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2016 - 2017

Faculty of

Bhuta Vidya &

Nature Worship

International Open University for TASTAM

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International Open University TASTAM


Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship


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Content International Course in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship ICBV/MBV-NW with job opportunities in the Netherlands................................................................... 4

Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship in a changing environment. ........................... 4

Introduction............................................................................................... 5

Practical information about the International Course in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship – ICBV/MBV-NW ............................................................................ 9

Objectives ................................................................................................. 9

Participants ............................................................................................. 10

Programme ............................................................................................. 10

First trimester .................................................................................... 10

Second trimester ................................................................................ 10

Third trimester ................................................................................... 10

Learning methods..................................................................................... 11

Study load ............................................................................................ 11

Graduation requirements ........................................................................ 11

Visa requirements .................................................................................... 12

Admission criteria ..................................................................................... 12

Insurance requirements ............................................................................ 12

Funding ................................................................................................... 13

About IOU-TASTAM .................................................................................. 13

Why study at IOU-TASTAM? ...................................................................... 13

Contact: .................................................................................................. 15

International Open University-TASTAM ........................................................ 15

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International Course in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship ICBV/MBV-NW with job opportunities in the Netherlands.

The International Course in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship is an annual twelve-month Master programme organized by the Spiritual International Open University for TASTAM IOU-TASTAM in cooperation with the Europa Ayurveda Centre.

Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship in a changing environment. The amount of people suffering from mental problems is increasing very fast all over the World. Mental diseases can come through physical diseases. At the same time mental diseases can make physical diseases. For that reason the treatment of cleaning process of the body before starting the mental treatment is very important.

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The ancient epics so as the Rig-Veda, Atharvaveda, the holy epics so as the Devi Bhagavata, the Mahabharata and the traditional Ayurveda books tell about the secrets of healing almost all mental problems which gives a lot of troubles especially to the western World. Health systems in developing countries face a wide range of challenges. Out of this challenging and exciting context, a number of questions arise: How does one plan, execute and evaluate programmes for the increasing amount of mental problems.

What could be the role of professionals in the field of Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship in this dynamic context of health reforms?

Providing an effective response to these issues requires well-trained professionals able to solve complex mental health problems systematically and using a multisectoral approach.

Introduction Dutch scholars from the East India Company from the 16th century collected a wide range of precious medicinal plants from old Travancore what is now Kerala. By arriving in their home country Holland (now the Netherlands) they planted this precious collection of medicinal plants in the North East of the Netherlands.

Recently a book was translated from old handwritten medical scriptures found in a farmhouse in the north-east of the Netherland explaining the use of these Indian medicines for their diseases. This book was launched at the Spiritual International Open University for TASTAM because of its striking resemblance with traditional Ayurveda. Interestingly most of the treatments described in this ancient book have much in common with Bhuta Vidya. Many of the medicinal plants grow here in the Netherlands and are on the brink of extinction in Kerala. That is why the IOU-TASTAM organize a one year course in Bhuta Vidya inclusive classes how to grow and maintain these valued medicinal plants. In the nearby future we return this collection of medicinal plants to their home country India where they belong.

Past karma or deeds

Ayurveda believes in past karma or deeds as a causative factor of certain diseases. Bhuta Vidya deals with the causes, which are directly not visible and have no direct explanation in terms of tridosha. In most cases illness is caused by the disturbance of mind, where rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance) are supposed to be the contributing factors. As the people of ancient era were believers of super natural powers and evil spirits, this section of Ayurveda was named the same. However, these days the problems and ailments dealing under Graha Chikitsa or Bhuta Vidya can be very much related to modern psychiatry.

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This branch of Ayurveda deals basically with diseases like insanity, bipolar disorders, epilepsy, anxiety, etc.

Explore the unknown and hidden facts

According to Ayurveda, psychiatric diseases are a result of the affliction from the devas, asuras, apsarases, gandharvas, yaksas, raksasas, pisacas, kinaras and other demons, entities or evil spirit. The exact patho- physiology of these disorders has to be extensively researched. Bhuta Vidya mentions the use of various disinfectant plants under the title of 'graha vidya dravya' for fumigation to make the atmosphere germ free. In addition to these herbs, diet, use of mantras and yogic therapies like meditation and pranavama are used to pacify the psychological disturbances of the patient. This branch of Ayurvedic science mainly tries to explore the unknown and the hidden facts of particular diseases.

Nature as power – connecting herbal medicines and higher spirits.

Nature is very powerful from the beginning till the end. Without respecting the nature and without understanding the power of nature mental healing is impossible. The values of the secret and sacred medicines are very important for these mental problems. However the most important thing to learn is the connection between the herbal medicines and the higher spirits.

Correct preparation of the medicines.

In this course we spent much time on how to prepare and connect the medicines through worship and ceremonies. We give special attention to Moon days for the agriculture. Moon is connected with mind and water. Proper preparation of these medicines will help to bring a lot of extra energy in the medicines to adequately heal the mental patients.

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Four types of Chikitsa

We have to learn four types of chikitsa.

i. Deva Vyapi chikitsa – spiritual ii. Dravyaguna – medicinal plants iii. Shodana chikitsa – cleaning proces iv. Rasyana chikitsa – strengthen the body

Deva Vyapi chikitsa is the last treatment to heal mental problems all over the World. Here in the western World we have to focus on this Deva Vyapi chikitsa mainly. We have to give main focus to the higher spirit and the messengers and take all the natures products and understand which one is connected with which spirit and use them after the prayer with ceremony for the higher spirit.

The physical treatments Shodana and Rasyana Chikitsa are to improve the body. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. This cleaning process Shodana is different than Pancha Karma. Here we give swedana, abhyanga, dharas, nasyam, vamanam, virechanam and aushadasnanam. The medicines used for this treatment is only for mental problems together with ceremonies. The rasayana chikitsa aims to strengthen the body by immonomodulators and rejuvenation medicines. It usually comes after the shodana chikitsa. IOU-TASTAM has a large garden with medicinal plants. The gardens are near the premises of the university

Ceremonial preparation of the land.

How to prepare the agriculture land for the medicinal purpose. How to use the seedlings. How to grow the plants, how to look after them. How to avoid monoculture plantations. How to collect the medicines from the plant. How to understand the medicinal properties from the plants. How to harvest them in the right time. How to look after them without adding any chemical substances for their growth or infections by small insects and worms.

All this questions will be answered in due time during the course. We learn you how to offer to the higher spirits, the medicinal preparations, share the preparations with the higher spirits and how to use the medicines for the mental patients.

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Ceremonies connecting with Bhuta Vidya

1. Kalam ezhutu 2. Danas 3. Santas 4. Rakshas 5. Homas 6. Arcanas

7. Tarpanams 8. Namasamkirtanam 9. Nrtams 10.Pradakshanams 11.Salkatavarkanams

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Practical information about the International Course in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship – ICBV/MBV-NW

Dr. V.P. Mohana Kumari with her students.

Duration: 1 year

Language: English

Objectives The ICBV/MBV-NW is designed to develop the capacity of senior health managers to use an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to address mental health problems in their country.

A master in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship should be able to:

Critically analyse the health status of a mental patient and identify health needs.

Appraise the role of health systems in terms of fundamental goals, functions, actors and performance.

Identify priorities and strategic planning concerning interventions aiming at improving mental health, taking good practice into account.

Implement and monitor health interventions by managing human, financial and logistic resources.

Work professionally across different sectors, disciplines and institutional levels, with public and private actors, and through advocacy, communication and networking.

Identify research needs, commission research, and critically analyse and use research results.

Incorporate a pro-poor and equity approach in all actions.

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Continuously examine and critically reflect on own practice and values and adjust them accordingly.

Participants This course is aimed at professionals working, or preparing to work, in Ayurveda health services at national, regional or decentralized district level.

Programme The introduction to the ICBV/MBV-NW starts with learning and communication skills that will be needed throughout the course. These include skills in organic agriculture, internet searches for mental health-related information and literature, use of the library, and presentation and writing skills.

First trimester In the first trimester, students are introduced to the broad categories of factors that influence mental health: culture, lifestyle, socio-economic, political and natural environments and the impact of the health care delivery system. Organic agriculture.

Basic concepts and tools for the analysis and discussion of mental health problems through modules in health planning and management are introduced. The basic knowledge and skills acquired or reinforced in the first part of the course will be applied to a practical strategic planning exercise carried out in small groups. Towards the end of the first trimester, students begin to clarify their thesis topic and investigate the literature related to that topic.

Second trimester In the second trimester, the course takes a more in-depth look at the subject. The module on mental health systems research includes participatory, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and prepares students to assess research proposals and develop their own. The trimester concludes with modules on strategies to address mental problems. Students write most of their thesis at this stage, and make a class presentation leading to a debate.

Third trimester With guidance from an adviser, participants write a thesis on an important mental health problem they have been involved with in their country. The aim is to systematically analyse the problem and make suggestions for its solution, based on qualitative and quantitative information participants have brought with them and on a literature review.

The last three months of the course are devoted to finalizing the thesis with individual tutoring. In the week before the oral examinations, students practice presenting their thesis to each other in class.

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Programme structure First trimester Introduction Introduction to Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship, organic agriculture. Learning and communication skills. Deva Vyapi chikitsa – spiritual Health policy, planning and management Second trimester Dravyaguna – medicinal plants Shodana chikitsa – cleaning process Rasyana chikitsa – strengthen the body Mental health systems research Health policy and financing, advanced module Third trimester Thesis; Oral examination

Learning methods The content of the course is practice-based and oriented as much as possible to the working situation of participants. Contacts between staff and participants are intensive throughout the course. Methods used include lectures, discussions, group work, individual presentations, case studies, exercises, study visits, self-study and written assignments including a thesis. A list of recommended books is provided. Homework assignments are prepared in advance of most classroom sessions. Participants share information about health issues in countries they have worked in, such as organization and functioning of health services, health policies and regulations. This information is used in discussion and comparison of experiences and problems encountered across different countries and situations.

Study load A total of 60 ECTS credit points must be accumulated for successful completion of the ICBV/MBV-NW programme. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) facilitates transfer of course credits between institutions at the same academic level. 1 ECTS requires 30 hours of student time, which includes class time and independent study.

Graduation requirements Each module is assessed by means of either a written examination or a take-home assignment. At the end of the programme, an independent external examination committee assesses the thesis and the candidate’s oral examination performance.

If the overall assessment is satisfactory, the Master of Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship is awarded. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for the degree may be eligible for a certificate of attendance

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Visa requirements Citizens of EU or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, and citizens of Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the USA do not need a visa to enter the Netherlands. Participants from other countries who will stay for longer than three months in the Netherlands will need an ‘Authorization for Temporary Stay’ (MVV) to enter the country. This visa should be applied for through IOU-TASTAM. Upon their arrival in the Netherlands a residency permit has to be requested for them through IOU-TASTAM.

Participants admitted to the course will receive detailed information, as well as a list of documents IOU-TASTAM requires to secure their visa. Applicants should take into account that in some countries this procedure can take months. Other applicants must secure a visa. Visa applications must be made at the Netherlands embassy or consulate covering the applicant’s country. Applicants will need a letter of admission to the course and proof of sponsorship or sufficient financing to cover the course fee and travel and accommodation costs.

Admission criteria Academic training at least to the level of a bachelor’s degree, either in

medicine or in another field related to health care, such as health sciences, economics, social science or nursing.

A minimum of three years of experience, including managerial responsibilities in health services in a low resource country.

Proven proficiency in spoken and written English Computer literacy is expected The number of participants is limited. Because there are always more

applicants than places in the course, a selection must be made from those meeting the above-mentioned criteria. The selection committee takes into account country of origin, experience and professional background in order to compose a group with a mixture of professional and geographical backgrounds. An adequate representation of women is also sought; women with appropriate training and experience are especially encouraged to apply

Insurance requirements Course participants are required by Dutch law to have health, accident and third party insurance. Unless their current insurance policy covers their stay abroad, participants must insure themselves in the Netherlands. Dutch insurance companies offer reasonable rates to foreign students.

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Funding The arrangement of financial support to cover all study costs is the responsibility of the applicant. IOU-TASTAM does not offer financial support or fellowships.

About IOU-TASTAM The International Open University TASTAM is an independent centre of knowledge and expertise in the areas of international and intercultural cooperation. The aims of IOU-TASTAM are to contribute to health and wellbeing for the people all over the world through the promotion of Traditional Ayurveda, Siddha , Tribal Art and Medicines, it seeks to promote interest in and support for these issues.

The European Ayurveda Centre has designated IOU TASTAM a collaborating centre for the training, retention and motivation of mental health care workers in Bhuta Vidya in all countries of the world.

Why study at IOU-TASTAM? Specialises in Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship Practice oriented Exchange between disciplines Interactive education Development of personal and professional competencies Network building Personal tutoring Participants from diverse backgrounds and countries Teachers: highly qualified specialists Positively reviewed by all the students

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Founder member Dr. V.P. Mohana Kumari

Faculty of Bhuta Vidya and Nature Worship

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International Open University-TASTAM Witharenweg 7

7738 PE Witharen

The Netherlands

Email: iou.tastam@gmail.com

Phone: +31 523 677208


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