spring io 2015 spock workshop

Post on 21-Jul-2015






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SPOCK: Testing (in the) Enterprise!

Fernando Redondo Ramírez




• Entrepreneur and Business Manager at

Pronoide since 2003

• Currently working for Hybris (SAP) as

technical trainer

• Java & Friends trainer for last ten years

• Doing things with Java from 1999 on

• Computer Engineer

• Happily married and proud father of two


• Not that Trekky yet (Sure!)

Brief introduction

- Groovy based testing and

specification framework

- Can test anything that runs

inside the JVM (even Java)

- Beautiful and highly expressive specification


- Compatible with most IDEs, build tools, and

continuous integration servers (JUnit runner)

Terminology and definitions

- Spock lets you write specifications that

describe expected features (properties,

aspects) exhibited by a system of interest.

- The system of interest could be anything between a

single class and a whole application, and is also called

system under specification (SUS).

- The description of a feature starts from a specific

snapshot of the SUS and its collaborators; this

snapshot is called the feature’s fixture.

Brief introduction

How do I start with Maven?-

How do I start with Gradle?

Hands on!

Before start, you have to…1. Start Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.6 (GGTS) and create a workspace (remember to

run it with a JDK and install the gradle extension for eclipse). Groovy 2.4 compileras well.

2. Download http://pronoide.com/downloads/springio-workshop-2015.zipand unzip it into workspace folder. Or take it fromhttps://github.com/fredondo/springio2015-spock-workshop

3. Hold on! Please wait me right here…

Stage I: Import the workshop project

i. Import gradle Project (enterprise.mission)


Test classes are known as Specifications

- All specifications (Specs) must extend

from spock.lang.Specification

- Each specification must have at least ONE test

method, all of these are called feature methods

- The most simple assert within a feature method is

the expect block, all its sentences must be evaluated

to true so that the feature will be OK

A very simple specification


Stage II: Creating Specs

Complete the following specification and acomplish the challenges


Did you get it right? (org.startrek.solutions.n01.RacesSpec)

Stage II: Creating Specs

Stage II: Creating Specs

• Run the spec class as JUnit test

• Or execute the test gradle task (gradle quick task launcher)

Specfication methods

Within any specification we can found:

- Feature methods (or test methods) with

diferent blocks of code for stating the scenario

under spec

- Fixture methods that will be called automatically

before or after any single feature methods or before

and after the specification:

- setup, cleanup, setupSpec and cleanupSpeck

- Helper methods that can be called at any time from

other methods and can be convenient for code clarity

and code reuse

Stage III: Inside the Specs

Complete the following specification and acomplish the challenge


Stage III: Inside the Specs

This is not rocket science (org.startrek.solutions.n02.VoyageSpec)

Feature method blocksInside any feature method we can come

across different kinds of phases or blocks:

- setup and/or cleanup, at most once per spec, to

inicialise and dispose stuff for that particular feature

(don’t mix up with fixtures). The setup block can be

omitted or aliased with given for readability

purpouses. We can create kind of different given

sections with and

- An expect block may only contain conditions and

variable definitions. It is useful in situations where it is

more natural to describe stimulus and expected

response in a single expression

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Complete the following feature methods and probe your courage


Easy peasy!! (org.startrek.solutions.n03.SpaceshipSpec)

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Feature method blocks

These are the kinds of blocks within a

feature method (continuation):

- when and then blocks always occur

together. They describe a stimulus and

the expected response

owhen blocks can contain arbitrary code

o then blocks are restricted to conditions, exception

conditions, interactions, and variable definitions (which

mean more options available than for expect blocks)

o There can be multiples pair ocurrencies within a feature

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Fill in the next feature method if you dare!


It was piece of cake!! (org.startrek.solutions.n03.SpaceshipSpec)

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Feature method blocksThese are the kinds of blocks (cont.):

- A where block always comes last in a feature

method, and cannot be repeated. It is used to write data-driven

feature methods. As a matter of convenience it can be written in

two different ways:

- A row per variable with the << symbol

- A column per variable with the | symbol

- A data-drive feature method can also be annotated with @unroll

- the method will be invoked multiple times with the provider data


- these can be used in the method description with placeholders (#)

- For each iteration the placeholders are replaced with correct values

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Things get tougher! (org.startrek.challenges.n03.WeaponsDamageSpec)

As easy as pie!! (org.startrek.solutions.n03.WeaponsDamageSpec)

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Testing exceptions

In order to deal with specification that

throw or not exceptions, Spock provides

the following exception conditions

- thrown(ExceptionClass) and notThrow(ExceptionClass)

- It’s also possible to get the exception instance, to

access its attributes:

def ex=thrown()

Stage V: Exception Conditions

Complete these features (org.startrek.challenges.n04.DestructionSpec)

Keep it up! (org.startrek.solutions.n04.DestructionSpec)

Stage IV: Inside the feature

Interaction-based testing is a design and

testing technique that focusing more on the

behavior of objects rather than their state, it

explores how the object(s) under spec interact, by way of

method calls, with their collaborators

o We need to mock the collaborator implementations via

def colaborator=Mock(Class) Or Class colaborator=Mock()

o Mocks are usually created using Dynamic Proxies or CGLib

o we can track interactions with collaborators within then block:




1 * transporter.use()


Stage VI: InteractionsWrite down this feature method


It’s not that complicated, is it?

(org.startrek.solutions.n05. ShipManagementSpec)

Stage VI: Interactions

Useful stuff

In our daily life with Spock, we´ll usually

make use of:

- Share objects among feature via @Shared class

attributes, other way they won’t share them

– There are two kinds of conditions to validate a feature: Implicit

and Explicit. Implicit conditions appear in expect and then blocks.

To use conditions in other places, you can use assert keyword

– Sometimes feature methods are large or contain duplicated code.

It can make sense to introduce helper methods

– Specifications as Documentation, Spock provides a way to attach

textual descriptions to blocks

When: “everything start”

– You can leverage the use of Hamcrest

Stage VI: Other mechanismsIn the following spec identify with comment which mechanisms are

used (org.startrek.challenges.n06.MoviesSpec)

No brainer (org.startrek.solutions.n06. MoviesSpec)

Stage VI: Other mechanisms

ExtensionsSpock offers lots of functionality for specs. But, there isalways a time when something else is needed. Spockprovides an interception-based extension mechanism. Extensions are activated by annotations called directives. These are some directives:

- @Timeout Sets a timeout for execution of a feature or fixture

- @Ignore Ignores a feature method

- @IgnoreRest Ignores all feature methods not carrying this annotation

- @IgnoreIf To ignore a feature method under certain conditions

- @FailsWith Expects a feature method to complete abruptly

- @Requires To execute a feature method under certain conditions

- @Stepwise executes features in the order that they are declared

- @Title and @Narrative To attach a natural-language name to a spec

- @Issue indicates that a feature/spec relates to one/more issues in an externaltracking system

- @Subject To indicate one or more subjects of a spec

- Many more and you can also create your own ones.

ExtensionsThe Spock Spring extension allows Spock to integrate

with Spring's TestContext framework

- the extension uses Spring API

- change add dependencies to our build.gradle:

spock-spring, spring-context and spring-test

Stage VI: Extensions

Let’s leave that for another time… ;)

Extra ball: Geb!

Geb is a framework for automatization of

functional web testing. It is based on the

following technologies:o Groovy Language (and it’s incredible with Spock)

o Selenium WebDriver

o JQuery CSS Content Selector

o Page Object Model

• To leveage it, we have to

• change add dependencies to our build.gradle:

testCompile 'org.gebish:geb-spock:0.10.0'

testCompile "org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:2.43.1”

• Download and configure our driver (automated browser) in


Create a simple driver configuration & download the driver


Extra ball: Geb!

Let’s perform a search for apock in memory-alpha.org


Extra ball: Geb!

That was great! But, Can YOU do it in a better way?

Extra ball: Geb!

Let’s keep it simple an reusable! Functional Spec.


Extra ball: Geb!

Let’s keep it simple an reusable! Reusable Page Model.

(org.startrek.solutions.n07. MemoryAlphaPage.groovy and

org.startrek.solutions.n07. MemoryAlphaResultsPage.groovy )

Extra ball: Geb!

And that’s it. Thanks!

• @pronoide_fer

• https://github.com/fredondo/

• fredondo@pronoide.com

• http://pronoide.com

• http://blog.pronoide.es

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