sri vedantha desikar

Post on 18-Feb-2015






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Sri Vedantha Desikar -

Temple at Tirupati


Tamarapu Narasimhan

(one of the present Dharmakarthas of Sri Vedantha Desikar Temple at Tirupati)

"Sriman Venkata Natharyah Kavitarkika Kesari |  Vedantacharya Varyo Mey

Sannidhattam Sadaa Hridhi || Sri Ramanuja Daya Patram Gnana Vairaghya

Bushanam |  Srimad Venkata Natharyam Vande Vedanta Desikam ||"

" I salute the great Venkata Natha also called Vedanta Acharya and Lion among

poets and logicians and who was well adorned by both Knowledge and discretion

and who well deserved the grace of Srimad Ramanuja”

Vedanta Desika (Swami Desikan, Swami Vedanta Desikan, Thoopul Nigamaantha

Desikan) (1269–1370) was a Sri Vaishnavite Guru. He was a poet, philosopher, and a master

teacher. He was a great devotee and was the disciple of Swami Sri Kidambi Appullar alias Sri

Aathreya Ramanujachariar who comes in the lineage starting from Sri Ramanuja with Sri

Thirukurugai Piran Pillan alias Sri Kurugesar, Sri Kidambi Aachan, Sri Aathreya Ramanujar,

Sri Aathreya Rangarajachariar and many in the order.

One can easily trace Desika's life by looking at the stotras he has composed. In examining

the list of his Sanskrit and Tamil poems, we find a large number dedicated to the deities in and

around Tiruvahindrapuram, a temple near the coastal town of Cuddalore

Swami Desika, one of the most important Acharyas of the Sri Vaishnava tradition was

born to the devout couple Sri Ananthasuri and Smt. Thotharamba.

Instructed by the Lord of the Seven Hills the couple went on a pilgrimage to Thirumalai.

The Lord appeared in the couple's dream as a Sri Vaishnava youth and handed over a golden bell

which Totaramba swallowed.

The following morning, they were astonished to find that both of them had dreamt the

same sequence of events.

When the Archaka opened the doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, he found the bell

missing. During an investigation ordered into the loss of the bell, the Lord appeared by Avesa

(spiritual trance) on Tirumalai Nambi and told that He had himself presented the bell to the

Ananthasuri couple and thereafter, the small hand-bell need not be used for the Tiruvaradhana in

the temple. Hence, Swami Desika is considered as the incarnation of the Divine Bell.

Devotees of Swami Desikan offer prayers to the Bell in the temple with great reverence.

It is also widely revered that the Swami is the incarnation of Baghavan Ramanuja, in

order to once again reform Vaishnavism and to give the world of its elaborated Treatises. He was

named "Venkatanatha" and belonged to the Viswamitra gothra (lineage).

Swami Desikan, popularly known as Ghantavatharam, (the incarnation of the divine bell)

was born in Thoopul, a hamlet near Tiruttangaa (Himavanam) adjacent to the temple of Deepa

Prakaasar in Kanchipuram, the birthplace of Poigai Alwar. The birth of Vedanta Desika was in

the Kali yuga year 4370, which corresponds to 1268 AD in the Tamil Year Vaibhava, month

Purattaasi, on the Dasami day of Sukla Paksha, a Wednesday, in the constellation

of Sravanam (the same as that of Lord of Tirumalai).

He was educated and trained by his scholarly maternal uncle, Kidambi Appullalar who

was a direct disciple of Nadadoor Ammal (Grand Nephew of Sri Ramanuja). Appullalar also

initiated Venkatanatha into brahmacharyam at the age of seven and then to the SriVaishnavaite

School of philosophy through Panchasamskara and made him master in the Vedas, Divya

Prabhandams, Sastras and Puranas. By the age of twenty he was a great scholar and rose to the

status of an "Acharya" by 27. He got married at the age of 21 to Tirumangai (also known as

"Kanakavalli"). It is believed that Swami Desikan was conferred the title of Sarva Tantra

Swatantra (one with the capacity for independent thinking and originality in any field), by Sri

Ranganayaki thaayar Herself, and Swami was adorned with the title Vedantacharya by the Lord

of Sri Rangam Sri Ranganathar Himself.

After becoming the "Acharya” in Sri Ramanuja tradition, Swami Desikan left for

Thiruvahindhipuram (near Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu), as per the orders of his Guru Swami

Kidambi Appullar and spent some years meditating on Garuda at Oushathadri, on the hillock

close by. Desika meditated here and is said to have had a profound vision of Lord Hayagriva.

Thereafter, he literally burst forth in poetry. Works such as the Hayagriva Stotram, Raghu Vira

Gadyam, Gopala Vimsati (all in Sanskrit), Achyuta Satakam (in Prakrit), Mummanikkovai and

Navamani Maalai (in Tamil) are among his hymns in praise of the deities enshrined here. These

works are remarkable for their poetic and linguistic range, as well as for their deeply emotional

turns. In his Tamil love poems to Lord Devanatha, for example, the influence of the Alvars is

transparent, as is his mastery of the Sangam Tamil conventions. The rhythmic beauty of the

Raghu Vira Gadyam's prose and his touching descriptions of the Krishna-lilas in the Gopala

Vimsati are among the high points of the entire gamut of India's religious literature. From then

on Lakshmi Hayagriva became his personal deity.

Sri Vedanta Desikar prays to the Lord in his Hayagriva Stotram, the first lyrical work of

the great Acharya. Afetr Swami Desikan's period, the Vigraham of Lord Hayagriva was passed

on to Sri Brahma tantra Swami and is now with Mysore Parakala Mutt Swami. Even today, the

Thiruvaaraadhanam is being performed on this Divya MangaLa vigraham of Lord Sri Lakshmi


Once while Swami Desikan was proceeding to Thiruvaheendra puram from Kanchi, he

decided to halt that night at some remote village at the house of a grain merchant. Lots of grains

were stored and piled in sacks in the court yard.

Since Swami Desikan did not have anything to offer to the Hayagreeva vigraham he was

carrying, he just offered plain water and went to sleep. At midnight, the merchant noticed a very

beautiful white Horse which started eating those grains from a sack.

The merchant, thinking that it belongs to Swami Desikan, immediately woke him up with

a request to tie the horse. Swami Desikan had tears rolling down his cheeks, and prostrated to the

Lord (who had come as the White Horse) and explained to the merchant and asked him to bring a

pot of milk. The excited merchant and others brought milk which the Lord drank happily and


Next morning as Swami Desikan, started off his journey to Thiruvaheendrapuram the

merchant came running to inform that the whole sack, from which the white horse ate is full of

Gold coins. Swami Desikan smiled and was overwhelmed with joy for His mercy and the leela

of Lord Hayagriva. That village is later called as "pon vilaintha kalampudhoor", later called Pon

vilaintha Kalattur, located near Kancheepuram.

Swami composed numerous works of Literature in the languages, of Sanskrit, Tamil,

Prakrit and Manipravala.These works of Swami Desikan live throughout the ages speaking about

his mastery of language and excellence in the Traditional Knowledge known as Gyana. With the

Divine Mercy upon him, he made pilgrimage to Kanchipuram, Tirupati, Brindavan, Ayodya and

Badrinath preaching Ramanuja's philosophy through discourses and literary works. After many

years of travel to pilgrim centers Swami Desikan returned to Srirangam and settled down there.

Tradition records that he composed Sri Rahasya Traya Saaram, an exhaustive work on the

essence of Sri Vaishnava philosophy, lifestyle, and the meaning of the esoteric mantras, in these

last few years of his life.

Swami Desikan after living for 101 years left this material world in the year 1370. Before

leaving this world, he arranged for the continuance of the "Guru Parampara" by initiating his

primary disciple, Brahmatantraswatantra Swami, and his son, Kumara Varada Desikan into the

Acharya tradition, the many disciples of whom still continue the Ramanuja tradition through

various ashrams and mutts.

In or about 1327 CE, there was an invasion to Sirangam by Malik Kafir the  general of

Alauddin, the Sultan of Delhi. Srivaishnavas could not defend the  city against the powerful

Muslims. The Acharyas gathered and discussed and  arrived at an unanimous decision to divide

into three groups and act  secretly.

One group under the leadership of Sri Pillailokacharya, most advanced in age was to take

the deity of Lord Ranganatha (Numperumal) and His divine consorts (ubhaya naachimaars) in a

covered palanquin and proceed south ward after crossing the river Cauveri. Another party under

Sri Sudarsana suri and others were to stay at Srirangam, erect a stone wall in front of the sanctum

sanctorum to save the city from devastation at the hands of the enemy, even at the cost of their

lives. The third group was to cross the river kollidam and goin the northen direction to prevent

the quick march of the infidels so that the first party with deities can get away comfortably. Sri 

Vedanta Desika, who was the youngest, among the Acharyas was persuaded by Sri Sudarsana

suri to go with the third group and somehow save himself so that he at least might be leftto

propound the Srivaishnava doctrine and the teaching of Sri Ramanuja. Sri Sudarsanasuri

entrusted his two sons, who were very young with Swami Desikan as well the very valuable and

only manuscript “ Srutha prakaasika” (Srutha prakasika, an elaborate commentary on Sri

Bhashyam of Sri Ramanuja on the Brahmma suthras). His earnest desire was that it must be

saved for the benefit of future generations. Swami Desika agreed and proceeded northward with

a number of Srivaishnavas. The Muslim army which was in Samayapuram, a village few miles 

away from Srirangam, attacked them and killed many of them. Swami Desika concealed the two

sons and himself amidst huge heap of corpses and passed the night. Before dawn, he took the

boys and moved away unnoticed in North-western direction. After a journey of several days,

they reached Sathyakalam, a remote and lonely village in the Karnataka region, where he 

stayed for several years. Tradition says that Swami Desika composed Abheethi sthavam (lyric

for the repulsion of fear) a sthothra on Lord Ranganathar himself praying with devotion that the

army of the muslims and Yavanas should be driven out from Srirangam and the Lord should

return to His place of residence for the relief of devotes in distress. He often repeated this and

prayed to invoke the mercy of the Lord. Swami Desika thought this is the place for him to stay

and live for sometime. Sathyakala lies about ten kilometers south of Kollegal on the trunk Road

from Bangalore. Today in Sathyakalam village there is a small temple of the Local deity

Sri Varadaraja in which there is a small shrine for Swami Desika.

His writings include devotional works on deities and Acharyas, treatises

on Vishistadwaitha, commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, secret doctrines of Vaishnavism,

original Tamil poems, epic poems and allegorical dramas inSanskrit, dialectical works such as 

directed against rival religious schools, treatises on daily life and several other miscellaneous

treatises. His gloss on the meanings of the Vedas, reconciling the teachings of the Azhwars and

the Prasthanatrayi created history because it exposed the Divya Prabhandams of the Azwars to a

much wider audience and elevated it to a status equivalent to that of the Vedas in the eyes of the

Tamil Vaishnava people.

As a critic, he was as searchingly critical as he was sympathetically tolerant. He ennobled

his poetry through philosophy and embellished his philosophy through his poetry. He preached

only what he practised and practised what he preached. He was a saint par excellence though he

remained a Grihasta throughout. It is difficult to find such a harmonious blend - of Precept and

Practice, of exalted thinking and Simple living. He synthesized in himself an inimitable moral

fervor and an inspired spiritual insight

It is also in Srirangam that Desika composed the Paduka Sahasram, 1008 verses on the

sandals of the Lord. Paduka Sahasram or "1008 Verses on the Sandals of the Lord" is considered

to be Desikan's Magnum Opus. The whole work is a monument for supreme devotion and superb

poetry, all in one night’s intuition, - an overnight miracle of one thousand verses! It was done by

him just as a fulfillment of a competition committed to as a challenge by his disciples. All this

was composed by Sri Desika (as he puts it, by the Grace of the paduka of the Divine) in just one

quarter of the night, actually the third quarter. The earlier two quarters were devoted by him, as

soon as he accepted the commitment, to yoga and yoga-nidra (sleep induced by yoga and

resulting in intuition).

Paduka Sahasram has 32 "Padhadhi"s. Reading each padhadhi everyday, thereby

completing in 32 days. Many believed to have achieved their wishes by completing this exercise.

Doing parayana of paduka sahasram helps to attain moksha. Wonderful language, chitra-padams

were used in these slokas. Mainly sung on the padukas of Lord Rama, Lord Renganatha and

Lord Krishna, praying for attaining Moksha. Paduka Sahasra parayanam yields miraculour

benefits and self realization.

Ramanuja’s death in 1137 A.D. was followed by a sectarian split among the Sri

Vaishnava Sampradaya. By the end of the 14th century this turned into a permanent division into

two sects: Vadakalai ("Northern art" or "Northern learning") and Tenkalai ("Southern art" or

"Southern learning"). The followers of the former consider Sri Vedanta Desika as their Acharya


Thre are a number of temples dedicated to Swami Desikan as well small sannadhis for Sri

Desikan in many big temples, giving the opportunity for His devotees to offer prayers.

There is a temple dedicated to Sri Vedantha Desikar at Tirupati in the outer prakaram of

Sri Govindaraja Swamy Temple. This temple was constructed in their own land by the ancestors

of the present Dharmakarthas more than 400 years ago, and the idols were consecrated by one

Madabushi Thatacharlu. He was performing Nithya, Doopa, Deepa, Naivedhyam in the said

temple. The same was continued for more than four centuries by the successors till date. In those

days there were no institutions like Devasthanams or any other body. This temple has no

properties and no income and whatever was spent was from the personal funds of the families of

the Dharmakarthas. The Kainkarya Patties, TTD Manual and Dittam mention about this temple

as an independent denominational temple.

Except the temple at Tirupati the Tirunakshatram of Sri Vedantha Desikar is being

celebrated during the Tamil month of Peratassi. In Tirupati the Avataara Mahotsavam of Sri

Vedanta Desikar is celebrated on the concluding day (Chakrasnanam) of Sri Vari Brahmostavam

at Tirumala, ie in the month of Aippasi Sravanam (Tula- masa Sravanam).

This year (2012) the festival of Sri Vedantha Desikar at Tirupati Started on 14-10-2012

and completed on 23-10-2012 with the concluding day of Sathumurai which happens to be the

last day of 2nd Brahmavostavam ( ie Chakrasnam day ) of Sri Venkateswara swamy varu.

The uniqueness of the Utsavam in this temple is the presence of Sthala Perumal Sri

Govindarajar being brought in, in the morning of the Satrumurai day and remaining  at Swami

Desikan temple for the whole day where abhishekam and aradhanai including the normal rituals

are being conducted in Sri Vedantha Desikar temple.

Sri Govindaraja swamy varu with Sridevi and Bhoodevi

entering into the temple of Sri Vedantha Desikar on 23-10-2012 at 7 A.M

The Thirumanjanam of Sri Govindarajaswamy varu with Sridevi and Bhoodevi along

with Sri Vedantha Desikar is performed with the Theertham (water) brought from Sri

Narasimha Theertham ( Thervam Kulam ) with the Temple honours of bringing abhisheka

theertham on the temple elephant with nadaswaram and other paraphernalia is also being

provided by the TTD the tradition being followed for centuries.

The procession of then abhisheka theertham brought from

Sri Narasimha Theertham with paraphernalia provided by TTD on 23-10-2012

The Abishekam to Sri Govindarajaswamy with Sridevi and Bhoodevi

and Sri Vedantha Desikar

on 23-10-2012 at Sri Vedantha Desikar Temple

Also Appapadi prasadam from Sri Venkateswara temple at Tirumalai is offered to Swami

Desikan as Mahaprasadam. The prasadam is being brought with paraphernalia on the temple

elephant and taken round the important streets with temple honours.

The Appapadi being brought with paraphernalia to the Temple of

Sri Vedantha Desikar of the concluding day of Sathumurai on 23-10-2012

The prabanda Goshti on 23-10-2012 at Sri Vedantha Desikar Temple

The procession of Sri Govindarajaswami with Sridevi and Bhoodevi

together with Sri Vedantha Desikar is being taken around the Mada streets of

Sri Govindarajaswamy Temple , Tirupati.

Tiruppavadai is being conducted at Sri Vedantha Desikar temple

After the conclusion of the ritual Sri Govindaraja swami with Sri Devi and Sri Bhudevi

is being taken back to the main temple of Sri Govindarajaswamy varu at the early hours on the

next day..

The Dharmakarthas are being given temple honours at

Sri Govindaraja swami temple

on the concluding session of the function on 23-10-2012

In 1951 after independence, the then Madras state brought the legislation Act 25 of 1951

(Endowment Act) with a separate chapter pertaining to TTD and the schedule of temples

included the temple of Sri Vedantha Desikar as a minor temple of Sri Govindaraja Swamy


After the formation of State of Andhra Pradesh A.P.Act 19 of 1966 (Endowment Act)

was enacted under which the hereditary system of the Archakas, Jeeyangars, Gamekars and other

office holders of Dharmakarthas were abolished.

It is needless to mention that the Dharmakarthas regularly conduct the Nithya Pooja, then

cook the prasadam in the temple kitchen itself and offer to the deity in the morning and evening,

continuing the age old traditional custom and usage which was initiated by Madabhusi Tatachari,

till now.

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