srs document for college module

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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1 Admission Master settings ............................................................................................................

1.1 Admission category ....................................................................................................... 7-9

1.2 Academic year ............................................................................................................ 9-10

1.3 Master Class & Section ............................................................................................. 10-11

1.4 Class wise max strength ............................................................................................ 11-13

1.5 Master Caste............................................................................................................. 13-14

1.6 Academic teacher mapping ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.5

1.7 Mandatory Settings............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.6

1.8 Order Settings .......................................................................................................... 16-18

1.9 Automatic TC Number ............................................................................................. 18-18

1.10 Achievements Form .................................................................................................. 19-20

1.11 Master Class Held............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.21

1.12 Master Documents .................................................................................................... 21-22

1.13 Batch Entry .............................................................................................................. 22-24

2 Transaction ................................................................................................................................

2.1 Admission Standard Settings .................................................................................... 24-26

2.2 Import from Excel .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.27

2.3 De active or Active Student ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.29

2.4 Pre Admission..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.31

2.5 Pre Admission Status .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.33

2.6 Student Admission .................................................................................................... 33-36

2.7 Class Section Allotment ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.38

2.8 Attendance Entry................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.41

2.9 Student TC ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.44

2.10 Re admitt Student ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.46

2.11 Student Search.................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.48

2.12 Student Achievements......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.50

2.13 Parent's Photo .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.52

2.14 Continuous Absent SMS ........................................................................................... 52-53

2.15 Registration Number Generation.............................................................................. 53-55

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2.16 Attendance User Previleges................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.57

2.18 Attendance Setting .................................................................................................... 57-59

2.19 Batchwise Student Mapping ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.60

2.20 Attendance Subject Wise Entry ................................................................................ 60-64

3 Reports ........................................................................................................................................

3.1 Admission register .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.55

3.2 Class wise student details .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.57

3.3 Pre-Admission report ....................................................... 5Error! Bookmark not defined.59

3.4 Student Attendance Report................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.60

3.5 Student Yearly attendance report ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.62

3.6 Subject wise attendance report ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.64

3.7 Class wise Daily Attendance Report.................................. 6Error! Bookmark not defined.66

3.8 Overall Daily Attendance Report ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.68

3.9 Category wise Attendance Report ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.70

3.10 Student birthday report ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.71

3.11 Student Address book ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.72

3.12 Total strength ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.76

3.13 Student TC(custom)............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.65

3.14 Student or employee smart card report .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.79

3.15 Smart card log report ............................................................................................... 79-80

3.16 Smart card Allotted count ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.82

3.17 Class section wise teacher report ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.84

3.18 Study Certificate report ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.85

3.19 Category wise total strength report..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.87

3.20 Class wise Max strength report........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.88

3.21 Hostel, food, conveyance report ................................................................................ 88-90

3.22 T.C Report................................................................................................................ 90-92

3.23 Date of Birth Certificate report................................................................................. 92-94

3.24 Student Achievement report ..................................................................................... 94-95

3.25 Year Loss Details .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.23 Date of Birth Certificate report................................................................................... 7-73

3.24 Student Achievement report ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.4

3.25 Year Loss Details .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.5

3.26 Year End Reports ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.6

3.26Year End Reports ........................................................... 9Error! Bookmark not defined.110

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3.26.1 Student Strength ................................................................................................97-101 3.26.2 Student Strength - Comparison .......................................................................... 101-106 3.26.3 Smart Card - Comparison ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.110

3.27 Student Profile ...................................................................................................... 110-111

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Overall System Flow







Exam Fees

Sports Library

Birthday Alumni

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Admission Module Flow





Status Updating in

Pre Admission

Status Form

Student details

entry in Pre



Generate the pre

admission details

report in Pre

Admission Report

Export the student to

admission in Pre

Admission Status Form

Enter the

Student details in


Admission Form

Do the section

allotment in Class

Section Allotment


Do the Master

Settings like Class

Creation, Academic

year creation, staff

mapping etc.

Take different

reports for the

students under

Reports Menu

Provide Tc in

Student TC


Do the admission

standard settings before

going to start any

transactions in Standard

Settings Form


Do the attendance

entry in

Attendance Entry


Set the attendance

entry type (Present /

absent) in standard

settings Form

Set the attendance

type (Daily /

Monthly/Half-a-day) in

standard settings Form

Provide attendance

privilege for faculty in

Attendance & Exam

marks calculation user

login form under

administrator module

Set the class held

for each class,

section and month

in Class Held Form


Page - 6

If attendance entry is

subject wise then, select

subject attendance in

admission standard form

Do the attendance

settings in

Attendance settings


Do the attendance user

privileges in Admission


Attendance user

privilege form

Enter master hour

names in


ur table

Do batch wise

student mapping in

Batch wise student

mapping form

Do the attendance

entry in


wise Attendance entry


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1.1 Admission Category

a). Requirement:

This form is used to create the admission category and to map the category to particular academic year. This is the starting step for admission, after mapping the category to year only we have to do the standard


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b). Functionality:

Fill the admission category, category details and address

Click on ‘Save’ to create the category.

Select the academic year under yearly category tab, select the category which will come under

that year.

Click on ‘save’ to save the year & category mapping.

c). Validations:

The mapping of the category to academic year should do at the starting of the academic year only,

once the academic year has been started the additional category mapping not possible from the

front end, from backend only records need to insert.

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the master academic year

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_M_Category saves the master category name

Adm_Y_Category saves the mapping od category and academic year

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f).Referred to Tables :

Referred in all the tables where the category details are saving Adm_T_Cat_Module, Crm_T_standard


g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business logic

1.2 Master Academic Year

a). Requirement:

This for is used to create the master academic year with start date and end date.

b). Functionality:

Select the start date and end date

The academic year will come automatically

Click on ‘Save’ to create the academic year

c). Validations:

The start date and end date of the any year should not intermix with other academic year start date & end


d). Reference Table:

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e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_M_Academic_Year saves the master academic details

f).Referred to Tables :

Referred in all the tables where the academic year is involved

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

Sp_CloseYear to insert the data into Adm_Cat_Module, adm_t_cat_module,


i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k.) Business Logic

While creating the academic year, check the module mapping to the academic year of previous, the same

records will insert for current academic year (adm_cate_module).

Mapping of the academic year, module and category mapping will check for previous academic year and

the same will insert for the current academic year (adm_t_cat_module)

User privilege for last academic year will check and will insert for the current year


Module and user mapping will happen as existed for the last year to current year (Am_cat_user)

1.3 Master Class & Section

a). Requirement:

Master class name and section names creation will happen in this form.

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b). Functionality:

Enter the class name and click on ‘Save’ to create the class

Enter the section name and click on ‘Save’ to create the section

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_M_Class saves the master class

Adm_M_Section saves the master section

f).Referred to Tables :

Referred in all the tables where the academic year is saving and where the section is saving.

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

1.4 Class wise Maximum Strength

a). Requirement:

This form is used to set the maximum strength for particular class and section each academic year.

b). Functionality:

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Select the academic year, class and section

Enter the maximum strength for that section

Click on ‘Save’ to save the strength details

c). Validations:

Validation should provide at the time of class section allotment should limit the admission of the

students based on maximum strength for the class and section.

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_C_Strength stores the strength details

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

As of now, while allotting the section to the student there is no strength limitation, better to validating the

strength per section by taking the input from this form.

k). Business Logic

The maximum strength for the selected aycl_id will check, if the record already existed then it will update

with this input data, if not the new record will exists in the table.

1.5 Master Caste

a). Requirement:

Master caste names creation will happen in this form.

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b). Functionality:

Enter the caste name

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :



g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

Here both caste and caste category saving in the same table with no differentiation, better to provide the

option for caste category entry separately.

k). Business Logic

1.6 Academic Teacher Mapping

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a). Requirement:

Every academic year teacher mapping have to do in this form which will effect in new section allotment

form for mapping the class teacher and the same will appear in attendance entry form while doing the

subject wise attendance entry.

b). Functionality:

Select the category

Select list of employees who will come under selected category

Click on ‘save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:



e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :



g). Major Queries:

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h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

No option for selecting academic year and to do the teacher mapping, if teacher mapping required for

previous years or future year then login have to do to that particular year .

So, it will be helpful if academic year selection option provided here.

K). Business Logic

1.7 Mandatory Settings

a). Requirement:

This form is used to set the mandatory fields for Student admission form.

b). Functionality:

Select the field which you want to make it as mandatory while doing student admission Click on ‘Save’ to make the selected fields as mandatory.

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_Mandatory_Feilds stores the mandatory field details.

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f).Referred to Tables :

Referred in student admission form while doing admissions.

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

Sp_Discriprion_Adm_M_Student is used to insert the mandatory field details into table.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

1.8 Order Setting

a). Requirement:

The order setting of the classes and sections will takes place in this form, which will reflect in class

section allotment forms.

b). Functionality:

Select the class in the left side tab

Click on Up or Down order in which order the class have to be and then click on save to save the

class order setting.

Select the Section in the right side tab

Click on Up or Down order in which order the section have to be and then click on save to save

the section order setting.

c). Validations:

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d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_M_Class for class order setting

Adm_M_Section for section order setting

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

The order of the classes will check and it’ll update with the re arranged order. The order of the sections

will check and it’ll update with the re arranged order.

1.9 Automatic TC No.

a). Requirement:

If the tc number have to generate automatically, then the setting have to do in this form.

b). Functionality:

Select the category

Enter the prefix for the same

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

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f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

1.10 Achievements

a). Requirement:

Master achievement names creation will happen in this form.

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b). Functionality:

Enter the achievement name and description

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

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i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

1.11 Master Class Held

a). Requirement:

This form is used to set the class held for particular class & section for each month which will effect in

attendance entry form.

b). Functionality:

Select the academic year, class and sections

Select the months and enter the class held for that corresponding months

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_ClassHeld to get the months

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e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :


g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

Here providing ‘All’ option will be helpful to the user if the class held is same for all classes or all


K).Business Logic

The class held for selected aycl_id and the month will check, if the record exists then it’ll update with the

new input if not new record will insert into table.

1.12 Master Document

a). Requirement:

The creation of master document name & mapping to particular category will happen in this form.

b). Functionality:

Select the document name

Select the category for which the document belongs to.

Click on ‘Save’

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c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Category to get the master category name

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

The document name which entered will check whether it is already saved with the same category or not,

If not the new record will insert into table for selected category and document.

1.13 Batch Entry

a). Requirement:

The master batch entry names will create in this for which will reflect in subject wise

Attendance entry form for entering attendance to lab subjects.

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b). Functionality:

Enter the batch name and description

Click on ‘save’

c). Validations:

The batch entry already existed or not should validate.

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :



g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

Page - 24

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K).Business Logic

2.1 Admission Standard Settings

a). Requirement:

This form is used to do the admission standard settings which will reflect in the corresponding modules of

admission module.

b). Functionality:

If ‘ Admission Additional fields’ selected, then in student admission form you can enter the data

for additional fields of the students else the spread will be in locked mode.

If ‘TC Additional Fields’ checked then the previous studied school tc details can enter for the

student in Student Admission form.

Attendance If option ‘Present’ has selected then attendance entry marking will happen only to

the present students

If option ‘Absent’ is selected then attendance entry marking will happen only to Absent students.

Type The attendance entry can made daily or monthly or half a day based on the settings selected


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If ‘Show Adm No’ is checked then Admission number will display in attendance entry form else

‘Show Roll No’ then roll no of the student will display in Attendance entry form.

If admission number should generate automatically, then check the check box ‘auto admno’ and

enter the prefix with what it have to start and the registration number also same.

If auto roll no is selected then the roll number will generate automatically while doing section


If sex ‘Boy’ is selected then, in admission form only ‘Boy’ will display for selecting the gender of

the student, if ‘Girl’ is selected then only ‘Girl’ will display in student admission form.

If option ‘Show all after export to admission’ selected then while changing the pre admission

status all the students will appear.

If ‘Show except confirmed after export to admission’ then except confirmed students all will

reflect in preadmission status form.

If parent’s monthly income selected then in preadmission report the income header will be

‘Parent’s monthly income’ else it’ll be ‘Parent’s annual income’

If subject wise attendance selected, then subject wise attendance entry can happen only to the

classes which were selected there.

If ‘Min Age’ and ‘Max Age’ option selected, then while doing student admission it will do the

validation, beyond that age student’s can’t be admitted

If ‘Subject wise student attendance’ selected, then only the forms related to subject wise

attendance will load.

c). Validations:

Before doing the admission standard settings do the academic year creation and category mapping

Select Academic year as manual, else academic year won’t fill in student admission form

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:



f).Referred to Tables :



g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

Page - 26

K).Business Logic

The standard settings for the logged in acm_id will chack, if the record inserted then the data will update

with new settings else new record will insert into crm_t_standard and crm_m_standard.

2.2 Import from Excel

a). Requirement:

This form is used to import the data from excel to database so that data entry work will reduce in

admission form.

b). Functionality:

Select the excel file which has been prepared with student details in particular format by clicking

on ‘Select File’

Select the students

Click on ‘Import’

c). Validations:

Here academic year, class name and caste name should be same as entered in master forms

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

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Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Adm_M_Caste to get the caste details

Alumni_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Adm_M_TC_student to get the student tc details.

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables:

Referred in all the tables where student id is saving

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

The same process which happens at the time of new admission of the student will happens here also.

2.3 De active/Active Student

a). Requirement:

This form is used to make the student to active or de active.

If you want to make a student de active, then select that student enter the reason and check the check box

‘De active’ and click on save.

If you want to make a student active, then select that student and check the check box ‘active’ and click

on save.

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b). Functionality:

Select the academic year, class and section

Select the option ‘Activated Students’ to get list of active students

Select the option ‘Deactivated Students’ to get list of de active students

Select the student to whom have to make Active or De active

If remarks are there, select the check box ‘Remarks’ and then enter the remarks in text box.

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Page - 29

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k).Business Logic

The status of the student will update to ‘D’ and the reason will save in the table with date and year.

2.4 Pre Admission

a). Requirement: This pre admission form is used to enter the pre admission details of the student which

is used to do before admission.

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b). Functionality:

Enter all the fields like application number, registration number, name etc.

Select the academic year and class to which the student is admitting

Click on save.

c). Validations:

Here application number and student name are mandatory

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Crm_T_Standard to get whether the application number is automatic or not

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_M_Preadm to save the pre admission details of the student

Adm_PrePrv_Col_Marks to save previously studied college marks

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

The student already existed with same application number or not will check and if the record not exists

then only this data will save else the data won’t insert into table.

2.5 Pre admission Status

a). Requirement:

Once the entry of student happened in Pre admission form, the students will reflect in this pre admission

status form to change the status of the application. Once application status has changed to ‘Confirmed’

Page - 31

then we can transfer the student to main admission module by using ‘Export to Admission Module’


b). Functionality:

If any student have to search, then enter either application number or student name in the textbox

so that the student data will be highlighted

Select the student, select the status , enter the admission number and then click on ‘Update’ to

update the status.

If any student data have to transfer to main admission then change the status to ‘Confirmed’ and

then click on ‘Export to Admission Module’

If student data have to save in excel, then click on ‘Export to Excel’ button.

c). Validations:

While changing the student status to ‘Confirmed’, it’s mandatory to enter the admission number of the

student, else status updating won’t happen. And the admission number entered should be unique.

d). Reference Table:


e). Inserting Tables:


Page - 32

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k).Business Logic

Once the clicked on ‘Update’ the admission number verification will happen only for ‘Confirmed Status’,

else the status of the student will update automatically without any validations.

When clicked on ‘Export to admission’ it’ll ask for username and password to login, if the user is a valid

user then, the remaining admission process will happen here.

2.6 Student Admission

a). Requirement:

This is the main form where the admission entry of the student takes place. Once admission entry

confirmed then the student will appear in all the modules of IVRM.

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b). Functionality:

Enter the student name, admission number, registration number, caste, date of birth, contact

details, parents details, guardian details, previously studied class and marks details, document

submission details etc.

Select the academic year and class to which the student is going to admit

Click on ‘Save’ for making student admission

c). Validations:

To get the academic year , in the admission standard setting form select the academic year as manual.

To enter the Additional field details of the student, select the admission additional fields in admission

standard setting form

To enter the address in detailed, select the check box ‘Address Sub Division’ in admission standard

settings form

To get the subjects for previous school marks entry, create the subject as for admission in Master Subject


To get list of documents, enter the documents in master documents form

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Admission number should be unique.

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Caste to get the caste details

Adm_M_Document to get the master document names

e). Inserting Tables:


Adm_Prv_Sch_Detail to save previously studied school details

Adm_Prv_Sch_Marks to save previously studied school marks

Adm_Prv_Clg_Marks to save previously studied college marks

Adm_T_Document to save document submission details of the student

f).Referred to Tables :

Referred in all the tables where the Amst_id involved

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

Here document whether submitted or not only saving but not the document copy

k)Business Logic

Total Income=Mother Income + father income

Age=current year – selected dob year

While saving the record it’ll verify whether any student exists with same admission number and name or

not.If exists the record won’t save if not the data will save.

2.7 Class Section Allotment

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a). Requirement:

If the Acm_Id flaf is ‘C’ then section allotment also happens at the time of admission only.

If the Acm_Id flaf is ‘D’ then at the time of admission only class will assign to the student.

To assign the section to the newly admitted student, we have to go to ‘New Section Allotment’

If the student section has to change then go with ‘Change Section’

To promote the student from class to next class, from one year to next year we will go with ‘Promote


To delete the assigned section of the student, go to ‘Delete Section’ so that the student will appear lastly

where he was.

To demote the student to the same class next year also go to ‘Year loss section’

b). Functionality:

Select the academic year, class and section from left side panel

Select the student from left side panel

Select the class and section from right side panel

Transfer the student to right side panel

Click on save to do the section allotment.

c). Validations:

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Order setting is mandatory for doing class section allotment

Academic Teacher mapping is mandatory for doing ‘New Section Allotment’

If the ‘Acm_Flag’ is ‘C’ then new registration number will create at the time of promotion from one

category to another.

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_Y_Student stores the section allotment details of the student

f).Referred to Tables :

In all the tables where the ayst_id is saving

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

Based on the admission standard settings, if the roll number is automatic then at the time of doing ‘New

Section Allotment’ or ‘Change of Section’ or ‘promotion section’ or ‘Year loss section’ the roll number

of the student will generate automatically.

While doing ‘New Section allotment’ a new record for the first time will insert into ‘Adm_Y_Student’

While doing ‘change of section’ the old aycl_id of the student will update with newly selected aycl_id

While doing ‘Promotion Section’ a new record for the next year of the student will insert into


Page - 37

The ‘delete section’ of one student happens in two ways, if the student is a newly admitted student then

whatever class section allotment did that record will remove from adm_Y_Student so that for the student

only record exists in adm_m_student, if the student is a regular student then whatever class section

allotment did newly for this academic year that record will remove from adm_Y_Student so that the last

class section allotment record will exists in the sense the student will be in the last academic year it self.

2.8 Attendance Entry

a). Requirement:

This form is used to do the attendance entry of the students. The entry will be based on the settings did in

admission standard settings form. Based on the user privileges given in Administrator

AttendanceExamIvr mapping when the faculty logged into attendance entry form, only that particular

class and sections will load for entering attendance.

b). Functionality:

Login to the page by giving the username and password

Select the date , class and section

Page - 38

Enter the attendance

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

Set the attendance type Daily/Monthly/Half-a-day in admission standard settings

Set the attendance entry type Present/Absent in admission standard settings,

If the attendance type is daily/half-a-day then,

if attendance entry type is ‘Present’ then what ever the letter you will press only ‘P’ will be printed on the

attendance entry form.

if attendance entry type is ‘Absent’ then what ever the letter you will press only ‘A’ will be printed on the

attendance entry form.

If the attendance type is ‘Monthly’ then only the count of class attend can be entered but not ‘A’ or ‘P’

If ‘Show Adm No’ or ‘Show Roll No’ checked then only that details will display here

d). Reference Table:

Crm_T_Standard to get the attendance settings

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Adm_M_Class_Held to get the month

Adm_M_Class_Held1 to get the class held count

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables:

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

Page - 39

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

When the user is login with his/her details, the software will verify his login and will check the class

section details assigned to him/her for entering attendance.

If the user is a valid user then the mapped class and section sonly will fill, based on the entry type the user

will select the date to enter the attendance. While clicking on save it’ll check whether the class held

entered or not if not entered then message will display to enter the class held in the master forms for

selected class section and academic year.

For the selected date if attendance not entered then only the data will insert into database.

2.9 Student TC

a). Requirement:

Once the student has completed the studies in the institute then at the end we have to provide TC to the

students that will takes place here. Once the TC has provided that student won’t reflect in any module

except alumni.

Page - 40

b). Functionality:

If “Active ’ option is selected, then we can provide tc to the students who are currently studying in the institute

If “Left” option selected then we can get the students to whom already TC issued, so that we can update his details in this form or we can delete TC for that student.

If “De active” selected then we can get the list of de activated students to whom we can provide TC if needed.

If option ‘Temporary’ selected, then students will fill who has already taken temporary TC. If ‘Reg. No.: Name’ is selected then the student name will display in the same format. If ‘Name : Reg. No.’ is selected then the student name will display in the same format. Based on the options selected, students will fill in the combo box, after selecting the student his

details will reflect in the form. If check box ‘Temporary’ is checked, then the tc issuing will be considered as temporary tc. Enter the relevant details and click on ‘save’ to save the data. At this time email and sms will trigger to student if the settings are active in the database

regarding the TC details as well as alumni membership details.

c). Validations:

If AR_Flag of Alumni_Registration table is ‘Y’ then alumni membership won’t assign at the time of

providing TC.

If AR_Flag of Alumni_Registration table is ‘N’ then only alumni membership will assign at the time of

providing TC.

Tc number of the student is mandatory.

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Adm_M_Caste to get the caste details

Adm_M_TC_Auto_No to get the TC number if it is auto

Alumni_Registration to get the registration flag for alumni membership

Page - 41

e). Inserting Tables:






f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

For checking fee due

SELECT dbo.Fee_M_Head.FMH_Name 'Fee Head',

isnull(SUM(dbo.V_StudentPending.ftp_tobepaid_amt),0) AS Arrear FROM dbo.V_StudentPending

INNER JOIN dbo.Fee_M_Head ON dbo.V_StudentPending.Fmh_id = dbo.Fee_M_Head.FMH_Id

GROUP BY dbo.Fee_M_Head.FMH_Id, dbo.Fee_M_Head.FMH_Name Having


For Checking Library due

"SELECT dbo.Lib_Master_Book.Title AS 'Book Title', dbo.Lib_Book_Transaction.Due_Date AS 'Due

Date'" & _

" FROM dbo.Lib_Book_Transaction INNER JOIN dbo.Lib_M_Book_Accn ON

dbo.Lib_Book_Transaction.Book_Id = dbo.Lib_M_Book_Accn.Book_Id INNER JOIN " & _

" dbo.Lib_Master_Book ON dbo.Lib_M_Book_Accn.MB_Id = dbo.Lib_Master_Book.MB_Id


" dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Lib_Book_Transaction.Mm_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id

" & _

" WHERE (dbo.Lib_Book_Transaction.Status <> 'Returned') and

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id=" & lngAMSTId & _

" union All SELECT dbo.Lib_M_Non_Book.Name AS 'Book Title',

dbo.Lib_Non_Book_Transaction.Due_Date AS 'Due Date' FROM dbo.Lib_M_Non_Book INNER JOIN

" & _

" dbo.Lib_M_Non_Book_Accn ON dbo.Lib_M_Non_Book.MNB_Id =

dbo.Lib_M_Non_Book_Accn.MNB_Id INNER JOIN " & _

" dbo.Lib_Non_Book_Transaction ON dbo.Lib_M_Non_Book_Accn.NB_Id =

dbo.Lib_Non_Book_Transaction.NB_Id INNER JOIN " & _

Page - 42

" dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Lib_Non_Book_Transaction.Mm_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id" & _

" WHERE (dbo.Lib_Non_Book_Transaction.Status <> 'Returned') and

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id=" & lngAMSTId

For checking PDA due

"SELECT SUM(dbo.PDA_T_Exp_Trans.PTET_Paid_Amt) AS Amt FROM dbo.PDA_M_Exp_Head

INNER JOIN dbo.PDA_T_Exp_Trans ON dbo.PDA_M_Exp_Head.PMEH_Id =

dbo.PDA_T_Exp_Trans.PMEH_Id INNER JOIN " & _

"dbo.PDA_M_EXP_Trans ON dbo.PDA_T_Exp_Trans.PMET_Id =

dbo.PDA_M_EXP_Trans.PMET_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON

dbo.PDA_M_EXP_Trans.Amst_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Fee_M_Head

ON dbo.PDA_M_Exp_Head.FMH_Id = dbo.Fee_M_Head.FMH_Id " & _

"Where (dbo.Adm_M_Student.amst_id = " &

frmAdmStudentTC.cboStudent.itemdata(frmAdmStudentTC.cboStudent.ListIndex) & ") And

(dbo.PDA_M_EXP_Trans.PMET_Aca_id <( " & CStr(gLngAcadYrId) & ")) "

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

While saving the student tc it’ll check whether the tc number entered or not

if not entered then the message will display to enter the tc number, if entered it’ll check whether with

same tc number any student exists or not, if not exists then the student dues like fee due, library due, pda

due and canteen due will check if any dues exists then the message will display that the due is exits you

want to proceed further,

if clicked on ‘Yes’ then the record will save in Adm_M_Tc_Student,

Adm_X_Student,Alumni_M_Student and the status of ‘Amst_sol’ will update to ‘L’.

If clicked on ‘No’ then the record won’t save.

2.10 Re admit Student

a). Requirement:

The same student who left out from the institute has re joined again then we will do the mapping to his

old data and new data so that while generating any certificates his data will be continued.

Page - 43

b). Functionality:

Select the left academic year and class of the student

Select the student from left panel

Select the same student’s re admitted class and academic year

Select the same student from left panel

Click on ‘save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:







e). Inserting Tables:

Page - 44


f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

While saving the re admission details of the student it’ll check the student’s record who has selected in

the left side panel and will save into re admit table.

2.11 Student Search

a) . Requirement:

Th is form is helps you to search the students based on name, reg. no, adm no. , DOB, Class left, year left

etc with different conditions like it’s starting with , ending with or containing etc.

Page - 45

b). Functionality:

Select any one option either Active / Left to search the student

Select the field by which you want to search the student.

Select the condition like the input starting/ending/containing /equal /less than / greater than…etc

from the spread

Enter the input value

Press Ctrl+F to get the search list

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Page - 46

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Adm_M_Caste to get the caste details

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K).Business LOgic

2.12 Student Achievements

a). Requirement:

This form is used to map the achievements to the students which he have achieved.

Page - 47

b). Functionality:

Select the academic year, class , section and student

Select the master achievement name

Enter the description

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Page - 48

Adm_M_Achievement to get the master achievement details

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K).Business LOgic

2.13 Parent’s Photo

a). Requirement:

In this form we can upload parent’s photos and signatures.

Page - 49

b). Functionality:

Select the Student

Browse Father photo and signature

Browse Mother photo and signature

Click on ‘Save’

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:


f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K).Business LOgic

2.14 Continuous Absent SMS

a). Requirement:

This form is used send the sms to the students who are continuously absent to the institute based on the

settings. For normal schools only the duration (no. of days) will consider but for PUC subject wise absent

will consider.

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b). Functionality:

Open the form

Student’s will fill who are continuously absent for the duration of days fixed in database along

with subject details, start date and end date.

Select the students to whom the sms have to trigger

Click on ‘Send sms’

c). Validations:

Set the start date of the academic year, lastly sms sent date , duration of days it have to trigger, duration of

days to get the student list in ADM_T_ATT_SMS_SENDING_DATE table.

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

ADM_T_ATT_START_DATE_CHECK stores the absent student details

ADM_T_ATT_SMS_SENDING_DETAILS stores the sms sent details

ADM_T_ATT_SMS_SENDING_DATE updates lastly executed date

f).Referred to Tables :

Page - 51

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.


i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K).Business Logic

When the form is loading, it’ll run the stored procedure tpo get the absentees list who are absent


In the stored procedure, it’ll check when the lastly executed date of the procedure, if it is yeaterday’s date

then it’ll proceed further else the procedure will get terminate the execution.

The procedure will get list of absent students for past one week, in that it’ll check whether continuously

absent or not, if continuously absent then the record will save into new table, those student’s who are

absent continuously will get display in the screen.

2.16 Registration Number Generation

a). Requirement:

This form is used to assign the registration number to more than one student at a time.

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic year class and section

Page - 52

Select any one option Show all students/Show students Reg No. already assigned/ Show students

Reg No. not assigned

Select the list of students to whom registration number have to generate

Click on ‘Generate reg. No.’

c). Validations:

Before doing the generation of registration number do the settings in admission standard form.

Else you want to generate the registration number in different format, select the ‘Auto Reg. No

generation’ option in the registration number form.

d). Reference Table:

Adm_M_Academic_Year to get the academic year

Adm_Cat_Module to get the mapping of academic year and category

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

Adm_Y_Student to get the student id’s for selected input

Adm_M_student to get the student information of selected students.

Adm_M_Caste to get the caste details

e). Inserting Tables:

Adm_M_Student stores the registration number details.

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

Based on the standard settings, the registration number will generate in the same format and will display

in the spread,.

2.17 Attendance User Privileges

Page - 53

a). Requirement:

This form is used to provide the privilege to the faculty to enter the attendance subject wise. Here we have

to select particular class & section and subject to particular faculty.

b). Functionality:

Select the ‘subject teacher’ Select the Username and employee name Select the Class – Section for providing attendance privilege for entering attendance. Click on ‘Next’ button, Select the ‘subjects’ for entering attendance and click on finish.

c). Validations:

To get the subjects do the Attendance Settings in admission module.

d). Reference Table:

Am_Login_User for filling the user names

M_PayEmployee for filling the employee names

Adm_Atten_Setting for getting the subject id’s

Adm_Y_Class to get the aycl_id

Adm_M_Class to get master class names

Page - 54

Adm_M_Section to get master section names

e). Inserting Tables:




f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

K). Business Logic

While saving the attendance user privilege, it’ll verify for that user already privilege has been assigned or

not, if assigned it’ll ask for ‘update’ the data already existed will remove and will re insert, if not assigned

then the data will save into three tables Adm_Atten_User_Prev, Adm_Atten_Class_Uers_Prev and


2.18 Attendance Setting

a). Requirement:

Once after mapping the subjects in exam module, in this form maximum hours per each subject have to

enter so that those subjects only will appear in Attendance user privilege form.

Page - 55

b). Functionality:

Select the class and section then the subjects mapped for that semester will display in the spread. Enter the maximum periods for each subject and click on save to save the details.

c) Validations

To get the semesters do the yearly seat distribution.

To get the subjects do the subject mapping in exam module

d). Dependent Tables

Adm_M_Subject to get the subject names

Exm_M_Exm_Subject, Exm_Class_Subject_Year_Wise, Exm_Y_Category, Exm_Y_Detail

For getting the subject id mapped for selected semester.

e). Inserting Tables

Adm_Atten_Setting table stores the attendance settings details

f). Referred To Tables :

Adm_Atten_Setting is reffered in Attendance user privileges form and in the attendance reports

Page - 56

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k).Business Logic

For selected class , section the mapped subjects will display.While saving the settings it will check for

attendance settings has been done or not , if not then the data will save.

If already done, then message will display to update the record, then we have to go with update option.

2.19 Batch wise Student Mapping

a). Requirement:

This form is used to map the student to particular batch for each subject. If the subject is lab subject then

only batches will appear in this form.

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic year, class and section The students related to the selected fields will reflect in the spread The subjects mapped will reflect, if the subject is a lab subject then the batches will reflect.

Page - 57

Select the batch, select the list of students to whom have to map under that batch and click on save.

c) Validations

To get the subjects do the subject mapping in exam module

d). Dependent Tables

ADM_S_Batch is to get the master batch names

Adm_Y_Student to get the list of active students for selected input.

e). Inserting Tables

Adm_M_Student_BatchMapping stores the batch wise student mapping details

f). Referred To Tables :

Adm_M_Student_BatchMapping is reffered in attendance entry form and in related reports

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

after selecting the academic year, class and section the subjects mapped will reflect, if the subject is a lab subject then the batches will reflect. While saving the batch mapping it’ll check for the selected aycl_id, sublect, the student has been mapped or not.If not mapped then new record will insert into the table if mapped then the batch will update with newly selected batch.

2.20 Attendance Subject wise Entry

a). Requirement:

This form is used for entering the attendance subject wise. Usually this is for puc campus. Based on the

privileges given in attendance user privileges form, when the user has entered with his login details that

particular class and section will load for entering the attendance. After selecting the class and section

related subjects will load, if the subject is lab subject then the batches will load. Based on the mapping in

batch wise student mapping the students will fill here.

Page - 58

Based on all the above transactions we can generate the reports with different inputs.

b). Functionality:

This form is used to enter the attendance for the students.

Based on the attendance settings from admission standard form, one of the options Monthly or Daily or Half-day or Period-wise will be in active.

If we checked “Active SMS” then the sms will trigger to absentees while saving the attendance. If “Roll No” check box is checked then roll no. of students will display in the spread beside

student name column. For entering attendance, the faculty has to login with their login details, based on the privileges

given to him the branches, semesters, sections and subjects will load. If the subject is a lab subject then the batches will fill.

If the subject is theoretical then normal hours will fill up else if it is a lab subject then batches will fill.

Page - 59

The date will be by default current date if it is in between the semester start date and end date else it’ll show the end date of the semester by default.

When we click on ‘Get Student list’ based all the above fields the students will into spread. Based on the attendance entry type fixed in standard form the software will allow only to enter

either for present students or for absent students. The down spread will display the attendance entry details of selected branch, semester , section

for selected date. If you want to update or delete the attendance for particular subject go with search option, it’ll

display all the dates entered by that faculty for that selected subject.

c). Validations

The Lecturer names will fill once after doing the Academic Teacher mapping in Admission Master

Academic Teacher Mapping for that faculty, else it’ll be empty only.

The Hours will fill for selected date & Class-Section which hours are free (not entered) those only will


If the subject is a lab subject, then only batches will fill, if normal subject then normal periods will fill.

This subject typesetting have to do in Exam Master Subject form.

For lab subjects only batches will fill, these batches will fill if students mapping existed for that subject.

This student mapping will do in Admission Batch wise Student Mapping.

The date selecting should be between Academic year start date and end date , if it exceeds that start

date & end date by default current date will be in selected.

d). Dependent Tables

Crm_T_Standard for checking attendance entry type

Adm_M_Academic_Year for filling the academic year

Adm_M_Class to get the class name

Adm_Y_Class to get aycl_id for selected year, course, branch & Semester and section

Adm_M_Section to get the master section names for selected aycl_id’s.

Adm_Teacher_Mapping to get the ATM_Id of the employee

M_Payemployee to take the employee name.

Adm_T_Atten_User_Prev is used to take the subject id for selected aycl_id & user

Adm_M_subject is used to get the subject name

Adm_M_Student_BatchMapping is used to get the batches id mapped to that subject if the subject is a

lab subject.

Page - 60

Exm_M_Sub_Subject is used to get the sub subjects mapped to the selected subject if the ‘Sub Subject’

check box is checked.

Adm_S_Batch is used to get the batch names

Adm_Attendance_Hour_Held is used to get the hour ids which are free for selected date and selected


Adm_Attendance_Hour is used to get the master hour names.

Adm_Y_Student is used to get the student list for selected details.

Adm_Attendance_FeeDue_Permission is used to get the fee due pending students

After entering the attendance we can check in all the attendance reports the entered data.

e). Inserting Tables

Adm_T_Attendance is used to save the attendance entry details

Adm_Attendance_Hour_Held stores the attendance entry details of the employee for particular aycl_id

& date

Adm_Attendance_Trail stores the trail of adm_t_attendance table.

Adm_T_Attendance_Sub_Subject stores the sub subject attendance entry details.

f). Referred To Tables :

Adm_T_Attendance is referred in Adm_Attendance_Trial table

Adm_T_Attendance is referred in Adm_T_Attendance_Sub_Subject table

g). Major Queries:

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

Transfer_Student_details_for_Attandence is to get the fee pending details of the student.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

Attendance Scheduler sms will trigger to all the students who are absent for the current date at the end

of the day. In the same scheduler option is there to send the sms to the consecutive absentees.


K). Business Logic

When the user is logged in it’ll check the attendance user privileges of that user, corresponding class ,

section and subjects will fill in the form.

Page - 61

While selecting the date,

if the subject is a mandatory subject then only free hours will display to enter the attendance

If the subject is a lab subject the hours which are entered for lab subjects will display along with the free


If the subject is optional type then all the hours will display.

While saving the attendance the verification will be there, that for selected aycl_id,date and hour

attendance already exists or not, if not then the record will save into three tables Adm_T_Attendance,

adm_attendance_hour_held, adm_attendance_trail if record exists then it’ll ask for the updation.

3. Reports

3.1 Admission Register

a). Requirement:

Page - 62

This report is a replica of the admission register maintained manually in the school and college. The end

user can take reports of all students who are admitted to the school or college as on the academic year.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year. Select the class. Select the option “ALL” or “PRESENT” or “ LEFT” as required for the report Select the required fields and Click on ‘Report’ to see the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ To exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

Select Adm_M_Student.*, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Nationality + ' ' +

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Religion AS 'Religion Details',

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_G_Name + ' ' + dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_G_Address AS

'Guardian_Address',Adm_M_TC_Student.AyCL_Id as 'TC_Class',

Adm_M_TC_Student.AMTC_Date, Adm_M_TC_Student.AMTC_Issue_Date,


Page - 63

Adm_M_TC_Student.AMTC_Leaving_Reason,dbo.Adm_M_Caste.AMCA_Name 'Caste' from

Adm_M_Student Left Outer Join Adm_M_Caste On

Adm_M_Student.AMCA_Id=dbo.Adm_M_Caste.AMCA_Id Left Outer Join Adm_M_TC_Student

On Adm_M_TC_Student.AMST_Id=Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id Where

dbo.Adm_M_Student.amcl_id in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17) and AMAY_Id=9 and

AMC_Id=2ORDER BY dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMAY_Id DESC, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCL_Id,


h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.2 Class wise Student Report

a). Requirement:

This report gives the details of the students who are new admitted, Promoted, Year loss student and Total

strength of the class.

b). Functionality:

Page - 64

Select Academic year and class Select the required fields and Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ to exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT *, CAST(dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name + '-' + dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name AS

varchar)AS ClassSection,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Email_Id ,

dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap.SMH_name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Father_Mobileno,



dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name,

CAST(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_B_Village + '-' + dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_B_Town + '-' +

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_B_District AS varchar) AS PLACE,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Father_Income,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id FROM

dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id

AND dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id =

dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap.AYST_ID WHERE (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) and

dbo.adm_Y_Class.AMCL_id= 1 and (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = 1)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

Page - 65

3.3 Pre- Admission Report

a). Requirement:

This report is to get the listing and details of all the pre-admission student records which can help the

management get the details of applicants who wanted to seek admission in the institution.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year. Select the class from the list box Select the required fields and Click on ‘Report’ to see the details Select the option “Count”, “detailed count” and “status count” to give you the total count based

on the selection made. Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ To exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:


dbo.Adm_M_PreAdm LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Caste ON

dbo.Adm_M_PreAdm.AMCA_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Caste.AMCA_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_M_PreAdm.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id

Page - 66

WHERE (dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id IN (13,14)) AND (dbo.Adm_M_PreAdm.AMAY_Id =9)

AND(dbo.Adm_M_PreAdm.AMP_APPStatus = 5)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.4 Student Attendance Report

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report for showing the students

attendance report for a class / section.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section

Select the option all or individual. This is recommended if you want for the entire class or only

for a individual person.

if you choose to print the report for an individual, select student for whom you wish to have this


Page - 67

Select Monthly option to select the month from the list box. This is to list only the month wise


Select between date option to see the report for a given range of dates.

Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Adm_No,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name, dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No, case

ATAT_Entry_Type when 'P' then SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten) when 'A'

then (SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held)-

SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten)) End AS Attendance,

SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) AS Classes,ATAT_Entry_Type FROM

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id where


103) and


03) and dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active='1' and AMST_SOL='S' and

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id=1 and dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id=1GROUP BY


dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,ATAT_Entry_Type

order by dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

Percentage=attended classes/total classes * 100

Page - 68

3.5 Student Yearly Attendance Report

a). Requirement:

This report is to get the listing and details of all the attendance details of students for the entire year for a

given class/section.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year. Select the “ALL” option to choose all the student of the class/section. Select the “Individual” option to select a particular student attendance only. Click on ‘Report’ to see the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ To exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:



CL_Id , dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,

Page - 69

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No,CASE ATAT_Entry_Type WHEN 'P' THEN

SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten)WHEN 'A' THEN

(SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) -

SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten)) END AS

Attendance,SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) As Classes FROM

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id

WHERE dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = 2 AND CONVERT(datetime,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Start_Date, 103) >= CONVERT(datetime,'01/06/2014', 103) AND

CONVERT(datetime, dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_End_Date, 103) <= CONVERT(datetime,

'31/05/2015', 103) AND dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1' AND AMST_SOL = 'S' AND

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = 1 GROUP BY


dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No, dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,ATAT_Entry_Type,dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id order by


h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

Percentage=attended classes/total classes * 100

3.6 Subject wise Attendance Report

a). Requirement:

This report is to get the listing and details of all the attendance details of students for the entire year by the

subject. This is generally used in Colleges and not in schools.

Page - 70

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year. Select the “ALL” option to choose all the student of the class/section. Select the “Individual” option to select a particular student attendance only. Select the class and the section from the list box. Select Monthly option to select the month from the list box. This is to list only the month wise

attendance. Select between date option to see the report for a given range of dates. Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ To exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT AMST_Id, AYCL_Id, AMST_Adm_No, AMST_Reg_No, SUM(held) AS held,

SUM(Attendance) AS TotAtt, AMST_Name, AMSU_ID, AYST_Roll_No FROM (SELECT

Page - 71

DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id, dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Adm_No, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name, dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.AMSU_ID,

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No, SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) AS held,

CASE ATAT_Entry_Type WHEN 'P' THEN SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten)

WHEN 'A' THEN (SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) -

SUM(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten))END As attendance FROM

dbo.Adm_Y_Class INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Attendance INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.AYCL_Id And

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id WHERE

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL <> 'L') AND

MONTH(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Start_Date) = 1) AND

(YEAR(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Start_Date) >= 2014) AND

(YEAR(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_End_Date) <= 2015) AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = 2) AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = 17) GROUP BY

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Adm_No,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.AMSU_ID, dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No,

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id, dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Entry_Type) AS A GROUP BY


AYST_Roll_No HAVING AMST_Id = 3368

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc). \

k). Business Logic

Percentage=attended classes/total classes * 100

3.7 Class Wise Daily Attendance Report

a). Requirement:

This report is to get the listing and details of all the attendance details of students for the single day by the


Page - 72

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic Year, class and section from the list box

Select the format option

Click on ‘Report’ to Pre-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to print the report

Click on ‘Export’ to export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Mobile,

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Adm_No,

UPPER(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name) AS AMST_Name,

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Roll_No, dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id FROM dbo.Adm_Cat_Module

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id

= dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER

Page - 73

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id

WHERE (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active =

'1') AND (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id = 1) AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id = 1)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.8 Overall Daily Attendance Report

a). Requirement:

This report is to get the listing and details of all the attendance details of students for the single day by the

overall classes.

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic Year

Select the particular Date

Click on ‘Report’ to Pre-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to print the report

Page - 74

Click on ‘Export’ to export it to excel

If ‘No need teachername’ has been checked, then in the report class teacher name won’t display

If ‘Absentees name’ has been checked then the absent student names won’t come in the report

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:




dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID =

dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id ON

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.amst_id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.amst_id WHERE


ear.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = 4) AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(CONVERT(datetime, ' 05/02/2013 ', 103) BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Start_Date, 103) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_End_Date, 103)) AND

(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten = 0) Union SELECT 0 AS

PRESENT,COUNT(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) AS ABSENT,0 AS TOTAL

FROM dbo.Adm_T_Attendance INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

Page - 75

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class O

N dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id ON

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.amst_id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.amst_id WHERE

(dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = 4) AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(CONVERT(datetime, ' 05/02/2013 ', 103) BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Start_Date, 103) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_End_Date, 103)) AND

(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten = 1.00) Union SELECT 0 AS PRESENT,0 AS

ABSENT,COUNT(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Held) AS TOTAL FROM

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN dbo

.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category ON

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id ON

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.amst_id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.amst_id WHERE

(dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = 4) AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(CONVERT(datetime, ' 05/02/2013 ', 103) BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Start_Date, 103) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,

dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_End_Date, 103)) AND

((dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten = 0) OR

(dbo.Adm_T_Attendance.ATAT_Class_Atten = 1.00)) )

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.9 Category wise Attendance Report

a). Requirement:

Page - 76

This report is to get the listing and details of all the attendance details of category wise

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic Year

Select the particular Date

Click on ‘Report’ to Pre-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to print the report

Click on ‘Export’ to export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:


dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex , dbo.Adm_M_Category.amc_id FROM dbo.Adm_Y_Student

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id =

Page - 77

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id

WHERE (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id IN (SELECT AYCL_Id FROM dbo.Adm_Y_Class


dbo.Adm_Cat_Module WHERE (AMAY_Id IN (SELECT AMAY_Id From

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year WHERE (AMAY_Year = '2015 - 2016'))) ORDER BY ACM_Id))))

AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S' or dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'L' )

GROUP BY dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex, dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id HAVING

(dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id ='1' ) order by Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.10 Student Birthday Report

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report to show how many

students birthday falls on a particular day.

b). Functionality:

Select Month and day of the month.

Page - 78

Select the option “studying” to list the students who are in the institution. Option “Left” is for

those students who have left the institution..

Click on the report to pre-view the report before printing

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Adm_No,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Dob FROM

dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id Where

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id=517 and

day(convert(datetime,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_DOB,103))=1 and

month(convert(datetime,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_DOB,103))=1 and

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active='1' and adm_M_Student.amst_sol='S'

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.11 Student Address Book1

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report for smart card


Page - 79

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section

In the address section in the selection panel, pic the fields appropriate for the institution by using

the check

Select the required fields and Click on ‘Report’ to see the details

Select the max address line to define the address filed length. (this is useful for defining the

length can be printed in the smart card). Enter the values as example 25. This will truncate the

address field to the set value.

Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

Page - 80






tudent.AMST_Adm_no, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Perm_Address, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Perm_Phone,


dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Pres_Phone,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Email_Id ,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Mobile, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Tc_Produced,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Tc_Produced FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id and

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id=1 and dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active='1' and

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id=1 and adm_M_Student.amst_sol='S'

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.12 Total Strength Report

a). Requirement:

This report gives the details of the students in a summarized format.

Page - 81

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section Select the “ALL” option to choose all the student of the class/section. Select the “Individual” option to select a particular class Select the required fields and Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ to exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT distinct mailf.AMS_Name, mailf.AMCL_Name,mailf.AMCL_order,mailf.AMCL_Id

,SUM(mailf.f_s) AS totalfemale, SUM(mailf.m_s) AS totalmail, SUM(mailf.f_s) + SUM(mailf.m_s)


dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id,


dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id FROM

dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id =

Page - 82

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id

= dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id

WHERE (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S'

OR dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'L') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex = 'M' OR

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex = 'B') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name <> 'TC (LEFT)')


dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student WHERE (AMTC_Issue_Date < CONVERT(datetime, '21/03/2013',

103))))GROUP BY dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id,

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id) Union All (SELECT 0 AS M_S, COUNT(DISTINCT 1) AS f_s,

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id,


dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id FROM

dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id

= dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id

WHERE (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S'

OR dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'L') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex = 'F' OR

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex = 'G') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name <> 'TC (LEFT)')


dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student WHERE (AMTC_Issue_Date < CONVERT(datetime, '21/03/2013',

103))))GROUP BY dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id,

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id)) mailf where AMCL_Id=1 GROUP BY mailf.AMS_Name,

mailf.AMCL_Id,mailf.AMCL_Name,mailf.AMCL_order, mailf.AYCL_Id ORDER BY


h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

Page - 83

3.13 Student TC(custom)

a). Requirement:

This is a facility provided in the CRM software to help generate Transfer certificate that can be given to

the students when required.

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic Year

Select the student to print the certificate for

Option to enter the purpose if required by the user is available which is not mandatory

Click on ‘Report’ to Pre-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to print the report

Click on ‘Export’ to export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name as Adm_Class, dbo.Adm_M_Student.*,


m_M_student.AMAY_Id FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON

Page - 84

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student.AMST_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Caste ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCA_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Caste.AMCA_Id Where

dbo.Adm_M_Student.amst_id = 81 and dbo.Adm_Y_Student.ayst_id IN (Select MAX(AYST_ID)

from dbo.Adm_Y_Student Where AMST_ID = 81 )

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.14 Student or Employee Smart Card Report

a). Requirement:

This report gives the details of the students or staff smart card information that can be printed on the

smart card.

Page - 85

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section Select the “Student” option to choose all the student of the class/section. Select the “Employee” option to choose all the employee Select the required fields and Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ to exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No,





,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Email_Id ,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Stud_Photo FROM

dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id

WHERE (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = 1) AND

(dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = 1) AND (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

3.15 Smart Card Log Report

a). Requirement:

This report is used to get a log of all the students who have used their smart cards across the campus.

Page - 86

b). Functionality:

Select the module name and dates Select the “all” option to choose all the student of the class/section. Select the “individual” option to choose the particular student Select Daily option to see the daily wise report Select between date option to see the report for a given range of dates. Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ to exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT distinct dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name,


rtcard_log.CSL_DATETIME From dbo.Adm_Cat_Module INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

Page - 87

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Student ON

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Crm_Smartcard_Log ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Crm_Smartcard_Log.CSL_AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id AND

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id

AND dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.16 Smart Card Allotted Count Report

a). Requirement:

This report is used to get a log of all the students who have been issued with the smart cards across the


Page - 88

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section Select the “all” option to choose all the class/section. Select the “individual” option to choose the particular class/section Click on ‘Report’ to see the details Select the option “Count” and “detailed count” to give you the total count based on the

selection made. Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ To exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:



Page - 89

rder,COUNT(distinct dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id) As Count,COUNT(distinct

dbo.Crm_Smartcard_Allotted.CSA_AMST_Id) as allot From dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id left JOIN dbo.Crm_Smartcard_Allotted ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Crm_Smartcard_Allotted.CSA_AMST_Id where

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id=1 and dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id=1 and

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id=9 and (ayst_active = '1') AND amst_sol = 's' and AMC_Id =1

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.17 Class Section wise Teacher Report

a). Requirement:

This report is useful for the management of the school which gives the listing of class teachers by the

class and section.

Page - 90

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year Click on ‘Report’ to see the details Click on ‘Show’ to give a print Click on ‘Export’ To exported to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name,


FROM dbo.Adm_Y_Class INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Teacher_Mapping ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ATM_Id = dbo.Adm_Teacher_Mapping.ATM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.M_PayEmployee ON dbo.Adm_Teacher_Mapping.EMP_Id = dbo.M_PayEmployee.emp_code

Page - 91

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id

= dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id Where dbo.Adm_Y_Class.acm_id = 0 ORDER BY

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order, dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Order

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.18 Study Certificate Report

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report for showing the students

who have been issued the study certificate.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section

Select the option all or individual. This is recommended if you want for the entire class or only

for a individual person.

Page - 92

if you choose to print the report for an individual, select student for whom you wish to have this


Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,



dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id, dbo.Adm_Study_Certificate.ASC_Date,

dbo.Adm_Study_Certificate.ASC_No FROM dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Study_Certificate ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Study_Certificate.AMST_Id Where

(dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.amay_id = 9)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.19 Category Wise Total Strength Report

a). Requirement:

This is a facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report to show how many students

category is available in the institutions and all the listing of students for the category.

Page - 93

b). Functionality:

Select Month, Class and section

Select from the list box all the categories by selecting “ALL” or. Selective categories by choosing

the individual category.

Click on the report to show the list of students for the chosen category. With numbers to give the

user as to how many are in.

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT distinct



Class.AMCL_Order,dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name, dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id,


CA_Name FROM dbo.Adm_Y_Class INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

Page - 94

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id =dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Caste ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCA_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Caste.AMCA_Id WHERE

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SC_ST = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SC_ST

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.20 Class Wise Max Strength Report

a). Requirement:

This is a facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report to show how many Seats are

taken in a class with the max strength and the unfilled seat

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year , class and section

Click on the report to show the list of students for the chosen class/section with numbers to seats

taken and allotted and unfilled seats.

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Page - 95

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name,

dbo.Adm_C_Strength.Max_Strength FROM dbo.Adm_C_Strength INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_C_Strength.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id WHERE

(dbo.Adm_C_Strength.AYCL_Id = 29)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.21 Hostel,Food,Conveyance Report

a). Requirement:

This is a facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report to show how many students avail

the facility of hostel, food and conveyance and who the students are.

Page - 96

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section

Choose the option “Hostel” to view the hostel student details OR Choose the option “Food” to

view the student details OR Choose the option “Conveyance” to view the student details

Click on the report to show the list of students for the chosen option.

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id,



dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id,CAST(dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name + '-' +

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name AS varchar) AS ClassSection,dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.HostelRequired,dbo.Adm_M_Student.bus_pt ,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.Amst_Food FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

Page - 97

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id

AND dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.amc_id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.amc_id WHERE

(dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 2)AND

(dbo.Adm_M_Student.HostelRequired = 'Y') ORDER BY dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,


h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.22 TC Report

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report for showing the students

who have been issued the T.C (Transfer Certificate).

Page - 98

b). Functionality:

Select Academic Year, class and section

chose the option all or individual. This is recommended if you want for the entire class or only for

a individual person.

if you choose to print the report for an individual, select student for whom you wish to have this


you can choose the option “Temporary” or “Permanent” to filter the students who have taken

either of the T.C type.

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

Page - 99









M_TC_Student.AMTC_Remarks FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_M_TC_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AM

CL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id Where (dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.amay_id = 9) And

(dbo.Adm_Y_Class.amcl_id = 1 ) And (dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ams_id = 1 )

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.23 Date Of Birth Certificate Report

a). Requirement:

This is a facility provided in the CRM software to help generate Date of birth certificate that can be given

to the students when required.

Page - 100

b). Functionality:

Select Academic year, class and section

Choose the student to print the certificate for.

Option to enter the purpose if required by the user is available which is not mandatory.

Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,dbo.Adm_M_Student.amst_adm_no,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Sex, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Dob,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Dob_Words, dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_b_district,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Father_Name, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL FROM dbo.Adm_Y_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Student ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

Page - 101

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id

WHERE (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S')

AND (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =1787)

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.24 Student Achievement Report

a). Requirement:

This is a facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report that can help to view the students

achievements during the academic year.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic Year, class and section

Choose the Achievement listing from the list box. Can be all or selective achievement type.

Click on the report to pre-view the report. This will give a list of all the students achievements

based on the selections made.

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

Page - 102

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name,

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Reg_No, dbo.Adm_M_Achievements.AMA_Name,

dbo.Adm_T_Achievements.Ach_Desc FROM dbo.Adm_Cat_Module INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Achievements INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Achievements ON

dbo.Adm_M_Achievements.AMA_Id = dbo.Adm_T_Achievements.AMA_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Student ON dbo.Adm_T_Achievements.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_T_Achievements.AYCL_Id Where


AM_ID=3 AND AMAY_ID=9)) And (dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = 1) And

(dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = 1) order by dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Name

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.25 Year Loss Details

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility provided in the CRM software to help generate a report for showing the students

who have been failed or have under gone year loss.

Page - 103

b). Functionality:

Select Academic Year, class and section

Select the option all or individual. This is recommended if you want for the entire class or only

for a individual person.

if you choose to print the report for an individual, select student for whom you wish to have this


Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:







Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id,Q.AMCA_Id,CAST(P.AMCL_Name + '-' +

dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Name AS varchar) AS ClassSection FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Q

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON Q.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS P ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = P.AMCL_Id WHERE (dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_ID







h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

Page - 104

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.26 Year End Reports

3.26.1 Student Strength

a). Requirement:

This is a unique facility of CRM software which gives a logical closure for an academic year by

generating a set of reports for this module with statically analyzed data summarized in the form of report.

b). Functionality:

Select Academic Year

Page - 105

This will generate the report as shown in the image above.

Click on ‘Report’ to re-view the details

Click on ‘Show’ to give a print

Click on ‘Export’ To export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT AMCL_Name AS Class, SUM(Total_Strength) AS Total_Strength,

SUM(New_Admission) as New_Admission, SUM(Total_Strength) - SUM(New_Admission) AS

Regular, SUM(Left_TC) as Left_TC, Sum(Left_NoTC) as Left_NoTC, AMCL_Order as

ClassOrder From ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name, 0 AS

Total_Strength, COUNT(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id) AS New_Admission, 0 as Regular, 0 as

Left_TC, 0 as Left_NoTC, dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id AND

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id AND dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id WHERE (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1')

AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9 )

AND (dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name order by Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name, COUNT(Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id) AS Total_Strength, 0 AS

New_Admission, 0 as Regular, 0 as Left_TC, 0 as Left_NoTC, Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order

FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_1 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS

Adm_Y_Student_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_1.AMST_Id INNER

Page - 106

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_1 ON Adm_Y_Student_1.AYCL_Id =

Adm_Y_Class_1.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Modu

le AS Adm_Cat_Module_1 ON Adm_Y_Class_1.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_1 ON Adm_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id =

Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_1 ON

Adm_Y_Class_1.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS

Adm_M_Section_1 ON Adm_Y_Class_1.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_1.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category AS Adm_M_Category_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMC_Id =

Adm_M_Category_1.AMC_Id AND Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.AMC_ID =

Adm_M_Category_1.AMC_Id WHERE (Adm_Y_Student_1.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (Adm_Cat_Module_1.AMAY_Id = 9 ) AND

(Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name order by Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name, 0 as Total_Strength, 0 as New_Admission, 0 as Regular,

COUNT(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id) AS Left_TC, 0 as Left_NoTC,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order FROM

dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_2 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS

Adm_Y_Student_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_2.AMST_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_2 ON Adm_Y_Student_2.AYCL_Id =

Adm_Y_Class_2.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module AS Adm_Cat_Module_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id =

Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS

Adm_M_Section_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_2.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category AS Adm_M_Category_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMC_Id =

Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id AND Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID =

Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id WHERE (Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (Adm_Cat_Module_2.AMAY_Id = 9 ) AND

(Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = 1 ) and ams_name= 'TC ( LEFT)' GROUP BY

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_

Class_2.AMCL_Name ORDER BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name, 0 AS Total_Strength, 0 AS New_Admission, 0 AS Regular, 0 AS

Left_TC, COUNT(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id) AS Left_NoTC, Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order

FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_2 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS

Adm_Y_Student_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_2.AMST_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_2 ON Adm_Y_Student_2.AYCL_Id =

Adm_Y_Class_2.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module AS Adm_Cat_Module_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id =

Page - 107

Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS

Adm_M_Section_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_2.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category AS Adm_M_Category_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMC_Id =


_Id AND Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id WHERE

(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_SOL = 'L') AND (Adm_Cat_Module_2.AMAY_Id = 9 ) AND

(Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP

BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name ORDER BY

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name) AS a GROUP BY

AMCL_Order, AMCL_Name order by AMCL_Order, amcl_name

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.26.2 Student Strength-Comparison

a). Requirement:

During the end of the year, this report helps to the management to get a view of all the students’ strength

class wise comparing the same with the previous year. This report gives details as in new admission,

regular admission, and left students.

Page - 108

b). Functionality:

Select the Academic Year

This will generate the report as shown in the image above.

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

SELECT AMCL_Name AS Class, SUM(Total_Strength) AS Total_Strength,

SUM(Total_Strength1) as Total_Strength1, SUM(New_Admission) as New_Admission,

SUM(New_Admission1) as New_Admission1, SUM(Total_Strength) - SUM(New_Admission) AS

Regular, SUM(Total_Strength1) - SUM(New_Admission1) AS Regular1 , SUM(Left_TC) as

Left_TC, SUM(Left_TC1) as Left_TC1, Sum(Left_NoTC) as Left_NoTC, Sum(Left_NoTC1) as

Left_NoTC1, AMCL_Order as ClassOrder From ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name, COUNT(Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id) AS Total_Strength, 0 as

Total_Strength1, 0 AS New_Admission, 0 AS New_Admission1, 0 as Regular, 0 as Regular1, 0 as

Left_TC, 0 as Left_TC1, 0 as Left_NoTC, 0 as Left_NoTC1, Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order

Page - 109

FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_1 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS

Adm_Y_Student_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_1.AMST_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_1 ON Adm_Y_Student_1.AYCL_Id =

Adm_Y_Class_1.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module AS Adm_Cat_Module_1 ON


ss_1.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS

Adm_T_Cat_Module_1 ON Adm_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id = Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_1 ON Adm_Y_Class_1.AMCL_Id =

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS Adm_M_Section_1 ON

Adm_Y_Class_1.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_1.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category AS

Adm_M_Category_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMC_Id = Adm_M_Category_1.AMC_Id AND

Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.AMC_ID = Adm_M_Category_1.AMC_Id WHERE

(Adm_Y_Student_1.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(Adm_Cat_Module_1.AMAY_Id = 9 ) AND (Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name order by

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100

PERCENT Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name, 0 as Total_Strength,

COUNT(Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id) AS Total_Strength1, 0 AS New_Admission, 0 AS

New_Admission1, 0 as Regular, 0 as Regular1, 0 as Left_TC, 0 as Left_TC1, 0 as Left_NoTC, 0

as Left_NoTC1, Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS

Adm_M_Student_1 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS Adm_Y_Student_1 ON

Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_1.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class

AS Adm_Y_Class_1 ON Adm_Y_Student_1.AYCL_Id = Adm_Y_Class_1.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module AS Adm_Cat_Module_1 ON Adm_Y_Class_1.ACM_Id =

Adm_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_1

ON Adm_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id = Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_1 ON Adm_Y_Class_1.AMCL_Id =

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS Adm_M_Section_1 ON

Adm_Y_Class_1.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_1.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category AS

Adm_M_Category_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMC_Id = Adm_M_Category_1.AMC_Id AND

Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.AMC_ID = Adm_M_Category_1.AMC_Id WHERE

(Adm_Y_Student_1.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(Adm_Cat_Module_1.AMAY_Id = 0) AND (Adm_T_Cat_Module_1.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY


L_Order, Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name order by Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name, 0 AS Total_Strength, 0 AS Total_Strength1,

COUNT(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id) AS New_Admission, 0 as New_Admission1, 0 as

Regular, 0 as Regular1, 0 as Left_TC, 0 as Left_TC1, 0 as Left_NoTC, 0 as Left_NoTC1,

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id =

Page - 110

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id

AND dbo.Adm_T_Ca

t_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id AND dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id WHERE (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1')

AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9 )

AND (dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name order by Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name, 0 AS Total_Strength, 0 AS Total_Strength1, 0 as

New_Admission, COUNT(dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id) AS New_Admission1, 0 as Regular, 0

as Regular1, 0 as Left_TC, 0 as Left_TC1, 0 as Left_NoTC, 0 as Left_NoTC1,

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.

ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMC_Id =

dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id AND dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID =

dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMAY_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id AND

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year.AMAY_Id WHERE

(dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND (dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 0) AND (dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP

BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name order by

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100

PERCENT Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name, 0 as Total_Strength, 0 as Total_Strength1, 0 as

New_Admission, 0 as New_Admission1, 0

as Regular, 0 as Regular1, COUNT(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id) AS Left_TC, 0 as Left_TC1, 0

as Left_NoTC, 0 as Left_NoTC1, Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order FROM

dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_2 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS

Adm_Y_Student_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_2.AMST_Id INNER

Page - 111

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_2 ON Adm_Y_Student_2.AYCL_Id =

Adm_Y_Class_2.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module AS Adm_Cat_Module_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id =

Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS

Adm_M_Section_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_2.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category AS Adm_M_Category_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMC_Id =

Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id AND Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID =

Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Sports_T_StuHouseMap AS

Sports_T_StuHouseMap_2 ON Adm

_Y_Student_2.AYST_Id = Sports_T_StuHouseMap_2.AYST_ID WHERE

(Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(Adm_Cat_Module_2.AMAY_Id = 9 ) AND (Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = 1 ) and

ams_name= 'TC ( LEFT)' GROUP BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name ORDER BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name, 0 as Total_Strength, 0 as Total_Strength1, 0 as New_Admission, 0

as New_Admission1, 0 as Regular, 0 as Regular1, 0 AS Left_TC,

COUNT(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id) as Left_TC1, 0 as Left_NoTC, 0 as Left_NoTC1,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_2 INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS Adm_Y_Student_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id =

Adm_Y_Student_2.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_2 ON

Adm_Y_Student_2.AYCL_Id = Adm_Y_Class_2.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module

AS Adm_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Ad

m_T_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id = Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.AMCL_Id =

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS Adm_M_Section_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_2.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category AS

Adm_M_Category_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMC_Id = Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id AND

Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id WHERE

(Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(Adm_Cat_Module_2.AMAY_Id = 0) AND (Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = 1 ) and

ams_name= 'TC ( LEFT)' GROUP BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name ORDER BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name Union SELECT

TOP 100 PERCENT Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name, 0 AS Total_Strength, 0 as Total_Strength1,

0 AS New_Admission, 0 as New_Admission1, 0 AS Regular, 0 as Regular1, 0 AS Left_TC, 0 as

Left_TC1, COUNT(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id) AS Left_NoTC, 0 as Left_NoTC1,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Stu

dent_2 INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS Adm_Y_Student_2 ON

Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id = Adm_Y_Student_2.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class

Page - 112

AS Adm_Y_Class_2 ON Adm_Y_Student_2.AYCL_Id = Adm_Y_Class_2.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module AS Adm_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.ACM_Id =

Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_2

ON Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id = Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.AMCL_Id =

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS Adm_M_Section_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_2.AMS_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Category AS

Adm_M_Category_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMC_Id = Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id AND

Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.Sports_T_StuHouseMap AS Sports_T_StuHouseMap_2 ON Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Id =

Sports_T_StuHouseMap_2.AYST_ID WHERE (Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_SOL = 'L') AND

(Adm_Cat_Module_2.AMAY_Id = 9 ) AND (Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Active = '1') AND


t_Module_2.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name ORDER BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name, 0 AS Total_Strength, 0 as Total_Strength1, 0 AS New_Admission,

0 as New_Admission1, 0 AS Regular, 0 as Regular1, 0 AS Left_TC, 0 as Left_TC1, 0 as

Left_NoTC, COUNT(Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id) as Left_NoTC1,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_2 INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student AS Adm_Y_Student_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_Id =

Adm_Y_Student_2.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class AS Adm_Y_Class_2 ON

Adm_Y_Student_2.AYCL_Id = Adm_Y_Class_2.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module

AS Adm_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.ACM_Id = Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module AS Adm_T_Cat_Module_2 ON Adm_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id =

Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_2 ON

Adm_Y_Class_2.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section AS


M_Section_2 ON Adm_Y_Class_2.AMS_Id = Adm_M_Section_2.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category AS Adm_M_Category_2 ON Adm_M_Student_2.AMC_Id =

Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id AND Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID =

Adm_M_Category_2.AMC_Id WHERE (Adm_M_Student_2.AMST_SOL = 'L') AND

(Adm_Cat_Module_2.AMAY_Id = 0) AND (Adm_Y_Student_2.AYST_Active = '1') AND

(Adm_T_Cat_Module_2.AMC_ID = 1 ) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name ORDER BY Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class_2.AMCL_Name) as a GROUP BY AMCL_Order, AMCL_Name order by

AMCL_Order, amcl_name

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

Page - 113

k). Business Logic

3.26.3 Smart Card-Comparison

a). Requirement:

During the end of the year, this report helps to the management to get a view of all the students’ smart

card issue details with comparisons against the new admission students and the regular admission


b). Functionality:

Select the Academic Year

This will generate the report as shown in the image above.

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:

Page - 114

Select Class , SUM(New_Adm) as New_Adm, SUM(New_Adm1) as New_Adm1, SUM(Regulars) as

Regulars from ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name as Class,


New_Adm1, 0 as Regulars , amcl_order as ClassOrder FROM



INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCL_Id =


BETWEEN (SELECT AMAY_From_Date AS 'from' From dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year


dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year AS Adm_M_Academic_Year_2 WHERE (AMAY_Id = 9))) AND


Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_1 INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_S

tudent.AYCL_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_1 ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id AND

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year AS Adm_M_Academic_Year_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMAY_Id =

Adm_M_Academic_Year_1.AMAY_Id AND dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

Adm_M_Academic_Year_1.AMAY_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id = dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap.AYST_ID WHERE

(dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND (dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 1) GROUP

BY Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id ORD

ER BY Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id)) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT

dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name as Class, 0 as New_Adm,




dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id WHERE


AMAY_From_Date AS 'from' From dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year WHERE (AMAY_Id = 0))

AND (SELECT AMAY_To_Date AS 'to' FROM dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year AS

Adm_M_Academic_Year_2 WHERE (AMAY_Id = 0))) AND


Page - 115

Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_1 INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYCL

_Id = dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class AS Adm_M_Class_1 ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section

ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Category ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMC_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id AND

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = dbo.Adm_M_Category.AMC_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year AS Adm_M_Academic_Year_1 ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMAY_Id =

Adm_M_Academic_Year_1.AMAY_Id AND dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id =

Adm_M_Academic_Year_1.AMAY_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Id = dbo.sports_T_StuHouseMap.AYST_ID WHERE

(dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND (Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND

(dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 0) AND (dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 1) GROUP

BY Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id ORDER BY Adm_M

_Student_1.AMST_Id)) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order, Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name

Union SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name as Class, 0 as


AS Regulars, amcl_order as ClassOrder FROM dbo.CRM_SMARTCARD_ALLOTTED INNER


dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class ON

dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCL_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Id WHERE


AMAY_From_Date AS 'from' From dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year WHERE (AMAY_Id = 9)) AND

(SELECT AMAY_To_Date AS 'to' FROM dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year AS

Adm_M_Academic_Year_2 WHERE (AMAY_Id = 9))) AND


PERCENT Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student AS Adm_M_Student_1

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Student ON Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_Id =

dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AMST_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Y_Class ON


= dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AYCL_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_Cat_Module ON

dbo.Adm_Y_Class.ACM_Id = dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Class

AS Adm_M_Class_1 ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMCL_Id = Adm_M_Class_1.AMCL_Id INNER

JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Section ON dbo.Adm_Y_Class.AMS_Id = dbo.Adm_M_Section.AMS_Id

INNER JOIN dbo.Adm_M_Academic_Year AS Adm_M_Academic_Year_1 ON

dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = Adm_M_Academic_Year_1.AMAY_Id INNER JOIN

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module ON dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.ACM_Id =

dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.ACM_Id WHERE (dbo.Adm_Y_Student.AYST_Active = '1') AND

Page - 116

(Adm_M_Student_1.AMST_SOL = 'S') AND (dbo.Adm_Cat_Module.AMAY_Id = 9) AND

(dbo.Adm_T_Cat_Module.AMC_ID = 1))) GROUP BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Order,

Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name ORDER BY Adm_M_Class.AMCL_Name ) as a Group by

ClassOrder, Class order by ClassOrder, Class

h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

3.27 Student Profile

a). Requirement:

This form I used to generate the profile of the student

b). Functionality:

Select Academic Year, class, section and address

Select student from the list box

Page - 117

Select font name and font size

Click on ‘Report’ to view the student profile

Click on ‘Show’ to print

Click on ‘Export’ to export it to excel

c). Validations:

d). Reference Table:

e). Inserting Tables:

f).Referred to Tables :

g). Major Queries:













.AMST_Mother_Name ,dbo.Adm_M_Student.AMCA_Id FROM dbo.Adm_M_Student where


h). Stored Procedure / Triggers.

i). Auto Schedulers (If any).

j). Suggestion : (Design change etc).

k). Business Logic

Page - 118

Client Requirements

1. Subject wise attendance entry i. hour wise attendance needed and at a time multiple hours can be saved or update As of now day wise / half a day wise / month wise options are there. This requirement provides the facil ity to enter

the attendance hour wise and subject wise for single date. Logic

Earlier combo box was there to select the hour & to save only one hour, now list box has been provided for selecting

multiple hours and for loop has given to get multiple hours selected.

ii. deletion not required for end user Attendance entered by the user should not delete by him/her itself, this privilege only for admin.

Logic In user privileges form Un check the Delete option for attendance entry form while giving user privileges iii. lab - reva need batch wise to be entered in crm Students will be separated by dividing into batches, batch1 will be taking by one faculty and batch2 taking by some

other faculty, this requirement provides the facil ity to enter the attendance for batch1 & batch1 seperately. Logic

Hours has been differentiated like ‘period’ & ‘batch’ , if the subject is a lab subject then batches will fi l l for attendance entry, before making subject wise attendance entry need to do batch mapping for all the lab subjects. iv. reports- 1. hour batch report 2. minimum % of attendance


Did as per engineering project v. attendance- subject wise entry form dates has to display as current date or server date Logic The date validation has been provided, if the current date is between the academic year start date and end date

then current date will display by default, if the current date Is beyond academic year start date and end date then , academic year end date will display by default. vi. Student enrolled in the month of July, to enter the attendance of the June of all students, his attendance for

the particular date in June should not be marked as absent Logic While fi l l ing the students for attendance entry, validation has given that the admitted month should not be less than the month selected for attendance entry.

vii. Report of teacher entered in the particular day and period viii. Need an option to see desired percentage and color indication for shortage of attendance (subject wise) Logic Color codes has been provided in the code for shortage of attendance students

Page - 119

ix. Consolidated attendance report for entered attendance subject wise is required

x. export option in hour-wise report

xi. Sms triggering for the absentees for the attendance entry condition of continuous absent

xii. Staff has entered wrong attendance need to clear


Delete option in the front end has been provided to delete the entered attendance.

xiii. need a report to check the attendance day wise whether the staff had entered the attendance for their

hours which they taken the class


Daily attendance report option has been provided.

xiv. As per client requirements need search option in student tc form now its not there


Search option has been provided in student tc form.

xv. Attendance Subject wise student names in order by Student name


It was there already, click on column header it’ll order.

xvi. Consolidated Month End Report in Single page



xvii. end of the day sms for attendance for absent students has to trigger


Auto scheduler has been made for the same.

2. Master Class Held

i.In masters i want separate options to set number of class held for both kinder gar ten and icse ,

since for both the category ,we have different numbers to set

This enhancement requires the facility to set the master class held different for different categories.

Logic Earlier only months was displaying for entering the class held, now option has been provided to select the

class and section so that different class held can set for different classes

Page - 120

3. Study Certificate

i.Removal of the caste display in study certificate

Logic As the format is different for each client, the caste field has been removed in the code.

4. Attendance entry

i. Attendance entry should display alphabetical order boys first and then girls and then order by



Check box has been provided to sort the students by sex.

ii. Attendance Entry - Roll no. column should be reflect



iii. Student attendance take through smart card.


Has been provided in the administrator module

iv. shortage attendance should trigger automatucally from software to th eparents mail id and sms


Auto scheduler has been made.

5.Attendance Report

i. Monthly,Daily & Yearly Attendance Report Enhancement


The caste category of the student has been added in the daily attendance report format, and if the date is

Sunday, then it should display as Sunday in Daily attendance report, the same for holiday also, the

holiday list we are taking from holiday table of front office module.

ii. yearly attendance not matching according to attendance entry . total is coming wrong of total

working days

Query has been changed.

iii. In student attendance report H ought be display instead of A for half day.

Page - 121


Earlier for half-a-day attendance entry, if the student is absent for half a day also in attendance report ‘A’

was displaying, now the validation to class held & attended has been provided, so that if the student

absent for half-a-day it’ll display as ‘H’.

iv. Student Attendance Report - No of presents - First and Second half present count has to display


Count of half a day present students only displaying but not slot wise

v. Daily present attendance based and all class wise need.

vi. present and absent consolidated report required

6. Document report

i. Vertical scroll bar is needed in document report of admission form to scroll and see the report

7. Year End Report

i. Section wise report is needed.

This enhancement gives the facility to take the students count section wise, earlier only class wise Newly

admitted, tc taken, total strength students was there


Provided the option to display the strength based on section (Considering each aycl_id) earlier it was

group by amcl_id.

ii. Digital Signature in the Year end and Month End reports for all modules


Check box has been provided to display the signature of higher authorities.

iii. Yearend report print option from the software


Print button has been provided to take the print of yearend report.

8. Pre Admission Form

i. in preadmission form end user wants to enter same preadmission application number as previous

year at present if same application number suppose they will give software is not allowing to

save.But according to end user requirement it should allow to save.


Page - 122

This requirement gives the facility to maintain the application numbers uniformly for all the academic

years. But as per our software once the application number has been assigned to one student the same

can’t be assigned to other. Here the academic year wise validation provided, if the same application

number existed for other student in the same academic year then the system won’t allow to save.

ii. yearly wise preadmission data should be display in preadmission form and that respective search



With search option all the students were displaying in pre admission form, now academic year input

added in the query to filter the students based on login academic year.

iii. Clients want select option to select particular students and those selected names should be

exported to Excel


Option ‘Export to excel’ has been provided in pre admission status form

iv. On line pre admission Application


Online pre admission application has been made

v. According to customer requirement In Pre- Admission Status Father name column has to Reflect

after the students name. and it has to export to excel format also.


Father name field has been re ordered in the list box of pre admission report.

vi. Pre-Admission Report - Parent Monthly Income & Parent Annual Income both are as optional.

(Ramesh sir given permission)


In admission standard settings, two check boxes has been provided, if parent’s monthly income selected

then in pre admission report the header will be parent’s monthly income.

If parent’s Annual income selected then in pre admission report the header will be parent’s annual


vii. Preadmission trail audit is required



Page - 123

viii. Calendar of events n on line pre admission process n linked with e banking


In online pre admission applications, current upcoming events has been added and e-banking linking has

been provided.

Ix. Searching by pre admission status and displaying the list of students in admin pane.


In pre admission status form, for search list ‘Status’ option has been added, once the status has entered in

the text box, that status related students will fill in the spread.

x. Pre admission to admission transfer by selecting auto admission no has to come automatically.


Auto admission number option considering from standard settings and taking the admission number

automatically at admission saving time.

xi. Status remarks needed in pre admission report

Status remarks option has been added in the pre admission status form as well as in the pre admission


xii. Pre-admission form data of birth option. They want like ---/---/----(dd/mm/yyyy)


The default date of datetime has been provided, because it is a calendar but not the text box so we can’t

provide in the same format.

9. Student Active De active Form

i. Reason option is required in activate/deactivate student form in admission module while making

the student as de active.


One text box has been provided at the time of making the student to de active, the same is inserting into


ii. Deactivated student in this Academic year . Deactivated in last academic year, yearend report

last year academic year total strength count varying


Page - 124

This enhancement requires the actual strength of the student up to date, suppose one student got de

activated in this academic year when we will take the report of last year that student won’t come in the list

because he has de activated now but not last year.

So de activated year and date options has been added at saving time to get the students till date and

changed the queries in yearend report.

10. over all daily attendance report

i. In the Overall daily attendance report principal told to remove teacher name column.


Check box ‘Teacher name not needed’ provided in the form, if it is checked then the class teacher name

won’t display in the report

11. Student Address Book 1 & Student Address Book 2

i. Student Address 1 and Address 2 Smart Card TC Given and not given option


This enhancement requires the facility to get the student address details who have taken TC also.

12.Class wise student details report

i. In class wise- students details report students name should be comes in order by sex( 1st Male and

2nd Female)


This requirement provides the facility to sort the students by sex in the ascending order by considering

student names also. As of now if we click on the column header it’ ll sort in the order, here if we click on

‘Sex’ header the report will sort by student sex only without considering the student name.

So check box ‘Sort by student sex’ has been provided in the form

ii. The govt ID of a student entered in the student admission form after saving it should reflect in

the admission>reports>class wise student details .


Government id input field has been provided in the report.

iii. Class Wise Student Details for marks entry - as per school requirement few blank column need

to be provide according user mentioned count or value (example: minimum 2 to 15)


Page - 125

Textbox has been provided to enter how many number of blank columns required, and based on the

number the blank columns will add automatically.

iv. Admission Reports like Area wise report , Father occupation report , cast wise report need to be



Three textboxes has been provided to enter the input, based on the input the report will generate.

v. change section sms/email to vaps register


Email templates has been provided in the software.

13. Student TC Custom

i. TC format has to give as per the attachment,Study&conduct certificates needed

ii. Cast need to display in the TC Report after the religion in format 4


Separate format has been made with the same requirement because, those are the standard formats.

iii. New report format as per the CBSE format, both in English & Hindi...


In dot net application it has been made.

iv. This TC Report Two Copy Required One For Student Original Copy another one for School

Duplicate copy



v. Students TC Report generate with Local Language


In dot net application it has been made.

vi. students tc sms/email to vapsregister mail id


vii. In tc report need an column father name mother name, phone no, n address it has to be

reflected from admission module

Page - 126



14. Student admission

i. Trial Log for Student Admission form - While saving, Updating and Deleting. (Along with User

name and End user system IP Address, Date and Time)


Trail log has been added, the data will save in Admission_Trail_Audit table.

ii. From govt they are giving one ID Number for all the students to enter that number in student

admission form enhancement to be made.

1. manualy number will be entered

2. but duplicate number should not take if by mistake entered the same no

3. Length of the no should be with in 20 alphanumeric.


One option has been provided to enter the government provided id to the student in admission form, and

validated to duplicate id’s.

iii. Front end t-pin generation


Earlier t-pin use to generate from the backend and directly inserting into table, now in the front end text

box has been provided and the t-pin which is generating automatically will display in that and it is


iv. BUS Route Mapping in Admission for individual students


The route selection option has been provided in the student admission form .

v. New admission details email should be send to Principal & MD sir


New email templates has been implemented

vi. Whatever addresses fields added in admission form need to add in student search form


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Added in student search form








Auto scheduler has been made.

viii. last year 7th standard students took TC and again they joined 8th in same school, data should

be reflect in admission module


Import option already there after doing admission do the re admission.

ix. Daily How Many Students Admitted for that email and SMS sent to correspondent


Auto scheduler has been made

x. Multiple Area search - Area wise export option required like Excel, PDF..etc


In student search form area option has been provided to get the report.

xi. House selection option ramesh told to client people Pop up of selection house. Email & SMS need

to trigger it.


Option provided for selecting house in student admission form.

xii. Activities Selection option in the same way. Email & SMS need to trigger it it.


Option provided for selecting activity in student admission form.

xiii. Subject Selection option of Elective subject mapping. Email & SMS need to trigger it.

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Option provided for selecting the subject in student admission form.

15. Class section allotment

i. Trial Log for Student Section allocation form - while allocation, change of section, Delete section,

Promotion Section, Year loss section.


Trail log has been added, the data will save in Admission_Trail_Audit table.

ii. Search option is required in class section allotment form.


Text box in new admission form has been provided, so that what ever the student has entered in that it’ll

locate student in that spread.

16. Admission Register Report

Last Year TC No, Date required in Admission Register


As with the options provided now, previously studied school Tc number as well as Tc date required in

admission register which has been provided

17. Registration Number

as of now we need to update registration number student wise,need an option to update registration

numbers section wise


New form has been provided to generate the registration number.

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