southeastern...supt.· vaughan greets ~...

Post on 23-May-2020






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enter first

gowns them :t

in this Lillian .

.THE SOUTHEASTERN _.. ,, . OHIC'Inl Orgnn Soutben11tern State Tenchers College

\ olun.e t~ight DUiti\NT, OIU:..-\HU~1A, Wt:DNF~SD-AY, ,MAl' 7, 1930.


Hon. John S. ·Vl!_u_ghan, State Sc~­

perintendent of Public . Instructio!l

for Oklahoma, was speaker at a special a ssembly at Southeastw·n Thurs!Jay morning at Sou~eastern

A large audience of s tudents 'lnd faculty members greeted Mr. Vaughan with. much enthusiasm. Th!s audienc~ was augmented by a ;;on­siderable number of vi siting teacn­crs and others from Bryan and ~ur­rounding counties.

Mr. Vaughan, in addressing th~

large ga:thet'ing, expressed his very great plea·sure in "Coming ba!i!k to r5nrant !iDd boutheastern. H·.) sa:;l • that he remembered very dis ~inrt ly•

the times in the past when a few 0f the student . swould be setn to the gallery of the auditorium even -vhen _ the firs-t flpor was not fully )CC! t ·

pi~d, in order to make a good lm-

~lsi ist ll :IS{~ 3!E l8! l8! •• l8! lS(, J(. ~ ' WOMAN'S COUNCIL 'PARTY lS'l • IS SUCCESFUL AFFAffi; l8! IIORRORSCOPE la JESSIE MORRIS IS QUEEN

~ • ·------~~~-==-------------~--lst Blanche Bragg anc;l a cow ~

~ with something . in common.:- ~ lSt Matti£: May Howard courting l8! ~ in a government class- Nata- ~

l8! lie Morrison looking dignified l8! ~ - A sweet youn~ stranger * l8! looking for Virgil St~~r Bob lSl l8! ::.umter. coaching the former l8! ~ Juanita Pope on 'how t act" l8! ~ r Mildred Dickinson plea ing lSl ~ wi th Rudy Hami11 ·- Da 'd ~ -.

lSt MacDonald nominating a re ~

l8! h~r:ad ·for sweetheart · of ~

l8! Amigoes- Bob Allen strategi­~ cally waterbqund. - Edwiaa lSl JeE MoJris jes tdreaming- Hulen ~

l8! . · Gurley looking for his m a il-- ~ l8! Dave Stevens lis teriin;; . to ~ l8( GeorgE> ~pley call Edi_th ·. Mun- l8! l8E son. l8(

~ . Ja • m • • ~ -. ;.,.. • • • ·· • J01 • • $it . _... ... . ·-: · /"



Two hundred women students and teachers attend the party given Thursday night by the woman's coun­cil in S. T. C. Gym.

This party was one of the most heartiful .and most successful parties ever giv(!n. ill the Gym. _, The hall was decorated with streamers of many pastel shades and rows of bal­loons were strung across the ceiling. Near the. end of the party these V'jere cut !nose and let fall to the floor. The stage was the setting for the queens' throne , around which many baskets of roses· were placed.

The .May Pole dane& was given di­rectly in front of the queen.

Mr .. C~amber-s, the only man allow-. ed -at th~ party, took · nash light ~

pictures of the Queen and her at­tendants, also of the hall.

The refreshments, ice cream .and cake, carried out the pastel colO!' scheme.

. ~------

.-\UDMORE HIGH STUDENT pressio non visitors. Now, students were omliged to go to .the gallery to WI.NS EDISON CONTEST oQtain a seat nd this was not thn The stud~nt coun:cil entertained summer term, either. members of the debating team, fac- .' - He congratulaled the students on ulty, debate committee, members of Char~s Blossom, Ardmore , was

thE' privilege.-they enjoyed in attenj- the studen,t council, and sponsors in ~lected to represent l!!'e Southeaster'l ing one of the best teachers' colleg-e.:; th t- college cafeteria, Tuesday _eve- district at z:-rorman May 24 in the -in the United · States, a college hign - ning ·at six o'clock. Annual Thomas A. Edison Scholar-up on the select list of "A" -~rad ':) After the dinner the folloWing pro- ship Contest, here Saturday, g.ccord-

. , · ing to P . E. I,.aird, distl'ict conte.:;t tea~Q!~g_ iE_stitutions. The over 'JE'Ve~l gram was gtven : hundred thousand children of Okla- Welcome oy s u en counc11 presi- - director:- lildward -Snow, :-Hartshorne,' /'

d t H k 11 Cl k wa.s selcted as an . alternate. homa are entitled to good schools and en , . as e · ar . efficient training. dood schools ar·:! Response- - John O'Riley. Judges in the contest· were, Jol(.'l

~-- the result of good teachers, and it ~s NP.gro Dialog- Mr. T . A. Houston. L. Props, physics: Dr. W. L. Blaine only in institution's like this th :-.t: Vocal Solo--Dorofhy Zinnecker. and Dr. Clark, biology ; Al~eti ' Rer-good te

11chers are made. . Talks by President Briggs , antl ger, Mathematics and E . B-. Robbin" .

.. 1 <' agriculture. ~ Mr. Va,ughan had something to s~ty Bu , arr. .

about the uew course of study for Mernbe ·s of the debate team being t ------+----common schools of the state. He honon~d were Anita Ingram, Dorothy ONE HUNDRED ENROLLED sai. dit was practical in natme ,q.nd Zinneeekr, John O'Riley, R. C. -Mtller; IN I<' IRST lN~ERSESSION would .save· twenty per cent of the .. John McKinney, Roscoe Goins. ---

-t.eacheFs' time. He· spoke further of + The in:tersess.ion, to be held for the "emphasis. it lays on - ch~racter . SJ<;NIORf!t GIVE 'CONU.t:RT three weeks f.or the benefit of · the

l ' building. This,. he pointed out, JS, ' IN 'I'HEIR LAST ASSE!\tBL \' teachers whose " schools are out, has after all, the highes taim of t:t.luc!l- An Old Fashioned Concert was a bout one· hundred students enrolled. tion- the making of worth-while men presented t;>y the ~;eniors in their as" There are .students from ev~~y cbun-and women. sembly, the. last of the year. ty in this district, from Texas and

Mr. Vaughan was introduced to The prog ·am consisted o f songs, £:v'en from · ,Arkansas. Students en-h is home audience by' Supt. E . L. readings, uuets, 11;nd piano· solos by rolling. ~during this session a-ttend Rodman of Antlers. Mr. Rodman ~;aid a group representing men and women classes twice a · ~:~ay and are able to that. after.. a lqng nd _intimate ac- . of tM eighties.· a t .a Sunda y after- l!!~!.ie_ four sgme~ter hour§.,__ South-

, _ m.!.!!i~tance with ! he speaker of tnP noon Concert. eastern is rapidly growing in popu--- - ---.- ~..,---- --- ~- - -- ..-:!..---=-- --- -~ ; day he believed John Vaughan ~o he Burlesque mingled with sentiment larity through its splendid system of ·

one of the - fairest ·and straightest to produce a program that ''l A ~< pleasing opportunities and conven(-metl in Pl!bHc Hfe ;in-Okluh emtt--e<>day. -p l ea~; to a ll. ence for school teacehrs .

. \



Official Organ of the.. Southeutera State Teachere' College.

Publlebed weekly by·· the 8. 8. T. C. In the lnt·ereeLof Edtu:atl<m. In B.o.uth· eastern Oklahoma.

Subeorlptlon price liOc per )'Hf.

Entered u eecond-clase matter Oo-· tober 4, 1922 at Durant, Oklahoma, under the Act of Auguet 14, 1911. Ac· ceptance for malllnl' at epeclal rate


'PO&ta&'e provided tor In section 11 S, of Octo'l'er 3, 1111, authorised, Oo·



Hulen Gurley has started courtin' again. Wretched love !-Sure, . but· why so moody?

Marguerite didn't monopolize Red .. We know it's tough luck, ·J, but what did you think we could do about it?

Upton Dye swo!e off of nets.

Marvin is s1ill • beastly worried. Perhaps ,the trouble is with your Bird Book.

There are at least ten all round students in _SOutheastern. Diet and avoid nominafions.

Sam Sullivan has a. "pussy cat" heart. Dont fool with it, girls, it an't got nine lives. - ·

Frank . Nelms-this is funniest thing) had:· told the --scratch-scratch-dern it; we're out of ink.



-AU-' members of Kappa Delta Pi are reminded -that the initiation and banquet of Beta Delta chapter will

· take place Thursday evening, ~ay 8, at five-thirty. at the Methodist ch~rch. The banquet will be served at 'slx;fifteen. Nine calid~dates ·will be initiatea:· Mrs. Hester Askew, Mrs. Minta Adams, Mrs. Mary Good­gion,1 :Marjorie ~ercimer, Mrs. Lenna Mae Sawyer,· Mrs. ·Leola .Gossett, Anna· Corhn, Lillian Kennedy and Mrs. Mary Alderson. Reserv:ltions are to be made with ' Miss Hallie Mc-

. Kinney. ----~----,....


President and Mrs. Briggs enter-- tained the - members of _ the- Senior

Class with a steak fry in their back yard Mon<!ay· night. Almost all · the Seniors attended, and enjoyed ~ in-

~-"'t'et"estl'li~ evening.


As We-W-ere- ~yiog


. ... ~. -

/ The nominees, for the best- .all­round ' student, -are Opal ·White, Dion­Wood, Haskell Clark, and Anita In-gram. They are ju.dged accordtng to four points: (:}.) S<:,bolarship (2) Loy-alty (3) Citizenship and (4) Value to Southeastern. Axty one of these

- J. s. studentS is worthy oi having his - rught-at-the- ttme-when-bese-:...: - name eng.w.v.ed-Upon- the br.9J)Ze.:Plac:~---baU and bre\\ing were _becomlilg ards, which the Durant LiOns / Club the nat~on's most popular sport8 has so graciou~ly given. ... the Supreme Court outlawed the · The trophy is a walnut frame of a sale of beer bottles. beautiful design from which the

\Ve don't believe that even placards are suspended. .It . will b~

Judge Parker coUld . demoralize placed in a conspicuous place in one that august body. ·of· the halls or librar!·~ Every year a

_ ___ new name will appear engraved upon

If you want to find out who was individually iespon.sible for this col­lege being placed-nere a buranrgo to· hear the speecli of_ gubernatorial candidates· in Bryan County.

One redeeming feature of the · "pathless campus" signs that adorn

l:h<! campus at regular intervals . is that if there were enough of them t:.h~y would make a nice looklnk_ fence.

The Cam,PUS Flirt was heard to make the remark the other day that if toe ··stud~nt Council wanted her and the Savage Sheik to stay off 1the grass they would have to move the stone seats out on the sidewalk.

'- ,;::__ -

one of the bronze placa_rdS'. ----·~·----


,. The college Y : W. C. A. gave a love­

ly tea for the Girl Reserves and sponsors of Durant High School and Russell Training School, · from - four . till six Tuesday, April 29, in th& Y. W. room .. in the Library Building. The room was attractively decorat­<.:d wit.h cut flowers. Misses Lena. Noll, Jettye Fern Grant, Marjorie

• Kelchnor, Edwina Morris and Doro­thy Zihrieck~r · were in the receiving line. Miss Opal ~ite, preside!lt. 1.929-30, · and Miss Oleta Davis, pres­ident for 1930-31, presided at the punch bowl.

L. Norman Duncan, w'ho accused · · The program consisted of piano se-Southea$tern of subsidizing their ath-- lections by· Miss Jessie Morris, read~

· letes, might withdraw his. charge if ings by Miss Gretchen Benezl, violin ltle could see Captains Rosie McCord . soio by Miss\\'irgini&:- Wicks, .vocal ana Carl Buck shampooing their _ solo- b¥--Miss ~attice Abta, violin undenvear.--

solo by Miss . Hermine Truby and vo-

Our . far from matliematical mind . is placed in · regular brain storms

· wpen we try to- figtire out how these "profs" give us, without remorse or .conscience, six-week's examinations :nine times . in a term. .

Our ' idea of an · ideal joke section would be to print the __ suggestions submitted to us as to the right way to· run a newspaper. Mary Boyd Ab­bott, niece pf Hedley, suggested . that we r\m lots of . jokes. The following is ~-~r contt;bution: .

A man s~w a hat in the middle rof a. ·muddy road. On picking up the hat he discovered a mall'S head under­neath. He said to the man's head, "Sir, can I _pull you...out ?'_' _ "No, thank you," the submerged repljed, "I am on. a horse." · "'

If this is what -the students want - in th~ir paper give them to us but

cal solo by little' Miss Valerie Semple .. The tea was given primarily · to

strengthen the ties between the · col­lege, Y. W. C. A~ and their little organization. ·

The Y. W .C .A: program, Tues­. day,, April 29,· was in charge of the

music committee, Hermine Truby, Ghalrman. DirecUy after this short

· program the girls went to the front steps of the Library Building where they ' had tqeir pictures made. The · organization formed the letters Y. w. ' __ . _ _:_,. ---'--

Miss Emily Mantooth .died at the Durant Hospital Sunday, May 30. · Miss Mantooth got her . life certifi-

.- cate at Southeastern nad- wa.S teach-ing at Broken Bow. · · _.:.

we prt!fer that you write them !)Uf and send them in for like ·every· one

. els~ we've' heard the joke b,efore.


' .



Mrs, Minto .t).dams.

Mrs. Minta Adams is a Junior at

and Sigma Tau Delta, writers' fra-. ternity. - Writing is her bopby. The follow~ ing is one of her clever plays:

A Score for Mother. Act 1- -<Livmg Room of Dawson home.

Mrs. "Dawson is seated on the left of stage sewing. nuance, her son, is seated on the . divan, right, reading an

· .o~d scrap . book. , Mrs. D.: What are you reading? · Duane: This; I've never seen it

before. Where have you been keep­ing it? · ·Mrs. D.: Oh, Plat? In the attic. I brought it down yesterday for the · painter& -.would soil it. And, t_oo, -J. wanted to glance over it if I find time.

Duane: Mother, you must have been a beauty in those days to have won so many honors.

MTS. D.: In those days ? . (Du_ane walks toward her and takes

her harid) Duane: Forgive me, mother. You

know I didnt' mean it tha way. You are sill more beautiful than the ma­jority of these young creatures-be­Sides you don't need all the cos­metics. (Bends over her). A:h, mpth­er ther~ was !lever a smile like yours.

Mrs. D.: If you <'t careful, you'll be telling some one else_ the

- saine thing. l'ni .afraid thase femi­.• nine charms have already spoiled ybu.

Duane: (seating himself) It isn't the girls . who spoil me; you're guiity

• of that-at least dad thinks so. But, mother, how did you feel when Nan-· cy, what's }ler name, def~ated you in that Popularity Co~test_. in your la~t

·year at College? · · Mrs. D.: (smiling) That was a

}-;, event. Some conte-st-; that; every one was very interested. Nancy and . I were the· only nominees and the best of friends. She was an at­tractive. girl and possessed ·a won-derful pt!llJOnality. -

Duane: But how did you bow to bet· success? It must have wounded ·you -<leepir.'

t- Mrs. D.: {Putting--aside her work) _,.. Is Joyce_ in aJ?O~~r race for honors?

r should .think she bad her share al-


read:y. Are you disturbed about the Mrs. D.: Rather early, aren't you? outcome? .Jt:s only two.

Duane: It }"'Ould b{ a . great relief (No· reply) to me if she were-it isn't that this Mrs. D. ~ Wlbat's wrong, Duane? time. It is I who am seeking another Duane: ·- rm 3ick~ will you leave me goal. alone 'L I want to go to my room.

Mrs. I); : What? .I'm sick . of everything- people-! of the Student know where I stand. Ted is hero. President

Senate. Mrs. D.: And contemplating

DpaLne: Early? It !lll happens to­morrow. The finals are to be an­nounced at 3:30 tomorrow. Of course, . I'm not think of,Jleing whipped. It worries me how Ted ·will ever live ove;:/ llt.

Mrs. D.: Ted? Duane: Yes, why? Mrs. D.: Is he the only opponent?

. Duane: ~he only! That do~sn'~ mat-ter. He bas a-whole herd- working for him. Politicking, ·if you please-!

I'm going to leave. - There are other schools, better ones. I'll work if nee-

Mrs. D.: You're a fine specimen. A fellow who can't take defeat isn't worthy of victory. Ted woUld never h~ve been such a poor loser...)'m glad you didn't win_. One of you bad to lose--you kne{r that in the beginning. I see now w¥t a- mistake I've made in protecting you.

Duane: I'm sorry mother. Mrs. D.: You asked me how I had

lost a great honor Y[pen I was your age? I Was the first" to congratWate Na~cy. She was trustworthy, so is Ted. You can never right the wrong you've done him and your sch.'ool. How could you, my boy, be so lax?

· Why, he's been trying to date every girl lit school, thinks it Will help! A big chance he has! If my, friends can't help .rne Without being bought-then Duane : I've been so foolish, mother;

--what- time is 't.? --l'll be out.

Mrs. D: Son you s ar le me. How Mrs. D.: Three o'clock. could you accuse Ted so· unjustly? I · buane: Perhaps l'll- have time yet don't think being industrious· harms to be the first to greet Ted and help any Ollle. The things we work bard- him arrange. the stage f.or . the pro­'est for are alWays the -most· appre-elated when ?fie have attained them.

- Ted htas been so truthful and bon-est that I can't b_elieve-

(Mr. Da'Ws_on enters, Duan~ exit ) Mr. D: Why the long face, dear? Mrs. D. : Ben, I'm so . worried. Mr. D :: Worried? . What now? Mrs. D, : Y.ou know what good pals

Duane and Ted have always been! Well, they are rivals, now. They are bOth !running fOP· :t'reSident- of the 5ftlden.t Senate. Ben, its serious, really.

Mr. D. : Why so ser-ious? Mrs. D,: Ted ·hasn't been here fo~

two weeks- Duane is so egotistical, even deceitful, i' believe. He accused Ted of doing dishonor~ble things.

Mr. D.: Boys will be boys. Mrs. D.: But Duane has never

· sen~ed defeat. He · has invariably come out wlnne'r of . every undertak- · ing. n will .be such 1r blow if hEl doesn' t this 'time. Oh, how he wi)l be wqunded.

Mr. D.: I wish he would be defeat­ed. A good bard letting down will make. a man of him. We . tried to do our best for him. • I've _always padded the rocks for him to fall on. Never mind, tho' he'll come alopg 0. K.

ACT II · Next <lay_.:Soun porch. Mrs. D. seat­

ed, Duane enters, slatns door_.

gram. ----~-----

The agricl,/ltural classes, under ,the· direction of' Professor Hagood -yisited ~e Chapman Fa~ at Tishomingo anti the Pecan• 0rchard of Frank Mirenda at Bennlntgon. There were about twenty dtudents who inade the trip l via large trucks.) .


Boule initiation was held Tuesday -evening, May 6. ""Ttle. tnlttate-9-were :' · Mr. and Mrs. Nix, Bill Hall, Orlena Phillips; Mildred Davis, ·Reese Me-

. Cord. This was the final initiation this year .


Professor T. A. Houston has vis­ited several schools ~is spring giv­ing commencement addresses. He had visited Plainview, Mill Creek, Al­bion and for next week Achille, M'ay 9, Valliant, May li, Broken Bow ¥ay 14, and Bokcpito, May 15.

.. ; ---..:...----Mr. Floyd Hagooct· Will attend

school at f-.· & M. Colleg'e at Still­·water. ,

-- ---+-----" Rev. Eugene Hill spent Friday, Saturday and· Sunday in Joplin, Mo.

---. -+-· -.Look for the big edition of The

SoutlieasterrC next Week. It will be dedicated to the 5eniors and ~11 con­tf i!l thei~; . pictures. If you have a contribution se d it iq now.




. -Mildred Brown visited with J ewel

Jeffry f.\.1: her home in Boswell over the week-:end.

' r"'--M.~ss Lorraine Tate is a visitor,

through last week, of Opal Hicks and S. T. C. from Coleman.

Basil .. Wright, of Durant, visited friends in Utica through the week­end.

Lillie Mae Morgan visited· her par­ents ·in Madill Sunday afternoon.

Rose F omby visited her home in Ashtown Saturd_ay and Sunday.

Jessie Johnson spent the week-end · with lier folks in Madill.


Floy Perry spent the week-end with her home folks in Tulsa.

- Mr. Haggard may be a "Pinch Hitter" but we'll ·have to hand it to him he is certainly a good one.

It is getting to be a · habit for the male members of the faculty to "hog" the front row of seatlil,. during assem­bly.

'On Friday, May 2, at 12: 30 the Russell IJigh Cooking Class enter­tained t!lree-·-c-ntic teachers with a three course dinner.


Commencement Addy(s"s at Le . Flore Wedne~ay evening, April 30 . .

Mr.~ re B. Oixofi, DE!an of Men at­Southeastern and Director of Extra­Curri cular Activities., attended the National Meeting of the Dea ns · and Advisors of Meh at tne University of ·Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkan_sas ,

Request · for Light House . Keeping · Rooms- room· and board. If you know

of such a pllll!e call in 958-W and· list them.

Alpha Psi Omega initiation will be Saturday nig_!:lt , May ~J Those being initia ted are: Ann Watson , Floy:'!~

Pierc~. J ohn Ed Franklin, Roy Bon-· durant·, Jesse Berryhill , Irene Las­well ana O'Brien Johnson.


S tudent nunc~lg _ !~ re ular meeting May 1, in the Student Coun: cil room .

Pictures of the student · councU members , which were made S'unday, were presented and one was chosen

framed · and hung Til the Coun-cil Room, rule and from now o neach group of councilors will hang their picture on• the walr at the close of the year.

Reports were made by Anna CQrhn and Opal White.

Miss Corhn reported that all ma­terial for the 1930-31 hand booK' is ready for · publlcation.

Miss White reported - on . the point system of activities. Next year, each person who -holds some office in some campus organization will be giv-

Indoor baseball bat was lost on the en so many points which will be re- • Y . W : and Y. M. retreat. Any one corded to his cr,!ldit in the office. knowing anything about the where- President Haskell Clark urged all abouts of this bat please returnd to committee chairmen tor have ti)ei the · Student Council roonf: .• , · yearly reports ready to be presented

- at the last student council m·~eting,

Stewart Harral , a prominent which will be Thursday, May 11. .E:.01,1 the~tern stu<lent, has been elect- -----~----ed editor of .the, Whirlwind fun ·maga. ( Th"l>IAN CLUB PRESENTS A zine of the University of Oklahoma . . - SONG AND DANCE PROGUA.l\1

Miss Mary Boyd Abbott spent the week end at Norman, during th~

track meet at the Delta Delta Delta _ and· Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority houses.

----· ----

···········~··· ·· • •

Bill Carr, President of Student Council for 1930-31 , · t)resided -1t 1lS­

sembly on April 30. The program Y~-CiS in char]'e of the Indian' Club, who ptesente9, · Indian Songs and .;event! Indian dances.,._ .

At thi s point the program went to Mr. Leek, who introduced. Mr. Rollin

..._ l8( FIVE YEARS AGO. l8E Pease, Chicago baritone. Mr. Pease


mn Hiill spell the- week=end- in • • · Heavener. l8( Robert ~tewart Hyer, Pres- -.

gave the kinds. .. -of English-ballads and sang4)a-llads- to illust:rate-eru,:il-;--!!-'"Ph -3~-----'--U­

Miss Bessie Butler visited .her home folks il!_ A,toka over the week­enq.

--, Kenneth Woodward spent the week­

end in M-cAlester visiting his brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Runt Ramsey and Charles Ziruiecker went to Wilson Wednesday afternoon, - r'

At 8 ' 00 o'clock Friday evening the ~

Sigma ·'Tau Delta held a 'guest meet­ing. Each scribbler ·brouglir -" ·t wo Alumni members with them.-

!8E ident Emeritus, Q. M . U., has l8(

Jl been secure.d to deliver the l8( ~ baccalaureate sermon at S. T. l8(

~ c. l8l The Y . M, .c . w,ill have a le{ ll Stunt Night Tuesday evening, ·lS(

39E May 12~ anY, organfzation -l)'lay l8(

l8{ ,, enter. • ll Instruction in the Summer l8E liE Term will be given by all ll Jllf. !nember.s bf the ·regular facul- ll l9( ty assisted by twenty-five ad" l8( le£ ditional teachers. ll l8E Reflexes, tendertcies and re- l8t' le£ actions :were forgotten by the ll )8E. Psycho ugy class vybP.n they . ll ll went -on a picnic north of le£

.Mr. Props ana the membe_rs of • 39( Durant. le£ the advance ' chemistry classes went le£ The date of the sa·vage-East ll

·----on a fishing -trip ' Friday evening. -l8E - Central Tiger- ev.e.nLhas ~~ • James 'Hunt, H1,1bert Harris, and l8E changed from May · 9 to 'May · l8E Doris Lemons caught the ~innow lSi 7 . according to Coach . P~ D. 3aE

l8E Godfrey today. Crockett is l8t • · <loped to win. the mile ·event. ' _.

Mr. Fred B-;-BiX1m delivered the • !IE It It( l8E l8E It ·• ll lit • li • )II • • ll'f

E:.ea·; was an example of tragedy and "Trade Winds" was an example of humorous ballads. He sang the · Ital­ian songs, "The Eye of Faith'' and "The E"vening Star." From this te went to the negro folk song and i:­lustrated his talk with 'Standing in Need -of Prayer," ·a negro spirituat, and "Oh., l')Toah a:nd - the- Flood,'~ a

.~egrQ f~lk song. His concluding number was "WhP.n I Sing J l!e ·Be~l ( Song,' which show.ed the Indian ritual, The - death of a Chief and su on.



Miss Lena Noll and Mr. A. · L. Porterfie!dJ "Y" sponsors, gave the members of the 'oTd- and new cabinets of Y. M . C. A. _and_ y _.__yy, _Q,_ A. ~ sunrise breakfast in the City Park, May 5. _ _ "': J _

There were thirty-two present.

. ... •

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