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By Rob Schultz© 2012 Rob Schultz / all rights reserved

Special Bonus:

Webinar Profit PackFill-in the blanks Webinar Profit

Formula Outline Template

The Webinar Profit Pack:

By Rob Schultz© 2012 Rob Schultzall rights reserved

For personal use only. You do not have permission to distribute or re-sell this report

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The templates and other material contained in this report are for the sole use of the individual that signed up for it. The owner of this report and templates is NOT rights to resell this material, or the right to distribute it. But is granted a single use license to use the material to help promote their own webinars and teleseminars.

Other than for personal use promoting your own webinars and teleseminars, no part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author, Rob Schultz.

The Scoop on Rob SchultzYour fastest path to profit is NOT what everyone else is doing. Its what you do best.

ROB SCHULTZ mentors entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide to skyrocket their profits by discovering their own Personal Perfect Profit Model. He helps clients combine magnetic messaging along with insanely ingenious promotion and launch strategies to deliver unprecedented bottom line results.

His clients and customers discover how to instantly identify their juiciest profit opportunities. And leverage marketing methods perfectly suited to their brilliance to attract scores of new subscribers and add big bucks to their bottom line.

His vast and varied experience, as well as a client list that reads like a who's who of the coaching and online marketing worlds, help him guide you to success. Even if everything you have tried has failed.

Rob helped Michael Port propel his best seller, Book Yourself Solid, to the top of the charts with the unforgettable "Entrepreneur Idol" Movie. His support also helped Lynn Jericho craft an online movie, which catapulted her list from 220 to over 15,000 in less than 15 months. He has also helped craft marketing for Adam Urbanski, Milana Leshinsky, Melanie Benson Strick, and Suzanne Evans.

Rob is a veteran of the Hollywood visual effects industry – his movie credits include X-Men, Vanilla Sky, Face/Off, Volcano and many more.

Discover Robʼs spellbinding story, along with powerful tips to skyrocket your business at BlockbusterMultimedia.com.

Tired of falling for the latest hot tactic (again!) Only to find yourself no closer to success? Then discover 6 powerful secrets to stop chasing the money. And instead ... get in front of the money that is desperately chasing you! Download the Profit Model Mastery Report at:


The Webinar Profit FormulaYour fill-in-the-blanks outline for blockbuster webinar profits

Getting Started:

Your Webinar Profit Formula Template Outline comes in two parts:

To make the most of this template first move through Part 1. It explains some of the crucial psychology that makes this template so successful. As well as the precise timings and organization to maximize the sale you make from each and every webinar.

Then ... work with Part 2: The template itself. You can print out as many copies of Part 2 as you want. So you can craft a fresh template for every webinar you create.

The timings are for a 75-minute webinar (which is what I shoot for). If you want a longer or shorter webinar, you can adjust the timing proportionally. These timings are crucial so you can keep your webinar on schedule. And keep from zipping through too quickly. Of having it drag on too long.

When you are actually filling out your template, youʼll make the most progress if you move through it the first time quickly. And then make several return passes to add details, and flesh out your material further.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 4

1 An explanation of the various parts of the template. Why they work so well to boost your profits. And how best to use them.

2 The template itself. Where you can fill in the specifics of your own Webinar to create a powerful outline you can folllow during the Webinar


When filling in the actual template in Part 2, please DO NOT write a word for word script. But instead, fill in the blanks with short phrases or bullet points that describe what you will present.

Nothing is worse than having it sound like you are reading a script during your webinar. Instead, use your outline to guide what you say. So it sounds spontaneous. Direct. Powerful. And passionate. Instead of canned and planned.

Your presentation will flow more smoothly and connect more deeply.

Outline Instructions:

• 0:00 - 5:00: Greet Participants & Introduce Yourself

Tell them the 3-5 things they will walk away from the webinar with. These should be the primary bullet points / topics you will cover during the the webinar.

The juicer you can make them sound, the more your participants are anticipating the answers, the more likely they will stay on throughout the entire presentation. (Which is the key to profits!) Tease them. You may even want to give a time marker ... “

Examples of powerful bullet point teases:

“15 minutes in I will be revealing the key to ...”

“And to top it off, for the first time I will unveil the 4-steps I used to ...”

“And finally, you will discover the 15-second fix that can [ create a powerful result they yearn for ]”.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 5

PLEASE NOTE: This outline works just as well for teleseminars as it does for webinars. So its like getting a double profit boost .... all in one!

• 5:00 - 12:00: Your Story

People donʼt buy from strangers. So be sure to tell your story of transformation. Of where you started, and how you achieved what you have.

The best stories move from early struggles to triumphant success. It should parallel the journey you guide your clients through. Although most of them will earlier on the “struggle to success” curve. The fact that you “did it” gives them hope that they can as well.

The four steps are:

• Very brief general background

• Early struggles with your own path to success

• The turning point, where the door to possibility blew wide open

• Your success and the amazing difference it made in your life

• 12:00 - 40:00: Primary Content Block

Your content block consists of 3-4 four juicy bullet point content topics. (The very same ones you teased in your Webinar Intro.).

Here is a quick and easy 4-step structure for EACH BULLET POINT that will have your participants hanging on your every word:

• The Name of the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle - i.e. Building Your List

• Describe the Obstacle: ... make it seem insurmountable. If they took the time out of their busy day to attend your webinar, chances are they believe it is. -- How Long it has taken them / how many things they have tried, and still no success

• Then reveal the expertise / path / tip that allows them to get past it -- The simple exercise of spending 15 minutes to create a short blog post every day ... in less than one year ... can lead to anywhere to 10 to 50 or even 100 opt-ins every single day.

• Reveal what overcoming the obstacle makes possible for them - imagine how much extra money 3000 ... or 10000 new subscribers every single year will do to your bottom line.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 6

• 40:00: Tease your juiciest piece of content that delivers the biggest benefit you promised:

“In just a minute, I am going to reveal the three word phrase that increased my back of the room sales at my speaking gigs from $50 to over $1,000. And you wonʼt believe how simple (and how effective!) it is. But first ...”

It should be very provocative. And like a cliffhanger at the end of a television episode, it should keep your participants on the line as you move through the pitch for your offering.

• 40:00 - 55:00: Pitch your Product / Group / Coaching Program.

Step One: Frame your pitch as the answer to a problem. Not ... “OK, changing the pace here, I want to pause to tell you about something.”

Instead introduce the primary problem your product solves, “But first, there is one massive challenge many of you are facing.” Then:

Step Two: Describe the challenge. It should be one of the most painful challenges your prospects are facing.

And it should be a challenge the product or service you are pitching solves flawlessly. (In fact, solving that painful challenge should be the primary benefit of your product, service or offering).

Step Three: Describe why being able to get through it is so powerful and delivers things they can scarcely imagine. What are the amazing results they will experience and the emotional impact those results deliver.

Feel free to tell a few stories from your own life on the difference achieving these results have had for you. Feel free to use a “Before and After” story.

Step Four: ONLY THEN do your offer your product or service. Because when you pitch your product this way, you position it as the key to overcome their painful challenges, and the expressway to the amazing results and experience you describe.

Your course becomes the fastest path to their dream. Instead of something you are trying to sell them.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 7

As you describe your product be sure you include:

• The biggest benefits of your product• The impact each of them can have on their life • How your offering is delivered• Testimonials & success stories from those who have used it• Bonuses / deadlines (early bird price only good trough ... ) • Describe Any Fast-action bonuses• The Sales Page / Sign-up Page URL.

• Note: Pitching effectively is an art and requires an entire course in and of itself. But this outline (and the actual template to follow that allows you to enter the specifics of your own program) should help you get started!

• 52:00 - 62:00: Now revisit that juicy piece of content you teased before you went into your pitch.

Step One: Remind them what the tease was. (After all, it was 15 minutes ago).

Step Two: Name the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle the tease delivers them FROM.

Step Three: Describe the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle. And what it is costing them not to get it solved.

Step Four: Reveal the expertise / solution / tip / process that allows them to get past it. And what overcoming the obstacle now makes possible for them.

• 62:00 - 75:00: Content Review and Repeat Call to Action

Review the most important points from the webinar. This can simply be a repeat of the 4-5 major bullet points you promised at the beginning of the course. Be sure to emphasize the most important points.

Do this concisely. You arenʼt re-presenting the material. But reminding them of the amazing value they received on the webinar.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 8

And most importantly, re-state the most compelling points of your pitch. You should emphasize what they discovered on the webinar is just the beginning. And your offering is the best way to insure they lock in the powerful results they yearn for long term.

Do a laser version of the pitch you offered earlier in the webinar:

• The primary challenge it solves

• The results it can create

• Their experience of life once they have those results

• The biggest benefits of your offering

• Early bonuses & early bonus deadline

• Early price deadline

• Course URL

• 75:00: Sign Off


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 9

Webinar Profit TemplateNow give it a shot yourself!

0:00 - 5:00: Greet Participants & Introduce Yourself

Tell them the 3-4 most crucial things they will walk away from the webinar with.





5:00 - 12:00: Your Story

• Step One: Very brief general background


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 10

HOT TIP: Remember ... you arenʼt writing a script. But structuring your most important points. So your presentation sounds spontaneous. Direct. Powerful. And passionate. Instead of canned and planned.

• Step Two: Early struggles on your own path to success.

• Step Three: The turning point, where the door to possibility blew wide open.

• Step Four: Your success and the amazing difference it made in your life.

12:00 - 40:00: Primary Content Block

Bullet Point #1:

Name the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle:

Describe the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle. And what it is costing them not to get it solved:

Reveal the expertise / solution / tip that allows them to get past it:


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 11

Reveal what overcoming the obstacle now makes possible for them.

Bullet Point #2:

Name the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle:

Describe the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle. And what it is costing them not to get it solved:

Reveal the expertise / solution / tip that allows them to get past it:

Reveal what overcoming the obstacle now makes possible for them.

Bullet Point #3:

Name the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle:

Describe the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle. And what it is costing them not to get it solved:


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 12

Reveal the expertise / solution / tip that allows them to get past it:

Reveal what overcoming the obstacle now makes possible for them.

Bullet Point #4:

Name the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle:

Describe the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle. And what it is costing them not to get it solved:

Reveal the expertise / solution / tip that allows them to get past it:

Reveal what overcoming the obstacle now makes possible for them.

40:00: Tease your juiciest piece of content that delivers the biggest benefit you promised:

“In just a minute, I am going to reveal ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 13

______________________________________. And you wonʼt believe how simple (and how effective!) it is.

40:00 - 55:00: Pitch your Product / Group / Coaching Program.

Step One: Transition to your pitch by framing it as the solution to one of the biggest problems your prospects are facing.

EXAMPLE TRANSITION: “But first, there is one massive challenge many of you are facing. And because I have worked with scores of people just like you I know ... if you don't handle it soon ... it will handle you.”

Step Two: Describe the problem / challenge. The impact it is having on the lives of your prospects. And the emotional havoc it is creating in their lives.

Step Three: Describe why being able to get through it is so important. And paint a picture of what their lives will be like once they have conquered this challenge.

Step Four: THEN launch into the description of your offer, product or service. Including:

• The biggest benefits of your product


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 14

• The impact each of them can have on their life / business.

• How your course / product / offering is delivered (Live event? Teleseminar? Downloads? A combination?)

• Testimonials & success stories from those who have used it

• Bonuses / deadlines (early bird price only good through ... )

• Describe Any Fast-action bonuses (usually for the first 24-48 hours or the first 3-5 who sign-up)


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 15

• The Sales Page / Sign-up Page URL.

52:00 - 62:00: Now revisit that juicy piece of content you “teased” before you went into your pitch.

Step One: Remind them what the tease was.

Step Two: Name the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle the Tease hints at

Step Three: Describe the Challenge / Pain / Obstacle. And what it is costing them not to get it solved

Step Four: Reveal the expertise / solution / tip / process that allows them to get past it. And what overcoming the obstacle now makes possible for them.

62:00 - 75:00: Content Review and Repeat Call to Action

Step One: Review the most important points from the webinar.

• Review Bullet Point #1


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 16

• Review Bullet Point #2

• Review Bullet Point #3

• Review Bullet Point #4

• Review “Tease” Bullet Point

Step Two: Review your pitch:

• The biggest benefits of your product

• The impact these benefits can have on their life

• How your offering is delivered

• Bonuses / deadlines (early bird price only good through ... )

• Describe Any Fast-action bonuses

• The Sales Page / Sign-up Page URL.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 17

What the big players are saying about Rob Schultz:

Michael Port says: "Rob is someone to watch . . ."

Rob is someone to watch because he literally . . . like almost nobody I have ever worked with . . . delivered on every single thing he promised, with such professionalism that sometimes I was surprised. Honestly.

The viral video Rob created for us -- called Entrepreneur Idol – helped Book Yourself Solid remain one of the bestselling marketing books in the country since it's release in 2006. So, you can understand why I'm a big fan of Rob.

Creativity is clever. When you can combine it with marketing savvy it's productive. When you can deliver on your promises you change the world. Rob can do all three and even gives a lot away for free.

Michael PortAuthor of Book Yourself Solid & The Think Big Manifestowww.MichaelPort.com

Adam Urbanski says: "Rob's video got me buzz and opt-ins!"

Video marketing is red hot and getting even hotter. But there is a huge problem: Most people don’t know how to make a decent video and end up producing crappy looking, talking-head shots, that fail miserably!

Occasionally you come across a video that’s funny as heck, stops you dead in your tracks, communicates a spot-on message, and jerks your emotional chain so bad it makes you wanna spam your entire email address book just telling people to go see it now!

And when you look closely, you’ll find there is one guy that happens to make these hot videos for a lot of the “big name” gurus! And that guy is Rob Schultz!


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 18

Rob whipped up a little video for me, that got me all sorts of buzz and tons of new opt-ins! If you want to create video that makes you proud, gets people talking, traffic flowing, and your opt-in box overloaded – I say give Rob a call!

Adam Urbanskiwww.themarketingmentors.com

Lynn Jericho says: “My video circles the planet, thanks to Rob”

Why listen to Rob? First, he knows the material. He knows the technology. He knows what works. He listens to your needs. He coaches and teaches simply and creatively. He is genuinely kind and very generous.

And he has a great sense of humor!

Rob helped me create and launch the Inner Christmas Movie, build my list from almost nothing to thousands and increase my confidence. Inner Christmas circles the planet thanks to Rob's intelligent guidance.

Lynn JerichoCreator of the Inner Christmas Moviewww.InnerChristmas.com

Melanie Benson Strick says: "We couldn't have done it without him"

With the flood of information on online video, its hard to know where to turn. But when it comes to leveraging video creatively and profitably, Rob Schultz stands out.

We couldn't have created our 3 Massive Mistakes video without him. Our market and message are very specific, so we had to be sure our video struck the bulls eye. With Rob’s help, it did.

While everyone else talks mechanics, Rob can help you find the right angle so your videos strike the heart of your target market's deepest desires and greatest challenges, capture your brand, and deliver the results you create videos for in the first place.

Melanie Benson StrickSuccess Connections


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 19

The CEO FactorTheCEOFactor.com

Milana Leshinsky says: "What's so amazing about Rob . . ."

What's so amazing about Rob is he knows the marketing game as well as the video game. Because you can’t just throw any old thing up on the web and expect it to stick.

Rob can help you come up with ideas that will make your video and multimedia stand out. He can help you choose the right strategy so your content will be magnetic time after time.

If you want to learn the mechanics, hire a college kid or go to eLance. What Rob helps you do is create great multimedia that reflects the unique business identity your target customers instantly respond to. And that is the name of the game.

Milana LeshinskyThe Bliss FactorTheBlissFactor.com


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 20

Disclaimer and Terms of Use AgreementThe Legalese

The author and publisher of this Workbook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Workbook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Workbook. The information contained in this Workbook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Workbook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.” As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Materials in our product and our web site may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance.

Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 21

The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought.

The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any web sites listed or linked to in this Workbook. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

All terms mentioned in this Workbook that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Audacious Audio cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This Workbook is © (copyrighted) by Robert Schultz. All rights reserved. No part of this Workbook shall be sold, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the author.


© 2013 Robert Schultz. All rights reserved 22

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