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Competitions  Society  Inc.  

Since  1909    




7th  –  9th      JULY  2018  


Mission  Statement  “To  promote  the  arts  amongst  young  people  providing  a  public  platform  to  give  them  an  opportunity  to  perform  and  compete”  


    Vocal  Juniors  

9thth  -­‐  10th  July  2018  

Knox  Church  


Speech  &  Drama  

7th  -­‐  10th  July  2018  

Christchurch  Girls  High    


Highland  &  National  Dance  

Sunday  1st  July  2018  

Caledonian  Hall  



6th  -­‐  11th  July  2018  

Merivale  Lane  Theatre  Rangi  Ruru  Girls  School    


Ballet  &  Modern  Jazz  

15th  -­‐  20th  July  2018  

Villa  Maria  College  Auditorium  



22nd  Sunday  July  2018  

Villa  Maria  College  


 Street  Address  City,  ST  ZIP  Code  


Web  Address  


Festival Programme 2018

PATRON: Mrs Marie Kelly PRESIDENT Ms H Balch ADMINISTRATOR: Mrs L. Turner EXECUTIVE: Mrs E Alberts Peggy Dilger Mrs V. Rennie Ms H. Balch Mrs S Gudgeon Mrs L. Turner Ms S Binnie Mrs P Mitchell Mrs C.Wells Ms R Cook Mrs L. Mora Mrs J. Zaloum Mrs K Dawe Mrs N. Amin Address of the Society: P O Box 8629, Riccarton, Christchurch Email: chchcompetitionssociety@hotmail.com www.chchcomps.org.nz LIFE MEMBERS: Mrs. F Fagan Mrs. M Kelly Mr. F Walton Mrs. D Wood Mrs. J Croft Mrs. E McLean Mrs. M Gilmore Mrs. C Piesse Mrs. D Findlay Mrs. F Ryan Mrs. C Cole

The Executive of the Christchurch Competitions Society welcomes adjudicators and competitors to our 2018 Festival of the Arts; we hope you

have an enjoyable time participating.

Thanks to all the volunteers, sponsors and supporters of the Festival.

Christchurch Competitions Society will not be responsible for any injury sustained by any person who is injured during the festival – competitors enter at their own risk.

THANK YOU TO OUR EVENT SPONSORS at time of going to print:


PROTESTS: Competitors desiring to enter a protest must lodge so, in writing, with the grounds upon which it is based, with the Convener together with the sum of $20.00 as a guarantee of bona fides. Should the protest upon investigation by the Art Form Committee, be deemed frivolous and unfounded, the deposit, whole or part, may be forfeited. No protests will be entertained unless made within thirty minutes of the Adjudicator’s awards being announced. If such a protest is made before the Adjudicator has announced the award, such award will be withheld until the protest is investigated. The decision of the Art form Committee is final.


PATRON: Mrs Marie Kelly

PRESIDENT: Ms Helen Balch Contact: 942 7348 Cell: 027 388 1838

ADMINISTRATOR: Mrs Lynne Turner Contact: 021 071 3100

SPEECH & DRAMA: CONVENER Ms Rachael Cook Contact: 027 372 2200

INSTRUMENTAL CONVENER: Mrs Virginia Rennie Contact: 027 248 5400

TAP CONVENER: Mrs Pauline Mitchell Contact: 03 354 3462 Cell: 021 62 1865

BALLET & MODERN JAZZ CONVENER: Mrs Cath Wells Contact: 03 358 9858 Cell: 027 404 3741

BALLET & MODERN JAZZ CO-CONVENER: Mrs Leanne Mora Contact: 03 359 5786 Cell: 027 436 0455

HIGHLAND & NATIONAL DANCING CONVENER: Mrs Sue Gudgeon Contact: 03 352 2258 Cell: 022 061 9470

HIGHLAND & NATIONAL DANCING CONVENER: Mrs Judith Zaloum Contact 03 960 0568 Cell: 027 2 73 7 275

VOCAL CONVENER: Ms Sally Binnie Contact: 03 327 5574 Cell: 027 406 1061

VOCAL CO-CONVENER: Mrs Elisabeth Alberts Contact: 03 358 1155 Cell: 021 105 6791

TRADITIONAL IRISH DANCING CONVENER: Kerrin Dawe Contact: 03 337 1927 Cell: 027 288 6937




Saturday 7th July – Monday 9th July VENUE : Christchurch Girl’s High School Auditorium,

10 Matai St, Riccarton, Christchurch ADJUDICATOR : Mr Steven Arnold Accredited Adjudicator; ANZDA; BA

(Drama); LTCL – Teaching Speech and Drama; LSB – Performance in Speech and Drama; ASB – Public Speaking; (Auckland)

CONVENOR: Ms Rachael Cook 027 372 2200 Please Note : All competitors must be in attendance 15 minutes before the commencement of their class. Only typed or photocopied copies of selections will be accepted. If there is more than one page please ensure they are stapled together. The class and competitor number should be written in the top right hand corner. All copies must be handed in at the copies table at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the class. Prizegiving : This will be held at 6:00pm on Monday 9th July. All winners of trophies and money prizes are required to attend. They will be notified during the festival as prizes are decided. Sponsors: Our thanks to the following people for their generous sponsorship :- Gay Balch Helen Balch Canterbury Repertory Society Christchurch Competitions Society Dale Hartley School English Speaking Union (Canterbury) Dianne Jones Speech Communication Assn. Gay Longbottom Norcross Family Lynn Williams Katrina Evans Thank you too to all the teachers, parents and older students who have helped in various ways during the festival. We could not run our competitions without you. Syllabus: Please read over the rules and regulations as set out in the general conditions and the speech and drama section syllabus. If you have any questions please contact the convener. We hope that you enjoy being part of our 2018 festival and we look forward to seeing you again next year.            

SATURDAY  7  JULY    9.00am   Class  9   PREPARED  PROSE  READING   8-­‐10  Years    1.   Ava  Heath-­‐Williams       9.   Alexander  Dunn  2.   Sara  Yu         10.   Qiao  Yu  Guan  3.   Iris  Mills         11.   Serena  Bayley  4.   Teresa  Steiner       12.   Jessica  Drury  5.   Emily  Everest         13.   Sophie  Keir  6.   Eilish  Hallissey       14.   Emily  Woodgate  7.   Priya  Bartlett         15.   Sylvia  James  8.   P  J  Evans         16.   Daniel  Liu    1st……………………………………  2nd……………………………………3rd……………………………..    9.50am   Class  10   NOVICE  TEST  POEM     8-­‐10  Years    1.   Eilish  Hallissey       5.   Jessica  Drury  2.   Annalie  Marshall       6.   Bella  Jeram  3.   Qiao  Yu  Guan         7.   Daniel  Liu  4.   Alexander  Dunn       8.   Georgie  Murphy               9.   Sophie  Keir    1st……………………………………..2nd……………………………………3rd……………………………    10.15am   Class  16   LIGHT  VERSE       10-­‐12  Years    1.   David  Evans         3.   Ivan  Ren  2.   Eilish  Johns         4.   Madeleine  Glossop    1st……………………………………….2nd………………………………3rd……………………………….    10.30am   ADJUDICATION  AND  MORNING  TEA  BREAK    10.50am   Class  19   NOVICE  TEST  POEM     10-­‐12  Years    1.   Carmelyn  Payne       4.   James  Anthony  2.   Xenia  Prinz         5.   Madeline  Clucas  3.   William  Currie       6.   Jordyn  Campbell    1st…………………………………………2nd…………………………………...3rd………………………...    11.10am   Class  13   OWN  SELECTION  POEM     10-­‐12  Years    1.   Fraser  Balasingham       6.   Ivan  Ren  2.   Bridie  Richards       7.   Erin  Bruce  3.   Anika  Bayley         8.   David  Evans  4.   Katie  Emms         9.   Max  Murphy  5.   Madeleine  Glossop    1st…………………………………………2nd……………………………………3rd……………………….      

 11.40am   Class  25   PREPARED  SPEECH       Under  13    1.   Jai  Bartlett         3.   David  Evans  2.   Hugh  Ryan         4.   Pieta  Bayley    1st……………………………………2nd…………………………………3rd………………………………..    12,15pm   Class  23   IMPROVISATION  DUO     Under  13    1.   Madeleine  Glossop  and  Pieta  Bayley  2.   PJ  Evans  and  Anika  Bayley  3.   Eilish  Johns  and  David  Evans  4.   Mia  Walker  and  Jai  Bartlett    1st……………………………………..2nd…………………………………3rd………………………………    12.30pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  LUNCH  BREAK    1.30pm   Class  30   READING  AT  SIGHT       12-­‐14  Years    1.   Daniel  McNeill       5.   Elise  Robinson  2.   Tierlina  Payne       6.   Jai  Bartlett  3.   Niamh  Hallissey       7.   Pieta  Bayley  4.   Oliver  Glossop       8.   Hugo  Dover    1st………………………………………..2nd……………………………….3rd……………………………...    2.05pm   Class  33   PREPARED  POETRY  READING   12-­‐14  Years    1.   Laura  Yao         5.   Elise  Robinson  2.   Oliver  Woodgate       6.   Mia  Walker  3.   Portia  Bennie         7.   Niamh  Hallissey  4.   Pieta  Bayley         8.   Jai  Bartlett    1st………………………………………….2nd……………………………..3rd……………………………    2.35pm   Class  26   IMPROMPTU  SPEECH     Under  13    1.   Jai  Bartlett         3.   Pieta  Bayley  2.   Hugh  Ryan         4.   David  Evans    1st………………………………………….2nd……………………………….3rd…………………………..    2.55pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  AFTERNOON  TEA  BREAK    3.15pm   Class  34   TEST  POEM         14-­‐16  Years    1.   Scarlett  Rumble       2.   Xavier  Dickason    1st……………………………………………2nd………………………………      

 3.25pm   Class  29   DRAMATIC  EXTRACT     12-­‐14  Years    1.   Ellie  Rogers         Who  Wants  To    Be  My  Bully  2.   Oliver  Glossop  3.   Jai  Bartlett         Squealer  4.   Daniel  Balasingham  5.   Niamh  Hallissey       Lucy  –  Invisible  Friends  6.   Meg  Kirwan         You’re  A  Good  Man  Charlie  Brown  7.   Braydn  Siegenthaler       Lord  of  the  Flies  8.   Elise  Robinson       Mary  –  The  Secret  Garden  9.   Hugo  Dover  10.   Ava  Hurst         Charlie  and  the  Chocolate  Factory    1st………………………………………2nd……………………………………3rd…………………………..    4.20pm   Class  39   PREPARD  PROSE  READING   14-­‐16  Years    1.   Cian  Hallissey         3.   Xavier  Dickason  2.   Lauren  Smith         4.     Holly  Fairclough    1st……………………………………….2nd…………………………………3rd…………………………….    4.35pm   Class  47   PREPARED  SPEECH       13-­‐16  Years    1.   Elise  Robinson       4.   Cian  Hallissey  2.   Daniel  McNeill       5.   Zara  Griffin  3.   Xavier  Dickason    1st………………………………………...2nd………………………………….3rd…………………………..    5.05pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  DINNER  BREAK    7.00pm   Class  51   TEST  POEM         16-­‐19  Years    1.   Grace  Prodanov       3.   Gibson  McMurdo  2.   Maisie  Norcross    1st………………………………………2nd……………………………………3rd…………………………..    7.10pm   Class  62   NZ  POETRY  AND  PROSE     Open    1.   Grace  Prodanov    1st…………………………………………    7.20pm   Class  63   ORGINAL  POETRY       Open    1.   Olivia  Lake         2.   Maisie  Norcross    1st…………………………………………..2nd…………………………………..      

   7.30pm   Class  37   READING  AT  SIGHT       14-­‐16  Years    1.   Xavier  Dickason       3.   Z’Arn  Payne  2.   Scarlett  Rumble       4.   Cian  Hallissey    1st……………………………………2nd……………………………………3rd……………………………..    7.50pm   Class  44   ORIGINAL  POETRY       13-­‐16  Years    1.   Xavier  Dickason    1st…………………………………….      7.55pm   Class  55   CESUT  SCHOLARSHIP    1.   Meg  Roberts         3.   Rebecca  Harris  2.   Leo  Noordanus    1st……………………………………2nd……………………………………3rd……………………………..    8.55pm   Class  57   DIALOGUE         Open    1.   Grace  Prodanov  and  Maisie  Norcross   Importance  of  Being  Earnest    1st,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,    9.05pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  HOME  TIME                                                

SUNDAY  8  JULY    9.00am   Class  46   PREPARED  BIBLE  READING   13-­‐16  Years    1.   Holly  Fairclough       4.   Cian  Hallissey  2,   Daniel  McNeill       5.   Elise  Robinson  3.   Z’Arn  Payne         6.   Niamh  Hallissey    1st…………………………………..2nd………………………………….3rd……………………………….    9.15am   Class  28   OWN  SELECTION  POEM     12-­‐14  Years    1.   Hugo  Dover         6.   Jack  Richards  2.   Mia  Walker         7.   Daniel  Balasingham  3.   Elise  Robinson       8.   Niamh  Hallissey  4.   Pieta  Bayley         9.   Daniel  McNeill  5.   Oliver  Woodgate       10.   Jai  Bartlett    1st…………………………………..2nd…………………………………3rd………………………………    9.50am   Class  43   NZ  AUTHOR  POEM       13-­‐16  Years    1.   Niamh  Hallissey       3.   Elise  Robinson  2.   Xavier  Dickason    1st…………………………………..2nd……………………………………3rd……………………………    10.00am   Class  45   IMPROVISATION  DUO     13-­‐16  Years    1.   Xavier  Dickason  and  Laura  Yao  2.   Niamh  Hallissey  and  Z’Arn  Payne  3.   Elise  Robinson  and  Daniel  McNeill  4.   Treslina  Payne  and  Cian  Hallissey  5.   Holly  Fairclough  and      1st…………………………………….2nd………………………………….3rd…………………………….    10.25am   Class  38   LIGHT  VERSE       14-­‐16  Years    1.   Xavier  Dickason  1st……………………………………..    10.30am   ADJUDICATION  AND  MORNING  TEA  BREAK    10.45am   Class  27   TEST  POEM         12-­‐14  Years    1.   Niamh  Hallissey       6.   Oliver  Glossop  2.   Charlotte  Henderson       7.   Mia  Walker  3.   Jack  Richards         8.   Hugo  Dover  4.   Pieta  Bayley         9.   Elise  Robinson  5.   Jai  Bartlett         10.   Daniel  Balasingham    1st………………………………………2nd………………………………..3rd………………………………  

     11.25am   Class  42   `NOVICE  OWN  SELECTION     12-­‐16  Years    1.   Tierlina  Payne       3.   Z’Arn  Payne  2.   Portia  Bennie    1st…………………………………….2nd…………………………………3rd……………………………..    11.35am   Class  40   PREPARED  PROSE  READING   14-­‐16  Years    1.   Lauren  Smith         3.   Xavier  Dickason  2.   Holly  Fairclough       4.   Cian  Hallissy    1st……………………………………..2nd………………………………..3rd……………………………….    11.50am   Class  31   LIGHT  VERSE       12-­‐14  Years    1.   Oliver  Woodgate       5.   Elise  Robinson  2.   Pieta  Bayley         6.   Mia  Walker  3.   Jack  Richards         7.   Niamh  Hallissey  4.   Charlotte  Henderson        1st………………………………………2nd………………………………3rd……………………………..    12.15pm   Class  48   IMPROMPTU  SPEECH     13-­‐16  Years    1.   Xavier  Dickason       2.   Cian  Hallissey    1st……………………………………….2nd…………………………………    12.25pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  LUNCH  BREAK    1.30pm   Class  24   PREPARED  BIBLE  READING   Under  13    1.   David  Evans         3.   Pieta  Bayley  2.   Katie  Emms         4.   Teresa  Steiner    1st………………………………………..2nd…………………………………….3rd………………………    1.45pm   Class  4   TEST  POEM         8-­‐10  Years    1.   P  J  Evans         6.   Emily  Everest  2.   Teresa  Steiner       7.   Iris  Mills  3.   Sylvia  James         8.   Sara  Yu  4.   Serena  Bayley       9.   Priya  Bartlett  5.   Ava  Heath-­‐Williams       10.   Emily  Woodgate    1st…………………………………………2nd………………………………………3rd……………………        

 2.10pm   Class  2   OWN  SELECTION  POEM     Under  8    1.   Cassidy  Hartley-­‐Brown     5.   William  Nicholls  2.   Yuxuan  Wu         6.   Aneel  Bartlett  3.   Matthew  Heath-­‐Williams     7.   Jaden  Jia  4.   Angela  Sun         8.   Ruari  Ryan    1st…………………………………………...2nd………………………………….3rd………………….    2.30pm   Class  6   DRAMATIC  EXTRACT     8-­‐10  Years    1.   Sara  Yu         Stepsister  2.   Serena  Bayley        3.   Emily  Woodgate       Dorothy  4.   PJ  Evans  5.   Priya  Bartlett         Grand  High  Witch  6.   Sylvia  James         The  Little  Princess  7.   Azaria  Westeneg       Diary  of  Anne  Frank  8.   Teresa  Steiner       Hortensia  –  Matilda  9.   Iris  Mills  10.   Emily  Everest         Ballet  Exam  11.   Ava  Heath-­‐Williams       Tabitha,  Mother  Cat    1st…………………………………..2nd…………………………………3rd…………………………………    3.15pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  AFTERNOON  TEA  BREAK    3.35pm   Class  3   DRAMATIC  EXTRACT     Under  8    1.   Jaden  Jia         Velveteen  Rabbit  2.   Matthew  Heath-­‐Williams     Benjamin  Bunny    1st………………………………….2nd……………………………………    3.45pm   Class  68   NZ  AUTHOR  POEM       Under  10    1.   Qiao  Yu  Guan         5.   Teresa  Steiner  2.   P  J  Evans         6.   Priya  Bartlett  3.   Sylvia  James         7.   Emily  Everest  4.   Serena  Bayley    1st………………………………….2nd…………………………………….3rd……………………………    4.05pm   Class  1   TEST  POEM         Under  8    1.   Angela  Sun         5.   Yuxuan  Wu  2.   Ruari  Ryan         6.   Jaden  Jia  3.   Matthew  Heath-­‐Williams     7.   William  Nicholls  4.   Aneel  Bartlett    1st………………………………….2nd……………………………………..3rd…………………………….    

 4.25pm   Class  11   NOVICE  OWN  SELECTION     8-­‐10  Years    1.   Reuben  Bester       7.   Alexander  Dunn  2.   Sophie  Keir         8.   Annalie  Marshall  3.   Qiao  Yu  Guan         9.   Jessica  Drury  4.   Georgie  Murphy       10.   Olivia  Wyatt  5.   Daniel  Liu         11.   Bella  Jeram  6.   Eilish  Hallissey       12.   Emma  Schaffer    1st…………………………………..2nd……………………………………3rd………….........................  5.00pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  DINNER  BREAK    7.00pm   Class  32   PREPARED  PROSE  READING   12-­‐14  Years    1.   Jai  Bartlett         7.   Tierlina  Payne  2.   Niamh  Hallissey       8.   Portia  Bennie  3.   Oliver  Glossop       9.   Zara  Griffin  4.   Mia  Walker         10.   Daniel  McNeill  5.   Elise  Robinson       11.   Oliver  Woodgate  6.   Pieta  Bayley         12.   Laura  Yao    1st………………………………….2nd…………………………….3rd………………………………….    7.50pm   Class  54   READING  AT  SIGHT       16-­‐19  Years    1.   Maisie  Norcross       3.   Gibson  McMurdo  2.   Grace  Prodanov       4.   Olivia  Lake    1st……………………………………2nd……………………………..3rd……………………………….    8.10pm   Class  36   DRAMATIC  EXTRACT     14-­‐16  Years    1.   Scarlett  Rumble  2.   Xavier  Dickason       Alan  –  P’Tang  Yang  Kipperbang    1st…………………………………..2nd……………………………….    8.20pm   Class  52   OWN  SELECTION       16-­‐19  Years    1.   Grace  Prodanov       4.   Maisie  Norcross  2.   Olivia  Lake         5.   Gibson  McMurdo  3.   Ella  Christey    1st…………………………………..2nd……………………………….3rd………………………………..    8.40pm   Class  60   SHAKESPEAREAN  DRAMA     Open    1.   Grace  Prodanov       Queen  Margaret    1st…………………………………….      

 8.45pm   Class  35   OWN  SELECTION       14-­‐16  Years    1.   Xavier  Dickason       3.   James  Tavendale  2.   Scarlett  Rumble    1st…………………………………….2nd…………………………………3rd…………………………….      8.55pm   Class  53   DRAMATIC  EXTRACT     16-­‐19  Years    1.   Olivia  Lake  2.   Ella  Christey  3.   Maisie  Norcross  4.   Gibson  McMurdo  5.   Grace  Prodanov       Victoria  –  Blood  of  the  Lamb    1st……………………………………..2nd…………………………………3rd………………………………    9.25pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  HOME  TIME                                                                    

 MONDAY  9  JULY    9.00am   Class  7   READING  AT  SIGHT       8-­‐10  Years    1.   Teresa  Steiner       7.   Priya  Bartlett  2.   Eilish  Hallissey       8.   Serena  Bayley  3.   P  J  Evans         9.   Daniel  Liu  4.   Qiao  Yu  Guan         10.   Emily  Everest  5.   Ava  Heath-­‐Williams       11.   Sara  Yu  6.   Emily  Woodgate    1st……………………………………..2nd…………………………………….3rd…………………………...    9.45am   Class  14   DRAMATIC  EXTRACT     10-­‐12  Years    1.   Maggie  Hamilton       The  Lion,  The  Witch  and  the  Wardrobe  2.   David  Evans  3,.   Madeleine  Glossop  4.   Katie  Emms         Anne  of  Green  Gables    1st…………………………………….2nd……………………………………3rd…………………………….    10.10am   Class  20   NOVICE  OWN  SELECTION     10-­‐12  Years    1.   Karina  McLaren       6.   William  Currie  2.   Jordyn  Campbell       7.   Carmelyn  Payne  3.   Hugh  Ryan         8.   James  Anthony  4.   Madeline  Clucas       9.   Annabel  Bester  5.   Xenia  Prinz            1st……………………………………..2nd………………………………….3rd……………………………    10.40am   ADJUDICATION  AND  MORNING  TEA  BREAK    11.00am   Class  12   TEST  POEM         10-­‐12  Years    1.   Madeleine  Glossop       5.   Eilish  Johns  2.   Ivan  Ren         6.   Fraser  Balasingham  3.   David  Evans         7.   Katie  Emms  4.   Max  Murphy    1st…………………………………….2nd…………………………………..3rd…………………………….    11.25am   Class  8   LIGHT  VERSE       8-­‐10  Years    1.   Serena  Bayley       6.   Priya  Bartlett  2.   Ava  Heath-­‐Williams       7.   Emily  Woodgate  3.   Sara  Yu         8.   Emily  Everest  4.   Iris  Mills         9.   Teresa  Steiner  5.   P  J  Evans    1st…………………………………..2nd…………………………………….3rd…………………………  

       11.55am   Class  21   NZ  AUTHOR  POEM       10-­‐13  Years    1.   Pieta  Bayley         3.   Jai  Bartlett  2.   David  Evans    1st…………………………………….2nd…………………………………….3rd……………………………    12.05pm   Class  5   OWN  SELECTION  POEM     8-­‐10  Years    1.   P  J  Evans         6.   Serena  Bayley  2.   Priya  Bartlett         7.   Ava  Heath-­‐Williams  3.   Teresa  Steiner       8.   Sara  Yu  4.   Sylvia  James         9.   Iris  Mills  5.   Emily  Everest         10.   Emily  Woodgate    1st………………………………………2nd…………………………………..3rd……………………………    12.35pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  LUNCH  BREAK    1.30pm   Class  15   READING  AT  SIGHT       10-­‐12  Years    1.   Anika  Bayley         6.   Katie  Emms  2.   Eilish  Johns         7.   Bridie  Richards  3.   Madeleine  Glossop       8.   Carmelyn  Payne  4.   Xenia  Prinz         9.   David  Evans  6.   Hugh  Ryan    1st……………………………………….2nd………………………………….3rd……………………………    2.05pm   Class  22   ORIGINAL  POETRY       Under  13    1.   Priya  Bartlett         4.   Jai  Bartlett  2.   P  J  Evans         5.   David  Evans  3.   Pieta  Bayley    1st………………………………………….2nd………………………………….3rd…………………………    2.25pm   Class  17   PREPARED  PROSE  READING   10-­‐12  Years    1.   Madeleine  Glossop       6.   Katie  Emms  2.   Xenia  Prinz         7.   James  Anthony  3.   Hugh  Ryan         8.   Eilish  Johns  4.   Ivan  Ren         9.   William  Currie  5.   David  Evans         10.   Max  Murphy    1st………………………………………….2nd……………………………………..3rd…………………    3.05pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  AFTERNOON  TEA  BREAK    

       3.25pm   Class  41   NOVICE  TEST  POEM     12-­‐16  Years    1.   Tierlina  Payne       3.   Portia  Bennie  2.   Lauren  Smith         4.   Z’Arn  Payne    1st……………………………………2nd………………………………..3rd…………………………………    3.45pm   Class  18   PREPARED  POETRY  READING   10-­‐12  Years  

 1.   Eilish  Johns         5.   William  Currie  2.   James  Anthony       6.   David  Evans  3.   Madeleine  Glossop       7.   Ivan  Ren  4.   Xenia  Prinz         8.   Katie  Emms    1st…………………………………….2nd…………………………………3rd………………………………    4.15pm   Class  49   DUOLOGUE         Under  16    1.   Hugh  Ryan  and  Clara  McKasker     I  Can’t  Hear  You  2.   Niamh  Hallissey  and  Elise  Robinson   Break  a  Leg  3.   Erin  Bruce  and  Madison  Hartley-­‐Brown   Alice  in  Wonderland  4.   Xavier  Dickason  and  James  Tavendale   The  Winslow  Boy    1st……………………………………2nd…………………………………3rd………………………………..    4.40pm   ADJUDICATION  AND  END  OF  SESSION    6.00pm   PRIZE  GIVING                                                    

SCHOLARSHIPS  Jones  Family  Scholarship   $40   Highest  marks-­‐4,5,6,7     8-­‐10           …………………………………………………….  Gay  Longbottom  Scholarship   $50   Highest  marks-­‐12,13,14,15   10-­‐12           …………………………………………………….  Gay  Balch  Scholarship     $60   Highest  marks-­‐27,28,29,30   12-­‐14           …………………………………………………….  Helen  Balch  Scholarship   $80   Highest  marks-­‐34,35,36,37   14-­‐16           …………………………………………………….  ChCh  Competitions  Schol.   $100   Highest  marks-­‐52,52,53,54   16-­‐19           ……………………………………………………..  CUPS & TROPHIES Trinity 125th Jubilee Cup Winner of class 2 Under 8

………………………………………………….. Anne-Marie Bateman Cup Highest points classes1,2,3 Under 8

………………………………………………….. Barbara Sugden Cup(Girls) Highest pts in classes 4,5,8 8-10

…………………………………………................... Anthony Ford Cup (Boys) Highest pts in classes 4,5,8 8-10

…………………………………………................... Kent Family Cup Winner of Class 9 8-10

…………………………………………................... Louise Moore Cup Highest pts in classes 10&11 8-10

…………………………………………................... Louisa Williams Cup Highest pts in classes 12,13,16 10-12

…………………………………………................... Tucker Bros Cup Highest pts in classes 17&18 10-12

…………………………………………................... Louise Arnold Cup Highest pts in classes 19&20 10-12

…………………………………………................... Trevella Family Cup Winner of Class 14 10-12

…………………………………………................... Rosemary Bartlett Cup Winner of Class 24 Under 13

…………………………………………................... Toastmasters Trophy Winner of Class 25 Under 13

…………………………………………................... Sarah Longbottom Trophy Winner of Class 26 Under 13

…………………………………………................... Melva McAleer Cup Highest pts in classes 27, 28, 31 12-14

…………………………………………................... ChCh Competitions Soc.Cup Highest pts in classes 32&33 12-14


Allan Tucker Memorial Cup For Endeavour 12-14 …………………………………………...................

Audrey Eady Cup Highest pts in classes 34, 35, 38 14-16 …………………………………………...................

Kay Scrivener Trophy Winner of Class 36 14-16 …………………………………………...................

Senior Speech Cup Highest pts in classes 39&40 14-16 …………………………………………...................

Gilda Parkin Challenge Cup Highest pts in classes 43&44 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

Donna Bartlett Cup Winner of class 46 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

Audrey Truman Cup Winner of Class 47 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

Egerton Family Cup Highest mark in class 21, 43 or 68 Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

H Anderson&P Wilkinson Cup Winner of Class 48 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

English Speaking Union Cup Best Male Public Speaker Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

Noeline McAleer Cup Highest pts in classes 51&52 16-19 ……………………………………………………..

Margaret Gosling Cup Winner of class 53 16-19 ……………………………………………………..

Wendy Kelly Cup Winner of Class 63 Open ……………………………………………………..

Sister Leonie Trophy Winner of Class 65 Open ……………………………………………………..

Marsh Academy Cup Winner of Class 67 Open ……………………………………………………..

Yates Family Trophy Most Points Overall 16 plus ……………………………………………………..

Patricia Finlay Memorial Highest mark in class 7, 15, 30, 37 or 54 MONETARY PRIZES ChCh Competitions $10 Winner of Class 2 Under 8

…………………………………………………….. Norcross Family Prize $15 Winner of Class 3 Under 8

…………………………………………………….. ChCh Competitions $20 Highest mark Under 8

…………………………………………………….. ChCh Competitions $10 Winner of Class 4 8-10

…………………………………………………….. ChCh Competitions $10 Winner of Class 5 8-10


Dale Hartley School $20 Winner of Class 6 8-10 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $10 Winner of Class 8 8-10 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $10 Winner of Class 10 8-10 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Highest mark 8-10 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 12 10-12 …………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 13 10-12 …………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 14 10-12 …………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 15 10-12 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 16 10-12 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 19 10-12 …………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $15 Winner of Class 20 10-12 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Highest mark 10-12 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 21 10-13 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 22 Under 13 ……………………………………………………..

Speech Communication Assn $10x2 Winners of Class 23 Under 13 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 25 Under 13 …………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 26 Under 13 …………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 27 12-14 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 28 12-14 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 29 12-14 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 30 12-14 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Winner of Class 31 12-14 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Highest mark 12-14 ……………………………………………………..

Chch Competitions $30 Highest mark Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

Chch Competitions $25 Winner of Class 34 14-16 ……………………………………………………..

Chch Competitions $25 Winner of Class 35 14-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 36 14-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 37 14-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 38 14-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $20 Highest mark 14-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 41 12-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 42 12-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 43 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 44 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

Speech Communication Assn $10x2 Winners of Class 45 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 47 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $25 Winner of Class 48 13-16 ……………………………………………………..

Canterbury Repertory $60 Winners of Class 49 Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $10x3 Winners of Class 50 Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

English Speaking Union $100 Best Male Public Speaker Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

English Speaking Union $100 Best Female Public Speaker Under 16 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Winner of Class 51 16-19 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Winner of Class 52 16-19 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Winner of Class 53 16-19 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Winner of Class 54 16-19 ……………………………………………………..

English Speaking Union Canterbury $30 Winner of Class 55 15-21 ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions Prize $10x2 Winners of Class 57 Open ……………………………………………………..

Lynn Williams Prize $30 Winner of Class 60 Open ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Winner of Class 62 Open ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Winner of Class 63 Open ……………………………………………………..

Speech Communication Assn $10 Winner of Class 64 Open ……………………………………………………..

ChCh Competitions $30 Highest mark 16 and over ……………………………………………………..

Katrina Evans Prize $20 Most Points 16 and over ……………………………………………………..


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