spc2023 animal rights informative speech presentation

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Animal RightsAn In-Depth Look

1.What are animal rights?

2.Are animal rights important to me?

(Johnson, “Peacock”,2013)

Today we will discuss…

What Animal rights and the brief history behind it.

The different philosophical arguments and practical implications.

Common myths and misconceptions related to animal rights.

Defining Animal Rights

• “the rights of animals to live free from human exploitation and abuse.”

• Expansion on concept that has not been fully accepted due to research found animals are sentiment beings with feelings and/or emotions.

• Is not clearly defined, is a subjective term and ac contradiction.

• Many widespread, distinctive competing meanings.

History behind Animal Rights

Did not become a major social issue until the 1970’s.

The concept dates back to pre-history.

Has been around since human existence to some extent due to respect for “all living beings”.

Has been widespread globally and continues to grow.

The origins span from 1866 to 1975.

SPCA & AHA (Advocacy groups)

Charles Darwin is thought to be the catalyst for the animal rights movement.

Philosophical Arguments & Implications

Philosophical arguments are ideas and theories on the ethics and morality of animal rights.

Utilitarianism, the Rights Views, The Feminist View.

Endangered species and medicine science are two implications set forth due to the animal rights movement.

Common Myths & Misconceptions

There are many misconceptions on what state and federal laws.

The Animal Welfare Act grants some regulatory protection for animals but it not specific or enforced adequately.

The federal government does not regulate the keeping of exotic animals by private individuals.

According to my online audience analysis survey: 73% of you were not sure if

the Endangered species Act protects all endangered and/or threatened species.

73% of you were not sure if the Animal Welfare Act provides a wide range of protection to all animals in the U.S.

81% of you were not aware that the Humane Slaughter House Act does not protect chickens and/or birds.

In Conclusion:

Animal rights is not clearly definable and must be researched to become

informed. Then you can make a better and more

informed decision on where you stand on the


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