spectrophotometer dr. maha al-sedik. principle: the solutions of many compounds have characteristic...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Principle: The solutions of many compounds have

characteristic colors.

The intensity of such a color is proportional to the

concentration of the compound.

Light is absorbed by dissolved substances.

The concentration of the substance is directly

proportional to the amount of light absorbed.

Beer’ s law

• Beer’s Law talks about the relationship between color and


• Beer’s Law states that the absorbance of light by a solution is

directly proportional to concentration or inversely proportional to

light transmitted within limits.

A α b x c

A : absorbance.Α : directly proportional .B : light path in cm .C : concentration of substance.

A=© x b x c

If we suppose that I have two solution one with known concentration we will name it standard (s) . The second with unknown concentration and we will name it unknown (u).

As = © x bs x csAu = © x bu x cu

©= As /bs x cs©= Au /bu x cu

As /bs x cs=Au /bu x cu

As /bs x cs=Au /bu x cu

B ….light path in cm is constant

As / cs = Au / cu

cu = Au x cs / As

Question no 1 :

From the next standard curve, if the absorbance is

0.35 or 0.55 , the concentration will be ----------- or


Question no 2 :

If the absorbance of standard is 0.5 , the absorbance

of unknown is o.4 , and the concentration of standard

is 50 ml / dl . Calculate the concentration of the

unknown .

Question no 2 :

If the absorbance of standard is 0.24 , the absorbance

of unknown is 0.3 , and the concentration of standard

is 120 ml / dl . Calculate the concentration of the

unknown .

Beer’ s law is followed only if the following

conditions are met :

The light must be monochromatic.

The solute concentration is within given limits.

A chemical reaction does not occur between the

molecule of interest and another solute.

Components of spectrophotometer:


Cleaning of the cuvet: Cleaned in solution of

concentrated HCL : water : ethanol = 1 :3 :4

General rules and precautions in spectrophotometer:

A blank should be used for each set of determinations.

Cuvet should be clean, clear and dry.

For each size of cuvet there is a specified minimum


The solution must be free of air.

Cuvet must be put with the same side facing light every


Cuvet must be covered before each reading.


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