special printed order of worship ... - st. peter's lutheran · page 4 st. peter’s...

Post on 13-Aug-2020






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Pastor �������������

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Emeritus Pastor Gerhardt Doroh

Youth Ministry Coordinator

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Deacon ����������� ����


Adult Ministry Coordinator

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Church Information


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Church Facebook page

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Worship Services

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Sunday School


Adult Bible Study

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St. Peter's Lutheran School


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Principal �����������

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Seasons of Learning, ECC

Director � ������


Facebook Page

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Don't forget to fill out the a�endance book! Please use one sheet for both Saturday & Sunday (if possible).�

A�endance book sheets will be collected a"er the late service. ��� �������������������

Rooted and Growing in Christ † Caring and Sharing in Life for Eternity

Special Printed Order of


Confirmation Sunday



believe that Scripture teaches that Jesus Christ is

truly present “in, with, and under” the bread and the

wine and that through this Sacrament, Jesus

strengthens and forgives us through His body and

blood. As we celebrate this Sacrament, those who

participate in it also express their shared agreement

in articles of faith and fellowship with other

Christians. As many denominations are not in such

agreement, we ask that all those who are not

members of a congregation of The Lutheran Church-

Missouri Synod, or are not members of a Lutheran

congregation which shares our understanding of the

Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before


(The rose colored wine in the center of the

individual tray is Lancers Alcohol Free Wine)

Welcome to St. Peter’s

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family here. Take �me a�er the service to introduce yourself to Pastor Haller. We invite you to sign our guest book. �

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May 4th / 5th, 2019

Evangelical Lutheran Church & School

~ Missouri Synod ~ 586-727-9693


67055 Gratiot Avenue • Richmond, MI 48062

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 2


Please pray about supporting this project

Have you ever been in the gym? Have you been to a funeral luncheon? Have you been to a sporting event?

Have you played in the gym as a kid? Have you gone to Monday night services? Have you gone to a craft

day? Have you used the gym for your own event?

The gym is used in a variety of ways for the entire ministry of St. Peter’s. It’s not just used for the school

or pre-school but the church uses the gym also. The gym is part of what our faith family uses and what guests

see. The gym is a reflection of the quality of the ministry.

For these reasons and many more, the school board is designating the majority of this year’s auction pro-

ceeds to help cover this project. The auction will not be able to cover the entire project by itself. The overall

project will include professional painting, professional resurface of the gym floor, new sound equipment so

people can hear better, updated bleachers and sports equipment needed.

If you would like to help, please place your gift into your current envelope or in another envelope but mark

that it is for the gym renovations. I want you to know that 100% of these offerings will be used to make the

gym a much better place for the St. Peter’s church and school, Seasons of Learning and for our community.

Let’s join together to make a difference for years to come!

Serving Christ and making a difference together!

Pastor Mark Haller




A fun time was had by all at this year’s auction!

There are no words to express how grateful we are to each and every one of you

who continually give so generously to support Christian education for our children. The

Lord has truly blessed us with such a giving and amazing


We are still working through all of the numbers but will have totals to share with you

very soon. There will be a survey in the bulletin next week, so please fill it out and return

it to the church or school office so we can continue to make our auction the very best it

can be! Thank you so very much for your continued support!

God’s Blessings,

The Auction Committee

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 3

can be found on page 206 or

in the back of the hymnal.

Summer Worship Time Change

June 1st/2nd—September 7/8

Saturday 6 pm, Sunday 8 am & 9:45 am

Monday Outdoor Worship begins June 3rd at

7 pm and runs through August 26th.

Monday dinner on the grill at 6 pm with potluck style

for the sides (if you can’t bring a side we still want

you to come.) Please bring your lawn chair, invite a

neighbor, bring a game for before or after worship

and enjoy the time together with each

other and around God’s Word.

(Crafts/Games for kids)

+++Sat/Sun Worship themes are different than

Monday’s themes+++

The flowers on the altar are in

honor of Katherine Aldis’s


Sunday Morning Parenting Bible

Study starting on May 5th at 9:30

am in The Pit Stop. Come join us

for this 6 week video series from

Focus on the Family.

Graduate Recognition


Sunday, May 19th at the

10:45 am service St. Peter's

would like to congratulate all

of our high school and college graduates at our

10:45 am service. Please email Amanda Francek at

francek@splschoolrichmond.org by May 13th with

the following information: School you are

graduating from, if graduating from college what

degree you will be graduating with, and plans after

graduation (what college you will be attending

and what your major will be, where you will be

working, etc.)

Mission Trip


Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Good news we now have received all of the material

for the class and are ready to begin in September.

September begins St. Peter’s Fall Bible studies.

Mark your calendars: Monday, September 16, 2019

Time: 6:30- 8:00 pm

LED lighting project

This is a project not funded in the budget, but needs

to move forward. The cost of a LED bulb is $7.00,

and we have over 1,400 bulbs. How much money is

needed? We need to raise approximately $10,000 to

cover the material costs for the lighting project.

(This amount includes a DTE rebate) We will move

forward on phases as funds become available.

Any talents or gifts you can share to complete these

projects will make a wonderful difference for the

Lord’s church and His ministry. Any financial

support please place in you church envelop and mark

“LED Project” and when the money is available we

will get started. Your support to the LED project

will bring an overall savings to the budget of

approximately $5,000 per year.

We can complete this project in phases, with

Partners in the Gospel and save $13,000.00 to

$15,000.00 in labor costs. (If you are willing to help

change out lights please contact Pastor or Kal) email


Goal: $23,000

We are almost there!!


@ $21,600!!

Help us meet our goal!

Grab an envelope from

the Alaska Board from

the back or help out by

dropping some change in

the jar!!

Thank you for your


St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 4

All middle school and high school students

are invited to make spring cards for our

home bound congregation members on

Saturday, May 4th at 11:30 am in the gym.

Mark you calendars!

St. Peter's Vacation Bible School

will be July 8th - 12th from

9:00 - 12:00 pm. Ages pre-school

through 6th grade. Be part of

Miraculous Mission VBS! Lift off

for an intergalactic adventure

with Miraculous Mission: Jesus Saves the World. Ex-

plore God's miraculous mission and learn about His

plan of salvation from creation to the cross! As team

members for Miraculous Mission VBS, you have fun,

and share the message of Jesus with the kids! If you

are able and willing to be part of our VBS team,

whether full time or part time, we have many ways to

get your involved to suit your schedule and interest.

Contact Amanda Francek call/text at 810-334-8057 or

at afrancek@splschoolrichmond.org for more infor-

mation on how you can be part of this event!

∗ All students 6th grade and

up are invited to join us for

Paintball on Saturday, May

18th. We will meet at St.

Peter's at 11:15 am.

Approximate arrival back is

2:30 pm. Cost is $30 which includes admission and

equipment rental. Waiver and permission slip must be

filled out to attend this event. Money, waiver and

permission slip is due to Amanda Francek by Sunday,

May 12th.

* All middle and high

school students are in-

vited to join us help

feed hungry neighbors

with Gleaners Food

Bank in Warren, MI on

Saturday, June 8th. We will leave St. Peter's at 8:00

am. Permission slip must be turned in to attend this

event. Please bring a sweater as we may be packing

food in the cold room.

Macomb Community Action Office

of Senior Services Meals on Wheels

Michele the Volunteer Coordinator

for Meals on Wheels will be at St. Peter’s Lutheran

Church and School to present the Meals on Wheels

program and how you can help deliver meals. Join us

Thursday, May 9, 2019 at noon in the Warner Room.

Lunch will be available for $2.50 per person. Please let

John Summers know if you are planning to join as this

will help with planning for the lunch meal.

Church Grounds Clean-up Days have

been scheduled for Saturdays, May 18 &

June 1, from 9am-12pm. Please bring

along shovels, rakes, gloves, pruners, etc.

- anything that you think you may need. If you can't

come on those days and would still like to help, please

contact me. There is always something that needs to

be done!! See you there! Julie Summers,

248-421-6612 or jsjcsummers89@gmail.com

Our Sunday School students will

be singing with the Adult Bell

Choir on Sunday, May 12th at the

8:00 am service. All students will

sit with their parents. When it is

time to sing the students will come

up to sing, and when they are done they will return to

sit with their parents. We will also be handing out

Attendance and Discipleship Awards at this service.

Sunday School will be at the normal time, 9:30 - 10:30

am, on this day. We look forward to sharing this with

you! Our last day of Sunday School will be on Sunday,

May 19th. All of Sunday School will be in the gym

this day. We will have songs, crafts, and ice cream.

Parents are welcome to join us! We look forward to

seeing you there!

Men’s Bible Study

Saturday morning Men’s group

will be starting a new study begin-

ning Saturday May 1


. the topic

will be prayer. This is a 12 session

study, with each study having a

different topic. The first three sessions (topics) are:

What is Prayer?, What is an Acceptable Prayer?,

What Attitude Should I have in Prayer? The Men meet

on the 1


and 3


Saturday mornings at 8:30 in the Pit

Stop. This is a great way to start your Saturday morn-

ing with coffee, donuts, fellowship and Bible study.

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 5

Caring for Others - Your

Help is Needed!!!!

Equipping women to live out their Christian lives -

Come grow with us! Blue Water Zone Spring Rally

and Service Project Day When? Saturday, May 18,

2019. Where at Our Savior Lutheran in Armada

Registration - 9:00 a.m. Cost - $12.00 includes

Brunch. Program - “In the Word” with Pastor Madson

Projects - Comfort Pillows (hospitals), Witness

Bracelets (MOST ministries) & Stamp trimming and

sorting (LWML Michigan District to support Becky

Grossman LBT)

Seasons of Learning

Preschool Summer


When: June 4


– August 15


Where: 67055 Gratiot Ave.

Richmond, MI 48062

(Inside St. Peter’s School)

Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Times: Half Day 8am – 12noon

Full Day 8am – 3:00pm

Call to ensure a spot to discover by May 9


Serving Preschool Children Ages:

1 year to 6 years of age

*The summer program will not run unless we

have 25 committed children enrolled at least 2

days per week during the summer months.*

Christian counseling is available to

members and non-members alike. Please

contact Margie Rosenow at 586-716-4991 for more


The flower chart and instruction are in

the back of church on the wall near the

main doors to the outside of the

building. Please make a check

payable to St. Peter’s Lutheran

Church, label it “FLOWERS”, and

place in the offering plate. If you

have any questions please contact the

Church Office for more information.

The month of May

is in memory of

Linda and Marilyn Schuldt

from Kal & Jane Schuldt.

We would like to say thank you to for your

donation, making it possible for us to live stream

our services here at St. Peter’s. Because of you, so

many people in our community, and beyond, are

able to be a part of our worship.


St. Peter’s Christian Education Opportunities

Class Leader Time Location

“Baptized for this Moment” Rev. Mark Haller, Pastor Sunday 9:30am Warner Room

“Prayer Topics” John Summers 1st & 3rd Saturdays 8:30am “The Pit Stop”

“Answers In Genesis” Amanda Francek Sunday 9:30 am Art Room

“Questions” John Summers Sunday 9:30 am The Pit Stop

Luke Deacon Harkness Wednesday 7 pm Warner Room

“Acts” John Summers Thursday 10 am Warner Room

“Means of Grace” Rev. Mark J. Haller Monday 6:30 pm Church Office

Attendance for April 28th, 2019

6 pm 9 am 10:45 am

67 117 76

Total 260

Bible Study


St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 6

Congratulations to the following couples celebrating weddings and anniversaries this week:

Kevin & Lori Misch 5-2-98 21 years

Daniel & Jessica Norris 5-2-09 10 years

Keith & Laura Pethke 5-2-15 4 years

George & Deborah Wehn 5-3-86 33 years

Kevin & Amanda Francek 5-8-10 9 years

This week we pray for:

Michael & Shannon Billiter (Aben) Kenneth & Kristen Borkowski (Taylor)

Martin & Nichole Birkenshaw Meghan & Eric Bosco (Calleigh, William)

Robert Blenkle Judith Bosma

Bianca Bole Jacob Boyle

David & Tracey Bomerscheim Guy Bratt

Richard & Renee Bond Gary Britt

In Mourning: The family of Richard Schuldt who went home to be with the Lord on April 25th, 2019.

Hospitalized/Recovering/Ill: Karen Acha (mother of Joni Nichols) breast cancer**; Jerry Tomaszewski,

recovering from surgery**; Carl Evans (father of Theresa Millen) recovering at Medilodge***; Beth Busch,

ongoing treatment plan***; Brett Woomer, (son in law of Ron & Jan Jones) chemo treatments***; Elaine

Dixon, (friend of Linda Taggart) recovering from car accident***.

Military Personnel: Tyler Rettke, Brad Quant, Scott Hillis, Wesley Sutton, Dylan Gigante, Chris

Lutzke, Logan Walz, Cameron Goodloe, Dario Trapiss, Vincent “Vinnie” Messina, Jacob Edwards,

Joe and Rachel Prado, Lt. Abigail L. Schmidt DDS, Col. Matthew Rettke, MD, Sharon Whicter, Jeff

Wurn, Sarah Clancey, Robert Clancy, Ronald Garberson, Justyn Cushing.

What do the stars** mean? The stars indicate how many weeks a request has been prayed for. After three weeks or three ***

the prayer will be removed. If the prayer request still needs to be on the list, please update it on a prayer request sheet or

email it to tschuldt@splschoolrichmond.org. Also, please remember that the Church needs to have the permission of the

family or individual (s) to be placed on the prayer list. Thank you.

WHAT’S HAPPENING: May 5th—11th

Sun Worship 8 am / Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 10:45 am Confirmation Service


Tue Elders Meeting 6 pm / Praise Team Practice 6:30 pm

Wed Bible Study 7 pm

Thu Bible Study 10 am

Fri Track Meet @5pm in Marine City

Sat Men’s Bible Study 8:30 am / Worship 6 pm

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church & School, Richmond, Michigan

Page 7

Each Monthly Mortgage Payment Due = $8,087





Total designated received in March 2019

Balance for March Payment from General Fund giving


Week of April 7th received $1,679 $465

Week of April 14th received $1,861 $275

Week of April 21st received $1,011 $290

Total to date received for April $4,551 $1,030

Total Principal Received in 2019


Total Principal Received 2015-2019 $144,117

Mortgage balance as of March 28th, 2019 $969,092

Week of April 28th received with Simply Giving

Mortgage and Finance Update:

This is a running total of the monthly mortgage payment received, and the mortgage principal received to date.

Our mortgage payments are current.


Thank you for your continued support in this area! Please continue to consider the mortgage payment

in your weekly giving to help us reduce the amount needed from the General Fund.


for Maundy Thursday through Easter

GENERAL– Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter $20,591.86


MORTGAGE $1,301.00







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