, and works are displayed on the SA Tenders and Contracts website here. The website also provides details of across government contracts here.

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Contractors – ESS The following is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged by the ESS, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

Contractor Purpose Value SAFECOM Bonita Kennedy Development of Records Disposal

Schedule $32,640

Corporate Scorecard Pty Ltd Financial assessment of potential supplier


The Hybrid Agency Pty Ltd Re-design of the Alert SA website platform and mobile apps


Dialog Information Technology Project management – ESS Data Management Project


Ernst & Young Project management – Alert SA $38,170

Haymakr Conduct research and testing activities for Alert SA


Install & Deliver SEICCC relocation $1,100

Insync Solutions Pty Ltd New service block for eConnect support


Insync Solutions Pty Ltd Alert SA performance testing and support


Donovan & Associates Historian’s review of the Records Disposal Schedule


Informma Development of Alert SA business case


MIMP Connecting Solutions Replacement of existing Wi-Fi network


Momentum Information Solutions ICT services rendered $688

SMS Management & Technology Alert SA data review $44,250

CFS Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI)

Erection of Last Resort Refuge Signs


Bureau of Meteorology Embedded Meteorologist – Fire Season (October – May)


MFS Art of Staff Classification review $1,020

Australian Receivables Provision of debt collection services $14,843

Bound Consulting Group Organisational development $1,130

Centricminds Microsite $10,500

David Gordon Smith Database update $6,400

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Eli Murn Road Awareness Program (RAP) presenter


Insync Solutions RAP Pen test $720

Jeff McDonald Mobile computer terminal and radio installation


Kellogg Brown & Root USAR Agreement – Retainer fee for engineer


MIMP Connecting Solutions IT works $810

Momentum Information Solutions Professional services $594

NEC Australia Network management services $290

Royal Park Salvage Salvage services at incident $5,262

Royal Park Salvage Salvage services at major incident $343,864

Rubicor Group Assessment centre $49,819

Safe Select Professional services $30,582

SMS Management & Technology Professional services $1,200

Tyele Riddle RAP presenter $1,750

Quark & Associates Professional services $6,876

Verto Group RAP software maintenance $9,008

SES Aquarius Learning Forcefield Analysis for Tea Tree

Gully SES Unit $2,500

Aquarius Learning Mentoring and guidance for SES staff and volunteers


Blue Razoo SES new uniform photography shoot


Atkis Performance Management SES District Officer position review $5,858

Images on Eyre Consulting Scoping study on funding availability and recruitment support in the Eyre Peninsula region


The Expert Editor Proofreading document $425

MIMP Connecting Solutions Complete replacement of existing WIFI network


Bureau of Meteorology SES contribution to embed meteorologist


Cablelink Communications To install internet relating IT equipment to Salisbury SES


Interpreting and Translating Centre Translating SES Flood & Storm flyers into other languages


Black Sheep Advertising Designing and creating various community engagement documents


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Communication Republic AUSLAN interpreting services at press conferences during extreme weather event


Cummins Hybrid Creation of digital display ads $1,050

Jacobs Group Develop a business case supporting outcomes of Emergency Management Workforce Management Project


Insync Solutions FloodMon testing $3,960

Hudson Australia Communications support $92,088

Randstad Recruitment Agency Administration support $22,308

Randstad Recruitment Agency Logistics support $2,564

RNTT Pty Ltd Logistics support $1,683

Roncorp Property Maintenance Logistics support $7,470

Hays Employment Services Communications support $15,106

Financial performance of the agency The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. Full audited financial statements for 2017-18 are attached to this report.

2017-18 $’000

2016-17 $’000

Expenses 19 970 15 949

Income 17 886 17 553

Net Result (2 084) 1 604

SAFECOM expenses were higher in 2017-18 compared to 2016-17 primarily due to:

• The loss recognised on the write-off of the Alert SA asset in 2017-18.

• Increased costs associated with the ESS Data Management Project and the Alert SA replacement.

Income was higher in 2017-18 compared to 2016-17 primarily due to contributions from the SES and CFS towards a Mental Health First Aid program.

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Other financial information

The attached audited financial statements include the consolidated Emergency Services Sector financial result in addition to the SAFECOM entity. The attached audited financial statements also include the Community Emergency Services Fund (CESF) which is administered by SAFECOM. Emergency services in South Australia are funded by the Emergency Services Levy (ESL). All collections are paid into the CESF which makes payments to government agencies and non-government organisations for the provision of emergency services and associated activities as stipulated in the Emergency Services Funding Act 1998 (the Act).

Other information requested by the Minister(s) or other significant issues affecting the agency or reporting pertaining to independent functions

Nil to report.

Section B: Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Name and date of act or regulation


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Section C: Reporting of public complaints as requested by the Ombudsman Summary of complaints by subject

Public complaints received by Human Resources

Category of complaints by subject Number of instances Nil Nil

Data for the past five years is available at: Data.SA

Complaint outcomes

Nature of complaint or suggestion Services improved or changes as a result of complaints or consumer suggestions

Nil Nil

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Appendix: Audited financial statements 2017-18

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