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EDUC W200 Week 1


EDUC W200 Week 1


• Let’s review the syllabus! o http://www.indiana.edu/~educw200/syllabus/


EDUC W200 Week 1


• Information for Different Lab Sections & Times (W200 Website)

• Grade Distribution (W200 Website)• Grading Policies

– No late submissions– Attendance taken every week – Let me know as early as possible if you have an

excused absence • Excused absences listed on W200 Website• Documentation required

EDUC W200 Week 1


• Grading Breakdown• Class-prep Activities – 150 Points (15%)• Technology Integration Practice – 150 Points (15%)• Digital Story – 100 Points (10%)• Case Analysis & Case Artifacts – 300 Points (30%)• Teacher Website Final – 150 Points (15%)• E-Portfolio Final – 100 Points (10%)• E-Portfolio Presentation – 20 Points (2%)• Participation – 30 Points (3%)

• TOTAL: 1000 Points

EDUC W200 Week 1


• Finals Week• Plan your plane tickets, other travel plans, and so forth

after the final day!• You need to be in school & attend• We will be giving presentations DURING CLASSTIME

that week

• Final Day & Time: XXXXXXXXXX

• Any questions about the Syllabus?

EDUC W200 Week 1

W200 Website & Oncourse

• W200 Website– Brief introduction of all pages

• Oncourse – Brief introduction of all links

EDUC W200 Week 1

Major Projects

• Digital Story• Will be covered today

• Case Analyses & Case Artifacts

• Teacher Website & E-Portfolio• Two important projects of this class • Think of these as projects that show off your

cumulative knowledge in this class• Outline of these websites will be created today

EDUC W200 Week 1

Weekly Expectations

• Due Date: By XXXXXX, X pm• Class Prep (10 Points Each)

– Must be completed before class by … (When?) – Where to locate?

– Attend class or miss points (1/2 points)

• Technology Integration Practice– 10 Points Each (Exception: No TIP week 5; TIP #6 – 20

points)– No email submission – No points for absence

EDUC W200 Week 1

What Happens if I Miss Class?

• Missing Class– Excused: Flu, Doctor’s note, Religious holiday, etc with

proper documentation• Must be discussed in advanced or NO Technology Integration

Practicepoints.• Find another instructor on the website, email them, CC me.

– Unexcused: Go through the presentation slides, office hours, TTL. No Technology Integration Practicepoints.

– Half points for Class Prep

• Attending Other Labs (Excused Absence)– MUST be discussed in advance via email. – Find a good section for you to attend.

– 5 or more absences will lead to at most a grade of “C-”

EDUC W200 Week 1

Where Can I Find Help?

• Source #1: Read carefully through our W200 website and PowerPoint Presentations

• Source #2: Teaching Technology Lab (TTL)

• Source #3: Search Google, Youtube, etc. for tutorials

• Source #4: Email me (XXXXXX@indiana.edu)

EDUC W200 Week 1

General Expectations

• Classes will last the entire time• Plan at least 3~6 hours of work outside of

class each week for your assignments• Professional - punctual and responsible• Respect each other – future teachers• Participation points (30 points)

• Attendance, class participation (discussions), effort, and improvement

• Any questions on the expectations?

EDUC W200 Week 1

Communication Expectations (Poor)

To: xxx (xxx@xxx)From: xxxxxx@yahoo.comSubject: (no subject)

Ok u said u had a copy of the digital story just not finalized and u said u would give me half credit for that...u never said u would give me half credit if I gave u my finalized one...u understood because my computer that had the finalized copy crashed and I have since replaced it...there was no way for me to send u another copy without doing it over so I assumed u were going to keep true go ur word and give me half credit for the copy u received...and I know u have copy because I emailed it to you around the time they were doSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

EDUC W200 Week 1

Communication Expectations (Good)

To: xxx (xxx@xxx)

From: janedoe@indiana.edu

Subject: Question Regarding Digital Story - 12477– Jane Doe

Dear Mr/Mrs xxx,

After our discussion on Tuesday, I went back to my room and could not

remember how to finalize my digital story and upload it to YouTube. I looked

over the W200 website and check your emails sent through OnCourse, but I

still couldn’t figure out how to do this. Can you send me a link to a tutorial?

Also, can we meet to discuss my digital story topic? I have class during your

office hours. Thank you!


Jane Doe (janedoe@indiana.edu)

Lecture Section 12480

EDUC W200 Week 1

Classroom Expectations

• Late comers

• Active Participation

• No Text Messaging + Facebook

• Do we all agree on these expectations? Any objections?

EDUC W200 Week 1

Teaching Technology Lab (TTL)

• Teaching Technology Lab (TTL)• Get technology integration help (for w200 or any

other education course) • Potential workshops and additional learning

opportunities • Where instructors hold their office hours

• All of the information about the TTL is listed on the Syllabus.• Hours• Location • Phone Numbers

EDUC W200 Week 1

TTL Field tripFollow our ULA to TTL (ED2010)!

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