special report - 3 big mistakes most people make when starting an online business

Post on 05-Aug-2016






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The 3 Big Mistakes Most People Make When Starting An Online Business:: 1) Putting the product BEFORE the market 2) Trying to do everything yourself 3) Thinking that you don’t have enough experience or knowledge


Big Mistakes Most People Make WhenStarting An Online Business3

By Brett McFall

Special Training:


I’ve seen more people fail than succeed

Would you like to know why?

They make the following 3 costly mistakes

Putting the product BEFORE the market1

Mistake #1

The market comes first,

product comes second

3 Big Mistakes Most People Make When Starting An Online Business

When you get it right, that’s when sales start happening“Hi Brett,

I am absolutely pumped right now, I've only been in the Warpspeed program for 3 months, I simply applied what I've learned so far in steps 1, 2 and 3 and days later, I got my first sale :)

Now I just need to do repeat the process as I work on my own products, I'm excited...I've made 27.77 USD :)

I'll never forget this first sale I swear, thank you Brett .I'm grateful, just got to keep focused and keep it moving forward. “

Pati Sumuletu, Auckland, New Zealand

When you get it right, that’s when sales start happening"We came to Brett McFall's event in the Gold Coast from NZ and three months later we made $55,000.  To be honest I didn't think that was possible but it happened.  

Just by using what Brett teaches… he has helped us kick start a massive business together that will continue to grow. “ 

Michael MacKinven and Greg Keenan- Mastermind Alliance for Success

“I can report that so far with my colouring book series I have sold 35 copies of my books on amazon.com and 1 PDF ebook from my website.Nerine Martinwww.colouryourwaytohappy.com

When you get it right, that’s when sales start happening

Trying to do everything yourself2

Mistake #2

What will take you

1- year, I’ll have done in 1-month

Entrepreneurs control the

pieces WITHOUT having to do all

the work

3 Big Mistakes Most People Make When Starting An Online Business

Not the soldier in the trenches

Be the General of the army…

“Design me a website”

Upwork.com“Write me a salesletter”Upwork.com

“Write me a book”


Rod Bucton – 3monthbodytransformation.com

Rhanda Mansour – www.exercisetolosebellyfat.org

Kay Vogele – www.autismdefinition.net

Thinking that you don’t have enough experience or knowledge3

Mistake #3

It’s not about youFind someone to

coach you who has results

3 Big Mistakes Most People Make When Starting An Online Business

One of our sites making money right now:

$17 ebook

3-page website

Exact same formula as I’m teaching you today

Marketing results:


Approximately 3 sales per day ($51)

Thinking that you don’t have enough experience or knowledge


The 3 Big Mistakes Most People Make When Starting An Online Business

Putting the product before the market1Trying to do everything yourself2

Now if you like what I’m teaching here, then you might be interested in how I can help you further

The truth is you can spend months trying to work out how to start your own online business.

You can buy course after course…

You could do all the research into how you can design your

own website… accept payments, etc

And all the research into whether your idea would even

be profitable

But what I know is…

You’ll take too long thinking

about it and not enough time

doing it!

Can you imagine spending countless hours scouring the internet for all the right answers?

Spending months looking for just the right bit of information… and then deciphering what works from all the conflicting opinions?

And if you DON’T end up making any money after all this work, then how unhappy will you feel…

1 year from now2 years from now

5 years from nowNot good, right?

Well the good news is…

You don’t haveto do any of that.

The reason why is that I have a LIVE-in-person training coming up where I can show you how to start and run your own profitable online business

Would this make it easier?

For one whole day I’ll train you in my…

You can ask any question you want

I’ll show you LIVE demonstrations of how I do what I do

And you’ll walk away fully trained in how to start your own online business

If you follow my exact

system, you could be

up and running inside 30-days

In just a short time from now, tickets to my 3-Step Secret will be retailing for

$297That’s once I have

some more testimonials just like the ones I showed


So if I can ask you for your feedback on my new event,

then you can experience3-Step Secret right now for…


And to make this an offer that really gives you

massive value, I’m going to give you something

else too:

These alone are valued at $297 –


This offer is only available to the first 23 people

who grab a ticket.

However, because having you in the room does cost me

money, I can’t make this FREE offer to everyone.


So if you’re ready to get started, then visit

http://www.brettmcfall.comAll the location, date and time details are on the


Visit http://www.brettmcfall.com

This FREE offer is available for a limited time only.

I look forward to meeting you in person and showing you the 3-Step Secret.

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