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Post on 11-Nov-2015






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How to Increase Concentration Power in Studies Improve Tips How to Increase Concentration Power in studies

It has become a common complaint of every second person that they are not able to concentrate on anything. Mainly the problem has been faced by students while learning something. People are unable to give their 100% attention wherever it is required. Especially children and teens face this problem of low concentration during studies and try to find out the ways to increase memory and improve concentration power.

When they study, other things start rounding in their mind. In this competitive age every one tries to score high marks and beat the other in their classroom, colleges and other mind competitive games. So the problem has become bigger. The problem of lack f concentration power can be solved by doing exercise for 5 to 10 minutes on regular basis. Here are few good ways and tips to improve concentration power.

Tips to improve concentration power in Studies Ways to increase concentration power

Take a circular board or paper and fill the same with yellow color. Now mark a small point at the center and hang that in somewhere in your study room. Sit in solitude and try to concentrate on the centered point hanging on the wall. Try this for 5 to 10 minute every day on regular basis. The time can be increased gradually. This exercise will defiantly increase your concentration power.

Light the candle or diya and sit in solitude in front of it and gaze it till 5 to 8 minutes. Repeat this exercise daily for at least five minutes.

Something comes by itself and concentration power is one of them. When you go for study definitely few things distract you, it happens with many of the people for a while. When you go for study just flash out other thing from your mind like what you had to do or what you will have to do after study. Be relaxed and try to concentrate only on your study.

Make yourself prepare for the study, decide the time and dont go anywhere without completing your goal.

Study in solitude, there should not be anyone apart from you in your study area. Forget everything else except your study. Avoid listing radio, watching T.V., or person to disturb you.

Its a universal truth that action follows to the mine. Read in positive way; dont try to take it as a burden. For example if you are going to study a chapter of 20 pages, make you mind feel like there is just one page more to finish.

A break is very important during the study as you are not a machine. Take breakfast, walk or do what you like the most. Taking such small breaks recharge you again for study and thus you would be able to study for a long time. But remember never take a heavy breakfast as you may feel like sleeping. This is one of the good ways to improve concentration while studying.

Sit on a chair while study because when you study on bed, it makes you like sleep so never sit on bed for study. Remember to be away from reading near the window as as the all things you see out of the house or room distract your mind and attract you toward them

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