spontaneous hemothorax: primary pleural epithelioid

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170 Case report

Spontaneous hemothorax: primary pleural epithelioidangiosarcomaAmit Panjwania, Iqbal Singhb,c, Nagendra Parvatanenid, Phulkumari Talukdare

aDepartments of Pulmonary Medicine,bHistopathology, cLaboratory Medicine,dSurgical Oncology, eRadiation Oncology,

SevenHills Hospital, Mumbai, India

Correspondence to Amit Panjwani, DM, MD,

DNB, FCCP, 3203, Type 3 Staff Quarters,

SevenHills Hospital, Marol Maroshi Road,

Mumbai 400059, India; Tel: 91-9768157947;

fax: 91-22-67676767;

e-mail: drameetp@gmail.com

Received 27 April 2016

Accepted 8 May 2016

The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine2016, 28:170–173

© 2017 The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine | Publ

Spontaneous hemothorax is a rare condition seen in coagulation and vasculardisorders. Uncommonly, malignant neoplasms may cause spontaneoushemothorax. Primary pleural epithelioid angiosarcomas (excluding the caseswith pleuropulmonary or chest wall involvement) are extremely rare pleuraltumors, which may be mistaken for mesothelioma or adenocarcinoma, and only19 cases (one of them from India) have been reported in the English literature, todate. It commonly occurs in older men, has a nonspecific clinicoradiologicalpresentation, and carries a poor prognosis with no survivors beyond a year ofestablishing the diagnosis. We report a case of primary pleural epithelioidangiosarcoma presenting as a life-threatening spontaneous hemothorax. Wealso present a brief literature review on pleural angiosarcoma.

Keywords:angiosarcoma, pleura, spontaneous hemothorax

Egypt J Intern Med 28:170–173

© 2017 The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine


IntroductionHemothorax is defined by the presence of hemorrhagicpleural fluid (PF) with a PF hematocrit greater than 50%of the simultaneous blood hematocrit value [1]. If the PFhematocrit is estimated after a few days of the onset ofpleural effusion, 25–50% value supports a diagnosis ofhemothorax as the erythrocytes in the pleural spacemay undergo spontaneous lysis. The majority of thecases of hemothorax are related to chest trauma orprocedures such as central lines, thoracocentesis, pleuralbiopsy, and catheterization. Spontaneous hemothoraxis an uncommon condition and the causes includemalignancies, anticoagulant medications, vascularruptures such as aortic dissection or arteriovenousmalformations (AVMs), endometriosis, pulmonaryinfarctions, and hemorrhagic diathesis [2]. Angio-sarcoma is an exceedingly uncommon malignantneoplasm of vascular origin. It accounts for less than1% of all soft-tissue sarcomas. Primary pleuralangiosarcomas (excluding the cases with pleuro-pulmonary or chest wall involvement) are very rareaggressive tumors and only 19 cases (one of them fromIndia) have been reported in the English literature, todate.We report the first case of spontaneous hemothoraxdue to a primary pleural high-grade epithelioidangiosarcoma from India.

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Case reportA 76-year-old gentleman, presented with a historyof right-sided dull aching chest pain and dry cough of1-week duration. He had dyspnea Medical ResearchCouncil grade (MRC) 2 for 3 days, which progressed to

ished by Wolters Kluwer - M

MRC 4 over a period of 12 h. This was associated withorthopnea. He had no wheezing, hemoptysis, fever,weight loss, and anorexia. He had diabetes and was onan oral hypoglycemic drug.Hewas a former smoker andhad smoked 20 pack-years. There were no othercomorbidities. He denied a history of trauma. Onexamination, he was afebrile, pulse was 130/min,blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg, respiratory ratewas 30/min, and SpO2 was 91% on room air. Therewas an excessive use of accessory muscles. The breathsounds were absent in the right hemithorax. The rest ofthe physical examination was unremarkable. Chestradiograph (Fig. 1) showed massive right-sidedpleural effusion with a mediastinal shift to the leftside. Laboratory investigations revealed a hemoglobinof 4.5 g%, hematocrit of 15.5% with normal leukocytes(4890/mm3), and platelets of 330 000/mm3. ECGrevealed a sinus tachycardia. Renal function andcoagulation profile were within normal limits.Thoracocentesis was performed wherein around1200ml grossly hemorrhagic fluid was aspirated. Thefluid had a hematocrit of 10.8% (almost 70% of bloodhematocrit), whichwas suggestive of a hemothorax. Theproteins were 4.8 g% and glucose was 38 mg%(corresponding serum proteins were 6.79 g% andrandom glucose was 112 mg%). PF cytology wasnegative for malignant cells. Contrast-enhanced

edknow DOI: 10.4103/1110-7782.203298

Spontaneous hemothorax Panjwani et al. 171

computed tomography of the thorax (Fig. 2a and b)showed nodular heterogeneously enhancing deposits inthe parietal pleura on the right side with massive pleuraleffusion and collapsed right lung. The left lung, pleuralspace, and mediastinum including the cardia wereunremarkable. Ultrasonography of the abdomen andpelvis was unremarkable. In view of advanced age ofthe patient, massive hemothorax with a significantrespiratory distress and hemodynamic compromise,the patient was referred to thoracic surgeon. He wassubjected to video-assisted thoracoscopy for surgicalmanagement of the hemothorax. The pleural cavityshowed hemorrhagic fluid, clots, and multiple nodules

Figure 1

Massive right-sided pleural effusion with mediastinal shift to theopposite side.

Figure 2

Computed tomography of the thorax: (a) plain study shows nodular heterogwith massive pleural effusion and collapsed right lung, (b) contrast studypleura on the right side with massive pleural effusion and collapsed righ

along theparietal pleura.Therewas oozing of blood seenfrom thenodules along the parietal pleura (Fig. 3). It wasdifficult to negotiate the thoracoscope easily in thepleural cavity, and hence the patient was subjected toa posterolateral thoracotomy.Thehematoma alongwithhemorrhagic fluid was evacuated and multiple biopsieswere taken from the pleural-based nodules. Thehistopathological examination of the nodules showeda high-grade epithelioid sarcomawith abundant areas ofnecrosis (Fig. 4a and b). Immunohistochemical studiesshowed that the tumor was reactive to CD31 andcytokeratin (Fig. 4c and d). It was nonreactive tocalretinin, Wilm’s tumor gene (WT1), thyroidtranscription factor-1 (TTF-1), cytokeratin 5/6 (CK5/6), melan-A, and desmin. The overall picture wasconsistent with a high-grade epithelioid angiosarcoma

eneously enhancing thickening of the parietal pleura on the right sideshows nodular heterogeneously enhancing thickening of the parietalt lung.

Figure 3

Video-assisted thoracoscopy showing multiple nodules along theparietal pleura. Oozing of blood seen from these pleural-basednodules.

Figure 4

The tumor cells express cytokeratin and CD31 (focally). The overall histological features and immunoprofile of the tumor are consistent with adiagnosis of a high-grade epithelioid angiosarcoma of the pleura. Hematoxylin and eosin, (a) ×10; (b) ×40. Immunohistochemical stains, (c)cytokeratin; (d) CD31.

172 The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine, Vol. 28 No. 4, October-December 2016

of the pleura. The patient was planned for radiotherapy;however, over the next few days, he developedpneumonia involving the right lung, which progressedto septic shock and multiorgan dysfunction. Hedeteriorated quickly and succumbed to the illnesswithin 2 weeks.

DiscussionSpontaneous hemothorax is a rare entity. Spontaneouspneumothorax accounts for most of thesecases [2]. Diseases such as dissecting aneurysms,AVMs, coagulopathies, vascular tumors, exostoses,endometriosis, and others should be considered as apart of the diagnostic work-up for the evaluation ofthese cases. The importance of a good history andphysical examination cannot be underestimated in theevaluation of spontaneous hemothorax. Besides thecoagulation profile, a contrast-enhanced computedtomography of the thorax helps in arriving at aproper diagnosis. An echocardiogram with a bubblestudy should be considered where AVM is suspected.PF cytology at times may not be sufficient to diagnosevascular neoplasms, and immunochemical markers canbe used to save the day. Intercostal tube thoracostomyis the first step in the management of cases with stablespontaneous hemothorax. In a hemodynamicallyunstable patient, massive hemothorax (>1000ml),continuous bleeding more than 500ml in the firsthour or more than 200ml/h for 5 h, and an earlysurgical intervention is the favored approach, as wasperformed in our case.

Primary pleural epithelioid angiosarcoma is an extremelyraremalignancy. The last literature review byZhang et al.[3] analyzed 19 cases of primary pleural angiosarcoma(excluding the caseswith chestwall or pleuroparenchymalinvolvement) reported in the English literature. Three ofthese 19 cases had hemothorax as its cardinal clinicalmanifestation. A few cases of cardiac angiosarcomaswith pulmonary involvement have been reported fromIndia in the past [4–6]. Interestingly, only one case

each of primary pulmonary angiosarcoma [7] andprimary pleural angiosarcoma [8] has been reportedfrom India, ours being the first case of primarypleural angiosarcoma presenting with a spontaneoushemothorax. Angiosarcoma is a soft tissue sarcomathat arises from small vessels in the skin, deep softtissue, breast, spleen, and liver. They are dividedinto four groups: cutaneous angiosarcoma unassociatedwith lymphedema, cutaneous angiosarcoma associatedwith lymphedema, angiosarcoma of the breast, andangiosarcoma of deep soft tissue. The etiology for thistumor is still unknown. There is a strong correlation seenin Japanese patients between the presence of chronicpyothorax caused by pleural or pulmonary tuberculosisand development of pleural angiosarcoma. However,western researchers propose radiation and asbestosexposure as important etiologic factors leading to thiscondition. Our patient did not have any history oftuberculosis, radiation, or asbestos exposure. Whenunrelated to these factors, this case may be described asde-novo tumor.

Clinical presentation is nonspecific. Patients maypresent with chest pain, dyspnea, cough, anemia, andhemothorax [9,10]. Radiologically, the presentationincludes pleural nodules or masses [8,11], pleuralthickening, and unilateral or bilateral pleural effusion[12]. This condition may be misdiagnosed astuberculosis [12], hematoma [13], pleural metastasis,or a mesothelioma [14]. Cytological examinationof the PF or the pleural tumor is unhelpful in themajority of the situations [8,10,11]. Definitivediagnosis requires adequate specimens, which may beobtained occasionally by means of needle-core biopsy[11] but mostly through surgical methods [8,10,12].Histologically, in the majority of the patients, pleuralangiosarcomas are usually epithelioid and may bemistaken for mesothelioma or adenocarcinoma [15].Therefore, immunohistochemistry is a useful way ofestablishing the diagnosis. Epithelioid markers (e.g.cytokeratin) always stain positive in mesotheliomasand adenocarcinomas, whereas they occasionally stain

Spontaneous hemothorax Panjwani et al. 173

positive in epithelioid pleural angiosarcomas, aswas seenin our case. Endothelial (vascular) markers such asCD31, CD34, and factor VIII-related antigens arerequired for establishing a definitive diagnosis ofangiosarcoma. CD31 is the most sensitive and specificmarker for vascular neoplasms [11]. Mesothelialmarkers such as calretinin, CK5/6, and WT1 are usedfor excluding malignant mesothelioma [14]. Pleuralangiosarcomas are managed best with a completesurgical resection, debulking with pneumonectomy,and rib resection, wherever possible. Radiationtherapy may be considered in postoperative situationsin which the disease is localized and there is no evidenceof distant metastasis. Chemotherapy has a doubtful roleand may be used as palliative therapy.

ConclusionPrimary pleural epithelioid angiosarcoma is a rareaggressive malignant neoplasm with nonspecific clinicaland radiological features, whichmay cause a spontaneoushemothoraxwitha rapidclinicaldeterioration.Awarenessof this entity is essential for an early diagnosis andinstituting appropriate treatment. This condition hasan extremely poor prognosis with hardly any survivorsbeyond a year, despite treating them with the availablemodalities.

Financial support and sponsorshipNil.

Conflicts of interestThere are no conflicts of interest.

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