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Square and Round Dancers of Southwestern Ontario Inc.

WEBSITE: www.swosda.ca E-MAIL: bugle@swosda.ca

BUGLE - December


Volume 53 Number 4



We can't believe it, but it's December. The first snowfall has come and gone. No doubt, it will be back again. We have had our last S.W.O.S.D.A. dance of 2014 hosted by the Strathroy Swinging Duos. Host clubs are very appreciated and valued by the S.W.O.S.D.A. executive. Without these clubs, there would be no dances. We encourage all club executives to consider hosting a dance. If you feel you can't manage, combine with another club, and become co-hosts.

At the Strathroy dance, the dancers were directed to the location with new street signs. These were generously donated by Swinging Duos president Jake Hamstra. Thank you Jake, these signs will be put to good use for many months. Most clubs are wrapping up 2014 with their Christmas dances. We all are busy preparing for the Christmas holidays with our family and friends. Your executive want to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your family a very blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We'll see you in January 2015 at the S.W.O.S.D.A. dance hosted by the Tri County Squares. Check the Bugle for details.

Fred & Dianne Joyner

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SWOSDA DANCE - November 22, 2014

Hosted by Swinging Duos - Strathroy

Well, the Santa Claus parade didn't disrupt the S.W.O.S.D.A. dance held in the Strathroy and Area Senior Centre, hosted by the Strathroy Swinging Duos. The schedule was adjusted slightly, and the dance proceeded on time. However, there was a comment we were nine months to late (remember the dance cancelled last winter ?). The facility was cozy and warm. After the executive meeting, we had a front row seat for the Santa parade. We even had a bonus of lots of candy canes given by parade volunteers. The parade was quite spectacular considering it's a smaller community.

The members of the Swinging Duos are a very enthusiastic group and are welcoming hosts. They shared laughter and friendship with 87 dancers from 10 clubs. They supplied us with lots of delicious treats to keep our energy levels for dancing. The dance broke up at 9:30.

Host caller, Tom Charlton and callers Colin Aram and Ed Dolson kept the squares dancing. Ed Dolson also cued round dances along with Dan Roy. Of course, this was a chance to wear our Christmas attire. We danced to a variety of Festive tunes. Thank you Strathroy Swinging Duos for being such great hosts.

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Remember When...Remember When...Remember When...Remember When...

You just never know what might come out of the historical archives....

A few days before Christmas, two young brothers were spending the night at their grandparent's house. When it was time to go to bed, and anxious to do the right thing, they both knelt down to say their prayers. Suddenly, the younger one began to do so in a very loud voice. "Dear Lord, please ask Santa Claus to bring me a play-station, a mountain-bike and a telescope." His older brother leaned over and nudged his brother and said, "Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn't deaf." "I know" he replied, "But Grandma is!"

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Jeff Jeff Priest

Dorothy Dahm SWOSDA, Historian

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Caller's Clinic


Caller's Web Page Round Dance Page

“Unfortunately dancer turnout for the November Callers Clinic was light and a number of the dance leaders were absent because of other commitments. However those who were in attendance got a chance to ask questions and participate in the afternoon’s activities, like the Mish Mash where two callers at a time (in this case Ed Dolson & Nick Dahm) were randomly chosen to work together, alternating in calling a limited number of calls and then leaving it to the other caller to resolve the situation and bringing the dancers to their home with a minimum of moves. The dancers came away with a greater appreciation of the amount of thought and effort required from callers to provide us with fun nights of dancing.” Dorothy

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Exercise Your Body And Mind

We all know how important it is for seniors to decide on a regular exercise program and stick with it. The problem is often how to find an exercise program that you enjoy. Working out on a stationary bicycle or treadmill can be boring. Many people would look forward to walking or other activity more if they had an exercise buddy, but can't seem to find one readily. Social isolation can be a real problem for some seniors. If exercise seems like hard work to you, or too boring, or too lonely; square dancing could be an ideal choice. This type of healthful exercise gives you more than just an aerobic workout. It also exercises your mind and does so in a pleasantly social way. This makes square dancing a truly holistic activity taking place along three dimensions: Physical, Mental and Social. This is why square dancing has been referred to as one of the most complete exercises you can do. Square dancers learn to listen, concentrate and react. Some have compared this process to putting a puzzle together or finding a solution to a particularly interesting problem. In fact its often this mental aspect that gets dancers "hooked" on square dancing and motivates them to continue learning and advancing their skills year after year. Many of the best square dancers are seniors and they use dancing to help keep themselves sharp mentally and physically. Because square dancing is a multi-dimensional activity it is more likely that both members of a couple can find it satisfying. Perhaps he enjoys the mental challenge while she likes the romantic aspect or just having a good chat during the breaks. If one partner says "I can't dance they will often be surprised to discover that they can square dance and have FUN doing it. This is because square dancing does not really require any fancy footwork or any particular gracefulness. Women often say they had to persuade their husband to go the first time, but after that, he became the one who never wanted to miss a dance. Square dancing can also be a great depression buster. Instead of being at home watching TV in the dark, you're in the bright lights, amidst swirling color and music, and surrounded by smiles. For two hours you can't worry about the house, money, or the state of the nation. Why? Because square dancing is totally absorbing. If you start to think about anything other than what the caller is telling you to do, you'll mess up. You quickly learn to put all other thoughts aside. Square dancing is a moderately strenuous activity comparable to a brisk walk or a game of tennis. Most people who are in reasonably good health can do square dancing. However you should check with your doctor in advance if you have any doubts about your ability to engage in this activity safely. Dr. Donald Rosenberg, Medical Director of the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department, supports square dancing and has discussed it's benefits. These include help with weight control, physical conditioning and cardiovascular fitness. Square dancing has been recommended for diabetes and cardiac problems among others. In a past article Dr. Rosenberg cautioned: "Cardiac patients must have been through a cardiac rehabilitation program and reached a Phase III or IV level of fitness before commencing square dance exercise". Many physicians are looking for a way to increase patient's long term compliance with their prescriptions for a positive exercise lifestyle. Square dancing, once begun, is quite likely to become a lifelong activity. Another factor in compliance is cost. Local clubs usually offer free trial lessons for the first two or three

weeks of their new dancer classes. Club rates are also very affordable.

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Send Club News to bugle@swosda.ca

Berkshire Beavers - London

As I write this we are experiencing our first big snow storm of the season - lots of snow flakes blowing around and forming drifts on our driveway. As usual , this storm started on Monday evening and kept a few of our dancers home. Those of us who braved the strong winds had a good time. We like the room where we dance at Sherwood Fox Public School, but dancing on Monday evenings means we often have to cancel our dance as the school , not only seems to have most "snow days" on Mondays, but all school holidays are also on Mondays. This fall season seems to have been very short - we just missed our Monday dance on Thanksgiving weekend, and now we are planning for our Christmas break. Our last dance for this season will be on Monday, Dec. 9 (if it doesn't storm again). We are planning a potluck dinner before we dance. Both Bob and Art have a nice variety of Christmas music for our dancing pleasure. Our first dance of 2015 will be on Monday, January 5, 2015. We wish you a Merry Christmas , and a Happy New Year to All. From - the Berkshire Beavers & Bob & Estella

Centennial Beavers - London

The Beavers are enjoying their Friday night dances even more, as the season progresses and the skills of last year's Basic class improve to the Mainstream level. On Friday, October 24th we celebrated our Mexican Night with guest Caller and Cuer, Wayne & Sharron Hall, after which we enjoyed a Mexican Fiesta lunch of Tortillas, Nachos, Beef, Salsa, Guacamole etc.. Ole! Ole!.

We are now looking foreword to our Christmas Pot Luck supper, on Friday, December 12th 6:30p.m. It would be appreciated if each couple would bring a main dish and a salad or a main dish and a dessert. Be sure to bring your dinner plates and cutlery. After supper we will have a Christmas sing-a-long and dancing to shake all that good food down. We look forward to seeing all our former dancers back out to enjoy this celebration and a visit with old friends.

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Min Gibson Bugle Rep.

Denim'N Lace - Flesherton

Hello everyone, well winter has made its appearance in a big way in the last few days, hope everyone is safe and sound... The Flesherton Denim 'n Lace Club has been busy this past month doing banner stealing from area clubs like Hanover, Elora, Owen Sound and Kincardine. The club also had a western night in November.... Our next special dance is our Christmas pot luck and dance on Wednesday December 10th at 6pm, dancing at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join us, please bring your own plates, cutlery, cups etc and anything else you would like to share... Denim 'n Lace would like to wish everyone a very blessed merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year... spend it with those you love. Linda Wedow SWOSDA/Bugle/Website Representative

Egbert's Scramblers - Rostock

Egbert's Scramblers had some Halloween fun on October 27 with apple bobbing, costumes and spot prizes. Our Harvest Dance on November 17 had to be cancelled, though, due to all that blowy white stuff.

Our Christmas Pot Luck and Dance is planned for Monday, December 15 starting at 6 p.m. - all welcome! Please bring your pot luck items, eating utensils and plates, and EITHER something for the food bank OR a toy. Our retired caller Egbert and his lovely wife Mary have been invited to join us, so come say "Hi!".

Elora Grand Squares - Elora St. Mary School 251 Irvine Street Elora, ON Caller: Jeff Priest Come one, come all to our 40th Quistmas Quacker Dance on Saturday, Dec. 6. To make winter driving easier, we've moved the dinner/'dance up by an hour. Social time starts at 5:00 with the turkey/duck dinner buffet at 5:30 sharp. Dancing starts at 6:30 with an A-1 Tip and continues with Plus, Mainstream and Rounds until 9:15 ending with another A-1.So, there's something for everyone. You will leave for home smacking your lips with West End Bakery's delicious pies. So, if you haven't sent in your

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registration yet and plan to come, give Connie a call at 519-843-1986 or webers@sympatico.ca, and she'll save tickets for you at the door!

The last month saw us having a 50's/60's Night and a Halloween Dance. It's fun to dress up and act like kids again as the picture shows. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope to see many of you on the dance floor! Joan Klapwyk, Publicity

Galt Swinging Eights - Cambridge

In November so far our dances have been well attended and our class is coming along very well under the direction of Dan Weatherby. Many thanks to all the experienced dancers who come out early to help the novices learn. On November l0 we celebrated as two dancers progressed to full Mainstream, Irene and Liz well done. Note that on December l dance will be held at Knox Presbyterian church located at l32 Argyle Street N. as our regular dance location is booked with another event. We hope to see you all over there that night. On December 8 we are having our Christmas dance. Looking forward to seeing all those fancy red dresses and finery as we dance to the music of the Christmas season. We will be having a light lunch afterwards with all those calorie reduced treats to tempt you. DECEMBER 15 THERE IS NO DANCE. Looking forward to our NEW YEARS EVE DINNER AND DANCE we wish to invite everyone to a great night of music, and dance and a most delightful meal. Please contact either Jim and Cheryl Graham, Presidents or Dorothy Mitchell and Jim F for tickets to this wonderful night where we will ring in the new year at l0:30 pm (Newfoundland Time its Midnight)... May you all enjoy a wonderful Christmas holiday with those you hold dear. Till we dance in your square, Donna Reed, Bugle Gal Galt Swinging Eights.

Hanover Happy Twirlers - Hanover We are in the midst of a blizzard as I write this, so it seems a long time since Halloween. However, the Happy Twirlers did have a lovely Halloween dance. The costumes were imaginative and the dancing fun, even if there were some difficulties distinguishing guys from gals.

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The week after that was our annual Pie Night. There was a good turnout, with visitors from many neighbouring clubs. Of course, everyone knows to come to the Hanover club for great pie. Our beginners are learning quickly, and the experienced club members are enjoying helping them along. Lorne is doing a wonderful job of putting them through the basic program. As in most other clubs, the December highlight will be the Christmas Pot Luck and dance. Visitors are welcome to join us on Dec. 9 for dinner and our final dance of 2014. Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season, and we hope to dance with you in the new year. Linda McCulloch, Bugle Correspondent

Huron Bruce Swingers - Lucknow Celebrating 45 years. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! The week leading up to winter and we get lots of snow - bus cancellations, school closures. Welcome to an early winter. The HB Swingers had to cancel their visit to Nine Mile Villa in Lucknow to entertain and visit with the residents. Next event will be our Christmas pot-luck dinner in the Lucknow Town Hall on November 26th. It is suppose to warm up by then, so lets hope it will happen. Then we are into December and will there be two (3rd &10th) or less dances at Brookside PS? If you plan to attend, you are best to check first to see if the dances are on.

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We did have our Hallowe'en night with a variety of costumes - fun, fun, fun. Mrs. Doubtfire did not show up but some other lady came in her place? So at this season the Huron Bruce Swingers say: Everywhere from East to West,

All the land is Christmas blest; Warm or snowy, gay and bright,

A single star dispels the night, Now angel voices fill the air With "Merry Christmas" everywhere. Merry Christmas everyone, have a safe and joyful holiday season, Sharon McDonald Bugle Correspondent

Huron Happy Hearts - Clinton

For the last couple of weeks we brought “Toys for Tots for Christmas”. On Nov 14th we enjoyed all kinds of Bread and Jam. We are looking forward to Christmas Dinner & Dance planned for Nov 28 at 6:00 PM at the Clinton United Church, followed by dancing at the same location. Here’s hoping the weather will remain reasonable. That being our last club event for 2014 we wish all dancers a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. We also wish Dan & Rhetha a good holiday down South. As we look forward to the New Year, just a reminder that dress is casual all season. This should make the winter weather just a little more tolerable for travel. Bob & Eleanor Clarke : Bugle Correspondents

Jubilee Rounds - St. Jacobs

Greetings from Jubilee Rounds in St. Jacobs: Wow…. November certainly felt like January. What a snow storm!! Glad the rain has washed most of it away. We had a trip to Buffalo planned that, unfortunately was pre-empted by the weather� ****** NEW DANCER CLASS ****** The four couples in our new dancer class are coming along just great! They seem to be enjoying their new found hobby. In the new year, we will start learning some waltz. Should be fun! Our Regular Program for this season. Basic Teach from 6:30 – 7:30, Phase 3 dance from 7:30 – 8:00 and Phase 2 & 3 dance with a teach from 8:00 – 9:30. Again this year, in each month we will strive to include two Phase 2 teaches and one Phase 3 teach and one evening of just “dancing”. This program will give you lots of new dances to learn and also provide some quality dance floor time. ** Our Christmas party will be on Thursday December 18. We will be dancing Phase 2 & 3 from 7:00 – 9:30 with a break around 8:00 for some refreshments. Please join us!

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We are still at St. James Lutheran Church in St. Jacobs and will begin our regular club dancing on Thursday; New Dancers at 6:30 – Phase 3 at 7:30 – Phase 2 & 3 from 8:00 – 9:30. Flyer Visitors are always welcome! If you wish to join us, please feel free to come out Thursdays at 7:30pm. Check our website for cancellations. After the holidays, dancing will resume on January 15, 2015. We have planned a special “Intro to Rumba” with our ShadowLight Dance Club. Please read the article or visit our website for flyers. For info: Andrea or Jeff at: 1.519.752.2172 or andrea@jeffreypriest.com Printable flyers are on our website: www.jeffreypriest.com Andrea and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous, Healthy and Prosperous 2015! Happy Dancing, Jeff Priest ☺

Kincardine Tartan Twirlers

Hello from snowy Kincardine, winter has once again arrived early in this neck of the woods, guess we will have to just get used to it. November 28 will be our T Shirt night. December 12 will be our last night of dancing before Christmas, a donation to the food bank would be appreciated. January 9th 2015 will be the first night of dancing in the new year. Have a safe and joyful holiday season. Joyce Bowker

London Harmony Rounds - Lambeth (London) Leaders: Jerry and Bonnie Callen Here we are ready to begin our break for the Christmas Season. London Harmony Rounds’ 2015 Season will begin on January 7th, 2015. Ed Dolson will be leading our club the first of the year, with assistance from Stan McKeen. Ed and Stan will provide a program of level 3 & 4 dancing which will include reviews and teaches. They encourage the dancers to let them know if there is a specific figure or dance they would like to workshop. We will dance 7:00 to 9:00 during the wintery months and ask that anyone wishing to join us on the dance floor please contact either Stan (smckeen@execulink.com 519-670-8266) or Ed (e.dolson@hotmail.com 519-280-3500) to be sure we are dancing. The School is sometimes unavailable and there is always the possibility of a stormy night causing a cancellation. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2015 at the Lambeth Public School, 6820 Duffield Street, London.

Royal City Squares - Guelph

Get out your formals of present/past era, and join us in our Christmas Formal Special. Wednesday December 10th, 406 Paisely Rd., Guelph, Ontario . Rounds at 7:30 cued by Andrea Priest and Plus dancing with caller Jeff Priest.

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Our last Singing Call Night was a blast with our Halloween theme. Pictured here are Tuesday and Wednesday night dancers dressed up for Halloween. Also, Elora Squares came to steal our Banner but stole Acey Ducey instead.

DON’T FORGET - Put these Singing Call nights on your next years schedule. January 28 BEACH NIGHT February 25 RAGTIME March 25 BEATLES April 29 DISNEY Our presidents, Rick Avery and Judy Greenhill, recently went to Virginia on holiday. While they were there, they looked up the “Just for Fun” square dancers in Edinburg, Virginia. They are a small group that dance plus on Thursday evenings, in the caller’s workshop/garage! Here they are with the caller, Nelson Wakeman, and his wife Jama. Royal City Squares wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year full of dancing

ShadowLight Dance Club - SW Ontario

Greetings! Wow…. Can you believe this snow! Were you all aware that SNOW is a 4 letter word - Oops! Whether you are Square Dancing, Round Dancing or Line Dancing - read on as we have specials for all these dance forms coming up! Daytime Advanced Dancing. Monday A-1 with and A-2 teach in Cambridge 1:00 – 3:00 – Flyer Wednesday A-2 in Brampton 1:00 – 3:00 – Flyer Friday Kokomo Kickers A-2 in London 1:00 – 3:00 – Info Dances: Our joint dance with T & D on November 1st in Guelph was a nice dance in spite of the snow flurries. Thanks to all those who came out to join us for this dance. It was great to see so many attend our Line Dance special on November 8th. What a spectacular day!! The room was packed and we all had a wonderful time. Don’t miss the next one on Saturday April 11, 2015. That evening we held “A Night To Remember” - A musical salute to our war vets. Thanks to those who came out to support this event. We even had three couples claim their 1/2 price admission to this Funtime Event. We had some great music and socializing. Be sure to join us next year! November 16 was the first “Gala By The Grand” What a fabulous dance!! A floating hardwood floor, great sound, beautiful ambiance and terrific social area all in the same room and a great meal as well! Thanks to all those who joined us for our first “Gala by the Grand”. Thanks also to Dan & Rhetha for

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helping to make the day the success it was. We have had so many great comments on this dance and already have several registrations for next year. This dance is Pre-registration only! Afternoon and Evening Dance including a Roast Beef Dinner. Please visit our website for the flyer and registration form. Registrations are limited to 34 couples. Please get your registration in soon. Cuers are Andrea Priest and Dan Roy.

Be sure to check our website for upcoming dances. January 11, 2015 – Intro to Rumba – this is for all dancers and non-dancers alike. No experience is necessary but if you have experience in Round Dancing come and work on your styling and enjoy some great floor time with the rhythm. We will teach you everything you need to Rumba! January 11, 2015 in the evening: We will be hosting an Advance Square Dance. See our website for the flyer. Planning ahead! We have a number of dances coming up in the spring but be sure to join us for our annual “Crocus Capers” on Saturday April 11, 2015. Don’t miss this very special dance. On this evening Jeff will be celebrating 50 years of calling and will perform the first singing call he ever did – exactly 50 years prior. It will be a “Funtime Event”! Mark the date!! Dance Parties: Jeff has called several dance parties for a variety of groups - from little kids to seniors and any age group in between. Birthday Parties, Anniversary Parties, Engagement Parties, Wedding Receptions, BBQ’s and the list goes on and on. If you are having a party and want some fun interactive entertainment, give us a call. Happy Dancing and More – Much More! Andrea & Jeff Priest; ShadowLight Dance Club - www.shadowlightdance.com - 519-752-2172

Sound Steppers - Owen Sound

Hello everyone, hope everyone is safe and sound, staying warm.... The Owen Sound Steppers have been having a great turnout to their dances despite the winter weather returning. Everyone enjoyed a warm Beach night theme in November to help warm everyone’s insides. We are also planning a night to retrieve our banner from the Flesherton club. Our next special dance is our Christmas pot luck and dance on Thursday December 11th at 6pm, dancing at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join us, please bring your own plates, cutlery, cups etc and anything else you would like to share...

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Neva is hosting a New Years Eve Party and Dance in Southampton, for more info please contact Neva and Duncan... The Owen Sound Steppers would like to wish everyone a very blessed merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year... spend it with those you love. Linda Wedow Bugle/Website Representative

Swinging Duo's - Strathroy

The Strathroy Swinging Duos have had a fun-filled fall season of dancing. We have enjoyed good attendance each Monday evening and the round dance teach as well as the plus teach sessions are progressing very smoothly.

Our Pumpkin Fest on October 27th was very successful and we also enjoyed dancing to caller Harry Vander Giessen on November 10th. Both of these evenings were followed by social times and scrumptious lunches.

We are looking forward to hosting SWOSDA at the Strathroy Seniors’ Centre on November 22nd and to our annual Christmas pot luck on December 15th.

Thames Valley Squares - Woodstock

As another year quickly comes to an end, we think back on the events provided to all Round and Square Dancing members. Certainly 2014 will bring back pleasant memories of dancing on the lawn of Parliament Hill during “ The Ottawa Festival”. One wonders if that will ever be permitted again. Throughout the year we have enjoyed many theme nights and Halloween was a fantastic example of club spirit kicking in. Note the pictures below- recognize anyone?

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Meanwhile we look forward to the days ahead with Christmas just around the corner. Remember that our Christmas Dinner/Dance will be held Monday December 15th - Greet and meet at 5:30, and sit down promptly at 6:00pm. This night is a paid in advance evening with catered meal, followed by dancing therefore, no $$ will be handled at the door. We will then take a seasonal break and start up again in the New Year ….Jan 5th (Regular Dance night) The following week Jan 12th we are having a Hawaiian Night followed by light lunch. As usual we recommend you get into the spirit of things by dressing island style – here’s your opportunity to let loose. Let’s see what fantasy wear is hiding in your closets. No matter what the weather outside is doing we can be sunny and bright that night! We look back at 2014 with fondness and gratitude for the fellowship within our club and wish to express our appreciation to all the members who participate each week and are always willing to lend a helping hand. We want to thank Ed and his wonderful wife Nancy for their dedication to our club. Your positive attitude and encouragement are so appreciated especially during the “Round Dance Teach”. May 2015 bring another year of delightful dancing, good Health and Joy. Please remember to drive safely during the holiday season and always watch out for the other guy. M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S and H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! Submitted by Jean and Richard Orton (past-presidents)

Question: Why is Christmas just like another day at the office?

Answer: You end up doing all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.

Tri-County Squares - Tillsonburg

We were really pleased to have Tom’s wife, Linda join us for our Halloween Howl even though she had to sit on the sidelines. Club participation was at a high level then and on Odd Sock Night at Tri-County Squares, especially notable when Vicky took her socks to a higher level.

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By the time you read this, as is our tradition, Tom will have provided us with a Rocking Good Time on the 26th. We hope many of you shared our fun. Our first part of the season winds up on Dec. 17 with our Annual Christmas Potluck and Dance where we collect toys (or donations) for the Salvation Army Toy Drive. We hoped to be joined by former members and friends of Tri-County Squares for the potluck (6:30 sharp) and/or the dance (7:30). We’ve already started planning our special events for 2015. Please make sure you have these events on your calendar too and come to share the fun. A Warm Welcome Back will greet you in a tropical mode on Jan. 7. SWOSDA dancers will be welcomed on January 24, 2015 as Tri-County Squares hosts the monthly district dance at Courtland Lions Community Centre, 272 Main St. (Hwy 3), Courtland N0J 1E0 On Jan. 28 we will repeat the tradition of T-Shirt Night at Tri-County Squares. Trillium Benefit Dinner/Dance April 19, 2015– Hosts: Tri-County Squares, at Camp Trillium – Rainbow Lake, We’d love to have you celebrate with us when Tri-County Squares holds its 10th Anniversary Celebration on Sept 19, 2015 at Tillsonburg Senior Centre. Jeff and Andrea Priest will be dance leaders for mainstream, plus and rounds. See you in a square soon. You are welcome at Tri-County Squares any Wednesday evening. Nick & Dorothy Dahm - Publicity

Wheatley Grand Squares - Tilbury

Tilbury Leisure Centre, 10 Canal St. W., Tilbury 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Caller/Cuer: DENNY & JUDI HOWLETT 519-834-2948 (1st & 3rd of month) Caller: COLIN &JOY ARAM 519-733-3580 (2nd,4th & 5th of the month) & Cuer: KEITH & CORA BERTRAM 519-776-6650 Our 50th Anniversary was AWESOME! Past and present members; callers and cuers: Colin & Joy Aram, Denny & Judi Howlett, Keith & Cora Bertram, Dave & Brenda Alway, Nick and Dorothy Dahm (SWOSDA Historians), Don & Fern Teskey, and Fred and Marion Dixon (retired cuer) and Square and Round Dance Federation and Round Dance Society representatives Peter and Bev Piazza; friends from Aylmer, London, Sarnia & Windsor enjoyed camaraderie, shared fond memories, ate cake and ice cream and there were plenty of HUGS!

You Know You're Getting Old When... ..you've come to the annoying realization that your parents were right about almost everything.

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Phone call congrats from SWOSDA Secretary, Linda & Tom Charlton next morning expressing their regrets on missing our party. Upcoming dances in December: Dec. 4 - Canned goods donation 11 - Christmas Potluck Supper @ 6:00 p.m. (please bring a dish to share, place setting including cutlery & mugs) After twenty plus years (not consecutive re: Pres./P.P.) positions, etc.) of being secretary/Bugle reporter for Wheatley Grand Squares, I am passing my reporting pen and memory stick to a very capable couple, Betty & David Wharram. May your Christmas be surrounded with love and your New Year be blanketed with hope and peace like the freshly fallen snow. Linda & Gerald Armstrong

Wheel 'N' Dealers - Clinton

27 Percival Street, Clinton Presidents – Gerda and Cor Vanden Hoven – 519-522-1130 Caller and Cuer – Dave and Blanche Paulen – 519-348-8335 Dancing Wednesdays 8-10 pm Mainstream with announced Plus Tips Traditional and Casual Attire welcome at our regular club dances

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Regular Dances – December 4 and 11th returning after the new year on January 7th. We ended October with our Halloween night and thank everyone who got into the spirit by coming in costume. November got off to an amazing start with our Pumpkinfest dance on November 1st. Our guest caller Dan Weatherby kept the dance floor hopping with his fast paced calling and energetic combination of dancing in a square while calling. A bountiful potluck lunch was enjoyed by all following the dance. We thank all the guests who attended from all over the area to make this event successful.

Our regular dances have been well attended and Dave has been providing excellent calling with Blanche cuing a couple of rounds throughout the night. We are dancing at several levels with announced tips to accommodate our beginner couple as well as those completing the Mainstream and Plus levels. We all benefit from learning something new each night. Members of our club travelled to Hanover Pie Night to share the dance floor with friends and enjoy delicious pie. November will be ending on a high note as we celebrate our Christmas Dinner and Dance on Wednesday, November 26th at Clinton United Church. An excellent meal is guaranteed and we always enjoy a great time dancing to work off our pie. Club dancing will continue for the first two weeks in December and then we will take a break until the new year. Many clubs will be taking their breaks for the holidays and guests are welcome to join us for our December 3 and 10th dances. Please remember that we dance in a fragrance and nut free environment. WANTED: We are still requiring a Vice-President and 2nd Vice-President to complete our executive. Ian and Debbie Hulley Publicity Contacts 519--482-7972

Windsor Single Squares - Windsor Caller: Colin & joy Aram Location: Ecole L’Envolée (school) 1799 Ottawa St. N8Y 1R4 (Entrance on Windermere Ave.) Hi everyone I’m back. As I do this newsletter I can see that white stuff on the ground, so I guess fall is finally over. Although that is true we are pleased to announce that our club is still dancing. We had a great Halloween Party. We were visited by Willie Nelson, an authentic English Pub bartender, an Indian Maiden, the Ace

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of Hearts and many other strange visitors. There was also some very good treats that the members very graciously brought for us to enjoy. On Tuesday Dec. 16/2014 is our Annual Christmas Dinner Dance. The admission for Dinner and Dance is $20.00 for dancing only $6.00. It will be at the Legion Br.143 on Marentette Ave. Everyone is welcome to join us for a really good time. Oh forgot to mention the dinner is with Turkey and all the trimmings. Our caller Colin and Joy Aram will have us dancing to some very lively holiday music, and Jean Clark will be Cueing us for our rounds. Hope you can join us. For more info call Pat 519-969-8100 or Josie 519-974-6351 Publicity Josie Pastorious 519-974-6351

The Last Laugh

A woman went into a post office to buy some stamps for her Christmas cards. What denomination do you want ? asked the lady at the counter. 'Good God!' she replied, Has it come to this? I suppose you'd better give me twenty Catholic and twenty Presbyterian.

A reindeer walked into a pub, strolled up to the bar and ordered a pint of lager. Completely unphased, the barman poured out the lager and passed it to the reindeer, who handed over a ten pound note. As he handed over the change of a few coins, the barman said "I have to say, you're first reindeer I've seen in here." The reindeer studied the change very carefully and said. "Tell you what sunshine, as these prices I'm also the last reindeer you're going to see in here."

It was coming up to Christmas and the Judge was in a jolly frame of mind. "Now then, please tell me, what is the charge against you?" " I was caught doing my Christmas shopping very early." replied the man in the dock. "That doesn't seem like an offence to me. What do you mean by 'very early?

"Well, your Honour." said the defendant, "It was before the shop was open."

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