
Post on 20-May-2015






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Social Studies: Geography

Almudena Corrales Marbán


The geographical uniqueness of the Iberian Peninsula

has been recognised since ancient times.

The landmass of the Iberian Peninsula is located in the

temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, creating a

crossroads between Europe and Africa and between the Atlantic

Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. This position has a decisive

influence on the climatic conditions and gives rise

to the presence of four distinct natural environments: Oceanic,

Mediterranean, Subtropical (Canary Islands) and Mountainous.

The way the land relief is shaped is original, due to its massif

form, its high average altitude and the location of the main

mountain systems on the periphery. This relief produces, for

example, conditions which are not very favourable for

agriculture, and influences population distribution, the

transport infrastructure or the use of rivers as navigable


Spain is the second European country with the highest

average altitude, 660 metres, after Switzerland. It is because

much of its territory is occupied by a high central plateau (the

Meseta), around which lie other forms of land relief.


• The Meseta Central has an altitude of 600 to 700 metres. Two

ancient, low mountain ranges run across it: the Central Sierra, which

divides the Meseta into two, the northern sub-plateau and the southern

sub-plateau; and the Toledo Mountains, dividing the southern sub-plateau

into two.

• The mountains that surround the Meseta are the Galician Massif,

the Cantabrian Mountains, the Iberian Mountains and the Sierra Morena.

• The land relief away from the Meseta includes various young

mountain ranges: the Basque Mountains, the Pyrenees, the Catalan

coastal range and the Baetic Mountains; and two depressions: the

Ebro and the Guadalquivir.

The Peninsula has straight coastlines

which are determined by the land

relief of the interior.

• The Cantabrian coasts are

relatively straight and consist mainly

of cliffs, with some beaches and

estuaries. Galicia has the most

jagged coastline in Spain.


Coastal land relief. The Cantabrian coast has cliffs rising high above the level of the sea.

• The Atlantic coast of Andalusia

is low and sandy. It is charactherised

by its marshes and other sand

formations such as bars and dunes,

or mounds of sand created by the


• The Mediterranean coasts are

lined with cliffs where the

mountain ranges reach the

coast, such as the Baetic Mountains

and the Catalan coastal range. The

rest are low, sandy coasts, with

beaches, river deltas such as the

one in the Ebro, and lagoons, such

as that of Valencia.

Doñana marshes

Ebro delta

The Balearic Islands are a platform along the

horizontal axis of the Mediterranean and part of

the vertical axis that goes from the South of

France to North Africa. They are located SW

(Ibiza) to NE (Menorca), resting on a submarine

platform which is an extension of the Baetic

mountains of Cape Nao, and are separated

from the Levantine coast by a channel which is

more than a thousand metres deep.

• Most of the coasts are cliffs, because

the mountains in the islands reach the

sea. We

can find, however, many wide beaches and

coves in Majorca and the rest of the islands.


In the land relief of the islandof Mallorca we can distinguishthree landscape zones: the Serrade Tramuntana, the LlevanteRanges and the Pla or Plain.The Serra de Tramuntana runsparallel to the northern coastof the island forming a strip 88km long and 15 km wide. It isconsidered a continuation of theBaetic Ranges.

The Canary Islands, located near

the Tropic of Cancer, are an outpost

of Spain and Europe in Africa and in

the Atlantic Ocean. But, despite their

proximity to the African continent,

their history and culture are linked to

Spain and Europe.In the Canary Islands, there are

different forms of land relief of volcanic

origin: the ash fields; the “badlands” or

plains of rapidly solidified lava, scored by

cracks; the “lava tubes” or underground

channels, and the “roques”, volcanic rock



The rivers of the Peninsula are grouped into three watersheds, depending on the sea, or ocean they flow into.

• The rivers of the Cantabrian watershed are short with a regular flow, they flow across steeps terrain, descending rapidly* down the mountains near the Cantabrian Sea. The main ones include the Nalón, the Nervión and the Bidasoa.

• The rivers of the Atlantic watershed are long and course over wide plains before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. In general, they carry a lot of water but are irregular (depending on the season and precipitation). The most important include the Miño, the Duero, the Tagus, the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir.

• The rivers of the Mediterranean watershed, except the Ebro,are short. They descend steep terrain in the mountains near the Mediterranean Sea. In general, they do not carry much water andthey are very irregular. The main ones include the Llobregat, the Ebro, the Mijares, the Turia, the Júcar and the Segura.

We find short streams and torrents, in the Balearic and Canary Islands, which only carry water a er heavy rainfall.

Watershed: vertiente

Basin: cuenca

To flow into: desembocar


The landscape and vegetation types vary in different parts of Spain due

to the following factors:



-Distance from the sea

The are four main regions:

• Mediterranean Coast

• Central Plateau

• Atlantic

• Canary Islands


This area has a Mediterranean Coast region covers the south and

east coast of peninsular Spain and the Balearic Island.

This area has a Mediterranean climate. It is hot in summer

and mild in winter. The sea moderates the temperatures. There

is not very much rain. Th natural vegetation types are:

Evergereen forest (holm oak, cork oak, pine)

Aromatic shrubs (rosemary and lavender)

Human influence:

• Replacing natural vegetation with farmland : traditionally with vines and olives and recently with fruit trees and vegetables grown in greenhouses.

• The impact of the tourism on the coast


The Central Plateau is in the centre of peninsular Spain. In many areas

the landscape is very flat, but several mountain ranges, including the

Central Sierra, cross the Central Plateau.

This area has a Mediterranean climate. This climate is more extreme

than on the Mediterranean coast because it is further from the sea. It

is hotter in summer and colder in winter. There is hardly any rain.

The natural vegetation is everygreen forest.

Human influence:

• Cutting down forests: for crops

• The growth of big cities: Madrid

• Road and railways


The Atlantic region goes along the north coast of Spain from Galicia to

the Pyrenees, including the Cantabrian sea area. Elsewhere the

landscape is hilly.

This area has a maritime climate. This means it is mild with quite

high rainfall all year round, but also due to the influence of the sea.

There is a lot of vegetation because of the rain, and the landscape is

very green. The natural vegetation types are:

Deciuous forests: oak, beech, chesnut

Heathland: heather, fern

Human influence:

• Replacing natural vegetation with farmland.

• Reforestation with eucalyptus and pine trees

• Industry has a large impact on the environment


The high mountains have the same type of vegetation in all of the

regions. As you go higher the vegetation changes from evergreen forests

to heathland to alpine meadows to bare rock (no vegetation)

It is found in the Peninsula above an altitude of 1000 metres.

Precipitation is high, normally around 1000 mm a year and temperatures

are cold, with low winters around 0ºC.

E. CANARY ISLANDSThe Canary Islands were formed by volcanic eruptions. The western

islands are mountainous and the eastern islands are flat.

The islands have a subtropical climate because they are near the

Tropic of Cancer. There is not much change in temperature by seasons

and there is not much rain.

The natural vegetation types are:

• Humid subtropical laurel forests

• Plam trees, dragon trees and Canary Island palms

Human influence:• Agricultural: terraces on slopes

• Building hotels and apartments for tourism


The Spanish state is governed

by a set of laws and

regulations which are

contained in the Constitution

of 1978.


The Spanish satate is social, democratic and the rule of law applies,

because the power of the state and the government is limited by the

constitution and laws.

Sovereignity lies with the Spanish people, and all powers emanate from

them. The people delegate this power to representatves elected

in general elections

The political system is a parliamentary monarchy. The king is the head

of the state but he has limited functions.

The powers of the state are divided between different


The Cortes Generales (Parliament) have the

legislative power. Composed of two chambers

elected every four years:

• Congreso de los Diputados: represents the

Spanish people

• Senado: territorial representation

The Governmet holds the executive power.

Composed od the president and ministers.

The courts of justice exercise the judicial power.


After being recognised by the 1978

Constitution, 17 autonomous communities

and two autonomous cities, Ceuta and

Melilla, were created

Each community is governed by a statute of

autonomy or fundamental law. They also

have their own institutions: the Regional

Parliament, the Government and the

High Court.


The provinces and municipalities form the local administration.

Their body of government is the Diputación or Provincial

Council, composed of deputies elected.

The municipalities are the smallest territorial

units of the Sate. Their body of government is the

Town or City Council. Their functions are to

provide services to the inhabitants of the

municipal district: waste collection, street paving,


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