spring state election overview

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Connor Burwell

Carnegie Vanguard, Houston, GCR

Bio: I’ve always had a passion for politics and debating, so when I found JSA in freshman year it was like a dream come true. I feel right at home in the lively discussions that chapter meetings and conventions create, and love getting the opportunity to talk about what’s going on in the world, especially since so many in our generation leave it ignored. I’ve been a devoted leader in my chapter, the state, my school, and boy scouts. I also enjoy photography, running, The Office, and Mexican food!

Platform: My platform is composed of three major sections: expansion, publicity/national unity, and improving convention quality.

Expansion has long been one of the Texas Junior State’s primary concerns, since we are relatively small compared to some of the other nine Junior States. My main goal for expansion is moving towards a goal of 400 attendees at both Fall State and Spring State. If we can see a consistent growth in convention attendance, it can become economically feasible for Texas JSA to host our own Winter Congress in just a few short years. Unfortunately many Texans in JSA miss out on that incredible experience, so making it possible is one of my biggest priorities. I have personal experience in expansion, and have helped start chapters at both Lamar High School and Cypress Ranch High School. At my own chapter, I have created an 87% growth since becoming president. I know that I have the experience necessary to not just promise expansion, but actually make it happen. I believe that we can go from 24 tax paid chapters to 40 if expansion is focused on existing JSA hubs such as Houston, San Antonio, and Austin.

Publicity is another of my biggest concerns, particularly since publicity and expansion go hand in hand. Working as the publicity director for the GCR

as a sophomore gave me insight as to how the publicity department is run and how it can be improved. I would like to host photo contests at conventions and throughout the year because pictures showcase JSA faster and more effectively than anything else. In addition, increasing focus on national publicity initiatives could increase the awareness of JSA in general. How many times have you

brought up JSA and received questioning looks in response? The more people that know about JSA, the more legitimate your experiences here become to others. This is helpful for each member of JSA individually, and for the growth of the organization as a whole.

The last segment of my platform is convention quality. Most members would agree that conventions are the most exciting part of being active in JSA. That means convention quality needs to be a high priority, and I would like to focus extensively on it. Serving as the state Debate Director has given me invaluable experience with organizing conventions and has shown me exactly what it takes to put on a great convention. This year, we have released debates earlier than ever so that speakers can have more time to create and practice their arguments. Even from Fall State to Spring State we have expedited the process of debate creation so that for Spring State debates came out an entire month in advance. Critical decisions such as these are crucial for convention success next year. In addition, I would like to help moderators become more effective. I will include moderating tips in the agenda, and create a more holistic moderator evaluation sheet so that we can offer best moderator awards and boost moderator quality. Through these steps, I will make sure that the 2014/2015 conventions are the best that Texas JSA has seen yet!


Aakash Saraf

The Woodland College Park, The Woodlands, GCR

Bio: Before my freshman year, I never understood why people read the news, and blindly followed others’ ideologies. Since my chapter president, Lillian Erickson, encouraged me to join JSA, I’ve become a more politically aware individual within my community, falling head over heels for the organization. After the tireless effort I have put into my region, chapter and state, I believe that I have what it takes to lead Texas JSA to new heights, accomplish tasks we’ve never dreamed before, and pave the way to a stronger, better state. I am a tennis player, a member of NHS, National English Honor Society and the Sergeant of Arms for Interact club.

Platform: Publicity, Expansion Communication, Increased Participation Fund raising.

JSA is prominent everywhere members gather, but there’s not much outside notice. My mission is to get the public aware through small-scale article submissions to local newspapers for their support after events or conferences, and getting the Lone Star more widely recognized. Students who see these articles might consider starting chapters of their own afterwards. I would also like to create a monthly State of the State video series so that members can become more aware about the activities within the state.

Expansion is one of my top priorities. If the department was organized by region, the agents in each area would be allowed to serve the regions more effectively. My plan is to give two agents from each region a supervising agent for regional instructions. Above the supervisors will be a state head that assigns the supervisors work. Agents who understand each area better can expand at a greater rate than ever before. Establishing target school can allow expansion to branch out and contact other schools. This will allow guidance new chapters and training for developed chapters. I wish to use a slow expansion method and stabilize and meet the true potential for established areas.

There is a lack of communication between the chapters in the Texas State, hindering us from our true potential. Chapter seclusion and chapter loss due to problems that could’ve been solved with the help of other chapters is one of the biggest problems in Texas JSA. I want to increase inter-chapter communication through simple chapter conferences, area chapter council meetings and Skype debates. Though it sounds very simple, it will help encourage chapters to interact with and help each other.

JSAers are the most committed group of individuals any person will ever meet, yet there is still a lack of participation when it comes to conventions and other kinds of events. I propose make a variety of events, such as chapter conferences and socials, for members in all of the regions and encourage chapter members to invite their chapters. By making these events, members will become more likely to interact more within the JSA community and branch out to the other

wonderful people in it.

After raising over $2000 dollars in funds during Fall State, Texas JSA's fundraising department has never been stronger. One plan I wish to implement is to start instructing chapters, who, unlike state cabinet, have an entire year to do so, on how to properly fundraise. A simple fundraising education program for chapter presidents will allow more people to attend conventions. We could also hold fundraising chapter conferences where all the proceeds go directly to helping pay for student scholarships.

Experience: Previously, I was an expansion agent during Griffin Ruben's administration and my chapter's CIA director. This year, I am the Gulf Coast Region's Mayor. I am also a 2013 Montezuma alumnus.

For more info visit saraf4texas.weebly.com or go to my Face book page Aakash Saraf for 2014-2015 Texas JSA Governor.


Sikander Zakriya

Saint Mary's Hall, San Antonio, ACR

Bio: Hi my name is Sikander Zakriya and I'm running for your Texas LTG. Texas is the largest state in terms of sheer size and I believe we can live up to the reputation of being the best. Vote SZ for LTG if you want your voice heard!


Publicity – A key part of being heard is being seen. Through Facebook, Twitter, and other media outlets, the great work and progress made by Texas JSA can be seen on the local, regional, and statewide level. I plan to create a Texas JSA Instagram account that would broadcast pictures of JSA events, encouraging more students to attend. On top of that I also want to encourage the use of the “#bethepeople,” possibly making it one of the most trending hashtags. A great way to encourage even more members to attend JSA is by broadcasting its greatness to the entire state!

Conventions – Throughout this year, as Convention Coordinator, I have worked closely with all Cabinet departments and the regional elected officials to plan the conventions in the Texas Junior State. The experience from planning every convention and some regional events in Texas JSA this year has taught me a great deal about all aspects of JSA; most importantly, it has demonstrated to me the sheer love of Texas JSAers for JSA events. As Lt. Governor, I plan to ensure the nationally renowned quality of Texas JSA conventions, and I vow to execute efficient, extraordinary, and enthralling conventions.

Debates and Activities – The debates and special activities are the essentials of a successful convention. The quality of debates is on the rise, but I want to ensure superior quality. For example, a mediocre moderator can cause disruption and distraction during a debate. All moderators will receive additional, revised, and overall better moderator training, ensuring that they are prepared to fulfill their task. Quizbowl and great dances are a staple of Texas JSA, so I plan to make these events better and better, bringing them to forefront to attract

even more members.


i. Size – The Texas Junior State is the largest Junior State in terms of sheer land area. This distance creates difficulty in the development of new chapters in the state, with issues such as transportation and cost. The only way we can fix these problems is if we turn to the regions. However, Texas JSA has not put enough emphasis on the regions in the past few years. In order to combat the obstacles brought on by the

size of the Texas Junior State, I propose regions become more active in state affairs, as it is easier to break a large state into smaller areas to govern rather than control one gigantic state.

iii. Communication – The only way to ensure the growth and development of the regions is by better communication. Many times regional officials only see each other about twice a year, leaving little time for brainstorming and planning on how to improve the region. I advocate for monthly Regional Skype calls, in which the regional officials, along with a CIA and Expansion Agent would get together and discuss the goals that they have for their specific region.


R. L. Paschal High School, Fort Worth, Panhandle Metroplex Region Bio: I started in JSA as a sophomore, directly before Fall State. I loved it, and I started coming to my chapter’s weekly meetings. I’ve met many interesting people and their divergent viewpoints; I’ve learned a great deal from it. I’ve been elected as my chapter’s President next year. I now serve as the PMR’s Director of Outreach: it’s my job to track down potential Chapter Presidents near me, and I’ve been working exhaustively at it with our Expansion Department all year. I’ll be attending Georgetown’s JSA Summer Program this year, and I hope to see many of you there!

Platform: During my time this year as the PMR’s Outreach Director, I learned that we couldn’t reach out to new schools without invoking every resource we have at our disposal. Expansion spends too much time away from the Activism and PR departments. I will promote and plan community-oriented events, whereby established chapters can reach out to students at other schools with the aid of these departments. Properly covered, these events provide a means for Texas JSA to reach out to local communities and broadcast JSA’s message and values to other schools. This also gives Activism and PR excellent working material. The most efficient way for us to expand to other schools is to get the word out. I will create a JSA Podcast that details the state’s plans on a monthly basis. I will work with the rest of the Texas JSA and the Mid-Atlantic State Leadership to transform our Winter Congress into a more realistic political scenario. It’ll include fully functioning political parties, platforms, leaders, and whips as a base to debate proposed bills. We have some communicative problems in cabinet, and sometimes more could be done in smaller amounts of time – next year we will mandate bi-weekly regional officer meetings, these will keep Cabinet members motivated throughout the year, even as other scholastic activities get underway. We see a lot of reinventing of the wheel every year. Next year, we’ll create a book in which elected officers and Cabinet members can write down their experiences, so that more knowledge is retained for the administrations of later years. If you have any questions about my ideas or plans for next year, just ask me, or come visit my table at Spring State! I am interested in hearing your input, so that I can better serve the Junior State.

John Andrew Kinsella

Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar High School, Houston, GCR Bio: Although I’m a proud Texan, born and raised in Houston, I have much pride for my non-Texan heritage. With my Mom from Ecuador and my Dad from New York, I am a mix of all three, enhancing my ability to engage and understand many different types of people and ideas. Outside of JSA, I am in Boy Scouts (former President), Speech and Debate, involved with the Catholic Church at the Archdiocesan level, UNICEF (President), Literature Critics (President), International Action Club (Junior Officer), and Spanish Club (Vice-President).

Platform: Expansion: One of the most important tenets of JSA is to involve more people so they too can experience what we all love. I have strong experience in this since I started my own chapter, which I am now President of. I did the paperwork, wrote the constitution, recruited members, sponsors and taxes, conferenced with my school's administration and State Cabinet Members. Essentially, I know what it takes firsthand to start a chapter and would make it my goal to help others schools go through the same process. Involvement: Political activism is one of the things we do to "Be the People". We can do more by making it easier for chapters to get their schools involved because that may: 1) invoke higher JSA membership at the school, 2) involve nonJSAers in political activism as active and good citizens, 3) Increase the publicity of the organization we are helping. Conventions: We have two great conventions annually; let’s make it three! Bringing back Winter Congress will be a great leap forward for our State. I would try to achieve this by working with Cabinet Members and fellow elected officials, and directly speaking to Chapter Presidents to encourage their chapter to attend. Fundraising: With my knowledge from being a State Fundraising Agent and Grant Writer, I will further fundraising by helping to increase the scholarships that the state can offer so more people may attend our wonderful conventions.

I am able to work with others well, having been a member of many different and diverse teams. At the National Youth Leadership Training Boy Scouts camp, which is highly selective, I learned about servant leadership, when you’re leading as a member of the team, which garners more respect and understanding and improves efficiency. I also learned that doing the best for who we serve is the main goal of being a JSA leader because it’s service to the state, similar to the service that we as staff offer to the participants.

Catherine Zhang

Plano West Senior High School, Plano, PMC Bio: I’m a junior at Plano West Senior High School in the DFW area. I have been actively involved with JSA for 3 years, and Cabinet for two years. My greatest concern is apathy; you can generally find me attending school board meetings, writing blog posts about politics, or posting passionate Facebook statuses on the importance of voting. In fact, all other organizations I’m involved with—debate, the World Affairs Council, TED, The Outreach Movement (an education nonprofit), etc—work toward fighting apathy and promoting better citizenry. My favorite pastime is making puns with the names of countries. Syriasly.

Platform: A great leader has two things: experience and ambition. As a regular attendee of board meetings and a founder of a nonprofit organization, I’ve had the privilege of gaining significant training in terms of working with local officials, writing reports and proposals, and establishing great networking connections—skills that will improve the productivity and efficiency of JSA. At the beginning of the year, I used networking from other organizations to help JSA appeal to the W.K.Kellogg Foundation for grants. If the effort succeeds, the potential millions in grant money could significantly boost scholarship funds—and help students who want to attend JSA events actually attend them. Hard work is a key tenant of success, but so is working smart and utilizing all opportunities available. Through the opportunities I’ve had, I’ll help make JSA initiatives

a reality.

Along with the idea of working smart, my campaign is focused on making JSA activities more convenient to plan, fund, and attend. From larger initiatives like preplanned conferences to small tweaks like Remind101 alerts for schedule changes, my platform aims to make JSA more streamlined and less stressful—so every JSA member can devote more time to engaging in activities instead of laboring over them. A chapter president convention at the beginning of the year will help chapters start on strong footing, and monthly meeting ideas and

fundraising ideas sent to CPs will help them remain active. However, we can’t forget the fun: more diverse activities (relay races and other Olympic-type challenges for group bonding) at conventions and extended curfews are also part of the plan.


Aisha Sadiq Carnegie Vanguard, Houston, GCR Bio: Currently the JSA Director of Special Activities, I have always been interested in politics and debate. Joining JSA my freshman year of high school was inevitable. In my free time, I play women’s’ rugby and participate in Rhinos beyond Border and Women in Science and Engineering. I volunteered at the Children’s Museum of Houston and the Children’s Department of Memorial Hermann. Recently, I became an ambassador for the campaign for the Presidential Youth Council. After being in JSA for nearly 3 years, I hope to give back to this organization as Speaker of the House for Texas JSA.

Platform: Throughout my nearly three years in Texas JSA, I have learned to see the strengths and weaknesses of our state and drafted this platform in accordance. The three main sections of my platform include focusing on and strengthening chapters, communication and publicity.

Since chapter loss is an issue in our state, it is necessary for us to develop the chapters we currently have. I would like to increase the amount of region-wide mini-cons and One-Day's, promote multi-chapter socials and activism events, and have a Big/Little for all chapters in Texas JSA. In order to keep up our expansion efforts I would also like to create a “New Chapter” binder. With the help of the current chapter presidents and the directors, I will like to include information that will help new Chapter Presidents start up and maintain a successful chapter.

The changes I make will strengthen our communication within JSA. I will require monthly chapter president Skype/Google Hangout meetings, creating direct lines of communication between Chapter Presidents and Cabinet Directors to ensure that all chapters can utilize information to aid in chapter retention and growth.

It is imperative for us to spread our social media reach. My goal is to get JSA trending. I would like to send invitations to the public and other politicians for region wide political fairs. We need to make sure that every event, no matter how small, gets documented on social media. I would also like to make a video series on current events of the week. This can be made on YouTube and posted to our JSA blog.

A note on suspected bias: structure was composed alpha by last name by posit ion. Candidates were each given a certain word count, and by uti l iz ing more words candidates sacrif iced font size. Candidates themselves took pictures, and any proport ional changes are without part ial i ty. Any and al l further questions may be forwarded to the editorial. We urge all readers to submit their opinions and writings on current issues. Publication in The Lone Star is both a great form of involvement and an avenue for having one’s opinion heard. Even better, BECOME A STAFF WRITER.

We hope you have enjoyed this edition of The Lone Star and look

forward to continued affiliation and a growing readership. Yours very truly,

Juan M. Lopera, Editor-in-chief



IF INTERESTED IN PUBLICATION CONTACT publicity@texas.jsa.org OR jlopera@texas.jsa.org


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