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Neurobiology of Disease

Spinal Cord Injury Causes Brain Inflammation Associatedwith Cognitive and Affective Changes: Role of Cell CyclePathways

Junfang Wu,* Zaorui Zhao,* Boris Sabirzhanov, X Bogdan A. Stoica, Alok Kumar, Tao Luo, Jacob Skovira,and Alan I. FadenDepartment of Anesthesiology and Center for Shock, Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,Maryland 21201

Experimental spinal cord injury (SCI) causes chronic neuropathic pain associated with inflammatory changes in thalamic pain regulatorysites. Our recent studies examining chronic pain mechanisms after rodent SCI showed chronic inflammatory changes not only inthalamus, but also in other regions including hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Because changes appeared similar to those in our rodentTBI models that are associated with neurodegeneration and neurobehavioral dysfunction, we examined effects of mouse SCI on cogni-tion, depressive-like behavior, and brain inflammation. SCI caused spatial and retention memory impairment and depressive-likebehavior, as evidenced by poor performance in the Morris water maze, Y-maze, novel objective recognition, step-down passive avoidance,tail suspension, and sucrose preference tests. SCI caused chronic microglial activation in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, wheremicroglia with hypertrophic morphologies and M1 phenotype predominated. Stereological analyses showed significant neuronal loss inthe hippocampus at 12 weeks but not 8 d after injury. Increased cell-cycle-related gene (cyclins A1, A2, D1, E2F1, and PCNA) and protein(cyclin D1 and CDK4) expression were found chronically in hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Systemic administration of the selectivecyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor CR8 after SCI significantly reduced cell cycle gene and protein expression, microglial activation andneurodegeneration in the brain, cognitive decline, and depression. These studies indicate that SCI can initiate a chronic brain neurode-generative response, likely related to delayed, sustained induction of M1-type microglia and related cell cycle activation, which result incognitive deficits and physiological depression.

Key words: brain; cognition; depression; inflammation; neurodegeneration; spinal cord injury

IntroductionThe chronic effects of spinal cord injury (SCI) have focused onsensorimotor dysfunction and hyperpathic pain. Clinical studyhas suggested potential cognitive changes based upon patientself-reporting of postmorbid conditions (Murray et al., 2007).The concept that SCI causes changes in brain has largely beenrestricted to alterations in afferent and efferent pathways. How-ever, supratentorial changes have been reported in localized brainregions associated with pain modulation after SCI-induced hy-

peresthesia, including chronic inflammatory changes associatedwith plasticity or electrophysiological alterations (Hains et al.,2005; Hubscher and Johnson, 2006; Zhao et al., 2007; Knerlich-Lukoschus et al., 2011; Yoon et al., 2013). In our own recentstudies examining mechanisms of SCI-induced hyperpathia inrodent models, we observed sustained neuroinflammation notonly in brain regions regulating pain sensation (Wu et al., 2013b),but also more diffusely in cortex, thalamus, and hippocampus.Because the degree and pattern of changes was similar to thoseassociated with the chronic neurodegeneration observed aftertraumatic brain injury (TBI) in rodents (Kumar and Loane,2012), we initiated an independent study to determine whetherbrain neurodegeneration and functional neurological correlatesoccur after isolated thoracic SCI.

Assessments of neuronal changes in the brain after SCI havebeen focused on the motor cortex and are controversial, withconclusions ranging from no cell death to extensive retrogradedegeneration. Some studies found no changes in the motor cor-tex and the medullary pyramid after SCI (Mason et al., 2003;Crawley et al., 2004; Nielson et al., 2010). Others have identifiedsignificant neuropathological changes based on counts of neu-rons in the cortex; for example, retrogradely labeled cortical mo-toneurons (Feringa and Vahlsing, 1985; Giehl and Tetzlaff, 1996;

Received Dec. 6, 2013; revised June 18, 2014; accepted July 11, 2014.Author contributions: J.W. and A.I.F. designed research; J.W., Z.Z., B.S., A.K., T.L., and J.S. performed research;

J.W., Z.Z., B.S., and B.A.S. analyzed data; J.W. and A.I.F. wrote the paper.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grants R01 NS054221 and R01 NR013601 to A.I.F.

and Grant R21 NR014053 to J.W.) and by startup funds from the Department of Anesthesiology, University ofMaryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD (J.W.). We thank Kelsey Guanciale, Katherine Cardiff, Angela Pan, andShuxin Zhao for expert technical support.

The authors declare no competing financial interests.*J.W. and Z.Z. contributed equally to this work.Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Junfang Wu, Department of Anesthesiology and Center for Shock,

Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR), National Study Center for Trauma and EMS, University of Maryland,School of Medicine, Bressler Research Building, 655 W. Baltimore Street, Room #6-009, Baltimore, MD 21201.E-mail: jwu@anes.umm.edu.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5110-13.2014Copyright © 2014 the authors 0270-6474/14/3410989-18$15.00/0

The Journal of Neuroscience, August 13, 2014 • 34(33):10989 –11006 • 10989

Hammond et al., 1999; Bonatz et al., 2000; Hains et al., 2003;Klapka et al., 2005) and shrinkage of the cell bodies (Ganchrowand Bernstein, 1985; Merline and Kalil, 1990; Wannier et al.,2005; Nielson et al., 2010; Nielson et al., 2011). One of the limi-tations of all of these studies is that they were performed overpoorly defined widespread areas of the cerebral cortex and, mostimportantly, did not involve rigorous quantitative assessmenttechniques. In contrast, our study used stereology techniqueswith computer-driven, random, systematic sampling to provideunbiased and quantitative data for cell counting.

Substantial experimental evidence, much from our labora-tory, indicates that, in postmitotic neurons, cell cycle activation(CCA) is associated with neuronal cell death, whereas in micro-glia or astrocytes, it leads to cell proliferation and activation (Wuet al., 2011). We have identified chronic CCA in the posteriorthalamic nucleus after rat contusion SCI, which was associatedwith hyperesthesia, increased neuronal excitability, and micro-glial activation (Wu et al., 2013b). Increased microglial activa-tion, chemokine levels, and CCA were also found in the ventralposteriolateral nucleus of thalamus (Wu et al., 2013b); these werepreviously implicated in hyperpathic responses after SCI (Zhao etal., 2007). In the present study, we examined more broadly theeffects of impact SCI in mice on cognitive and affective function,brain inflammation, CCA, and neuropathology; we also exam-ined the effect of early cell cycle inhibition on these outcomes.

Materials and MethodsMouse spinal cord contusion and drug administration. Adult maleC57BL/6J mice (22–26 g; The Jackson Laboratory) were anesthetizedwith isoflurane and received T9 spinal contusions using the Infinite Ho-rizon Spinal Cord Impactor (Precision Systems and Instrumentation)with a force of 60 kdyn, a moderate injury (Wu et al., 2013a). Bladderswere manually expressed twice daily until a reflex bladder was established(7–14 d after SCI). After SCI, mice were assigned to a treatment groupaccording to a randomized block experimental design. The number ofmice at various time points in each study is indicated in the figure leg-ends. All SCI animals were assessed at 1 d, 8 d, and 3 months after injuryby the same surgeon and at the same period of time. All procedures wereperformed under protocols approved by the University of MarylandSchool of Medicine Animal Care and Use Committee.

A potent, selective cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor CR8 (asecond-generation roscovitine analog) was used for the inhibition of cellcycle pathway. (R)-CR8 (#3605; Tocris Bioscience) was reconstituted in0.9% saline and administered intraperitoneally with 1 mg/kg as a finaldosage given once daily beginning 3 h after injury and continuing for 7 d.The vehicle control was 0.9% saline administered intraperitoneally. Thedose of CR8 was based upon prior investigations in rat SCI model (Wu etal., 2012a; Wu et al., 2012c; Wu et al., 2013b). To minimize stress andfatigue, a battery of behavioral tests were divided into two studies. Study1 included the Morris water maze (MWM), tail suspension (TS), openfield (OF), and novel object recognition (NOR) tests. A separate cohortof mice in Study 2 was for Y-maze spontaneous alternation, step-downpassive avoidance (SDPA), and sucrose preference (SP) tests. The time-line of the experimental design is shown in Figure 1.

Motor function evaluation. Mice were tested for hindlimb function inOF locomotion on day 1 after injury and weekly thereafter for up to 8weeks using the Basso mouse scale (BMS) (Basso et al., 2006). The spon-taneous locomotor activity was evaluated on week 10 after injury in theOF (Zhao et al., 2012). Mice were individually placed in a corner facingthe wall of the OF chamber (22.5 � 22.5 cm) and allowed to explore thechamber freely for 5 min. The traveled distance and speed were recordedby the computer-based ANY-maze automated video-tracking system(Stoelting).

MWM test. Hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memorywere assessed using the acquisition phase of the standard MWM tests asdescribed previously (Zhao et al., 2012). Starting on week 9 after injury,

mice were trained to find the hidden submerged platform located in thenortheast (NE) quadrant of the tank for 4 consecutive days with 4 trialsper day. In all trials, mice were allowed to swim until they landed on theplatform or 90 s had elapsed. The swim path, latency to platform, timespent in each zone, and velocity were recorded by the ANY-maze system.Reference memory was assessed by a probe test on day 5, during whichthe platform was removed. A visual cue test was subsequently performedusing a flagged platform in NE quadrants (with a 90 s limit per trial);latency (in seconds) to locate the flagged platform was recorded.

Water maze search strategy analysis was performed as described pre-viously (Zhao et al., 2012). Three strategies were identified using thefollowing categorization scheme: spatial strategies were defined as swim-ming directly to platform no more than one loop or swimming directly tothe correct target quadrant and searching; systematic strategies were de-fined as searching interior portion of or entire tank without spatial biasand searching incorrect target quadrant; and looping strategies were de-fined as circular swimming around the tank, swimming in tight circle,and swimming around the wall of tank. The search strategies were ana-lyzed on each of the 4 trials on training day 4 of MWM. The percentage ofeach strategy in each group was calculated.

Y-maze spontaneous alternation test. The Y-maze measures the willing-ness of rodents to explore new environments and assesses spatial workingmemory. Rodents typically prefer to investigate a new arm of the mazerather than returning to one that was visited previously. The Y-maze testwas performed as described previously (Baratz et al., 2010; Sierksma etal., 2014) with some modifications. The Y-maze was built of black plasticand consisted of three identical arms. Each arm was 15 inches long � 2inches wide � 5 inches high at an angle of 120° with respect to the otherarms. One arm was randomly selected as the “start” arm. The mouse wasput into the end of the “start” arm and allowed to explore the maze freelyfor 10 min. ANY-maze software records the trace of mouse for analysis.The arm entries (arms A–C) were recorded by analyzing the trace ofmouse using ANY-maze software. It is considered an entry when all fourpaws of the mouse have entered the arm. An alternation is when themouse enters three different arms consecutively. The percentage of alter-nation is calculated using the following equation: total alternations �100/(total arm entries �2). If a mouse scored significantly �50% alter-nations (the chance level for choosing the unfamiliar arm), this wasindicative of functional working memory.

NOR test. The NOR test was conducted on week 11 after injury, asdescribed previously (Gresack et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2012). Briefly, micewere habituated to the OF for 5 min. After 24 h, mice were placed into thechamber, where two identical objects were placed near the left and rightcorners of the OF for training (sample phase), and were allowed to ex-plore freely until they spent a total of 30 s exploring the objects (explo-ration recorded when the front paws or nose contacted the object). Micewere then removed and returned to their home cages. After 24 h, objectrecognition was tested by substituting a novel object for a familiar train-ing object (novel object location counterbalanced across mice). Timespent with each object was recorded. Because mice inherently prefer toexplore novel objects, a preference for the novel object [more time thanchance (15 s) spent with the novel object] indicates intact memory for thefamiliar object.

SDPA test. The SDPA test was performed as described previously(Huang et al., 2006) with some modifications. The mouse is placed on a

Figure 1. Timeline of the in vivo experimental design.

10990 • J. Neurosci., August 13, 2014 • 34(33):10989 –11006 Wu, Zhao et al. • SCI-Induced Brain Neuroinflammation

plastic platform (10 � 5 � 2.5 cm high) positioned on a metal gridlocated inside one compartment (24 � 23 � 27 cm) of a PACS-30 passiveavoidance apparatus (Columbus Instruments), with animals habituatedto the compartment for 5 min. Twenty-four hours later, the mouse isplaced on the platform. When the mouse steps down onto the grid andhas all 4 paws on it, it receives a 3 s, 0.3 mA foot shock and is immediatelyreturned to the home cage. Twenty-four hours after conditioning, themouse is returned to the platform and the latency to step down from theplatform recorded (or when 5 min have elapsed). The mouse is notsubjected to shock during testing.

TS test. The TS test assesses depression-like behavior in mice and isbased on the observation that mice develop an immobile posture whenplaced in an inescapable hemodynamic stress of being hung by their tail(Steru et al., 1985; Cryan et al., 2005). The TS was performed on week 10as described previously (Zhang et al., 2008) with small modifications.Each mouse was suspended at a height of 50 cm using adhesive tapeplaced �1 cm from the tip of its tail. The duration of immobility wasrecorded throughout the 5 min test period. The definition of immobilitywas passive hanging and complete motionlessness.

SP test. The SP test is used as an indicator of anhedonia, which ispresent in some affective disorders such as depression. In this test, weevaluate the mouse’s interest in seeking a sweet rewarding drink relativeto plain water. A diminished preference for the sweetened drink indicatesdepression-like behavior. The SP test was performed as described previ-ously (Snyder et al., 2011; Hong et al., 2013) with some modifications.The hydrogel pack is weighted by subtraction of weight of empty inser-tion from an insertion with hydrogel pack and drink tip installed. Thesaccharine is weighed, dissolved in 5 ml of plain water, and injected intohydrogel pack with a syringe to obtain a final 0.3% saccharine concen-tration. Initial weights of the hydrogel pack containing plain water andsaccharine solution are recorded. Two inserts are placed in each cage, onewith plain water in the normal (back) position and the saccharine waterpositioned at the front. Then, 100 g of food is added to each insert. Themouse is weighed and housed singly. After 24 h, the water pouches, food,and mice are weighed and recorded. The insert with plain water andinsert with saccharine water are rotated to avoid place preference. After asecond 24 h period, the water pouches, food, and mice are again weighedand recorded. The SP is calculated by divided consumption of sweetenedwater by total consumption of water (sweetened water plus plain water).The food preference is also calculated as a control to demonstrate thatmice do not show a place preference.

qRT-PCR analysis. Total RNA was isolated by using a miRNeasy iso-lation kit (QIAGEN) with on-column DNase treatment (QIAGEN). TheVerso cDNA Kit (Thermo Scientific) was used to synthesize cDNA frompurified total RNA. RNA (1 �g) was heated to 70°C for 5 min and mixedwith 5� cDNA-synthesis buffer, dNTP mix (0.5 nM final concentration),and Verso Enzyme Mix, and random hexamers (400 ng/�l) were added.Tubes were incubated at 42°C for 30 min, followed by 95°C for 2 min.qRT-PCR amplification was performed by using cDNA TaqMan Univer-sal Master Mix II (Applied Biosystems). In brief, reactions were per-formed in duplicate containing 2� TaqMan Universal Master Mix II, 1�l of cDNA (corresponding to 50 ng of RNA/reaction), and the TaqManGene Expression Assay (Applied Biosystems) at 20� in a final volume of20 �l. Real-time PCR was performed using cDNA TaqMan UniversalMaster Mix II (Applied Biosystems) on an ABI 7900 HT FAST Real TimePCR (Applied Biosystems). The PCR profile consisted of 1 cycle at 50°Cfor 2 min and 95°C for 10 min, followed by 40 cycles at 95°C for 15 s and60°C for 1 min. Gene expression assays for the following genes were used:TNF� (Mm00443258_m1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS;Mm00440502_m1), CD86 (Mm00444543_m1), CCL2 (Mm00441242_m1), CCL3 (Mm00441259_g1), IL-6 (Mm00446190_m1), IL-10 (Mm0-0439614_m1), Arg-1 (Mm00475988_m1), Ym1 (Mm00657889_mH),IL-4R�(Mm01275139_m1),SOCS3(Mm00545913_s1),TGF�(Mm011-78820_m1), synapsin 1 (Mm00446190_m1), CREB (Mm00501607_m1), BDNF (Mm01334042_m1), IGF-1 (Mm00439560_m1), cyclin A1(Mm00432337_m1), cyclin A2 (Mm00438063_m1), cyclin B1 (Mm030-53893_gH), cyclin D1 (Mm00432359_m1), E2F1 (Mm00432936_m1),PCNA (Mm00448100_g1). Gene expression was normalized to GAPDH(Mm99999915_g1) and the relative quantity of mRNAs was calculated

based on the comparative Ct method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001; Sa-birzhanov et al., 2012).

Unbiased stereological quantification of microglial phenotypes. At spe-cific times after injury, mice were deeply anesthetized with sodium pen-tobarbital (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and transcardially perfused with 100 ml ofnormal saline followed by 200 ml of PBS containing 4% PFA, pH 7.4. Thebrain were removed, postfixed in 4% PFA overnight, and transferred to30% sucrose at 4°C. Coronal sections were cut with a cryostat, thaw-mounted onto Superfrost Plus slides, and stained for anti-ionizedcalcium-binding adaptor molecule 1 (Iba-1, 1:1000; Wako Chemicals)antibody and DAB. The number of the three microglial morphologicalphenotypes (ramified, hypertrophic, and bushy) was quantified using theoptical fractionator method of unbiased stereology (West et al., 1991)with StereoInvestigator Software (MBF Biosciences). The sampled re-gion was the subregions of hippocampus and cerebral cortex between�1.22 and �2.54 mm from bregma. Every fourth 60 �m section wasanalyzed beginning from a random start point. The optical dissector hada size of 50 � 50 �m in the x-axis and y-axis with a height of 10 �m andguard zone of 4 �m from the top of the section. Dissectors were posi-tioned every 150 �m in the x-axis and y-axis. Microglial phenotypicclassification was based on the length and thickness of the projections,the number of branches, and the size of the cell body, as described pre-viously (Soltys et al., 2001; Byrnes et al., 2012). The volume of the regionof interest was measured using a Cavalieri estimator method with a gridspacing of 100 �m. The estimated number of microglia in each pheno-typic class was divided by the volume of the region of interest to obtainthe cellular density expressed in cells/mm 3. Neurolucida software (MBFBiosciences) was used to create reconstructions of microglia at differentstages of activation after injury by tracing the cell bodies and dendrites(Wu et al., 2013b).

Stereological assessment neuronal survival in hippocampal subregions.Total number of surviving neurons in the CA1, CA2/3, and dentate gyrus(DG) subregions of the hippocampus were counted using the opticalfractionator method of unbiased stereology. Briefly, the optical dissectorhad a size of 50 � 50 �m in the x-axis and y-axis with a height of 10 �mand guard zone of 4 �m from the top of the section. Dissectors werepositioned every 150 �m in the x-axis and y-axis. The sampled region foreach hippocampal subfield was demarcated and cresyl violet neuronalcell bodies were counted. The volume of the hippocampal subfield wasmeasured using the Cavalieri estimator method. The estimated numberof surviving neurons in each field was divided by the volume of the regionof interest to obtain the cellular density expressed in cells per cubicmicrometer.

Immunofluorescent staining. Standard fluorescent immunocytochem-istry was performed on 20-�m-thick sections as described previously(Wu et al., 2013a). The primary antibodies rabbit anti-Iba-1 (1:1000),rabbit anti-major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II, cloneCR3/43, 1:500; Dako), goat anti-doublecortin (1:200; Santa Cruz Bio-technology), and mouse anti-cyclin D1 (1:500; Neomarker) wereused, along with standard immunostaining techniques. Counter-staining was performed with DAPI (1 �g/ml; Sigma). For MHC IIstaining, sections were incubated with biotinylated anti-rabbit IgGantibody (Vector Laboratories) for 2 h at room temperature, and thenincubated in avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase solution (Vectastainelite ABC kit; Vector Laboratories) for 1 h and then reacted with 3,3-diaminobenzidine (Vector Laboratories) for color development. Allimmunohistological staining experiments were performed with appro-priate positive control tissue and primary/secondary-only negative con-trols. Fluorescence microscopy was performed using an TCS SP5 IIconfocal microscope system (Leica). The images were processed usingAdobe Photoshop Version 7.0 software. For quantitative image analysis,digital images at 63� magnification were captured from the hippocam-pus (for MHC II expression) or DG subregion (for doublecortin-positivecells) based on atlas boundaries and using a confocal laser-scanning mi-croscope (n � 5 images/location/mouse for 5– 6 mice/group). Thesewere analyzed to quantify MHC II immunointensity or doublecortin-expressing cells with ImageJ software version 1.43. Based on the grayvalues of digital images, the threshold was set to display onlyfluorescence-positive pixels (Lee et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2013b).

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Western blots. Hippocampus and cerebralcortical tissue were collected and used forWestern blotting analysis as described previ-ously (Wu et al., 2013a). Briefly, the tissue washomogenized and sonicated in radioimmuno-precipitation assay buffer (Sigma) and thencentrifuged at 20,600 � g for 20 min at 4°C.The supernatant was removed and proteinconcentration was determined using the PierceBCA Protein Assay kit with a bovine serum al-bumin standard. Each sample contained pro-teins from one animal. Equal amounts ofprotein were electrophoretically separated on4 –12% NuPAGE Novex Bis-Tris gradient gels(Invitrogen) and transferred to nitrocellulosemembranes (Invitrogen). The blot was thenprobed with the following antibodies: rabbitanti-Iba-1 (1:1000); rabbit anti-CDK4 (1:1000;Santa Cruz Biotechnology), and mouse anti-cyclin D1 (1:500). The immunoreactivity wasdetected using SuperSignal West Dura Ex-tended Duration Substrate (Thermo Scien-tific). Chemiluminescence was captured on aKodak Image Station 4000R station and pro-tein bands were quantified by band densitom-etry using the Gel-Pro Analyzer program(Media Cybernetics). The loading and blottingof equal amounts of protein were verified byreprobing the membrane with mouse anti-GAPDH (1:1000; Millipore).

Statistical analysis. Unless indicated other-wise, results are expressed as mean � SEM,where “n” is the number of individual animals.Behavior and unbiased stereological analysiswere performed by the investigators blinded togroups. Statistical comparisons included two-way ANOVA with repeated measures in behav-ioral experiments and � 2 analysis for searchstrategy analysis. For multiple comparisons,one-way ANOVA followed by Student’s New-man–Keuls post hoc test. All statistical analyseswere conducted with Prism version 3.02 forWindows (GraphPad Software) or SigmaPlotversion 12 (Systat Software). For nonparamet-ric data, the Wilcoxon’s exact test was used.SAS version 9.3 was used for this test. Statistical significance was set at p �0.05.

ResultsCognitive function is impaired in mice after contusive SCITo investigate whether SCI mice have cognitive impairments, wefirst performed the MWM test, which measures hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memory at 9 weeks after injury.Initial pilot studies demonstrated that the protocol used for theMWM test is feasible in experimental SCI, indicating that, not-withstanding the motor deficits, injured mice retain swimmingcapability. We observed that SCI mice frequently used their fore-limbs and body to swim because their hindlimb function wasimpaired. In the acquisition phase of MWM test (Fig. 2A), asignificant difference was detected between the Sham/Vehicleand SCI/Vehicle groups at training day 4 (p � 0.001). Becauseour prior work implicated a role for CCA in chronic motor def-icits after SCI and cognitive dysfunctions after TBI, as well asinjured-induced microglial activation, we here also evaluatedCCA pathways through administration of CDK inhibitor afterSCI. There were no significant differences between the Sham/Vehicle and Sham/CR8 groups or the SCI/Vehicle and SCI/CR8

groups across each of the training days. On training day 5, theprobe test, in which the time spent in the target quadrant wascalculated, was performed (Fig. 2B). SCI/Vehicle mice spent sig-nificantly less time in the target quadrant compared with Sham/Vehicle mice (p � 0.001). Notably, a significant difference wasalso observed between the SCI/Vehicle and SCI/CR8 groups (p �0.05). No differences were observed between the two Shamgroups. Swim speed analyses showed that there were significantreductions in swim speed in the SCI/Vehicle group (0.025 �0.005 m/s, p � 0.001) compared with the Sham/Vehicle group(0.062 � 0.009 m/s). CR8 did not improve the swim speed ofinjured mice (0.025 � 0.005 m/s). In addition, visible cue testswere performed on training day 5. Not surprisingly, SCI/Vehiclemice (78.83 � 5.15 s, p � 0.001) revealed a significant increase inlatency time to locate the visible platform compared with theSham/Vehicle mice (41.03 � 8.41 s).

We then performed search strategy analysis to evaluate theefficiency of locating the platform, an outcome that is less influ-enced by locomotion deficits. Based on previously published cri-teria (Zhao et al., 2012), 3 search strategies were evaluated foreach of the 4 trials on training day 4. Occasionally, mice changedsearch strategies during a trial. When this happened, the strategy

Figure 2. Effects of contusion SCI in mice on hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memory tested in MWM. A, Acqui-sition trials. A significant difference was detected between the Sham/Vehicle (n � 14) and SCI/Vehicle (n � 15) groups at trainingday 4 (***p � 0.001). No differences were found between the Sham/Vehicle (n � 14) and Sham/CR8 (n � 15) groups or theSCI/Vehicle (n � 16) and SCI/CR8 (n � 15) groups. B, Probe trial. SCI/Vehicle mice spent significantly less time in the targetquadrant compared with Sham/Vehicle group (***p � 0.001) and the SCI/CR8 group ( #p � 0.05). C, Search strategy. Loopingtype is predominant in the SCI/Vehicle group (63.2%) compared with the Sham/Vehicle group (7.4%), whereas SCI mice with CR8treatment displayed increased spatial type (8.8% vs 4.4% from SCI/Vehicle mice) and reduced looping type (38.2%; � 2 � 63.03,p � 0.001). D, Representative types of search strategies. SCI mice showed less traveled distance than uninjured Sham mice.

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that best described the major swimming path was assigned.Search strategy in the MWM showed good group separation(� 2 � 63.02, p � 0.001; Fig. 2C). SCI mice exhibited significantlyhigher reliance on looping search strategies than spatial and sys-tematic search strategies compared with Sham mice. Specifically,the use of spatial search strategies ranged from 25.0% in theSham/Vehicle group to 4.4% in the SCI/Vehicle group. CR8 in-creased the use of this type of swim path to 8.8%. Figure 2D showsdifferent representative search strategy pathways between Shamand SCI mice.

To assess spatial working memory and to minimize the poten-tially confounding factor of altered motor activity, the Y-mazespontaneous alternation test was also performed. Sham miceshowed �75% spontaneous alteration, indicative of functionalworking memory. Moderate SCI caused a significant reduction ofspontaneous alteration compared with Sham animals (p � 0.001;Fig. 3A). SCI mice treated with CR8 showed significantly in-creased spontaneous alteration compared with SCI/Vehicle miceat 9 weeks after injury (p � 0.01). Next, retention memory wasassessed by the NOR test, which is less dependent on locomotion.As shown in Figure 3B, mice from both Sham groups spent moretime than chance (15 s) with the novel object 1 h after training(sample phase), indicating intact memory. SCI/Vehicle micespent less time with the novel object (p � 0.05 vs Sham/Vehiclegroup), but significantly greater time than chance (Fig. 3C). No-

tably, CR8 treatment in SCI mice reversedthese reduced time periods with the novelobject (p � 0.001 vs SCI/Vehicle group).To reduce the potential confoundingeffects of motor deficits and to furtherconfirm that SCI mice have cognitive im-pairments and cell cycle inhibitor im-provement of memory performance, wealso used other, more complex behavioraltraining paradigms that include spatial andemotional motivations such as step-downfear avoidance. This is a fear-motivatedlearning task that is not dependent on mo-tor function. During step-down fear-conditioning trials, all groups exhibitedsimilar short retention times before step-ping down onto the platform and receiv-ing a shock. During testing for memory ofthe aversive experiences 24 h later, SCImice showed significantly reduced latencyto step down from the platform comparedwith Sham mice (p � 0.01; Fig. 3D). Nota-bly, the CR8-treated SCI mice showedsignificantly greater latencies than vehicle-treated SCI animals.

We also investigated the long-term ef-fects of SCI on depression-like behavior.A TS test was performed at 10 weeks afterinjury. Sham mice revealed an immobilitytime of �80 s (Fig. 4A). No differenceswere observed between the two Shamgroups. However, SCI resulted in signifi-cantly increases in immobility times com-pared with Sham/Vehicle group (p �0.05). Treatment with CR8 showed signif-icantly reduced immobility times (p �0.01 vs SCI/Vehicle group) to levels simi-lar to Sham mice. To reduce the potential

confounding effects of motor deficits, water/food motivationswere also evaluated in SCI mice using the SP test. SCI miceshowed significantly reduced sweet water consumption without achange in food consumption, indicating depression-like behav-ior (Fig. 4B–F). CR8 treatment significantly increased sweet wa-ter consumption, but did not alter consumption of plain drinkingwater or food.

Collectively, these data show that SCI mice performed poorly inthe MWM, Y-maze, NOR, and SDPA tests, indicating impaired spa-tial and nonspatial learning and memory, and exhibit depression-like behavior; such changes were limited by cell cycle inhibition.

Motor function is deficit after SCIThe OF test was performed at 10 weeks after SCI to examinespontaneous locomotor activity (Fig. 5A,B). Mice from bothSham groups displayed similar locomotor activity (distance trav-eled and walking speed) during the 5 min of testing. SCI miceshowed significantly reduced traveled distance (1.94 � 0.15 m,p � 0.001) compared with Sham/Vehicle mice (3.21 � 0.34 m).Decreased traveled distance in SCI mice was paralleled by re-duced walking speed. We did not observe any improvement ofspontaneous locomotor activity in SCI/CR8 group, which is con-sistent with the results of swim speed in the MWM test.

Hindlimb functions were also evaluated in these mice in theOF test on day 1 after injury and weekly thereafter for up to 8

Figure 3. Assessment of spatial, emotional, or nonspatial memory using the Y-maze spontaneous alteration (A), NOR (B, C),and SDPA (D) tests. A, Sham mice showed intact spatial working memory function because they all performed significantly betterthan the 50% chance level (n � 10). SCI mice (n � 14, ***p � 0.001) showed significantly reduced percentages of spontaneousalteration in Y-maze test, whereas CR8-treated mice (n � 14, ###p � 0.01) had a significantly increased percentage of sponta-neous alteration compared with SCI/Vehicle mice at 9 weeks after injury. B, Injured or uninjured mice spent equal time with thetwo identical objects during the sample phase. C, SCI/Vehicle mice (n � 17) spent significantly less time with the novel object thanmice in the Sham/Vehicle group (n � 10, *p � 0.05) and the SCI/CR8 group (n � 14, ###p � 0.001). D, During testing for theirmemory of the aversive experiences 24 h later, SCI mice (n �14, *p �0.05) showed significant reduced latency to step down fromthe platform compared with Sham mice (n � 10). CR8 treatment (n � 14, #p � 0.05) caused a significant increased latencycompared with SCI/Vehicle mice.

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weeks using the BMS scores (Basso et al., 2006). One day afterSCI, all mice had a BMS score of 0 or 1, indicating nearly com-plete loss of motor function (Fig. 5C). Three hours after injuryand once daily for 6 consecutive days after the injury, the micesystemically received intraperitoneal injections of CR8 (1 mg/kg)or saline. CR8-treated SCI mice (n � 17) had significantly betterBMS scores than the saline-treated SCI mice (n � 17; p � 0.05) byday 14, and this effect persisted through day 56 after SCI, consis-tent with our prior study in the SCI mice with intrathecal admin-istration of CR8 (Wu et al., 2013a). Therefore, inhibiting cellcycle activation improves the recovery of hindlimb function, butnot spontaneous locomotor activity, in SCI mice.

SCI alters M1 (classical) and M2 (alternative) microgliaactivation genes in the hippocampusTo begin assessing the molecular basis for SCI-induced cognitivedecline and depressive-like behavior, we collected hippocampustissues from Sham or SCI mice at 1 d, 8 d, and 12 weeks afterinjury because this brain region is most likely to be responsiblefor the behavior abnormalities observed in the present study. We

started by examining the effects of SCI on microglia activation,which is known to be associated with poorer neurological recov-ery and increased neurodegeneration (Kumar and Loane, 2012).We measured the expression of microglia genes associated withclassical (M1), alternative activation (M2a), and acquired deacti-vation (M2c), based on identifying antigenic markers for eachmicroglia state (Colton, 2009). Figure 6A showed the relativemicroglia mRNA expression of M1 genes: TNF�, iNOS, CD86,chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2), chemokine (C-C mo-tif) ligand 3 (CCL3), and IL6. SCI significantly increased themRNA levels of these M1 type genes in the hippocampus com-pared with Sham-injured controls, most of them upregulated atlater time points after injury (Fig. 6A). SCI-induced CCL2 ex-pression was increased as early as at 24 h after injury. IL6 mRNAlevels were significantly increased at 8 d after injury and furtherincreased at 12 weeks. Notably, these elevations were significantlysuppressed by CR8 treatment.

The M2a genes arginase-1 (Arg-1) and Ym1 and the M2cgenes IL-4 receptor-� (IL-4R�), suppressor of cytokine signaling3 (SOCS3), and transforming growth factor-� (TGF�) were se-

Figure 4. Assessment of depression-like behaviors using the TS and SP tests. A, Sham/Vehicle mice showed an immobility time of 97.3 � 5.6 s, whereas no differences were found between theSham/Vehicle (n � 10) and Sham/CR8 (n � 10) groups. However, significantly increased immobility times were observed in SCI/Vehicle group (n � 17, *p � 0.05). CR8 treatment (n � 17)reversed immobility times compared with the SCI/Vehicle group (##p � 0.01). B, C, Both Sham groups similarly preferred sucrose. SCI mice (n � 14) showed significantly reduced percentages (B)or absolute grams (C) of sucrose water consumed compared with Sham mice (n � 10, *p � 0.05). However, significantly increased SP was observed in CR8-treated mice (n � 14, #p � 0.01). D,SCI or CR8 treatment did not alter plain drinking water consumed. E, F, Neither SCI nor CR8 changed food consumed in tap water (T) or sucrose water (S) sides.

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lected in the present study (Fig. 6B,C) because they have beenshown to be robustly increased in the brain after TBI. Interest-ingly, we did not observe any significant changes in the levels ofthese genes in the hippocampus after SCI. In contrast, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10 was found to be significantly in-creased at 12 weeks after injury compared with Sham/Vehiclecontrols (p � 0.001; Fig. 6D). These results indicate that lesion tothe spinal cord alters the balance of M1 and M2 microglia expres-sion patterns in the brain, with significantly increased expressionof M1, without disturbing several key M2 genes.

It is well known that the expression of MHC II (an M1marker) is a hallmark of antigen-presenting cells, and its expres-sion on activated microglia/macrophage enables their interactionand signaling with other cells such as T cells (Sedgwick et al.,1998). We have shown previously that MHC II is highly expressedin the aged traumatically injured brain by microglial/macro-phage that displayed a highly activated cell morphology (Kumaret al., 2013). In the present study, we evaluated MHC II expres-sion in the hippocampus at 12 weeks after SCI using the HLA-DP,DQ, DR antigen (CR3/43 clone) antibody, which has been usedto detect chronically activated microglia in postmortem humanTBI brain (Johnson et al., 2013). MHC II immunoreactivity wasnot detectable in the Sham brain, but was increased in cells thatdisplayed activated microglia/macrophage cellular morphologyin the hippocampus of the SCI brain. Quantification analysesshowed a significant increase of MHC II expression in the hip-

pocampus from SCI mice compared withSham mice (p � 0.001; Fig. 6E). CR8 treat-ment significantly reduced SCI-induced up-regulation of MHC II expression. Figure 6, Fand G, show representative immunohisto-chemical (IHC) images. IHC using antibod-ies against M2 markers (arginase-1, YM1,TGF-�) showed no detectable immunoac-tivity in either Sham or SCI brain (data notshown).

Highly reactive microglial activationphenotypes predominate chronically inthe brain after SCIWhen microglia become activated, theirmorphologies switch from a resting statusdisplaying ramified cellular morphologiesto activated forms displaying cellular hy-pertrophic or bushy morphologies. Weperformed unbiased stereological assess-ment to examine microglial cell numbersand activated forms in the hippocampusand cerebral cortex after SCI. Representa-tive images and reconstructions (Neuro-lucida) of the resting (ramified, small cellbody with elongated and thin projections)and activated (hypertrophic, large cellbody with shorter and thicker projections;bushy, enlarged cell body with multipleshort processes that form thick bundles)microglia were presented (Fig. 7A). At 8 dafter SCI, no significant differences wereobserved in the number of ramified, acti-vated, and total microglia across thegroups (Fig. 7B,C). However, 12 weeksafter SCI, there were significantly in-creased numbers of microglia displaying

the highly activated (hypertrophic and bushy) phenotype andreduced ramified phenotypes in both hippocampus and cerebralcortex of SCI mice compared with Sham mice (Fig. 8). Notably,CR8 treatment significantly reversed these changes. We did notobserve any significant differences in the number of total Iba-1

microglia across the groups.Immunofluorescence also confirmed microglia morphologi-

cal changes in the brain after SCI (Fig. 9A). Western blot analysisof Iba-1 protein expression at 12 weeks after injury indicated asignificant increase in expression in both hippocampus and cere-bral cortex of SCI mice compared with Sham tissue (Fig. 9B,C).However, CR8 significantly attenuated the Iba-1 protein expres-sion in the both brain regions compared with the SCI group.

Together, these data suggest that microglia activation was up-regulated chronically in the brain after SCI and was suppressed bycell cycle inhibition.

SCI mediates chronic hippocampal neurodegenerationGiven that microglia activation is upregulated in the brain afterSCI and that SCI mice display learning and memory impair-ments, we investigated whether there is a neurodegeneration inkey brain regions after injury. Unbiased stereological techniqueswere used to quantify surviving neurons in the CA1, CA2/3, andDG subregions of the hippocampus in cresyl-violet-stained brainsections from Sham or SCI mice at 8 d or 12 weeks after injury. At8 d after SCI, no differences were observed in the number of

Figure 5. Determination of spontaneous locomotor activity and hindlimbs functions using the OF test. A, B, Traveled distanceand speed. SCI resulted in a significant reduced distance traveled (n � 17, ***p � 0.001) and walking speed (***p � 0.001)compared with Sham/Vehicle mice (n � 10). CR8 treatment (n � 15) did not improve spontaneous locomotor activity. C,Hindlimb locomotor function was evaluated using the BMS score. Significantly improved functional recovery in CR8-treated mice(n � 17) was observed compared with saline-treated mice (n � 17). *p � 0.05, **p � 0.01 compared with the saline-treatedgroup.

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neurons across the groups (Fig. 10A). However, at 12 weeks afterinjury, SCI resulted in significant neuronal cell loss in the hip-pocampus (p � 0.05 vs Sham/Vehicle group; Fig. 10B). Systemicadministration of CR8 significantly improved neuronal survivalcompared with SCI/Vehicle samples (p � 0.01). Therefore, these

data demonstrate that SCI leads to chronic neurodegeneration inthe hippocampus and that CR8 provides neuroprotection.

To determine the impact of SCI on adult neurogenesis, weperformed IHC staining for doublecortin to label immature neu-rons in the DG of the hippocampus, a good indicator of neuro-

Figure 6. SCI alters expression of M1 (classical)/M2 (alternative) microglia genes as well as MHC II immunoreactivity in the hippocampus. qRT-PCR analysis was performed at 1 d, 8 d, or 12 weeksafter injury. A, M1 gene expression levels (TNF�, iNOS, CD86, CCL2, CCL3, IL6) were progressively increased in SCI/Vehicle mice compared with the Sham groups and were reduced by CR8 treatment.B, C, Moderate SCI did not alter expression levels of the M2a genes (Arg-1, Ym1) or the M2c genes (IL-4R�, SOCS3, TGF�) in the hippocampus at all time points. D, The anti-inflammatory cytokineIL10 was significantly increased at 12 weeks after injury compared with Sham mice and lower in CR8-treated mice. **p � 0.01, ***p � 0.001 versus Sham groups; ##p � 0.01, ###p � 0.001 versusSCI groups. n � 3 (d1 Sham), n � 5 (d1 SCI), n � 3 (d8 Sham), n � 5 (d8 SCI), n � 5 (d8 CR8), n � 5 (3mon Sham), n � 9 (3mon SCI), and n � 7 (3mon CR8). E, Quantification of immunoreactivityfor MHC II revealed significant increased expression in the hippocampus at 12 weeks after SCI compared with the Sham group. These changes were remarkably suppressed by CR8 treatment. n �5 images/location/mouse for 5– 6 mice/group. *p � 0.05 versus Sham/Vehicle group; #p � 0.05 versus SCI/Vehicle group. F, G, Representative images showed that MHC II immunoreactivity wasnot detectable in the Sham brain, but increased in cells that displayed activated microglia/macrophage cellular morphology (G, insert) in the hippocampus of the SCI brain. Scale bar, 25 �m.

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genesis (Felix et al., 2012). The number of DCX neurons in theDG showed a significant reduction at 12 weeks after SCI com-pared with control, uninjured animals (p � 0.01; Fig. 11), whichis consistent with a previous report using cervical SCI in the adultrat (Felix et al., 2012). This reduction was significantly reversedby CR8 treatment.

We also evaluated the effects of SCI on plasticity-associatedgenes including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),

cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), synapsin 1,and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Hippocampal tissuewas obtained from Sham or SCI brains at 12 weeks after injuryand was used for qRT-PCR analysis. SCI did not alter synapsin 1(Sham, 1.00 � 0.02, n � 5, vs SCI, 0.94 � 0.07, n � 9), BDNF(Sham, 1.00 � 0.01, n � 5, vs SCI, 1.05 � 0.02, n � 9), and CREBgene expression (Sham, 1.00 � 0.03, n � 5, vs SCI, 1.06 � 0.02,n � 9). In contrast, SCI modestly upregulated IGF-1 (SCI, 1.10 �

Figure 7. SCI did not change microglial phenotypes in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex at 8 d after injury. A, Representative Iba-1 IHC images displaying resting (ramified morphology) oractivated (hypertrophic or bushy morphology) microglial phenotypes and the corresponding Neurolucida reconstructions. B, C, Unbiased stereological quantitative assessment in the hippocampus(B) and cerebral cortex (C) revealed no differences in the numbers of resting, activated, and total microglia between SCI and uninjured mice. n � 4 (Sham), n � 5 (SCI/Vehicle), n � 5 (SCI/CR8).

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0.02, n � 9, vs Sham, 1.00 � 0.02, n � 5; p � 0.05) gene expres-sion in the hippocampus compared with the Sham tissues.

SCI causes upregulation of cell cycle genes and proteins in thehippocampus and cerebral cortexTo further investigate the involvement of the cell cycle pathway inSCI-induced brain abnormalities, we first examined whether up-

regulation of cell cycle genes occurs in the brain after SCI. qRT-PCR analysis showed an upregulation of a cluster of cell cyclerelated genes (cyclins A1, A2, and D1 as well as E2F1 and PCNA)in the hippocampus over the course of a few months after SCI(Fig. 12). Among them, the E2F1 transcription factor showed arapid, transient elevation at 24 h after injury (Fig. 12A), consis-tent with our previous report in the injured spinal cord (Wu et al.,

Figure 8. Chronic SCI increased activated microglial phenotypes in the brain at 12 weeks after lesion. Unbiased stereological quantitative assessment in the hippocampus (A) and cerebral cortex(B) revealed increased numbers of highly activated microglia displaying a hypertrophic and bushy cellular morphology and reduced numbers of resting microglia displaying the ramified cellularmorphology in SCI/Vehicle mice compared with Sham/Vehicle mice. CR8 treatment reversed these changes. *p � 0.05, **p � 0.01, ***p � 0.001, SCI/Vehicle versus Sham/Vehicle groups; #p �0.05, ##p � 0.01, ###p � 0.001, SCI/CR8 versus SCI/Vehicle groups. n � 4 (Sham/Vehicle), n � 4 (Sham/CR8), n � 8 (SCI/Vehicle), n � 10 (SCI/CR8).

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2012c). mRNA levels of the cyclin A1, A2, D1, and PCNA geneswere significantly increased in the SCI mice at 8 d after injury andPCNA gene expression increased further at 12 weeks after SCI(Fig. 12B,C and E,F), whereas cyclin B1 remained unchanged atall time points (Fig. 12D). Next, IHC was performed to determinethe distribution of cyclin D1 in the brain after SCI (Fig. 13A). Inthe intact hippocampus and cerebral cortex, immunoreactivity ofcyclin D1 was weakly detected in some neurons. At 12 weeks afterinjury, numerous cyclin-D1-positive cells were observed in both of

these brain regions. Furthermore, Western blot analyses in 12 weekSCI tissue revealed increased protein expression of cyclin D1 andCDK4 in both hippocampus and cerebral cortex (Fig. 13B,C). Sys-temic administration of CR8 significantly suppressed SCI-mediatedupregulation of cell cycle genes and protein expression in the brain.

DiscussionUsing a mouse spinal cord contusion model, we demonstratehere that injury causes not only long-term locomotor deficits, but

Figure 9. Iba-1 expression in the brain subregions after SCI was examined by IHC and Western blot. A, Representative Iba-1 immunofluorescent images showed that SCI increased total numbersof microglia exhibiting marked cellular hypertrophy and retraction of processes in both hippocampus (CA3) and cerebral cortex at 12 weeks after injury and such changes were limited by CR8treatment. Scale bars, 100 �m. B, Representative Western blots for the Iba-1 expression and the loading control (GAPDH). C, Quantification of the protein band intensity showed significantlyincreased expression of Iba-1 in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex at 12 weeks after injury, whereas CR8 treatment reversed elevation of Iba-1 expression. *p � 0.05 versus Sham mice; #p �0.05, ##p � 0.01 versus 3mon SCI. n � 5 (Sham), n � 8 (3mon SCI), n � 7 (CR8).

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also cognitive changes and depressive-like behaviors; the latterchanges are associated with increased numbers of reactive micro-glia and neuronal loss in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex.Increased expression of cell cycle genes and proteins was alsofound in these regions after SCI. Each of these changes was atten-

uated by inhibition of cell cycle pathways, suggesting that CCAcontributes to such delayed pathophysiological events.

A battery of cognitive and sensorimotor behavioral assess-ments were used to reduce the potential confounding effects ofmotor dysfunction. The MWM has been used commonly to ex-

Figure 10. SCI-mediated chronic hippocampal neurodegeneration. Unbiased stereological techniques were used to quantify surviving neurons in the CA1, CA2/3, and DG subregions of thehippocampus in cresyl-violet-stained brain sections from Sham or SCI mice at 8 d or 12 weeks after injury. A, At 8 d after SCI, no differences were observed in the number of neurons across the groups.n � 4 (Sham), n � 5 (SCI), n � 5 (CR8). B, SCI resulted in significant neuronal cell loss in the hippocampus at 12 weeks after injury. Systemic administration of CR8 significantly improved neuronalsurvival compared with SCI/Vehicle samples. *p � 0.05 versus Sham/Vehicle mice; #p � 0.05, ##p � 0.01 versus SCI/CR8. n � 5 (Sham/Vehicle), n � 4 (Sham/CR8), n � 9 (SCI/Vehicle), n � 10(SCI/CR8).

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amine hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memoryimpairments in rodents. However, despite a certain level of mo-tor recovery, injured mice showed significantly reduced swimspeeds and distance, decreased activity in the OF, and increasedimmobility time in the TS. Therefore, observing delayed escapelatency and less time spent in target quadrant may not reflect purecognitive deficits, but may be confounded by motor and affectiveimpairments. Therefore, we also examined the search strategyused by the injured mice to locate the hidden platform, a method

used previously by us for both the Barnes maze and MWM testsafter TBI (Fox et al., 1998; Zhao et al., 2012). This strategy pro-vides complementary outcome measures that may be less depen-dent on motor function. Sham-injured mice primarily employ aspatial strategy to locate the platform; use of this strategy de-creased after SCI. Moreover, whereas Sham animals swam in thecenter of the maze to find the hidden platform, injured animalsspent most of their time swimming around the entrance quad-rant of the maze. The Y-maze, NOR, and SDPA tests are also less

Figure 11. Distribution and quantification of immature neurons in the adult DG after SCI. A, Representative images showed doublecortin (DCX, green, white arrows) and nuclear staining (DAPI,blue) in the hippocampal DG subregion. Scale bar, 100 �m. B, Quantification of the number of DCX cells per DG in a 20 �m section. SCI caused a significant 36% reduction of DCX cells at 12 weeksafter injury compared with Sham samples. CR8-treated mice showed significantly increased DCX cells in the DG. n � 5 images/DG/mouse/6 mice/group. **p � 0.01 versus Sham/Vehicle mice;##p � 0.01 versus SCI/Vehicle.

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dependent on locomotion, reflecting bothfrontal cortical and hippocampal functionas well as a fear-motivated learning task.Injured mice showed significantly im-paired performance in these tests com-pared with Sham mice. Collectively, theseresults indicate that SCI causes learningand memory impairment. Only one priorexperimental study has suggested cogni-tive decline after SCI: a projectile injury inpigs wearing body armor (Zhang et al.,2011). However, the model, species, andoutcome used (conditioned feeding be-havior) makes both interpretation andrelevant comparison difficult. It has beensuggested previously that trauma inducedwith body armor may allow transmissionof forces more directly to brain, includingthrough large vessels, and injured pigsshowed nearly immediate changes in elec-troencephalogram and intracranial pres-sure, suggesting that the model mayreflect direct brain injury as well as SCI.

Many clinical studies have reportedpost-SCI depression, which has been as-sumed to be situational or reactive. Ourdata suggest that SCI can result in a phys-iological depression that can be modifiedby inhibiting the posttraumatic inflam-matory response. CR8 treatment signifi-cantly increased sweet water consumptionin the SP test, but did not alter plain drink-ing water and food consumption. The lackof changes in food consumption suggeststhat factors such as locomotion-dependentchanges in metabolisms do not play a ma-jor role in the post-SCI depression-likesymptoms. Therefore, our data stronglysuggest that such depression may in partreflect ongoing pathophysiological changesin the brain and require different treatmentapproaches than antidepressant strategies.

Microglial activation has long beenlinked to changes in cognitive functionthrough both direct and indirect effectson neurons. Two recent clinical studies,one using PET scanning to delineate mi-croglial activity and the other pathologi-cal, have further underscored the importance of microglialactivation in chronic neurodegeneration after TBI (Ramlack-hansingh et al., 2011; Johnson et al., 2013). We used real-timeqRT-PCR, stereological microglial phenotype counts, IHC, andWestern blot analyses to show that SCI caused chronic microglialactivation in the brain. CNS resident microglia, like peripheralmacrophages, have multiple activation phenotypes (Gordon,2003). The neurotoxic reactive phenotype (M1) is characterizedby increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines, reactiveoxygen species, and nitric oxide, contributing to tissue inflamma-tion and damage (Lynch, 2009). Here, we show that SCI inducedsignificant increases of M1 microglial activation genes and MHCII expression in the hippocampus. After SCI, the proinflamma-tory cytokine IL6 was also increased in the thalamus, as shownpreviously (Zhao et al., 2007), and in the hippocampus, as shown

here. IL6 has a dual role as a microglial activator as well as aneuromodulator (Milligan et al., 2005; Schoeniger-Skinner et al.,2007). Guerrero et al. (2012) reported that blocking IL6 signalingpromotes functional recovery by inhibiting M1 and promotingM2 macrophage activation after SCI. In contrast, the M2 pheno-type microglia secretes anti-inflammatory cytokines and neu-rotrophic factors, thereby contributing to wound healing andtissue remodeling. Although we did not observe any difference inM2a and M2c markers in the SCI brain, the anti-inflammatorycytokine IL10 is reported to promote a M2c phenotype that isimmunosuppressive (Colton, 2009). SCI enhanced IL10 gene ex-pression in the hippocampus.

The relative interactions among SCI, hypotension, and anes-thetic effects could potentially contribute to brain changes afterSCI. Although we and others have measured blood pressure after

Figure 12. Effect of impact SCI on the expression of a cluster of cell cycle genes in the hippocampus. qRT-PCR analysis was usedto quantify mRNA levels in the hippocampal tissues from Sham or SCI mice at 1 d, 8 d, or 12 weeks after injury. The E2F1transcription factor (A) showed a rapid, transient elevation at 24 h after injury. The expression of cyclin A1, A2, D1, and PCNA genes(B, C and E, F ) were significantly increased in the SCI mice at 8 d after injury and PCNA gene expression increased further at 12weeks after SCI (F ), whereas cyclin B1 remained unchanged at all time points (D). *p � 0.05, **p � 0.01, ***p � 0.001 versusSham groups; #p � 0.05, ###p � 0.001 versus SCI groups. n � 3 (d1 Sham), n � 5 (d1 SCI), n � 3 (d8 Sham), n � 5 (d8 SCI), n �5 (d8 CR8), n � 5 (3mon Sham), n � 9 (3mon SCI), n � 7 (3mon CR8).

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SCI in cats and rats, this is rarely attempted in mouse models fortechnical reasons. However, hypotension after SCI reaches signif-icant levels primarily after cervical or high thoracic injuries,which are rostral to spinal sympathetic cardiovascular regulatorysites (T1–T4). Our injury was performed at T9, in part to excludesuch complications. Nout et al. (2012)recently examined effectsof anesthetics and thoracic SCI on blood pressure in rats. At amoderate injury levels, SCI with isoflurane anesthesia produced

only modest, transitory hypotension. Such changes would not beexpected to cause chronic brain hypoxic injury. Moreover, theinjury used was at T1, which would cause far more changes thanat T9. Most importantly, were such early hypoxia to occur, itwould lead to acute neuronal loss within the first days of injury.We found no neuronal loss in the hippocampus at 8 d after injury,underscoring the delayed progressive nature of our observedchanges.

Figure 13. SCI causes upregulation of cyclin D1 and CDK4 proteins in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex at 12 weeks after injury. A, Representative cyclin D1 immunofluorecent images showingthat SCI increased the total numbers of cyclin D1 cells in both hippocampus (CA3) and cerebral cortex at 12 weeks after injury and such changes were limited by CR8 treatment. Scale bars, 100 �m.B, Representative Western blots for the cyclin D1 and CDK4 expression and the loading control (GAPDH). C, Quantification of protein band intensity showing significantly increased expression of cyclinD1 and CDK4 in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex at 12 weeks after injury, whereas CR8 treatment reversed elevation of cyclin D1 and CDK4 expression. *p � 0.05, ***p � 0.001 versus Shammice; #p � 0.05, ###p � 0.001 versus SCI group. n � 5 (Sham), n � 8 (SCI), n � 7 (CR8).

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SCI also induces compensatory anatomical plasticity. Endo etal. (2007) reported that the Nogo receptor and its coreceptor,LINGO-1, are downregulated in cortical areas deprived of sen-sory input and in adjacent cortex after complete thoracic spinaltransection, whereas BDNF is upregulated. Further, synapsin ex-pression and neurite sprouting are increased in lamprey brainafter spinal cord transections (Lau et al., 2011). In contrast, acuteSCI in rats reduces BDNF levels in the hippocampus in conjunc-tion with the activated forms of synapsin 1, CREB, and CaMKII(Fumagalli et al., 2009; Gomez-Pinilla et al., 2012). In our model,SCI did not alter synapsin, BDNF, or CREB gene expression inhippocampus at 12 weeks after injury, although IGF-1 gene ex-pression was increased modestly.

The role of CCA in the pathophysiology of SCI has been stud-ied extensively by us and others, with most work focusing onprimary lesion site (Di Giovanni et al., 2003; Tian et al., 2007; Wuet al., 2011; Wu et al., 2012b). More recently, we demonstratedthat CCA contributes to remote microglial activation after tho-racic contusion SCI, including the thalamus and lumbar spinaldorsal horn, as evidenced by reduction of microglia activation inthese areas after CCA inhibition (Wu et al., 2013a; Wu et al.,2013b). Our previous data in SCI and TBI models in vivo, as wellas microglia in vitro, have shown that cell cycle inhibitors, includ-ing CR8, potently and directly attenuate neuroinflammation (DiGiovanni et al., 2005; Byrnes et al., 2007; Hilton et al., 2008;Kabadi et al., 2012a; Kabadi et al., 2012b; Wu et al., 2012b; Wu etal., 2013a; Wu et al., 2013b; Kabadi et al., 2014). The effects arebased on the involvement of cell cycle initiation in microgliaactivation.

The mechanisms underlying SCI-mediated effects in brainremain speculative. SCI can cause reorganization of the cerebralcortex, as well as thalamus, through anterograde and retrogrademechanisms (Nardone et al., 2013). Previous anatomical and ex-perimental studies have demonstrated that the thalamic nucleussends some of its major cortical efferents to the hippocampalformation (Cavdar et al., 2008). Distal release of cysteine-cysteinechemokine ligand 21, synthesized by damaged neurons in spinalcord after injury, has been proposed as a molecular mechanismthat triggers microglial activation at distant spinal segments andthe thalamus (Zhao et al., 2007; Hulsebosch et al., 2009). SCI canalso alter systemic immune functions (Ankeny and Popovich,2009) that can secondarily affect the brain. It is also possible thatfactors are released that have access to the brain through the CSF.

In summary, using a well characterized mouse model, weshow that SCI induces chronic neuroinflammation and neurode-generation in brain. Changes are remarkably similar to what hasbeen observed after TBI both experimentally and clinically: pro-gressive neurodegeneration in the brain associated with cognitivedecline and physiological depression. These findings, if con-firmed clinically, would considerably revise concepts about thenature of SCI as a focal acute neurodegenerative disorder. Thatcell cycle inhibition can limit each of these changes offers thepotential for a targeted clinical therapy that can potentially blockmany of the important functional consequences of SCI. In addi-tion, the finding that CCA continues chronically after SCI in eachof the regions associated with long-term progressive conse-quences of injury may permit treatment with a far greater thera-peutic window than previously considered.

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