spanish sounds 1 what is phonics? it is linking sounds with letters of the alphabet

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Spanish Sounds 1What is phonics?It is linking sounds with letters of the alphabet.What are phonemes?They are the individual sounds in a word, e.g.i j amigojunio

Similarities between Spanish and EnglishBoth languages use the Roman alphabet.Many words are the same in both languages.Can you work out the meanings of these Spanish cognates in English?noviembrehelicpteroplanetaelefantelimnfantsticoocanoenormetelevisinNovemberhelicopterplanetelephantlemonfantasticoceanenormoustelevisionDifferences between Spanish and EnglishBoth languages have 5 vowel letters, but there are 5 vowel sounds in Spanish and 12 in English.There are 26 letters in the English alphabet with 44 sounds, and 27 letters in the Spanish alphabet with 30 sounds.The extra letter in the Spanish alphabet is . There are 3 other letters that used to be part of the Spanish alphabet until recent times - ch, ll and rr - and which are still included in many resources. Facts about the Spanish alphabet - 1Although these 3 letters are no longer in the most recent versions of the Spanish alphabet, their sounds still, ll and rrCHocolateamariLLopeRRo

The letters K and W do not exist in Spanish words unless the words originated in another country, e.g. koala, wok.In Spanish you must pronounce every single letter except h.Facts about the Spanish alphabet - 2Vamos a cantar!


The vowel sounds never change in Spanish

Words starting with vowelsaabeja





Say the words!

abejaelefanteiglesiaovejauvasSay the words!

ConsonantsSome are pronounced differently to English consonants*ccasa

hard c before a


soft c - th sound before e in Spanish and s sound in Latin America


soft c - th sound before i in Spanish and s sound in Latin America

*ccocheThe Spanish ch is pronounced like the ch in the word church


hard c before o

*cSay the words!


Say the words!


hard c before u


hard g before a


g before e like h in English


g before i like h in English


hard g before o

*gSay the words!

cucurachagatogeniogimnasiogordoSay the words!


hard g before u



h is a silent letter in Spanish


j in Spanish sounds like h in English

*jamarilloll in Spanish sounds like y sound in English


is like ny sound in English

*Say the words!


Say the words!



r at the beginning of a word has a vibrating soundperro

*rrrr has a vibrating sound too


v- a soft, breathy b


x at the start of a word is a bit like s sound in English


z is th sound in Spanish and like s sound in Latin America

*zSay the words!

ratnperroventanaxilfonozumoSay the words!

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